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1. How many annex and Title?

There are 6 annex,
Annex I – Regulations for the prevention of pollution by Oil
Annex II – Regulation for the control of pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in bulk
Annex III – Regulation for the prevention of pollution by Harmful Substances carried by sea in
package form
Annex IV – Regulation for the prevention of pollution by Sewage from ships
Annex V – Regulation for the prevention of pollution by Garbage from ships
Annex VI – Regulation for the prevention of air pollution from ships
Title – International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships, 1973 as modified
by the protocol of 1978 relating thereto
2. Garbage Placard? / Plan?/ Record Book?/
Every ship of 12 m or more in length overall and fixed and floating platforms shall display
Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and is certified to carry 15 persons or more,
and fixed and floating platforms shall carry a garbage management plan which the crew shall
This plan shall provide written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and
disposing of garbage, including the use of the equipment on board.
It shall also designate the person/s in charge of carrying out the plan.
Every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and is certified to carry 15 persons or more
engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the
Convention and every fixed and floating platform shall be provided with a Garbage Record
Each discharge operation to sea or to a reception facility, or completed incineration, shall be
recorded and signed by the officer in charge.
Each completed page of the Garbage Record Book shall be signed by the master.
The entry shall include date and time, position of the ship, description of the garbage and
the estimated amount (m³) discharged.
For discharge of cargo residues the discharges start and stop position shall be recorded in
The entry for each completed incineration shall include date and time and position of the
ship at start and stop of incineration, categories of garbage incinerated and estimated
amount incinerated for each category in m³.
The entry for each discharge to a port reception facility or another ship shall include date and
time of discharge, port or facility or name of ship, categories of garbage discharged, estd.
amount discharged for each category in m³.

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The Garbage Record Book shall be kept on board the ship and in such a place as to be available
for inspection in a reasonable time. This document shall be preserved for a period of two years
after the last entry is made on the record;
3. Annex II discharge criteria
Enroute, speed when self-propelled ship at least 7 kts, not self-propelled ship at keast 4 kts,
from nearest land not less than 12Nm, depth not less than 25m, discharge below waterline
through under water outlet not exceeding maximum rate.
4. SEEMP, How to implement?
Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan – Each ship shall be carried onboard and
may form part of SMS.
There are two parts in SEEMP, part I, II and III
(SEEMP) Part I is Ship Management Plan to Improve Energy Efficiency.
Its main purpose is to establish a mechanism to improve the energy efficiency of a ship's
Part I of the SEEMP applies to any ship of 400 GT and above.

(SEEMP) Part II is Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data Collection Plan.

The purpose of this part is to provide the methodologies to collect the data required pursuant
to regulation 27 (Fuel oil consumption reporting) and the processes to report the data to the
ship's Administration or any organization duly authorized by it.
Part II of the SEEMP applies to any ship of 5,000 GT and above.

(SEEMP) Part III is Ship Operational Carbon Intensity Plan

The purpose of this part is to provide the methodology to calculate the ship's attained annual
operational CII required by regulation 28; the processes to report this value to the ship's
Administration or any organization duly authorized by it;
Part III of the SEEMP applies to any ship of 5,000 GT and above which falls into one or more
of the categories in regulations, on or before 1 January 2023.
To implement -
Control for fuel-efficient operations, Optimized ship handling,
Try for Waste heat recovery operation (use thermal heat losses from the exhaust gas),
Management team shall try to improve fleet management (avoid or reduce long ballast
voyages) and improved cargo handling (matched to ship and port requirements),
Review electrical service onboard for Energy management,
Use alternative fuels as CO2 reduction.
Collect and report the vessel’s fuel data in accordance with methodology prescribe in
regulation within required time frame to Administration or RO.
5. How do you dispose Food waste within port limit/at anchor?
Collect and stow by tightly covered containers and be kept in designated storage location
which is separate from other garbage types to avoid health and safety hazards.
Some countries require double bagging and clearly marked to avoid incorrect discharge.
And dispose to the reception facility, receive Garbage dispose certificate.

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If not available to dispose reception facility or not allow to dispose foreign food waste by
local law, the garbage shall be freeze in garbage freezer provided and expressed in GMP.
Or sterilized by using the approved chemicals, and when depart from port limit dispose to
sea by complying appropriate discharge control requirement of MARPOL Annex V.
If disposal of reception is not possible and retention onboard of food waste presents imminent
health risk to the people on board, position of the vessel/ anchorage is clear from nearest land
distance required by MARPOL regulations, the food waste shall be ground and comminuted
and used En-route exception.
6. Oil Record Book?
ORB Part I (Machinery space operations) - Oil Tankers 150 GT & above and Other Ships 400
GT & above
ORB Part II (Cargo/ballast operations) – Oil Tankers 150 GT & above
ORB (Part I) - Machinery space operations (All ships)
1. Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
2. Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
3. Collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues)
4. Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks
5. Discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in
machinery spaces
- Any failure of oil filtering equipment shall be recorded in OLB.
ORB (Part II) – Cargo / ballast Operations (Oil tankers) Page 101
1. Loading of oil cargo;
2. Internal transfer of oil cargo during a voyage,
3. Unloading of oil cargo;
4. Ballasting of cargo tanks and dedicated clean ballast tanks
5. Cleaning of cargo tanks including Crude Oil Washing (COW)
6. Discharge of ballast except from Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT)
7. Discharge of water from slop tanks;
8. Closing of all applicable valves or similar devices after slop tank discharge operations;
9. Closing of valves necessary for isolation of dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks (CBT) from
cargo and stripping lines after slop tank discharge operations;
10. Disposal of residues.
- Any failure of oil discharge monitoring and control system shall be recorded in OLB.
Whether as a part of Official Log Book or shall be in the form specified in the Annex.
It shall be completed in each occasion, on a tank –to-tank basis.
Any accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil (circumstances & reasons) shall be
Each operation shall be fully recorded without delay.
Each completed operation shall be signed by the officer in charge of operation.

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Each completed page shall be signed by the master

Entries shall be in at least English, France or Spanish
National language of flag state in case of dispute
To be available for inspection at all reasonable time
Retain onboard for 3 years after the last entries has been made
Make a copy of any entry in that book and may require master to certify that copy is a true
7. Sewage? Discharge Criteria?
Sewage means:1. drainage and other wastes from toilets, urinals:
2. drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay etc)
3. drainage from spaces containing living animals, or
4. other waste waters mixed with the above drainages.
Discharge Criteria
Discharge of sewage from ships other than passenger ships in all areas and discharge of
sewage from passenger ship outside special area
1) If discharge with comminuted and disinfected system – more than 3 NM from nearest land
2) If sewage is not comminuted and not disinfected system – more than 12 NM from nearest
Sewage from holding tank and from living animal’s space shall not be discharged
instantaneously, at moderate rate and when ship in enroute with speed not less than 4 kts.
3) If discharge with approved Sewage Treatment Plant, meet the operation requirement and
effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of surround water
Discharge of sewage from passenger ships within special area
Discharge with approved Sewage Treatment Plant, meet the operation requirement and effluent
shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of surround water.
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued by flag state or RO after
initial or renewal survey for any ship.
8. Special area?/ PSSA?/ ECA?
Special area - A sea area where for recognized technical reasons in relation to it
oceanographical and ecological condition andto the particular character of its traffic the
adoption of special mandatory methods for prevention of sea pollution by oil is required.
PSSA - Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is an area that needs special protection
through action by IMO because of its significance for recognized ecological or socio-
economic or scientific reasons and which may be vulnerable to damage by international
maritime activities.
The criteria for the identification of particularly sensitive sea areas and the criteria for the
designation of special areas are not mutually exclusive.
In many cases a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area may be identified within a Special Area and
vice versa.

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ECA - An area where the adoption of special mandatory measures for emission from ships is
required to prevent, reduce and control air pollution from NOx, or SOx and particular matter or
all three types of emissions and their attendant adverse impacts on human health and the
9. Nox Techanical File?
NOx Technical File is a record containing all details of parameters, including components and
settings of an engine, which may influence the NOx emission of the engine. So there is one
NOx technical file for each engine for which an EIAPP certificate is issued.
10. Annex VI update?
From 1 January 2020, SOx emission outside ECA- 0.50% m/m
From 1 January 2019,North Sea and the Baltic Sea nitrogen oxides (NOx) ECAs
From 1 January 2019, ships of 5,000 gross tonnage and above need to start collecting data on
their fuel-oil consumption, (enforce 1 Mar 2018)
11. ODS record Book?
Each ship with ODS rechargeable system containing ODS shall maintain ODS record book.
It may part of OLB or electronic recording system as approved by administration.
Shall be recorded in terms of Kg and shall be completed without delay on each occasion
1) Recharge
2) Repair or maintenance of equipment
3) Discharge to atmosphere
4) Discharge to shore facilities
5) Supply
12. Annex II categories X, Y, Z and other substance
Category X – NLS, if discharge into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operation
present major hazard to marine environment and human health, prohibited to discharge
Category Y – present hazard, justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the
Category Z – present minor hazard, justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and
quantity of the discharge
Other substance – OS in pollution category column of chapter 18 of IBC Code, present No
Herm, shall not be subject to any requirements of Annex II.
OPIC- Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate is issued by Flag State under International
Convention on Civil liability for Oil Pollution Damage,1969 being replaced by 1992 Protocol.
Proper name is Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in respect of Civil Liability
for Oil Pollution Damage.
All seagoing vessels actually carrying more than 2,000 tons of persistence oil in bulk as cargo
are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil pollution damage.

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Certificate is valid for a maximum of 12 months.

OPIC (Bunker) - Bunker Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate is issued by Flag State under
International Convention on Civil liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.
Proper name is Certificate of Insurance of Other Financial Security in respect of Civil Liability
for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage.
The Convention applies to damage caused on the territory, including the territorial sea, and in
exclusive economic zones of States Parties.
Certificate is valid for a maximum of 12 months.
INLSC – International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid
Substances in Bulk shall be issued after initial or renewal survey for any ship intended to carry
noxious liquid substances in bulk.
COF - issue under BCH code for ship constructed before 1 July 1986
ICOF - issue under IBC code for ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986
14. ODMCS?
ODMCS is the required equipment for discharge of oily mixture from cargo ballast operation
of oil tanker of 150 GT and above.
ODMCS shall be fitted with recording device to continuous record of discharge in Ltr/NM
(rate of discharge), total quantity discharge (oil content) including Time and Date.
It shall be kept for 3 Years.
If any failure ODMCS the system shall be stop discharge.
15. When will SOPEP be updated?
- Contract list (every 3 months)
- Crew list & ship particular update
- After carrying out drill keep update drill record
- update SOPEP equipment list
16. Which vessels are required to comply with MARPOL.
- ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party to present Convention
- ships not entitled to fly the flag of a Party but which operate under the authority of a Party.
17. Marpol annex VI mandatory code.
Revised NOx Technical Code 2008
18. GT 10000 over, which pollution prevention equipment fitted.
Oil Filtering Equipment of a design approved by administration, and any oily mixture
discharged into the sea after passing through OFE – oil content not exceeding 15ppm. Also
provide alarm arrangement and automatically stop any discharged of oil mixture when oil
content exceeds 15ppm.
19. GT under 400, which pollution prevention equipment fitted.

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The ships of less than 400 GT shall equipped to retain on board oil or oily mixture or to
discharge them with the equipment of design approved by administration that the oil content of
the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm.
20. Difference between OWS/ OFE and ODMCS
OFE is the required equipment for discharge of oily mixture from machinery space operation
for every ship of 400GT and above and every oil tanker of 150 GT and above.
For ship of 400 GT and above but below 10000GT – OFE shall be of a design approved by
For ship of 10000GT and over OFE shall be of a design approved by administration, and any
oily mixture discharged into the sea after passing through OFE – oil content not exceeding
ODMCS is the required equipment for discharge of oily mixture from cargo ballast operation
of oil tanker of 150 GT and above.
ODMCS shall be fitted with recording device to continuous record of discharge in Ltr/NM
(rate of discharge), total quantity discharge ( oil content) including Time and Date.
It shall be kept for 3 Years.
If any failure ODMCS the system shall be stop discharge.
21. What are MARPOL convention certificates?
Annex I – International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
(Record of construction and equipment Form A and B)
Annex II – International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid
Substances in Bulk.
Annex IV – International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
Annex VI – International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
(Record of Construction and Equipment)
International Energy Efficiency Certificate
(Record of Construction relating to Energy Efficiency)
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
Certificate of Compliance for Fuel Oil Consumption Data Reporting
22. SECA area
- Baltic Sea area, North Sea area, North American Emission Control area, United States
Caribbean Sea Emission Control area.
23. Can you discharge oil from ship at Yangon River?
No. Oil can be discharged only enroute.
Enroute means that the ship is under way at sea on a course or courses for navigation purpose,
and will cause any discharge to be spread over as great an area of the sea.
24. EIAPPC?/ What is fuel oil consumption report?

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EIAPPC – Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate issued after survey of
marine diesel engines of output power more than 130kwh and equipment shall be conducted in
accordance with revised NOx Technical Code 2008.
Fuel oil consumption report -
From calendar year 2019, at the end of each calendar year – each ship of 5000 GT and over –
collect and aggregate the data.
Within 3 months after end of calendar year the data are reported to Administration or RO.
Adm and RO verify that the reported data are in accordance with the requirement of the
regulation, issue Statement of Compliance relating to Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting no later
than 5 months from the beginning of the calendar year.
The Statement of Compliance is valid for that calendar year in which it is issued and to the first
5 months of the following calendar years.
25. Detainable deficiency under MARPOL?
There are clear ground for believing that the condition of the ship and its equipment are not
correspond substantially with the particular of certificates for MARPOL convention, and
master and crew are not familiar with essential ship board procedure for relevant regulations.
26. Oil spillage during bunkering, what is your action?
(1) Stop all operation. (stop pump and shut the valve)
(2) Sound general emergency alarm and call emergency station.
(3) Consult SOPEP and Contingency Plan.
(4) Collect the spillage of oil on deck and prevent not to overboard as much as practicable
by using SOPEP equipment.
(6) Control of the vessel’s stability by trimming.
(7) Prevention of secondary incidents such as personal injuries, fire and explosion.
(8) Stop any hot work onboard or nearby.
(9) Clean-up and removal of spilled oil.
(10) Contact harbor authorities, agent, P&I club correspondent and owner.
(11) Make statutory report to Flag State & Coastal State Administrations.
(12) Obtain sample of oil spilled and estimate amount of spill.
(13) Write a full report of occurrence, stating the cause of spill and all efforts taken by ship’s
crew to deal with the spillage, type of pollutant and the quantity spilled.
(14) Work closely with the local authorities.
(15) Record in Deck log, Engine log, ORB
(16) Prepare NOP, Master’s Statement and evidence
(17) Gather relevant records and preserving evidence for investigations from relevant
27. How to check Oil Record Book? / What will you check before ORB sign?
Check all entries are in accordance with letter code and number code provided
Ensure that all occasions are recorded tank-to-tank basis without delay

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Check that OIC sign in every occasion completed.

28. Discharge criteria for annex I to VI
Annex I
Control of operational discharge of oil from Machinery spaces of all ships
Any discharge shall be prohibited, except from the following criteria;
A. Discharge outside special areas
1. Ship is proceeding en route
2. Oily mixture processed through Oil Filtering Equipment
3. Oily content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm
4. On oil Tanker, oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges
5. On Oil Tanker, oily mixture does not mixed with oil cargo residues
B. Discharge in Special area
1. Ship is proceeding en route
2. Oily mixture processed through Oil Filtering Equipment , provided with alarm and
automatic stop system if exceed 15 ppm.
3. Oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm
4. On Oil Tanker, oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges
5. On oil Tanker, oily mixture does not mixed with oil cargo residues.
***Any discharge of oil or oily mixture is prohibited in Antarctic area.
Control of discharge of oil from Cargo Ballast Operation from Oil Tankers
A. Discharge outside special areas
1. Not within a special area;
2. More than 50 nm from the nearest land;
3. Proceeding en route;
4. Instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 30 lit/nm
5. Does not exceed 1/15,000 of the total quantity (for tankers delivered on or before 31
Dec; 1979) and 1/30,000 (for tankers delivered after 31 Dec; 1979)
6. ODMCS and Slop tank arrangement in operation.
B. Discharge in special areas – from the Cargo area of Oil Tankers
1. Prohibited
2. Except clean or segregated ballast
Annex II
Discharge standard,
Category X is major hazard and prohibited to discharge.
A tank from which a substance in category X has been unloaded shall be prewashed before
the ship leaves the port of unloading. The resulting residues shall be discharged to a reception
facility. Any water subsequently introduced into the tank may be discharged into the sea in
accordance with the discharge standards.
1. Ship is proceeding en route at least 7 kts if self-propelled , at least 4 kts for not self-

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2. outlet below water line not exceeding the designed max. rate
3. not less than 12 nm from nearest land and not less than 25 metres
Annex IV
A. From ships other than Passenger ship in all areas & Passenger ship outside special areas
1. Comminuted and disinfected sewage → more than 3 n.miles
2. Not comminuted and disinfected sewage → more than 12 n.miles
not instantaneously but at a moderate rate , when enroute and not less than 4 kts., rate of
discharge shall be approved by administration .
3. Sewage Treatment Plant certified by Administration, not produced visible floating, solids
nor cause discoloration of water.
B. Passenger ships within a special area
29. Sewage Treatment Plant certified by Administration, not produced visible floating, solids nor
cause discoloration of water.)
Annex V –
Plastic, cooking oil and all other garbage types shall be prohibited to discharge except:
A. Discharge of garbage outside special areas
1. shall only be made while ship is en route ,
a) Food wastes which have been a comminuted or ground, if passing through a screen with
openings no greater than 25 mm - not less than (3) nautical miles from nearest land
b) Food wastes which have not been a comminuted or ground - not less than (12) nautical
miles from nearest land
c) Cargo residues (Not Harmful to MarineEnvironment) – not less than (12) nautical miles
from the nearest land
d) for animal carcasses as far from nearest land as possible (more than 100Nm and max
2. Cleaning agents or additives contained in deck and external surfaces washing water (Not
Harmful to Marine Environment) - may be discharged into sea
3. Solid bulk cargoes other than grain shall be classified and declared by shipper as to whether
or not they are environment.
4. When garbage is mixed with or contaminated by other substances prohibited from discharge
or having different discharge requirements more stringent requirements shall apply.

B. Discharge of garbage within special areas

1. shall only be permitted while the ship is en route and as follows:
a) Food wastes which have been a comminuted or ground, if passing through a screen with
openings no greater than 25 mm - not less than (12) nautical miles from nearest land
Food wastes must be uncontaminated by any other garbage type.
Discharge of introduced avian products, including poultry and poultry parts, is not permitted
in the Antarctic area unless it has been treated to be made sterile.

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b) Discharge of cargo residues that cannot be recovered using commonly available methods
for unloading where following conditions are satisfied:
(1) Cargo residues contained in hold washing water must not include any substances
classified as harmful to marine environment
(2) Solid bulk cargoes other than grain shall be classified and declared by shipper as to
whether or not they are environment
(3) Cleaning agents or additives contained in hold washing water must not include any
substances classified as harmful to marine environment
(4) Both the port of departure and destination are within special area
(5) No adequate reception facilities are available at those ports
(6) Where these conditions have been fulfilled, discharge of cargo hold washing water
containing residues shall be made as far as practicable and not less than 12 nautical miles
from nearest land or nearest ice shelf.
c) Cleaning agents or additives contained in deck and external surfaces washing water (Not
Harmful to Marine Environment) - may be discharged into the sea
Annex VI
Equipment containing (installation prohibited ODS) shall be delivered to appropriate
reception facilities when removed from ships.
NOx emission from marine diesel engine of output power more than130 kwh shall be as
Tier I (ship constructed prior to 1 Jan 2011) –
(1)170 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm
(2) 45. 𝑛(−0.2) g/ kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm
(3) 9.8 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more
Tier II (ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2011)
(1) 14.4 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm
(2) 44. 𝑛(−0.23) g/ kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm
(3) 7.7 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more
Tier III (for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2016 and is operating in North America
Emission Control Area or United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area of
for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2021 and is operating in Baltic Sea Emission
Control Area or North Sea Emission Control Area of NOx ECA
for ship is operating in NOx Tier III ECA area other than above areas and is
constructed on or after the date of adoption of such ECA.)
(1) 3.4 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm
(2) 9. 𝑛(−0.2) g/ kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm
(3) 2.0 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more
SOx : Sulphur Oxides and particulate matter
Sulphur content of any fuel oil used onboard ships shall not exceed –0.5% m/m on and after
1 Jan 2020

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While ships are operating within emission control area ( Baltic Sea area and North Sea area,
North American area, United States Caribbean Sea area, any other sea area including any
port area designated by Origanization) the sulphur content of fuel oil used onboard ships
shall not exceed – 0.1% m/m on and after 1 Jan 2015.
30. How can you comply for new SOx regulation in2020?
From 1 Jan 2020, outside ECA, sulphur content of fuel oil used onboard shall be 0.5 % m/m
But within ECA, sulphur content of fuel oil used on board must be 0.1% m/m
The following method of controlling sulphur oxide emission also can be used
1. Cylinder lubrication using correct Total Base Number
using Alpha lubricator system
2. Exhaust gas Scrubbing closed loop scrubber
Opened loop scrubber
4. Nuclear fuel
31. Sulphur content at SECA and other area?
At SECA, sulphur content of fuel oil used on board must be 0.1% m/m on and after 1 Jan
From 1 Jan 2020, outside SECA, sulphur content of fuel oil used onboard shall be 0.5 % m/m
on and after 1 Jan 2020
32. Which annex you have to comply as a tanker?
If oil tanker - All annex except Annex II and III.
If NLS or Ch tanker – All annex except Annex III.
33. What is Annex V & Which is the latest amendment?
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ship.
Latest amendment for Annex V is MEPC.277(70) - HME substances and Form of Garbage
Record Book
Latest amendment for MARPOL convention is MEPC.309(73) – Amendment to 2014 Guide
Line for EEDI survey and certification
34. 2019 Jan in force & 2020 Jan In force?
2019 Jan – Nox special area update
Reporting of fuel oil consumption data
2020 Jan – SOx emission control – Sulphur content of fuel oil used on board outside ECA
0.5% m/m
35. Which items did you check in Seawage treatment Plant?
- Check ISPP Certificate and Certificate of Test Approval for Sewage Treatment Plant issued
by Administration
- Check treatment/additive chemical (Chlorinator Tablet)
- Additive Chemical ratio

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- Check auto alarm & stop system

- any manufacturer instructions
36. MARPOL purpose?
Purpose is “to achieve the complete elimination of international pollution of the marine
environment by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge
of such substances.”
And “To prevent or minimize marine and air pollution.”
37. What is P & A Manual / Cargo record book / SOPEP / SMPEP?
Procedure and Arrangement Manual – to identify ship’s officers the physical arrangement and
operation procedures of cargo handling, tank cleaning, slop handling, ballasting/deballasting.
Cargo Record Book – Every ship carry NLS shall be provided with CRB, as a part of OLB.
After completion of any operation entry shall be promptly recorded in CRB.
In the event of accidental discharge entry shall also be made inCRB.
Each entry shall be signed by OIC and each completed page shall be signed by master.
It shall be kept 3 yr from the last entry.
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan – Every oil tanker of 150 GT and above and every
ship of 400 GT and above shall carry SOPEP approved by adm.
SOPEP contain at least – Reporting procedure to be followed by master
Contact List
Immediat Action
Procedure and point of contact with national and local authorities
Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan – In case of ship carrying Oil cargo and NLS
cargo, the plan may be combined SOPEP with Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan
for NLS and the title shall be Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan.
38. Bunker order in master aspect? How many MT for Low sulfur FO?
Check total distance for complete voyage, and confirm that there is ECA area, calculate
approximate consumption of high sulphur content fuel (sulphur content 0.5% m/m) and
approximate consumption of low sulphur content fuel (sulphur content 0.1% m/m).
39. MARPOL & SOLAS, Are they rules or regulations?
The provisions in MARPOL and SOLAS are enforced statute law by party states.
Therefore MARPOL and SOLAS are Regulations.
40. Purpose of Civil Liability Cnvention?
To ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is available to persons who
suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as cargo more than 2,000 tons of
persistence oil and fuel in ships' bunkers.
41. Harmful Substances?
Those substances which are identified as marine pollutants in the IMDG code or which meet
the criteria in the appendix of Marpol Annex II.

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42. What is calendar year? With examples?

Calendar Year means the period from 1 January until 31 December inclusive.
43. Sewage definition?
Sewage means:1. drainage and other wastes from toilets, urinals:
2. drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay etc)
3. drainage from spaces containing living animals, or
4. other waste waters mixed with the above drainages.
44. EIAPPC? Validity?
This certificate is issued for each diesel engine and valid until life of engine.
45. What is Bio Fuel?
Biofuels are ethyl alcohol, fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), vegetable oils (triglycerides) and
alkanes, linear and branched with a flashpoint of either 60°C or less or more than 60°C, as
identified in chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code.
46. Which annex are sea pollution and which is air pollution
Annex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are sea pollution and Annex 6 is air pollution
47. Oil Discharge criteria (machinery space, cargo space)
As per Marpol Annex I, Reg 15 (machinery space discharge criteria) and Reg 34(Cargo
48. In red sea/ Mediterranean can you discharge E/R bilges water?
Red sea/ Mediterranean sea are special area for Marpol Annex I, so E/R bilges water can be
discharged as per Regulation 15 para B (discharge criteria for within special area)
49. Your ship’s OWS is out of order and your ship is calling to Singapore what you should do
before arrival.
Report fullest extent possible without delay to PSA and record in ORB part I
50. Your OWS is out of order which parties you like to inform.
Owner, FS, RO of issue certificate, PS, local agent
51. What is the proper name of CLC and explain about it.
International Convention on Civil liability for Oil Pollution Damage,1969
Entry into force 19 June 1075;
being replaced by 1992 Protocol; Entry into force 30 May 1996
The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually carrying more than 2,000 tons of
persistence oil in bulk as cargo are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil
pollution damage.
Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate (OPIC) is issued by Flag State.
Proper name is Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in respect of Civil
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage.
Certificate is valid for a maximum of 12 months.
International Convention on Civil liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001

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Entry into force: 21 November 2008

To ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is available to persons
who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships' bunkers.
The Convention applies to damage caused on the territory, including the territorial sea,
and in exclusive economic zones of States Parties.
The bunkers convention provides a free-standing instrument covering pollution damage
Bunker Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate is issued by Flag State.
Proper name is Certificate of Insurance of Other Financial Security in respect of Civil
Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage.
Certificate is valid for a maximum of 12 months.
52. Which code you have to apply as a Chemical tanker.
IBC code (chemical tanker constructed on or after 1 July 1986)
BCH code (chemical tanker constructed before 1 July 1986)
53. What certificates are required under IBC code
International Certificate of Fitness for the carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
54. What are the survey and certificate validities of COF, ICOF, INLSC
COF: issue under BCH code
ICOF: issue under IBC code
INLSC: issue under Marpol annex II
For all certificates
Initial survey- before ship is put into service or before certificate is issued for the first time
- To ensure (S,E,S, F,A,M) fully comply
Renewal survey- intervals specified by administration, but not exceeding 5 years
- To ensure (S,E,S,F,A,M) fully comply
Intermediate survey- within 3 months before or after 2nd anniversary date or within 3 months
before or after 3rd anniversary date of one of the annual survey
- To ensure that the equipment and system are fully comply and are in
good working order
Annual survey – within 3 months before or after each anniversary date
- General inspection of (S,E,S,F,A,M)
Additional survey- either general or partial, according to the circumstances whenever any
important repairs or renewals are made
55. What are the categories of cargo recorded in cargo record book.
Category X, Y, Z
56. Garbage categories

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A: plastic, B: food waste, C: domestic waste, D: cooking oil, E: incinerator ash, F: operational
waste, G: animal carcasses, H: fishing gear, I: E-waste, J: cargo residues (non HME), K: cargo
residues (HME)
57. What is cargo residue HME and Non HME
- Cargo residues HME: cargo residues of solid bulk cargoes which are considered to be
harmful to marine environment
- Cargo residues Non HME: cargo residues of solid bulk cargoes which are considered to be
NOT harmful to marine environment
58. How do you know the cargo is HME or Non HME
Solid bulk cargoes other than grain, shall be classified in accordance with appendix 1 of
Marpol annex V and declared by the shipper as to whether or not they are harmful to the
marine environment
59. Garbage record book Part I and Part II
Garbage record book part I : For all garbage other than cargo residues (All ships)
Garbage record book part II : For all cargo residues (Ships that carry solid bulk cargoes)
60. Garbage disposal
Marpol Annex V, Reg 3,4,6
61. Annex V Special Areas
Mediterranean Sea area, Baltic Sea area, Black Sea area, Red Sea area, Gulf area, North Sea
area, Antarctic area, Wider Caribbean Region
62. How will you dispose cargo residue in the special area.
Discharge of cargo residue into the sea within special areas shall only be permitted while the
ship is enroute and
Cargo residues that cant be recovered using commonly available methods for unloading…
Contained in hold washing water don not include any substances classified as HME
Solid bulk cargoes other than grain shall be classified as appendix 1 and declared by shipper
as to whether or not they are HME
Both the port of dep and the next port of destination are within special area and the ship will
not transit outside special area between those ports
No adequate reception facilities are available at those ports
Where all above conditions have been fulfilled, discharged of cargo hold washing water
containing residues shall be made as far practicable from the nearest land or the nearest ice
shelf and not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land or nearest ice shelf.
63. 6 sources of air pollution.
DOC, VOC, NOx, SOx, Shipboard Incineration, Fuel oil quality
64. Annex VI certificate
IAPPC, IEEC, EIAPPC, SOC for fuel oil consumption report

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65. How to call Annex VI Special Area

Emission Control Area
66. Where can you find SECA
Marpol Annex VI, regulation 14
67. SOx, NOx emission.
SOx : Sulphur Oxides and particulate matter
Sulphur content of any fuel oil used onboard ships shall not exceed –0.5% m/m on and
after 1 Jan 2020
While ships are operating within emission control area ( Baltic Sea area and North Sea
area, North American area, United States Caribbean Sea area, any other sea area
including any port area designated by Origanization) the sulphur content of fuel oil used
onboard ships shall not exceed – 0.1% m/m on and after 1 Jan 2015.
NOx : Nitrogen Oxides
Apply to each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 KW installed
on ship
Total weight emission of NOx from the engine is within the limit as per :
Tier 1 (for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2000 and prior to 1 Jan 2011)
Tier 2 (for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2011)
Tier 3 (for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2016 and is operating in North America
Emission Control Area or United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area of
for ship constructed on or after 1 Jan 2021 and is operating in Baltic Sea
Emission Control Area or North Sea Emission Control Area of NOx ECA
for ship is operating in NOx Tier III ECA area other than above areas and is
constructed on or after the date of adoption of such ECA.)
68. How will you prepare before entering SECA.
Before entering SECA, If ship using separate fuel oil, ensure written procedure for fuel oil
changeover is onboard.
Allowing sufficient time for the fuel oil service system to be fully flushed of all fuel oil
exceeding the applicable sulphur content prior to entry into ECA and Volume of low sulphur
fuel oils in each tank , date, time and position of the ship when fuel oil changeover operation
in completed.
69. IAPPC, IEEC certificates and survey and validity
IAPPC – Every ship of 400GT and above and every fixed and floating drilling rig and other
platform shall be subject to the survey:
Initial survey- before ship is put into service or before certificate is issued for the first time
- To ensure (S,E,F,A,M) fully comply
Renewal survey- intervals specified by administration, but not exceeding 5 years
- To ensure (S,E,F,A,M) fully comply

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Intermediate survey- within 3 months before or after 2nd anniversary date or within 3 months
before or after 3rd anniversary date of one of the annual survey
- To ensure that the equipment and system are fully comply and are in
good working order
Annual survey – within 3 months before or after each anniversary date
- General inspection of (S,E,F,A,M)
Additional survey- either general or partial, according to the circumstances whenever any
important repairs or renewals are made
IEEC- All ships of 400GT and above
Initial survey- before ship is put into service and before IEEC is issued
Verify that ship’s attained EEDI is in accordance with requirement and SEEMP is onboard
General or partial survey – according to circumstances after major conversion of a new ship
Ensure that attained EEDI is recalculated as necessary and meet the requirement
70. SEEMP, attained EEDI, required EEDI, EEOI,
- SEEMP –Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (Anx 6, Reg 22)
- attained EEDI – EEDI value achieved by an individual ship
- required EEDI – maximum value of attained EEDI that is allowed for the specific ship type
and size
- EEOI – Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (mass of CO2 emitted / units of transport
work) , unit – tonnes ofCO2/ ( tons . miles)
71. MARPOL new cert in 2013
International Energy Efficiency Certificate
72. BDN
For each ship details of fuel oil for combustion purposes delivered to and used on board shall
be recorded by means of a BDN.
BDN shall be kept on board the ship in such a place as to be readily available for inspection
at all times. It shall be retained for a period of three years after the fuel oil has been
delivered on board.
BDN shall be accompanied by a representative sample of the fuel oil delivered.
73. special area for annex I to VI
Annex I
- Mediterranean Sea area, Baltic Sea area, Black Sea area, Red Sea area, Gulf area, Gulf of
Aden area, Antarctic area, NW European waters, Oman area, Southern South African
Annex II
- Antarctic area
Annex IV
- Baltic Sea area
Annex V Special Areas

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- Mediterranean Sea area, Baltic Sea area, Black Sea area, Red Sea area, Gulf area, North
Sea area, Antarctic area, Wider Caribbean Region
Annex VI
- NECA – North American area, United State Caribbean Sea area, Baltic Sea and North Sea
- SECA – North American area, United State Caribbean Sea area, Baltic Sea and North Sea
74. Annex VI certificate, document and survey?
Certificate – IAPPC, IEEC, SOC for FOCR, EIAPPC, IMO type approval certificate for
shipboard incinerator
Document – ODS list, ODS record book, VOC management plan, Revised NOx Technical
code 2008, Fuel oil change over procedure, BDN, SEEMP, FOC Database reporting form
Survey – IAPPC – initial, renewal, annual, intermediate, additional
IEEC – initial, general or partial
EIAPPC – survey of marine diesel engines and equipment
75. Oil can be disch in RED sea area?
Red sea area is special area for MARPOL annex I
If oil is from machinery space – can discharge as per discharge standard mention in reg. 15B
If oil is from cargo ballast operation – prohibited to discharge as per discharge standard
mention in reg. 34B
76. Annex I – Machinery space disch critriea?
Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture from ship is prohibited except
Discharge outside special area except in Arctic waters
1) Enroute
2) Oily mixture is passing through OFE
3) Oil content without dilution does not exceed 15 PPM
4) For oil tanker, Oily mixture does not from cargo pump room bilge
5) For oil tanker, Oily mixture does not mixed with oil cargo
Discharge within special area
1) Enroute
2) Oily mixture is passing through OFE with alarm and auto stop system
3) Oil content without dilution does not exceed 15 PPM
4) For oil tanker, Oily mixture does not from cargo pump room bilge
5) For oil tanker, Oily mixture does not mixed with oil cargo
77. Sewage systems, discharge criteria, ISPPC
Every ship shall be equipped with one of three sewage systems
1) Sewage Treatment Plant of type approved by administration
2) Sewage comminuting and disinfection system with facilities to satisfaction of

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3) Holding tank of capacity to the satisfaction of administration

Discharge of sewage from ships other than passenger ships in all areas and discharge of
sewage from passenger ship outside special area
1) If discharge with comminuted and disinfected system – more than 3 NM from nearest
2) If sewage is not comminuted and not disinfected system – more than 12 NM from nearest
Sewage from holding tank and from living animal’s space shall not be discharged
instantaneously, at moderate rate and when ship in enroute with speed not less than 4 kts.
3) If discharge with approved Sewage Treatment Plant, meet the operation requirement and
effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of surround water
Discharge of sewage from passenger ships within special area
Discharge with approved Sewage Treatment Plant, meet the operation requirement and
effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of surround water.
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued by flag state or RO after
initial or renewal survey for any ship.
78. What certificate required for IBC code
ICOF - issue under IBC code for ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986
79. Manual under marpol?
Procedure and Arrangement Manual,
80. Difference between exception and exemption.
Exception means that the thing left out does not follow the same rule or custom as the other
things in that group.
(for marpol – for safety of ship and for saving life at sea regulation 15 and 34 control of
discharge shall not be applied.)
Exemption is permission to be left out that is granted by someone in authority.
(for marpol – hydrofoil, air-cushion vehicle, submarine craft whose constructional features are
impracticable to apply ch 3 and 4, and may be exempted by administration)
81. ODS List?
Each ship required to hold IAPPC shall maintain a list of equipment containing ODS.

82. Explain EEXI and CII?

Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index - shall be calculated for each ship
The attained EEXI is the value achieved by individual ship and shall indicate the estimated
performance of the ship in terms of energy efficiency
Required EEXI is the maximum value of attained EEXI that is allowed by regulation for
specific ship type and size.

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Carbon Intensity Indicator - shall be calculated for each ship to reduce carbon intensity of
international shipping.
Aattained annual operational CII is the value achieved by an individual ship.
Required annual operational CII is the target value of attained annual operational CII in
accordance with regulations for specific ship type and size.

83. How to know how much quantity of sludge on board?

Sludge tanks volume can be checked at the IOPPC supplement form A or B.
The quantity of sludge can be calculated as per formula (daily consumption x total streaming
time x 1% for fuel oil and 0.5% for diesel oil)

84. As a Master what to check GRB before signing?

Each discharge operation to sea or to a reception facility, or completed incineration shall be
recorded and signed for on the date of discharge or incineration by the officer in charge.
The entries shall be at least in English, French or Spanish.
The record of date and time, description of the garbage and the estimated amount (m³)
discharged must be correct and ensure the recorded dispose position is allowed to dispose for
that garbage categories by regulations.
For discharge of cargo residues and incineration, the discharge start and stop position and
start and stop of incineration, categories of garbage incinerated shall be recorded. The start
and stop position of cargo residue disposal must be outside of special area.
Each completed page or group of electronic entries of the Garbage Record Book shall be
signed by the master.

85. Can dispose garbage at territorial sea?/ Can Food waste possible to dispose at territorial sea?
If territorial sea is within special area and extend up to 12 n.m from base line ground food waste
and other garbage cant be disposed.
If territorial sea is outside special area and extend up to 12 n.m from base line ground food
waste and non HME cleaning agent can be disposed.

86. Annex VI enforce date?

19 May 2005, latest amendment enforce date 1 Nov 2022

87. Name of Chemical that cant be used as ODS?

Hydrochlorofluorocarbon on 1st Jan 2020

88. Can discharge machinery space bilge water in Mediterranean sea?

Yes. It can discharge as per discharge standard of oil from machinery space operation within
special area.

89. Annex VI latest amendment in 2023

EEXI, Operational Carbon Intensity Rating

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90. Certificate issue under Marpol?

IOPPC, INLSC, ISPPC, IAPPC, IEEC, Statement of Compliance related to Fuel Oil
Consumption Reporting and Operational Carbon Intensity rating

91. Which annex is required to comply container ship?

Annex I, III, IV, V, VI

92. HME/ Non-HME discharge criteria?

Non HME is prohibited to discharged
HME can be discharged as per discharged standard.

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