Sample Class-12 CBSE PHYSICS Term Exam 20240615 205704

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Time: 3 Hrs CTM-3 Max. Marks: 300


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3)
and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.

 
Equation of progressive wave is given by y = 4sin   −  +  , when x and y are in
t x
 5 9 6

metre. Then (v- velocity  → wavelength, A − Amplitude, f − frequency)

A)  = 5 m / s B)  = 18 m C) A = 0.04 m D) f = 50 Hz
02. A source oscillates with a frequency of 25 Hz and the wave propagates with 300 m/s.
Two points A and B are located at distances 10 m and 16 m away from the source.
The phase difference between A and B is
 
A) B) C)  D) 2
4 2

03. The equation of a transverse wave propagating in a string is given by

y = 0.02sin ( x + 30t ) Where, x and y are in metre and t is in second. If linear density

of the string is 1.3 10−4 kg / m , then the tension in the string is (approximately)

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A) 0.12 N B) 1.2 N C) 12 N D) 120 N
04. The rope shown at an instant is carrying a wave travelling towards right, created by a
source vibrating at a frequency n , consider the following statements
( ab = bc = cd = de )

A) The speed of the wave is 4n  ab

B) The phase difference between b and e is

C) Both (a) and (b) are correct

D) Both (a) and (b) are wrong
05. Two waves represented by the following equation are travelling in the same medium
y1 = 5sin 2 ( 75t − 0.25 x ) .

y2 = 10sin 2 (150t − 0.50 x ) .

The intensity ratio of of the two waves is

A) 1:2 B) 1:4 C) 1:8 D) 1:16

06. Figure shows the wave y = A sin (t − kx ) . What is the magnitude of slope of the curve
at B

 k
A) B) C) kA D)  A

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07. If the speed of the wave shown in the figure is 330 m/s in the given medium, then the
equation of the wave propagating in the positive x-direction will be (all quantities are
in MKS units)

A) y = 0.05sin 2 ( 4000t − 12.5 x ) B) y = 0.05sin 2 ( 4000t − 122.5 x )

C) y = 0.05sin 2 ( 3300t − 10 x ) D) y = 0.05sin 2 (1650 x − 5t )

08. If at t = 0 , a travelling wave pulse on a string is describe by the function y =
x +3

What will be the wave function representing the pulse at time t , if the pulse is
propagating along positive x-axis with speed 4 m/s?
6 6 6 6
A) y = B) y = C) y = D) y =
( x + 4t ) +3 ( x − 4t ) +3 (x −t) (x −t) + 12
2 2 2 2

09. Both the strings, shown in figure are made of same material and have same cross-
section. The pulleys are light. The wave speed in the AB is v1 and in CD is v2 . Then
v1 / v2 is

A) 1 B) 2 C) 2 D)

10. A metal string is fixed between two rigid supports. It is initially at negligible tension.
Its young’s modulus is Y . Density is  and coefficient of thermal expansion is  . If it
is now cooled through a temperature = t , transverse waves will move along it with
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t Y Y t Y
A) Y B)  t C) D) t
   

11. Transverse waves are generated in two uniform steel wires A and B by attaching
their free ends to a fork of frequency 500 Hz. The diameter of wire A is half that of
B and tension in wire A is half the tension in wire B . What is the ratio of velocities of
waves in A and B
A) 1: 2 B) 2 :1 C) 2 :1 D) 1: 2
12. The extension in a string, obeying Hooke’s law is x , the speed of transverse wave in
the stretched string is  . If the extension in the string is increased to 1.5 x, the speed
of transverse wave will be
A) 1.22 B) 0.61 C) 1.50 D) 0.75
13. Two identical harmonic pulses travelling in opposite directions in a taut string
approach each other. At the instant when they completely overlap, the total energy of
the string will be

A) Zero B) Partly kinetic and partly potential

C) Purely kinetic D) Purely potential
14. If 1 , 2 and 3 are the wavelength of the waves giving resonance to the fundamental,
first and second overtone modes respectively in a string fixed at both ends. The ratio
of the wavelengths 1 : 23 is
1 1 1 1
A) 1: 2 : 3 B) 1: 3: 5 C) 1: : D) 1: :
2 3 3 5

15. In a standing wave, node is a point of

A) Maximum strain B) Maximum pressure
C) Maximum density D) All of these
16. For a certain string, three consecutive resonance frequency are observed as 105,175
and 245 Hz respectively. Then the fundamental frequency is
A) 30Hz B) 45Hz C) 35Hz D) 20Hz

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17. Three resonant frequencies of string with both rigid ends are 90,150 and 210 Hz. If
the length of the string is 80 cm, what is the speed of the transverse wave in the
A) 45 m/s B) 75 m/s C) 48 m/s D) 80 m/s
18. Four wires of identical length, diameter and of the same material are stretched on a
sonometer wire. If the ratio of their tensions is 1: 4 : 9 :16 , then the ratio of their
fundamental frequencies are
A) 16 : 9 : 4 :1 B) 4 : 3: 2 :1 C) 1: 4 : 2 :16 D) 1: 2 : 3: 4
19. Figure shows an incident pulse P reflected from rigid support. Which one represents
the reflected pulse correctly?

A) B)

C) D)
20. The length of a sonometer wire AB is 110 cm. Where should the two bridges be
placed between A and B dividing the wire in 3 segments whose fundamental
frequencies are in the ratio of 1: 2 : 3 from end A
A) 30 cm and 90 cm B) 40 cm and 80 cm
C) 60 cm and 90 cm D) 30 cm and 60cm

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This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If
the Answer in the decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only
out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following
marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.

21. The value of numerical aperature of the objective lens of a microscope is 1.25. If
light of wavelength 5000 A is used, the minimum separation between two points, to be
seen as distinct, will be x 10−8 m then the value of x is approximately
22. A string vibrates according to the equation y = 5sin cos 40 t where, x and y are in
centimetres and t is in seconds. Then the distance between 5 adjacent nodes in cm is
23. The limit of resolution of a telescope objective having a diameter of 200 cm, if it has
to detect light of wavelength 500 nm coming from a star is x 10−9 radian then the
value of x is
24. Sound waves of frequency 660 Hz fall normally on a perfectly reflecting wall. The
shortest distance from the wall at which the air particles have maximum amplitude of
vibration is x 10−3 m . (Speed of sound = 330 m/s). Then the value of x is
25. In YDSE, the two slits are separated by 0.1 mm and they are 0.5 m from the screen.
The wavelength of light used is 5000 A . Then the distance between 7th maxima and
11th minima on the upper side of screen is x 10−5 m then the value of x is
26. A beam of light wavelength 600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1.0 mm
wide and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2 m away. Then the
distance between the first dark frindge on either side of the central bright frindge is
x 10−1 mm then the value of x is

27. When light of a particular wavelength falls on a plane surface at an angle of

incidence 600 , then the reflected light becomes completely plane polarized. Then the
angle of refraction in degrees is
28. In a single slit diffraction experiment first minima for 1 = 660 nm coincides with first
maxima for wavelength 2 . Then the value of 2 in nm is

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29. A massless rod BD is suspended by two identical massless strings AB and CD of
equal lengths. A block of mass m is suspended from point P such that BP is equal to
x. If the fundamental frequency of the left wire is twice the fundamental frequency of
right wire, then the value of x in cm is (if BD length is 25 cm and system is

30. The displacement of a standing wave on a string is given by

y ( x, t )  0.4sin ( 0.5x ) cos ( 30t ) where x and y are in centimetres. Then the speed of

component of wave in C.G.S is

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