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1.Give different isomers of C4H10 with their I.U.P.A.C. names.

2.Give the I.U.P.A.C. name of the lowest molecular weight alkane that contains a quaternary

3.Which of the following has the highest boiling point?

(i) 2-methylpentane
(ii) 2, 3 – dimethylbutane
(iii) 2, 2-dimethylbutane.

4.Give the structure of the alkene (C4H8) which adds on HBr in the presence and in the
absence of peroxide to give the same product C4H9Br.

5.How will you separate propene from propyne?

6.Name two reagents that can be used to distinguish between ethene and ethyne.

7.How will you detect the presence of unsaturation in an organic compound?

8.Arrange the following: HCl, HBr, HI, HF in order of decreasing reactivity towards alkenes.

9.Out of ethylene and acetylene which is more acidic and why?

10.Write the structure of the alkene which on reductive ozonolysis gives butanone and

11.Write the I.U.P.A.C. names of

(ii) CH2 = CH – CH (CH3) – CH = CH – CH – CH2,

12.Draw the structures of the following:

(i) Dicyclopropyl methane
(ii) 2-methyl-3—isopropyl heptane.

13.What effect the branching of an alkane has on its boiling point?

14.Which of the following polymerizes most readily?

(i) Acetylene
(ii) Ethene
(iii) Buta —1, 3—diene
15.Arrange the following in increasing order of their release of energy on combustion

16.Arrangement of the following set of compounds in order of their decreasing relative

reactivity with an electrophile E+.
(i) Chloro benzene, 2, 4 —dinitrochlorobenzene p—nitrochlorobenzene.
(ii) toluene, p – CH3 – C6H4 – CH3, p – CH3 – C6H4 – NO2, p – O2N – C6H4 – NO2

17.What is the order of reactivity of halogen and alkyl groups in the dehydrohalogenation of
alkyl halides to give alkenes?

18.What products are formed when zinc reacts with

(i) vicinal C2H4Br2 and
(ii) CH3CHBr – CH2Br.
19.What do the terms (i) CNG and LPG stand for?

20.What are sources to obtain:

(i) LPG
(ii) CNG?
1.Write down the structures and names of all isomers with a molecular formula of

2. The sodium salt of which acid will give ethane on heating with soda-lime? Give

3. What products are obtained by the acidic dehydration of

(i) Ethanol
(ii) Propan – 2—ol.

4.Out of cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene which is polar and which one is non-polar?

5. Arrange the following in the decreasing order of acidic character.

(i) C2H4, C2H6, C2H2
(ii) CH3 – C = CH, C2H2, CH3 – C = C – CH3

6. Arrange the following in the increasing order of C – C bond length C2H6, C2H4,

7. Which of the following shows geometrical isomerism?

(i) CHCl = CHCl
(ii) CH2 = CCl2
(iii) CCl2 = l. Give the structures of cis-and transforms.

8. Name the product formed when methyl bromide is treated with sodium and ether.

9. Which of the following shows geometrical isomerism?

But-1—ene or but—2—ene.

10. Write the structure and I.U.P.A.C. name of Acetonitrile

11. Why does carbon has a larger tendency of catenation than silicon although they
have the same number of valance electrons?

12. Give name and structure to the first organic compound synthesized in the

13. Benzene is highly unsaturated, yet it does not give usual addition reactions
readily. Why?

14. What is Lindlar’s catalyst? What is it used for?

15. How will you detect the presence of unsaturation in an organic compound?

16. How can ethylene be converted to ethane?

17. Arrange the following in increasing order of C — C bond length C2H6, C2H4,

18. What type of hybridization is involved in

(i) planar and
(ii) linear molecules?

19. Complete the reaction HC ≡ CH

20. Write a chemical reaction to illustrate the Saytzeffs rule.

1.The following organic compounds are known by their common names
(i) Neopentane (ii) Acetone
(iii) Vinyl chloride (iv) Tert butyl alcohol. Write their structural formulae and I.U.P.A.C.

2.How will you convert methane into

(i) Methanol (ii) Methanal.

3.What is aromatization? How will you convert ^hexane into benzene?

4.Give the different conformations of ethane with their

(i) Sawhorse representation and
(ii) Newmann Projection formulae.

5.What are the relative stabilities of different conforma¬tions of ethane? Is it possible to

isolate these at room temperature?.
6.What is Saytzeff Rule? What are the expected products when 2-Bromobutane is
dehydrohalogenation with alc. KOH?

7.What is the order of reactivity of H2C = CH2, (CH3)2, H2C = CH2, CH3 – CH = CH2, CH3 –
CH = CH – CH3, (CH3)2 C = C (CH3)2, (CH3)2 C = CH CH3 towards electrophilic addition

8.Define Markownikov rule. Explain it with an example.

9.What is the Peroxide effect/Kharasch Effect? Illustrate with an example.

10.An alkene with the molecular formula C7H14 gives propanone and butanal on ozonolysis.
Write down its structural formula and its I.U.P.A.C. name.

11.Describe a method to distinguish between ethane, ethene, ethyne.

12.Identify the correct order of reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions of the

following compounds:
13.Describe Friedel’s craft reaction with suitable examples.

14.Classify the following hydrocarbons into alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and arenes.
(i) (CH3)4C
(ii) C2H2
(iii) C3H6

15.Write all possible structures of C5H8 and give their I.U.P.A.C. names.

16.How does ethylene undergo polymerization? What is the use to which the polymer
obtained is put?

17.What is the action of water on

(i) Ethyne
(ii) Propyne? Name the end products obtained.

18.Propene reacts with HBr to give Isopropyl bromide but does not give n-propyl bromide.

19.An oxidizing agent is needed in the iodination of methane but not in the chlorination or

20.The dipole moment of trans 1, 2-chloroethene is less than the cis isomer. Explain.

21.Write l.U.P.A.C. names of the products obtained by addition reactions of HBr to hex-l-
(a) In the absence of Peroxide
(b) In the presence of Peroxide.

22.How would you convert the following compounds to benzene?

(i) Acetylene (ii) Benzoic acid (iii) Hexane

23.How will you convert benzene into

(i) Nitrobenzene (ii) Benzene sulphonic acid
(iii) Toluene (iv) Acetophenone?

24.What is the mechanism of nitration of benzene?

25.How will you prepare Alkanes by

(i) Wurtz reaction
(ii) Decarboxylation of sodium salts of fatty acids
(iii) Kolbe’s electrolytic method.

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