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Date: 02-Jul-2024

Emp Name: Pandey Sunny Raviprakash Emp Code: 51892

Entity: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP Function: Consulting
Designation: AM CS&D-Advise Location: Bengaluru
Cost Center Name: 08BAN-TT-CM-CD-C

Final Approval Status: Approved

Travel Expense Statement
of Pandey Sunny Raviprakash for Trip 2000569972 from 01-Jan-24 to 01-Jan-24. Dest. 31028210 ; Reason
for Trip: Traving to client office

Settlement Results and Cost Assignment

Amount Type Amount (INR)
Sum of Receipts to be Reimbursed 5,897.00
Reimbursement Amount 5,897.00
5,897.00 INR of 5,897.00 INR assigned to:
Company Code: IN08 DTTILLP
Office: INBG Bengaluru
Cost Center: 08368BAN00 08BAN-TT-CM-CD-C
Engagement: 31028210 DI_Adobe_PSP_Technology
Transaction: 0010

Additional Trip Information

Employee No. 0000051892 Pandey Sunny Raviprakash

Bank Account No.: 45611521556 Standard Chartered Bank
Organizational Unit: 32008774 IN08 DCM:Customer Strat &
Pers. Sub-Area: 60 Permanent

Date Rcpt Tax Amount
Expense Type
No. Amount (INR)

01/01/24 001 Travelling - Others 0.00 5,897.00

Sum of Receipts 0.00 5,897.00

*Note - The Total amount is inclusive of Taxes wherever applicable.

Reimbursement Amount: 5,897.00 INR

Additional Receipt Information

Rcpt Receipt Type Contents

001 Travelling - Others Description Travling to client office

Recommendation Status
Serial Recommendation Date of
Recommender Name Designation
No. Status Recommendation

1 Saqib Nazir Manager Approved 12-Apr-2024

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Pandey Sunny Raviprakash
Trip No.: 2000569972

PerNo: 00051892

Approval Status
Serial Approval Date of
Approver Name Designation
No. Status Approval
1 Saket Kadam Senior Manager Approved 22-Apr-2024

Employee Name: Pandey Sunny Raviprakash

Employees Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________________

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