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A written Assignment1

EDUC 5410-01 Child Development - AY2024-T5

Doctor Parker

Education keeps on evolving with the changing world situation especially with the

effects of globalization and technological advancements.These four trends in

education that will be discussed in my essay are clear proof of how much education

has changed from the past. The four trends include:

Increased diversity in Classrooms today: Diversity has always existed before the

classrooms but very limited. It was much easier to manage the classroom with very

few differences among the students’ population and that made teaching more

fulfilling and a lot easier to assist the students with very few challenges.. Today, that

is not the case. Factors such as high levels of immigration, globalization have totally

transformed today’s classrooms. There are many more facets to the diversity of

students that has created a remarkable trend in student diversity. There used to be

specialized institutions for persons with disabilities for example. However, today

those are limited due to the new trend of being inclusive. This has added increased

task on teachers who in some cases have no experience in dealing with students

with disabilities or special needs students, yet they have to do their best.This has

caused a remarkable setback in educational systems. For example students who in

the past enjoyed more attention from their teachers and learned at unique paces,

show unique personalities, and learn in their own ways may not be getting full

attention as the teachers have to focus on more challenging cases.

Also in present times, there is increased diversity in language, background, culture

and ethnicity that teachers have to deal with including the presence of students
with different forms of disabilities which in the past had specialized institutions and

today due to the inclusive education systems in the 21st century classes ion, they

have to be together with their rest of the students in same classrooms. This has

also added to increase diversity in classrooms.

There next trend is using technology to support learning.

Technology has increased in usage in schools tiday. Especially with the outbreak of

the pandemic, most schools have integrated technology into the classrooms or


The use of computers and other technologies is more present in modern

classrooms, schools, and among students today than in the past. Technology has

created new ways for students to learn,carry out research, improved ways of

writing, communicating, and keeping records. Students move with all their textbooks

in their device and so they do not have to carry heavy backpacks filled with

textbooks, for their laptops or tablets comprise all they need for effective learning.

Unfortunately this is not enjoyed by all since this is not possible in classroom in

some parts of the world who lack resources such as Internet technology for they are

too poor to afford. But in the developed countries, all classrooms have been

equipped with internet especially since after the pandemic. This has actually affected

how teachers teach. Many had to upgrade their skills in technology and have

become more effective.

Though in some parts of the world technology is so advanced, there are pitfalls to

teaching in many corners of the world using technology. (Haertel & Means, 2003)

brings out the reasons clearly by concluding that ‘’For a variety of reasons, however,

technology has not always been integrated into teachers’ practices very thoroughly

because many societies and classrooms do not have enough resources to purchase

technological devices. For example some schools could be able to have only one or

two computers at most, and many schools have at best only limited access to the

Internet some do not have at all.This is a personal experience in the school I assist

students from conflict areas and less privileged kids. We have computers donated

but no internet. After connecting internet finally, the network in the area is very poor

so it makes it difficult for us to integrate technology. We even have the computers

thanks some kind and generous donations. Many schools in this area have no

computers at all. Or just one workable and students and teachers have to wait to

take turns. Waiting for a turn on the computer or arranging to visit a computer lab or

school library is not funny for it really does limits how much students use the Internet,

no matter how valuable the Internet may be. In such cases, furthermore, computers

tend to function in relatively traditional ways that do not take full advantage of the

Internet: as a word processor (a “fancy typewriter”.

The next trend is greater accountability in education: both the public and

educators themselves pay more attention than in the past to how to assess learning

and good quality teaching. The attention has increased the importance of education

to the public (a good thing) and improved education for some students. But it has

also created new constraints on what teachers teach and what students learn.

Schools and teachers are held responsible for implementing particular curricula and
goals, and that students are held responsible for learning particular knowledge. The

trend toward accountability has increased the legal requirements for becoming and

(sometimes) remaining certified as a teacher. In the United States in particular,

preservice teachers need more subject-area and education-related courses than in

the past.

(Fuhrman & Elmore, 2004) examined and noted this great observation.’’Due to

public accountability, there has been an increased use of high-stakes testing, which

are tests taken by all students in a district or region that have important

consequences for students’ further education. High-stakes tests may influence

grades that students receive in courses or determine whether students graduate or

continue to the next level of schooling.’’

Increased professionalism of teachers:

‘’ Now more than ever, teachers are able to assess the quality of their own work as

well as that of colleagues, and to take steps to improve it when necessary.

Professionalism improves teaching, but by creating higher standards of practice it

also creates greater worries about whether particular teachers and schools are

“good enough.” (Seifert, K., & Sutton, R. 2009).

“Teaching is more and more a very challenging profession than in the past.

Increased expectations of achievement by students mean that teachers have

increased responsibility not only for their students’ academic success, but also for

their own development as teachers”(Cochran-Smith & Fries, 2005).

Becoming a teacher now requires more specialized work than in the past, as

reflected in the increased requirements for certification and licensing in many

societies and regions. The increased requirements are partly a response to the

complexities created by the increasing diversity of the student population and

increasing use of technology in classrooms.

This fourth trend came as a result of the first three trends in education today.

What are the challenges and my personal philosophy on the use of


Technology is very essential in the 21st century classroom. And using technology

in education has numerous advantages if used with proper direction and discipline.

It is important to choose appropriate and useful programs that can enhance

students' learning in a variety of ways.

In addition to this, many students are motivated through the use of technology. They

become more engaged in their learning and this helps them to meet their learning

needs and goals. The use of technology gives opportunities for the teachers to

accommodate or modify learning methods to meet those needs.

Despite the multitude advantages in today’s classroom due to the use of technology,

there are always challenges no matter how good. So integration of technology in

today’s classroom today, has some challenges as well.

. The integration of technology does not in any way replace the teacher. So students

require to be properly monitored, supervised, guided and supported by their teachers

to adequately use technology for their advantage.

When teachers fail to properly assist students in the successful use of technology, it

will lead to the misuse of technology and that could be detrimental to the students.

Some other challenges are the poor internet connectivity in some areas. Some of the
schools lack the ability to provivide computers to the students due to economic and

financial hardship, so they cannot afford enough computers or cannot afford

computers at all.

Therefore because the integration of technology is not available to all, not all schools

befit from this modern day trend. This is common in developing countries.

In my school for the less privileged and refugees in Nigeria West Africa, we are

very eager to have technology as an integral part in our students' learning . We lack

resources to afford the internet to help these less privileged students to catch up

with the modern trend of learning. We got someone who donated a few old systems

but we cannot afford the internet to connect. Also is the challenge of having teachers

who are trained in technology to teach the student in some parts of the world. So all

these challenges make it difficult for all schools to benefit from this trend.

My Personal Philosophy for using Technology in Education

I believe that the integration of technology, if used correctly, can enhance the

learning experience and will serve as an additional reinforcement rather than a

replacement for teachers . I give technology a very important consideration and

wish that every child should be opportuned to enjoy learning where there is

integration of technology for it will enhance a lot of useful skills in them.

With proper guidance from on me as the teacher in the classroom, I believe that

technology is a powerful innovation with great benefits for all students. Again this

will depend on the fact that I maintain my role as a guide, facilitator, coach to the

students and never to view the technology as my replacement, I will facilitate and
monitor learning in order to eliminate the misuse of technology and keep students

focused. I find it very useful to be up to date with new information and teaching

strategies. I will always try to incorporate innovative trends in my classroom if I

have the given opportunity .That will help modify my approach to find the best ways

to relate the material to my students.

Technology can provide practical, interactive, ready-to-use lessons and activities

which will help students to acquire a positive attitude towards learning.

Most students engage better in their learning, develop more interest in the lesson

when technology is integrated in their learning experience.

With cell phones availability everywhere in the world, this generation today are able

to interact with technology no matter where they are in the world. They use

WhatsApp, Facebook, emails etc and so Ibelieve that students should be taught

Web Quests, social networking sites, podcasts, blogging and other productive and

creative computer programs, PowerPoint, movies, discussion boards, videos, etc.

This will help them in their learning process and so I am very much in favor with the

Indra of the integration of technology in education.

Sir Ken Robinson (2010) posits that children are naturally curious and creative, but

that the structure of traditional teaching frequently stifles their innate curiosity and

inventiveness. Robinson highly recommends a shift towards individualized learning.

The use of technology makes that very possible for it is easier to give students

personal feedback either by email or text.

My students will be guided by me and will be filled with motivation to use

technology to carry out academic research , collaborate with pears and share

classroom activities and assignments with peers. Make use of technology for group

projects and assessments . This will motivate my students to develop interest in

using technology in problem solving and creative and critical learning to gain the

best from their learning experience as they develop useful skills needed for todays

globalized learning experience.


Haertel, G. & Means, B. (2003). Evaluating educational technology: Effective

research designs for improving learning. New York: Teachers College Press.

Cochran-Smith, M. & Fries, K. (2005). Research teacher education in changing

times: Politics and paradigms. In M. Cochran-Smith & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Studying

teacher education: The report of the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher

Education, 69–110.

Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Fuhrman, S. & Elmore, R. (2004). Redesigning accountability systems for

education. New York: Teachers College Press.

Gebhard, L. (2006). Teaching English as a second or foreign language: A teacher

self-development and methodology guide, 2nd edition. Ann Arbor, MI: University of

Michigan Press.

Mertler, C. (2006). Action research: Teachers as researchers in the classroom.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

National Institute for Early Education Research. (2006). Percent of population age

3 and 4 who are enrolled in school: Census 2000. Retrieved on March 21, 2006


Pitt, K. (2005). Debates in ESL teaching and learning: Culture, communities, and

classrooms. London, UK: Routledge.

Seiter, E. (2005). The INTERNET playground: Children’s access, entertainment,

and miseducation. New York: Peter Lang.

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