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To our beloved Guest of honor and Commencement Speaker, competent

and efficient school heads under the leadership of our highly esteemed District
Supervisor Dr. Darwin J. Mangunay, supportive fatherly principal Dr. Willam V.
Mauricio., dedicated and loving teachers, dear parents, barangay officials,
friends. Ladies and gentlemen a pleasant day to all of you.
Time flies so fast,/ and it seems like/ it was only yesterday/ when we all
took our first, /timid steps into this school- /Diamantina Elementary School,/
one of the smallest but prestigious school/ that we are all soon to call /our Alma
I came to realize/ that my elementary days/ do not belong to a memorable
past/ but they are part of my being./ I have been transformed/ for six years of
elementary/ and I stand with pride and triumph/ as I pass those
challenging/yet/ pleasant years of education./
I fully understand/ that graduating today/ is just a transition of an
ending /to a new beginning made possible by God,/ who continuously bless/
and shares us with wisdom,/ power,/ understanding,/ knowledge /and all the
Christian virtues./
And right at this moment, /I feel very lucky, /blessed,/ and have joy in my
heart /so that on behalf of my fellow graduates, /I want to thank all the people/
who have been part of our journey in this chapter of our life,/ in times of
success/ and in times of failures. /
Special thanks/ to our teachers/ who have patiently taught us /and shared
with us/ their expertise in all learning areas and activities,/ for they became
more than teachers,/ they became our surrogate parents./ As the saying
goes, /“A good teacher explains,/ a superior teacher demonstrates/ and a great
teacher inspires”./ You truly inspired all of us./ Without you,/ we could not
reach this far./ We will not forget you,/ for you molded us the best way you
could./ To you dear madams/ and sirs,/ remember that /whatever successes we
may partake of in the long run, /you will always be a part of that./
Our grateful appreciation to /Diamantina Elementary School /for being a
good training ground /and harbor of wisdom to all of us/ and served as our
second home./
To our beloved parents,/ thank you so much./ Thank you for all the
sacrifices,/ love /and un-ending support /in providing all our needs financially,/
morally, /and spiritually./ We know well/ that we cannot repay you , /but /we
will do our best to study harder/ to reach our goals in life./
I would like to take this golden moment /to personally thank my parents/
who are more worthy/ to share this success with me. /Thank you so much
mom/ and dad/ for your great love /and support,/ for always believing in my
strength/ and capabilities,/ for pushing me /to the best that I can be. /
And above all,/ let us not forget /to thank our Almighty God /for this
wonderful blessing,/ for directing us /to where we are now /and for persistently
lighting our path. /Without Him, /indeed we are nothing./
Fellow graduates, /a bright tomorrow awaits us./ Let us get there /by
making the most/ of what we have today. /Never be afraid to try./ Never be
afraid to dream./ For we, /are like a bird that is just learning to fly. /We may fall
once, /we may fall twice, /but we will not always fall./ In God's perfect time,/
we will learn to fly./
We will have many stops /at different stations,/ learning /and growing
each day. /But as we move on,/ let us not forget /the lessons we have learned/
and the people we have been with./ They will be our weapon /for further
struggles in life./ We will be facing the more delicate,/ sacred /and significant
tasks in our life./ Let us not forget to give back /to our dear Alma Mater.
/Congratulations to all of us./ To God Be the Glory!/

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