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Adrenal insuciency
Eystein S Husebye, Simon H Pearce, Nils P Krone, Olle Kämpe

Adrenal insuciency can arise from a primary adrenal disorder, secondary to adrenocorticotropic hormone deciency, Lancet 2021; 397: 613–29
or by suppression of adrenocorticotropic hormone by exogenous glucocorticoid or opioid medications. Hallmark Published Online
clinical features are unintentional weight loss, anorexia, postural hypotension, profound fatigue, muscle and January 20, 2021
abdominal pain, and hyponatraemia. Additionally, patients with primary adrenal insuciency usually develop skin
hyperpigmentation and crave salt. Diagnosis of adrenal insuciency is usually delayed because the initial presentation
Department of Clinical Science
is often non-specic; physician awareness must be improved to avoid adrenal crisis. Despite state-of-the-art steroid and KG Jebsen Center for
replacement therapy, reduced quality of life and work capacity, and increased mortality is reported in patients with Autoimmune Disorders,
primary or secondary adrenal insuciency. Active and repeated patient education on managing adrenal insuciency, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Norway (Prof E S Husebye MD,
including advice on how to increase medication during intercurrent illness, medical or dental procedures, and
Prof O Kämpe MD); Department
profound stress, is required to prevent adrenal crisis, which occurs in about 50% of patients with adrenal insuciency of Medicine, Haukeland
after diagnosis. It is good practice for physicians to provide patients with a steroid card, parenteral hydrocortisone, University Hospital, Bergen,
and training for parenteral hydrocortisone administration, in case of vomiting or severe illness. New modes of Norway (Prof E S Husebye);
Department of Medicine,
glucocorticoid delivery could improve the quality of life in some patients with adrenal insuciency, and further
Karolinska Institutet,
advances in oral and parenteral therapy will probably emerge in the next few years. Stockholm, Sweden
(Prof E S Husebye,
Introduction and numerous other inputs.7 The result of this regulation Prof O Kämpe); Department of
Endocrinology, Translational
Adrenal insuciency is a common condition with multiple is a robust, but adaptable, circadian and ultradian
and Clinical Research Institute,
causes that can be divided into primary (adrenal), secondary (pulsation with a frequency shorter than 24 h) cortisol Newcastle University,
(pituitary), and tertiary (hypothalamus) forms (gure 1). rhythm, characterised by secretory bursts every 60–90 min Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Each form of adrenal insuciency has distinctive causes (gure 1).10 Aldosterone production is mainly regulated by (Prof S H Pearce MD); Academic
Unit of Child Health,
with implications for treatment and follow-up. Tertiary the renin–angiotensin system (gure 1), but the hypo-
Department of Oncology and
adrenal insuciency caused by exogenous steroid treat- thalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis also causes circadian Metabolism, University of
ment is a common form of adrenal insuciency, and is variation of aldosterone. Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
easily missed due to its non-specic signs and symptoms Primary adrenal insuciency has numerous causes (N P Krone MD); Department of
Medicine III, University
that can be indistinguishable from manifestations of the (table 1). Notably, the most common inherited form of Hospital Carl Gustav Carus,
underlying condition.2 Secondary adrenal insuciency is primary adrenal insuciency is congenital adrenal Technische Universität
rare, and occurs due to defects of pituitary gland function, hyperplasia, which refers to a group of genetic Dresden, Dresden, Germany
which is often caused by pituitary adenomas or by their conditions characterised by decient steroidogenesis. (N P Krone); Center of Molecular
Medicine, and Department of
treatment.3,4 Primary adrenal insuciency occurs less More than 95% of congenital adrenal hyperplasia cases Endocrinology, Metabolism
frequently than secondary or tertiary adrenal insuciency, are caused by recessive mutations in the CYP21A2 gene, and Diabetes, Karolinska
and is caused by intrinsic adrenal gland pathology; which codes for steroid 21-hydroxylase, a key enzyme University Hospital,
commonly destructive autoimmunity or inborn error of in cortisol and aldosterone biosynthesis (appendix p 1). Stockholm, Sweden
(Prof O Kämpe)
steroidogenesis. A comprehensive review of congenital adrenal hyper-
Correspondence to:
Adrenal insuciency can manifest at any age, but plasia has already been published as a Seminar in Prof Eystein S Husebye,
often presents between the ages of 20 years and The Lancet;11 therefore, this condition will not be Department of Clinical
50 years. Despite substantial advances in diagnostics and discussed further in the current Seminar. Acquired Science, University of Bergen,
treatment over the past few decades, clinicians struggle primary adrenal insuciency is typically caused by N-5021 Bergen, Norway
to make a timely diagnosis before the occurrence of autoimmunity, infections, haemorrhage, metastases,
See Online for appendix
life-threatening complications or death.5–7 State-of-the- or bilateral adrenalectomy (table 1). Secondary adrenal
art diagnostic tests and treatment modalities are still insuciency (table 2) presents in two major forms;
unavailable in many parts of the world, and treatment either as one component of pituitary insuciency as
and follow-up is not optimal. This observation is reected an isolated defect in adrenocorticotropic hormone
in the associated increased mortality and reduced quality (ACTH) secretion or as deciency of ACTH and other
of life and working capacity.8,9 This Seminar seeks to pituitary hormones in combination.12 Finally, tertiary
enable clinicians to make an early and correct diagnosis, adrenal insuciency (table 3) is most commonly a
and to treat and follow up patients in an optimal way so consequence of pharmacological treatment with gluco-
that complications and ill health is minimised. corticoids or illicit use of opiates.

Pathophysiology and genetics Autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency

Overview Autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency is char-
Adrenal steroid secretion is tightly regulated at multiple acterised by autoimmune destruction of the adrenal
levels (gure 1). The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis cortex, with the immune system targeting 21-hydroxy-
regulates cortisol production in response to light, stress, lase.13 The condition can present at any age, but most Vol 397 February 13, 2021 613


A Regulation of cortisol secretion B Regulation of aldosterone secretion

Diurnal rhythm Renal arterial pressure
β-adrenergic action
Prostaglandins ANP
hypotension, fever,
trauma, or surgery) Extracellular volume
CRH ADH Renin Renal aterial pressure
Cytokines Na+ (and water) retention
Liver K+ excretion

Aldosterone ECF [K+]

ACTH Angiotensinogen

Angiotensin I

Metabolism Cardiovascular system

Gluconeogenesis Myocardial contractility
Glycogenolysis Cardiac output ACE
Proteolysis Catecholamine pressor effect
Lipolysis Angiotensin II

C Cortisol D Aldosterone




0 0
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23
Time of day (hours) Time of day (hours)

Figure 1: Regulation of cortisol and aldosterone secretion

Main hormones of the pathways are shown in red. (A) Regulation of cortisol secretion. Hypothalamic CRH stimulates pituitary ACTH secretion, which stimulates
cortisol production in the adrenal cortex. Cortisol shows negative feedback regulation of ACTH and CRH secretion (adapted from Melmed S et al,1 by permission of
Saunders). (B) Circadian regulation of aldosterone secretion by the renin and angiotensin system. ACTH has a minor stimulatory role (adapted from Melmed S et al,1
by permission of Saunders). (C) Circadian and pulsatile variation in free cortisol concentration in microdialysate obtained from subcutaneous tissue in a healthy
individual (Methlie P, unpublished). (D) Circadian and pulsatile variation in free aldosterone concentration in microdialysate obtained from subcutaneous tissue in a
healthy individual (Methlie P, unpublished). ACE=angiotensin-converting enzyme. ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone. ADH=antidiuretic hormone.
CRH=corticotropin-releasing hormone. ECF=extracellular uid.

individuals are diagnosed between the ages of 20 years adrenal insuciency, including autoimmune gastritis
and 50 years, with a slight preponderance in women.5,14,15 with pernicious anaemia, coeliac disease, vitiligo, or
Autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency can be alopecia. All of these combinations can be classied as
isolated in up to 40% of patients with autoimmune autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2.16
primary adrenal insuciency or can appear in combi- Heritability of autoimmune primary adrenal insuf-
nation with one or more organ-specic autoimmune ciency is high, and similar to that of coeliac disease.17
endocrinopathies, such as autoimmune thyroid disease, Numerous genetic variants contribute to the susceptibility
type 1 diabetes, and premature ovarian insuciency of autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency, mostly
(appendix p 2). Other organ-specic autoimmune dis- in genes expressed in immune cells and inammatory
eases frequently occur in combination with primary cells, many of which are shared by other autoimmune

614 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


Gene (OMIM*) Associated clinical signs and symptoms

Adrenal destruction
Autoimmune primary HLA-DR3, DR4, CTLA4, BACH2, Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, premature ovarian insuciency, vitiligo, type 1
adrenal insuciency and PTPN22, GATA3, CLEC16, MIC-A, diabetes, pernicious anaemia, and other organ-specic autoimmune features
autoimmune polyendocrine MIC-B, NALP1, and AIRE
syndrome type 2
Autoimmune polyendocrine AIRE (240300) Hypoparathyroidism, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, other autoimmune
syndrome type 1 disorders, and rarely lymphomas
Immunodeciency 31C STAT1 (614162) Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, susceptibility to Staphylococcus aureus and other
bacterial, viral and fungal infections, and polyendocrinopathy (including
hypothyroidism and type 1 diabetes), and cerebral aneurysms
Peroxisomal defects
X-linked ABCD1 (300100) Progressive neurodegeneration, behavioural changes, cognitive decline, loss of
adrenoleukodystrophy speech, hearing and vision, dementia, spasticity, and seizures
Refsum disease PEX7 (266500) Least severe form of peroxisome biosynthesis defects
Neonatal PEX1 (601539) Craniofacial abnormalities and liver dysfunction; the absence of peroxisomes
(autosomal recessive)
Zellweger syndrome PEX1 (214100) Craniofacial abnormalities, hepatomegaly, severe intellectual disability and growth
failure, hypotonia, deafness, blindness, genitourinary abnormalities, and stippled
Mitochondrial defects
Kearns-Sayre syndrome Mitochondrial DNA deletions External ophthalmoplegia, retinal degeneration, and cardiac conduction defects;
(530000) other endocrinopathies
Haemorrhage ·· Bilateral adrenal haemorrhage of the newborn baby, primary antiphospholipid
syndrome, and anticoagulation
Trauma or surgery ·· Bilateral adrenalectomy
Infection ·· Septic shock, meningococcal sepsis (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome),
tuberculosis, fungal infections (eg, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis,
coccidioidomycosis, and blastomycosis), cytomegalovirus, HIV-1, and syphilis
Inltration ·· Metastatic cancers, primary adrenal lymphoma, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, and
Drugs ·· Ketoconazole, rifampicin, phenytoin, phenobarbital, aminoglutethimide, mitotane,
abiraterone acetate, etomidate, suramine, mifepristone, nivolumab, and
Impaired steroidogenesis
Impaired cholesterol transport
Steroidogenic acute StAR (201710) 46,XY DSD and gonadal insuciency
regulatory protein
(congenital lipoid adrenal
Steroidogenic enzyme or cofactor deciency causing congenital adrenal hyperplasia
3β-hydroxysteroid HSD3B2 (201810) 46,XX and 46,XY DSD and gonadal insuciency
dehydrogenase type 2
21-hydroxylase CYP21A2 (201 910) 46,XX DSD and hyperandrogenism
11β-hydroxylase CYP11B1 (202 010) 46,XX DSD and arterial hypertension
CYP17A1 deciency CYP17A1 (202 110) 46,XY DSD, arterial hypertension, and gonadal insuciency
P450 oxidoreductase POR (201 750) 46,XX and 46,XY DSD, gonadal insuciency, bone malformation, and causes
dysfunction of all endoplasmic CYP450 enzymes
(Table 1 continues on next page)

diseases (appendix p 3).18 The strongest association for alleles of CTLA4, PTPN22, BACH2, GATA3, CLEC16,
autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency involves MIC-A, MIC-B, and NALP1, none of which are specic
MHC, particularly MHC class II genotypes. The for autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency. A
combination of DR3–DQ2 and DR4–DQ8 gives an possible exception is the autoimmune regulator (AIRE).20
increased (30 times over) risk of developing auto- A recent genome-wide association study showed a
immune primary adrenal insuciency.19 A number of strong association to a coding variant (Arg471Cys) located
other genetic associations with autoimmune primary in the PHD2 domain.20 Notably, mutations in AIRE
adrenal insuciency have been reported, including cause autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, a Vol 397 February 13, 2021 615


Gene (OMIM*) Associated clinical signs and symptoms

(Continued from previous page)
Steroidogenic enzyme deciency (non-congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
P450 side-chain cleavage CYP11A1 (118 485) 46,XY DSD and gonadal insuciency
Aldosterone synthase CYP11B2 (124 080) Isolated mineralocorticoid deciency
Defects of cholesterol synthesis or metabolism
Wolman disease (lysosomal LIPA (278 000) Diuse punctate adrenal calcication, xanthomatous changes in multiple organs,
acid lipase deciency, and hypercholesterolaemia, steatorrhea, and poor prognosis
cholesterol ester storage
Smith-Lemli-Opitz disease DHCR7 (270 400) Intellectual disability, craniofacial malformations, limb abnormalities, and growth
Abetalipoproteinaemia MTP (200 100) Ataxia, retinopathy, acanthocytosis, and fat malabsorption
Adrenal dysgenesis
X-linked adrenal hypoplasia NROB1 (300 200) Combined primary and secondary hypogonadism, and Duchenne muscular
congenital dystrophy in contiguous gene syndrome
Adrenal hypoplasia NR5A1 (184757) 46,XY DSD and gonadal insuciency
steroidogenic factor-1
IMAGe syndrome CDKN1C (300 290) Intrauterine growth restriction, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal insuciency, and
genital anomalies (IMAGe)
MIRAGE syndrome SMAD9 (617 053) Myelodysplasia, infection, adrenal hypoplasia, growth restriction, genital anomalies,
and enteropathy (MIRAGE)
Pallister-Hall syndrome GLI3 (165 240) Hypothalamic hemartoblastoma, hypopituitarism, imperforate anus, and postaxial
Meckel syndrome MKS1 (249 000) CNS malformation, polycystic kidneys with brotic liver changes, and polydactyly
Pseudotrisomy 13 (264 480) Holoprosencephaly, severe facial anomalies, postaxial polydactyly, various other
congenital defects, and normal chromosomes
Hydrolethalus syndrome HYLS1 (236 680) Severe prenatal onset hydrocephalus and polydactyly
Galloway-Mowat syndrome WDR73 (251 300) Early-onset severe encephalopathy, intractable epilepsy, nephrotic syndrome,
microcephaly, and hiatal hernia
ACTH resistance
Familial glucocorticoid MC2R (202 200) Tall stature, isolated deciency of glucocorticoids, and generally normal aldosterone
deciency type 1 production
Familial glucocorticoid MRAP (607398) Isolated deciency of glucocorticoids and generally normal aldosterone production
deciency type 2
Impaired redox homoeostasis
Triple A syndrome (Allgrove AAAS (231550) Alacrimia and achalasia; neurological impairment, deafness, intellectual disability,
syndrome) and hyperkeratosis
Mitochondrial deciency of free NNT (614736) and TRXR2 (606448) NNT: hypoglycaemia, hyperpigmentation, a low cortisol concentration, increased
radical detoxication ACTH concentration, and isolated deciency of glucocorticoids; TRXR2: isolated
deciency of glucocorticoids
Defects in DNA repair MCM4 (609981) Natural killer cell deciency, growth failure, and increased chromosomal breakage
Bioinactive ACTH POMC (201400) ··
Sphingosine-1-phosphate SGPL1 (617575) Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, ichthyosis, primary hypothyroidism,
lyase 1 cryptorchidism, and immunodeciency and neurological defects
ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone. DSD=disorder of sex development. OMIM=Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. *

Table 1: Causes of primary adrenal insuciency

monogenic disease that is characterised by primary premature ovarian insuciency (before puberty, but
adrenal insuciency with onset during childhood or typically before the age of 30 years), severe alopecia and
adolescence (2–20 years of age) in combination with vitiligo, autoimmune gastritis, hepatitis and pneumonitis,
hypoparathyroidism and chronic mucocutaneous can- fever with rash, keratitis, and pitted nail dystrophy.21
didiasis.16 Patients with autoimmune polyendocrine Enamel hypoplasia of the permanent teeth is among the
syndrome type 1 present with a number of other most common manifestation of autoimmune polyen-
autoimmune organ-specic manifestations, including docrine syndrome type 1, and is a clinical indication to

616 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


Gene Associated clinical signs and Gene Associated clinical signs and
(OMIM*) symptoms (OMIM*) symptoms

Acquired causes Acquired causes

Steroid withdrawal PDGFD Endogenous glucocorticoid Steroid withdrawal PDGFD Endogenous glucocorticoid
syndrome hypersecretion due to Cushing’s syndrome hypersecretion due to Cushing’s
syndrome, and exogenous syndrome, and exogenous
glucocorticoid administration glucocorticoid administration
for more than 2 weeks for more than 2 weeks

Opioids ·· Hyopgonadotropic Opioids ·· Hyopgonadotropic

hypogonadism hypogonadism

Tumour ·· Craniopharyngioma, glioma, Inammatory ·· Abscess, meningitis, and

meningioma, ependymoma, disorders encephalitis
germinoma, and intrasellar or Trauma ·· ··
suprasellar metastases, Radiation therapy ·· Craniospinal irradiation in
adenoma, and carcinoma leukaemia and irradiation for
Trauma ·· Pituitary stalk lesions, battered tumours outside the
child syndrome, and vehicular hypothalamic-pituitary area
trauma Surgery ·· ··
Pituitary apoplexy ·· High blood loss or hypotension Tumour ·· Craniopharyngioma, glioma,
(Sheehan’s syndrome) meningioma, ependymoma,
Congenital causes germinoma, and intrasellar or
Aplasia or hypoplasia suprasellar metastases

PROP1 deciency PROP1 Additional deciency of growth Inltrative diseases ·· Sarcoidosis, histiocytosis X,
(262600) hormone, prolactin, thyroid- and haemochromatosis
stimulating hormone, and Congenital causes
luteinising hormone or follicle Septo-optic dysplasia HESX1 Combined pituitary hormone
stimulating hormone, or both (de Morsier Syndrome) (182230) deciency, optic-nerve
LHX4 deciency LHX4 Additional deciency of growth hypoplasia, and midline brain
(262700) hormone, and thyroid- defects
stimulating hormone Corticotropin- ·· ··
SOX3 deciency SOX3 Additional deciencies of releasing hormone
(312000) pituitary hormones deciency
Isolated ACTH deciency
OMIM=Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. *
TBX19 deciency TBX19 Severe neonatal-onset adrenal
(201400) insuciency Table 3: Causes of tertiary adrenal insuciency
Proopiomelanocortin POMC Adrenal insuciency, early-
(609734) onset obesity, and red hair
pigmentation therapeutic agents (eg, interferon alfa,30 pembrolizumab,31
Proprotein PCSK1 Hypoglycaemia, malabsorption, and nivolumab32) have been implicated. The rst sign of
convertase 1 (600955) and hypogonadotropic
an ongoing adrenalitis is the presence of autoantibodies
against 21-hydroxylase.13,33 Prospective follow-up indicated
ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone. OMIM=Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man.
that 28 (25%) of 114 individuals developed overt adrenal
insuciency during a follow-up of 10 years.34 However,
Table 2: Causes of secondary adrenal insuciency in the form of the main eectors are cytotoxic CD8 T cells and helper
pituitary disorders CD4 T cells with reactivities against 21-hydroxylase35,36
that are thought to inltrate and adversely aect the
the diagnosis.22 Although most frequently indicated as adrenal cortex. Adrenocortical cells might be involved in
an autosomal recessive disease, several reports show their own demise by secreting CXCL10, a chemokine that
that dominant inheritance occurs when mutations are attracts T cells.37 Secretion of CXCL10 can be induced
located in certain domains (PHD1 and SAND).23–25 This by a viral infection by way of activating TLR3,38 which
non-classic (and often milder) form of autoimmune provides a tentative mechanism for how viruses can
polyendocrine syndrome type 1 can have autoimmune trigger severe autoimmune reactions.
adrenal insuciency as one of its components and might
show familial aggregation. Other rare causes of mono- Secondary adrenal insuciency
genic autoimmune disease involve mutations in STAT126 The most common cause of secondary adrenal insuf-
and mitochondrial DNA (Kearns-Sayre syndrome).27 ciency is a tumour in the pituitary gland or its
It is assumed that one or more environmental triggers immediate surroundings, with the associated ACTH
start an autoimmune cascade, which can lead to adrenal deciency caused by the tumour itself or its treatment
insuciency in a genetically susceptible individual. The (eg, surgery or radiation therapy). Craniopharyngiomas,
nature of these triggers is largely unknown, but stress- meningiomas, and other intrasellar tumours can also
related mental health disorders,28 viral infections,29 and present with secondary adrenal insuciency. Adrenal Vol 397 February 13, 2021 617


CAH Primary adrenal insuciency is rare; the highest
prevalence has been reported in Nordic countries at

15–22 individuals per 100 000.44–46 Other European

X-ALD countries have numbers of around ten individuals
per 100 000.47,48 A survey from South Korea reported a
prevalence of only 0·4 individuals per 100 000, with
Autoimmune tumours and tuberculosis as the main causes.49 Data are

insucient from countries with high incidences of

tuberculosis and HIV infections.
Tumour Secondary adrenal insuciency is reported in about
0 20 40 60 80 14–28 individuals per 100 000 according to the numbers
Age (years) from Spain4 and the UK,50 representing a mixture of
isolated ACTH insuciency and ACTH insuciency in
Figure 2: Spectrum of adrenal disorders at dierent ages
combination with other pituitary hormone deciencies.
Prevalence at dierent ages of the main causes of adrenal insuciency. Genetic
diseases usually appear in childhood but can have delayed onset. CAH and AHC Around 1% of the population from the UK and the USA
are usually diagnosed in the neonatal period, but milder cases appear later. are treated with glucocorticoids for inammatory or
Primary adrenal insuciency in childhood could be a manifestation of APS-1. immune-mediated conditions.51,52 Daily use of 5 mg or
Autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency and autoimmune polyendocrine
more of prednisolone for longer than 3 weeks might lead
syndrome type 2 typically occur after puberty, specically between the ages of
20 years and 50 years. Milder forms of X-ALD develop into adrenal insuciency to tertiary adrenal insuciency in relation to dose and
in adolescence and adulthood. Haemorrhage and tumours appear most duration, on account of the resultant ACTH deciency.
commonly in older aged individuals. Pituitary tumours can appear at all ages. Opiates can also suppress ACTH release and lead to
AHC=adrenal hypoplasia congenital. APS-1=autoimmune polyendocrine
syndrome type 1. CAH=congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
functional adrenal failure, which is noted in 10–20% of
X-ALD=adrenoleukodystrophy. individuals using daily morphine-equivalent doses of
100 mg or more.53,54
insuciency presents with variable combinations of
other pituitary hormone deciencies, including thyroid Clinical presentation
stimulating hormone, growth hormone, luteinising Primary adrenal insuciency
hormone or follicle stimulating hormone. Diabetes Genetic conditions are the most common cause of primary
insipidus does not occur spontaneously in pituitary adrenal insuciency in neonates (aged 0–4 weeks), infants
adenoma and its presence suggests craniopharyngioma, (aged 0–2 years), and children (aged 2–12 years), including
meningioma, lymphoma, or metastases. congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenoleukodystrophy,
Trauma, pituitary apoplexy in an adenoma, or infarction and congenital adrenal hypoplasia (gure 2). Adrenoleuko-
caused by post-partum blood loss and hypotension (post- dystrophy and congenital adrenal hypoplasia are linked to
partum pituitary gland necrosis) are less common causes the X chromosome and only aect boys. An increasing
of secondary adrenal insuciency than pituitary tumours number of other rare genetic syndromes with or without
and their treatments. Hypophysitis is a rare condition associated multisystem problems have been dened over
that occurs in various forms, and is often related to the past decade (table 1). Most genetic defects can also
pregnancy. Functionally, isolated ACTH deciency or present later in life with mild or atypical disease. In
deciencies of multiple pituitary hormones will occur.39 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, autoimmune
Hypophysitis has become a more frequently observed primary adrenal insuciency presents from about the age
adverse event of immune checkpoint inhibitors.40 of 3 years or older.55 Most of these patients will exhibit
Around 3% of individuals treated with ipilimumab autoantibodies against 21-hydroxylase, and interferon alfa
develop hypophysitis, which often presents with or interferon omega.16 After puberty, autoimmunity is the
headache and hyponatraemia.40 main cause of primary adrenal insuciency in Europe
Numerous rare mutations in transcription factors, and North America. In other parts of the world, infections
hormone-coding genes, and their receptors result in have a larger role, especially tuberculosis, but few surveys
secondary adrenal insuciency alone or in combination have been reported.49,56 In individuals aged 20 years or
with other hormonal defects (table 2).41 Transient or older, haemorrhage due to anticoagulant therapy, trauma
permanent secondary adrenal insuciency is also or antiphospholipid syndrome, primary tumours (eg,
regularly noted after treatment of ACTH-dependent lymphoma) or metastases, or inltrative diseases (eg,
and ACTH-independent forms of Cushing’s syndrome.42 haemochromatosis, Erdheim-Chester disease, and amy-
However, it is less known that a third of patients treated loidosis) causes primary adrenal insuciency57 (gure 2,
with unilateral adrenalectomy for an aldosterone- table 1). Other causative infectious agents include HIV,58,59
producing adenoma develop secondary adrenal insuf- Treponema pallidum,60 Cryptococcus spp, and histoplas-
ciency postoperatively, probably due to concomitant mosis.61 Despite treatment, adrenal insuciency after
autonomous cortisol secretion.43 infections is often irreversible.61

618 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


Autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency typically

has an insidious start, with symptoms such as decreased
appetite and unintentional weight loss, nausea, and
pain in the abdomen, joints, and muscles. Fatigue and
lethargy are prominent. Due to salt loss through the
urine and the ensuing reduction in blood volume, blood
pressure decreases and orthostatic hypotension develops
together with salt craving. Glucocorticoid deciency can
sometimes lead to severe hypoglycaemia, especially in
children.6 The most distinctive feature of autoimmune
primary adrenal insuciency is increased pigmentation
of the skin and mucous membranes, especially on areas
subject to sun exposure and friction, such as the
knuckles, creases in the hand, and elbows (gure 3). The
increased pigmentation is caused by high concentra-
tions of circulating ACTH, which stimulate dermal
melanocortin receptors.
Symptoms progress over the course of months,
sometimes even years. Unfortunately, many patients
with adrenal insuciency are not diagnosed before a
life-threatening adrenal crisis develops.6 It is particularly
hazardous for a young woman with unexplained weight Figure 3: Black and white autoimmunity of the skin
loss to be presumed to have a primary eating disorder, A patient with autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency showing the typical hyperpigmentation of the skin and
without due consideration of a physical cause for weight vitiligo with patchy hypopigmentation on the back and arms (A) and hands (B).
loss. The number of deaths due to undiagnosed adrenal
insuciency is unknown. Data from national registries indicate an approximate
Many patients with primary adrenal insuciency doubling of mortality rate in patients with primary
have associated conditions suggestive of the diagnosis adrenocortical insuciency.9,66 Some of the excess
and cause (table 1, appendix p 2).5,15 Autoimmune thyroid mortality is related to acute adrenal crises, especially
disease, both Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves’ disease, among male individuals younger than 30 years,67 and is
occurs in 50% of patients with primary adrenal insuf- associated with concomitant diseases (eg, diabetes). In a
ciency; type 1 diabetes is present in 10–15% of such 2017 study,68 patients with primary adrenal insuciency
patients in Scandinavian countries but is less frequent and diabetes had an almost four times increased
elsewhere. Coeliac disease is present in about 5% of mortality rate compared with patients with diabetes
patients with primary adrenal insuciency, and auto- alone. Another major cause of death in individuals
immune gastritis with vitamin B12 deciency occurs in with primary adrenal insuciency is cardiovascular dis-
around 10% of those patients. Women with primary ease,9,66,69 especially in women, and this nding is linked
adrenal insuciency are at risk of primary ovarian to high doses of corticosteroid replacement therapy.69
insuciency that can appear as early as the teenage years Scrutiny of prescription databases indicates an overuse
(but usually in their twenties or thirties); overall, this of lipid-lowering and antimicrobial drugs before and
disorder is present in about 10% of patients with primary after diagnosis of primary adrenal insuciency, and
adrenal insuciency.5,15 In contrast to other forms, antihypertensives after diagnosis of primary adrenal
individuals with primary ovarian insuciency caused by insuciency.70,71 This nding supports those of increased
autoimmunity initially seem to retain some follicular frequencies of hypertension, diabetes, and hospital
reserve, which is reected in a normal concentration admission for infectious diseases based on data from a
of anti-müllerian hormone.62 Numerous pregnancies have health insurance database.72
been reported, even after several years of amenorrhoea.63 Other possible complications associated with primary
By contrast, hypogonadism in male individuals is rare. adrenal insuciency are osteoporosis and fractures.
If present, a mild variant of adrenoleukodystrophy Several studies have shown low bone mineral density in
should be considered in male individuals who test individuals with primary adrenal insuciency, especially
negative for 21-hydroxylase autoantibodies. Alternatively, in those treated with synthetic steroids.73 Low bone
hypogonadism might be owing to late-onset congenital mineral density might manifest as established spinal
adrenal hypoplasia or other non-classic steroidogenic osteoporosis with vertebral body deformity and fracture,
enzyme deciencies (table 1). The presence of hypo- despite relatively preserved hip bone mineral density.74
parathyroidism or candida infections should prompt Likewise, the risk of hip fracture is increased in indivi-
investigation for autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome duals with primary adrenal insuciency. Curiously, the
type 1 (gure 4).64,65 highest risk of hip fracture was within the time period of Vol 397 February 13, 2021 619


Adrenal insufficiency?

Confirm abnormally low cortisol

concentration (basal or stimulated,
or both)

Tertiary adrenal
Yes Concurrent or recent steroid use?


Primary adrenal Secondary adrenal

Yes High ACTH? No
insufficiency insufficiency

21-hydroxylase CT adrenal glands MRI pituitary Measure anterior

autoantibodies? pituitary hormones

Yes Normal Enlarged Abnormal Normal Abnormal

Serum VLCFA Steroid profile

Genetic test

Autoimmune Adrenoleuko- CAH, tumour Infiltrative tumour Isolated Combined pituitary

primary adrenal dystrophy, metastasis, or apoplexy ACTH-deficiency hormone deficiency
insufficiency genetic disorder or tuberculosis

Unusual phenotype,
young age, positive
for IFN autoantibody

Yes APS-1

Figure 4: Algorithm for the diagnosis of suspected adrenal insuciency in adults

Unusual phenotype could include hypocalcaemia, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, keratitis, abnormal ngernails or teeth, alopecia, failure to thrive, fever with
rash, or malabsorption. ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone. APS-1=autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1. CAH=congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
IFN=interferon. VLCFA=very long-chain fatty acids.

primary adrenal insuciency diagnosis, which indicates but the eect of adrenal insuciency is dicult to
that factors other than replacement therapy have an discern from the eect of other hormone deciencies
important role in hip fractures.75 If over-replacement with that are often present in these patients. Reduced
glucocorticoids is avoided, bone mineral density is often health-related quality of life is commonly assumed, but
minimally aected, but periodic bone mineral density not proven, to be caused by the inability of standard
measurement is recommended in all patients with replacement therapy to mimic the circadian and ultradian
primary adrenal insuciency.76,77 rhythmicity of cortisol.82
Health-related quality of life was rst systematically Acute adrenal crisis is a life-threatening emergency
examined in patients with primary adrenal insuciency that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. The
by Løvås and colleagues in 2002;8 the study showed that frequencies among patients with primary or secondary
general health and vitality in these patients was reduced. adrenal insuciency are in the range of three to 11
These results have been replicated in a number of per 100 person-years,83–85 even in those patients who
cohorts in dierent European countries,78,79 which also have received patient education from clinicians about
used the adrenal insuciency-specic questionnaire, managing adrenal insuciency.86 Gastroenteritis or food
AddiQoL.80,81 Reduced health-related quality of life results poisoning are the most frequent causes of adrenal crisis,
in reduced employability, indicated by a high proportion followed by infections, surgical and dental procedures,
of patients with primary adrenal insuciency on sick- injuries, myocardial infarction, allergic reactions, severe
ness pensions.5 Health-related quality of life is also hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes, severe psycho-
reduced in patients with secondary adrenal insuciency, logical stress, and treatment abstention in patients who

620 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


are poorly educated in managing adrenal insuciency adrenal insuciency,6 thyroid stimulating hormone was
or not compliant. increased in 79 (52%) of 153 individuals, and hyper-
Symptoms of acute adrenal crisis are profound malaise, kalaemia was present in 82 (34%) of 242 individuals.6
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (sometimes Thus, unexplained hyponatraemia should always trigger
with peritoneal irritation), headache, muscle pain or the consideration of adrenal insuciency.
cramps, and dehydration, which lead to hypotension and Once adrenal insuciency is suspected, adrenocortical
shock. Impaired cognitive function, including confusion, function should be assessed (gure 4). In many cases, a
loss of consciousness, and coma, is common during paired assay of serum cortisol and ACTH indicating low
adrenal crisis. Hyponatraemia, hyperkalaemia, and cortisol concentration (often less than 100 nmol/L) and
increased concentrations of creatinine caused by prerenal an ACTH concentration double the upper reference
failure, hypoglycaemia (especially in children), and some- limit is sucient to diagnose adrenal insuciency.
times mild hypercalcaemia is typical during adrenal Furthermore, low aldosterone and high renin concentra-
crisis. Severely ill patients might present with normal tions or high plasma renin activity and low dehydroepi-
serum potassium and sodium, due to intense vomiting androsterone sulphate concentrations are also helpful
with loss of potassium and dehydration. indications of adrenal insuciency.77 In secondary
and tertiary adrenal insuciency, a morning cortisol
Secondary and tertiary adrenal insuciency concentration of less than 83 nmol/L is considered
Secondary adrenal insuciency is usually milder than diagnostic; however, concentrations between 83 nmol/L
primary adrenal insuciency in the sense that and 400 nmol/L should prompt cosyntropin stimulation
mineralocorticoid production is intact and adrenal testing.90 We recommend the standard 250 µg test,
insuciency is partial. However, hormone deciencies measuring cortisol samples at 30 min and 60 min. Serum
other than ACTH can inuence and even dominate cortisol concentrations of 412 nmol/L at 30 min and
the clinical picture. A study from the UK reported a 485 nmol/L at 60 min are dened as the lower limits of
standardised mortality ratio of 1·87 related to cardio- a normal response with liquid chromatography tandem
vascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases, mass spectrometry.91 Many individuals who did not
whereas data from the KIMS registry (Pzer International reach the threshold at 30 min will do so at 60 min.91
Metabolic Database) showed a lower, but still signicantly Thus, we recommend testing at 30 min and 60 min after
increased, standardised mortality ratio of 1·13 in cosyntropin administration to avoid overdiagnosis of
individuals with growth hormone deciency.50,87 The adrenal insuciency. When relying on immunoassays,
standardised mortality ratio was higher in patients with 500 nmol/L of cortisol is often used as the threshold.
non-functioning pituitary adenoma requiring more A potential pitfall is pregnancy and oral oestrogen
than 20 mg hydrocortisone per day than in those patients treatment, which can lead to increased corticosteroid-
that required 20 mg daily or no hydrocortisone,88 sug- binding globulin concentrations and subsequently
gesting a possible role of glucocorticoid over-replacement mask adrenal insuciency. Conversely, a number of
in mortality. conditions, including inammation, sepsis, cirrhosis,
Adrenal insuciency secondary to steroid treatment and polymorphisms in the SERPINA6 gene encoding
is a heterogeneous group of conditions, because many corticosteroid-binding globulin, reduce the concentration
individuals with this type of secondary adrenal insuf- of corticosteroid-binding globulin.92
ciency paradoxically have Cushingoid features as a
consequence of pharmacological steroid treatment.2 Causative diagnosis
Concomitant administration of drugs that inhibit Once adrenal insuciency is diagnosed, it is mandatory
glucocorticoid metabolism (eg, ritonavir and itraconazole) to determine the cause (gure 4). In cases of acquired
can lead to profound adrenal suppression, even with use primary adrenal insuciency, clinicians recommend
of local and topical steroids. Gradual steroid withdrawal to test for 21-hydroxylase autoantibodies,13,77 which are
over several months allows many individuals to regain commercially available.93 If positive, the diagnosis of
adrenal function. The standard cosyntropin (ACTH1–24) autoimmune primary adrenal insuciency is estab-
stimulation test can be used to assess the chance of lished. Autoantibody assay by immunouorescence is
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis recovery.89 less sensitive and less specic than the 21-hydroxylase
autoantibody assay, and not standardised. Patients
Diagnosis should be screened for related conditions, such as
Evaluation of adrenocortical function autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, coeliac
The primary challenge in evaluating adrenocortical disease, and autoimmune gastritis, at diagnosis and
function is for clinicians to be constantly vigilant for annual follow-ups (appendix p 3).77 In patients younger
adrenal insuciency. Once suspected, it is usually easy than 20 years, autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome
to clinically conrm or refute the clinical suspicion. type 1 should always be considered.65 Steroid side-chain
A survey indicated that hyponatraemia was present cleavage enzyme autoantibodies are associated with
in 207 (84%) of 247 individuals with undiagnosed autoimmune premature ovarian insuciency, and the Vol 397 February 13, 2021 621


presence of these autoantibodies might indicate a risk Cortisone acetate has a slightly delayed onset of action
of developing ovarian insuciency.94 because it needs to be activated to hydrocortisone by
If autoantibodies against 21-hydroxylase are absent, hepatic 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11βHSD)
a broader diagnostic approach can be used, guided by type 1. Hydrocortisone is the preferred medication to
the clinical presentation (gure 4). CT imaging is useful treat adrenal insuciency in most countries, and data
to diagnose infections, tumours, and bleeding, each from the European Adrenal Insuciency Registry
of which have specic imaging features. All male (EU-AIR) study showed that 1029 (87%) of 1166 European
individuals should have their serum tested for very patients with primary adrenal insuciency or secondary
long-chain fatty acids to diagnose adrenoleukodys- adrenal insuciency were using this treatment.100
trophy or adrenomyeloneuropathy, which are caused by Normal functioning adrenal glands produce between
defects in the ABCD1 gene. Conditions with clear 5 mg and 10 mg of cortisol per m2 body surface area in
clinical phenotypes, such as X-linked congenital adrenal a day,101 which (allowing for incomplete intestinal
hypoplasia due to NR0B1 mutations, triple A syndrome absorption) is equivalent to an oral replacement dose of
(with achalasia and alacrimia),95 and Kearns-Sayre 15–25 mg hydrocortisone per day for an adult. In
syndrome (with ophthalmoplegia and myopathy),27 can children, an optimal dose based on body surface area is
be diagnosed by sequencing the relevant genes. 8–10 mg/m² per day. Small and frequent dosing gives a
However, because genetic changes can present with more physiological plasma cortisol prole. Most adults
overlapping phenotypes,96 next-generation sequencing take two or three doses of hydrocortisone daily, but
panels, or even whole-genome sequencing, are some prefer four or even more. The rst and largest
increasingly used. dose should be taken as soon as the patient is awake,
If secondary adrenal insuciency is diagnosed, the and the last dose should be taken 4–6 h before bedtime
status of other pituitary hormones must be assessed to avoid sleep disturbances. Evening hydrocortisone
together with MRI of the pituitary region, to detect the dosing has been associated with insulin resistance and
presence of a tumour or other inltrative processes should be avoided (panel).102 The increase in area under
(eg, lymphocytic hypophysitis or granulomatous inl- the curve and maximum serum concentrations of
tration). Isolated ACTH deciency is a diagnosis of cortisol with increasing doses is linear but not
exclusion, and all patients will require an MRI. In proportional.103 Thus, there is little advantage in taking
children, it is important to consider the many genetic a morning hydrocortisone dose greater than 10 mg
causes (eg, PROP1 deciency) and other conditions often because blood cortisol concentrations are not sub-
associated with multiple pituitary hormone deciency stantially increased by taking single doses higher than
(table 2). this.104
For drug-induced adrenal insuciency, not all cases Treatment with modied-release hydrocortisone once
will be immediately apparent, and a detailed history daily (15–25 mg) might be considered for patients who do
must be taken, including use of dermal, inhaled, and not feel well despite attempts to optimise conventional
injected steroids. Additionally, opiates are the second therapy.105 Benecial metabolic eects on weight, blood
most common drugs to cause adrenal insuciency, and pressure, and glucose concentrations have been reported
clinicians need to be alert that recreational opioid users in patients with adrenal insuciency taking modied-
are unlikely to be accessing these drugs on prescription. release hydrocortisone.105–108 Conversely, treatment of
adrenal insuciency with prednisolone might result in
Treatment more dyslipidaemia and reduced bone mineral content
Patients with primary adrenal insuciency are decient compared with standard replacement with hydro-
in glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids and require cortisone.109,110 Smith and colleagues111 claim that prednis-
replacement of both, together with salt intake as needed. olone is not associated with a worse metabolic prole
By contrast, individuals with ACTH deciency due to than hydrocortisone, if given in doses of 3–5 mg daily.
pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunction after exogenous Notably, in many parts of the world, prednisolone
steroid use usually require only glucocorticoid replace- is currently the only treatment option for adrenal
ment. Patients with primary adrenal insuciency and insuciency. Evidence was presented that, compared
patients with ACTH deciency also have androgen with immediate-release hydrocortisone, modied-release
deciency, but the benets of androgen replacement are hydrocortisone confers an improvement of a putative
less clearly dened.97–99 proinammatory state108 and promotes normalisation of
the expression of clock genes.112 Given that the morning
Glucocorticoid replacement peak of cortisol has the same timing whether immediate-
Glucocorticoids are secreted into the systemic release or modied-release hydrocortisone is given,
circulation in an ultradian and circadian manner, further investigation is required. A paediatric granular
reaching a peak in the morning and a nadir at midnight formulation of hydrocortisone has been developed to
(gure 1). The standard choice of glucocorticoid tailor hydrocortisone doses in infants, children,
treatment is oral hydrocortisone or cortisone acetate. and adolescents up to the age of 18 years (panel).113

622 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


Panel: Treatment of adrenal insuciency and adrenal crisis

Treatment of adrenal insuciency infusion, or frequent intravenous or intramuscular
• Hydrocortisone (hydrocortisone is available in regular tablets, boluses of 50 mg every 6 h
modied-release formulation to be given once daily [5 mg • ≤1 years: 25 mg bolus, 25–30 mg/day, procedure as
and 20 mg], and as capsules for children [as 0·5 mg, 1·0 mg, above
2·0 mg, and 5·0 mg capsules]) • 1–6 years: 50 mg bolus, 50–60 mg/day, procedure as
• Tablets above
• Adults (18 years or older): 10–25 mg daily (eg, • >6 years: 100 mg bolus, 100 mg/day, procedure as
10·0 mg + 5·0 mg; 7·5 mg + 5·0 mg + 2·5 mg, above
10·0 mg + 5·0 mg + 2·5 mg, 10·0 mg + 10·0 mg, • Intravenous substitution of uids
10·0 mg + 5·0 mg + 5·0 mg, or • Adults (18 years or older): 3–4 L of 0·9% saline or
10·0 mg + 5·0 mg + 5·0 mg + 5·0 mg) 5% dextrose in isotonic saline, with an initial infusion
• Children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age): rate of approximately 1 L per h; frequent haemodynamic
8–10 mg/m² (in three to four doses, 50–66% as monitoring and measurement of serum electrolytes is
morning dose) required to avoid uid overload
• Modied-release • Children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age):
• Adults (18 years or older): 15–25 mg once daily 0·9% sodium chloride, 20 mL/kg bolus intravenously
• Capsules given over 30–60 min (which is repeated until
• Children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age): circulation is restored); remaining decit is replaced with
8–10 mg/m² (in three to four doses, 50–66% as maintenance uid over 24–48 h (with 0·9% sodium
morning dose) chloride and 5% glucose)
• Cortisone acetate tablets • Hypoglycaemia can be treated with an intravenous
• Adults (18 years or older): 12·5–37·5 mg daily bolus of 10% dextrose 2–5 mL/kg under blood glucose
• Fludrocortisone tablets (only in primary adrenal insuciency) monitoring
• Adults (18 years or older): 0·05–0·20 mg once daily • Treatment of intercurrent illness
(most commonly 0·1 mg) • The cause of adrenal crisis should be diagnosed and
• Older children and adolescents (aged 6–17 years): treated if relevant; admission to the intensive care or
0·075–0·100 mg/m² once daily high-dependency unit should be considered
• Children (aged 1–12 years): 0·100–0·150 mg/m² once daily • Prevention
• Infants (up to the age of 2 years): 0·150 mg/m² once daily • Teach self-administration of parenteral steroids
(eg, intramuscular injection of hydrocortisone)
Treatment of adrenal crisis
• Vaccination against inuenza; pneumococcus (>60 years
• Hydrocortisone
of age)
• Adults (18 years or older): 100 mg bolus intravenously
• Provide steroid card to each patient (eg, appendix p 5)
given immediately, followed by 200 mg/day continuous

Dexamethasone is not indicated for replacement therapy reduced. In cases when malabsorption is suspected,
due to its long half-life and associated high risk of serum cortisol114,115 or salivary cortisone116 day concentra-
Cushingoid side-eects. tion curves might be useful to guide dosing. Finally,
Concentrations of plasma ACTH and serum cortisol subcutaneous pump treatment is an option, and the only
are not useful parameters to assess the adequacy of eective way of reconstituting the circadian variation in
glucocorticoid replacement. Generally, nausea, poor cortisol.117–120
appetite, weight loss, and increased skin pigmentation
suggest under-replacement with glucocorticoid. By Mineralocorticoid replacement
contrast, weight gain, insomnia, cutaneous infections, Most patients with primary adrenal insuciency will
and glucose intolerance indicate over-replacement. require mineralocorticoid and salt replacement to
Some people report poor stamina, fatigue, headache, or ameliorate sodium depletion, which manifests as light-
somnolence only at certain times of the day. Changing headedness and salt craving, postural hypotension,
the timing of doses (ideally to as early as possible in hyponatraemia, and hyperkalaemia. Emerging evidence
the morning, even 2–3 h before getting out of bed) indicates that mineralocorticoid deciency is associated
and dividing into more frequent smaller doses can with low mood and reduced cognition.121 Aldosterone
be eective. Given that even subtle overdosing with deciency is treated with udrocortisone replacement, in
glucocorticoids predisposes to complications, such as a once daily morning dose typically 0·05–0·20 mg,
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis in the long although young children require higher relative doses per
term, it is worth exploring whether doses could be safely body surface area due to relative aldosterone resistance. Vol 397 February 13, 2021 623


People who are physically active frequently need higher other biochemistry for precipitating causes (such as
doses than sedentary older people, and patients should bacterial or viral infections) should be done if possible,
be advised to take salt as needed and to ignore health but therapy must be initiated immediately, even if
recommendations to avoid salt intake. Individuals with tests cannot be carried out (panel). Fast intravenous
ACTH deciency due to pituitary or hypothalamic administration of 100 mg hydrocortisone is important
disease, or suppression after taking exogenous steroids, to saturate 11βHSD type 2, thereby obtaining a desired
do not need mineralocorticoid replacement. mineralocorticoid eect. The administration of 0·9%
Fludrocortisone under-replacement is common,5 and saline (initially 1 L over 1 h) and treatment of any
is sometimes compensated by over-replacement of precipitating conditions is equally important. Saline
glucocorticoids,122 which could predispose patients to infusion at a slower rate with parenteral hydrocortisone
comorbidities of hypercortisolaemia.69 Mineralocorti- administered as a continuous intravenous infusion
coid replacement is evaluated clinically by asking of 200 mg per day (or as 50 mg four times a day)
the patient about persistent salt cravings or light- should be continued for 24–48 h until the patient can
headedness, measuring blood pressure in the supine take oral medication. Continuous infusion seems to
and standing positions, and identifying the presence of best mimic the cortisol response to major stress128
peripheral oedema. It is common to measure con- (panel).
centrations of renin or plasma renin activity to evaluate To prevent future adrenal crises, it is important to
mineralocorticoid dose and aim for a value between the determine the medical and behavioural causes precipi-
upper reference range and double the upper reference tating each crisis, including treatment compliance and
range. However, the association between mineralo- salt consumption. Additionally, patients should be
corticoid dose and renin activity is complex and advised to have an annual inuenza immunisation,
dependent on the time of day, body position, and vaccination for pneumococci when older than 60 years,
medication intake. Therefore, renin values are often not and to take particular care to inform health-care prac-
helpful to evaluate an individual patient.123 titioners of their steroid dependency during any
Diuretics and drugs that aect blood pressure medical or dental procedures. The introduction of
and electrolytes might interact with udrocortisone. education courses for patients with adrenal insuf-
Liquorice and grapefruit juice potentiate the mineralo- ciency, provision of parenteral hydrocortisone directly
corticoid eect of hydrocortisone and should be to patients, and the creation of a European emergency
avoided. Essential hypertension in a patient with card for cortisol deciency for children and adults (now
primary adrenal insuciency should be treated with an translated into numerous languages; appendix p 5)129
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or a calcium are important measures to reduce the risks of adrenal
channel blocker, not by stopping the mineralocorticoid crisis (panel).
replacement, although a dose reduction should be
considered.124 Dose adjustments and sick day rules
Patients with adrenal insuciency who are steroid
Adrenal androgen replacement dependent for any reason need to adjust their daily dose
Adrenal androgen deciency occurs in primary adrenal of glucocorticoid during intercurrent illness or severe
insuciency and secondary adrenal insuciency, psychological stress. In the case of an infection causing
which leads to loss of secondary sexual hair in women. a temperature greater than 38·5°C, u-like illness,
Several randomised studies have examined the eects diarrhoea, or an upper respiratory tract infection, the
of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in adrenal daily dose of glucocorticoid should be doubled over 24 h
insuciency. Overall, benecial subjective eects of in adults and increased to 30 mg/m² per day (divided in
dehydroepiandrosterone are minor,99 but doses between four doses) in children. Vomiting or severe diarrhoea
10 mg and 25 mg daily could improve libido and also represent important hazards to patients with
emotional and mental wellbeing.97,125,126 Dehydro- adrenal insuciency who might not be able to keep
epiandrosterone is also converted to oestrogen, giving a down their necessary daily medication long enough to
currently unquantied risk of oestrogen-sensitive absorb it.
cancers, cardiovascular disease, and venous embolism.
Long-term safety data are insucient, and a recent Steroid replacement during surgery and medical
Endocrine Society guideline recommends against procedures
routine use.127 Patients with adrenal insuciency need to increase
their steroid doses during surgery and medical
Treatment of adrenal crisis procedures according to the degree of stress induced.
Treatment of patients who present with a possible We advise the patients to use the recommendations
adrenal crisis should not be delayed by diagnostic developed by the UK’s Addison’s disease Self-Help
procedures. Blood testing for serum sodium, potas- Group and Addison’s disease Clinical Advisory Panel
sium, creatinine, urea, glucose, cortisol, ACTH, and (appendix p 6).

624 Vol 397 February 13, 2021


Steroid replacement in pregnancy used in prostate cancer can cause glucocorticoid

Pregnancy is associated with a gradual, but pronounced, deciency and mineralocorticoid excess.136 Liquorice
physiological increase in corticosteroid-binding globulin inhibits 11βHSD type 2, which protects the renal
and total serum cortisol concentrations. Free cortisol mineralocorticoid receptor from cortisol, and concurrent
concentrations rise during the third trimester, resulting use with glucocorticoids can lead to oedema, hyper-
in an increased requirement for hydrocortisone (by tension, and hypokalaemia. Grapefruit juice inhibits
2·5 mg to 10·0 mg daily).130 Serum progesterone has cytochrome P450 3A4 and induces intestinal drug
anti-mineralocorticoid eects, and hence the udro- transporters, increasing the availability of hydrocortisone
cortisone dose often needs to be increased in the third and enhancing its eects.137
trimester.131 Plasma renin activity is not a good parameter
for udrocortisone dose adjustment in this scenario Future prospects
because the plasma renin activity physiologically Patients still die of adrenal crisis, which should be
increases during pregnancy, leaving evaluation of salt entirely preventable, and many patients probably develop
cravings, blood pressure, and serum electrolytes as the an adrenal crisis before the diagnosis of adrenal
best means for dosage monitoring. A 2020 survey of insuciency is recognised. Therefore, physicians must
pregnancies in adrenal insuciency showed that, be educated to recognise adrenal insuciency earlier so
although the glucocorticoid dose was increased in that a diagnosis can be made before a crisis develops.
78 (66%) of 128 pregnant women during the second and Current treatment is not curative, but merely attempts to
third trimester, for many this was not the case. Most replace physiological cortisol concentrations, which is a
women did not need to increase mineralocorticoid challenge in itself given the ne-tuned physiological
replacement.132 During delivery, a bolus dose of 100 mg circadian and ultradian variation in cortisol concentra-
parenteral hydrocortisone should be given and continued tions. Well-designed double-blind randomised studies
with 50 mg boluses or continuous infusion every 6 h that compare current medication regimens are overdue.
(appendix p 6). In the long term, treatment aimed at stopping and
possibly reversing autoimmune destruction is desired.
Dosing in various situations There are reports that around 15–30% of patients retain
No evidence exists to show that extra dosing improves some corticosteroid production, even years after diag-
physical activity,133 but many patients report a need for nosis.138,139 However, the clinical signicance of this is
extra dosing during stressful situations and extended currently unclear. Studies using rituximab to inhibit
physical activity, including unaccustomed exercise, B cells140 or chronic stimulation by cosyntropin141 have
a race, or a sporting competition. In such cases, been able to revamp adrenocortical function in isolated
2·5–5·0 mg hydrocortisone before the start of exercise cases. Production of autologous stem cells is another
and repeated doses every 2–4 h during the exertion can promising approach. Transplantation of adrenocortical
be useful. Endurance athletes might also need to tissue is feasible and has been done with kidney
increase udrocortisone doses or take additional salt transplantation in a patient with adrenal insuciency
during prolonged exertion, particularly in hot climates. secondary to meningococcal septicaemia.142 Future tissue
Similarly, patients travelling to hot environments engineering strategies and insight into the pathophysio-
might require increased doses of udrocortisone or logy of adrenal insuciency, especially autoimmune
increased salt intake, or both. Furthermore, patients primary adrenal insuciency, should enable the delivery
who work night shifts need to adjust their dose of immunomodulatory and regenerative therapies in
schedule according to the work pattern (eg, take 10 mg the future.
on waking before work, and not at the usual morning Contributors
time). ESH, SHP, NPK, and OK planned, wrote, and revised the text. ESH edited
the nal paper and led the work.
Drug and xenobiotic interactions Declaration of interests
Azoles, such as ketoconazole, and the anaesthetic drug ESH reports grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, personal fees
from Shire, personal fees from Thermo Fisher Scientic, and
etomidate inhibit steroidogenesis. Several tyrosine non-nancial support from GlaxoSmithKline, outside of the submitted
kinase inhibitors are also reported to lower cortisol work. SHP reports grants from the Medical Research Council, UK,
concentration, which should prompt monitoring of personal fees from Shire, and grants from EU-FP7, during the study.
patients on these drugs.134 Hepatic steroid metabolism SHP also reports personal fees from Merck Serono, Quidel, and Apitope,
outside of the submitted work. NPK reports grants from the Medical
might be inuenced by carbamazepine, phenytoin, Research Council, UK, the International Fund Congenital Adrenal
topiramate, and rifampicin or rifabutin, which all induce Hyperplasia, the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the National
the CYP3A4 enzyme, accelerating cortisol metabolism. Institute for Health Research Rare Disease Translational Research
Conversely, individuals taking the antiretroviral drug Collaboration, outside of the submitted work. NPK also reports
consultancy fees from Diurnal, Neurocrine Biosciences, outside of the
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