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Module Code & Module Title

CS6P05NI Final Year Project

Software Requirement Specification

School Management System

Year and Semester

2023 Autumn

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via mySecond Teacher under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded.


I extend my sincere appreciation to my Internal Supervisor, Ms. Yunisha Bajracharya, and External
Supervisor, Mr. Hitesh Shrestha, for their unwavering support and guidance throughout my Final Year
Project Interim Report. Their expertise and feedback have been instrumental in shaping the success of
this endeavour.

I also express my gratitude to Islington College for providing a conducive academic environment and to
the FYP Department for their administrative support. The resources and opportunities offered by the
institution have significantly contributed to the realization of my project.

In conclusion, I express my appreciation to all those who have played a role, directly or indirectly, in the
successful completion of this coursework. The knowledge gained and skills honed during this process will
undoubtedly contribute to my academic and professional growth.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 General Description..................................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Functional Requirements............................................................................................................. 2

1.5 Non-functional Requirements....................................................................................................... 3

Table of Tables
Table 1:Basic Overview of Resource Requirement.....................................................................................4

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the School Management System is to provide a centralized platform for efficient
management of school-related tasks, including student information, attendance tracking, grade
management, and communication among school members. This allows administrative staff to focus on
strategic aspects of school management, enhancing overall efficiency. The system's centralized
repository addresses the issue of limited access to information.

1.2 Scope

The system encompasses a web application built using Laravel for desktop access and a mobile
application developed with Flutter for on-the-go access. It aims to address the needs of
administrators, teachers, students, and parents. The primary aim of the School Management System
is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of education by addressing challenges related to
communication, resource sharing, and administrative processes.

1.3 General Description

A school management system offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges plaguing Nepal's
education sector. By integrating modern communication channels, such as notifications and instant
messaging, the system ensures timely information dissemination, mitigating operational inefficiencies.
The SMS will serve as a standalone application, interacting with external systems for authentication. It
comprises a web-based administrative portal and a mobile application accessible on iOS and Android
devices. The system will handle user authentication, student management, attendance tracking, grade
management, communication tools, and enrolment processes.

1.4 Functional Requirements

The functional requirement for the school management system for the National School of
Computer Studies is listed below:

1. User Authentication
- Secure login with password recovery.


- Role-based access control (Admin, Teacher, Student, Parent).

2. User Management
- Admin functionality to add, modify, and deactivate user accounts.

3. Student Management
- Admin capabilities to add and manage student information.
- Generation of unique identifiers for students.

4. Attendance Management
- Teachers can mark attendance for each class.
- Automated attendance reports for parents and administrators.

5. Grade Management
- Teachers can input and update grades for assignments and exams.
- Automated grade reports for parents and administrators.

6. Communication
- Notification system for important updates and announcements.

7. Enrolment
- Admin manages student enrolment, class notice, and transfers.

8. Calendar and Events:

- A calendar feature accessible to administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
- Administrators should have the capability to add, modify, and delete events from the calendar.
- Users shall receive notifications for upcoming events or changes to the schedule.

9. Fee Management:
- Administrators should be able to set fee structures.
- User access to a fee dashboard displaying current dues, payment history, and receipts.
10. Resource Sharing:
- The system shall facilitate the sharing of educational.
- Teachers shall be able to upload and share resources with specific classes or individuals.
- Students and parents shall have access to a centralized repository of shared resources.


1.5 Non-functional Requirements

The non-functional requirement for the school management system for the National School of
Computer Studies can be summarized as follows, offering readers and stakeholders a clear roadmap
for navigation.

Technology Versions:

a. Web Application (Laravel): version 10.0

The web application, developed using Laravel, shall be built upon version 10.0 of the
framework. This version ensures compatibility with the latest features and security updates.

b. Mobile Application (Flutter): version 3.16.5

The mobile application, crafted with Flutter, shall be developed using version 3.16.5 of the
framework. This version guarantees stability and access to the latest enhancements and bug

c. Database (Oracle): version 12c Release 2

The database, implemented with Oracle, shall utilize version 12c Release 2. This choice
ensures compatibility with existing systems and provides access to the latest performance
optimizations and security features offered by Oracle.

Design and Implementation Constraints:

a. Frontend Technologies
 Mobile Application: The mobile application is crafted using Flutter, which imposes
constraints on compatibility, limiting support to iOS versions preceding build v.12.0 and
Android platforms prior to SDK version 21.
 Web Application: Conversely, the web portal relies on HTML and CSS for frontend
design, potentially leading to variations in rendering across different browsers due to
their diverse interpretation of these technologies.

b. Backend Technologies:
 Mobile Application: Backend functionality for the mobile application is implemented
using Dart.
 Web Application: While the web portal utilizes PHP with the Laravel framework.
These choices impose constraints on development, necessitating expertise in the
respective languages and frameworks for effective implementation and maintenance.


Table 1:Basic Overview of Resource Requirement

c. Database:
The project relies on the Oracle database, which introduces specific licensing and installation
requirements that must be adhered to. These constraints may impact deployment and
scalability considerations, requiring careful management of database resources and

d. Version Control:
GitHub serves as the designated platform for version control, facilitating collaboration and
updates. However, this reliance on an external service necessitates an internet connection for
seamless collaboration and synchronization of code changes among team members.

e. Design Tools
Figma is the chosen tool for designing and prototyping, offering a collaborative environment for
visualizing project elements. However, any modifications made in Figma must be synchronized
with the development environment to ensure consistency in design implementation across
frontend and backend components.

f. Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Android Studio is employed for mobile application development, providing a comprehensive
environment tailored for Android app creation. Similarly, Visual Studio Code serves as the IDE
for web portal development, offering features and extensions conducive to web development
workflows. These IDE choices impose constraints on developers, requiring familiarity with the
respective environments to efficiently build and debug project components.

g. Project Management Tool

Jira, as the project management tool, streamlines task management with customizable
workflows, ensuring efficient coordination and alignment with project objectives. Its agile boards
enable teams to organize work into sprints, track progress, and adapt to changing requirements


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