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-Applied Learning: Analyzing case studies or working on a capstone project related to IT’s influence on
specific societal aspects, industries (YOUR COURSE), or individual lifestyle.


1. Introduction
 Background: Briefly describe the increasing role and impact of IT in various industries
 Problem Statement: Identify a specific challenges or opportunity related to IT influence.

2. Objectives
 Clearly state the project’s objectives, specifying the outcomes you aim to achieve.

3. Literature Review
 Explore existing literature on IT trends, advancements, and their impact on business and society.
 Highlight relevant studies and theories that form the basis for your project.

4. IT Trends and Innovations, Case Studies

 Discuss current trends and innovations in IT that are shaping industries.
 Highlight specific technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, blockchain) and their application
 Present real-world case studies showcasing successful implementation or challenges related to
IT influence.

5. Challenges and Solutions

 Identify common challenges associated with IT adoption.
 Provide potential solutions and best practices to overcome these challenges.

6. Conclusion
 Summarize key findings and insights from your project.

7. Future Outlook
 Discuss the potential future developments and directions in IT
 Explore how emerging technologies might further influence industries.
 Offer recommendations for stakeholders, policymakers, or organizations based on your research

8. References
 Cite all sources used in your project

This outline provides a structured approach to exploring the influence of IT in various aspects. Adapt it
based on the specific focus and requirements of your capstone project.

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