span of life

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Gomndu Sri Rama Murthi



Sri B. V. RAMAN, D. SC. F.R.CS., M.R.A.C.S..

The Editor:
I have great pleasure to write a few words by way of a preface
to this book "SPAN OF LIFE" Mr. SRI RAMA MURTHI, has been
a keen student of Astrology for Several years, and appears to have
made quite ad detailed study of the various aspects of
Mathematical, and Predictive Methods. In the book under notice,
he has tried to present before the educated public the different
methods : both mathematical and predictive of determining
Longevity. The question of Longevity has always been a hard nut
to crack. No amount of Astrological knowledge can enable an
astrologer to correctly anticipate the length of life of a person, unless
he has developed the power of intuition which should be coupled
with experience of having examined a number of horoscopes. For
any student of Astrology the present work will unfold
systematically and in a simple manner some of the most important
principles of Astrology, bearing on the determination of the SPAN
OF LIFE. Any person familiar with general Astrological concepts
can readily understand the contents.
I have been in the field of Astrological investigation for over
Twenty years and it is my conviction that whilst it is not possible
to fix up the exact longevity on the basis of any particular
mathematical method, principles bearing on Galarishta and
determination of Maraka according to Vimsottary Dasas could be
universally applied.
I commend this publication to all students of Astrology and
wish the author every success in his venture. I hope Sri Ramainurthi
will be able to bring out quite a number of publications, on aspects
of Astrology not hitherto touched by others.

5-11-1949 (Sd) B.V. RAMAN,


Sr.! SIDDHESH WAR HOTA, m.a. o.e s , m r a s,


The books SPAN OF LIFE, is a Monograph of Research in the
field of Astrology. A subjectof thorough study in tlie Western World
at present. Planets have the predominating influence upon the
human destiny which is here calculated through the Longitude,
Latitude, and Declinations of Planets, and the natural conjunctions
with stars on Planetary orbit. It has the origin in antiquity and the
scientific explanation of the author, has unveiled the superstition
upon the whole superstructure of Astrology. I believe that the idea
of Divinity has made our ancients to find out the wider cosmic
world, through the human life is short and full of worldly miseries.
The revential awe has forced the HINDUS proclaim: TWAPA

" I shall do what the Almighty will inspire in my heart" The

gospel of Truth has been felt in human life where each man is an
outcome of his former Birth and action, and in course of time being
entangled clothed and imprisoned through materialism; the soul
wants to get off Ore invincible cycles of Karma or Destiny ", This
idea led the ancients and the author of the book to realise the truth
of astrology in the present scientific age, to remove the narrow
limitation of ignorance.
The present volume itself is a scientific treatise of study and
the chief characteristics of fixation of the human longevity, of all
stages (Alpa, Madhya, Pumayu) through diversity of planets and
stars. Every thing varies due to different situations of heavenly
bodies through space and time. The period of human life is the
most startling and the essential study of a Horoscope, where the
direct and indirect influences of planets and stars are reflected.
With the wide experience of the author the scientific particulars of

The introduction I gave to the first Edition was an elaborate

one. In this - second edition - a few alterations were made. These
FIRSTLY: The chapter VII of the 1st edition is altogether
avoided and in lieu an elaborate chapter with the latest findings of
Jaiminy on Longevity are incorporated with examples and
illustrations encompassed - to leaveno room f ordoubt to the reader.
SECONDLY: Chapter XIII Dhundirajah on Infant HoroScopes
- is a fresh chapter added in this edition. Chapter XIV is another
new addition. It deals with Star-lore as will enable one to fix up
Longevity. It is quite useful one for the student. For incorporation
into a Second Edition, the material under Chapter XIV was sent to us
two decades ago by one gentleman-after he had our first edition,
though we kept the matter in tact and presented here in; Having
lost his address, we are unable to thank him personally.
These are the few changes that are made over the first Edition.
We will be failing in bur duty if we do not express our hearty
thanks to Sri M. S. Krishnamachary AvL, for the preface he gave to
this edition. Then our thanks are due to Sri T. S. Vaidyanathan,
Avl. of Ranga Printers, Madras-14 and his staff for the neat
execution in printing this Edition and for their untiring effort and
work in bringing this out—so fine.
Before, we bring this note to a conclusion we have to say that
the first edition was reviewed in the press - all over the world - that
it is a marvellous achievement. Therefore, with the additional
material provided, we believe it will be serving the cause of
ASTROLOGY, in a very fitting way.
With this hope, let me introduce our reader to the study.


Dt, 12th Dec, 1970. Author.


The book is placed before the readers so as to give them a
comprehensive view of "SPAN OF LIFE" from an astrological point
of view. Several astrological writers of the present day promised
to bring forth a book of the type; but I did it in my own way. •
The Arrangement :
The arrangement of chapters is such that it is easy to proceed
from less easy to more difficult methods in the regular order of its
pages except that the last chapter may have direct concern with
Chapters I and 11. Yet it is kept to the last for the reason that it sets
forth a method peculiar and uncommon. It is rather akin to so Be
principles of Vedhas set forth in the Sarvato Bhadra Cbakr a clmtrn
To the beginner :
I have not dealt with fundamentals of a Horoscope casting if
you can cast a Horoscope with planetary (Nirayana) Geocentric
Longitudes and know the fundamental principles of Astrology, you
can commence to sfiidi/ the book in the serial order. I will most
gladly attend to clear any of your doubts. Such an enquiry is
welcome I assure you that I attempted to be as clear and explanatory
as possible.
To the advanced-reader :
I may mention that except these pages are clothed in English
language, I have not deviated from the path of ancient Hindu
Astrological writers. Sages say that the highest of a "Span of Life"
we arrive at, will have to be taken as the final grant. But it is always
open to us to consider a case from all angles; Dasas, Gochara,
Mathematical calculation, and a Yoga fixing life for a paiticular
year Synchronise, then only death has to be predicted.
Otherwise it is always safe to take the highest as the final. As
an advanced reader you now how well this works in practice. This
is the view of Bhattaotpala (Varaha Mihira's critic and
commentator). I request you to apply the principles given in these


It is gratifying,to note that Mr. Sri Ramamurti, the veteran well-

known astrologer, has at last brought out his second edition of the
book 'SPAN of LIFE' after pressing demand from the astrological
public. Introducing the learned author to the astrological public is
carrying goal to New Castle. His profound knowledge in the Hindu
astrological science is well displayed in the well-arranged pages of
this book.
The unique feature in the Hindu system of astrology is the
determination of probable period of longevity of an individual by
a sort of mathematical computation. In this direction the ancient
stalvarts applied their heads strenuously and devised several
methods of arriving at results; though this part of divination was
most difficult on account of the operation of Law of Knrma. These
diverse methods are found scattered in various ancient texts. The
author spared no pains to collect all these materials from these
sources so as to present in a single book in a compact manner, for
which due credit has to be given. He has enlarged the subject in his
second edition by supplying some more additional information.
It may be found in actual life that there are many instances of
demise beyond the regions of mathematical computation like
Balarishta Yogas (combinations for Infantile mortality). This aspect
has been extenstively dealt by the author in thiu book by culling
more information from several sources. Similarly the typical
combinations for deaths in the respective years of life have been
neatly brought out. Nakshatra Ayurdaya, Pinda Ayurdaya, Amsa
Ayurdaya, Ashtakavarga Ayurdaya, Gochara Ayurdaya, Dasa
Antardasa Ayurdeya and Jaimini's system of Ayurdeya are all
completely explained with illustrations. Besides these, the author
has furnished rare information about the Pathaki Arishta method
more used by Orissa astrologers. In short, the learned author has
very well exhausted the subject In a concise and clear manner so as
to be of use to everyone. It is earnestly hoped that this useful and
much longed-for book will be very well received by the astrological
Madras S. Kannan

the Dusta Nakshatras,TithiSandhi LagnaSandhi, liva RatriSandhi

in the twelve houses with the combinations of planets have been
clearly depicted in consonance with the theories of the ancients
and the practical examples have made more clear, — especially the
discussion on the puzzling Balarishta Yoga.
The limit of Madhyarishta Yoga is accepted upto twenty years
and the nature of discussion of influence of birth lord in Kendras,
Drekkanas. Kendra-Vyatrikta-Sthanas, (other than Kendras) is a
subject of intellectual study for the Astrologers and the interested
persons. The author has taken particular interest in illustrating
methods of calculation from the celestial longitudes of planets for
the modern readers. The Hindu Nirayana longitude is the helping
key, for finding out the different periods of each planet with sepcial
reference to the 'Span of Life' and his discussion of determining
the human age through 'Harana Samskara' is a new type of
argument and it gives the clue to exact fixation of the amount of
life granted by each planet. The method of determination of Lagna
Ayurdayam, Grahadatta Pindayurdayam has been explained
through practical examples and various quotations of the andents.
The author has taken special interest of discussing Maharshi
Jaimini's Method of longevity by permutation and combination of
Chara, Sthira and Dwiswabhava signs. The astounding system of
Astakvarga, Trikona reduction, Ekadipatya Sodhana and the units,
tens and hundreds of Grahagunakara, with illustrations have been
discussed in clear and simple style. The planets in combust,
debilitation and retrogression cause differences in the grant of
longevity of human life. The Gochara Ayurdayam and the Gulika
sign have been fully illustrated scientifically. The author has
explained also the continuous and stimulus effect of the revolution
of planets round the Sun and they give rise to stimulation of radio
active disintegration. Therefore, he is of opinion of analysing the
natural phenomenon which is responsible to create spasmodic
biological variation and the changes of a psycho-physiological
character on human longevity.
The Dasa, Anthardasa, and Pratyanthardasa system is to be
mainly studied for the determination of Maraka Dasa i.e., the Death
- inflicting - planet - Period. In this connection the author has given
importance on studying the different planetary Bhavas. It is a
fascinating and useful echo for the eternal taste of flowing Nectar
of the invigorating stream of Astrology running down the hill of

To sum up, the truth of this volume is to realise the immediate
and successive result of Human life, die beauty and the harmony
of the Univeree and the unending bounty of Providence. The book
is good enough to give dear understanding of the astrological
sdonce to the young and old alike. This to be placed before so many
graduates of our Universities for critical study, and I hope
ultimately that the sdence of astrology will attract the educationists
of our country to make this subject of essential and compulsory
study from the view point University Examinations. The author is
creditably successful in dealing with various aspects of 'Span of
life'and I hope to get more books in this practical, essence in future,
from him.


Balasoie College,
1 -7-49 (Sd) Prof. SIDHERSH WAR HOTA

pages to a few horoscopes you have in your knapsack. I will be

very glad to have your cooperation to enable me to place the best
material before the readers, with your crystalized experience, in
the subsequent editions.
To the Professional Astrologer :
I believe this will serve you as handy text book as your
companion I know, you are aware that Longevity has to be
determined before examining the Raja Yogas and their influence
on a nativity. With this book in your hands you can quickly work-
out the "Span of Life" of a nativity. I am sure that its use to you in
everyday practice is of no small magnitude. It will be seen that
wherever possible I coupled science with practice. In this connection
I wish to add that I advocated the "Thrikona Sodhana" in
Ashtakavarga as is practised in our parts—the Sampradaya is cared
more. When you read my discussion you will know of it more.
Any reader is at liberty to advocate his own method, as it suits
To the Overseas Reader.
Please have a Horoscope prepared with planetary longitudes
on the NIRAYANA basis This is nothing but the planets' longitude
per a modern Ephemeris as one of Rapaels, ex-preciss$m of the
equinoxes. With the Nirayana chart of the heavens before you, you
can study these pages. For all practical purposes you can take a
chart and study to apply the principles while studying
configurations (Yogas) or mathematical working with Nirayana
Geocentric Longtides. I am simply placing this before you with a
view to show that India is rich in such lore and perhaps this book
is but after all a speck in the ocean of Astrological literature for
which India is the seat since ages.
To every one:
Every system was experimented by me with a number of cases.
Each method is unique and capital advantage can perhaps be made
out of every system.
The Balarishta Span is given hereunder for the various
countries: —
India generally upto 24 years
Bengal 22
Orissa 20 "


Mithila 22 "
Tropical zone of Africa 18
Kanya Kubja 24 "
British Isles and cold, countries 16
China, Japan and Far East etc. 21 "
This information is given to us by (late) Sarvgnya Sriman
Mrityanjaya Tripati Mahasaya (of Besi).
This book is meant to convince the modemers that astrology is
as good a science of practical use to every one as any other science,
provided that pains are taken to investigate into its grand truths
propounded by the ancient intellectual giants—the Maharshis of
India. If this little Volume can lift the veil of criticism on Astrology
and if the readers can appreciate and understand that there is truth
in the scientific principles of Astrology, I consider that my pains
are amply remmunerated.

Tekkali, (Sd.) G. SRI RAM MURTHI,

1-12-1949. Author.

Balarishta Combinations 131 -

Explanation of Balarishta—Sandhi, Kalas, Dangerous

(1) Nakshatra Sandhi (2) Births in 14 Evil Constellations (3)
Thithi Sandhi (4) Lagna Sandhi (3) Diva Ratri Sandhi 9 Planets in
Bhavas cause Balarishta from Sun onwards. 10,11,12,13,16,17,
22, 23,24,25,26,33,37,39,40 to 48,50,51,54,55,56,57,58; 60,61,
62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74 to 79, 81,83 to 86,108 to 121,123,124,
125-An early grave. (14) 6th, 8th, or 12th year (15a) 8th year (15b)
3rd year (18) Within a year (19) Baneful degrees of Moon's
Longtitude. Degrees represent years of life. (20) Destruction of the
child (21) Danger to child (26) Death in the 5th year-combination.
(27) Before 7 years (28) 12 years of life (29) 4 years of life (30) 9
years (31,32) 10th year or 11 year (34) 12th year (35) 10th or 40th
year (36) 12th year(38) 9th year (49) Death to child and its mother-
different combinations (57) Danger to the child. Birth at eclipses -
combinations (59) Infantile ailments (63) 9 years of life (66) 4 years
of life (69) 7 years. 4 combinations (70) 10 years of life (73) A clue to
find years, months, days, child's life as in combinations (80) 9th
year (81) for 9 years run on the rest (82) A clue to find years 1 —
count from Aries etc., (87) For 9 years (88) Child's mother or father
(89) Danger to father(90) Grand Father (91, 92,93) Father's death
(94) Child and mother would die (95 to 97) Infant or mother (99)
Dina Mrityu Yogas (98 to 100 to 105), Eye defects (106) Defects in
the left ear — (107) Infantile ailments—Determination (125) Gochara
Descriptive Contents xv

on Balarishta (127) 4 years (128) 9 years (129) 5 years (130) 12 years

(131) 7 years


Combinations that destroy Balarishta

(1) Rulling period-etc. lord or 8th lord—others not fatal (2)
Jupiter safeguards (3) Birth lord safeguards (4) Benefics Jupiter,
Mercury, Venus (5) Aspect of powerful Jupiter (6) Subhargala for
Moon or aspect of Venus (7) Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in quadrants
(8) Drekkanas of benefics (9) Combining with benefics though in
an unfriendly sign (10) Moon having benefic conjunctions in either
fortnight- night births (11) Powerful Jupiter (12) Moon in a good
sign (13) Malefics in Subha Vargas (14) Jupiter shining brilliant—
without malefic (15) Lord of Moon sign in beneficial aspects (16)
Benefics well posited (17) Rahu in signs (18) Weak Moon with
benefics or in good vargas (19) Lord of Moon sign on the Ascendant
(20) Benefics victorious in Graha Yudha (21)-(22)-(23) Moon
aspected by all benefics (24) Chandradhiyoga (25) Moon in
exaltation or friendly sign with good influence (26) Moon in an
auspicious Drekkana (27) Moon in a good D wadasamsa (28) Moon
aspected by lord of birth (19) Moon in bad vargas having birth
lord's aspects (30) Strong lord of Moon sign (31) Lord of Moon
sign in Lagna (32) Full Moon or exalted Moon-in benefic aspects
(33) Venus andMercury in positions (34) From Pakalagna-Moon in
beneficial positions (35) All planets inSirshodayasigns (36) A planet
in Pari-veshtana (37) Strong neutralizing effect (38) Agastya rising
or Sun rising (39) Planets in own, exalted, Moola Kona (40) Venus'
and Jupiter in Kendras (41) Moon chief planet (42) Lord of Birth-
Chief planet A practical example -Chart furnished—Balarishtas—
in the Chart—their Bhoga Yogas and concluding remarks.


Special combinations for Death at Different Ages

Classification of Alpa, Madhaya, Pooma, Aparimitra Auysh
Alpayu subdivisons—Balarishta- Madhyarishtra—Yogarishta.
(i) Madhyarishta Yogas (6) Defined (1) 18th year, (2) 19th year
(3, 4, 5, 6) 20 years of Hfe (ii) Defined Yogarishta Yogas (23), (1)
Death in 22nd year (2i (3), 24th year (4) 25th year (5) 26th or 27th
xvi Descriptive Contents

year (6) 27th year (8, 9,10,11) 28th year (12,13,14,15) 30th year
(16, 17, 20) 32nd year (18,19, 21-22) 32 year (23) 22nd or 32 year
(iii) Madhyama Ayuryogas or Combinations for middle life (32) —
Madhyamayu defined. 3 Categorical heads. Alpa Madyama Ayur
Yogas or Combinations for middle life 32 combination for death at
different ages: —
(1,2, 3)-in the 33rd year (4, 5, 6)-in the 36th (7) 37 th year (8)
40th year (9) 42nd year (10) 44th year (11) 45th year (12,13,14)
48th year (15) 50th year (16) 52nd year (17) 57th year (18,19) 58th
year (20 to 24) 60 years of life (25,26) 65 years of life (27 to 29) 65
years (30 to 32) 70 years of life, (iv) Poorna Ayur Yoyas:— Long
lease of life—Planets in 6 houses from lagna or the 7th etc.—80
years of life —13 combinations 1 to 13. (v) Aparimitha Ayur Yogas.
3 combinations for 108 years of life,



(1) Strength of lords of Ascendant, 8th, Saturn, 3rd & 10th, (2)
Short life combinations, (3 to 5) Rules for short, middle or long life,
(6) Malefics defined — their position in 3, 6, 11 conducive to
longevity, (7) Long or short life from benefics, (8) Long life
combination, (9) Short, middle or long life,—determination from
planetary friendship, neutrality or enemity, (10) Three kinds of life
from 4 couples of planets (11,12) Short life combinations, (13) Long
life to be predicted. (15) Varieties of yogas 1 to 15 Illustration of an
Alapayur-yoga in a Horoscope.


Planetary grants of life as per their occupation in Nakshatra's
grants rule la, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, to get the life granted by a planet in
years months, days,ghatis, and vighatis.
EXAMPLE Longevity of Sun in Standard Horoscope-operation
of rule 1 (a) to (f) illustrated. Method for the modern reader from,
celestial longitudes of planets. Rule I to know the number of Stars
traversed—table given.. Rule 2 for the padas,. a, b, c, d, to know
1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th being the current quarter as the case may be.
Rule 3. Method to get the longevity. Example Lonegvity of Sun
Descriptive Contents xvii

Illustrated. Longevity of several planets tabulated.

Harnasamskaras. H. 1. The Chakrapata Harana for malefics, H.
2—The Chakrapata Harana for benefics, H. 3. Due to Debilitation,
H. 4 On account of combustion. H. 5. While in planetary fight. H. 6
in an enemy's camp. Lagoa Ayurdaya —the method-I llustration.
Illustrations for Haraasamskaras-in eight cases. Tabulating the net
longevity granted by each planet and the sum total.

To note the celestial longitudes and operate —Rules I to IV
Exaltation and debilitation points for the planets given in a table
— Grant of life by each planet. The Rules V to VII to get the
longevity. Example to illustrate the above rules in a practical case-
Longevity graced by Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn—each worked out for illustration.
Rule VIII to tabulate them. Rule IX The Lagna Ayurdaya
Rule X. Harana Samsakaras due to (a) enemy's camp except
for those in retrogression (b) exception for Mars.
Rules XI to XIII a, b, c, d, e, f. Chakrapata Harana for malefics
and benefics. Rule XIV Debilitation-the Harana for it. Rule XV How
to perform Haranas when many exist-classification. Rule XVI Final
grant, determination - Illustrations-Tabulation.

Computation of Span of Life as per Jaiminy's Methods.
Introductory observations — Longevity Determination Method.
I, Spans short, Medium and Long-Factors for consideration. Short
life a, b, c-factors explained.
Reconciliation of the results Rule 1, 2 (a) (b) compartments
alter—Rules—1, 2, 3, 4 - Gain of compartment : Rules 1 to 5;
Illustration-Examples-Hora Lagna.-Hour Ascendant,, Working,
explained. Conversion of Longitude into years. Months day sTable
for 30 degrees equal to 32 years-consideration of factors
mathematical working of Longevity : Ascendant and Moon,
Method II - Planets-factors, strength of a planet-Illustration: Method
xviii Descriptive Contents

III-Illustration. Remarks: Jaiminy's Dasa systems-Chara Rasi Dasa

system and Nirayana Soola Dasa systems - Chara Dasa system and
- Dasas -Groups - The order of Chara Dasas-Variations of Dasa
Spans-alteration of Spans. Rules I to 4 (a to d) (1) (2) Death inflicting
Rasi dasa Determination - Rules 1 to 8 illustration of Rules I to 8 -
Reconcilation of three methods., Niryana-Soola-Dasa systems-
Illustration I, Illustration II-Example problem-Astrological factors
considered — explanation on -concessions.

Ashtakavarga system on Longevity. The system -Explained
Benefic places of Sun, Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-and
Saturn given. Distribution of benefic dots in Sun's Astaka-vargas-
standard Horoscope illustrated in a table-consolidating figures in
3 charts-f umished. The Astakarvarga benefic places for all planets
of the standard horoscope furnished in a table. Trikona Sodhana
—trianial signs explained. The two schools of thought set forth-
discussed and opinion given. Rule I Ekadhipathya Sodhana Rule
II a, b, c, d, e, f, g, Eight illustrations covering the above cases-Rasi
Gunakara-Gr ahagunakara given-figures given method of doing the
Graha Gunakara given illustration of Sun's Graha Gunarakas—
table for getting yean, months, days ghatis for the Graha Gunakaras
in units, tens, and hundreds. Graha Gunakara, and longevity there-
from furnished. Rule HI a, b, c, d, e, f, g. Hama samskaras in various
Cases. Rule IV to effect the most powerful reduction only —
obtaining the final grant in the Nakshatramana and its conversion
into Solar (sidereal) years, months, days, Ghatis- rules set down-
example illustrated


Gochara explained - general rules for Mars Saturn, transit in
unfavourable houses from radical Moon. 1. Sr.tum's transit to
produce death-r twelve kinds-Illustrations for the above, 2. Jupiter's
transit to produce death given in A to Li illustrated, 3, For other
planets, 4. Sun's tansit A to J, 5. Moon's transit A to F. Anga godiara-
death inflicting places for several planets.
Descriptive Concents xix

Longevity from planetary Periods and Sub-Periods. Maraka
(a) Maraka planetsGeneral classification 12 Rules to fix up
the Death inflicting planets—these are to fix up Maraka Dasa.
Special Rules fixing Maraka for each of the 12 signs of Zodiac as as
Lagna, (b) Mesha Lagna —Rules 6 to arrive at the dasas. (c)
Vrishabha Laga-Marakas-7 given, (d) Mithuna Lagna-Marakas-7
rules, (e) Karkataka Lagna-7 rules, (f) Simha Lagna 4, rules, (g)
Kanya Lagna-8 rules, (h) Thula Lagna-9 rules, (i) Vrischika Lagna.
15 rules, (j) Dhanus Lagna-7 rules, (k) Makara Lagna-8 rules, (I)
Kumbha Lagna-8 rules (m) Meena Lagna-10 rules.
Method of computing Ayurdaya from Lagna, Moon, Pada and
Paka Lagnas -Taking lords of I, III, VIII &X.6 Rules governing the
awards of—Illustrations example worked out to determine the Span
of Life from each of the 4 Lagnas.
(b) The Naisargika Ayurdasa system. The method: illustration
from the planetary longitude —Tables for arriving at the balance of
the Vimsottari period from the Longitude of Moon or any planet
as the case may be-Example shown



Sisupathaki Chakram. 3 kinds of Pathaki Vedha-Vedha places
for all Lagnas calassified. Numbers for Signs-Total Determination
of Yamardha Pathi for day or night Birth. Yamardha palhi Tables —
for day time, night time. Illustration-Danda Lord — Day or Night
Determination. Example shown.
Results of Births falling in the Dandas of Planets: — Sun-Moon-
Mercury —Jupiter — Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Pathaki Vedha places
explained—Fixation of Patakiarishta in a horoscope — influence of
malefic beneficial influence of Lagna Vedha-Malefic Danda lord
in a Vedha place-counting- Nunbers indicate the year month or
day occurance-the determination — General principles—
Illustration of Sisu pathaki arishta in Balarishta Horoscope.

Aristha Yogas-Unfortunate combination-Quick Demise A to Z
different ages-1 year to 14. Mode of reckoning Balsrichta Span-
Moon's position-sign and Degree fateful positions explained.

Chandra-Arishta-Asterism—quarters fateful-Balarishta
Infantile Ailments or close of life in chrldhood-Moon in stars
combinations given Balarishta Sthana Yogams 4 rules - prevention
of close of life in childhood - 5 combinations-marakas : Planets
causing Death-Aneretic planets Explained-rules 1 to 7 - By location
Marakas-Aaeretic planets, powerful, and or ordinary set out for
each of the 12 signs-Aries to Places-Aneretic planets-for each of
the Stars — from Aswini to Revathi-Table of Asterisms-Extent of
quarters-Stars-Example Illustration for locating a planet in star and
quarter-from the Longitude of the planet—Example Horoscope
furnished—lllus treated.

Which is Best Method - How to reconcile, western progressions
etc. Twelve Principles to fix. Span of UFE finally—

Infant Mortality or Balarishta Yogas

The determination of man's term of life on the terrestrial plane

forms the most important task of an Astrologer. The periods of
longevity are classified into three groups viz, short-life or Alpayii
extending upto 32 years, middle-life or Madhm/ayii extending upto
70 Years and long-life or Poomayu extending u p to 100 years. Above
100 years it is classified as Aparimitm/u or Unlimited term of life.
Alpayu extends upto 32 years. But of the several children that
are born, some have misfortunes during their infancy, experiencing
troubles from Balagrahas, infantile aliments and other miseries.
Several afflictions may visit die child; it may withstand or may
succumb to them. Mortality before a child passes its 12th year, is
technically called Balarishta. In thischapter combinations indicating
misfortunes during childhood will be given as also combinations
that act as antidotes (Balarishtayoga Bhangas). These will be of
much use to readers as the calculation of a child's term of life within
12 years is really a very hard niit to crack.
1. Nakshatra Sandhi or Junctions of Constellations.
The first cusp (Sandhi-kala) may be taken up as the Nakshatra
Sandhi. A birth should not fall at a time when one constellation
ends and the next commences. A Chad or a period of 24 minutes
on either side is evil. In the Hindu Almanac or Panchangam the
duration of the constellations are given for each day. But four Chads
in die commencement of Aswini, Magha and Moola and the last
four Chads at the end of Revad; Aslesha and Jyeshta form Ganda-
kala. The juncdon dme of four Chads at the commencement of
Aswini and the last four ghads of Revati is held very dangerous.
So also between Aslesha and Magha as well as Jyeshta and Moola.
The first Chad of this ganda-kala is dangerous to the mother, the
2 --s—Span of Life

second to the father, the third to the brothers of the child and the
last is dangerous to welfare of the child. Of course, this refers to
Aswini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyeshta, Moola and Revati in particular.
2. Birth in Dushta Nakshatras or Evil Constellations.
The following information should be carefully applied when
fixing the term of life for a child. —
1. Ashwini: A birth in the first pada (quarter) of this
constellation is dangerous to th e child's welfare. There i s no danger,
if it falls in the rest of the three quarters
2. Bharani: If a male child is born in the third quarter of
Bharani, it is dangerous for the father; if on the other hand, it is a
female, the danger is to the mother's welfare. The remaining first,
second and fourth quarters are not evil.
3. Rohini: The birth of a child in Rohini, in the first and second
quarters in particular is detrimental to the mother of the child. The
last two quarters are bad, as goes the folk-saying, to the maternal
uncle. Lord shree Krishna was bom in Rohini. His birth was a
shocking terror to his maternal uncle Kansa who ultimately fell a
victim to shree Krishna's wrath.
4. Pushyami: The birth of a male child in the second and third
padas (quarters) of Pushyami is held to be bad for father's welfare,
whereas that of a female child augurs danger to the mother. The
rest of the two quarters are evil only to a slight extent.
5. Aslesha: If a birth falls in the first quarter, it confers
pleasure; in the second loss of money; in the third, there is danger
to the mother; and in the last, it is dangerous for the father's welfare.
Take note of the last four Ghatis or Ganda-kala.
6. Magha: If a birth falls in the first quarter of Magha, it is
detrimental to the child. It is to be noted that the first four Ghatis
constitute gandakala. If birth falls in the thirdquarter it is dangerous
to the father if a male child and mother if the child is female. The
second and fourth have some ordinary events.
7. Uttaraphalguni: If a male child is born in the first quarter
it is dangerous to the father, and if it is female child it is harmful
for the mother. The other quarters have some common evil.
8. Hasta: Birth of a male child in the third quarter of Hasta,
brings harm to the father and a female child, to the mother.
Infant Mortality or Balahshta Yogas 3

9. Chitra: The birth of a male child in the first two quarters

portends danger to the father and a female child to the mother.
The last two quarters have some ordinary evil.
10. Vishakha: The birth of a male child in Vishakha/portends
evil to the child's father's sister's children and to the child's mother's
brother's children.
11. Jyeshtha: The first quarter of Jyeshta h: detrimental for
pleasure, the second portends loss of wealth, the third is detrimental
to the welfare of the child's father's elder brothers and tire last
quarter is evil to the child's own elder brothers.
Divide the total duration of Jyeshtha into ten equal parts and
any birth falling in each of these divisions has a danger attributed
to it.
In the first it is detrimental to the mother's father.
second mother's mother,
third maternal uncle,
fourth mother.
fifth to the child itself,
sixth the family,
seventh father's family,
eighth eldest, father,
ninth father-in-law.
tenth all the members of the family.
The last four ghatis of this constellation constitute ganda-kala.
Take note of this and from this also find out to whom the danger
has been ascribed.
12, Moola: Birth in the first quarter of Moola is dangerous to
the father; in the second to the child's mother; and in the third it
portends loss of wealth. The last quarter is good as it confers
longevity and prosperity.
When the total duration of Moola is divided into fifteen parts
birth falling in each division indicates a particular danger.
In the first, danger to father, second to father's elder brother,
third to the child's brothers, fourth to the paternal grandfather,
fifth to the mother, sixth to mother's sister's or brother's children,
seventh to maternal uncle, eighth to father's brother's wife, ninth
to the whole family, tenth to thecattle,eleventh to servants, twelfth
to the child itself, thirteenth to elder brother, fourteenth to sisters
4 -x^Span of Life

and fifteenth to the maternal grandfather is attributed.

13. Poorvashadha: Birth ofa child in the third quarter produces
evil results to the child's father and mother.
14. Revati: Birth falling in the last quarter of Revati is
productive of evil to the child only. The rest of the quarters are free
from evil.
If a birth falls in any of the above constellations the father is
never advised to see die face of the child at all. The father should
not see the face of die new bom baby if it is Uttaraphalguni. for
two months; if Chitra until six months, if Hasta nine months; and
if Jyeshtha until fifteen months.
3. Thithi Sandhi or Cusp of Lunar Days
With the aid of an accurate Hindu Almanac find out the
duration of any particular Thithi on the required lunar date. When
a particular Thithi ends and the next one commences, period of
two ghatis constitute the Thithi sandhi kala or cuspal period of
Thithis. A ghati at the end of one and another at the commencement
of next form the Sandhi-kala. A birth at such sandhi-kala or cusp
time is productive of bad results. But such a junction between
Amavasya (New-moon day) and Padyami (first day of light
fortnight), between Panchami (fifth day) and Shashti (sixth day) of
either fortnight, between Poornima (Full-moon day) and Krishna
Padyami (first day dark fortnight) is productive of dangerous
results in greater proportion,
4. Lagna Sandhi: When a particular sign clears off the horizon
while the next rises, a period of 24 minutes forms the duration of
Lagna Sandhi. In other words, birth falling either in the first
Navamsa or in the last Navamsa of a sign, is suggestive of Lagna
Sandhi. The cusp between Pisces and Aries, between Cancer and
Leo, between Scorpio and Sagittarius are greater in evil. So, the
first Navamsas of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the ninth or last
navamsas of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are greater in evil, in
indicating Balarishta. Birth in Thithi and Nakshntra Sandhis is
productive of danger to the child's parents while the Lagna Sandhi
is evil for the child itself. When the above three junctions are present,
the child will meet with early death. If such a child survives, and
lives to age he will lead a miserable and wretched life.
5. Diva Ratri: Sandhi or Births at Twilight—A period of
twelve minutes between sunset and night and of an equal duration
6 -<>wSpan of Life

only for Kanya and Meena Lagnas and also that these
planets. Sun, Moon, Mars, and Saturn should be in the
Second or Mars and Saturn may aspect Jupiter in special
ways even from other houses.
16. For the prediction of death in the child's second year, it
requires that the Lords of sixth and eighth should join
quadrants, while retrograde Saturn occupies one of the
houses owned by Mars and be aspected powerfully by
17. A child will die within one month when birth falls in
"Sandhitraya" triple-junction, while Jupiter is in the sign
of debilitation or in a house owned by Mars (in Aries or
18. (i) When Sun or Moon is powerfully posited in the rising
sign, while cruel planets are in quadrants, trines or in birth
and also while Venus joins Sun and Moon (together posited
in one house), (ii) Death will occur before the child passes
one year.
19. The position of Moon in a certain degree of each sign of
Zodiac is called Mrityansh (a point of death) and also an
early grave may be foretold when noticed as shown
(a) Moon in the 20° Aquarius, b & c in 21° Taurus or Leo,
(d) 23° of Aries as VIII (e) 22° Cancer, (f) 4° Libra (g)
20° Capricorn, (h) 1° Virgo (i) 10° Pisces, (j) 22° Gemini.
Note:—It is also held by some that the degrees (in number) indicate
the age at which the calamity might arise. It may be noted
that 23 is the utmost term in this distribution. All the same.
Moon seems to exercise a great influence on the lives of
young children.
20. If a malefic planet is found in the rising sign while he
happens to be an enemy of Birth Lord or the Lord of die
House occupied by Moon, may cause destruction to the
child. But, if he is a friend of the Birth Lord, then there is
no danger.
21. In the case the Lord of Lagna happens to be an enemy of
the Lord of the Sign, occupied by Moon, there is danger. If
a beneficial planet occupies Lagna, there is no danger.
22. There will be danger to the life of the child within a month
when Sun and Mars are in the eighth.
Infant Mortality or Balarishta Yogas 7

23. A child will be sent to the grave within two months if Ketu
occupies the Ascendant.
24. There will be an early grave, when sun is in the 10th house
which happens to be a sign owned by Mars or Moon, while
Sun as such is aspected by malefics unconjoined with or
unaspected by benefics.This can occur only for those bom
with Libra or Aquarius as a rising Sign.
25. If a birth falls in Nigada Drekkana (between one to 10th
degrees of Capricorn), or in Pakshi Drekkana (between
eleven to 20th degree of Gemini) or in the Sarpa Drekkana
(21st degree to 30 degrees of Cancer) and if it is conjoined
by malefics withoutbeneficial aspects, there will be an early
26. The combination of planets of either grc up:—
(1) Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter, or,
(2) Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon or,
(3) Sun, Saturn, Mars and Moon—is seen in one Sign, the
child's death may be predicted in the 5th year. This
combination canoccui only on an Amavasya day when
Moon will be completely devoid of lusture and power.
27. When Mars, Sun and Saturn combine together in the Rising
Sign while Moon is located in a house owned by Venus
viz.,Taurus or Libraand is unaspected by Jupiter the child's
death will occur before seven years.
28. The combination of Sun and Mercury unaspected by
benefics, is productive of death before the child is 12 years
of age.
29. If Mars joins a quadrant while he is in combination with
the Sun and while he is aspected by or conjoined with
Saturn the child dies within four years.
30. Moon, when weak is in the eighth from the birth Lord
aspected by malefics, will send the child to the grave before
it is 9 years.
31. Rahu, in lagna being aspected by or conjoined with an evil
planet, while all the planets are in the Drisya chakra, the
child born as such will die in his 10th or 12th year.
32. If the birth falls in any of the signs, Aquarius, Scorpio or
Leo, conjoined by Rahu unaspected by or unconjoined with
Jupitoc the person dies in his 12fhyear
8 x^Span of Life

33. When Moon is weak and is aspected by all the planets, that
are evil, then the child dies in a few days (include Rahu
34. If the Lords of Rising Sign and that of the sign occupied by
Moon are foi ;nd in sixth, eighth or 11th houses from rising
sign combined with Rahuhaving no beneficial occupations
or aspects, the child will die in 12th year.
35. If the Lord of the Rising Sign occupies the seventh with a
malefic or if Rahu joins any of the quadrants being aspected
by malefic planets, die child will meet with his death in
40th or 10th year.
36. If Moon occupies Leo (whose Lord Sun) combines with
Satum in the 8th, while benefic aspects diem, the child's
death will take place in his 12th year.
37. When Aries or Scorpio happens to be the Rising Sign with
Mars in it, while he has the aspects from cruel planets, the
child dies in the 4th month.
38. The combination of Sun, Moon and Mars in the fifth
uncombined with good planets, the child's end in die 9th
39. When malefics are in the 6th and 8th while Birth-Lord
occupies any of the Apoklima House 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th
houses, the child dies early.
40. When birth falls in Diva-RatriSandhi, (junction time of day
and night) in a Chandra hora, while malefics are in last
Navamsa, the child bom as such will not live long.
41. When die four quadrants are occupied by malefics and
Moon is in any of them alone, die child will die at once.
42. When malefics are in the visible Zodiac, while benefics are
in the invisible Zodiac and if as such birth falls in Cancer
or Scorpio, the child dies very early.
43. When malefics without beneficial conjunctions are found
on either side of (Lagna) Ascendant and (the seventh)
Descendant i.e., in 2nd and 12th and in 6th and 8th and
such planets have no beneficial influences, there will be an
early grave to the child.
44. Malefics in 2nd and 8th houses send the child to the grave
45. When one malefic joins the Udayalagna Ascendant and
another joins the Astalagna, the Descendant, while Moon
Infant Mortality ct Balarishta Yogas -o- 9

in a sign, has malefic aspects without beneficial influences,

there will be immature death to the child. If in the above
configuration Satum throws an aspect over Moon, surely
death will manifest very early,
46. It may be summarised here that there should be no malefics
in (a) 2nd and 12th (b) 1st and 7th (c) 6th and 8th.
47. The child's death will manifest early when weak Moon
joins the 12th while the rising Sign and the eigth are
conjoined by malefics, while malefics are not found in any
of the quadrants. In this case, the same result may be
predicted, as some hold, even when the 1st and 8th houses
are unoccupied by malefics. The rest of the combination is
enough to produce the result.
48. If Moon conjoins with cruel planets, occupies any of the
1st 7th, 12th or the 8th houses, unaspected by benefics in
houses other than quadrants, the child will have an early
49. If moon is in 6th or 8th Bhava, aspected by malefics and
unaspected by benefics; the child dies early. (1) In his 8th
year when such a Moon is aspected by benefic planets and
unaspected by malefics. (2) The child lives for four years if
such a Moon is aspected by malefics as well as benefics;
(3) Hie child lives for no time if such a Moon is in the house
of an evil planet (4) Practically there will be no danger, if
such a Moon is in a beneficial sign and is also aspected by
benefics; (5) there would also be no danger when such a
Moon is uncombined with or unaspected by any planet
Another version reads that in such a case the child lives
for one year; (6) the child lives for a month if such Moon
has the conjunction of benefics, who are powerful and are
all being aspected by evil planets; (7) when the birth falls
in the day time of the bright-fortnight or in the night time
or the dark-fortnight such a child will suffer the aforesaid
50. If the Lord of the Rising Sign suffers defeat in a planetary
fight, conjoins with a malefic and occupies the seventh,
the child cannot manage to live for more than a month.
51. If weak Moon is in Lagna while malefics are in the 8th and
Kendras the child so bom dies,
52. If Moon lies between two malefics and occupies the 8th
4th and 7th, child so bom dies.
10 -vff-Span of Life

Notes -Three combinations are possible;

(1) Moon posited in the 8th between two malefics. So Moon
will be in the 8th, one malefic in the seventh and the
other in 9th.
(2) Moon in the 7th and evil planets in the 6th and 8th
(3) Moon in 4th house and cruel planets in 3rd and 5th.
53. If Moon is in the Lagna lying between two malefic planets
unaspected by powerful benefics, while malefics are in the
7th and 8th houses, the child dies soon, along with his
mother. It is a very bad thing wherever such a combination
is seen. So very strong remedies must be resorted to,
otherwise the danger as suggested above is a very grave
one and horrible to witness. Some say that Moon who causes
the above Yoga is aspected by benefics, the child only dies
but the mother would be safe. Some hold an opinion that
Moon who causes the above gravity of Yoga has aspects
from very powerful benefics, is well placed in the chart,
then death may not manifest to either mother or the child
save serious illness to both. If Moon is unaspected by
powerful benefics and aspected by malefics in the 7th or if
Moon is in 12th aspected by Saturn and by the time of birth
the major period of Moon is in operation it may be presumed
that death will manifest both to the child and mother.
54. If Moon in the last Navamsa of any sign, is unaspected by
benefics and is aspected by malefics in the trines, the child
so born dies very early.
55. If Moon is in the Rising Sign,while malefics are in the 7th,
so those malefics in the 7th throw a full aspect over Moon
in Lagna, the child will find an early grave.
56. Births falling at the time of eclipse are prone to danger for
the child.
57.(a) If moon conjoined with Sani is eclipsed by Rahu, while
Mars is posited in the 8th, both the child and mother
will die soon. This is a deleterious combination falling
at the time of Lunar Eclipse. Hence it may be presumed
that Sun will be in the 7lh from Moon and thus, Sun
aspects Moon.
(b) If Sun is eclipsed by Rahu and if he i.' conjoined with
Mercury who will also be a malefic, as is ill-associated
Infant Mortality or Baiarishta Yogas 11

or with Saturn, while Mars occupies the 8th, both the

child and mother will die by the use of instruments such
as knives and other instruments used in the extraction
of a child from the womb of the mother, when it is
otherwise impossible to effect an easy delivery. There
are some harrowing occurrences like these in conducting
labours in Gynaecology.
(c) If Moon or Sun in the above combinations happens to
be in the ascendant, while benefics do not aspect Sun or
Moon, as the case may be, while malefics conjoin in the
5th, 9th or 8th, death will manifest as mentioned above.
58. If the 12th is occupied by Saturn, the Lagna by Moon, the
8th by Mars, the 9th by Sun, while they are unaspected by
powerful Jupiter, death of the child occurs very soon. If
Sun is powerless and aspects only some of them, the child
lives only for some time and then it dies. If Jupiter, Venus,
and Mercury occupy the 9th, 10th, 5th, 4th or first in signs
of malefics, withoutaspects from malignantplanets, child
will not die.
59. Moreover, if Saturn is powerful in any f^ouse and is
aspected by Jupiter, there will be no death to the infant
except some infantile ailments.
60. If weak Moon in any of the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th or the
Lagna Bhavas, unaspected by or unconjoined with any of
the planets : (Venus, Mercury or Jupiter,) will be leading
to an early grave. If Moon has the aspect or conjunction of
Jupiter or Venus, the danger will be averted and the child
will be safe and sound.
61. If Mars occupies the Rising Sign unaspected by or uncon
joined with beneficial planets-^while Saturn is in 8th and if
Saturn or Mars is unaspected by benefics in the 7th from
that planet, there will be an instantaneous death to the
62. If retrograde Saturn occupies the 8th from the rising Sign
which happens to be a house owned by Mars, while Moon
joins the 6th or 8th or in a quadrant, the child lives for a
Note:—This can occur for Mesha Lagna in case Saturn in Scorpio
in retrogression, is one combination and secondly it may be with
Virgo, Ihe Ascendant while Saturn in Aries is in Debilitation sign
12 pan of Life

and also in retrograde motion. In either of these cases Mars should

aspect some or all.
63. If Sun, Moon and Saturn join together, the child lives only
for 9 years. Beneficial influences modify.
64. If the 8th from Lagna is occupied by Mars, Sun and Saturn
in the house of Mars, the child lives only for a month.
65. If the 8th from the ascendant being the house of Venus is
occupied by an evil planet while benefice aspect him, the
child lives for a year.
66. If Cancer becomes the 6th or 8th (if the lagna of birth is
Aquarius or Sagittarius) and if it is conjoined by malefics
is aspected by Moon, the child lives only for four years.
67. If birth star is that of one being transitted by Dhumaketu
Comet there will be death within two months.
68. If Sun occupies the 10th aspected by malefics, the child
dies early. In this case if 10th house becomes the house of
Saturn or Mars, death will manifest very early.
69. If birth falls in any of die Drekkanas:—
1. Nigada 2. Sarpa 3. Pakshi 4. Pasadhana and it is
conjoined by malefics, while unaspected by the Lord of
that Drekkana, die child dies in his 7th year.
70. If Rahu is in a quadrant aspected by malefics, the child
lives only for ten years.
71. If the time of birth is at sunrise while malefics are in
quadrants and Trines benefics are in 6th, 8th and 12th, the
child will have an early grave.
72. If the Lord of Rising sign, the Lord of the house occupied
by Mars, the Lord of the Navamsa ascendant are in
combination. With Sun, the child dies in a few years,
73. (a) If birth Lord is in an enemy's camp, count from Aries
upon the sign occupied by birth Lord. This figure
indicates the number of years for which the child may
probably live.
(b) If the lord of the Drekkana of the Ascendant, is in
enemy'scamp,similarly countfrom Me?haupto the sign
occupied by the lord of the Drekkana of birth, this
indicates the number of months for which the child may
(c) If the Lord of Navamsa of the Ascendant is in enemy's
camp, similarly count from Aries upto the sign occupied
Infant Mortality or Balahshca Yogas 13

by the above planet; this figure indicates the number of

days for which the child may live.
74. If Saturn is in the Rising Sign aspected by malefics, die
child lives for one year.
75. If weak Moon is in die ascendant which does not fall in
Aries or Taurus, aspected by malefics, die child dies, very
76. If benefics are in 6th or 8th aspected by malefics who are in
retrogression, unaspected by benefics, die child lives only
for one month.
77. If the malefics are in the 12th, 6th, or 8th unaspected by
benefics or unconjoined with them, die child dies in 6th or
8th month.
78. If die Lord of the Rising Sign and diat of die sign occupied
by Moon, are in 6th, 8th and 12th houses and are in
combustion with die Sun, then there will be a n early grave
to the child.
79. If the Lord of the house occupied by Moon or Moon herself
occupies the 7th having been unaspected by benefics, die
child lives only for a month.
80. If Moon joins with Sun, Mars occupies die 2nd or 5th
unaspected by benefics, the child's death will occur in die
9th year.
81. If the lord of Rising Sign occupies die 8di, aspected by all
die malefics the child lives for 4 months.
82. If Leo is occupied by Moon while Sun the lord of the Moon's
sign is conjoined with Saturn in die 8th from Lagna, die
child may live for as many years as the number, obtained
by counting from Aries upto the house occupied by Sun,
83. If Moon is in die 8th, 6th or 12th conjoined with malefics
unaspected by benefics, die child dies very early.
84. If the 7di is conjoined by Sun die Ascendant by Saturn or
Mars while Moon is conjoined with or aspected by malefics,
the child dies early.
85. If the Rising Sign, 12th, 9th and 7th houses are respectively
occupied by Moon, Saturn, Sun and Mars unaspected by
Jupiter, the child dies early.
86. If die Ascendant is occupied in by Sun or Moon, while
Malefics are powerfully positioned in die 5th, 8th, or 9th
14 -^?^Span of Life

houses unconjoined with or unaspected by benefics, the

child dies early.
87. If Venus is conjoined by Sun and Mars, even though Jupiter
aspects them, the child lives only for 9 years. Moreover in
this particular instance the beneficial influence of Jupiter
cannot mitigate the evil and he may not rescue the child
from the peril.
88. If Moon in any house is aspected by Sun, Mars and Satum,
there will be danger to the child's mother in case they are
not aspected by benefics.
89. If birth falls in the day time while Sun is conjoined with or
aspected by Mars, Saturn, the father dies soon. Some births
in particular constellations are said to be productive of
danger to father. These have been already dealt with. Say,
in addition to a birth falling in such a constellation, the
above Yoga too is found, the evil will result. Planetary
periods and Sub-periods must be blended and results fore-
told in such cases as these.
90. If by the time of birth Sun is conjoined with or aspected by
Mars and Saturn, unconjoined with or unaspected by
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, the father and the grandfather
of the child would be led to grave.
91. If the birth falls in the day time. Sun is conjoined with
malefics or lies between two malignant planets, the child's
father will be put into danger.
92. If by the time of delivery, the 8th house from Sun is
occupied by Mars and Satum, unaspected by benefics, the
father of the child dies. This can also be made use of in
Horary Astrology. Sun transits for a month in each sign, if
then Saturn and Mars be in 8th from him this result may
be foretold—of course beneficial influences modify.
93. If Sun is conjoined by malefics, while child's father has
combinations indicating short life, the father dies by poison
or death caused by use of instruments.
94. If malefics are in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th from Moon, the child
and its mother die early.
95. If malefics are in the 7th or 8th houses both the mother and
the child would die.
96. If malefics are in 6th and 8th only the mother survives but
the child dies.
97. li iruilcl ics are in .v.ivs.3...... "«•; £ui. llu > hmS lives liul
Infant Mortality or Babhshta Yogas 15

the mother dies.

98. If Mars is in 12th# the child will loose his right eye; but if
Mars is in 12th, he will loose his left eye.
99. If a birth occurs in any of the evil yogas Dinamrityu,
Dinaroga or Vishaghatikakala, the child will die very soon.
Dinamrityu and Dinaroga are thus defined in
(i) The first quarter of Dhanishta and Hasta; the second
quarter of Visakha and Aridra ; third quarter of
Uttarabhadra and Ashlesha, and the 4th quarter of
Bharani and Moola, are termed Dinamriyu, an evil yoga,
powerful only if it occurs during day time.
(ii) The first quarter of Ashlesha and Uttarabhadra the
second quarter of Bharani and Moola; the third quarter
of Uttaraphalguni and Sravana; and the fourth quarter
of Swati and Mrigasira are known as Dinaroga, die evil
influences of which exist if it occurs during day time
These two Dinamrityu and Dinaroga are however devoid of
evil if birth occurs during night
100. If Moon be combined with Mars and Saturn and occupies
the 6th or 8th, unconjoined with benefics, the person loses
his eye sight due to bile and its complaints.
101. If Moon combines in 8th, with malefics, the child loses his
right eye.
102. If Moon is conjoined with malefics and is positioned in the
6th house, the child loses his left eye.
103. If Moon and Satum, unaspected by benefics, occupy the
8th or 12th, the child loses sight due diseases caused by
Vata (wind), and Sleshma (Phlegm).
104. If Moon and Satum occupy the 8th, the child loses his right
eye; if in the 12th, he will lose his left eye. If they have
beneficial aspects the loss of sight occurs later on.
105. If in the above. Moon joins with Sun, Mars and Satum,
occupies any of the 6th, 8th or 12th, there will be defect in
sight due to many complaints.
106. If there be a malefic in 9th from ascendant aspected by
another malefic, there will be an auditory defect in the right
ear. If there be a malefic in the 5th aspected by another
16 -o^Span of Life

maleft^ there will be defect in the left ear. If the 5th or 9th is
the sign of a benefk who aspects the sign in question, there
will be no such defect.
107. The ailments of the infants will have to be determined by
the attributes of the Lord of the sign, occupied by the Lord
of Rising sign.
108. If Pisces is the rising sign, while Sun and Moon occupy
Taurus the 3rd, the child lives only for three days with
some illness.
109. If Moon is in the constellation transited by Sun, or the 3rd
from the same in either side while the Moon occupies the
10th, the child lives for one day only.
If-the 7th house from Moon is occupied by Sun and Mars,
the child lives only for 7 days. (This occurs only on the full
Moon day when Moon and Sun will be 180° apart in
111. If malefics occupy the 4th or the 8th, illness manifests and
the child dies within ten days.
112. If Moon occupies any of the 1st to the 6th houses, while
Sun occupies the 9th, the child suffers with disease and
lives only for 12 days.

In the horoscope given in chapter III (page 36) we see that Sun
is in the 9th from the Ascendant, while Moon is in the 5th. But the
native had not the effect cited above. We note that Moon is exalted,
while Sun has the conjunction of Mercury who is also exalted. There
is aspect of Jupiter over Satum, the Lagnadhipathi-the native has
by birth the Dasa of Moon for 3 years 10 months. The native had an
ulcer on his neck with which he had to suffer (Vrishabha signifying
neck and Mars in it). Note also the combination of Mars with Moon
in the above. The eigth house packed by a benefic Venus, exalted
planets in trines and Jupiter in the 10th sustained the life of the
child. Moreover the Dasa of Lagnadhipati or that of the 8th Lord
was not available by birth. This is primary requisite in blending
Dasas and Antardasas with the Balarista Yogas. Kuja Dasa too gave
him ill-health and ailment as he is in conjunction with a Maraka
Lord (refer Chapter X for fuller details on Maraka classification)
while Mars himself is a Marakadhipati in a way. Moreover Mars
suffered defeat in the Planetary fight. Much care is needed before
Infant Mortality or Balarishta Yogas 17

Balarishta is predicted.
113. If Moon occupies ,a trine and Sun occupies 4th or 8th the
child suffers with a malignant disease and lives only for
20 days.
114. If Sun occupies the 8th from Ascendant aspected by Mars
and Saturn, the suffering child cannot manage to live at
115. If Mars occupies quadrant while Jupiter does not occupy a
quadrant, the birth of a dead child is to be indicated,
116. If Lagna is to be occupied by Sun and Jupiter is not in a
quadrant, while the 8th is conjoined by a planet, the child's
death may be predicted at an early date.
117. If Moon is in a quadrant, the 8th is occupied by a planet,
while Jupiter does not occupy quadrants, the child dies
118. If malefics be in the 7th house in a Drekkana numerically
equal to that of Lagna Drekkana and aspected by Moon,
the child dies early.
119. If there are many planets in the 8th, then the child lives for
7 days or at die most for a month.
120. If the Lagna is occupied by Saturn, while the 8th is occupied
by Mars and Jupiter is not in quadrants, the birth of a still
bom child may be predicted.
121. If the first Drekkana of the Ascendant or any of the Trines
are conjoined by Saturn, there will be illness, if it is by Mars
and Sun there will be death to the child.
122. If the Ascendant is occupied by Mars, while evil planets
join quadrants, die child dies early.
123. If Jupiter is in Trines, Lord of birth is in the Ascendant
itself, while Mars is in quadrants or trines, there will be
early death.
124. If Moon is weak, conjoined with malefics and occupies the
Ascendant trines, 7th, 8th, or 12th, unaspected by malefics,
the child dies.
125. Among the planets that produce the evil resultSjtake the
most powerful of them and find out in whicK sign he is
positioned. The above mentioned calamity would occur
when powerful malefics with Moon transit in that sign in
that year. The same result may take place when they are
18 —y-Span of life

transiting Lagna or in Ac Moon's sign.

126. If the weak Moon Is in quadrants conjoined with or
aspected by Mars and Saturn, the child lives for 4 years
only. Astrologer need not bother himself in such a case to
ascertain the term of life.
127. If Moon occupies the 8th house from Lagna aspected by
evil planets, unas peeled by benefics, die child lives only
for 4 years.
128. If die birth lord is malefic and occupies the 12th from Moon
or the sign or Navamsa occupied by Moon (Chandraamsa)
die child lives only for nine years.
129. If there are benefics in the invisible Zodiac and malefics in
the visible Zodiac, while Rahu is in the ascendant, the child
lives only for 5 years.
Notes:' The number of degrees passed in Lagna the 12th, 11th,
10th, 9th, 8th and 7th having an equal number with that of Lagna
is technically termed Drisya Chakra fj*7! ^sB) — the "Visible
The number of degrees yet to pass in Lagna the 1st, 2nd, 3rd
4th, 5th, 6th, and the number equal to those passed in Lagna is
known as "Invisible Zodiac".
130. If Rahu is in the 8th, unaspected by benefics and aspected
by Sun and Moon, die child lives only for 12 years.
131. If birth falls in Leo, Scorpio or Aquraius, while it is
conjoined by Rahu, the child can only live for 7 years.

Arishta Yoga Bhanga


1. After closely applying the rules so far dealt with that speak
of Arishtas to child, find out from the same to ascertain
how many evil combinations do actually apply to the
horscope on hand. From them, ascertain die planets that
produce such evil effects. The death of a child manifests
only when the Dasa (Ruling-period) at birth lord or the
lord of the 8th or it may also occur if the ruling period is
that of one of the planets thatproduce such a configuration.
This is very important.
2. If Jupiter joins the Ascendant, he will safeguard the child
and destroy all the evil effects and avert all misfortunes>
3. If die Lord of Birth is powerful, unaspected by or is not
conjoined by malefics, occupies a quadrant aspected by
powerful benefics, the child will live for a long time, shakes
off all dangers, will attain distinction, wealth and good
4. Even though the Moon occupies the 6th orthe 8th and joins
die Drekkana of Ju piter, Venus or Mercury, he will
safeguard the child from misfortunes.
5. If full Moon or Moon occupies a beneficial sign or Amsa,
has the aspect of powerful Jupiter, he will avert all the evils
and give the child a long and happy life.
6. If Moon occupies a beneficial sign, having Subhargala (ie.
one beneficial planet in the 2nd and die other 12th from
him) the child will have no misfortunes at all. If Venus
^ oects die Moon in this configuration, there will not be
cv3i. a trace of evil.
7 ! T11 pili r. Mercury or Venus, powerfully occupies a quadrant
■Span of Life

with or without malefic influences^ there will be no

misfortunes during childhood.
8. Even though Moon is in the 6th, if he is in the Drekkana of
Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, the child will be safeguarded
from misfortunes.
9. Even though Moon occupies an unfriendly sign, and if he
combines with Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, the child will
be guarded from misfortunes.
10. Though Moon is in the 6th or 8th, if the child is bom in the
night time, in the bright fortnight, and Moon has beneficial
conjunctions or aspects, or when the child's birth occurs in
the day time of dark fortnight and Moon is not aspected
by malefics, the child will be protected from all dangers
and misfortunes.
11. If Jupiter powerfully occupies a quadrant and full Moon
aspects the Ascendant, the child will be protected from
misfortunes. So also when Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and
Moon join beneficial Navamsas.
12. Moon in a beneficial sign or Navamsa destroys the evil
13. If malefics are in good Shadvargas while they are being
aspected by benefics in good Shadvargas. the child will
have no evil.
14. If Jupiter shines brilliantly (i. e. not in combustion or in
combination with evil planets likeRahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars
etc.) and joins a quadrant, tire child will have the Arishtas
15. If the lord of sign occupied by Moon, is a benefic and joins
a quadrant having beneficial aspects, the child will be
surely protected. Rahu, occupying the 3rd, 6th or the 11th
houses unconjoined and unaspected by any evil planets
possessing beneficial influences, protects the child from
all misfortunes.
16. When the benefics are powerfully positioned in the chart,
no doubt they are in sound foundation for the super-
structure. So also if malefics are powerless, as such if the
Acendant falls in a beneficial sign com-bined with or
aspected by benefics, the child will be protected from all
17. Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer protects the child from the
effects of all evil combinations.
Arishta Yoga Bhanga ^0^ 21

18. Even weak Moon, when he joins benefics or beneficial

Vargas having beneficial influences, will safeguard the
19. If the lord of Chandralagna joins the Acendant or while
Chandra is in exaltation and Sukra (the lord of Moon's
exaltation sign) aspects the Chandralagna having no
malefic influences, misfortunes will be melted away.
20. If by the time of birth, any benefic wins in a planetary fight*
and if that benefic is aspected by benefics, he averts all
21. If Moon is aspected by all the good planets, he will avert
all misfortunes.
22. If full Moon is aspected by Venus, who is in friendly
Navamsa, he will actas an antidote to all of the misfortunes.
23. Even though Moon is waning or in debility, but is aspected
by benefics having good Shadvargas, he will avert all
24. If from Moon, benefics occupy the 6th, 7th or 8lh having
no evil influences, the child will have his misfortunes
removed thus forming Chandra Adhiyoga which acts as a
powerful antidote in Balarishta.
25. If Moon is full and occupies his own house or is in exaltation
or in a friendly sign, in beneficial or in his own Shadvargas
and is aspected by benefics or conjoins with them, without
malefic associations or aspects, he will neutralize all the
evils and safeguard the child.
26. If Moon ocupies an auspicious Drekkana, he will destroy
all evils.
27. If full Moon is in an auspicious Dwadasamsa, he will
destroy all evils.
28. If Chandra occupies a beneficial sign and is aspected by
the lord of Lagna, unaspected by another planet, he will
destroy all evils.
29. Even though Moon is in an evil sign or in malefic Shad-
vargas, if he is aspected by lord of Lagna, he will avert
30. If the lord of sign occupied by Moon is strong (aspected by
friendly and beneficial planets); the child's misfortunes
are removed.
•Dealt with infra
22 -^cr-Span of Life

31. If the lord of sign occupied by Moon is in Lagna, aspected

by all the planets, he will nullify the evils.
32. If Moon is full and occupies his own house or is in
exaltation or in a friendly sign, in beneficial or in his own
Shadvargas and is aspected by benefics or conjoins with
them, without malefic associations or aspects, he will
neutralize all the evils and safeguard the child.
33. If Venus and Mercury conjoin the 12th, Malefic planets in
6th and Jupiter in 10th from Chandra, the child will have
his evils removed.
34. If Moon is in 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th or 11th from Pakalagna (the
sign which is occupied by the lord of Lagna) and is found
with beneficial influences, the child will be safeguarded
from all misfortunes.
35. If all the planets occupy the signs that ascend with the
head (Shirshodaya Rasis) viz, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, there
will be no misfortunes to the child.
36. A planet that has Pariveshtana (very near Moon) and if
that planet is aspected by evil planets, misfortunes do not
37. If a planet, that produces effects to neutralize the
combinations inflicting death of a child is strong (occupies
his own or friendly house), then there will be no death
during his infantile stage.
38. If birth falls at the time when Agastya (the Great-bear) or
the Sun is rising in the horizon, then the child-evils are
39. If many planets occupy friendly houses or their own houses
or their signs of exaltation and they have some portfolio in
averting the evils, surely the child can be quite safe.
40. If Venus and Jupiter join the quadrants, they nullify the
misfortunes caused by planetary configurations and also
those caused by Moon.
41. It will be seen that Moon is the chief planet that inflicts
death to children, when he is weak, occupies an unfavour-
able house, conjoins with malefics, is aspected by them or
bereft of beneficial influences. On the other hand, it will be
seen that when Mpon occupies an unfavourable house
portending Balarishta but is powerfully aspected by
benefics, has beneficial influences, occupies a favourable
Arishta Yoga Bhanga 23

horay a beneficial Drekkana, a friendly Dwadasamsa, a

powerful Trimsamsa and an excellent Shashtyamsa
without malefic influences, he will sustain the life of the
child. Jupiter plays an equally important role in the
sustenance of the child's life. His conjunction prevents all
evil, his aspect minimises all the predominating evils. So
also the other benefics Mercury and Venus, but the latter is
more powerful to preserve the child's life.
42. The lord of Birth ascendantplays no less important part. If
he is debilitated or occupies an enemy's camp, or joins the
6th, 8th, or 12th and—in either case—aspected by evil
planets wit hout beneficial conjunctions or aspects, then
the superstructure of the horoscope will be on very shaky
foundations. Conversely, if the lord of birth-Lagna occupies
a friendly sign and is well placed in benefic Shadvargas,
conjoins with benefics in kendras or konas, then surely the
child will be safe. The lord of sign occupied by Moon has
also a portfolio in inflicting death or averting dangers to
children. His power has to be judged with care. The lord of
the 8th (i e. the lord of Ayusthana), those planets that aspect
the sign; those that occupy the sign and those that conjoin
with or aspect the lord of the 8th, should be well placed in
the chart to predict a long life. An astrologer need not feel
content that erecting the Rasi diagram is sufficient to judge
the prospects or otherwise of chidren. Therefore, he has to
calculate from the planetary longitudes (Nirayana) the
several Shodasavargas. This enables one to judge the
relative strength of each planet Such an analysis is, of course,
sure to reflect the relative strength of each planet, namely
Moon, Birthlord, Jupiter, and also other benefics before
venturing to predict anything about the child's future.
Ayush-karaka isSani. His power in the chart contributes a
quota in sustaining the life of the child.

Child horoscopy is not so easy a task, as it appears to be. The
beginner or even the adept practitioner has still his doubts when
there are some combinations of Arishtas and Rishta Bhangas (i. e.
destroying the Arishta effects). The following example will illustrate
our point
24 ->o^Span of Life

12 11/ Lagna /Mer- Moon
Mooiy' Saturn /\8 cury
/ \Sun
/ Rahu
Venus ^ Rasi
s7 Lagna Mars
Saturn Ketu
/5 6 Mercury Jupiter
Mars Sun Venus

Venus Lagna
12 11 Venus Rahu
Lagn Saturn
10 Sun Navamsa
Jupiter Mars
Mars Mercury Sun
Moon Moon Mercury

The Balarishtas in this horoscope are: —

(1) The birth falls in the Nakshatra Sandhi.
(2) The lagna is conjoined by Saturn portending early grave.
{3) In the Navamsa the ascendant and the descendant are
conjoined by malefics viz. Rahu in the former and Mercury
and Ketu in the latter.
{4) Moon is in the 8th from Navamsa Ascendant in the
(5) In the Rasi, Moon is aspected by two malefics, by Saturn
from Capricorn (3rd) and by Mars from Leo (8th). This is
also bad.
(6) Rahu in the 2nd and Ketu in die 8th, are again bad.
(7) Sun and Mercury are conjoined together and are aspected
by Mars. This tells evil.
Arishu Yoga Bhanga 25

(8) There was a balance of 7 months and 13 days only of the

major period of Saturn. So far are the Arishtayogas in the
Now let us examine the other combinations that destroy the
Arishtayogas: —
(1) The Lord of Birth is aspected by Jupiter from Virgo (V),
Jupiter aspects Moon also, who seems to inflict misfortunes
to the child. The aspects of Jupiter over both Moon and
ascendant and its lord are enough to neutralise the evils.
(2) The lord of Lagna, Saturn, is very powerful, as he ocupies
his own house in Rasi, his Mool trikona in Navamsa and
his own Drekkana. Such a birth lord is sure to preserve the
life of the child.
(3) The lord of the sign occupied by Moon is Jupiter. He is
conjoined in a quadrant (7th) from Moon and 9th from the
(4) The 10th house, a powerful quadrant, is occupied by Venus
who is in his own Mula Thrikona Rasi (powerful benefics
in quadrants prevent early grave, for they are conducive
to longevity).
(5) The Ayushkaraka is Saturn. His position in the Rasi and
Navamsa is splendid.
(6) The lord Chandramsa is Mars. He is in a friendly sign and
has a special distinction of Vargottama (in the same sign
in toe Rasi and Navamsa).
As the circumstances stand, there are no doubt combinations
indicating infantile ailments. The probable period will be when
Saturn and Jupiter transit in the 1st and the 12to signs as per
Gochara. These are specially evil (with slight illness this too was
Of course, with some illness the child passed toe major period
of Saturn, the next period is that of Mercury who has lordship over
6th and 9to houses and a Yogakaraka for Makara-Lagna. His
position in the 11 to is also good. But he has the conjunction of Sun
who is toe lord of the 8to. So Mercury's major period too (which
lasts upto 18 years) may not inflict any serious ailments save some
occasional indispositions. He will have the Yelinati Sani or 7V6 years
Saturn from 1936 to 1943 i.e. upto the boy's age of 11 years. This
period may be watched and proper remedies suggested.In
26 ->^Span of Life

conclusion, it may be remarked that since there are many counter-

acting influences, an early grave shall not be predicted.
So, I wish to draw the reader's attention to infer at the results
only after a careful analysis. Some planets may appear to be
powerful and even exalted. They may perchance occupy a debili-
tated Navamsa having toe aspects of malefics. Then, are not such
appearances deceptive!
Some remedies are suggested when evil combinations are
found. For toe readers' benefit I shall give a general reciper which
may be suggested for any client inquiring of it (Appendix 1)

Special Combinations for Death

at Different ages

We have already classed the terms of life into: —

(1) Alpayu or short life from 1 to 32 years.
(2) Madhyamayu or middle life from 33 to 70 years.
(3) Poomayu or long life from 70 to 100 years.
(4) Aparimitayu or unlimited term above 100 years.
We first deal with the special combinations for death at different
ages. The reader is requested to apply closely the combinations
when any horoscope fulfils the requirement of any particular
combination cited completely, the astrologer may fix that period
conveniently and at once save the business of calculation. If on the
other hand no particular combination could be cited for a chart the
reader is requested to be patient enough to study die general rules
for arriving at short middle and long lives, then after having a
rough idea of die term he has fixed, he has to proceed for the
calculation of term of life which will be found in the subsequent
Alpayu or short life extends up to 32 years. But for the sake of
convenience, say, it is subdivided into 3 classes.
Balarishta extends up to 12 yeais,Madhyarishta extends upto
20 years, Yogarishta extends upto 32 years.
1. Madiiyahishta Yogas
We have in the previous chapters dealt with the combinadons
for Balarishta and their Bhangayogas. Our next step is to study the
combinadons for those who pass off before 20 years coming under
the Madhyarishta.
(1) If there is mutual change of houses between the lords of
birth and the 8th from it, without beneficial combinadons
28 ^-Spart of Life

or if they both occupy the 8th or die 12th unconjoined with

Jupiter, the person win die in his 18th year,
(2) If Ravi (Sun) occupies the 8th house, while Moon joins
Saturn, the person dies in his 10th year.
(3) To predict death at the age of 20 years, evil planets must
be found in quadrants (kendras) without beneficial
conjunction or the aspect of the Moon or other benefks or
if as such Moon aspects 6th, 8th, or 12th.
(4) When the birth lord or die lord of the house occupied by
Moon, is unaspected by a benefic while evil planets are in
kendras there will be 20 years of life.
(5) 20 years may also be predicted, when Sun and Mars occupy
a moveable sign which happens to be the rising sign, while
Jupiter exercises his influence from the 10th with die Moon
in a Trine from the rising sign.
(6) One will live upto 20 years of age when Moon occupies
the 6th or 8th while the 8th from the Ascendant or from
Moon is occupied by evil planets while Apoklimas are
influenced by evil planets.

II. Ycgarishta Yogas

The next step would be to study the combinations for Yoga-
(1) If the ascendant be Sagittarius, while Jupiter rises on the
horizon and is aspected by Saturn or Rahu, while the 8th
house is occupied by another planet, the native's death may
manifest in his 22nd year.
(2) To predict death in the 24th year it is required that Jupiter
should be on horizon, while Mars and Saturn occupy a
trine (and as such moon is bereft of all strength).
(3) Death may manifest in the 24di year also when the lord of
the 8th joins with the lord of the 2nd and the 9th, while the
lord of birth occupies the 8di conjoined with or aspected
by malefics, unaspected by betiefics.
(4) When weak Moon occupies the 8th, while he is in
debilitation, also possesses a debilitated Navamsa and is
aspected by Mars and Saturn the native cannot live for
more than 25 years. ^
(5) If Saturn joins the rising sign which happens to be an
Special Combinations for Death at Different Ages 29

enemy's camp, the person bom dies in his 26th or 2 7th year.
(6) Proceed as follows:—
Add Lagna-sphuta to that of the Moon. Find out the resulting
Longitude which, if indicates a kendra or to any point in the 8th,
while it be conjoined by a malefic death will manifest, as such in
the 2 7th year.
(7) Death to come in the 26th year requires that the lords of the
rising sign and the 8th, should occupy the 8th conjoined
with malefics and unconjoined with benefics.
(8) If the Lagnadhipati unconjoined with a benefic lies between
malefics, while benefics join Panapharas and Apoklimas
(i e. houses other than kendras), the person dies in his 28th
(9) The configuration of the lord of the 8th, being a malefic,
aspected by Jupiter and by another malefic or by Rising-
sign-Lord, positioned in the 8th is productive of death in
the 28th year.
(10) The native does not live for more than 28 years, if the Lord
or the rising-sign is positioned in the 8 th aspected by
malefics, while the lord of the 8th is rising on the horizon
or is in a trine.
(11) There is a certainty of death in the 28th year when there is
a combination of Sun, Moon and Rahu in the ascendant
while Jupiter is in the 12th.
(12) Death to manifest in the 30th year needs that in the chart,
Moon should occupy the 9th (in the reverse order), lord of
the 8th should be in a quadrant aspected by powerless
(13) When evil planets are found in 2nd and 12th, while Jupiter
is in the 7th or 8th, in combination with Rahu, brings about
die extinction of life within 30th years.
(14) There will be 30 years of life whenweak Moon is positioned
in Cancer, Lord of 8th is-ih a kendra, while the 8th is
conjoined with ah evil planet and the lord of birth is
(15) Death will occur in the 30 year when birth lord is in his
own Navamsa with a malefic, while a trine contains Sun
and Moon, and while a kendra is conjoined by the lord of
the birth.
30 -s«--Spin of Life

(16) To produce death in the 30th or 32nd year die lord of the 8th
must join a kendra while the birth lord is powerless or when
out of the lords of ascendant and the 8th, one joins the 8th
and another is powerless.
17. Death may occur in 30th or 32nd year year when Saturn
occupies the navamsa of the 8th, when a powerful malefic
joins lagna, when benefics are positioned in houses other
than kendras (quadrants), i.e. they should be Panapharas
or Apoklimas.
18. For death to manifest in the 32nd year it requires that the
lords of the ascendant and 8th should occupy kendras.
Some planets must be found in the 8th whilst benches do
not occupy kendras.
19. For a person to die in his 32nd year it is necessary that Moon
must occupy a kendra in conjunction with Sun, the lord of
8th as such must occupy a kendra and the ascendant must
not be conjoined by any planet.
20. Death will occur between 30 to 32 years of age when the
lord of lagna occupies an Apoklima sign and also Moon,
while the lord of the 8th is aspected by malefics and it is
21. Death manifests in die 32nd year when the lord of the 8th
joins die lagna and the birth lord is powerless.
22. A period of 32 years of life may be predicted when Moon
joins an Apoklima sign and die birth is aspected by a
malefic planet.
23. Moon between the lords of the ascendant and the 8th (each
on either side) while benefic Jupiter occupies the 12th, death
manifests in 22nd or 32nd year.
III. Madiiyam ayur Yogas or Combinations for Middle Life
We have already observed that persons who die between 32 to
70 years of age, are said to have middle life. Here for a categorical
consideration we may place it under three heads
(1) Alpamadhya (Short in middle)
(2) Madhya Madhya (Middle in'Middle)
(3) Pooma Madhya (Long in Middle)
Death manifests in the 33rd year:—
1. When Mars be in Aries or Scorpio which falls as the 5th
sign, conjoined by Moon while malefics or benefics are all
Special Combinations for Death at Different A^es 31

in houses other than Kendras. (Kendra Vyatirikta

2. When a malefic lord of the 8th house combines with Moon
and joins a quadrant or a trine aspected by at malefic planet
in the 10th.
3. When Saturn and Moon are in birth lagna while Mars is in
4. Death manifests in the 36th year when Jupiter and Venus
are in kendras; the birth lord with a malefic joins Apoklimas
while birth falls in the Divaratrisandhi; (Junction time
between day and night.)
5. Powerful Sun between two malefics joining an unfriendly
sign which falls as a birth sign and is not aspected by
benefics, produces death at the age of 30 years.
6. When Moon and Mars in birth, whilst kendras or 8th are
not conjoined by benefics while mandi * joins the ascendant
is also productive of death at the age of 36 years.
7. Death will lake place in the 37th year when Scorpio falls
as the ascendant, with Sun in it hemmed in between two
malefics whilst Jupiter is not in the 8th i.e. Gemini.
8. Death will manifest in the 40th year if the 8th house lord
occupies a quadrant which happens to be a fixed sign and
the 8th house has beneficial aspects.
9. Death will occur in the 42n<l year when the lord of the 8th
joins the birth, whilst Mars joins the birth or any other fixed
sign which happens to be the 8th or 12th from birth.
10. One lives for 44 years when the lord of the 8th is in kendra.
Mars is in the ascendant. Sun is in the 3rd and Saturn is in
the 6th.
11. 45 years of life has to be predicted when the lord of the
Moon's sign is found in the 8th from the Ascendant and
conjoins with a malefic, while the birth lord is in the 6th
with another evil planet and while both of these planets
are powerful having no beneficial aspect whatsoever.
12. A particular combination is cited to produce death in the
48th year; Capricorn should be the Ascendant with Mars
in it; Jupiter and Saturn should be in the 10th viz. Thuia or
Libra. It should be noted that Mars in this configuration is
in exaltation in lagna. A powerful benefic Jupiter is in the
(Vide My Book " Planetary Stales"]
32 ^^Span of Life

10th, lastly the birth lord Saturn too is in the 10th kendra
and also exalted. As such the native will be wealthy and
learned in many branches of Science. This is rather peculiar
in contravention to rules of longevity. We should not forget
that Mars has a Kroorodoya Dosha which undermines
13. The following is another fine combination giving a life of
48 years:—
Mesha should be die ascendant with full Moon in it. If such
a Moon is aspected by a benefic. he will become a prince,
if such a Moon is aspected by a malefic he will die in his
48th year.
14. When weak Moon is in the birth having a vargottamamsa
and is aspected by a malefic while benefics are devoid of
strength, the native lives only for 48 years,
15. A man will have 50 years of life, when the Navamsa of the
ascendant happens to be the lord of 8th, while the Navamsa
lord of the 8th happens to be the birth lord; while the birth
lord and the lord of the 8th are with malefics.
16. When Satum is found in the birth sign in conjunction with
other planets, while Moon joins the 5th or 12th the native
will be philosophical and passes off from the world in his
52nd year.
17. Death will manifest in the 57th year when Sagittarius
happens to be the ascendant conjoined by Jupiter and while
Cancer the 8th is occupied by Rahu and Mars.
18. A native lives for 58 years when the birth lord has a Satur-
nine-navamsa, while Moon is in conjunction with the lord
of the 8th and is located in die 6th, 8th or 12th.
19. Death may occur in the 58th year when the lord of die 8th
is located in the 7th, while Moon has some malefic
20. 60 years of life may be foretold when the lord of the 8th
joins birth with Jupiter in it, while Aquarius happens to be
one of the kendras with malefics in it So a Sthira rasi should
be the rising sign. It will be noted that the native will be a
Brahmagnani or Yogee and will be very happy.
21. There will be 60 years of life, also when Saturn is in the
birth, Moon in the 4th, Mars in die 7th and Sun in the 10th,
while Jupiter and Mercury or Venus joins any one of die
Special Combinations for Death at Different Ages 33

kendras. We see here that all quadrants are occupied by

planets; so the native will be a prince or a lord.
22. 60 years of life may also be predicted when Venus and
Jupiter occupy the birth or joins the kendras, and the native
will be a leader of men, blessed with good reputation and
23. 60 years of life may also be permitted when Venus joins
the 10th aspected by Jupiter and conjoined with Mercury,
the native in the case may be a prince.
24. When there is a planet in the 4th, when Venus and Jupiter
occupy the birth or join kendras there will be a life of 60
years and the native will be the leader of men, blessed with
wealth and reputation for being pious.
25. There will be 65 years of life when the birth lord and the
lord of the house occupied by Moon and the lord of the
8th occupy quadrants, whilst Jupiter is neither in a kendra
nor in the Ascendant.
26. Saturn in debilitation joining kendra or a kona, while
benefics occupy quadrants or Sun occupies a quadrant,
produces a leader of men and his death manifest in his
65th year (Vide Chart at the close of this Chapter).
27. Death may be predicted in the 66lh year when the lords of
the ascendant and the Moon's sign, join the 8th while the
lord of the 8th joins the kendra.
28. 66 years of life may also be foretold when Jupiter joins the
ascendant and combines with Sun and Mercury in Meena
and when Moon is in the 12th.
29. 66 years of life may also be predicted when Moon as in
Vrishabha exalted, which also happens to be the rising sign,
while Saturn joins the 12th in Aries or Mesha where he is
debilitated, and while Sun occupies the 7th i. e. Scorpio or
30. The following configuration produces a learned, Gyani
whose death manifests in his 70th year; — Sun, Mars. Saturn
and the 6th house lord must join the quadrants while
Jupiter and Moon are found in the 8th or 12th houses.
31. Death occurs in the 70th year when a very powerful benef ic
conjoins a quadrant having a powerful benefic aspect of
the birth lord and no benefic is found in the 8th, (vide Chart
on page 37).
34 -wy-Span of Life

32. Death manifests at the age of 70 when Makara happens to

be the Lagna, Saturn in the 4th debilitated (of course in
Aries or Mesha) while Mars is in Taurus the 5th, while
Sun is in the 7th i. e. Cancer.(Vide Chart on this page).

Saturn Mars
11 Rahu Moon
Saturn Jupiter Rasi
Rahu Kelu
Venus Ketu V

In this horoscope according to this configuration Lagna is

Capricorn. Saturn is in 4 th debilitated and Mars is in 5th in Taurus.
But Sun is in 9th and not in 7th as required in this. As this does not
apply in to this it need not be taken into account. So other
calculations and considerations should be taken up for fixing his
longevity. Nevertheless Rules 26 to 31 fix as 65 or 70 years.
IV Furna Ayur Yogas or Combinations for Long Life
All the planets must occupy the 1st, 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th or
in the alternative must occupy 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th houses
to grant a long lease of life.
In this particular instance Rahu and Ketu may be excluded. Note
this exception please.
When benefics are in 1st to 6th and malefics 7lh to 12th there
will be long life coupled with wealth.
There will be long life when all the planets occupy odd signs
and also when birth falls in an odd sign with full moon in it.
A native lives up to 80 years of age:—
1. When moon and Jupiter are posited in a quadrant aspected
by another benefic when the rest of the planets are in the
houses other than their own.
2. When birth and Moon fall in die 2nd Hora of Capricorn,
while the 1st Hora is occupied by Mars (of course, not in
deep exaltation), while Jupiter is in a quadrant in Aries,
Special Combinations for Death at Different Ages 35

Cancer or Libra.
3. When malefics join the 3rd, 6th, or lllh houses, while Moon
occupies 8th or 12th and Jupiter is in quadrant, there will
be 80 years of life and the native will have lordship over
towns or villages.
4. One will have vast reputation, and lives for 80 years, when
Jupiter is in Lagna, Venus is in 4th, and Moon and Satum
without any malefic association conjoin the 10th house.
5. When Jupiter occupies the last Hora of Dhanus, while birth
falls in its second Hora, Moon and Venus join quadrants
from Satum, then the native will live for 80 years.

Illustration 1: I would just like to give a few illustrations Vide
Rule: 16 III (iii) fixes30.52 years of life. Lord of 8th joined a Kendra
and the birth lord is powerless joining 12th in conjunction with
Rahu. Moreover by Gochara Saturn was transiting in 12th from
radical Moon and Lagna, while Jupiter in the 7th, crossing
debilitated Mars. Further more Gurudasa-lord of 3rd and 12th —
aspected by Sun, lord of 8th, Sani Bhukthi—(lord of Lagna and
2nd) a Maraka, Moon, Mars in 7th opposing 7th lord, death at her
32nd year.

Rahu Merc. Sun Ketu
Merc. ^
12 Lagna S
10 Kuja
Sun 1 /7 Jupiter Female
4 Lagna died at 32
Mars Moon
3 Satum
Ketu Jupiter

Illustration II: The Lagna is a Dwiswabhava Rasi (duel sign)

with Saturn in it. Moon is in the 12th. Hence the natives's longevity
may be conveniently fixed as 52 years. (Vide Rule 17 of
Madhyamayur Yogas, Chapter HI) "When Saturn is found in Lagna
in a Dwiswabhava Rasi while Moon be in 8th or 12th, he will be a
philosopher and passes off from the world in his 52nd year
34 -o^-Span of Life

6. When Mercury occupies the 1st Hora of Virgo (Kanya) and

birth falls in the 2nd Hora of it while 4 planets are in
exaltation there will be 80 years of life.

an Sun Marc/
Mars Venus S Lagna Mara Ketu
1y Saturn
Kelu 2/ Lagna Xio
Saturn X \JupJler Moon
/ Mercury
3 A vanua Chart D
X8 Rahu
5 Rahu
X Jupiter

Note :—Since Sun and Venus cannot be in exaltation while Mercury

be in Virgo, the other 4 planets that are referred to here must be
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Moon respectively in their exaltation
signs; viz. Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Taurus. This is rather a
very fortunate and a rare combination.
7. When malefics join the 3rd 6th and 11th houses. Mercury
occupies the last Navamsa of birth, Saturn also in the rising
sign while Jupiter or Venus are in a quadrant there will be a
life of 80 years to the native.
8. When Jupiter and Moon are in the 4th, powerful birth lord
in the 11 !h and a benefic is in the 10th, there will be a life of
80 years.
9. Death occurs at the age of 86 years when benefics do not
join 8th or 6th, while Moon is located in the 6th.
10. When 3 planets are found in 5th, 9th, or 8th or in kendras
or 5 planets be found in kendras, then there will a long life
of 100 years.
11. 100 years of life may be foretold when Jupiter occupies a
kendra from Birth lord, while malefics are in houses other
than quadrants and trinqs.
12. Jupiter must be in a Kendra, Sun and Mars in the ascendant
or 8th, then the native will be a lord of many men, will be
wealthy and will live for 100 years.
13. There will be 100 years of life when Sun, Mars and Saturn
have a navamsa in a Chara-Rasi (Moveable sign) Jupiter
Special Combinations for Death at Different Ages 37

and Venus in fixed signs. Moon and Mercury in dual

(Dwiswa-bahava) signs.
V Aparimitayur Yogas
The following are combinations for 108 years of life.
1. The last Navamsa of a sign must fall as birth and 4 planets
must be in kendras.
2. Birth must fall in Leo, while 5 planets are in 5th and 9th
3. Birth must fall in Vrishabha; Jupiter and Mars must be
found in exaltation in Cancer and Capricorn respectively
and all other planets must be in quadrants.

General Rules for Arriving at Short,

Middle or Long Life

1. It will have to be observed that (i) the lord of the rising sign,
(ii) the lord of the 8th Bhava/(iii) Saturn (iv) Lord of the 10th
Bhava, who are respectively the lords of the Thanusthanam
Ayusthanam, the Ayushkaraka and the lord of the
Karmasthana and also (v) the lord of the3rd being the 8th
from 8th Ayushad-Ayusthanam, play their part in imparting
life. Their strength will have to be weighed in determining
the longevity of a native.
2. The life of a man will be short when the lord of the 8th
joins the 12th with a malefic and also when the birth lord
and the lord of the 8th join in the 6th.
3. (a) When 4 or more planets occupy the first 4 houses, the
native lives long.
(b) When such a grouping is seen in the next set of houses
i. e. from 5th to 8th, the native lives a middle age.
(c) If 4 or more planets are found in houses 9 to 12 the
native lives for a short term.
4. When all the evil planets including the lord of 8th and
excluding the lord of Lagna are: —
i. (a) in Kendras —the native dies young.
(b) in Aupoklimas—the native lives up to old age.
(c) in Panaparas—he lives up to a middle age.
ii. Conversely when all of the benefics including the lord
of the Lagna positioned in
(a) Kendras—he lives long
(b) In Panaparas-upto middle age
(c) While in Aupoklimas—he will have a short life.
5. Another similar method has been cited by Kalidasa in
(a) There will be long life when benefics viz. Jupiter
General Rules for Arriving at Short, Middle or Long Life 39

Venus, and Mercury occupy quadrants or trines.

(b) There will be middle life when they occupy the
2nd, 3rd and 11th houses.
(c) There will be short life when they occupy 6th, 8th
or 12th.
6. Malefics viz. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in the 1st,
4th, 7th, 10th, 6th, 8th, 12th, give bad results. While malefics
in 3rd, 6th, 11 th are conducive to longevity. The second
house is considered a neutral one, as it is a benefic as well
as a malefic house.
7. (a) There will be a long and enjoyable life when the
Ascendant its lord, the lord of the house occupied by
the birth lord are in houses of benefics aspected by
benefics in beneficial houses.
(b) While the Ascendant, etc. mentioned above are without
beneficial influences, there will be short life.
8. When (i) the rising sign (ii) or the sign occupied by Moon
or (iii) the lord of the 8th from Lagna or (iv) the lord of the
8th from Moon—is aspected by the lord of the 8th Mars,
Saturn or some of them, while the above 4 items are
unaspected by the lord of the rising sign or benefics, there
will be short life, but the converse of this holds good for
long life
9. There is another method for determining the short, middle,
or long life based on friendships, neutrality or enmity
between the set of the planets mentioned here-under.
As when the lord of lagna happens to be a friend of Sun, there
will be a long life; if an equal, middle life; and if an enemy, short
Friendships or enmity are of two kinds viz. Naisargika or
permanent and Tatkalika or temporary. Both have to be considered
Planets Friends Neutrals Enemies
Sun Mars, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Satrun
Moon Mercury, Sun All planets —
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Satrun Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Venus, Mercury
Venus Mercury, Satrun Marsjupiter Sun, Moon
Satrun Venus, Mercury Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars
40 ^o-Span of Life

10. Find out the planets connected with each of the couples
and tabulate them: —
(1) The lord of lagna versus lord of 8th.
(2) Lord of this sign occupied by Moon versus lord of 8th
from Moon.
(3) Lord of Navamsa Lagna versus the Navamsa lord of the
(4) Navamsa lord of the lord of the Lagna versus Navamsa
lord of the lord of the 8th.
When there is enmity between the lord of the above mentioned
position, there will be short life; when they happen to be equals,
there will be middle life; when they chance to be friends, there will be
long life.
11. There will be short life when the lord of the 8th occupies a
quadrant and is stronger than the birth lord, while evil
planets are located in 8th and 12th.
12. There will be very short life when Gulika occupies the 8th
with an aspect from Satum or in a Saturn's Varga.
13. Long life may be predicated when; —
(i) The lord of the 8th and the lord of birth combine in 6th
or 12th, while the lord of 6th or 12th occupy the birth
sign aspected by a benefic.
(ii) When the lord of 8th joins his own house.
(iii) When Saturn is in his friendly or in his sign of exaltation.
(iv) When the lord of the 10th is in his own house or in a
friendly sign or in his sign of exaltation.
(v) When birth lord and lord of the 10th occupy kendras.
(vi) When lords of Birth, 8th, and 10th, occupy kendras.
(vii) When the above lords join their own houses or occupy
(viii) When quadrants are conjoined by benefics and the 10th
lord from the rising sign, is in union with a benefic,
aspected by Jupiter.
(ix) When the lord of the 8 th occupies birth aspected by
Jupiter and Venus, while lord of birth is located in
(x) When Jupiter Moon, the lord of the Lagna are well
positioned there will be long life.
(xi) If there are no evil planets either in quadrants or in trines
or in the 8th while Birth lord and Jupiter occupy
General Rules for Arriving at Short Middle or Long Life ^7- 41

(xii) When the rising sign and the Moon are strong and in
combination with beneficial planets or have their aspect
and their lords are well placed in regular trines while
2nd and 8th are influenced by benefics.
(xiii) When evil planets occupy the 3rd, 6th or 11th houses
with Jupiter in the rising sign, while the lord of the
Ascendant and Moon are in conjunction with each other.
(xiv) When birth lord is in a trine or in conjunction with Moon
in a kendra or in 11th.
Male born 17th May 1908. Died January 1939. A highly
religious man, well versed in Mantra sastras. Artist, Physician etc.
The following are Alpa Ayu combination in the chart Rule 3.
C. of Chapter IV.4 Plannets in the signs 9lh to 12.
The lord of the 8th Guru aspects the Chandra Lagna while
Lagnathipathi is aspected by Saturn (Uttara Kalamrita, Chapter
IV, Sloka 8). The Lord of the sign occupied by the lord of Lagna is
with Mars, whileChandra lagna has the aspect of the 8th. Chapter
IV, rule 8 of this Book. Moreover according to Jaimini: — (Chapter.
VII of this book)
4r ^
Saturn Rahu
X Mars

Moong Rasi
Ketu 9,
12 Ketu Moon

(1) Lagnathi Pathi is in a Sthira Rasi, Ashtamadipathi in a

Chararasi, indicates Middle Life. (Rule 2 a. of Chapter VII),
(2) Lagna in a Sthira Rasi and Chandra Lagna in a Sthira Rasi
indicates short life (Rule 3 b. of Chapter VII).
Rule 4 a. of Chapter VII wants us to take the majority out of
the above sets. Hence short life. The native was in Sukra Dasa,
Rahu Bhukti. He committed suicide by taking poison in a fit of
frenzy. Note the conjunction of Mars, Venus and Rahu. The Dasa is
of a Vipad Thara Pathi and the Antardasa was of Nydhana Tharathi
Pathi. Hence the above gravity. □□ □

Nakshatra Ayurdayam of Kalldasa

Longevity granted by the planets as per their occupation in

constellations of the Zodiac.
Our present task would be to find out in which constellation a
particular planet is occupying and next in which quarter (or Pada).
It is, of course, with the aid of an accurate Hindu Alamanic this can
easily be done. Generally planets are so entered, prinui fade by every
Hindu Astrologer. This is not a difficult task for the western
enthusiast With the aid of any Western Ephemeris the planets'
places by the time of Birth for a Horoscope can be determined.
These planetary longitudes will have to be reduced to Nirayana
ones which forms, of course, the fundamental basis for our plan.
One can from them, ascertain in which constellation and in which
Pada every planet (exclusive of Moon's ascending and descending
nodes Rahu and Ketu) is situated. This is also given a separate
treatment which can be referred to with advantage.
Rule 1: (a) Having fixed the planet in the Pada (Quarter) and the
Nakshatra (constellation) count from Aswini, the
number of constellations already traversed by a planet
and divide this number by 3, leave the quotient,
multiply the remainder in figure by 4. Keep the
Rulel:(b) Note the padas in that star in which the planet has
already traversed. Add this to that obtained above in
A. This sum represents the number of years of life
granted by that particular planet.
Rule l:(c) The further step consists in noting down when the
planet in question entered that pada of the star and
also when the planet leaves that quarter to the next.
Nakshatra Ayurdayam of Kalidasa 43

From these two entries, noting the difference, find out

die duration of time taken by the planet to traverse in
that quarter. Style this as " Pramnnn."
Rule 1: (d) Find out the time taken by the planet to traverse in that
particular Pada (quarter) of thatStar by the time of birth,
by noting the difference, in time between the lime of
entry into that particularquarter of the constellation and
the time of birth. Style this as "Ichdw"
Rule 1: (e) Multiply the Vighatis in D " Ichcha" by 12, divide this
product by the Vighatis obtained in C "Pramana." The
quotient represents months, days, ghatis etc.
Rule 1: (f) Multiply the remainder in (e) by 30 and carry on the
process of division as before. The quotient obtained as
such represents the days.
Rule 1: (g) Multiply the remainder in (f) by 60 a/.d divide by the
Pramana, as before. The quotient represents the ghatis.
Rule 1: (h) Multiply the remainder in (g) by 60 and carry on the
division which leaves the quotient of Vighatis. Add
the months, days, ghatis and vighatis obtained in die
operation of Rule E, F, G, H, to die number of years
already obtained in Rule 1-A. Thus by a careful
operation of these rules, we can get the longevity by
each planet.
Example 1: Required to find out the Longevity of Sun for a native
bom on 1911 October 12th, at 18 ghatis and 43 vighatis after Sunrise.
By a reference to the Almanac we note the following as regards
the transits of Sun
Entry I; Sun enters Chitra I quarter on 1911 October 10th, at
41 ghatis and 49 vighatis.
Entry II: Sun enters Chitra II quarter on 1911 October 14th at
3 ghatis and 27 vighatis.
The birth occurred on 1911 October 12di at 18 ghatis, 43 vighatis
which occurs between the above two entries. So Sun will be then
traversing in Chitta I quarter by the time of birth. Hence counting
from Aswini, we note that Sun has already traversed through 13
constellations (i. e. upto Chitta).
(A & B) Now dividing 13 by 3, three goes four times and leaves
a remainder of 1 which when multiplied by 4, yields 4. Since Sun is
in Chitta quarter, there is no more addition of padas to this. So Sun
44 -^-Span of Life

gives 4 years of life.

(Q The next step consists in determining months, days, etc. of
life granted by Sun. For this purpose make a note of entries
as given under
Chitra II quarter 1911 Oct 14 at 3 ghatis 27 vighatis
Chitra I quarter 1911 Oct. 10 at 41 ghatis/ 49 vighatis
Praman(Duration of) ^
3 da s 21:
Sun's transit in Chitra IJ y ' 8hatis'38 vighatis-
Converted into vighatis this will yield to 12,098 vighatis. This
is the Pramana (Rule 1c).
(D) The foregoing step will be to determine the lime taken by
Sun to traverse in Chitta I quarter from its entry upto the
tims of birth.
Time of birth 1911 Oct, 12th at 18 ghatis 37 vighatis
Sun's entry into Chitra]
I quarter ( ^c'0^er a
t 44 ghatis 40 vighatis
Ichcha 1 day, 36 ghatis 58 vighatis
This when converted into vighatis yields 5,81 £ vighatis (Rule 1
12,098) 69,86 ( 5 months D). As per rules IE to H multiplying
60,490 the vighatis of Ichcha in ID by 12,
we have 5,818 x 12 = 69,816 vighatis
which has to be divided by the
12,098) 2,79,780 ( 23 days vighatis of Pramana obtained in rule
74.196 1C. We get months, days etc. 69,816
This is 5 months, 23 days 7
ghatis and 34 vighatis which added
1,526 x 60 to 4 yrs. already obtained. Example
II and C gives the longevity granted
12,098) 91,560 ( 7 ghatis by Sun which is 4 years, 3 months,
84,686 23 days, 7 ghatis and 34 vighatis.
6,874x60 Like this, the longevity granted
by all the 7 planets can be obtained
12,098) 4,12,440 ( 34 vighatis and kept. These will have to be
36,294 altered by effecting some reductions
49,500 Per their position in the Chart
48#352 which will be taken up presently.
Nakshatra Ayurdayam of Kalidasa 45


Methods of calculations from the Celestial Longitudes of
Planets: —
Calculating the terms of life granted by planets as per their
occupation in Nakshatra and Padas is the Amsa-Ayurdaya system.
Now the method of calculation of longevity granted by planets from
the celestial Longitudes of planets will be given hereunder,
Hindu Nirayana Longitudes are required for this purpose.
1. Note the space traversed on the ecliptic by each planet
from 0° Aries, from each expunge 13° 20' or its multiples. For this a
reference may be made to the Table of Constellations given

Beginning of Nakshatras-Table of Constellations

Nakshatras Long Nakshatras Long
Begin Begin

s 0 i s O i
1 Ashwini 0 0 0 15 Swati 6 6 40
2 Bharani 0 13 20 16 Visakha 6 20 0
3 Krittika 0 26 40 17 Anuradha 7 3 20
4 Rohini 1 10 0 18 lyestha 7 16 40
5 Mrigsira 1 23 20 " 19 Mula 8 0 0
6 Ardra 2 6 40 20 Purvasadha 8 13 20
7 Punarvasu 2 20 0 21 Uttarasadha 8 26 40
8 Pushya 3 3 20 22 Sravana 9 10 0
9 Aslesha 3 16 40 23 Dhanistha 9 23 20
10 Magha 4 0 0 24 Satabhisha 10 6 40
i 11 Purva-Phal 4 13 20 25 P. Bhadra 10 20 0
12 Uttara-Phal 4 26 40 26 U. Bhadra 11 3 20
13 Hasta 5 10 0 27 Revati 11 16 40
14 Chitra 5 23 20

. Thus we can arrive at the number of stars already traversed

by a planet and keep the remainder in degrees, minutes and
After finding out the number of stars, a planet has already
transited in, divide the number by 3 and have the quotient Multiply
the remainder by 4. This denotes the number of padas traversed in
46 -^-Span of Life

that sign. This number is the number of years of life granted by that
2. From the remainder, now we have to determine die number
of Padas (quarters) traversed by that planet, by multiplying S^O',
or its multiples, in that constellation.
(a) Now when the remaining is one less than 3°20', no quarters
are traversed.
(b) If the remaining longitude is more than 3o20,, and less than
6C40' one quarter is traversed. So add one to the number of
years obtained in 1.
(c) If the remaining longitude is more than 6o40' and less than
10° the planet has traversed two quarters in that
constellation. From this expunge 6o40' and convert the
remainder into seconds.
(d) If the remaining longitude is more than 10° and less than
13o20l then three quarters are traversed. So add 3 to the
years in I. When 10 is expunged from the longitudes the
remainder is to be converted into seconds. So add, 1,2 or 3
years as the case may be to the years obtained in I and the
remainder to be converted into seconds.
An example will cover many of these cases in 2c, d.
3. In this method the (Pramana) duration rather the space on
the ecliptic is I quarter of a constellation which is 200' or 12,000"
The Ichcha as such, will be the remainder in either of the cases
in 1—2—B—C or D.
To get the number of months, days, etc., multiply the remainder
in seconds by 12 and divide the product by 1,200.
Or, it would be sufficient if it is arranged that these seconds
(remainder) have 3 places o/Dechnnls. This decimal fraction would
represent the number of months. From this we can easily arrive at
the months, days, ghatis etc. of life granted by each planet.
4. Add these months, days, etc. to the total number of years
obtained in 2. This will finally be the amount of life granted by
each planet.
Example A: To find out the longevity granted by the Sun in the
standard Horoscope Sun's longitude is 174056,. By making a
reference to the table of constellations, it will be seen that 173o20 of
space on the ecliptic comprising of 13 constellations end with Hasta.
Nakshatra Ayurdayam of Kalidasa -nc^ 47

So it is obvious that Sun has traversed a space of 13 constellations or

5 Signs, 10 Degrees.
So 13/3 leaves a remainder I which multiplied by 4 gives 4.
This denotes the number of years. Since the remainder is only 1°
36' no more is to be added. The months, days etc. granted by Sun
can be worked out thus:
Sun's Longitude 174® 56' 54'
Space of 13 Constellations 173® 20' 0H
Remainder 1* 36' 24'

From this remainder it will be obvious that Sun is only in Ghitta

I quarter Now convert the remainder into seconds. We have:
{1 x 60 + 36) x 60 + 24} - 96 x 60 + 24 » 5760 + 24 =« 5784.
To find out die months, days etc, these seconds will have to be
so arranged as to have 3 places of decimals. Hence we will have it
as 5,784 months ="5
2Q (multiply the decimal fraction only)
23.32 days-23

19.20 ghatis-19

120 0 vighatis-12
So Sun grants 4 years, 3 months, 23 days, 19 ghatis and 12
vighatis. There is a slight difference between the two methods. This
is negligible. Similarly find out die amounts of life granted by the
rest of the planets. They are-thus tabulated

No Planet Yean Month* Days Ghatis Vighatis

1 Sun 4 5 23 7 34
2 Moon 2 6 0 16 6
3 Mars 2 9 26 18 36 .
4 Mocuxy 2 0 2S 26 24
5 Jupiter I 11 4 8 24
6 Venus 6 1 29 27 36
7 Saturn 7 10 18 48 0

These terms of life obtained above have to be subjected to some

alterations. Their occupation in the Chart determines how die terms
have to be altered.
48 -o^Span of Life


H.L When a malefic occupies
(a) 12th house, reduce die term to Zero.
(b) the 11th reduce it by 1/2 it loses the tenth by.
(c) if in the 10th reduce by 1/3.
(d) In the 9th by 1/2;
(e) in the 8th by 1/5
(f) in7thby!/6th
H. II; While a benefic planet occupies (a) the 12th it looses the
term (b) in the 11th by 1/4, (c) in the 10th 1/6, (d) in the
9th by 1/8/ (e) in the 8th by 1/10 (f) in the 7th 1/12,
H. Ill: When a planet is in debilitation it loses half the term it
H. IV: When a planet is in combustion with the Sun half of its
term should be scored off.
H. V: When a planet suffers any planetary defeat in a planetary
fight it loses half the term it grants.
Note:—Planetary fight occurs when a planet is along with Mars
when either die planet or Mars be in retrogression. The planet
having greater Northerly Declination is invariably the victor but
with Venus die reverse holds good.
H. VI: A planet in its enemy's camp loses one-third of the term
it granted.
Note:—When a planet is subjected to these three deductions viz (1)
for its debilitation (2) for its combustion (3) for an occupation of an
enemy's camp it is enough that half the term is scored of asitisthe
maximum of these reductions.
Finding the amount of life granted by each planet apply the
(Harana Samskara) reduction as is required and then find out the
final grant of each planet Then add up these terms. To this add the
longevity, granted by the ascendant If malefic planet be in Lagna,
the Lagna's grant should not be added at all.
The method of determination of Lagna Ayurdajyam i. e. the
amount of life granted by the Ascendent consists in finding out
the Nirayana Longitude of the Birth Ascendant leaving the Sighs,
converting the degrees, minutes and seconds into seconds. If this
Nakshatra Ayurdayam of Kalidasa 49

number is so arranged to contain 3 places of decimals, this decimal

fraction represents the months which can be conveniently converted
into years etc.
To find out the Longevity granted by the Ascendant In the Standard
The Birth ascendant falls in 13° 22* 28" of Capricorn
having signs die longevity converted into seconds we gets {(13 *
60 + 221-802 * 60 + 28 - 48,948. This when arranged to have
3 decimal places we have 48,948 months which is equal to 4 years
0 months, 4 days and 26 ghatis. This is the Longevity contributed
by Lagna.
Illustration : To effect Harana Samskara in the Standard Horoscope.
1. Sun: Sun is in 9th, so it loses 1/4 of term Sun grants H. I. D.
So, take away 1/4 of 4 years, 5 months, 23 days and 7 ghatis. Then
it will be 4 years 5 months 23 days 7 ghatis 34 vighatis 1 year, 1
month 13 days & 15 ghatis 39 vighatis we get 3 years, 4 months, 9
days, 51 ghatis and 55 vighatis which will be the final grant of Sun
after die Harana Samskara.
2. Moon: Longevity imparted by this planet is 2 years, 6 months,
0 days, 16 Ghatis and since he has greater Northerly declination in
the planetary fight with Mars, he is the Victor. Henceno reduction is
3. Mars: Grants a life of 2 years, 9 months, 26 days, 18 ghatis
and 36 vighatis since he is vanquished in the planetary fight He
grants 1 year, 4 months and 28 days after losing half.
4. Mercury ; The amount of life granted by this planet is 2
years, 0 months, 25 days, 26 ghatis and 24 vighatis. As per H. 1. D.
since he is in 9th he loses instead of what he grants which is 6
months, 2 days, 21 ghatis and 36 vighatis. The final grant will be 1
year, 6 months, 19 days, 4 ghatis and 58 vighatis.
5. Jupiten Grants 1 year, 11 months, 4 days, 8 ghatis and 24
vighatis. So he will lose.-l/6 as per H 11 C which is 0 years, 3
months, 25 days, 41 ghatis, 24 vighatis. Then die final grant will be
1 year, 7 months 8 days, 27 ghatis.
6. Venus: Grants 6 years, 9 months, 29 days, 27 ghatis and 36
vighatis. Reduction of 1/10 as per his position in 8th 1/3 due to his
50 -^?-Span of Life

occupying enemy's camp. Hence 1/3 reduction is effected the final

grant will be 4 years, 6 months, 21 days and 38 ghatis.
7. Saturn: Grants 7 years, 10 months, 8 days, 48 ghatis. He is
debilitated and positioned in an enemy's camp. So, enough if his
term is reduced by half. The final grant of Saturn is 3 years, 11
months, 9 days, 24 ghatis.
8. Lagna: gives 4 year, 0 months, 4 days, 26 ghatis. The sum
total of final grants represents longevity as per this method.
No Planet Yean Monthi Days Ghatis Vlghatis
i Sun 3 4 9 51 55
2 Moon 2 9 0 16 6
3 Mars I 4 28 9 18
4 Mercury 1 6 19 4 58
5 Jupiter 1 7 8 27 0
6 Venus 4 6 21 38 24
7 Satum 3 n 9 24 0
8 Lagna 4 0 4 26 0
Total 22 ii 16 17 41

This is even below Alpayu. But it is to be noted that there are

other systems. The longevity as per those systems should be taken
into account and the highest term is to be pronounced.
Moreover in the earlier pages we found that there are two
configurations granting 65 years and 70 years of life respectively.
(This was pointed out at the end of the 32nd rule of'Middle Life' in
Chapter (III)
We shall take up the Horoscope again for fixing the longevity.

Grahadatta Piitda Ayurdayam

The foremost requisite is to note celestial Longitudes (Nirayana)

of the primary planets (1) Sun (2) Moon (3) Mars (4) Mercury (5)
Jupiter (6) Venus and (7) Saturn.
Rule I: After noting the Longitude of the required planet in
signs, degrees, minutes and seconds, subtract from the
same the Longitude of that planefs exaltation point
Keep the remainder.
Rule II: If the required planets Longitude is less than the
exaltation point from the Longitude, exaltation point
cannot of course, be subtracted. So, add 12 signs to
the longitude of the required planet From this subtract
the exaltation point. Keep this remainder.
Rule 111: If this remaining longitude is less than 6 signs, subtract
the same from 12 signs and keep the remainder aside.
Let this be the actual remainder.
Rule IV: If the remainder in signs, degrees, minutes, seconds as
obtained in Rule 1 or II is greater than 6 signs, keep the
same as actual remainder.
The following table gives the exaltation point in signs as degrees
of planets.
Planet Signs Degrees
■ Sun Aries ... 10 (Aries 108)
Moon Taurus ... 3 (Taurus 38)
Mars Makar ... 28 (Capricorn 28®)
Mercury Virgo ... 15 (Virgo 15#)
Jupiter Cancer ... 5 (Cancer 5°)
Venus Piesces ... 27 (Pisces 27°)
Saturn Libra ... 20 (Libra 20°)
SZ Span of Life

Planets individually grant their full terms of life when they are
in exaltation. The same is shown in the foregoing table.

Sun grants 19 Years of life

Moon // 25 99
Mars // 15 99
Mercury §9 12 99
Jupiter // 15 . 99
Venus // 21 99
Saturn 99 20 99

Rule V: Now the next step would be to multiply the figure of the
actual remainder viz. in signs, degrees, minutes and
seconds each separately by the number of the planetary
grant of years of life of that particular planet
Rule VI: (a)Divide die seconds by 6 and add the result of the
quotient to the minutes.
(b) Then divide die total number of minutes so
obtained in by 60 and add die quotient to die
(c) Then divide the total number of degrees as
obtained in by 30 and add thequotientto die signs.
(d) The total number of signs have to be divided by
12. The quotient represents the Bhaganas.
RulE VII: The quotient representing the Bhagana Sthana will be
the number of years that particular planet, in the
Horoscope, contributes to the foetus. The remainder
left in the operation of Rule VI (d) in signs will be the
months, the remainder in degrees Rule VI (c) will be
days, the remainder in Rule VI (b) of minute will be
ghatis and lastly the remainder (in Rule Via) in seconds
will be the vighads of life. Thus for any required planet
with die help of these seven rules, celestial grant of
life can be worked out mathematically. The same
proceedure has to be adopted for all the seven planets.
The foregoing wiQ be a worked out example of a horoscope.
The planets represented in signs, degrees and minutes and seconds
in the following manner—
Grlhadattt Pinda Ayurdayam 53

Planet Signs Degrees Minutes Seconds

Sun 5 24' 56' 6"
Moon 1 18* 20' 9"
Mars 1 19* 24' 39"
Mercury 5 16' 54' 8"
Jupiter 6 26' 25' 38"
Venus 4 20 33' 2"
Saturn 0 26 17' 50"

1. Example: It is required to find out the celestial grant of Sun's

Signs Degrees Minute Seconds
The longitude of Sun 5 24 . 56 6
Substract (Rule 1) Exaltation
point of Sun 0 10 0 0
Remainder 5 14 56 6

Now the remainder is less than six 6 signs. So, as per Rule III
subtract this from 12 signs, then we have:—

12 0 0 0
Subtract remainder 5 14 56 6
6 15 3 54

As per rule V, the operation now consists in multiplying signs,

degrees, minutes and seconds separately by 19 which is Sun's grant
of life in years.
So we have:
' 6 x 19 15 x 19 3 x 19 54 x 19
114 285 57 1026
The several operations of the rule VI a, b, c, d will have to be
So, 1026 has to be divided by 60 (Rule VI a) Seconds
, Seconds
60) 69,886 ( 17
Remainder 6 Seconds
54 -o-- Span of Life

57 plus 17= 74 minutes.

Rule VI b. (57 +17) = 74 + 60 = 1Q. Degrees plus 14 remainder
The total number of degrees
=285 +1 = 286 Rule VII c. 286+30 9 signs quotient remainder
16 degrees.
Rule VI d. Total No. of signs = 114 plus 9 = 123 signs.
Rule 123/12 = 10 Bhaganas and remainder 3 signs.
Now according to rule VII the quotient of Bhaganas are lOyears.

Remainder of Signs = 3 are months

„ Degrees = 16 are days
„ Minutes = 14 are ghatis
„ Seconds = 4areVighatis

The Sun's grant of life, 10 years, 3 months, 16 days, 14 Ghatis

and 6 Vighatis.

II Example : Longevity granted by Moon.

Longitude of Moon = 1 18 20 9
Exalation point of Moon = 1 3 0 0
Remainder = 0 15 20 9
The remainder is less than 6 signs. So, subtracting the same
from 12 signs as per

Rule 111:
Signs Deg M S
12 0 0 0
Subtract remainder 0 15 20 9
The actual remainder IT • 14 39~ IT

So now, as per Rule V, the s^ns of degrees 14, minutes 39, and
Sec 51.
Multiply each separately by 25:—
Signs Degrees Minutes Seconds
11 x 25 14 x 25 39 x 25 51 x25
275 350 975 1275
Grthadana Pinda Ayurdayam 55

Rule VI A: 60) 1275 (21 Minutes

$ 75
Ronainder 15 Seconds

Total No. of Minutes « 975 plus 21 = 996 minutes

Rule VIB: 60 ) 9% (16 degrees

Remainder 36 Minutes

The total No of degrees = 350 plus 16 = 366°

Rule VIC: 12 ) 366 ( 23Bhagahas

Remainder 6 Degrees

The total No of signs - 275 plus 12 - 287 signs

Rule VID: 12 ) 287 ( 23Bhaganas

Remainder 11 signs

So as per Rule VII

The quotient in Bhaganas = 23 are years
The remainder of signs = 11 are months
„ „ degrees = 6 are days minutes
„ „ minutes = 31 are ghatis seconds
„ „ seconds = 15 are vighatis
Therefore, Moon's grant of life is for 23 yeais, 11 months, 7
days, 31 ghatis and 15 Vighatis,
56 Span of Life

Example: in Longevity granted by Mars.

Signs Degrees MlnutesSeconds
The longitude of Mars 1 19 24 39
Rule 11 The Exaltation point of Mars is greater. So add 12 signs

12 0 0 0

~13 W li" HE

Subtract exaltation point 9 28 0 0

of Mars

Remainder 3 2r 24" 39"

Since the above remainder is less than 6 signs, this has to be

substracted from 12 signs
12 0 0 0
0 21 24 39

~8~ ~8~ IF ~n
Now as per Rule V we have to multiply 8 signs, 8 degrees;
35 minutes and 21 seconds each by 15 which is the grant of life in
years by Mars.
8 *15 8 * 15 35 x 13 21 x 15
120 120 525 315
Rule VIA:

60) 315" (5 Minutes

Remainder 15 seconds
The total No. of minutes = 525 + 5 = 530
Rule VIB:

60} 530 (8
Remainder 50 minutes
The total No. of degrees = 120 + 8 = 128®
Grihadatta Plnda Ayurdayam 57

Rule VIC:

30) 128 (4 sign

Remainder 8 degrees
The total No. of signs -120 + 4 »124 signs.
Rule VID;

12) 124 (lOBhaganas

Remainder 4 Signs.

As per Rule VII tabulate results thus: -

The Quotient in Bhaganas ... 10 years
The remainder in Signs ... 4 months
The remainder in Degrees ... 8 days
The remainder in Minutes ... 50 ghatis
The remainder in Seconds ... 15 Vighatis
So the period of life which Mars grants is 10 years, 4 months, 8
days, 50 ghatis and 15 vighatis.
Example: IV Longevity granted by Mercury.
Signs Deg Min Sec

Longitude of Mercury 5 16 54 8
Rule I Exaltation Point
of Mercury 5 15 0 0
Remainder 1 "54 IT
Since die above remainder is less than six signs, subtract from
12, Thus we have:-
Remainder 12 0 0 0
0 1 54 8
Rule 3: Actual remainder TT "28" T IT
As per Rule 5 multiplying the several figures from signs to
Seconds by 12 which is the grant of Mercury's term of life.
SS —a- Span of Life

11x12 28x12 5x12 52x12
132 336 60 624

Rule VIA: 60 ) 624 (10 minutes

Remainder 24 seconds
The total No of minutes = 60 +10 = 70 minutes.
Rule VIB; 60 ) 70 ( 1 quotient
Remainder 10 minutes
Therefore the total No. of degrees * 336 +1 = 337 degrees:
Rule VI C:
30 ) 337 (11 signs
Remainder 10 minutes

Therefore the total No. of signs = 132 +11 = 143 signs.

Rule VID: 12) 143 (llBhiganas
Remainder 11 signs.

As per Rule VII

Quotient in Bhaganas 11 years
Remainder in degrees 11 months
Remainder in minutes 10 ghatis
Remainder in seconds 24 vighatis.
So the period of life granted by Mercury is 11 years, 11 months,
7 days, 10 ghatis and 24 vighatis.
Grihadatta Pinda Ayurdayam Sf

Exa mpto V: Longevity granted by Jupiter.

Longitude of Jupiter ... 6 26 25 38
Exaltation point of Jupiter ... 3 5 0 0
Remainder .- ~3~ ~2l 25" 38~
Since the remainder is less than 5 signs subtract the same from
12 signs:
We have as per Rule
12 0 0 0
3 21 25 38
Actual Remainder ~8~ 8 IT 22"
Now as per Rule V multiplying the several figures from signs
to seconds each by 15
8x15 8x15 34x15 12x15
120 120 510 330

The next step is to carry out the four operations of Rule Via.

Rule VI A; 60) SSO" ( 5Minutes

Remainder 30 Seconds
.% The total No of Minutes " 510 plus 5 = 515 minutes

Rule VIB: ^ 350" ( 8 degrees

Remainder 35 Minutes
The total No. of degrees ■ 120 plus 8 ■ 128 deg.
Rule VIC: Degrees Quotient
30) 128 C4signs
Remainder 8 degrees

The total No. of signs " 120 plus 4 ■ 124 signs

60 Span of Life

Rule VID: 12) 124 (10 Bhaganas

Remainder 4 signs
Now the above results are to be tabulated as per Rule VII as
shown hereunder
Quotient in Bhaganas ... 10 years '
Remainder in signs ... 4 months
Remainder in degrees ... 8 days
Remainder in minutes ... 35ghatis
Remainder in seconds ... 30 vighatis.
So from the above it can be learnt that Jupiter grants a term of
10 years, 4 months, 8 days, 35 ghatis and 30 vighatis of life.
Example VI: Longevity granted by Venus
Sig. Deg. Min. Sec.
Longitude of Venus 4 20 33 2

Since the longitude of Venus 12 0 0 0

is less than the the exaltation
16 20 33 2
point, add 12 signs as per
11 27 0 0
rule 11 and then proceed
Remainder 4 23 33 2

12 0 0 0
4 23 33 2
Actual Remainder 7 ~ Tb Is"
From signs to second multiply each figure by 21.
Signs Deg. Min. Sec.
7x21 6x21 26x21 58x21
147 126 546 1218

Now operating Rule; VI a, b, c, d.

RuleVI A: 60) 1218 ( 20minutes
18 seconds
Grthadatu Pin da Ayurdayam• I

The total No of minutes 546 plus 20 = 566 Minutes

Rule VIB: 60) 566 (9

Remainder 26 minutes
The total No, of degrees = 126 plus 9 = 135 Degrees

Rule VIC: 30) 135 (4

Remainder 15 degrees
Total No. of signs=147 plus 4= 151 signs.

Rule VID: 12 ) 151 (12 Bhaganas.

Remainder 7 signs
Tabulate these results as per Rule VII in the following manner.
Quotient of Bhaganas 12 years
Remainder in signs 7 months
Remainder in degrees 15 days
Remainder in Minutes 26 ghatis
Remainder in Seconds 18 vighatis
So, the term of life granted by Venus is 12 years, 7 months 15
days, 26 ghatis and 18 vighatis.
Example VII: Longevity granted by Saturn
Sign Degrees Minutes Seconds
Logitude of Saturn 0 26 17 50
As per Rule V add 12 signs
to die above
(From this the exaltation point S D M S
cannot be substracted) 12 0 0 0
The total after adding 12 signs 12 26 17 50
Exaltation point of Saturn 6 20 0 0
Actual remainder as per Rule IV 6 6 17 50

Since the remainder in this is greater than 6 signs, keep die

42 -*0^ Span of Life

Now as per Rule V multiplying from signs to seconds the several

figures by 20 which is die number of Saturn's grant of life in years
we have: —
Signs Degrees Minutes Seconds
6x20 6x20 17x20 50x20
120 120 340 1000

Rule VIA: 60 ) 1000 (l6 Minutes
Remainder 40 Seconds
The total No. of minutes - 340 plus 16 * 356 minutes.
RuIeVIB: go) 356 (Sdegrees
Remainder 56 minutes
The total No. of degrees * 120 plus 5 " 125 degrees
Rule VIC; 30 ) 125 deg ( 5 degrees
Remainder 5 degrees

The total No. of signs—120 plus 4 38124 signs

Signs Quotient
Rule VID: 12) 124 (lOBhaganas
Remainder signs
Tabulating the results as per Rule VII we have
Quotient in Bhaganas ... 10 years
Remainder in signs ... 4 months
Reminder in degrees ... 5 days
Remainder in minutes ... 56 ghatis
Remainder in seconds ... 40 vighatis,
Grthadatta Pinda Ayurdayam i3

So the term of life granted by Saturn is 10 years, 4 months, 5

days, 50 ghatis and 49 vighatis.
Rule VIII: Tabulate the periods of life as granted by the several
So we have.
No Planet Years Months Days Ghatis Vighatis
1 Sun 10 3 16 14 6
2 Moon 23 11 6 31 15
3 Mars 10 4 8 50 15
4 Mercury 11 11 7 10 4
5 Jupiter 10 4 8 35 • 30
6 Venus 12 7 15 26 18
7' Saturn 10 4 5 55 40
8 Lagna 4 0 5 24 0

The above are subject to alterations as some planets lose a part

of their grant as per their position in the Chart This will be taken
up in due course.

Lagna, Ayurdaya or the Longevity from Lagna

Note the Longitude of the Ascendant in signs, degrees, minutes
and seconds. We have nothing for the present to do anything with
the signs of that ascendant. The Lagna grants a term of life in years
equal to the number of Navamsas passed in the sign of Lagna
(Ascendant) Rule IX. Convert the longitude of the Ascendant
(Nirayana) leaving signs i.e., the degrees and minutes into minutes.
Since 200 minutes are equal to one Navamsa
(a) divide the minutes of the Longitude of Lagna by 200, the
quotient will represent in years
(b) the remainder if multipied by 12 and divided by 200, the
quotient here obtained will represent months.
(c) die remainder if multipied by 3D and divided by 200 the
quotient will represent days
(d) die remainder in C if multipied (e) by 60 and divided by
200 the quotient will represent 'ghatis' again if the
remainder in'd' is multiplied by 60 and divided by 200
the quotient will be vighatis. From this can be found the
term of life in years, months, days, ghatis and vighatis, the
Ascendant grants.
44 -s^ Span of Ufe

The following example worked out will illustrate the principles

involved in this calculation.
Example VII: Terni of life of the Ascendant
Sign Degrees Minutes Seconds
The logitude of Ascendant 9 13 22 28
Leaving out signs we have 0 13 22 28"
Converted into minutes 13x60 + 23 " 780 + 23 » 803'
Minutes Quotient
Rule IX A; 200 ) 803 ( 4 years

Rule IX B: 200 ) 36 ( 0 years

200 ) 1080 ( 5 days

Rule IX C: 200 ) 4800 ( 24 ghalis

The length of life granted by Iagna,4 years, 0 months, 5 days
and 24 ghatis.


Now the foregoing proceedure consists In giving reductions
to the terms of life obtained previously as per its position in the
Rule X:(A) Except a planet in retrogression, any one will lose a
third of its grant if he be in enemy's camp. This is one
reading. So, it means that if a planet in retrogression is
in an enemy's camp, he loses nothing.
Rule X:(R) Excepting Mars, any other planet in his enemy's camp
loses one-third of his term of life. So to say even if Mars
r--cupies an enemy's camp, he will not lose one-third
Grttadatta Pinda Ayurdayam AS

of Ihe term of life which he gives (dealt with in Chapter

Rule XI: Except Venus and Saturn any other planet in
combustion loses half the term of life he grants. Even
though Venus and Satum are CotTtbust they do not lose
any portion of their life.
Chakrapata Haranam
Planets lose certain fractions of their grants of life when they
are in 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th. 8th and 7th houses from the ascendant
The fraction a planet loses from its term of life depends upon his
benefic nature and upon his situation in the horoscope in
Cha kr.i Harana. This method of deduction in longevity is as:—
Rule Vk A-A malefic planet in the 12th loses the whole of the
lawi of life he grants;
Rule XII: II—In the 11th from the Ascendant loses half the term
of life;
Rule XII: C—In the 10th loses one-third;
Rule XII: D—In the 9th loses one-fourth;
Rule XII: E—In the 8th loses one-fifth;
Rule XII: F—In the 7th loses one-sixth,
Benefics in the above houses lose half of the term of that noted
against each.
RuleXIll: A benefic loses therefore:
(a) in the 12th half the term of life he grants,
(b) in fire 11th one-fourth;
(c) in the 10th one-sixth;
(d) in the 9th one-eighth;
(e) in the 8th one-tenth;
(f) in the 7th one-twelfth.
Note: A—In case two or more malefics or two or more benefics are
found in any one sign from (12th to 7th) all of them do not lose
their fractions as per position. In such a case, find out fire most
powerful of them and apply reduction as per rules laid above, only
to that planet as per his situation in that particular house.
B. The term of life should be reduced as stated in Chakrapata
Harana. There is no exception to this. Then keep fire term
thus reduced in Chakrapata Harana
*4 -wr- Span of Life

Rule XIV: There is a deduction of the term of life if a planet is in

debilitation. If such a planet is also in an enemy's camp
or is in combusion with the Sun, only one deduction
of half the term of life is to made; this is the highest of
the three reductions. (Combustion dealt with in
Chapter VIII Rule HI C)
Rule XV: In an instance, say a term of a planefs grant of life is to
be subjected to a Chakrapata Haranam, deduction as
to its debilitation, combustion and situation in an
enemy's camp. Retrogression etc. Then conduct
Chakrapata Haranam first, then perform the next
deduction for his debilitation or which-so- ever is the
Rule XVI: From the terms granted by the seven planets and also
Lagna, make deductions and arrive at correct terms of
longevity of all theseven planets and lagna contribute.
Now add the several terms of life. The actual longevity
of a person can thus be obtained. '
The following example will illustrate the process of
manipulating deductions that are to be made for the terms of life
granted by planets as obtained and calculated as per rules laid
The longevity granted by Sun—10 years, 3 months, 16 days 14
ghatis and 6 vighatis.
Sun is 9th from Lagna. So Chakrapata Harana of Rule Xll D
has to be done viz. he loses one fourth of the longevity he grants.
- 1/4 of his grant - 2 years, 6 months, 26 days, 33 ghatis and 31
vighatis. So this period will have to be subtracted for Chakrapata
Thus the term Sun grants :

10 years 3 months 16 days 14 ghatis 6 vighatis

Subtract 2 6 26 33 31
Remainder 7 8 19 40 35

Hie remainder in IX, 7 years, 8 months, 19 days, 40 ghatis and

35 vighatis is die final life granted by the Sun in this case.
Grlhadatta Pinda Ayurdayam 47

Exam pie X: Longevity of Moon (final).

Years Months Days Ghatis Vighatis
Moon grants a term 23 11 6 31 15
Where he is in the fifth; no deduction is necessary.
Example XI: The term of Mars (final).
The term granted by Mars 10 years/ 48 months, 50 days, 15
ghatis. Since Mars is in neutral house no deductions are needed for
Example XII: Longevity granted by Mercury.
The life granted by Mercury 11 years, 11 months, 7 days, 10
ghatis, 24 vighatis.
He is in combust with the Sun. He is in 9th. As the deduction
of 1/2 for the former is greater than the latter, he can grant only
1/2 of the above, the final grant of Mercury is 5 years, 11 months
18 days, 35 ghatis, 12 vighatis.
Example XIII: final grant of Jupiter's term.
YrsMnthsDays Ghatis Vighatis
Longevity granted by Jupiter 10 4 8 35 30
1/3 of Jupiter ... 3 5 12 51 50
He is in 10 th in enemy's camp. The deduction for die latter is
higher. So he grants one-third less term. Thus Jupiter's term will
be —
Years Months Days Ghatis Vighatis
6 10 25 43 40
1 1 24 17 16
5 9 1 26 24
Example XIV: Longevity granted by Venus finally.
Venus grants 12 years, 7 months, 15 days, 26 Ghatis and 18
He is in enemy's camp. So he loses 1/3 of the term which is 4
years, 2 months, 15 days, 8 ghatis, 32 vighatis. After deduction, it
will be: 8 years, 5 months, 17 days, 0 ghatis, 32 vighatis and 1/10
(of the term as per Chakrapataharana) deduction is years 0-10-3-1-
After deductions Sukra gives 7 years, 6 months, 27 days, 15
ghatis, 37 vighatis.
48 Span of Life

Example XV:—Saturn's (final) grant of life.

As no deduction is necessary, his grant is 10 years, 4 months, 5
days, 56 ghatis, 40 Vighatis.
Example XVI: Longevity of Lagna term is 4 years, 0 months, 5
days, 24 ghatis.
Now tabulating the results obtained in example IX to XVI for
forming the final longevity granted by the planets;

No Planet Years Months Days Ghatis Vighatis

1 Sun 7 8 19 40 35
2 Moon 23 11 6 31 15
3 Mars 10 4 8 50 15
4 Mercury 5 11 18 35 12
5 Venus 7 6 27 15 37
6 Jupiter 5 9 1 27 24
7 Saturn 10 4 5 56 40
8 Lagna 4 0 5 24 0
Total 65 8 3 40 8

Now according to the calculations made so far, as per die Graha

Datta Pinda Ayurdayam, the final longevilty works as 65 years, 8
months, 3 days, 40 ghatis and 8 vighatis.

Jaimlnrs Methodology


During the time of the preparation of first edition of our book,
there was much investigation into the Sanskrit Texts and the
availability of some more commentaries on the Jaiminian methods.
More information is by now available and some of die principles
we are now going to sudy. From our most recent experience both
with the scientific part as well as experience of the Astrologers of
India, we will place the points that have an unanimity of popular
public opinion on most of these principles, without entering into
intricasies, of the interpretation of the Sanskrit texts.
In brief we will study the general rules of ascertaining the 'Span
of Life', then we will study the mathematical portion of the
determination, next finalisation, of it by a comparative study with
two more methods of Jaiminian doctrines which prove as a sort of
verification or check to the study. These will be discussed as Method
I, Method II, and Method III. Next we will proceed to study the
Dasa system of Jaimini as could be applied. There are two systems
popularly known as the Chara Dasa System which is the most
popular amongst the commentators on Jaiminian methods, and the
use of the 'Nirayana Sula Dasa system' which is approved by
commentators of Parasara and Jaimini equally well.

Method I of Jaimini
Three Spans Short, Medium and Long-life are accepted as three
distinctcategories. Of the span of each, opinions on these vary with
astrologers. For our purpose we will confine to stating that the
70 Span of Life

optimum of the Short Life is 32 years, that of the Medium Life is 64

years, and of the Long Life as 100 years, or 96 years.
We determine the term of life from a consideration of the
following three sets.
(a) Lord of die Ascendant and the lord of VIII.
(b) Ascendant and the lord of VIII.
(c) Ascendant and die Hour-Ascendant (known as the Hora
lagna-its lord)
SJiorf Life is indicated if of the above sets of factors:
(a) One be in a Moveable Sign, and the other in a Common
(b) If both factors in Fixed Signs.
(c) If one is in a Common Sign and the other be in a
Moveable Sign.
Medium Life is indicated if one of the above sets factors be;
(a) In a Moveable Sign, and the other be in a Fixed Sign, or
(b) If one be in Fixed Sign and the other be in a Moveable
Sign or
Long Life is indicated if both the factors of either set be:
(a) In Moveable signs: or
(b) One In Fixed Sign and the other in a Common Sign, or
(c) One be in a Common Sign and other is in Fixed Sign.
By an application of this we will arrive at the Short or the
Medium or the Long 'Span of Life'. This result requires a litde
modification; in view of the some more principle allied with it.


Rule 1: If different results are arrived at from a consideration
of the forgone rules, then that span which is supported
by a majority (2 of 3) can be fixed.
Rule 2: (a) If three different spans of life are arrived from the three
methods then that which is pointed out from the
Ascendant and theHour Ascendant has to be taken as
the final span
(b) Should in such a case there be Moon in the Ascendant
or in the Descendant (VII) then the Longevity as
indicated from Moon and Ascendant is the final one.
Jaimini's Methodology 71

The Compartments Alter

A compartment is either gained or rest based on the planetary
configurations. The following are the rules governing the alteration
of the compartment of life.
1. If Saturn be the lord of ascendant or lord of VIII, and is
neither in an Exaltation dignity nor by aii own house dignity, and
is neither aspected nor associated with benefics, then one
compartment is lost; meaning if long life is indicated then itbecomes
Medium Life if Medium is indicated, then it becomes Short life,
and if a short life is arrived at it becomes shorter still. Such an
alteration of the compartment has also to be effected if any of the
following conditions obtained in horoscope. These are thus
1. If the lord of foe Vfo from Ascendant or Descendant (VII)
becomes Atmakarak (foe planet which has greater number
of degrees - foe most advanced planet in a Sign) or joins
foe Atmakaraka.
2. When foe Ascendant or foe Descendant (VII) is hemmed
in between two male Signs; or should malefic planets
configurate the trines therefrom.
3. When the Atmakaraka or VII therefrom has malefic
planetary disposition or should other be hemmed in
between malefics, or should malefic planets configurate
foe trines from either foe Atmakaraka Sign or its VII.
4. If foe Atmakaraka is a malefic, debilitated, or be associated
with malefics, then in either of these cases a compartment
is lost
Gain of a Compartment
If Short life is indicated it is to be altered to the Medium Life.
If Medium Life is arrived at it is altered to a Long Life if any of foe
following configurations be noticed then a compartment in life is
1. When the ascendant or foe descendant has beneficial
planets on either side.
2. Atmakaraka or VII therefrom be in between beneficial
3. When beneficial planets configurate foe trines from foe
Atmakaraka or foe VII
4. When beneficial planets configurate foe ascendant 1 or the
Descendant VII, or trines from either.
72 -><7-5pan of Life

5. When the Atmakaraka is in Exaltation, or Jupiter joins

Atmakaraka. When Jupiter configurates die Ascendant,
Descendant and at the same time be devoid of any Malefic
influence whatsoever.
Illustration -I
Before going into the subject proper we wish to state that the
method we have employed is after all a further amplification. While
we take the average of all the six factors mentioned in the opening
of this part of discussion, and then take the mean (average) of all
these items and we add to the optimum of the compartment previous
to that span the horoscope is classed under. This is the latest view in
light of further investigation of the scientific truths. While die average
of the six items is more rational than the mean of two factors' alone,
if this is appreciated then our approach to the subject is equally
more rational. Some more notes areperhaps required in some respects
and these will be discussed in the proper place as we proceed ahead.

Let us consider the horoscope of a native bom on 1911 October

12th at 1-36 p.m , L.M.T.,at 18 North Latitude and 84o-30' East
Longitude. The Sun rise that day was 6-9 a.m. (L.M.T.), the
ascendant was Capricorn 13°-23' Moon Taurus IS^O'. Sun Virgo
24°-36^ Saturn (the Lagnam-Lord) 260-17,. Aries die Atmakaraka
is Jupiter who is in Libra 260-26,. This data is enough to clearly
proceed with the task of determining the longevity.
Further the positions of the other planets are shown in the
diagram cast for the purpose.
Hora Lagna (Hour Ascendant)
From the time elapsing between the Sun-rise and the 'Time of
Birth' (Expunging 12 if necessary) the 6 Hour Ascendant is
determined, taking as many signs as there are hours, (and since
Arc of 30° = one hour), and half of the number of the minutes will
be die degrees - of arc, so that the resulting longitude when added
to the longitude of the sun, should the birth be in an ODD SIGN.
The resulting longitude added to the longitude of the birth
ascendant, in respect of a birth in an even sign, the Hour Ascendant
is obtained as shown here
In the example we have cited above, die Birth Ascendant is
Jaiminrs Methodology 73

Capricorn an Even Sign, the time of birth is 7 hours and 25 minutes

ahead of the sunrise so the resulting longitude converting this hits
signs and degrees is 7 signs and 12<>-30' this is to be added to the
longitude of the Ascendant which is an even sign:
Ascendant is 9 signs 13 degrees and 23 minutes.
Resulting long 7 signs 12 degrees and 30 minute. I a ^ Up
HoraLagna is 16 signs 25 degrees and52minutiesl2|p^pungeii)
4 signs 25 Degrees and 52 minutes or this is Leo 25t>-521, which
is the longitude of the Hour ascendant
Hereunder I will give a table for converting the arc of degrees
into years etc., of life taking that a sign of 30 degrees equal 32 years
span of life.

Desreei,,Yearn , Mnnths, I7aya Minutes . Yeara Month Daya

1° 1 24 T 0 6.4
2° 2 18 2 0 12.8
3° 3 12 3' 0 19.2
4° 4 6 4' 0 25.6
5° 5 0 5' 1 2.0
6° 6 24 6' 1 8.4
7° 7 18 T 1 14.8
8° 8 12 8' 12.2 21.2
9° 9 6 9' 1 27.6
10° 10 0 10' 2 4
20° 21 0 20' 4 8
The a bove bible enab es us to eadoffth* Longitude con •ersion
into Years, Months and Days:
Considerations of the factors
For the example cited above we will herein consider the six
factors, to arrive at the span of life to which this Horoscope can be
Factors Sign Kinds
A. Ascendant lord in Aries (Saturn) a Moveable Sign
VIII lord Sun in Virgo a Common Sign
Since movable and common signs are involved this yields Short
B. Ascendant is Capricorn a Moveable Sign
Moon sign is Taurus a Fixed Sign
E Since these are Moveable and Fixed Medium Life is
74 of Life

Ascendant is Capricorn a MoveaHe Sign
Hour Ascendant is Leo a Fixed Sign
Since Moveable and Fixed Signs are involved Medium Life is
arrived at.
From a consideration of the above 3 pairs of factors we have
seen that a majority, meaning 2 out of 3, point to Medium Life.
N.B. This view is to be modified by consideration of the rules
set for the alteration of the compartment.
Mathematical Working of the Longevity
If the factor be at the end of a sign then the longevity is 'O* (Zero)
while if it is at the beginning of a sign then the full term of 32 years is
to be allotted, therefore the converted longitude of a factor into
longevity, is to be subtracted from 32 years, so the longevity is
obtained for the factor.
Lag lord (Asc. Lord) Saturn Aries 26° 17'
For 20° the longevity is 21 years 4 months 0 days
For 5° the longevity is 5 years 0 months 0 days
For 1° the longevity is 1 years 0 months 24 days
For 10° the longevity is 0 years 0 months 4 days
For 7° the longevity is 3 years 1 months 14.8 days.
For 26017, the longevity is 23 years 0 months and 12.8 days.
This subtracted from 32 yields a Quantity of 3 Years 12 Months,
192 Days.
VIII lord Sun 24056, the longevity is 26 Years 7 Months 4.4 Days.
This when subtracted from 32 Years we have, 5 Years 4 Months and
25.6 Days. Adding up A and B we have 9 Years 4 Months and 12.9
Days so that the mean of these two items is 4 Years 8 Months and
64 Days. (let. us call this I.)
Longevity from the Ascendant and Moon
Longitude of Lagna Ascendant IS^' converted into longevity
we have 14 Years 3 Months. Long of Moon is IS^' which converted
into longevity is 19 Years 6 Months. Each subtracted from 32 years
leave remainders which are given hereunder.
Ascendant 17 Year 2 Months 20.8 Days
Moon 12 Year 5 Months 10 Days

Total 29 Years 8 Months 0.8 Days

The mean is 14 Years 4 Months 0.8 Days long IS^S' converted
Jaimini's Methodolofy 75

into years is 14 Years. 3 Months and 9 2 Days which expunged from

32 Years we had, 17 Years 2 Months and 21 Days, the Hour
Ascendant long is 2^-30' which is 27 Years 7 Months and 9 Days
expunging this from 32 Years we have, 4 Years, 4 Months and 21
Days. Adding the remainders we have 21 Years, 7 Months and 35
days and the mean or average (dividing the sum of these by
three/?) of these items is 10 Years, 9 Months and 15 Days.
Item No. I gave 4 Years 8 Months 6 Days
Item No. n gave 14 Years 4 Months 0 Days
IteznNo.m gave 10 Years 9 Months 15 Days

Total 29 Years 9 Months 21 Days

This if divided by 3 gives a quantity of 9 Years and 25 Days
only which is to be added to the optimum years of the term, prior
to one; the term of life the horoscope stands classed. This will be
done with reference to the rules as given for the alteration of die
compartment of life. Since Jupiter is the Atmakaraka and as he is
on the foreground die—KENDRA ~ Middle Life becomes as it were
Long Life so that this quantity is to be added to the optimum of
Middle Life which is the one previous to the term of life this
horoscope is classed, so diat added to 64 years we have 73 years 10
months and 25 days which can be the longevity of this Horoscope.
This will shordy be confirmed with reference to two methods to
which we will proceed presendy.
Factors for consideration: The planets for consideration are: —
(I) The lord of the VIII from the Ascendant and
(II) The lord of the VIII from the descendant;^ The stronger
of these two if be posited in die Foreground (in I, IV, VII
and X) then long life results if the Middleground -
PAN APARS - (in II, V, VIII and XI), then Middle Life will
have to be taken: if the planet be in the Back-ground—
AUPOKLIMAS-(in HI, VI, IX, and XII) then short life
Strength of a Planet
A planet is strong when it obtains certain conditions for which
the commentators refer to the following sources of strength:—
(i) If a planet be an Atmakaraka or be the lagnam lord
74 -^Span of Life

(ii) if the planet be in dignity, either be exalted or be in an own

(iii) A planet in a Dual (Common Sign is more powerful) than
one in a fixed sign while a planet in a moveable Sign is
least powerful).
(iv) The planet with a high or greatest number of degrees;
degree position with or the most advanced planet in a sign
is the most powerful. This is what is meant by "a strong
"In the horoscope dted above the lord of (i) the Vm Lord of
Ascendant Sun, while the lord of Vm from VII is Saturn. Of the
lagna and VH; VII has more Rasibala, while the lord of the lagna is
in debility while die seventh lord is exalted, while therefore we
have to take the lord of Vm from VII, who is Satunvwho is on the
foreground so according to this method also that the long life as
earlier fixed; is also arrived at
Take the lord of foe Vm, from foe Atmakaraka, and also foe
ford of foe Vm from foe Atmakaraka's VII, foe stronger of these
two planets on foe Foreground gives Long Life, in foe Middle-
ground, Medium Life and on foe Back-ground; Short Life. Or this
can be considered from foe Atmakaraka himself.
The lord of foe VHI from Atmakaraka is Venus while foe VIQ
lord from foe 7fo from Atmakaraka is Mars both are in foe Middle
ground, while foe Atmakaraka himself is Jupiter who is in a
Foreground, so that fois is case of Long Life.
So from a consideration of all these three methods Long Life is
indicated, while the general strength of foe horoscope is foe pointer.
It is noteworthy that foe Atmakaraka Jupiter is on foe foreground
and foe lord of foe Ascendant Saturn, though weak by debility is
stationary while a planet in debility cum Retrograde is equal to an
exalted planet according to foe general methods of Judgment thus
these considerations lead us to fix this as one belonging to foe dass
of long life. While we will confirm this by a study of foe Jaimin /s
Dasa Systems, which will be foe next topic of our study.
)aimini's Mciffodotogy 77

Jaimini Dasa Systems

Though Jaimini mentions several Dasa systems for present topic
of assessing a Native's Longevity, we can surely confine ourselves
to leam the most important ones that really go with this branch,
while the other Dasa systems are for other purposes, over which
we need notfurther bother. So, for our presentpurpose exclusively
the Chara Dasa System and the Niryana Shoola Dasa Systems will
It is to be stated for the sake of pertinence that Parasara detailed
tiiis Dasa System in a very explicit manner. That is, of course, in
the shape of Slokas, while the exposition of Jaimini is something
like Parasars' made difficult—difficultin the sense that if Parasara's
slokas-couched in Anuostap metre-the same metre Jaimini put these
in the form of brief precise and short Sootras The sootra needs an
exposition, a sloka of Parasara is simple understandable Sanskrit
That is comparatively the difference of Jaimini and Parasara. And
the system is rather the same and the method of evolving the 'Dasa
Periods' is one and the same. I will go a step further to state that
Parasara gave results of the Dasas too while Jaimini is rather too
meagre in his exposition of 'Dasa' period results. But in our present
concern wehave only to deal with tiie Dasas and the Death inflicting
dasa choice in the further step.
The Dasa systems of Jaimini are quite different in respect of
the determination of the Span of the ruling period and the clear
understanding of the mode of its employment is essential. The
Chara Dasa System is the most popular one according to the
followers of the Jaimini School of Astrology, its students and the
commentators. This enjoys an unrivalled popularity as does the
Vimsottary Dasa system in the general system of astrology. It may
be recalled here that Parasara is the author of the Chara Dasa System
because this method is well described in the Brihad Parasara Hora.
Perhaps it appeared to his desdple Jaimini to advocate this system.
The Chara Dasa System
The Dasas or the ruling periods belong to the signs and not to
the planets as in the other systems of the Dasa reckoning. The ruling
periods are determined with reference to the disposition of the lord
of aSign from the Sign. Counting the number from the Sign to the
Sign in which its lord is (both signs inclusive, call this 'n'- Then
71 o^»Spui of Life

(n -1) is the ruling period of that sign. But this counting is clockwise
or anti-clockwise, as the sign under question belongs to a
The Signs, Aries, Taurus and Gemini belong to the Clockwise
Group while the Signs, Libra, Scorpio and Saggittarius belong to
the same category. Whereas thesigns,Cancer, Leo and Virgo belong
to the Anti-clockwise Group, as also the Signs, Capricorn, Aquarius
and Pisces. This basis is to be clearly remembered as this forms the
vital basis for the determination of toe ruling period Span of a
'Chara Dasa' of a Sign. To enable a clear understanding and to
follow this with ease, the groupings are clearly mentioned

_ t-r r
Aries Cancer
Taurus Leo
Gemini Virgo
Libra Capricorn
Scorpio Aquariup
Sagittarius Pisces

The Order of The Chara Dasas:

If the ninth sign from toe Ascendant is a sign of the Clockwise
Group then toe order of toe Dasas will be in toe usual order of toe
signs, in the Clock-wise manner. Should on toe other hand toe sign
of toe IX from toe Ascendant belongs to toe Anticlockwise Group
then the order of toe Dasa is the reverse or in the Anticlockwise
Variation in the Chara Dasa Span :
For a sign of the Clockwise Group, its span is measured by toe
formula (n-1) in the usual order of toe counting. Whereas if the
sign belongs to an Anti-clockwise Group then we have to count
from the sign in question to toe sign in which toe lord of that sign
is placed in the Anti-clockwise order, toe span of toe Chara Dasa
of the sign is rendered by the formula n-l' where n' is tor number
of signs toe planet separated from the sign. This is generally toe
case but in certain cases the number thus obtained requires a tittle
Jaimini's Methodology -s^ 79

variation. This variation depends on the disposition of the planet

Rules; Alteration of Chara Dasa span of Years
1. Should a Sign be occupied by its own lord then the Sign gets
12 years as the Chara Dasa Span.
2. Should the lord of the Sign be exalted/ then one more year is
to be added to die number obtained by the application of the
foregone rules (it is therefore 'n' itself), n-years.
3. Should thelord of a Sign be in Debilitation, then the number
obtained by the formula is to be diminished by one year,
4. According to Jaimini the signs, Scorpio and Aquarius are
under lordship of two planets; so that Scorpio has its lords
as Mars and Ketu (the Dragon's Tail): While Aquarius has
the lordship of both Rahu (Dragon's Head) and Saturn.
Should either lord be in that sign then the Chara Dasa Span
will be 12 years. (Meaning that for Scorpio if Ketu (D. T.)
or Mars be in it then 'Scorpio Chara Dasa Span' will be 12
years). Similarly if either Saturn or Rahu (D. H.) be in
Aquarius: then the Span of the Aquarius Chara Dasa shall
be 12 years.
(a) Mars-Ketu (D. T.) in other signs: Should these two
planets both configurate in a single sign, other than
Scorpio, the number as counted from Scorpio in die
Clockwise manner diminished by one gives the span of
the Scorpio Rasi Dasa.
(b) Saturn-Rahu configurating other signs: Should both
configurate a single sign, count the number from the
sign Aquarius in the Anti-clockwise manner (as
Aquarius is of die anti-clokwise group) both inclusive
and this number diminished by one (n-1) gives the Span
of the Aquarius Chara Dasa.
(c) If one of the dual lords be in his own sign and the other
not ignoring the former, the latter is to be preferred. So
much so should Mars be in Scorpio, while D.T. in Pisces,
(ignoring die former) taking later one then Scorpio to
Pisces is 5 and diminished by one gives four, and 4 years
go for the span of the Scorpio Chara Dasa.
(d) Should these dual lords be placed in different signs:
80 --*5—Span of Life 80

(i) First preference goes to the planet who contributes

greater number of years.
(ii) The next preference goes to the planet who has greater
number of associates than the other,
(iii) Should both have an equal number of planets, then
the sign which has more Rasi Bala gets precedence.
(Common signs, get first fixed next, and the moveable
signs the least preference).
(iv) Another noteworthy exception is when one planet is
exalted and the other is debilitated, then the exalted
planet is to be preferred. And further this Chara Dasa
Span determined by formula n-1 is to be increased by
1. (due to die exaltation Dignity).
Illustration of the Chara Dasa Determination
The Ascendant of the horoscope, given as example in this, the
9th from the Ascendant is Virgo belongs to the Anticlockwise
Group, so that the Dasas run in the Anticlockwise, or reverse order,
from the Ascendant.

Saturn Moon
jy \9 Rahu Mara
12X X0
Salum^X/y Jupiter Savy Abbakra
Rahu V Katu
4 Raal
Moorr '6
Mars wy
5 Jupftar Warcury
Venue Katu Sun

We will begin with Capricorn and proceed in the reverse order

and then determine the span of each of the Chara Dasa for each of
the Signs.
Capricorn: Satum its lord is placed in Aries, which is 10th from
Capricorn, in the Reverse Order, since Capricorn belongs to die
Anticlockwise Group. Thus 10 diminished by one leaves 9 (by
formula n-1). Whereas the Rule 3 for the variations in the span of
the Chara Dasas requires that the number 9 obtained now is to be
diminished by one, because Satum is in a sign of debility. Thus
Capricorn Chara Dasa Span is 9— 1 = 8 years.
Sagittarius: Belongs to the clockwise group, its lord Jupiter is
81 Jaimini's Methodology 81

placed in 11th therefrom, so n-1 = 11-1 = 10 years. No variation is

Scorpio: Of the two lords Mars and Ketu (D. T) Ketu
:ontiibutes more number of years so that this is to be preferred
?ince Scorpio belongs to the Clockwise Group and Ketu is 12th
from it, while Mars is only 7th therefrom so that the span of Scorpio
Chara Dasa is 12-1 =? 11 years.
libra: Is of the Clockwise Group and its lord is in 11th therefrom
so that 11-1 = 10 years. No more variation is needed.
Virgo: Since Mercury its lord is placed in Virgo itself, it gets 12
Leo: Is of the Anticlockwise group, has its lord placed in Virgo,
so the span of the Leo Chara Dasa is 12-1 —11 years (counting in
the reverse order). No further variation is essential.
Cancen Is on the Anticlockwise Group, and Cancer to Taurus
the Moon sign is in 3 (in the reverse order) so that 3-1 = 2, since
Moon is exalted we have got to increase this number by one, so 2
plus 1 is 3 years, which is the Span of Cancer Chara Dasa.
Gemini: Belongs to the Clockwise Group, Gemini to Virgo is
4 diminished by 1 is 3, but since Mercury is exalted, 1 year has to
be added so that we have 3 plus 1 is 4 as the Span of Gemini Chara
Taurus: Is of the Clockwise Group, its lord is in 4th from it so
4—1 = 3 years. No more variation is essential.
Aries: Its lord is placed in second from it and this belongs to
the Clockwise Group, so that we have 2-1. So, 1 year is the Aries
span of Chara Dasa.
Pisces: is on the Anti-Clockwise Group, so that in die reverse
order, so 6 —1 = 5 years which is the Span of Pisces Chara Dasa.
No more variation is essential.
Aquarius: The two lords, Saturn and Rahu are in Aries,
this sign belongs to Anticlockwise Group, so that in the reverse
order, counted the Number is 11 which diminished by one, leaves
10 years.

The above gsulls are tafmlafrri In the


mirth mi Ofca kM ihfc
Capnmi 10 yrms Ends <ai 1921 OchAer Ulfa
SaffUmms lOyims Ends en 1931 Octotw 11th
11 jm Ends OB 19CZ October Ulh
Ii2n 10 yeas Emfa as ISSZOctDber 11th
Virgo 12yms Ends (nl9M October lltfa
Leo 11 jtsms Ends m 1975 Octalm lltfa
CanfTT 3 yews Enife on 1978 October lltfa
Con 4yan Ends cn 1982 October 11th
Tasnts 3 yens Emfa on 1985 Cktober lltfa
Aries 1 yens m 1986 October lllh
TV ir I, i,
nsizs Syrws fr—i* on 1991 October lltfa
AlfkAfUB 10 yews Ends en 2001 Ottatxr Itth
Tmul St yen

N. B. The manner of the procedure of ruimaug of die Chan

Dasa is given in App^sidix Oda for easy reference.
Now that we have bean familiar with the detomiratkm and
the worting promhire of the daD Deisas, the next topic before as
is to the allocation of the death inflkting ftjrthifto to a sign. This is
goienBy known as the Manfca Dasa. The nils given haenodCT
detEannizw the said palods
1. If firomthe AscmdartortheAtmakaralraitsTthhasSrfmn,
death ocruis in the first part of the Span of Life, to which
the Nativity is ah^dy dnsed. If Raha (D.H) be in the 7lh
from Aamdant or Almakanka tfam in second pai^ while
Ketu be in such a poskiofv death ocozks in the last port of
Z Death oocius In the Ras Dasa of the 8(h (from Aamdant),
or in any odwr sign which is trine to the Slh.
3. Death in a sign's period, should the sign be hemmed in
between mahdks.
4. If the 8th or 2nd from Ascendant. Atmakaraka, or Moon
be occupied by Rudra or any malignant Planet thai death
Ii'wwi's Medxxfakv ^S3

occurs in the Dasa prwBns to such a sign. This reqnirs

some more explanatkm.
NotesRodra is ttie stranger of the two i^aicts who are lords ol
2nd and 8th from the Asmdo*.
5. In the Raa Dasa of die Sth from San, or and Vows, can
prove to be death avfiacting sign.
6. The sign (uupksl by Rudra cDnki prove a death cnllkth^
7. The strongest of the lords of 3rd, Sth, Stii, or 12lh from die
Atmakaiaka, tarmwi a death inflicting planet and his
(xmpied signampnnreadeadi.|nll*ctBig9^n.
8. WhoirevCTalplands get die portfcatio, the sign appropriate
to die'Spaiaf life' hithato detommed is to be fixed as
death-4iifikliiig sign. (Mazaka Ras^.
These rules hereto given are ilhistnted in the following
examples. First we will consider the harosmpe abeady worked
out in this and thai we will die anoiha example which we have
gathered from expoiente.
Ridel: The Atmakaraka is Jupta and (here are Saturn and
Rabo in the YD sign from die Almalcaiaka. So, death
occms in the first or die SBcmd part of the kmg-hte
lomto which this natxvily is d^rod already. We have
already seen that the kmgevify is wuvkcxl as n^oty 74
years, takii^ Rahu as tfaepumto deaih is pms&leni
die seoBid part of the pamayiB or kn^ Bfcv bat vody
since Saturn has mare advarced ^n pasiliaKi, by dint
of grea^kv^jtnde, the first one third of the kv^-life
tern can prove banefoL As we have seen thai the
longevity works oat as 73 years Onaunds and 25 days,
aduaBy, this fafls m the first part of longlife.
Rale 2: gthfioradieA^aidant is Leo and its bins are Aries'
and Sagittarxns. So in eitha of dise Kasi Dasas death
is possible. Adding the Chaia Dasas, opto the end of
Aries, we get ths as 75 yeas. While also hi the 75 years
age Ruling Period of Aries prevails. Whereas the
Ruling Period of Leo extaids from 53rd to die 63rd
year, which is another pointer, but since we have
already dassed this unda the category of 'long life'
we can take 75 years.
84 -»e-*Span of Life

Rule 3: No sign has malefics disposed on either side of it.

Rule 4: Libra has malefics in its 8th and 12th. Since there are
exalted planets in both and as neither of these fall in
the category of long life.
Rule 5: Rudra: lord of II is Satum, Lord of VUl Sun since of
two Sun has dual sign, while Satum has a moveable
sign. So Sun is the Rudra since of these two Saturn has
advanced sign position, by greater longitude, thus we
can class Satum as a supplementary Rudra, such an
allotment is permissiable according to the texts of
Jaimini. Aries the sign occupied by supplementary
Rudra, can be taken as the Makara Rasi.
Rule 6r. Of Sun and Venus, Sun is stronger both by his
dwiswabbava dual sign location and the fact that he
has an associated planet while Venus has none. So, the
8th sign from Sun which is Aries can be death inflicting
Rule 7: Vie Rudra occupied sign is Virgo while die supple-
mentary Rudra's sign is Aries, and as Aries partakes
of the characteristic with long life category, it can be
taken as such.
Rule 8: Lord of 3rd from the Atmakaraka is Jupiter whose
occupied sign is Libra, since Libra is not within die
long life category, omitted.
Lord of VI from die 'Atmakaraka is Jupiter die same rule
applied to it. Lord of VIII from the Atmakaraka is Venus. Lord of
12th from the Atmakaraka is Mercury, from all these Venus happens
to be one, but Venus occupied sign is Leo but this does not fall
within our classified category. Thus we see that
1. Leo and its trine Aries are death inflicting signs.
2. Supplementary Rudra is Aries, this falls within our
3. 8di sign from Sun is Aries.
4. Leo is the sign occupied by the lord of VIII from die
Since from a consideration of the above factors the sign actually
partakes of all the characteristics, and a majority point to it This
falls within the purview of the subject So the 75th year can prove
as critical year for die life of the native.
Jaimini's Methodology 85


In ttiis system each sign is alloted 9 years, the dasa starts from
the Ascendant itself, if the Birth Ascendent is an odd sign. If the
birth Ascendent is an Even Sign, then the dasas start from the 7th
from Ascendant. The order is the usual order if the Ascendent is
Odd, if Even, these run in the anticlockwise way.
Illustration:—In the example horoscope we have to determine
the stronger of the Ascendant and the 7th we see that the 7lh is
stronger as it has 205 units of Rasi (Sign Strength) whereas the
Ascendant Capricorn has only 1081/2 units of strength.
It is laid down that death occurs in the 5th or the 9th from it
which is appropriate to this.
In the example we have given, we see Capricorn is an even sign
so that the Dasas start from the VII which is Cancer, and the procedure
is the reverseorder, from the foregone principle, the Vrischica Scorpio
Rasi dasa of the Niryana Soola Dasa system occurs irom the 73rd to
the 81st year which is within the purview of the longlife category.
We have obtained mathematically that 73 years and nearly 11
months, is the longevity, and this falls in the Niryana Soola Dasa of
Scorpio. From the Chara Dasa System we saw that the Aries sign
Span occuring at 75 as a death inflicting one.
In conclusion combining these two systems we see that death
occurs after 72 years, while 75 years in one pointer, and the worked
out term also falls within the category of the Scorpio sign,
considering matter from all sides we can say that either the age of
74th year can prove critical to the life of the native. This is because
Scorpio is 8th Sign or Rudra.
Illustration II: Example horoscope n. Planetary positions and
Bom 1890 August 18th at 2-30 P.M. 39° North latitude and 98°
West longitude. Sex; Female; Died on 1952 August 27th. Planetary
positions at Birth: Sun: Leo 30-19/, Moon; Virgo 8® 41', Mars: Scorpio:
170-32', Mercury: Leo 260-12', Jupiter: Capricorn: 120-39', Venus :
Virgo: 16o-40', Saturn. Leo : 13o-30', Rahu (D. H); Gemini: 4o-30',
Ketu (D, F): Sagittaries 4° 30*, Ascendent Scorpio: 22o-20'.
Problems set to find out the minus vitae: In the month of
June. 1952 we were set a problem on this horoscope. We were asked
to what would be the life Span of the native. This was in July,
86 -o^Span of Life

*•30" Ratal '
Mara ♦•ar
9 irao1

Saturn T affy Jupiiar Sun 3*19
12* »■ Mar. 26*12
SctS* 30*
Mm Moon
ir » r 41"
Rahu Attandanl Vanua
ys? 22* ff ir 40
4* 30"

Astrological Factors Considered: We fumish here the Chara

Dasas since it found that the 9th from the Ascendant-Cancer belongs
to an anticlockwise group, the order of the Dasas of the Chara Dasa
System is in the reverse order, so that for Scorpio we have 12 years,
Gemini 2 years; Taurus; 4 years and Aries: 7. years. So, we state
from this that from 61st year to the end of j68th year prevails the
Chara Dasa of Aries; since Aries happens to be 8th sign from Venus,
this could prove a marakas Aries is of a death inflicting span.
Secondly, the Niryana Soola Dasa: Since the Ascendent is even,
the dasas start and preceed in the reverse order from the VII from
Ascendent so that from 55th year to be the close of the 68 year runs
the Niryana Soola Dasa of Scorpio, so we predicted toe 63rd year
is critical for life.
We stated to the friend of the Native who referred this point to
us, in which I will reproduce the following extracts: —
The transits of Saturn in the Moon sign, and of Jupiter in Moon
to 8 are adverse for toe present time. (July of1952) till 1953 the sub
period of Sun in the major period of Saturn prevails. Sun is
associated with the lord of 8to, who is maraka (as we classified in
our chapter X) Sun has a Visha Pada (Magha I.Pada). In the 1st 3°
20 of Leo, so that ailments related to toe circulation system and or
of toe heart could trouble her. In toe immediate future August 11th
to November 13th the danger seems most imminent. Most of the
danger seems to be in about New Moon Days of August, (or in
new Moon days of September or October) life may finally close.
The 8th placed Rahu means toatlife closes through a chronic illness,
or and due tosoine haemmorage, or under anaesthesia, or comotose
jaiminrs Methodology 87

condition, prevailing for some time preceeding death. While the

month August 15th to September 15th seems to be a critical month,
this prediction was posted to America on July 7th of 1952. In her
letter from the friend of deceased lady we received a letter as follows

"Also I want to tell you that your Prediction regarding die death
of my friend was quite accurate. The first date you gave as to her
probable passing was during die new Moon days of August. She
passed away on August 27th. You also gave me two later dates but
1 wish to tell you that the 1st date is die one that is evidently correct/'
From a Research stand point this would be of interest in her letter
dated October 6th of 1952.

Ashtakavarga System: On Longevity

The Ashtaka Varga system is an interesting study and the basis

for the formulation of the system is simply marvellous and
astounding. The grand theory behind it is this. Planets are good
when they are in some signs horn 7 planets and Lagna. This is 8;
and these are 8 = (ashta) vargas. Zeros are marked in signs horn a
planet where it is good. Some mark dashes in places other than
those good ones. For our purpose the simple Zero method is enough
and we shall do well to learn this in the foregoing pages.
Planets will yield beneficial results when they are in signs
counted from each of the 7 planets and Lagna

Ashtakavarga of the seven Planets: Sun (Ravi)

Planets Benefic places Total Unite
1. Sun 1,2:4,7,8,9,10,11. 8
Z Moon 3, 6,10,11. 4
3. Mars 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11. 8
4. Mercury 3,5, 6,9,10,11,12. 7
5. Jupiter 5, 6, 9,11. 4
6. Venus 6,7,12. 3
7. Saturn 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11. 8
8. Lagna 3,4, 6,10,11,12. 6_
Moqn (Chandra) Benefic
1. Sun 3.6,7,8.10,11. 6
2. Moon 1,3,6,7,10,11. 6
3. Mars 23,5,6,9,10,11. 7
4. Mercury 13,4,5,73,10,11. 8
5. Jupiter 1,2,4.7,8,10,11. 7
6. Venus 34,5,7,9,10,11. 7
7. Saturn 3,5,6,11. 4
8. Lagna 3,6,10,11.
Benefit Places 49
Ashtakavarga System on Longevity 89

Mars(Kuja) Benefic Places

1. Sun 3,5,6,10.11. 5
2. Moon 3,6,11 3
3. Mars 1,2,4,7,8,10,11. ... 7
4. Mercury ... 3,5,6,11. 4
5. Jupiter 6,10,11,12. 4
6. Venus 6,8,11,12. 4
7. Saturn 1,4,7,8,9,10,11. ... 7
8. Lagna 1,3,6,10,11. 5
Mercury (Budha) Benefic Places
1. Sun 5,6,9,11,12. 5
2. Moon 2,4,6,8,10,11. 6
3. Mars 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11. ... 8
4. Mercury ... 1,3,5,6,9,10,11,12. ... 8
5. Jupiter 6,8,11,12. 4
6. Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11. ... 8
7. Saturn 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11. ... 8
8. Lagna 1,2,4,6,8,10,11. 7

Jupiter (Guru) Benefic Places

1 Sun 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11 9
2 Moon 2,5,7,9,11. 5
3 Mars 1,2,4,7,8,10,11. 7
4 Mercury ... 1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11. 8
5 Jupiter 1,2,3,4,7,8,10,11. 8
6 Venus 2,5,6,9,10,11. 6
7 Saturn 3,5,6,12. 4
8 Lagna 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11. . 9

Venus(Sukra) Benefic Places

1 Sun 8,11,12 ... 3
2 Moon 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12 ... 9
3 Mars 3,4,6,9,11,12. ... 6
4 Mercury ... 3,5,6,9,11. ... 5
5 Jupiter 5,8,9,10,11. ... 5
6 Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11 ... 9
90 -^j-Span of Life

Planets Benefk places Total Unils

7 Saturn ... 3,4,5,8,9,10,11. 7
8 Lagna ... 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11. 8
Saturn (Sani) Benefk Places
1 Sun 1,2,4,7,8,10,11. ... 7
2 Moon 3,6,11. ... 3
3 Mars 3,5,6,10,11,12. m 6
4 Mercury ... 6,8,9,10,11,12. 6
5 Jupiter 5,6,11,12. ... 4
6 Venus 6,11,12. ... 3
7 Saturn 3,5,6,11. ... 4
8 Lagna 13,4,6,10,11. ... 6
For the sake of convenience, 1 wish to impress upon the readers
the following manner in entering the Ashtakavarga of planets. This
table serves a unique purpose since from a glance one can find the
distribution of btndus of planets in any sign. These, will be useful
in other ways.
The following is the distribution of benefit dots in the standard

Aquarius |


at | •


No. Planets J3
S 3 t ou

1 Sun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
2 Moon 0 0 0 0 4
3 Mars 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
4 Mercury 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
5 Jupiter 0 0 0 0 4
6 Venus 0 0 0 3
7 Saturn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
8 Lagna 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Total 3 4 5 5 3 1 4 4 4 4 6 5 48
After Trikona
Sodhana 3 1 4 4 3 1 4 4 3 1 4 4
After Hkad-
dipathya 3 1 1 4 3 1 4 3 S 1 1 3
Ashokava/^ System on Longevity fI

The Consolidated benefic dots may be entered in 1st Chart

They are to be subjected bo Trikona and Ekadhipathya Sadhana'

12 s 3 4 •5 '

© © 6 5
- Sun's Ashtaka
© © l&rga
4 I 3

© © 4 4 4 1

12 /
4 3 1 4
3 / 1 >Q11
4 Sun-after
©//o^ 4
r/4 ® Trikcna
/ balanang
1 n 3
/ 7
-v. © 3 4 4 1
/^ ©

^ 12
®z > 3 3 I 1
3 / i 11
1 4
/ 4 10 Ekadhipathya
\® 1
© > 3
©X/ 7 9
5 yX.
© /% 3 3 4 1

The shodhya bindus may also be entered in Charts II and m

after they are altered in accordance with rules laid hereunder. Then
91 -o>-Spar\ of Life

the consolidated Sarva Ashtakavarga may be taken up and that will

have to be placed in the fonn Table II.




No. Planets •s A

•c 1
> 2 1 l l
1 Sun 3 4 5 3 1 5 4 4 4 4 6 5 48
2 Moon 4 3 6 2 3 5 5 6 2 3 5 5 49
3 Mars 1 1 4 2 1 6 3 5 2 5 4 5 39
4 Mercury 3 5 5 7 33 4 5 4 5 6 4 54
5 Jupiter 4 6 7 3 6 4 4 5 5 5 5 2 56
6 Venus 5 5 4 7 3 6 2 4 3 5 4 4 52
7 Saturn 4 1 5 3 45 4 1 1 3 4 5 39
Total 24 25 36 34 27 21 26 30 21 29 32 32 337

Trikona Sodhana or Triatnial Balancing-There are 4 sets of

Trikona signs.
1. Mesh a, Simha and Dhanus,
2. Vrishabha, Kanya and Makara
3. Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha.
4. Kalaka, Vrischika, and Meena.
Each forms a group. Note the bindus in each of die signs of die
There are two clear schools of thought in the matter of Trikona
reduction each expressing a view which is distincdy different from
the other. I shall set forth both hereunder
The first view states: — ■ .&
* (1) When in a group of Trikona signs, a sign has no bindus,
they have to be entered as they are making no reduction
(2) When a group of Triennial signs has each an equal number
of benefic dots, then all should be reduced to Zero.
(3) When all the 3 signs of a group have an unequal number
of bindus, then the least figure will have to be subtracted
from all the three signs, each by each, respectively and the
respective remainder will have to be entered in the
appropriate signs.

Example: Letus view a case in which there are 5 bindus inMesha;

4 in Simha and 3 in Dhanus. So, the least being 3, subtracting the
same we have:
Ashtakavarga System on Longevity 93

Mesha = 5-3 = 2
Simha = 4-3 = 1
Dhanus = 3-3 = 0
Now we notice that after Trikona reduction we have 2 in Mesha,
1 in Simha and 0 in Dhanus respectively. This is the view cited by
the Commentator of the Brihad Parasara Hora. This view has the
acceptance of some of the modem astrologers.
The Second view is:
(1) If in a triennial group a sign has no bindus, then all the 3
signs have no alteration.
(2) If a group of triennial signs has an equal number in each,
all the 3 must be made equal to Zero.
(3) When in a triennial group the bindus in each are unequal,
the figures in the other signs should be balanced with the
least of them and the result entered accordingly.
Example : Take up a case as; 5 in Mesha, 4 in Simha and 3 in
Dhanus. Now according to rule (3) second view, we have to take 3
being the least of the signs, Mesha, Simha, and Dhanus.
Discussion: This later view is advanced by Balabhadra.
Pandita Bhushana V. Subramanya Sastry Garu approves die same
in his works. It is in practice with many South Indian Austrologers
and is perhaps the current one of .our parts. Mantreswara too is of
this opinion.
The two conflicting theories are as a result of the interpretation
of the original sloka; each being interpreted to spit his view
The portion runs thus: —
"Thrikoneshu dm Yannyoonam Tat Tulyam Thrishu Sodhayet"
If a sign of the trikona group has the least number of benefic
bindus, the same has to be subtracted from each of the signs. This
interpretation is not accepted by those who hold that "Tat Tulyam
Thrishu Sodhayet" would mean that the number in die three signs
of a Trikona group should be so balanced as to equal the least
number in it.
Personally I take "Sodhayet" means balancing; hence followed
this procedure in this book. I experimented on both the schools of
thought and calculations, derived from both the contradictory
opinions, show in some cases the 2nd view appears to be quite
nearer the longevity. Since this is only one of the means to arrive at
longevity and not die "end all" of longevity calculations. I leave it
94 ^0o~Span of Life

to the leader to take his own view in the matter. Having finished die
Trikona Sodhana we should proceed to Ekadipathya Sodhana.
Rule L The two luminary planets Sun and Moon own each
one sign only. So they need not be reduced.
Rule II: The rest of the 5 Thara grahas (starry planets)
beginning with Mars (viz Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn) own two houses of die Zodiac each.
They will have to be balanced or reduced as laid
(a) When the houses owned by a single lord are both located
by planets, no reduction is necessary. The figures ofTrikona
may be entered as the net figures.
(b) When one of the signs owned by a single planet, whether
or not occupied by a planet, has no bindus in it, the figures
may be taken as they stand after Trikona balancing.
(c) When one of die two signs owned by the same lord, one
occupied by a planet or planets, contains more bindus than
the other, remove the figure in die other, which is
(d) If both the houses owned by the same planet be free and
no planet be in eidter and at the same time have the same
number of bindus, the figures in both should be reduced
to Zero.
(e) If one of the signs under the lordship of a planet is found
with a planet or planets while the other having none,
having an equal number of bindus in both of them, then
the figure in vacant sign will have to be reduced to Zero.
(f) When both the signs of a planet are vacant, while having
an unequal number of bindus, the greater number should
be replaced by the lesser one, and the net result is to be
entered, each equalling the other.
(g) If one of tlte signs under the common lordship of a planet
be occupied by a planet, whilst the same has a smaller
number of benefic units, the figure in the other unoccupied
sign, should be made equal to those in lesser one, and the
net result will have to be entered, with such an equal
number in both.
Illustrations: In Ravyashtakavarga of the standard horoscope:
In Simha and Kataka we find 3 and 4. They are entered unaltered
Ashokawfa System on Longevity f5

(2) The sign Vrishabha and Thula are located by planets. Moon
and Mars in the Vrishabha; while Jupiter is in Thula; So
the figures are entered as they are after Trikona Sodhana
viz, 1 and 4 respectively (Rule II-A).
(3) In Chandrashtakavarga after Trikona balancing Mithuna
and Kanya have respectively 5 and 6 units. Though Ravi
and Budha are in Kanya, die figures are entered as they
are as there is Zero in one of them. (Rule II-B).
(4) In Jupiter's Ashtakavarga we note that in Mithuna and
Kanya after Trikona balancing there are 5 and 3 units in
them respectively. Since the occupied rasi has greater
bindus, die bindus in die unoccupied rasi are reduced to
Zero (Rulell-Q.
(5) In Budha Ashtakavarga we find that there are 3 bindus in
each of die signs Dhanus and Meena. They are both
reduced to Zero (Rule D-D).
(6) In Mercury's Ashtakavarga we notice that there are 3 units
in Mesha and 3 in Vrischika. Mesha is with Saturn, whilst
Vrischika with none; so 3 in Vrischika is reduced to Zero
and 3 retained in Mesha (Rule 2.E)
(7) In Ravyashtakava rga botii Dhanus and Meena vacantsigns
have respectively 3 and 4 units after Trikona Sodhana. So
each is given 3, equalling the lesser number and net result
is so entered (Rule II-F).
(8) In Mesha and Vrischika we find in Sun's Ashtakavarga
after triennial balancing that Mesha (with Saturn) has 3
units, while Vrischika (vacant) has 4. So both these signs
are given 3 each and so entered (Rule II-G).
Rasi Gunakaras and Graha Gunakaras
We get some net figures after die Hkadipathya sodhana is
completed. These figures will have to be multiplied bv the
Grahagunakaras and the Rasigunakaras. These multipliers arc
given hereunder;—
Rasigunakaras Grahagunakacis
Mesha 7 ^un 5
Vrishabha 10 Moon 5
Mithuna 8 Mo* 8
Kataka 4 Mercury 5
Simha 10 Jupiter 10
96 Span of Life

Kanya 5 Venus
Thula 7 Saturn
Vrischika ... 8
Dhanus 9
Makara 5
Kumbha 11
Meena 12

Every planef s Ekadhipathya set result (1) in every sign has to

be multiplied by its appropriate Rasi gunakara and the sum of the
product of the 12 signs is to be obtained. To this sum we have to
add the sum of the products obtained by multiplying the units in
the respective signs occupied by Ravi and other planets by the
appropriata grahamana. This combined total of these is called
Illustration: Sun's Grahagunakara.
Sign Products Planets Products
Mesha 3x7 = 21 Ravi 1 X 5 = 5
Vrishabha 1 xio = 10 Moon 1 x 5 = 5
Mithuna 1x8 = 8 Mars 1 x 8 — 8
Kataka 4x4 = 16 Mercury 1 x 5 = 5
Simha 3 xlO = 30 Jupiter 4 xlO =40
Kanya 1x5 = 5 Venus 3 x 7 = 21
Thula 4x7 = 28 Saturn 1 x 5 = 5
Vrischika 3x8 = 24 Grahagunakara = 109
Dhanus 3*9 = 27 Rasigunakara = 221
Makara 1x5 = 5
.Kumbha 1 xll = 11 Sun's Grahagunakara 330
Meena 3 xl2 as 36
Product Total; 221
Years Months Days Hours
For 30 units 7 9 10 0
For 300 Units 23 9 10 0
For 330 units 31 6 20 0
27 0 0 0
Sun!s grant for Astakavarga ~20" ~0~
Ashtakavarga System on Longevity ->0^ 97

The Years, Months, Days and Ghatis are shown when the
Grahagunakara Units are: —

Number Units Tens Hundreds

| 9) •3 £ w 3 1 • 3
1 a S s 5 § $ 1 0 6
1 0 3 3 20 2 7 3 20 25 11 3 20
2 0 6 6 40 5 2 6 40 24 10 6 40
3 0 9 10 0 7 9 10 0 23 9 10 0
4 1 0 13 20 10 4 13 20 22 8 13 20
5 1 3 16 40 12 11 16 40 21 7 16 40
6 1 6 20 0 15 6 20 0 20 6 20 0
7 1 9 23 20 18 1 23 0 19 5 23 20
8 2 0 26 40 20 8 26 40 18 6 24 40
9 2 4 0 0 23 4 0 0 17 4 0 0

Grahagunakara of Standard Horoscope

Planet Unit Year Months Days Ghatis Reduction Reason

Sun 330 4 6 20 0 1/2 (2 planets)
Moon 326 3 6 6 40 do do
Mars 191 22 6 6 40 do do
Mercury 343 7 11 3 20 do do
Jupiter 489 18 11 10 0 Nil
Venus 402 23 2 20 0 Nil
Saturn 305 25 0 26 40 Nil

The years shown above are to be reduced as is necessary under

the following rules laid down as Harana Samskara
Rule III: (a)If there is more than one planet in a house each should
be reduced by half.
(b) Planets in debiliating half.
(c) Planets in Astangata (combustion) half when the planets
are in certain degrees from Sun backward or forward
the combustion occurs.
Planet Degrees
Moon ... 12°
Mars ... 17°
Mercury ... 14°
Jupiter ... 11°
Venus ... 10°
Saturn ... 15°

(d) A planet in an inimical sign loses (Tatkalika and

Naisargika to be considered) a third of its grant
(e) Planets in 12th, Hth 10, 9th, 8th, 7th if malefics full,

while benefics lose respectively in the

2 3 4 5 6

above bhavas 1,1.1,1-L and -1- of its respective

2 4 6 8 10 12
(f) Planet suffering defeat in planetary fight loses a third.
(g) Planets such as Sun or Moon be subject to eclipse lose
one third.
Rule IV: If a planet has many reductions, suffice if the most
powerful one is made.
After the above reductions are made, the final planetary grant
is obtained as:—

Planet Years Months Days Chatis

Sun 2 3 10 0
Moon 1 9 3 20
Mars 11 3 3 20
Mercury 3 1 16 40
Jupiter 15 8 3 20
Venus 20 10 24 0
Saturn 12 6 13 20

Total grant 67 6 14 0

RuleV: The above longevity is in the Nakshatra mana.

So it has to be multiplied by Then we will get the

longevity in Solar years of the Ashtakavarga final grant.

Illustration: 37.5 x 324 wj|| nearly 59.8 years which is

the grant of life to the native as per the Ashtakavarga system.



Planets move around the Sun in orbits on their own incessantly.
These produce certain effects on human, animal and vegetable
kingdoms. Nay,even earthquakes and such phenomena as cyclones
ace said to be caused due to certain ill placed planetary positions
in their never ceasing motion. In general. Astrology for all purposes
practically we erect a map of heavens for reading life incidents
from the planetary situation at the birth in the case of persons. The
planetary position will have to be considered as would stand, when
a state comes into existence or when one Government gives way to
the other, as seen in these days of international conditions with
gigantic wars in progress. Butin Gochara we have to take a Map of
heavens at the time, we wish to consider. The planetary positions
are not constant but they would be varying from time to time,
whereas the positions in a birth chart are more or less fixed once
for all.
When several planets in their revolution around the Sun pass
through the various signs of the Zodiac, they give rise to stimulation
of Radio active disintegration which falling on germ plasm produce
spasmodic biological variations and agreeably other changes of a
psycho-physiological character. Their intensity of course depends
largely on constants of nature which are the same as in the remotest
stars; such radiation possessing significant powers to affect human
nature as well. Such influences are taken with reference to the Moon
at Birth taken along with fire conjunctions and aspects of other
When planets transit through certain signs, which when in
relation to Moon being held adverse, produce death. We shall in.
100 -^Span of Life

this chapter detail such combinations which the readers are requested
to note and to apply these principles now enunciated as closely as
possibleand weigh their relative evidence of the planetary moments
in their mind's eye.
I. When Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn transit through the sign
occupied by Moon at birth or its 8th or 12th houses, gives ill-health,
worries and some times death is also produced. Before venturing
to find out when these positions occur for production of death one
has to ascertain the following: —
1. Whether the native has short, middle life or long life
2. Whether any particular combination indicates death at a
particular year.
3. The longevity from Nakshatra Ayurdayam.
4. The longevity from the Graha datta Pindayurday
5. The longevity from the Ashtakavarga.
6. The longevity from the Dasa and Antardasa
7. The longevity as pointed by the Jaimini system
8. The longevity from the Mrityu dasas etc.
So after tabulating the above and taking the highest grant of
thesewe have to find out if by thatperiod whether Sun, Mars Jupiter
or Saturn pass through the 1st 8th or 12th houses from radical
Moon. Then death may manifest when these planets—either all or
some—transit in the said unfavourable signs.
In the standard horoscope we find Moon in Taurus or
So, when Saturn transits in Aries (Mesha) the 12lh, or Taurus
Vrishabha the 1st or in Sagittarius the 8th horn radical Moon, then
that time would be a Maraka or death inflicting period provided
some other system points a term as would synchronise with the
above said transits. Saturn takes 30 years roughly to complete a
cycle. If at such a time Jupiter or Mars be adverse transiting in one
of the 1st, 8th, or 12 signs horn radical Moon the Maraka tendency
gets aggravated.
Moreover Saturn's transit in one of the signs or in its trines
may cause death.
1. Moon
2. Saturn himself.
3. The lord of the sign occupied by Moon.
4. The lord of the sign of the Drekkanam of the 8th house.
5. The lord of the 8th from Moon.
Transits as Applied to Longevity 101

6. Navamsa sign of the lord of Lagna.

7. Navamsa sign of the lord of 8th
8. The 6th or 8th from Sun.
9. The Gulika sign.
10. Add together the longitudes of die lords of the 6th, 8th
and 12th houses. The Sun so obtained will point out to a
degree in the Zodiac. When reduced after expunging i2
signs or its multiples a similar result may be anticipated.
11. Add together the longitudes of Gulika, of Saturn and of
the Lord of the rising sign. This will yield a point. So
Saturn's transit at that point is also said to be productive
of death.
12. Multiplying the sodyapinda (after the Trikona and the
Ekadhipathya reductions) of the Saturn's Ashtaka Varga
by die benefic number of dots in the sign in which Saturn
is posited in the chart and this again multiplied by the
Bindus in the 8th from Saturn or by the number in the 7th,
divide this whole product by 27 which leaves a remainder.
This remainder in figure, when counted from Aswini,
points to a Nakshatra. When Saturn transits in this star the
death of the native may be expected.
(i) Gulika in the standard I loroscope is in Kumbha.
To find out Gulika counting from Saturday to birth day both
inclusive, multiply the figure by 4 and subtract 2 from the product.
This figure represents the Gulika Ghatika. Find out what sign rises
by this time and calculate die longitude of the Gulika sign for the
above, as in the case of Lagna.
Since birth was on a Thursday, counting from Saturday to
Thursday, it comes to 6, So, 6 * 4 = 24 - 2 = 22. Therefore 22nd
ghatikas after sun rise is the Gulika Ghatika. For this Ghatika
Kumbha rises and the eliptic are corresponding to this is 14°.20' of
Aquarius or Kumbha. HenceSatum's transit in Kumbha or i ts trinal
signs may be productive of death.
Z Moon is in Vrishabha. Saturn's transit in Mesha Vrisha-
bha or Dhanus is bad.
3. Saturn is in Mesha. So his transit in Mesha or iLs trines is
also bad.
4. The lord of the sign occupied by Moon is Venus who is in
i 82 ^-£pan of Life

Simha, Saturn's transit in Simha, Dhanus or Mesha is to be

5. The lord of the Drakkana of Moon (his longitude is 18° 20')
is Mercury who is in Kanya. Saturn's transit in Kanya or
its trines is also bad.
6. Lord of the Drekkana of the 8th house. The longitude of
the 8th house is Leo 8°. So the Drekkana lord is Sun who is
in Virgo. So Saturn's transits in the sign or its trines are to
be judged.
7. The Navamsa sign of the rising sun lord is Vrischika. Since
Saturn, the Lagnadhipathi, is in Vrischika Navamsa,
Saturn's transit in Vrischika and its trines may also be bad.
8. Navamsa sign of the Sun, die 8th Lord, is in Simha. So
Saturn's transit in Simha or its trines is also bad.
9. The sixth from 'Sun' who is in Kanya is Makara the 8th
from Sun is Mesha. Saturn's transit in these signs is to be
10. Rasi Degrees Minutes
The Long of 6,h Lord Mercury 5 16 54
The Long of 8,h Lord Sun 5 24 56
The Long of 12,h Lord Jupiter 6 26 25
18 8 15
Expunging 12 0 0
6 8 15
So, a similar result happens when Saturn transits after the 8th
degree of Libra.
11. The Longevity of the
Rasi Degrees Minutes
Lord of the rising (Saturn) 0 26 17
Gulika 10 14 20
Saturn 0 26 17
Total 12 6 54
Expunging 12 0 0

When Saturn crosses the 6th degree of Mesha the native may
have to be careful.
Transits as Applied to Longevity 103

12. The Shodya pinda of Sanyashtakaverga was 17,4 Hindus

are found In Mesha—in Sani sign, in Vrischika the 8th from Satum
there is Hindu. The product of these 3 will hence bel7*4*l=68
+27= 2 and 14/27. The 14th (being the remainder) Star from Aswini
is Chitta. Saturn's transit in Chitta may be another position.
We have discussed when Saturn's transit would be productive
of death. Now we shall proceed to Jupiter's transits.
1. When Guru passes in any of 3rd, 5th, 6th or 11th houses
from die house of occupation of Satum, having no benefic
aspect there would be death.
2. When Jupiter passes in any of the signs; — (a)
The house occupied by the Lord of 8th
(b) Rising sign of die chart.
(c) Moon.
(d) The Navamsa sign of the Ascendant
(e) The Navamsa sign of Moon.
(f) The sign occupied by the lord of die Drekkana of die
8th house horn die Ascendant
(g) The sign occupied by the lord of the Drekkana of the
8th house lord from Moon.
(h) The Navamsa lord of the 8th from Moon or Lagana.
(i) The Drekkana Lords of Moon or Lagana.
(j) The 8th or 6di from Saturn's occupied sign or tiines from
Satum or 3rd or llth from him are also to be considered,
(k) Add die longitudes of Jupiter, Satum and Gulika. This
yields a point in die Zodiac. When Jupiter in Gochara
cuts this point death will occur.
The above are so simple that they need no illustration.
3. For other planets the following is the procedure
(a Take the longitude of any planet. Convert the same into
minutes. Place this in two places. Divide one of them by
2,400. With the remainder multiply the degree placed
on the other side and divide the same by 21,600 (Sun's
Hhagana i.e., 360 X 60.) The quotient will be zero.
Multiplying the remainder by 12.30 and 60 respectively.
When that planet traverses in Gochara in that point of
the Zodiac death may happen.
(b) Take the planet that presides over the Kala Hora or the
hour-planet by birth. Note his position in the Rasi
104 ^SpanofUfe

diagram. When Jupiter passes through this sign the

demise of the native may happen.

Note:—The order of die hour planets is:—

Satum, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. The firsthour
is ruled by die planet of the week day. The Succeeding ones take the
order in a cycle as given in the above order for example >
Birth of the native of the standard horoscope was on a Thursday
at 18 Ghatis, 45 Vighatis of 7 hours 30 minutes after sun rise. So the
8th is the Kalahora that is required. The eighth hour planet on
Thursday is (1) Guru, (2) Kuja (3) Ravi (4) Sukara (5) Budha (6)
Chandra {7) Sani and 8th Guru. So Guru is the lord of the Kala
Hora. Jupiter is in Libra in the standard horoscope. So Jupiter's
transit in Libra (Thula) may produce death.
4. Sun's transit in either of the signs given hereunder may be
productive of death
(a) When Sun is in a movable sign at birth, but when Sun
enters the sign occupied by the Dwadasamasa Lord.
(b) If Sun is in a fixed sign at birth time, then Sun traverses
in gochara in the sign occupied by the lord of the 8th
(c) When Sun occupies a Dwiswabhava Rasi if Sun enters
the Navamsa house of the lord of the rising sign.
In the standard horoscope Sun is in a Dwiswabhava Rasi
(Kanya) die lord of the rising sign is in the Vrischika Navamsa. So
death will occur when Sun traverses in Vrischika Rasi.
(d) Sun's transit in the Navamsa sign of the Lord of die 8th.
(e) The Janma Rasi or the 7th, 8th or 12th from. it.
(f) Convert the Longitudes of Sun and Rahu into minutes.
Multiply both together. Divide this product by 2,100 the
balance will be in minutes, which must be converted
into degrees, minutes, etc. Add this to die longitude of
Sun. This points to a point in the Zodiac. Sun's transit in
this may indicate the above result.
(g) Sun's transit in the sign of the lord of the 8th may indicate
(h) Add the longitudes of Sun, Saturn and Gulika. This
yields to a point in the Zodiac. When Sun traverses in
Transits as Applied to Longevity 105

this, death may have to be indicated.

(i) Add together the longitudes of Gulika and Lagna. This
will yield a point in the Zodiac. Sun's transit in this sign
may indicate death.
(j) Sim's transit in Navamsa Lagna Rasi or Gulika Navamsa
Rasi too may produce death.
5. Moon's entry Into either of the signs hereunder may be
productive of death.
(a) Sun sign (Ravi Rasi)
(b) Sign in whkh lord of 8th is placed.
(c) Add the longitudes of Gulika, Saturn and Moon. The
sum as before points to a point in the Zodiac. Moon's
transit in the sign may cause death.
(d) Any sign that happens to be untoward in relation to
moon's position by birth time (2nd, 5th, 8th, 12th) from
the sign of her occupation.
(e) Count the 64th Navamsa from the Navamsa of Moon's
position in the Navamsa. This indicates a sign. When
this sign rises on the horizon death may occur.
(f) Count the 64th Navamsa from the Navamsa Lagna.
When this sign rises, the natives death will occur.
By a judicious application of the several rules discussed in this
chapter together, with the calculations as have to be made as
detailed in this book, it will not be difficult for any one to fix the
year, month, the day and time of a person's death. This will of
course have to be blended with the Dasa and die Antardasa a native
would have. In the next Chapter we are taking up the Dasa,
Antardasa, Ayurdayain, in all its detail. There are vedhas in
Gochara positions which also have to be taken note of. There is
what is called Anga Gochara. Certain transits in some Angas is
held to be productive of death. So I shall give them here for the
reader's information. Sun transiting in 26th and 27. Mars in 1st and
2nd, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in the 26th and 27 th stars from the Birth
Star may produce the above results.
Dasa-Antanfasa-Ayurdayam 117

4. If Saturn has a relation—conjunction, opposition, aspect or

mutual exchange with any death inflicting planets his
period or sub period is productive of death. Such a Saturn
takes the death Inflicting portfolio in preference to other
Maraka planets' dasa proceeding to or succeeding to or
succeeding him, as the case may be.
5. Having determined the term of life a nativity has—Short
Middle or Long (Chapter IV) - (he 3rd (Vipad) 5th (Pratyari)
and 7th (Nythana), Tharathi-pathi Dasa will have to be
declared as the death inflicting Dasa; 3rd Dasa in short
life, 5th in a Middle and 7lh in Long life nativity are to be
fixed, as die case may be.
6. If in an event die 2nd or 7di lord, or those in 2nd or 7di do
not prove to be a Maraka, then, XH lord, or a malefic in XII
becomes a death inflicting planet
7. If in the event any such planet as detailed above does not
'prove' to be a 'Maraka' then a benefic who is related to
XII Bhava (by either of Sambanda Traya), becomes a
8. Sometimes8th lord in relation to XII lord is a Maraka. Lord
of Vin, as admitted on all schools of Hindu Dasa systems,
is a Maraka.
9. Luminaries Sun and Moon have no evil, even if they own
8di. Moreover there is no death inflcting nature to an Vm
lord should he be dieLagnalord too. So Venus for Librans
and Mars for Aries nativities are not death inflicting
planets. But they may get this tendency when they are
otherwise related to other Maraka planets.
0. Benefics Jupiter, Venus, Mercury (unassociated with
malefics) and full Moon, when they own Quadrants 1,4,
7,10 become death inflicting planets.
(i) Guru with kendrathi pathya Dosha as he
always gets a duel lordship overquadrants, is a powerful
death inflkiting planet
(ii) Venus, since he gets only a single quadrant lordship, is
a less powerful Maraka.
(iii) Budha when owning 2 quadrants is a maraka, but lesser
than Venus,
(iv) Full Moon acquiring a Kendra lordship becomes a
Maraka lesser than Mercury.
108 -^-Span of Life

Note:—This classification is of utmost importance, as these are the

guiding principles to determine a Maraka.
11. If Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu or waxing Moon be positioned
in a quadrant, then he becomes a death inflicting planet.
12. Sometimes the lords of 3rd & 8th become marakas when
the dasa of maraka is unavailable.
Marakas for Mesha etc
I lay here under the Marakas for each of 12 signs from Mesha
onwards. They are determined in the light of the above principles
of judgment.
A. Mesha Lagnar Venus, Mercury and Saium are Marakas.
(i) Venus is a maraka as lord of 2nd and 7th. His 7th
'Kendradhipathya' aggravates this tendency, (ii) Venus be
in 7th. with malefics. Without beneficial influences, then
die dasa is to be declared a Maraka dasa considering
priority principle, (iii) A malefic in 2nd is a death inflicting
one. (iv) Saturn is a malefic Maraka, since he is lord of XI.
(v) Mercury owning HI & VI is a Maraka. (vi) If in the n
there be Mercury and Saturn whether conjoined or single,
they cause death in their respective Dasa periods.
B. Vrishabha Lagna: Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter.
(i) Venus is a maraka as he is Lagnapathi & VI lord, (ii) Merury
is a Maraka as he owns 11: (iii) Moon as he owns m. (iv)
Jupiter as he owns VQl and XI. (v) Guru for Vrishabha
Lagna Native gives a good life if he occupies 6th, 8th or
12th from Lagna. (vi) Satum may prove a Maraka if he be
in 9ih, 10th or a Maraka place, (vii) Mercury, 2nd Lord
will be a maraka, only when he is in 2nd or 7th.
C Mithuna: Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.
(i) Sun is a Maraka, as lord of m, (ii) Mars is a Maraka as lord
of VI & XL His 2nd position makes him highly death
inflicting, Jupiter's aspect aggravates and as such very
malignant (iii) Mercury as he owns Lagna & IV, is a maraka.
(iv) Jupiter is a maraka with (Ubhaya Kendrathipathya)
duel lordship of quadrants, IX & VII. Even if his Dasa is
not available, a planet who is aspected by him gets the
portfolio, (v) Moon is nota maraka though he owns II. Even
Dasa-Anurdasa-Ayurdayim If9

II postion for Moon does not add to the maraka tendency,

(vi) If Satum occupies 8th or 9th he becomes powerful to
inflict death (vii) If Jupiter be in VII (Dhanus) and Sun in
XI, Ravi is more of a death inflkting planet than Jupiter
(Rule A. 4) Guru powerful in Moolakona whilst Sun
exalted; Sun a Maraka III lord aspected by Maraka Jupiter.
So Sun in a Maraka place, with a Maraka planet aspect,
with II lordship inflicts death.
D. Karkataka: Budha, Sukra and Sard are Marakas.
(i) Budha is a Maraka as he is lord of III and XII. If he be in a
Maraka place or signs of Venus, he becomes a very
powerful Maraka. (ii) Sukra is a Maraka as he is lord of IV—
a kendra which is evil for a natural benefk-and XL He inflicts
death while in kendras or Maraka places or in XI. (iii) Sun
by himself is no Maraka. But other Maraka planetary
influence makeshim so. (iv) Satum as lord of VII & VIE is a
Maraka. (v) Venus and Mercury are voilently evil to inflict
death, (vi) Moon the Lagnathipathi and Jupiter, prove to be
Marakas. Moon in a kendra may produce death, (vii) Planets
in signs of Venus may prove to be Marakas
E. Slmha or Leo: Budha, Sukra and Sani.
(i) Budha, as lord of n & XI is a Maraka, but should he occupy
II & XI he will be no Maraka. (ii) Sukra is a Maraka as he
owns in and has a kendrathipathya. (iii) Satum is a Maraka,
as he owns VI & VII. (iv) Any planet conjoining one or
some of the above will be a maraka. Sukra will be a maraka
when he is in X.
F. Kanya: Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Moon are Marakas.
(i) Mars as he owns III & VIIL (ii) Guru owning dual quadrants
IV and Vn. (iii) Venus with n lordship and, (iv) Moon with
XI lordship are Marakas. (v) Venus alone will prove no
maraka. He must be related to another Maraka planet to
inflict death, (vi) Kuja and Chandraare powerful Marakas.
If Mars be in VII whilst 2nd occupied by Satum and Jupiter,
if the native gets Kuja Dasa, it is a maraka Dasa. (vii)
Though Satum is no Maraka in the above classification he
will at all times prove a Maraka, should he occupy the VI.
(viii) If VI be conjoined by Sukra, X by Gum and XII by
Satum, then Saturn's Dasa will be the maraka Dasa in
HO^^Span of Life

presence to the preceeding Jupiter's maraka Dasa.

G. Thula: Mars, Jupiter and Sun.
(i) Mais though kml of n and VQ, will not bebyhiniKlfaMaraka.
(ii) Jupiter, owning QI and VI, is a Maraka. (iii) Sun owning
XI, is a Maraka. (iv) Though Mars is a duel Maraka house
lord, he will prove a Maraka when influenced by another
Maraka. (v) Chandra Dasa will prove to be Maraka Dasa
irrespective of his position in the chart (vi) If Chandra be full,
then there is a certainity of aMaraka. If he is waning, he gives
sickness only, (vii) When Moon be in VIII, if in the Balarishta
period, the native gets Moons Dasa, then it is a maraka Dasa.
If Moon's Dasa comes for a middle lift one it is a Maraka
Dasa (viii) If Venus be in Lagna; widtanother Maraka, he in
his Dasa produces death. This is only one school of thought
(ix) If Rahu be in XI with Venus and Jupiter, such a Dasa will
be a Maraka Dasa.
H. Vrischika —Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury are two
(i) Kuja owning Lagna and VI. (ii) Saturn with in lordship, (iii)
Venus owning VU (Kendrathipathya dosha) and XII
(Moksha). (iv) Mercury with Vm and XL lordship are
Marakas. (v) Jupiter though he has Maraka place—lordship
is not a maraka, as he has V trine lordship too. (vi) Even if
Jupiter be in n house, he is not a Maraka dasa. (vii) If Venus
be in VI or XII, he will be no Maraka. (viii) If Saturn and
Venus be positioned in VH Saturn-Venus being lord of major
and sub-periods produce death, (ix) If Venus be in VU, either
his Dasa or die one aspected by him will be a Maraka Dasa.
(x) If satum and Venus be in Makara or Kumbha either of
these planets is a maraka. Perhaps, here Saturn on its own
and Venus in friedly camp willnotinflict death, (xi) If Satum
and Moon be in D, neither will bea maraka. (xii) If Lagna be
conjoined by Mars and Satum, neither will be a maraka.
(xiii) If lords of Lagna and X be powerful, then if a maraka
aspects diem, they will inflict death in their Dasas. (xiv)
Rahu in VII will be a maraka. (xv) In some cases Satum may
prove a maraka if Satum is in IV with Venus, if Saturn's
Dasa be available.
Dasa-Antardava-Ayurdayam 111

K. Dhanus: Saturn Venus, and Moon are marakas

(i) Saturn owning II & III, (ii) Venus owning VI & XI and (iii)
Moon owning VIII are Marakas. Some Rishis hold that VIII
lordship for Moon is not bad. (iv) Mars is not a Maraka
though lord of XII; as he has fifth trine lordship too. (v)
Budhahas a double angle Lordship. He will be a Maraka if
he be in his own houses VII or X, if his Dasa is available. He
must be ill associated, (vi) If there be an exchange of places
between II & Lagna Lords, then Guru Dasa will be a Maraka
Dasa in preference to that of Saturn, (vii) If there be Sun and
Mercury in VII whilst Saturn and Rahu be in Lagna, then
Saturn's is the Maraka Dasa,
L. Makara: Jupiter, Mars and Moon are marakas.
(i) Jupiter with III and XII lordships, (ii) Mars with IV & XI
lordship and (iii) Moon with VII Maraka place lordship
are Marakas. (iv) Though Satum is lord of II, a maraka by
virtue of his lordship over Lagna, he is not a 'maraka/ but
some fix Satum to be a Maraka for Makara Lagna. (v)
Budha will never be a Maraka. IX lordship is excellent (vi)
If Sukra be in Lagna, with Moon's or Saturn's influence he
will be a Maraka, though he is classed as 77ie Rajayogakarnka'
(vii) Sun will be a Maraka only when he is aspected by or
conjoined with Saturn, (viii) Even if Satum be n, he must
have another Maraka's influence. Otherwise he will be not
be Maraka.
M. Kumbha: Jupiter, Moon and Sun are marakas.
(i) Jupiter owning II and XI (ii) Moon with VI lordship and
(iii) Sun with VII lordship, are Marakas. (iv) Mars is no
Maraka. X lordship is beneficial, (v) Budha is not a Maraka
as he has V lordship along with 8th lordship VIII lord's
Dasa is a Maraka Dasa as admitted in all Dasa systems,
(vi) Satum is not a Maraka. Though he has lordship of XII
he is Lagna lord too. (vii) Jupiter in II and XI may not inflict
death as he is swakshetri. (viii) If Satum be in XII, his Dasa
will be a death-inflicting one.
N. Meena: Venus, Mercury, Sun and Satum are marakas
(i) Venus owning III and VIII. (ii) Mercury with dual Kendra
lordship and (iii) Sun owing VI is a maraka. (iv) Mars is no
112 ^7>-Span of Life

Maraka, though as lord of 2nd, has IX lordship too. (v) If

Jupiter occupies 11, he inflicts death in his Dasa. (vi) If Mars
be in 11, he will be a Maraka. (vii) If Mars be conjoined
with Jupiter, Mars will be Maraka. (viii) Sometimes planets
in conjunction with Mars prove to be Marakas. (ix) Satum
is a Maraka, as he is lord of XI and XII. (x) If Jupiter be in X,
he gives Rajayoga first and then death.
A consideration of the above enables one to fix Maraka


Longevity from planetary periods and Sub-periods

In this chapter weshall deal with the rules for the determi nation
of 'Maraka' Dasa' and the 'Antardasa'. No planet by nature is
'Maraka' or a death inflicting planet, except that Saturn is die Karaka
for Longevity. But planets acquire die death inflicting nature either
when they own or occupy or be aspected by some planets who have
the attributes of a Maraka.
Maraka Places
Bhavas II & VII are classified as die 'Maraka Sthanams' or death
inflicting places. 8th is the Ayusthanam, its 12th or the 7th (being
Vyaya — loss of Longevity and the 3rd is the Ayushad Ayur Bhava
8th from 8th hence the 12th of its Vyaya Bhava is the 2nd. So they are
taken as the Maraka places. It also is to be kept in mind that 2nd
Bhava is a more powerful Maraka place than the 7di. Planets in the
2nd are more powerful to inflict death, than the 2nd lord. It is also
the opinion of some Acharyas that 12di is also a Maraka place, die
Moksha Sthanam. The lord of 11 di is a Maraka.
Maraka Pianfts
A. General
These are 'Maraka* Planets in general: —
1. ThelordsofllandVIl and those who join with them.
2. The planets in II and VII.
3. If a malefic's dasa be current whilst no maraka Planet's
Dasa comes, such a malefic will have to be declared a
Maraka, considering, of course the position and die aspects
he derives etc. from the others.
114 -sT^Span of Life

Illustration: I will illustrate the above with reference to the

Standard Horoscope:—
In this case (1) Birth Lagna is-Capricom (2) The Chandra Lagna
is Vrishabha (3) The Aroodhalagna is Kataka. The Paka Lagna is
the sign in which the Birth lord is posited f it is Mesha. Saturn the
Birth lord, is in it:—

11 (Paka Kuja
12 Lagna)
Lagna Arooda
Sahim jq Lagna
Rahu % Cum
XPakalagnaLr^ Ketu
2 y^Arooda Venus

Gum Sun
VenuS Ketu Budha

We can have the entries in a Tabular Form as:

Lagnas The Lords of Bhavas

- 1st 3rd 8th 10th Total
1 1 1 1
Lagna of Birth 1 0+- 3
2 2 2 2
Chandra Lagna 1 1 0 0 2
1 1
Aroodha Lagna 1 3-
(r-3 (r-3 2 2
1 1
Paka Lagna 0 0 1 1-
2 2
1 1 1 1
Total ... 2- 3- 1- 2- 10
2 2 2 2

Longevity -10 * 6.25 - 62.5 years

I (a) From Lagna Saturn Birth lord is in 4 kendra. So a hill mark
may be awarded. Because he is debilitated only Vi a mark
is given.
Other methods on Longevity determination-^^ 115

(b) 3rd Lord from Lagna Is Jupiter who is in a X kendra. So a

full mark is given.
(c) The 8th lord is the Sun who is in DC, a kona. So a full mark
is awarded.
(d) 10th Lord Venus is in 8th. Half a mark is given since Venus
in 8th is good for longevity.

U (a) From Moon Lagna, its lord Venus is in 4, so a full mark.

(b) Lord of 3rd Moon is exalted, so a full mark.
(c) 8th lord from Moon, Jupiter, is in 6th, so a zero.
(d) 10th Lord Saturn joined 12th, hence a zero is awarded.

III (a) TheAroodhaLagnaisCancer.Moonitslordisinllthfrom

it so a full mark.
(b) The lord of 3rd Mercury from Aroodha Lagna is in the 3rd
hence a full mark is given.
(c) The lord of the 8th, Saturn, joined 10th Kendra, a full mark
but debilitated, hence half a mark.
(d) Lord of X from Cancer is in 11th; so full mark is given.

IV (a) The Pakn Lagna is Mesha, lord Kuja in 2nd from it; so a
(b) The 3rd lord from Mesha is Budha in 6,h He is exalted; so
Vfe a mark.
(c) The 8th lord from Mesha is Kuja in 2nd; so a zero.
(d) The lord of 10th from Paka Lagna, Satum joins it; but
debilitated, so half a mark is given.
Thus arranging the above in the tabular form, the sum total of
the Units is 10. The Longevity will be 6.25 X10 = 62.5 years. This
will have to be reconciled with the Gochara Dasa, An tar Dasa and
other systems on Longevity.


This is given in all standard works like Jataka Desa Marga.The
method is briefly this;—
From a Planef s Longitude find out the Nakshatra he is in just
as we find out the balance of the Dasa ruling at birth from Moon's
Longitude. In a similar manner proceed with the Longitude of all
the Planets and Lagna. If the several Dasas are added we get a
total which represents the Longevity of die native.
11 $ -w7-~Sf>an of Life

Illustration: In the Stardard Horoscope Sun's Longitude 5* 24°

5T. The Asterism cov ered by it is Chittra.
The remainder of the ecleptic arc to cover in Chittra is 6* 6s 40' 5s
24° 5T-11° 43' or 703'. The Udu Dasa lord for the Asterism Chittra
is Kuja. Kuja rules for 7 years.
For 800' (1 Asterism Stellar space) it is 7 years.
7 4921
— xTOSye^ —
= 6 years, I month and 24 days.
Proceeding with the other planets tabulate as:—
Naisargika Ayurdasas
Planet Longitude Nakshatra Lord Daaa Balance
Tra. Month# Day*
Sun 5. 24.57. Chitra Kuja 6 1 24
Moon 1.18.20. Rohini Qiandra 3 9 7
Kuja 1.19.24. Rohizii Chandra 2 10 1
Budha 5.16. 55. Hasta Qiandra 4 9 22
Guru 6.26.26. Visakha Guru 6 2 15
Sukra 4.20.33. P. Fhalgn Sukra 9 2 13
Sani a 26.25. Bharani Sukra 0 3 27
Rahu Ol 7.52. Aswini Ketu 3 11 17
Ketu 6. 732. Swati Rahu 16 4 17
Lagna 9.13.53. Sravana Moon 5 2 17
Total 58 9 18

The sum total is 58 years, 9 months and 18 days. This is the

Ay urdasa arrived at by this system.
N. B.—The foregoing tables will he of use to work up the Dasa
Balance of Vimsottari Dasa by Long, of Moon
MoonmMoha, MooninVna. Moon in Mithuna MooninKarkata
Simha, Diuous Kanya, Makar Tola. Kumba Vricchska. Meoia
Balance of Balance of Balance of Balance of
Dasa Dasa Dasa Dasa
• < y IH d y M <f 9 M d 9 m d
0 0 Ketu 7 0 0 Sun 4 6 0 Mars 3 6 0 Jupiter 4 0 0
0 20 6 9 27 4 4 6 3 3 27 3 7 6
0 40 6 7 24 4 2 12 3 1 24 3 2 12
I 0 6 5 21 4 0 18 2 11 21 2 2 18
1 20 6 3 18 3 10 24 2 9 B 2 4 24
1 40 6 1 15 3 9 0 2 7 15 2 0 0
Other methods on Longevity determinations- 117

Moon in Mnha, Moon in Viihaka Moon in Mithuna Moon in Karkala

Simha, Dlianus Kanya, Makar Tula, Kumbha Vrischika, Meena
Balance of Balance of Balance of Balance of
Dasa Dasa Dasa Dasa
a y in d y in if y m if y in if
2 0 5 11 12 3 7 6 2 5 12 17 6
2 20 5 9 9 3 5 12 2 3 9 12 12
2 40 5 7 6 3 3 18 2 16 0 9 18
3 0 5 5 3 3 1 24 1 11 3 0 4 34
3 20 5 3 0 3 0 0 19 0 Saturn 19 0 0
3 40 5 0 27 2 10 6 1 6 27 18 6 9
4 0 4 10 24 2 8 12 1 4 24 18 0 IS
4 20 4 8 21 2 6 18 1 2 21 17 6 27
4 40 4 6 18 2 4 24 1 0 28 17 16
5 0 4 2 15 2 3 0 0 10 15 16 7 15
5 20 4 2 12 2 16 0 8 12 16 1 24
5 40 4 0 9 1 11 12 0 6 9 15 8 3
6 0 3 10 6 1 9 18 0 4 6 15 2 12
6 20 3 8 3 1 7 24 0 2 3 14 8 21
6 40 3 6 0 16 0 Rahu 18 0 0 14 3 0
7 0 3 3 27 1 4 6 17 6 IB 13 9 9
7 20 3 1 24 12 12 17 1 6 13 3 18
7 40 2 11 21 1 0 18 16 7 24 12 9 27
8 0 2 9 18 0 10 24 16 2 12 12 ; 6
8 20 2 7 15 0 9 0 15 9 0 11 10 15
8 40 2 5 12 0 7 6 15 3 18 11 4 24
9 0 2 3 9 0 5 12 14 10 6 10 11 3
9 20 2 16 0 3 18 14 4 24 10 5 12
9 40 1 11 3 0 1 24 13 11 12 9 11 21
10 0 19 0 Moon10 0 0 13 6 0 9 6 0
10 20 1 6 27 9 9 0 13 0 18 9 0 9
10 40 1 4 24 9 6 0 12 7 6 8 6 18
11 0 1 2 21 9 3 0 12 1 24 8 0 27
11 20 10 18 9 0 0 11 8 12 7 7 6
11 40 0 10 15 8 9 0 11 3 0 7 7 15
12 0 0 8 12 8 6 0 10 9 18 6 7 24
12 20 0 6 9 8 3 0 - 10 « 6 » 6 2 3
12 40 0 4 6 8 0 0 9 10 24 5 1 12
13 00 0 2 3 7 9 0 9 5 12 5 2 21
13 20 fenus 20 0 0 7 6 0 9 0 0 4 9 0
13 40 19 6 0 7 3 0 8 6 8 4 3 9.
14 0 19 0 0 7 0 0 8 16 3 9 18
14 20 IS 6 0 6 9 0 7 7 24 3 3 27
14 40 18 0 0 6 6 0 7 2 12 2 10 6
15 0 17 6 0 6 3 0 6 9 0 2 4 15
15 20 17 0 0 6 0 0 6 3 18 1 10 24
15 40 6 6 0 5 9 0 5 10 6 1 5 3
16 0 16 0 0 5 6 0 5 4 24 0 11 12
16 20 15 6 0 5 3 0 4 11 12 0 5 21
16 40 15 0 0 5 0 0 4 6 0 Mercury 17 0 0
17 0 14 6 .0 4 9 0 4 0 18 16 6 27
17 20 14 0 0 4 6 0 3 7 6 16 1 24
17 40 13 6 0 4 3 0 3 1 24 15 8 21
18 0 13 0 0 4 0 0 2 8 12 15 3 18
18 20 12 6 0 3 9 0 2 3 0 14 0 15
18 40 12 0 0 3 6 0 1 9 18 14 5 12 "
19 0 11 6 0 3 3 0 14 6 .14 0 9
19 20 11 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 24 13 7 6
19 , 10 6 0 2 9 0 0 5 U 13. 2 3 ...
118 -^^Span of Life

Moon in Mesha, Moon in Vrlschtka Moon In Mithuna Moon in Kaikata

Simha, Dlunus Kanya, Makara Tula. Kumbha Vriachlka, Meena
Balance of Balance of Balance of Balance of
Dasa Data Data Data
0 . y d y in d y in d y mi if
20 0 10 0 0 2 6 0 Jupiter 16 0 0 12 9 0
« • y in d y in d y i« rf y mi if
20 20 9 6 0 2 3 0 15 7 6 12 3 21
20 40 9 0 0 2 0 0 15 2 12 11 10 24
21 0 8 6 0 1 9 0 14 9 18 11 5 21
21 20 8 0 1 1 6 0 14 4 24 11 0 18
21 40 7 6 0 1 3 0 14 0 0 10 7 15
22 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 13 7 5 10 2 12
22 20 6 6 0 0 9 0 13 2 12 9 9 9
2? 40 6 0 0 0 6 0 12 9 18 9 4 6
23 0 5 6 0 0 3 0 12 4 24 8 11 3
23 20 5 0 0 Man 7 0 0 12 0 0 16 0
23 40 4 6 0 6 9 27 11 7 6 8 0 7
24 0 4 0 0 6 7 24 11 2 12 7 7 24
24 20 3 6 0 6 5 21 10 9 18 7 2 21
24 40 3 0 0 6 3 18 10 4 24 6 9 18
25 0 2 6 0 6 1 15 10 0 0 6 4 15
25 20 - 2 0 0 5 11 12 9 7 6 5 11 12
15 40 16 0 5 9 9 9 2 12 5 6 9
26 0 1 0 0 5 7 6 8 9 18 5 16
26 20 0 6 0 5 5 3 8 4 24 4 8 3
26 40 Sun 6 0 0 5 3 0 8 0 0 4 3 0
27 0 5 10 6 5 0 27 7 7 6 5 9 27
27 20 5 6 12 4 10 24 7 2 12 3 4 24
27 40 5 6 18 4 8 21 6 9 18 2 11 21
28 0 5 4 24 2 6 18 6 4 24 2 6 18
28 20 5 3 0 4 4 15 6 0 0 2 1 15
28 40 5 16 4 2 12 5 7 6 1 B 12
29 0 4 11 12 4 0 9 5 5 2 1 1 9
29 20 4 9 18 3 10 6 4 9 18 0 10 6
29 40 4 7 24 3 8 3 4 4 24 0 5 3
30 0 4 6 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0

Proportional Parts for Data of Planets

(to be added from the balance of Data for incraase by
minutes of longitude of moon]

Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Min
ill rf in if in if IH d Ml if in d IU if m if ni d -
1 0 3 0 9 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 8 0 7 0 9 0 8 1
2 0 6 0 18 0 5 0 9 0 6 0 16 0 14 0 17 0 15 2
3 0 9 0 27 0 8 0 14 0 9 0 24 0 22 0 26 0 23 3
4 0 13 1 6 0 11 0 18 0 13 1 2 0 29 1 4 1 1 4
5 0 16 1 15 0 4 0 23 0 16 1 11 1 6 1 13 1 8 5
6 0 19 1 24 0 16 0 27 0 19 1 19 1 13 1 21 1 16 6
7 0 22 2 3 0 19 1 2 0 22 1 27 1 29 2 0 1 24 7
8 0 25 2 12 0 22 1 6 0 25 2 5 1 28 2 8 2 1 8
9 0 28 2 21 0 24 1 1 0 28 2 13 2 5 2 17 2 9 9
10 1 1 3 0 0 27 1 15 1 1 2 21 2 12 2 26 2 17 10
15 1 17 4 15 1 11 2 6 1 17 4 2 3 18 4 8 3 25 IS
20 2 3 6 0 1 24 3 0 2 3 5 12 4 24 5 21 3 5 20
Other methods on Longevity determination-^^ 119

e.g. Moon is Kanya240 -1' Y M D

From Table Kanya240 read Mars 6 - 7 - 24
Proportional Part of Mars for 1 is 0 -0 -3
Balance of Mars will be 6 — 21


Other Methods on Longevity


In one family of Astrologers, I have seen them practising the

following method with success. This method is based on the
hypothesis that man's utmost term is 100 years.

The Method
Take (i) the Janma Lagna (h) the Chandra Lagna (hi) the Aroodha
Lagna (iv) the Paka Lagna which is the Sign of Occupation of Lord
of Ascendant Then Hnd out the lords of 1st 3rd, 8th and 10 from
Rule I: If die said lord be in a Kendra or a Kona from the lagna
in consideration award a full mark: otherwise a Zero.
Rule II: In case a planet be in neither a Kendra nor a kona, and
if he is in exaltation, own or Moola-trikona sign or be in
3rd or 8th award half a mark.
Rule lib If such a one be a malefic and be in a Upachaya house,
toward half a mark for him.
Rule IV: If a planetwho gets a fullmarkbeindepressionor inan
enemy's camp, the mark must be reduced by half.
Rule V: When he has evil associations or be Combust a similar
reduction is needed.
Rule Vb As we get 16 units each unit has 61/4 years. So, the
total marks multiplied by 6 V* gives die Longevity.
The above rules are so simple and be easily remembered.
Astrology being a secret science is kept as such by our andents.
blow die swing of die pendulam is to die other side.
Pataki Rishu Adhyayam 121

There is 'Vedha'-a repelling energy in the regular order bet-

ween signs as shown here under:—
We see a transverse line from Kataka or Cancer going to
(Sagittarius) or Dhanus, and on die other end of the same line Meena
is seen further another line goes up to Mithuna (or Gemini). So the
Vedha Rasis of -Pathakirishta' for:

1. Kataka (Cancer) are Dhanus, Meena and Mithuna,

2. Simha (Leo) are Vrischica, Kumbha and Vrishabha,
3. Kanya (Virgo) areThula, Makara and Mesha,
4. Thula (Libra) are Meena, Mithuna and Kanya,
5. Vrischika (Scorpio) are Kumbha, Vrishabha and Simha,
6. Dhanus (Sagittarius) are Makara, Mesha and Kataka,
7. Makara (Capricorn) are Mithuna, Kanya and Dhanus.
8. Kumbha (Aquarius) are Vrishaba, Simha and Vrischika,
9. Meena (Pisces) are Mesha, Kataka and Thula,
10. Mesha (Aries) are Kanya, Dhanus and Meena,
11. Vrishabha (Taurus) are Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha,
12. Mithuna (Gemini) are Kataka, Thula and Makara,

Sloka 6: From Mesha onwards each sign is allo ted a number:

10,6,20,5,8,2,20,6,10,14,3,4 respectively for the
12 signs with its aggregate 108.

SlokaS 7,8: The first is the Lagna Vedha, the second is the
Dakshina (Right) Vedha, the third the Varna (left)
Vedha and the fourth the Sammuka (or opposite)
Vedha. If the Dandathi- Path, (dealt with infra) of
birth be in a Vedha place to Birth Lagna, sages declare
that there will be death in Days, Months or Years as
is represented by the number assigned to the sign
signified as such.

Sloka 8: To find the Dandadhipathi at birth proceed as

follows:—find the Aha Pramana or the diurnal
duration in Ghatis etc Divide it by 8. Each of die
quotient is a 'Yamardha'. If the Yamardha Pramana'
(1/8 diurnal or nocturnal duration) be divided by 4,
we get the Danda Pramana. If birth falls at night.
122-^Span of Life

taking the nocturnal duration, proceed similarly

Slokas 9 to 11: The first yamardhapathi in the day time or night
time is the lord of the week day (Varadhipathi) himself.
The second Yamardhapathi during day time is the 6th
from 'he week day's lord (counted in order of the week
days). The third is the 6th from the second lord. So too
is die case with the subsequent lords. Whilst die second
.Yairardhapathi in die night time is the 5th from the
(Varadhi Pathi) lord of die week day, the fifth from
the 2nd is the lord of the 3rd Yamardha (1/8 duration).
So is the case with the suceeding Yamardha Pathis.
These lords for the day time and night time are shown
in the tables 1 and II. TTiey can be referred to with ease.

Illustration : To find out the Yamardha Pathi and Danadhi

Pathi by 12 ghatis 55 vighatis when a boy was bom on 9-1 -1945.

Ghatis Vighatis
Working; Ghatis Vighatis 3 26
Diurnal Duration «■ 27 28 3 26
Yamartha = 3 26 3 26
10 18
3 passed 4 in current

From 10 ghatis 18 vighatis to 13 ghatis 44 vighatis die 4

Yanartha Rules, die Yamartha Pathi is therefore Mercury (Vide
Table I Diva yamartha Pathi Nimaya).
The Dandh Pramana = 3 ghatis 26 vighatis + 4 1018
- 0 ghatis 51.5 vighatis 51- 5
v from 12 ghatis 52.5 vighatis to 13 ghatis 51.5
44 vighatis the 4th Danda is, die current . tj * 51 5
one, die 4th danda of a Budha Yamardha
as per table 111 12-52.5

(1/8 Diurnal Period)

Pataki Rishta Adhyayam 123

TABLE I: Diva Yamartha Pathi

Yamardha Pathis for 8 Yamarthas
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sunday Sun Vavus Macxuy Moon Satum Jupiter Mars Sun
Monday Moon Satum Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Tuesday Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Satum Jupiter Mars
Wednesday Mercury Moon Satum Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury
Thursday Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Satum Jupiter
Friday Venus Mercury Moon Satum Jupiter Mars Sun Venus
Saturday Satum Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Satum

Table II: Rathri Yamartha Pathi (Nocturnal)

Week Rathri Yamartha Lords

day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sunday Sun Jupiter Moon Venus Man Satum ■ Mercury Sun
Monday Moon Venus Mars Satum Mercury Sun Jupiter Moon
Tuesday Mars Satum Mercury Sim Jupiter Moon Venus Mars
Wednesday Mercury Sun Jupiter Moon Venus Man Satum Mercury
Thursday Jupiter Moon Venus Mars Satum Mercury Sun Jupiter
Friday Venus Mars Satum Mercury Sun Jupiter Moon Venus
Saturday Satum Mercury Sun Jupiter Moon Venus Man Satum

P. S,: If a close study in light of die Sloka 9 is made what a

beautiful distribution is envisaged and encompassed in such a short
sloka I will be understood by die reader. The distribution of die
order and die method are simple and the tables deserve a close
study. An appreciation should come from within us !

Finding the Dandadhi Pathi

Sloka 12 to 14. Night Birth: The first Dandadhi Pathi is the
Yamartha Pathi himself. The 6di lord (of weekday) from him is the
2nd Danda lord and the 6th from him is 3rd Danda lord and so on.
Say the first is Sun, the 2nd Danda lord is Venus, the third is 6th
from Venus is Budha and so on.
Day Birth: The first Dandadhi Pathi is the Yamartha Pathi.
His half is the 2nd Dandadhi Pathi Half of 2nd lord is die 3rd
Danda lord and so on. When there is no remainder or Sesha or
when division cannot proceed Rahu fills the gap.
Say Sun is the 1st Yamarthapathi So Sun is die lord of the first
Danda. Half of I cannot be obtained so Rahu die 2nd Dandadhi
Pathi. Rahu's No. is 8.8/2=4di. The 4di is Mercury in die order of
weekday 3 so the 3rd Danda lord is Mercury. 4/2 = 2 as the 2nd is
124 -x?^Span of Life

governed by Moon, he Is die 4th Dandathi Palhi.

The distribution is furnished in Tables HI & IV.

Y.A.L. Day, Yamartha Dandathi Path [ Night Yamartha Danda

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Sun Ravi Rahu Budha Moon Ravi Sukra Budha Moon
Moon Moon Ravi Rahu Budha Moon Sani Gum Kuja
Mars Kuja Moon Ravi Rahu Kuja Ravi Sukra Budha
Mercury Budha Moon Ravi Rahu Budha Moon Sani Gum
Jupiter Guru Moon Ravi Rahu Gum Kuja Ravi Sukra
Venus Sukra Kuja Ravi Rahu Sukra Budha Moon Sani
Saturn Sani Kuja Ravi Rahu Sani Guru Kuja Ravi

Slokas 15 to 22. The results of birth when birth has die Danda
dhipathi are given as follows:—
15. Sun's Danda. One who is bom in a Sun's Danda, he will be
responsible for the destruction of family (Vamsa) and will
be intent on spending his father's properties.
16. One born in a Moon Danda lives long, Phlegmatir
courageous, highly intelligent famous, truthful righteous
and rich.
17. Mars as the lord of Danda of birth; He will suffer with ulcers,
sporaisis (Atisara) and will always be sickly.
18. If it is one of Mercury: he will live long, become a poet will
be calm, wealthy and intelligent
19. If it is Jupiter's Danda: he will have a good memory, will
have many children, will speak kind words, performs
sacrifices and will get fame for his family.
20. If one is bom in a Sukra Danda: he will be highly intelligent,
obedient to his father, has children, if one is bom of a Royal
family he will be a lover of dancing musk and fine arts.
21. If it is Saturn's, Danda: he will be short lived, will worry
his parents, will experience misery and grief, and will be a
22. If it is a Rahu Danda: the native becomes a thief who will
even steal his father's property, will bring destruction to
his (Gotra) family.
23. The Vedha places are epitomised in this sloka. For Movable
signs or Chara Rasis die Veda places of Pathaki Rista are
1st, 6th, 9th, and 12th, for 'Sthira Rasis' or Fixed Signs, die
Pataki Rishca Adhyayam 125

quadrants (1,4,7/10) and for Dwiswabhiva Rasis or dual

signs they are 1st, 2nd, 5th and 8th. For Chara Rasi births.
Dwi-swabha except third, Rasi planets produce Vedha. For
Sthira Rasi, the same fixed sign planets produce Vedha.For
Sthria Rasi, the same fixed sign planets produce Vedha.
For Dwiswabha Rasi births, planets posited in Chara Rasis
(Except 11th) produce Vedha.
Sloka 24 and 25%: The author details, in this sloka the uses of
the Pathaki Rishta as soon as birth is recorded, considering, the
planets in the chart, Rishta places and planets in them have to be
noted. The maximum of Balarishta is 18 years. The wise will look
into this before fixing the longevity.
Slokas 25% to 27%: The Fixation of Pathaki Rishta—If a malefic
Dandadhipathi is in theLagna or be posited in a Vedha place, whilst
the other places have no benefics, whilst malefics exercise their
iufluence in Vedha places then it is a real Pathaki Rishta horoscope.
A child so bom will die.
Slokas 27% to 31: Pathaki Rishta otherwise, occurs if a malefic
Dandadhipathi be posited in the Lagna whilst malefics be in a place
other than 'Vedha' places, then there will be death to father. If a
benefic Dandadhipathi be in die Lagna, whilst other Vedha places
have ho malefic conjunctions, whilst benefics exercise their
influence as such the child will be averted from an early grave. If a
Papa Dandadhipathi has no Lagna Vedha or any other Vedha
position, whilst other Vedha places are conjoined by benefics only
such a Rishta will be cut off.
Sloka 32: Malefics in the Lagna Rasi:
If either of Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn Kuja, Lord conjoins the
Lagna the native will have misery. If other planets be in Lagna
Vedha, they will give good results.
Slokas 33 to 37 : If there be a malefic Dandadhipathi in a
Rishta-Sthana count 1, 2, 3, etc., to the Vedha place. In such a
counting the signs get respectively: —
Karkata = 19 Makara = 26
Simha = 17 Kumbha = 17
Kanya — 36 Meena = 29
Tula = 26 Mesha = 16
Vrischika= 17 Vrishabha = 17
Dhanus = 29 Mithuna = 39
126 -o*-Span of Life

These figures indicate days, months or years.

Slokas 38 to'^Vz: Months, and years of Pathaki Rishta.
If a malefic Dandadhipathi or malefic be strong and powerful
in a Vedha place, the child's death will manifest in days as is
represented by the sign. If he is of a moderate strength then it will
manifest in months. If he is powerless it will take place in years. If
a powerful benefic be posited in a Vedha place, he will inflict death
in years. If the benefic be of a moderate strength, he will produce
death in months. If the benefic as such be powerless then he will
produce death in days. Of course the occurrence can be indicated
by die number assigned to the sign—or signs of consideration. If a
malefic be in a Vedha place or Lagna, has malefic aspects, or be in
an enemy's camp or conjoins an Ugra constellation death occurs in
days without fail. If though a malefic becomes Dandadhipathi
whilst posted in the Vedha place, having beneficial aspects,
conjunctions and positional strength, or occupies a beneficial sign,
then death will have to be predicted in years. If such a planet be in
his Vargothama, Swakshetra, Moolakona Rasi, whilst the kendras
are packed with strong benefics like Guru or Sukra, whilst malefics
are not strong death will not occur at all.
Illustration: In the following horoscope Budha happens to be
the Vamardha Pathi and Dandadhipathi. Though the Danda-
dhipathi has no vedha place, yet there are Sun, Mercury, Mars Ketu
and Rahu the Dandadhipathi in the Vedha place Dhanus for a
Mesha Jataka. Hence death was predicted before the 10th month.
D.O.B.: 9-1-1945 D.O.D.: 26-9-1945

12 Saturn
Rahu 2 1 /
Saturn 11
Bom 9-l-'45
10 Died 26-9- 45


f. Ketu
Sun Venus Moon Jupiter
Jupvl Venus Mercury
Pataki Rishca Adhyayam (27

(i) Longevity is short for the reasons mentioned below:

(a) Lord of Lagna in association with and aspected by
(b) Weak Moon is the 7th unaspected by benefics
(c) Presence:— Dinamrityu yoga as the birth falls in 2nd
Pada of Visakha
(d) Venus sub -period Jupiter's Dasa is critical,


20 10


8< ' > 3

2< >14


The method is in use with many Utkal Astrologers. It is unique.

Slokas 1 to 5. Draw three horizontal and three Vertical line and
from each draw a transverse lines as shown in the figure joining in
between the 12 signs which are marked in the diagram.

Dhundlralah on Cinid Horoscope

Arishta Yogas, Unfortunate Combinations

"Configurations of Misfortune" are described in this. These relate
to childhood or infantile stages. A horoscope is to be free from these
configurations to do longevity calculations which are to be done on
file lines suggested in the forgone Chapters.
If Jupiter be in Mesha (Aries) or Vrischika (Scorpio), identical
with 8th Bhava, while if Saturn, Mars, Sun and Moon aspect him,
while he is unaspected by Venus, then birth of a still bom child is
the result.

Quick Death is Forecast in the following:-

(a) If at birth time Aries or Scorpio, Capricorn be with Sun
identical with 10th aspected by a malefic, then the child
will meet with an early death.
(b) If Moon be 8th. or 6th, house aspected by a malignant
planet, a quick demise is to be indicated.
(c) If Ascendant lord be with a malignant planet in 7th house,
child will die soon after birth> while the Ascendant lord be
in 8th house with a malignant planet, then the child dies
within a month after his birth.
(d) If at birth Moon be in 1st, 7th, 8th, 12th, house be with
malefic, planets while quadrants are not with benefics, then
the child dies soon.
(e) If all malefic planets be in quadrant & 8th (1, 7, 4 or 10)
and if weak (D f. N.) Moon be waning, the child dies soon.
(f) If Cancer or Scorpio is the ascendant with all malefic planets
therein, or located between 1st to 7th and then benefics in
7th to 12 then it is a malignant configuration known as
Ohundirajah on Child Horoscope-^ 129

Vajra Mushtiyoga —is an unwelcome configuration.

(g) If at birth 12th, 8th 6th be with beneficial planets while
malefics join angles and trines-l, 4,1,10,5,9, — while Moon
be rising then the child dies soon.
(h) If 8, 4, 7 Bhavas be with malefic planets; while Moon be
between malefic planets, quick death occurs.
(i) At twilight birth, malefic planets be at sign end in Moon's
Hora, while Moon be angular or with evil planets and if
four Kendras are with malefics.
(j) House (Bhava) 7th or 8th with evil planets, or be aspected
by evil planets, without benefical influence then death
occurs with the mother.
(k) If at an eclipse time Moon be on Ascendant while 8th be
with Mars, then it will be a case of forceps to effect birth or
child extracted from womb by {operation) and the mother
and or baby may die soon.
(1) Satum/Mars in Ascendant while Sun is on 7th, or if Moon
be rising or setting (1 or 7).
(m) If 1 and 8 be with evil planets, and if Moon be in 12th
(waning) and Quadrants without beneficial planets, quick
demise is to be foretold.
(n) If DhoomaKethu be on Ascendant while birth occurs at
time of thunder-bolt fall or at a Roudra or SarpaMuhurth-
time, he will soon be called to world of Yama, Death lord
of death.
(o) If waning Moon be rising be with evil planets or be with
Nodes the child dies soon.
11 Days' Life
(p) If the 8th house be with Jupiter, identical with a Saturnine
Sign Capricorn/Aquarius, and if the Ascendant has malefic
aspect or association, the child dies within 11 days.
(q) The Child dies within a month, if Saturn, Mars and Sun be
in a malefic Sign identical with 6 or 8.
16 Days, I Month or I Year
(r) If Saturn be in I. with malefic planetary aspects, 16 days of
life, if he is with a single malefic, 1 month life; otherwise, if
two planets join the Ascendant, the first year proves critical.
(s) A child will meet, death within an year even though Nectar
(Amrita) be administered, if a malign planet is in 6th or
8th Bhava, aspetf ed by a malignant planet.
139-x^Span of Life

(t) If there be a Comet zi^r^ then ifdie star of birth be identical
with die Comet posited Star and. If that be rising at birth
the child cannot live for more thana month.
I Month
(u) If at birth beneficial planets be in 6/8 unaspected by
beneficial planets and be aspected by any malefic planet
who is retrograde and that planet obtains "POORNA
CHESTABAL "or foil Motional Stroigth then, a child lives
only for a month.
6th Month or 8th Month
(v) If malefic planets are 2/12 or 9/5,6/8, from Ascendant or
Moon, die child so bom dies in 6th or 8th month.
(w) At the said times if no-demise rishta, thus first year proves
critical - (due to Moon In Cancer on Ascendant full)—
causes demise within 1 year if aspected by makfic planets.
Rishta Yoga
(x) Evil planets in 1,5, 7,8.10 without beneficial aspects or
coiyunctions; if Lagna be with Sun or Moon, Rishta occurs.
(y) Moon in 2,5,9,12,8,7 without benefidal influence, Arishta
2nd Year
(z) If Mercury and Moon be angular aspected by Saturn and
or Mars 2nd year is fatal.
If Moon, Ascendant lord be in 8th aspected by evil planet
without beneficial influences, then 2nd year proves critical.
3 Years
If Retrograde Saturn be in a Sign of Mars Aries or Scorpio -
identical with 1,4,6,7,8 or 10, aspected powerfully by Mais, the
child will die before he completes three years of age.
5th Year
If Moon is with Sun, Jupiter, Mercury or'Moon is with Mars,
Venus and Saturn, or Moon is with Sun, Mars and Saturn - in one
sign, die 5th year proves critical.
Dhumfioph on Child Horoscope 131

11th Year 6th or 7th

If Murcuiy be with Sun and Moon be aspeded by an evil planet,
11th year proves critical. If the Ascendant be with Sun, Saturn or
Mars or waning Moon be in VII, 7di or 6th year proves critical.
6th Year
If the house of Moon or Sun, Simha or Leo; Kaitaka (Cancer)
is identical with 6th, 8th or 12th and be aspected by all benefic
planets then the child dies in 6th year.
7th Year
If birth Ascendant has a Pasa, Srinkhala or Pakshi Drekkana,
then child dies before 7 years of age is through.
7th Year
If waning Moon be in 7th, if Ascendant has Saturn, Mars, or
Venus, without Jupiter's aspect; die 7th year proves critical for life.
7th Years
If in the invisible Zodiac there be malefics, and if visible Zodiac
has benefics, and if Rahu be on Ascendant 7th year proves critical
for life.
8th Year
If all benefics join 6th or 8th and malefic planets be in trine to
Ascendant; with malefic aspects, then the child dies before 8 years
of age.
9th Year
If at birth Moon be in a sign of Mercury unaspected by beneficial
planets, and be with or aspected by Sun and Mais, die native dies
in his 9th year.
If Rahu posited in Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius aspected by malefic
planets; 7 years of life is to be forecast by Astrologers.
If Moon, Sun and Saturn be conjoined in a Sign, such a child
will only have a nine years span of life.
Ascendant Lord be an evil planet. Moon be in 12th in Navamsa,
aspected by malignant planets, 9th year proves critical.
7th with Moon, Lagna Ascendant with 8th Lord, be aspected
by Saturn 9ffi year contains Arishta.
Sun, Satum and Venus with malefic planets, and there be with
Jupiter's aspect, 9th year proves critical.
If Rahu (D. H.) Caput be angular in 1,4,7 or 10 aspected by a
malefic planet, then child dies in 10th or 16th year.
132 -^r^Span of Life

If Rahu be in 7th, aspected by Sun or Saturn, without benefic

influences; the child lives for 12 years.
If Moon has aspects of malefic and benefic planets then the life
span is to be calculated by rule of three measure.
If Budha is in Cancer identical with 6th or 8th Bhava, be
aspected by Moon then child meets with death by an animal before
sixth year of age is through.
Life Equal to Sign No. of years:-
If Ascendant Lord or the lord of Moon Sign be in 6 th, 8th or 12th
and be set. (within Sun's Combustion folds) then the child lives for
as manyyears as that planet is posited in a sign counted from Aries.
If any malefic planet be in 6th or 8tfi, aspected by other
malignant planet then he lives for 4 months. If such a planet (in 6th
or 8th) be aspected by Sun and Venus, then he will live for 6 or 8
years, or No. of sign denoted by No. of sign that counted from
Mode of Calculation
If the Ascendant lord be combust, and is aspected by 8th lord,
the sign value, of Ascendant lord; signifies the critical year.
Mode of Counting
If Ascendant lord be in VI, it signifies the No. of years equal to
the Sign a value of Decante lord of Ascendant be placed in VI, the
sign value signifies the number of months, if Navamsa Ascendant
Lord be in VI. then the sign value signifies the days.
However, Mesha - Aries 8°, Vrishabha - Taurus 9° Mithuna
Gemini 23°. Karkataka - Cancer 22° Simha -Leo 5° ,Kanya virgo,
1°, Thula - Libra 4° Vrischika - Scorpio 23°, Dhanus Sagittarius 17°
Makara-Capricom 20° Kumbha — Aquarius 21° Meena-PisceslO® -
be Rising - or any planet be in such a Degree the life extends so far
and that year may even prove critical.
We have to emphasise, that the rules given in chapter II, anti-
dotes or combinations which prevent early close of life are to be
kept in view while in the next chapter, with some Stars, Infantile
Mortality-Balarishta-Periods are given, they have a bearing in study
of children's Horoscopes.

Star-Lord on Span of Life


Chandra Arishta
The Moon represents the mother; mind and intelligence. If it
is very weak there is danger to the child and even to the mother
during the delivery and the following are positions which may
cause death to one or both: —
1. Aswini 1 (0° to 3° 20') or, Mrigasira I (23° 20 to 26° 40°,)
Hasta IV (20° to 23° 20), Jyeshta III (23° 20 to 23o40,) Mula
II and III, Dhanishta II (26° 40' to 30° Capricorn).
2. In debilitation in Vrishchika (scorpio) or eclipsed or in the
6th, 8th or the 12th house in the horoscope or in enemy
signs or in conjunction with his enemies. Mercury, Venus,
Saturn or Rahu, or aspected by the Sun, Mars or Saturn.
Balarishta (Infantile Ailments or Loss of Life in Childhood)
This is of two kinds, one in which die child dies within three
months of birth and the other in which it survives for three or four
years. In either case, the child dies in the Mahadasa (Major Period)
of birth and in the interperiods of the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th
houses or in the interperiod of Rahu. Balarishta (Infantile Ailments
or Close of Life in Childhood) is caused by die Moon being in the
following positions
1. Aswini 1 and II, Bharani II, Krittika III, Rohini I, II and IV,
Mrigasira I, Pushya I, Magha I, Uttara Phalguni II, Hasta
III and IV, Chitra II, Vishakha IV, Anuradha III, Jyeshta
111, Mula II and III, Uttara Ashadha 1, Dhanishta II,
Satabisha 1 and Uttara Bhadrapada IV.
134 -o^Span of LHe

2. In debilitation or edipsed or in the 6th,8th or die 12th house,

3. In enemy signs, in conjunction with enemies, M ars, Venus,
Satum or Rahu or aspected by Sun, Mars or Saturn.
4. If benefics aspect the planets causing the Arishta thai die
child may live from one to three or four years or at the
most to the end of the Maha Dasa (Major Period) of birth
and no arishta can occur unless the Moon is in the
Nakshatra Padas listed above.
Further Balarishta (Infantile Ailments or Loss of Life in
Childhood) Yogas are as under:—
1. If die Ascendant or die 8th house cusp or die lords of these
two houses are between two evil planets.
2. If the Moon is aspected by Saturn and Mars and the
Ascendant has Satum and Rahu on either side or these
two planets occupy the 6th and 12th or 2nd and 8di houses
in the horoscope.
3. Satum in die Ascendant and Mars in the 7th house and
4. Malefics in die Ascendant and 8th house. Moon weakly
placed and the kendras without Jupiter in diem.
5. Moon weakly placed and Shadastaka Dosha that is the
planets Satum, Mars and Rahu in die 6th or 8th houses to
6. Moon in debilitation or aspected by Sun and Venus
together or individually by Mercury, Satum or Rahu.
7. If Rahu Is in die 12th sign horn that occupied joindy by die
Sun and the Moon. (New-Moon-Amavasya-Birth
8. If the lord of the Ascendant lord of the sign occupied by
the Moon or the lord of Navamsa Lagna are eclipsed.
9. If the 12th Rasi from Ascendant is occupied by malefics
and the lord of the 8di sign from the Ascendant is aspected
by malefics or in conjunction with them.
10. If the lord of die 8th house is in an enemy sign or in the
sign of a malefic.
11. If the lord of die 8th house is in 8th house.
12. If die Kendras and Konas are occupied by malefics and
the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th houses are occupied by benefics
and the lord of die Ascendant or the 8th house is weak.
Star-Lord on Span of Life 135

13. If Jupiter and Venus are in Shasta - Ashtaka that is in die

6th or the 8th places from each other.
14. A planet inimical to the planets in the Ascendantoccupying
the 8th house.
15. If the Sun or the Moon occupy the first paada of Mrigasira.
16. If Saturn or Mara strongly aspect the Moon in Hasta.
N. B. The aspects and conjunctions in the above combinations
must be exact if Balarishta (Infantile Ailments or Close of life in
Childhood) is to occur.
The Following Combinations help in promoting Balarishtas:
(Infantile Ailments or loss of life in ahildhood): -
1. If the lord of the Ascendant or Jupiter or both Jupiter and
the Moon occupy the 6th, 8th or the 12th houses.
2. Mars in the 11th house from the Sun.
3. If the Sun and the Moon, Mars and Mercury and Moon,
Jupiter and Venus, Sun and Saturn, Saturn and Mars or
Saturn and Rahu are in the 6th or 8th houses from each
other or in opposition to each other.
4. Sun in Tula (Libra), Mars in Kanya (Virgo), Mercury in
Simha (Leo), and Venus in Vrishchika (Scorpio).
Balarishta Bhanga yogams conditions which prevent death
are as under
1. Jupiter in the Ascendant or in the 7th house, or 8th house
2. Combinations indicating very long life,
3. Moon in the following " nakshatras —
Mrigasira II, III and IV. Punarvasu I to IV. Arudra I to IV
Ashlesha I to IV. Purva Phalguni I to IV. Chitra III and IV. Swati I
to IV. Vishakha I, II and III. Sravana I to IV. Purva Bhadrapada I to
IV. Revati I to IV.
4. Moon in Mithuna (Gemini), Karkata (Cancer), Tula (Libra)
and Meena (Pisces) except from the portions in the
Nakshatras Pushya and Uttara-Bhadra.
Further Balarishta Bhanga Yogams are as under:—
1. Lord of the Ascendantor the 8th house in conjunction with
or aspected by Jupiter or thecusps of these houses similarly
placed, or Ascendant is Meena.
2. The Ascendant and the 8th house cusps between benefic
136 ^-.Span of Life

3. Venus occupying Meena or aspecting the Lagna or aspecting

the Lord of the 8th house.
4. Moon and Mars in conjunction in any house.

The Following Combinations Aid in Preventing Balarishta

(Infantile Ailments or loss of life in Childhood over come)
1. Any two planets singly in opposition in the horoscope.
2. The Sun in Vrishabha (Taurus) or Kumbha Aquarius.
3. Mars in Vrishabha (Taurus).
4. Mercury in Mesha (Aries), Mithuna (Gemini)or Makara
5. If the 3rd house from the Lagna is occupied by Rahu alone.

Marakas, Planets causing death and time of death

Mnrakn planets are:—
1. Lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses or malefics in
conjunction with these. If these happen to become
beneficientfor the time being Saturn and Rahu act in their
2. Lords of Kendras quadrants from the house occupied by
the Moon provided they are also lords of the 3rd, 6th; 8th
and 12th houses from the Moon.
3. Any malefic that is in conjunction with the Sun or the lord
of die house in which the Sun is posited-
4. The lord of the Ascendant if eclipsed.
5. The Sun if posited in the 8th house.
6. Jupiter if in the 8th house but only if Moon is in Mithuna
or Kanya. If Moon is in any other sign Jupiter never
becomes a maraka (planet aneretic or death producing).
7. The lord of the 7lh house but usually death does not occur
in its Mahadasa (Major Period) but rather in its bhuktis
and Antaras (Sub-Period) in other Mahadasas (Major
Periods). If death does occur in its Mahadasa (Major Period)
it is only on the first-day or the last day of the Dasa (Period).
Maraka Planets (Death Inflicting - Aneretic - Planets) are those
who are Usually Located in:—
1, The 3rd, 8th or the 11th house from the Lord of the
2. The 8th house from the Lagna.
Scar-Lord on Span of Life 137

3. Alone in Vrishchika (Scorpio) or in Mesha (Aries) or in

Simha (Leo)/
4. Conjunction with the Sun or Ketu
The Maraka (planet aneretic or death producing) selected will
not kill if between two benefics but a very grave illness will result
Marakas (planets aneretic or death producing) of various
Ascendents are given below

AsanJant Pmoerfitl Marakas Ortlinary Marakas

1. Mesha (Aries) Mercury and Venus Saturn and Rahu
2. Vrishabha (Taurus) Nil Sun, Jupiter & Venus
3. Mithuna (Gemini) Mercury, Venus & Rahu Sun and Saturn
4. Karkata (Oncer) Nil Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu
and Saturn.
5. Simha (Leo) Mercury and Saturn J upiter, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu,
6. Kanya (Virgo) Mercury and Rahu Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu
7. Tula (Libra) Nil Sun, Jupiter & Rahu
8. Vrishchika (Scorpio) Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter.
Saturn and Rahu.
9. Dhanus (Sagittarius) Mercury, Venus & Rahu. Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu.
10. Makara (Capricorn Nil Sun, Moon, Rahu, Venus, Mercury
& Jupiter.
11. Kumbha (Aquarius) Mercury and Jupiter Moon, Venus, Saturn and Rahu.
12. Mcena (Pisces) Rahu. Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.

Marakas (planets anerestic or death producing) of die various

Nakshatras (Stars) are given below:—
Death Inflicting Plaaetsfor the 27Asterisms of the Zodiac.
I. Ashwanl (Ketu Dasa at Birth)
(a) Generally death occurs in Rahu Dasa and not in the
dasas of Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars.
(b) With Powerful Alpayu Yogams (Short Life) in the
horoscope death may occasionally occur in the Maha
Dasa (Major Period) of Venus.
(c) With Madhya Ayu (Middle Life) Yogams there will be
death in the Rahu Antara of Rahu Maha Dasa (Major
(d) With Pooma Ayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death may be in> ' |
(i) Rahu Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Rahu Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Antara, Sun Bhukti, Rahu Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
138^-Span of Life

(iii) Sun Antara, Mars Bhukti and Rahu Maha Dasa

(Major Period).
(e) With poweful Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
Yogams death may be in
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti and Saturn Maha
Dasa (Major Period).
2. Bharant (Venus Dasa at Birth)
(a) Those bom in any pada with Alpayu (Short Life)
Yogams will have death in
(i) Venus Antara, Moon Bhukti, Sun Maha Dasa (Major
Period) or
(ii) Venus Antara, Rahu Bhukti, Sun Maha Dasa (Major
Period) or
(iii) Venus Antara, Saturn Bhukti, Sun Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(iv) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Sun Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(b) Those bom with Madhya Ayu (Middle Life) Yogams
and in the 2nd 3rd and 4th Padas will have death in
Rahu Dasha.
(c) For those with Deergha Ayu (Full and Long Tom of
Life) Yogams death will be in
(i) Mercury Bhukti, Venus Maha (Major Period) or
(ii) Venus Bhukti in Saturn Dasa,
3. KRITTIKA (Sun Dasa at Birth)
(a) This is a Deergha Ayu (Full and Long Term of life)
Nakshatra and so no death takes place in the Moon,
Mars, Rahu and or Jupiter Maha Dasa (Major Period) is
only evil.
(b) Death occurs in
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Satum-Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
Scar-Lord on Span of Life 13f

4. ROHfNI (Moon Data at Bfrtfi)

(a) If there are Deerghayu (Long and Full Term of Life)
Yogams death will generally be in; —
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury, Bhukd, Saturn Mahadasa
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Satum Maha Dasa
(Major Period)
5. AWGASIRA (Mars Dasa at Birtfi)
(a) For those bom in I Pada Jupiter is not strong and there
are powerful Bala Arishta Yogams (Combination of
Close in Childhood) death will be in infancy.
(b) For those bom in the 2nd Pada:
(i) There is no Balarishta,
(ii) With Madhya Ayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will
be in the:—
(a) Satum Antara, Bud ha Bhukti, Satum Maha Dasa (Major
Period) or
(b) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Satum Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(c) Death will not be in Rahu and Gum Dasas,
(d) With Deergha Ayu (FuQand LongTermof Life) Yogams
death will be in; —
(i) Budha Bhukti, Budha Maha Dasa (Major Period) or
(ii) Jupiter Bhukti, Mercury. Mahadasa (Major Period).
(e) Death will not be in Rahu Jupiter or Satum Maha Dasas
.(Major Periods).
(Q For those bom in the 3rd and 4th Padas:
(i) There will be no Bala Arishta (Combination for Close
of Life in Childhood)
(ii) With Madhya Ayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will
(a) Jupiter Bhukti, Jupiter Maha Dasa (Major Period) or
(b) Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(iii) With Deergha Ayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
death will be in:—
(a) Mercury Bhukti, Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period) or
(b) Jupiter Bhukti, Mercury Maha Dasa (MajorPerlod).
140 -^7*-Span of Life

6. ARORA (Rahu Dasa at Birth)

(a) For those bom in the 1st Pada
(i) There will be no Bala Arishta (Combination for Close
of Life in Childhood).
(ii) With Alpa Ayu (Short Life) Yogam death will be
(a) Mercury; Ketu or Rahu or other Bhukti in Jupiter Dasa,.
(b) For those bom in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Padas:—
(i) There will be no Bala Arishta (Combination for dose
of Life in Childhood)
(ii) With Madhya Aayu (Middle Life) Yogams death
will be in Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(iii) With Deergha Aayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
Yogams, death may occasionally be in Venus Maha
Dasa (Major Period).
7. PUNARVASU (Jupiter Dasa at Birth)
(a) For those bom in this Nakshatra, balarishta (combination
for close of life in childhood), Alpayu (Short Life) and
Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) are rare.
Madhyayu (Middle Life) is the usual rule.
(b) For those bom in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Padas with
Madhyayu Yogams (middle life) death will be in:—
(i) Venus, Jupiter or Saturn Bhuktis in Mercury Maha
Dasa (Major Period) alone.
(c) For those bom in die 4th Pada with Madhyayu Yogams
(Middle Life) death will be in: —
(i) Venus, Moon, Rahu or Mercury Bhuktis in Venus
Maha Dasa (Major Period) alone.
(ii) Even with Deerghayu Yogams (Full and LongTerm
of Life) death will still be in Venus Dasa (Major
Period) alone.
8. PUSHYAM (Saturn Maha Dasa- Major Period - at Birth)
(a) With AlpayU Yogams (Short Life) death takes place in:-
(i) End of Budha DaSa or
(ii) Beginning of Venus Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(b) With Madhyamayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will
be in: —
Star-Lord on Span of Life -o- 141

(i) Saturn, Antara, Venus Bhukti (Sub Period), Venus

Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(c) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of life) Yogams
death will be in: —
(i) Venus Antara (Sub Period), Jupiter Bhukti (Sub
Period), Moon Maha Dasa (Major Period) or
(ii) Rahu Antara (Sub Period), Mercury Bhukti (Sub
Period), Moon Maha Dasa (Major Period).
9. A5HLE5HA (Mercury Maha Dasa-Major Period—at Birth)
(a) There is generally no Balarishta (Combination for loss
of life in Childhood)
(b) With very powerful Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams death
will be in: —
(i) Saturn Bhukti (Sub Period), Mercury Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(c) With Deerghayu Yogams (Full and Long Term of Life)
this constellation gives long life and death will not be in
Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars Maha Dasas (Major
Periods) but will only be in
(i) Rahu Maha Dasa (Major Period).
10. AAAGHA (Ketu Maha Dasa—Major Period—at Birth) See
11. PURVA PHALGUNI (Venus Dasa at Birth)
(a) For those bom in this Nakshatra there are no balarishtas
(Combination for loss of life in Childhood) and the first
three padas will give long life.
(b) For those bom in the 1st and 2nd Padas: death will
generally be in
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti in Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(iii) Death is never in the Maha Dasa (Major Period) of
Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu or Jupiter. Saturn's is the
Aneretic Period.
(c) For those bom in the 3rd Pada;
(i) Death will be in Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period)
142 -^-Span of Life

(d) For those bom in the 4th Pada.

(i) With powerful Alpayu (Short life) Yogams death
will be in either Moon or Rahu Dasas.
(ii) With powerful Deerghayu (Full and long Term of
Life) Yogams death will be in either Saturn or
Mercury Maha Dasas (Major Periods).
12. UTTARA PHALGUNI (Sun Dasa at Birth)
(a) For those bom in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Padas especially:
(i) If Mars or Rahu occupy Thula (Libra) in the
horosocope and the Moon is weak and alpayu (Short
Life) Yogams are present^ then dead) will be in it—
(a) Rahu Maha Dasa (Major Period). But, this is rare.
(b) If there are Madhyayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will
bein: —
(i) Mercury or Venus Bhuktis (Sub Periods), Jupiter
Maha Dasa (Major Period),
(c) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death will be in:—
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Satum Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Satum Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(d) With very powerful Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of
Life) Yogams, death will be in; —
• (i) Mercury Mahadasa (Major Period).
13. HA5TA (Moon Maha Dasa—Major Period—at Birth)
(a) Unless Deerghayu (Full and LongTerm of Life) Yogams
are present, death will be in
(i) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Jupiter Maha Dasa
(Major period) or
(ii) Venus Antara, Rahu Bhukti, Jupiter Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(b) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams,
death will be in
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period),
Star-Lord on Span of Life 143

14. CHfTRA (Mars Maha DasA-Ha|or Period at Birth)

(a) For those bom in the 1st and 2nd Padas:
(i) Death takes place in :
(ii) Jupiter, Mercury or Rahu Bhuktis, Jupiter Maha
Dasa (Major Period).
(b) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) death will
be in;
(i) Mercury or Jupiter Bhuktis, Mercury Maha Dasa
(Major Period).
(c) For those bom in the 3rd and the 4th Padas:
(i) There are no Balarishtas (Combination for loss of Life
in Childhood),
(d) With Alpayu (short life) yogams death will be in :
(i) Sun Antara, Mars Bhukti, Rahu Maha Dasa (Major
(e) With Madhyayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will be
(i) Jupiter or Saturn Bhuktis in Rahu Maha Dasa (Major
(* > With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death will be in
(i) Mercury, Rahu or Satum Bhuktis in Mercury Maha
Dasa (Major Period).

15. SWATt (Rahu Dasa at Birth)

(a) There is no Balarishta (Combination for loss of life in
(b) With Alpayu (short life) yogams, deaA will be in;—
(i) Sun Antara, Mars Bhukti, Rahu Maha Dasa (Major
(c) With Madhyayu (Middle life) Yogams death will be
(i) Rahu, Jupiter of Satum Bhuktis, Mercury, Maha
Dasa (Major Period).
(d) Generally there is no death in Jupiter, Satum and Ketu
Dasas (Major Periods).
144 ^o-5pan of Ufe

16. VI5AKHA (Jupiter Dasa at BHth).

(a) There is no Balarishta (Combination for loss of Life in
(b) With Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams death will be in:—
(i) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(ii) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhuktx, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period)
(c) With Madhyayu (Middle Life) Yogams, death will be
(i) Jupiter Antara, Rahu Bhukti, Ketu Dasa
(d) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams,
death win be in
(i) End of Venus Maha Dasa (Major Period) or the
commencement of Sun Maha Dasa (Major Period)
(e) The 4th Pada of Visokha gives only Madhyayu (Middle
Life) In a general sense, since Moon as such is by
debility--if at deep point of debility this is a near
possibility ^Middle life.
17. ANURADHA (Saturn Maha Dasa Major Period M at
(a) If Balarishtas (Combination for loss of life in Otild-hood)
are absent those bom in this Nakshatra have Deerghayu
(Full and long term of life) generally and not alpayu
(short life) or Madhyayu (Middle life)
(b) If occassionally Alpayu Yogams are present then death
is in Mercury Maha Masa (Major Period).
18. JYESHTHA (Mercury Maha Dasa— Major Padod — at
(a) With Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams death takes place in:
(i) Mercury Antara, Saturn Bhukti, Mercury Maha
Dasa (Major Period)
(b) With Madhyayu (Middle Life) Yogams death will be in
Sun or Moon Dasa.
(c) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death will be in Rahu Dasa.

19. MULA (Ketu Maha Dasa - Major Period - at Birth).: See

Star-Lord on Span of Life US

20. PURVA A5HADA (Venus Maha Dan — Major Period —

at Birth):
(a) With Vrishchika (Scropio) Lagna death will be in Sun
(b) With Dhanus (Sagittarius) Lagna death will be in Moon
Dasa if Jupiter is not very strong.
(c) Those bom in Padas 2, 3,4 of this Nakshatra usually
have Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life).
21. UTTARASHADHA (Sun Dasa at Birth)
(a) For those bom in the 1st Pada:
(i) When there are Alpayu (short life) yogams death
will be in: —
(a) Rahu Maha Dasa (Major Period)
(b) When there are Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
Yogams death will be in:
(i) Saturn Maha Dasa (Major Period) or
(ii) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period)
(c) For those bom in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Padas:
(i) When there are Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams death
will be in:
(a) Mercury or Rahu Bhuktis (Sub Periods) in Jupiter Maha
Dasa (Major Period).
(b) When there are Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
Yogams death will be in
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period)
(c) Death does not take place usually in Moon. Mars, Rahu,
Jupiter and Saturn Maha Dasas (Majoi Periods).
22. SRAVANA (Moon Dasa at Birth)
(a) There are generally no Balarishfcas (Combination for loss
of Life in Childhood).
(b) With Alpayu Yogams, dead) will be in:—
(i) Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Bhuktis, Rahu
Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(c) With Madhyayu (Middle Life) Yogams, death will be
(i) Jupiter Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(d) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death will bein: —
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period).
146 -^-5pan of Life

23. DHANISHTA (Mars Maha Dasa—Major Period - at Birth)

(a) For those bom in the 1st and the 2nd Padas
(i) With Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams death will be in.
(a) Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Rahu Bhuktis, Jupiter Dasa.
(b) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams,
death will be in:
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period).
(c) For those bom in the 3rd and the 4th Padas:
(i) Without Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life)
Yogams, death will be in:
(a) Saturn Antara, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period) or
(b) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Saturn Maha Dasa
(Major Period)
(d) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams,
death will be in:
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa (Major Period)

. 24. Sotabhfsho (Rahu Maha Dasa) (Major Period) at Birth:

(a) There is no Alpayus (Short Life) or Madhyayu, (Middle
Life) for those bom in this Nakshatra.
(b) Generally,there is Deerghayus (Full and Long Term of
Life) and death does not take place in Jupiter or Saturn;
Maha Dasas (Major Periods)

25. Purvo Bhadrapada (Jupiter Maha Dasa -Major Period—

at Birth)
(a) There is generally no Balarishta (Combination for loss
of Life in Childhood or Alpayus (Short Life)
(b) Without deerghayu (full and long term of life) yogams
death will be in:
(i) Mercury Maha Dasa(Major Period)
(c) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of life) Yogams
death will be in
(i) Mercury Antara, Venus Bhukti, Sun Maha Dasa
(Major Period)
(d) In this case death will not be in Saturn, Mercury, Ketu
and Venus Maha Dasas (Major Periods).
Star-Lord on Span of Life 147

26. Uttonr fihodro (Saturn Maha Dasa—Major Period—at

(a) With powerful Alpayu Yogams (Short lives) death will
be in
(i) Jupiter and Satum Bhuktis in Mercury Maha Dasa
(Major Period). This is common in married women
prior to the death of their husbands;
(b) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams/
death will be in:
(i) End of either Venus or Sun Maha Dasas (Major
Periods) or
(ii) Beginning of Moon Maha Dasa (Major Period)
27. Revathi (Mercury Maha Dasa—Major Period—at Birth)
(a) There are no Balarishtas (Combination for loss of Life
in Childhood) and Madhyayu (Middle Life) which are
(b) With Alpayu (Short Life) Yogams, death will be in:
(i) Venus, Rahu or Mercury Bhuktis in Venus Maha Dasa
(Major Period)
(c) With Deerghayu (Full and Long Term of Life) Yogams
death will be in:
(i) Satum, Mercury, Venus, Sun or Mars Bhuktis (Sub
Periods) in Rahu Maha Dasa (Major Period).
The above information was sent to us by a reader of "Span of
Life"—First Edition, nearly twenty years ago, since his address is-
lost we are unable to furnish it to our readers. Yet there is his request
to incorporate it in a Subsequent Edition of this book — the, original
material we got is kept safe with us.
The above is the star lord on Longevity the collection of the
material is splendid, it facilitates an easy reference. To further
amplify this is only to enable our (western) readers abroad; to find
out die star and its quarter, this can be done from the ensuing tabular
Nevertheless we have to state that the Aneretic planets-Maraka-
Death inflicting ones, was dealt by us even in the first edition for
each of the signs. If these findings be read, associated with the
provisions given in X Chapter of our book, the accurate approach
is all the more well established.
148 ->fi^Span of Life



s. Naksiuba lal fed 3rd 4ttL

No- Nunc SlDlM. S.DM. SXUrf. SlDM SlDM.
1. Aswini 0 0 0 0 3 20 0 6 40 0 10 0 0 13 20
2. Bharani 13 20 0 16 40 0 20 0 23 20 40 0 26 40
3. Krittika 26 40 10 0 1 3 20 1 6 40 1 10 00
4. Rohini 1 10 0 1 13 20 1 16 40 1 20 0 1 23 20 ,
5. Mrigasira 1 23 20 1 26 40 2 0 0 2 3 20 2 6 40 i
6. Ardra * 2 6 40 2 10 0 2 13 20 2 16 40 2 20 00 '
7. Puna r a vasu 2 20 00 2 23 23 2 26 40 3 3 0 3 3 20
8. Pushyami 3 3 20 3 6 4 3 10 0 3 13 20 3 16 40
9. Ashlesha 3 16 40 3 20 00 3 23 20 3 26 40 4 0 0
10. Magha 4 0 0 4 3 2 4 6 40 4 10 0 4 13 20
11. Poorvaphalguni 4 13 2 4 16 40 4 20 0 4 23 20 4 26 40
12 Uttaraphalguni 4 26 40 5 0 0 5 3 20 5 6 40 5 10 00
13. Hastha 5 10 0 5 13 20 5 16 40 5 20 0 5 23 20
14. CWtra 5 23 20 5 26 40 6 0 0 6 3 20 6 6 40
15. Swathi 6 6 40 6 10 0 6 13 20 6 16 40 6 20 00
16. Visakha 6 20 0 6 23 20 6 26 40 7 0 0 7 3 20
17. Anuradha 7 3 20 7 6 40 7 10 0 7 13 20 7 16 40
18. Jyeshta 7 16 40 7 20 00 7 23 20 7 26 40 8 00 00
19. Moola 8 0 0 8 3 20 8 6 40 8 10 0 8 13 20
20. Poorvashada 8 13 20 8 16 40 8 20 0 8 23 20 8 26 40
21. Uttarashada 8 26 40 9 0 0 9 3 20 9 6 40 9 10 0
22 Sravanam 9 10 00 9 13 29 9 16 40 9 20 00 9 23 20
23. Dhanista 9 23 20 9 26 40 0 0 0 10 3 20 10 6 40
24. Satabhisha 10 6 40 10 10 0 10 13 20 10 16 40 10 20 00
25. Poorvabhadra 10 20 00 10 23 00 10 26 40 11 00 00 LI 3 20
26. Uttarabhadra 11 3 20 11 6 40 11 10 0 11 13 2 11 15 40
27. Rcvathi 11 16 40 11 20 11 23 20 11 26 40 LI 00 00

Birth Particulars; Male Born 1911 October 12th Thursday 1-20

P. M. (I.S.T.) or 1-26 L.M. T,
Place of Birth: Latitude; 180-20' North Latitude; 83057 East.

Craha (Planet) Rasi (Sign) Degree Minutes Nakshatn Pads

Ravi (Sun) Virgo 25 16 Chitra I
Chandra (Moon) Taurus 19 53 Rohini 11
Kuja (Mars) Taurus 18 7 Rohini II
Budha (Mercury) Virgo 16 58 Hastha in
Guru (Jupiter) Libra 24 33 Vishakha II
Star-Lord on Span of Life 149

Giaha (Planet) Rat! (Sign) Degree Minutes Nakshatra Pada

Sukra (Venus) Leo 21 22 Poorvaphalguni III
Sani (Saturn) Aries 26 18 Bhanni IV
Rahu (D.H,) (Caput) Aswani III
Aries 8 47 Swathi I
Ketu (D.T.) (Cauda)
Libra 8 47
Uranus, Capricorn 1 49
Neptune, Cancer 1-18 Pluto Gemini 6" 7
Lagna (Ascendant) Capricorn 9-29 M.C. Libra 21 '5'
(X Minpoint)
Jan ma Rasi (Moan's sign) Taurus, Janma Nakshatra: Rohiiji,
Balance of Major period of for 2 years 9 Months 21 Days.

Sstum Moon
Rahu Mars ' Pluto
Ascendant v 9 / Dt)
12/ Uranus
S Saturn 1° / Jupiter
/ Rahu 1 /7 Xethu j
V (Dt) (Dt) /
Moon^v/ Neptune /Sun'
Mar# / x A> Mer-
Jupiter Sun
/s ^ Ketu Mercury
s Venus (Dt)
/ Ptuto

Jupiter Mars
11 Rahu,
Jupiter Ugna 10
Moon 12
Mais Ketu Navamsa
Mercufy Sun

Sun Ketu Saturn Venus
ISO ^>-Spui of Life


The above table is furnished to enable the reader to locate by

which Asterism and by which of its quarters, each planet is. The
first column figures provide the initial point of each Nakshatra
(Asterism) and thereafter each horizontal column gives the ending
point of each of the four quarters. By a mere glance one can locate
the Asterism & the quarter in which the required planet is posited.
We will illustrate this by an example.
Frobfem: To locate planets in the Asterism quarters in the
Example Horoscope worked outs
1. Sun, Virgo. 25° 16'.
We see from the above table that Chitta commences from 5s'
23° 20* and its first quarter ends at 5s 26° 40'. Therefore Sun is 'Chitta',
first Quarter.
2. Moon: is (Taurus) Rohini commences from is 10° 0',
and the third quarter ends at 20° 00', so. Moon is by Rohini
, Third Quarter.
3. Mars ; is 18° T (Taurus) so Rohini Third quarter.
4. Mercury; is 16° 58' (Virgo) Hasthra Starts at is 10° 0' its
third quarter ends at 20°, so that Mercury is Hastha Third
5. Jupiter, is 24° 23' (Libra) Visakha commences at 6 Signs
and 20 Degrees, and the Second quarter ends at 26 Degrees
and 40 minutes (Libra) so Jupiter is Visakha Second Quarter.
6. Venus:Leo21 Degrees,22Minutes,PoorvaphalguniStarts
at 4 Sign's 13 Degrees and twenty since third quarter ends
at 4—23°—20*, so Venus is Poorvaphalguni Third Quarter.
7. Saturn I Aries 26° 18', Bharani Starts 16° 40' and die fourth
quarter ends at 26° 40* so Saturn is by Bharani Fourth
8. Rahu: is seen Asvani 3rd quarter (8° 47; Aries)
9. Ketu: is Swathi 1st quarter (8° 57 Libra)

Example Horoscopes

Girl bom 1945 July 18th at 4-20 P.M. war time (N.I.S.T.) Death
1949 March 4th. Planetary positionsVrischika Lagna, Dhanus-
Ketu, Vrishbha-Kuja, Mithuna Sani, Rahu, Ravi Budh in Karkataka
Kanya, Guru, Tula-Chandra. Balance of Rahu for 6 years 11 months
19 days.
This is a typical Balarishta Horoscope with the following
(1) Kuja Saptama position in an Arishta place identical, with
a Sisupathaki Vedha position.
(2) Saturn and Rahu in VIII.
(3) Moon in 12th.
(4) The availability of Vm placed Rahu Dasa as bad as one
equal to 8th lord's Dasa; by birth portending misfortune.
(5) Ravi Bhukthi of Rahu Dasa proved fatal. Mark 8th lord's
union with Sub Dasa Lord and placed in n to Dasa Lord.
Karkataka-Lagna, Kanya-Kuja, Budha, Sani, Ravi and Ketu;
Thula-Sukra, Meena-Rahu, Vrishabha Chandra and Guru are the
planetary positions of a female bom 1893 Sept. 30th, died on June
6th, 1934.
There are combinations for Middle life as seen from Jaiminy's
(a) Lagna lord and 8th lord are in Sthira and Dwi-swabhawa
signs-Long life.
(b) Lagna and Moon in chara and sthira-point Middle Life.
(c) Lagna and Hora Lagna in Chara and Sthira-pointing
Middle life.
152 -vo^Span of Life

Majority are indicating middle life. Her life closed after and
attack of intestinal hemmorrage. Mark Virgo afflicted by malefics.
In Guru Dasa Kuja Bukthi life ended. Both these are influenced by
malefic Maraka planets. In Maraka fixation die associated planets
by marakas are more powerful death-inflicting planets than the
marakas themselves should their Dasas come prior.
Rahu was transiting VII. Ketu crossing the Lagna (Ascendant
degree) and Satum transiting VOL Bhava identical with a sensitive
point 210° from Lagna in near proximity while Kuja was in Janma
Rasi crossing Natal Star.

Dhanus-Lagna, Meena-Sukra, Mesha-Sani, Vrishabha-Ravi-
Budha-Rahu, Mithuna-Kuja, Kanya-Guru-Chandra and Ketu in
Vrischika. Male Bom 1910 May 20th, Died on 1-9-1933. The
following Alpayuryogas are seen;—Adding up the Longitudes of
Ascendant and Moon, die resulting Longitude falls in Mithuna 8°
wherein Mars is positioned. This is evil.
(2) (a) If the Ascendant lord and his dispositor have no
beneficial aspects then Ascendant or Moon be aspectedby
8th lord, is an Alpayuryoga.
(b) Thelord of 8th from Ascendant or Moon having an aspect
of Mars or Satum is an Alpayuryoga. These configurations
are from Kalidasa. In applying these principles a few more
additional remarks about this horoscope are necessary.
Apparently Venus in IV and Guru Chandray oga in X seem
to be excellent. On further examination we see that Jupiter
die dispositor of exalted Venus is in the house of debility
of Venus in a fall as Western exponents say while Moon is
out of directional strength causing the cancellation of Venus
exaltation. In Rahu Dasa Chandra Bhukthi his brilliant
career closed.
1. The Ascendant lord—Jupiter—has Mars aspect
2. Moon has aspect of Mars who is lord of VIII from Moon.
3. Mars aspects Lagna.
4. Mars is aspected by Saturn.
5. Lord of Vin from Lagna is Moon who has the aspect of
Mars. These are the typical Alpayuryogas of the
horoscope, Kalidasa's principles seem to be infalliable.
Example Horoscopes-o- I S3

These arc also verified by us in a number of cases. Rahu

in Taur us gives his dispositor's results; Sukra has Oocha-
Bhanga. (Cancellation of Exaltation.)
Where as the sub-lord Moon happens to be Vm lord, out of
digbala with die aspect of Venus who has Oocha-Bhanga. These
illustrate the occurrence. Jupiter was in Janma Rasi transit.

Male. Planetary positions. Vrischika-Lagna, Dhanus-Kuja,
Meena-Chandra-Ketu, Kanya-Ravi, San^Budhaand Rahu;Thula-
Guru (Bom 1922 October 6th Died in September 1943.)
This Horoscope has the following Alpayuryogas, so that life
closed at 22nd year,
1. 4 of 7 planets (Rahu-ketu excluded) are in the past set of
three houses-in XI and XII indicate short life. (Chapter IV
Rule 3 c. of this book.)
2. The Lord of Lagna-Kuja no benefic aspect. His dispositor
joined XII and has no beneficial aspect. The Lagna is
aspected by Saturn and Chandra Lagna is aspected by
Mars, (Uttara Kalamrita of Kalidasa HI, Sloka 8, Rule 1.)
3. The Lagnam and its dispositor have no beneficial
influences. The lord of 8th from Lagna-Mercury is with
Saturn and the 8th lord from Moon-Venus is aspected by
Saturn. Hence a powerful Alpayuryoga.
In Sukra Dasa, Sukra Bhukthi life finally closed after a brain
disorder which started in die rule of Ketu (Mars-Ketu in 5th signi-
fying mental quality and Moon the Manas-karaka terribly affected.
Moon and Ketu are aspected by Mars, Satum, Sun, Rahu and also
by die lord of 8th, whereas the 5th lord has gone to 12di these evils
predicted the brain disorder.) Further Sukra is a Maraka lord for a
Vrischika Nativity. In our experience we found that Sukra's position
in Lagna caused death in theSwadasa Swabhukthi. Perhaps this is
a speciality with Sukra.


Female: Birth details. Mesha-Lagna and Ketu, Vrishabha

Chandra, Simha—Guru, Sani, Kanya Ravi, Thula—Budha Sukra
and Rahu, Vrischika Kuja (died in her 26th year in die Rahu Dasa
154 ^"-Span of Life

Budha Bhukthi.) Short life was foreseen by die following planetary

1. Ketu's presence in Lagna.
2. Moon is aspected by 8th lord Mars.
3. Mars, lord of Lagna & 8th placed in 8th (Chapt III Rule 7).
Here Moon's aspect is not considered, since Moon is
considered as good as Lagna.
4. By transit, Saturn 7 Vi years—Elarata (Erasta) influence was
5. Rahu in Moon sign transit.
6. The Dasa lord Rahu is in Maraka place with Ubhaya
(double) marakadhipathiSukra.
7. The Anthardasa lord badly placed with Maraka planet in
a Maraka place.
8. Death occurred at a time when Radical Mars was exactly
in opposition to Uranus by transit.
9. Progressing the Ascendant by 59' an year opposing the Vin
placed VHI Lord points to this year of life.
. 10. Because of Uranus opposition to Mars, death occured after
as attack of ulcers and that too suddenly.

Male born 1908 March 10th; died in 1947 in his 40th year.
Thula—Lagna, Dhanu,—Ketu, Kumbha—Ravi-Budha, Meena—
Sani, Mesha —Kuja— Suka Mithuna-Chandra—Rahu and
Karkataka—Guru. Mrityu Saham falls in Kumbha 15021.
So far we have dealt with several systems. Before we conclude
our study our desire is to discuss briefly the bearing of Tajik yogas
in Horoscopy Yavana Jatak gives thefollowingmethod of Longevity
The method is:—Lagna and planets grant years equal to
Navamsa Number (counted from Mesha) in the Navamsa chart. A
planet in debility loses half and one in an enemy's camp loses a
third; while an exalted or retrograde planet gets triple and a
Swakshetra planet gets double its term. Illustrating die above we
see: —
Example Horoscopes^- 155

Flanel Navamsa Period. Harana Final

1. Sun Mithuna 3 years Nil 3 years
2. Moon Vrischika 8 years Debility — 4 years
3. Mars Kanya 6 years Enemy's — 4 years
4. Mercury Dhanus 9 years Nil 9 years

5. Jupiter Thula 7 years Enemy's 4-years

6. Venus Mithuna 3 years Nil 3 years

7. Saturn Simha 5 years Enemy's camp 3— years

8. Lagna Kumbha 11 years Nill 11
Total 42 years

N. B. 1. Planetary enemity is dealt with on page 44.

2. No planet has a Navamsa dignity, are made.
At 42 year roughly he has Sani Dasa, Budha Bhukthi. Sard is
the lord of Mrityu Saham place. Budha the Sub lord is placed in
the Mrityu Saham itself, so that Bus was held a dangerous period.
Further on, progressing Sstum 5°' - - to i-vnsiHon of Mars—an year
points lo the year of death. Saturn's rule aggravated die skin disease
with which he was worried since theMasa chidra of Jupiter. There
was TVi years malign transit of Satum. All these aggravated the
malady and finally life closed at a premature age of 40.
We have taken up his horoscope to show that Sani and Budha
of ordinary principles have no Marakatwa Dosha except their Dwir
Dowadasa- position. But the influence of Mritya saham has given
altogether a different result. Finally death resulted.
The book is brought to a close. Just at this point before
concluding we have to state that many "Santhis" Antidotes to avert
the misfortunes are detailed in die Standard Astrological works.
In majority of cases, our experience shows that when remedies are
properly done, die afflicted planets be prop itia ted well, good results
do follow. This is in itself a different branch of Hindu Karma—
ritual. Interested people can on their choice resort to die same and
over-come die evil of malignity which may to a considerable extent
be neutralized, minimised and overcome. We have appnide J a
genera] receipe appropriate for Balarishta while a majority of those
154 -^»Span of Ufe

items do equally suit in a general way to propitiate the ill placed

planets to get good results.

We discussed methods and principles which can fix up the
"Span of Life" from the horoscope of a person. The first two and
die last Chapters deal exclusively with Birth Horoscopes of
Children. These can enable one to mark off the danger periods, if
any, in a child horoscope.
Which method is the best is a question that is generally raised.
But this has to be proved, experimented and experienced by the
exponents—for each is a good method. Nevertheless some
authorities mention use of a particular system under certain cir-
cumstances. I will give the guiding principles as follow:—
1. Pindayurdaya is advocated as the best by Maniththa,
Chanakya and Maya. When Sim assumes superior strength
in a Chart, Pindayurdaya system is best applicable.
2. The Amsayurdaya is to be calculated when the Lagna is
the strongest
3. Naisargikayurdaya is to be calculated if Moon be strong.
4. Mantreswara asks us to take average, should more than one
of the planets assume superior or equal strength.
5. If the lord of Navamsa occupied by Moon is of superior
strength, Kala Chakra Dasa System has to be resorted to.
Some commentators are of opinion that when Sukra gets
superior strength, Kala Chakra system wiii work well. We
omitted the'Kala Chakra Paddhati' in this but we will issue
shortly another book dealing exclusively on the "Dasa
6. In fixing maraka dasa, calculation per Nakshtra Method
dealt with in Chapter XI is always applicable. So also the
method of Jaimini.
7. Ashtaka Varga Longevity is to be applied only when
Maraka gets superior strength in a horoscope.
8. Gochara (transit) influences can be advantageously
9. Dasa Antardasa—(MarakaClassification) Maraka Dasaas
and evil planetary transits have to be considered in respect
of any particular term mathematically arrived at Thus a
Example Horoscopes-"^- 157

judicious blending will enable one to fix up longevity with

the maximum accuracy.
10. Thus die times when dangers are foreseen can be
catalogued and at the period where evil dominates, life
finally closes.
11. Western experts recommend a progression; the ascendant
^ by progressing it at 59* an year to oppose die VO Bhava
Cusp, gives the year of death. This can be arrived at: -
[VIII Bhava Longitude — (Lagna + 6 Sign) + 59, all
converted into Minutes will yield the year]
12. In a similar manner progressions can be worked between
planets as given below: —
(a) Lagna opposition or conjunction to 8th Lord or vice versa.
(b) 8th lord opposition or conjunction to Lagna Lord.
(c) Lagnam or its lord conjunction or opposition to a malefic
planet placed in Vm Bhava.
The arc of ecleptic space separating die two points in either
case converted into minutes and divided by 59 yields an year or
roughly at 1° (degree) an year, as the approximate year of death.
This is cited to enable the readers to verify, if any, of die methods
worked out to such a term. In all cases we wish to impress the
reader to find corroborating evidence both by Dasa System and
Gochara, before a final prediction is made. If a few charts are
worked out each will give new light. A satisfactory blend of these
methods has to be taken. The greater the corroborating evidence,
the nearer is the approach to accuracy.


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