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NDA & NA Examfil}:2015 [DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO T.B.C. : B-QGC-O-JBU Test Booklet Series Serial No. CT J TEST BOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maximum Marks : 600 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection, You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. ‘his Test Booklet contain 180 items (questions) in two parts: PART-A and PART.B. Fach item in PART-B is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises three/four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best, In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. Afier you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. |. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY THE CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (There are three/four altematives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (ii) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (iii) If a question is lef blank, ie., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question, DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO war & ; aqee wr Reh oat wa yf F oa pS re oT eg) PART-A SENTENCE IMPROVEMENT Directions: In this section, look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the underlined part. If one of them (a), (b) or (c) is better than the Underlined part, indicate your response on the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter (a), (b) or (©). If none of the substitutions improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your response on the Answer Sheet. Thus, a “No improvement” response will be signified by the letter (d). 1. Had she been hungry, she would have 6 _! will be happy if you will buy me apples. devoured the whol i (a) b fe Tot of it. uy (a) Unless she had been hungry (>) bought (b) However she had been hungry (©) will be buying (c) Asif she had been hungry (@)_No improvement (d)_No improvement 7. fer Laaved some money, I shall go abroad. 2. Unti °t finish th : a save Boul pou dont finish the work, you won't Brana nave saved ® Until you must finish 9 have saved b) Until finishing (d) No improvement {3 wee 8. Can you arrange the car to be ready this 3. The names of the defaulters have been cut (a) arrange with the car off the register. ) arrange for the car ‘@a) cut out 5 arrange that the car 'b) struck out No improvement (c) struck off 9. Hardly had he reached home when the (d) No improvement telephone tang 4. This is a matter [°d rather not talk about. (a) he had reached (a) of which I'd rather not talk about (b) did he reach (b) [rather not talk about 8 he reached (c) than I'd rather not talk about (4)_No improvement (d) .No improvement 10. He is Jikely to win the elections by the . sweeping miajority. 5. Only when you left Idi sleep. ee a reeping majority ® did Tsteep fb) in sweeping majority (c) had I slept 5 by a sweeping majority (@)_No improvement io improvement 7 vchat he {ORDERING OF WORDS IN A SENTENCE wich rections: ERING OF WORDS IN A “ . been jumbled. These parts ave been jabelled BO Rand S° Given below exch Sentence are four sequences namely ee (c) and (a), You are required to re-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence select the correct sequence. Hi Hib uncle forsuees ine, suysadviedhisson, whowas aslEmade man « (R) to depend on his own efforts (8) ‘The proper Sequence shouldbe: ie a ORR 12. The doctor did not like the i je patients who was very. Sompeent in his. profession when. about their, problems The Beret sequence should be: Ae ~ (Contd.) 13. from Jeadership in culture _in military situations and ip freoface small groups P) leadership hag wide range ofexpressions to leadership i politics The proper sequence should be: a o PORS fc} RES @) SQ 14, Hesat glanci jonally peering through the window _at the figure of the old woman CP) Q (R) was ¢ Ne Id until he ty with the col The sequence should be: ® Pskg”* 2) RES 6 & PRSQ 15, After the earthquake tremors, the TV showed a haggard man shaking his sat the clambering gv the mins and collnsing wih a how of revolt of Hs house gpd factory ‘The proper Sswuence shouldbe: ) © a) SROP b) OSPR } BORS SQ 16. Everyone askoguiedges whenbeconidersthecste calmly who lapus vou sha ou have been wronged » The sequence should be: Bor " ‘ (4) QRPS SYNONYMS Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words, Select the word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly. 17. Many of his acquaintances avoid him 0. _In spite of hard work, the farmers could only because he is so garrulous. eld. get a me: (@) unreasonable (@) satisfactory (b) talkative (b) scanty (6) quarelsome (e) plenty (d) proud (@)_ normal 18, He bore the pain with great fortitude, 21. He was exhilarated at the outcome of the @ eygnation election results. (c) indifference (@) satisfied (@) forbearance (b) surprised it approval to the proposition. (©) disappointed (d)_ overjoyed (Contd.) ANTONYMS: Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words, Select the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly. 22. He concealed his thoughts very cleverly. 25, The answers o the question were coherent. (a) emphasized (@)_ relaxed (b) expressed (b) loose (©) affirmed (©) consistent (d) revealed @) disconnected 23. The proposal was denounced by oneandall. 56 1+ was no altruistic motive that prompted (a) renounced him to help her. (b) recommended (@) selfish (©) announced : (@) commended ©) Inhoman 24. She was skeptical about the safety of the (©) brutal + She as @ wicked (@) doubsful (0) certain (©) hopeful (@) sanguine SELECTING WORDS Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or group of words given after the sentence. Select whichever word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. 27, Man has won his dominant position on this 30. Satish was endowed anatural talent planet by his of technology. for music. (a) command @ in (b) emphasis (b) by (©) belief (©) for (4) stress @ with 28. The day was extremely hot and, inno time, 31. Mr. Ghosh is very happy ____ his son’s my back was drenched with . excellent result (a) prickly heat (a) for seeing (b)_ perspiration (&) tose (6) sores (©) by seeing (@) fatigue (d) see i ing vi 32. Sunlight filtering the stained glass 2%. wine ment A hecouye village ‘window created 4 mosaic of colours on the @) programmes orn ° ccvigns ® through © at (a) propaganda © into - (Contd.) 33. Are you feeling doubtful your 38, Therewas___ competition forelectoral decision? seats, ' abo (a) diligent & open (b) rapid (at (©) cut-throat (@) for (4) sparse 4, ids for I 39. The cricket t¢ inly of Stat 3 J wa to to study Geol logy now for Ths cricket team __mainly of State (@ amstudying (a) composed 8 aye been studying ® consist c (©) made with % had been studying (a) comprises 35, Incregye in storage fepilities has made it 40, His love f the onl; _ that See cae ree bees drei wo shed” — (ay sate Pl (a) programme (b) easy (b) plan e) proper (©) teason B Bonvenient (@) greed 41. A dit the Chief ee see ae (a) intelligent (b) astounded (b) simple 9 flattered (©) reliable (@) confused (@) fundamental 37. In spite of the old woman's repeated etdates he remanned ome S TP (a) b) docile (c) indifferent d) lethargic SPOTTING ERRORS Directions: Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your Answer in the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter ic. (a) or (B) or (Ifyou find no cron, your response should be indicated as (4). Lemptold Joop il ince Monday Sor 43. Lshallleaye school asseonas 1 job. Noerror, 44. He isa eh man eis owning vat gs in Bombay. No error, 45. Mewereableto make it inspiteof a bad weather No spot 46. Neither of the two letters of credit were useful when he needed it, No error. a ey e a 47. Little he realized that he wouldn’tlive _ to see his grandson | No error. Lite i fealized that he wouin't live e “oO 48. Adifficult syllabus is supposed to hurt juvenile mind. N or ifficult syllabus is su uvenile lo error. 49. The voice ot sani and patriotism are important to dispel the prevailing confusion. @ . 50. You ing to our late arrival, isn’tit? No error. were going to exoltin iva tit? No 5 (Contd.) St. 92. 33. 54, PART-B 55. ‘A brass ball is tied to a thin wire and swung so as to move uniformly in a horizontal circle. Which of the following statements in this regard is / are true? 1, The ball moves with constant velocity 2. The ball moves with constant speed 3. The ball moves with constant acceleration 4, The magnitude of the acceleration of the ball is constant Select the correct answer using the code given below: (@)_lonly (b) Land 3 (©) 1,2and4 (@) 2and 4 only ‘Two long wires each carrying ad.c. current in the same direction are placed close to each other. Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) The wires will attract each other (). The wires will repel each other (©) There will be no force between the wires There will be a force between the wires, only at the moment when the current is switched ON or OFF The first Indian Satellite, Aryabhatt, was launched in the year: (a) 1972 (by 1975 (c) 1976 @ 1979 Which one of the following sea routes is the shortest from point to point? (@) Kolkata to Yangoon (b) Kolkata to Chennai (©) Chennai to Port Blair (6) Mumbai to Colombo @ 1 56. 57. 58. Which one of the following is not a Green House Gas? (a) Water vapours (b) Methane (©) Ozone (@)_ Carbon Monoxide Muscle fatigue is due to the accumulation of: (a) Cholesterol (b) Lactic acid (©) Lipoic acid (@) Triglycerides The absolute zero, i.c., temperature below which is not achievable. is about: (a) 0°C (b) 273K ©) 273°C (d) -300°C Lightning conductors are used to protect building from lightning strikes. Which of the following statements is / are true about lightning conductors? 1. Lightning conductors create an electric field at its top so that lightning strikes it preferentially 2. Lightning conductors reduce the effect. of the strike by uniformly distributing the charge (current) over the surface of the building 3. Lightning conductors take all charge (current) to deep down in the earth 4. Lightning conductors must be installed ata place taller than the building Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) land2 (b) 3and 4 only (©) 13and4 @ 4only (Contd.) po 51. 52. 53. 34. w7—B we tam Aig GH Tas ATA He AGA 5S. Fe ven waters Phar oer & fF ae RTA me & a ga Hort Bi ww ade Preafeftrr wert #8 strana wer 8/8 ? 1, Hig Proe an & af wech & 2. He Prag are a aft wet & 3. He Pua cao 8 a wath & 56 4. te} cer a Ram Pra ee of BO wa a a wT HE UA TAT BPA: (a) Fat (o) 133 ©) 1L2aR4 @ taar2ar4 57. @ we a Py wet F fee aT (dc) art Ror H venir Bt AB, gat S Pree ca me & 1 Prefers aarti 8 8 ater wal 8? : (a) are R-gat FT arefie FT (b) ae TR gAT a ele eA 58. (c) we F ae HE ae at A @ was ag GIF) wz Gis) HAH ama fat & aa ae ait gem urea sone, areiug, Pra af 3 sehr ‘fear nar eT? (a) 1972 (b) 1975 (©) 1976 (@_ 1979 Prafaitea agit anf # a fra cr anf af wae (ARE & AIRE) GO ay B ? @ Faw 8 aipt (b) Few FAFA ©) Ia a ) wad & Herat n Prefer 3 & stadt ws, diersa fe adh Re @ was (b) 384 @ ar @ ada aes 5. Cain ait Presets FS Res daar Be arent Bet B 7 @) Fee (o) airew ae (©) eter ara @ share sre ay, sae, ree A ary er EF Bsa wr wer, TNT Peay ata? @ oc (b) 273K (©) 273°C (d) -300°C ata arent 3 sedi A aah F fat aoa carcrat aor Seay fear TB ats IAT ‘aa & Prefer wert HB asa /8 ar Bae? 1 aia rer a vi oe ce fg ax ane & fired fH afSa afer eo 8 ee WS arg FT 2, ater rere, war A wae oe anPeT (ara) Br mars fatter Fe svera F wT FI wr aT ae 3. age rere ae ater (are) FY uf art sige & ne F 4. aa aaat a yar & fet Se eT ae & enter fear arr wee, ae RU aE aw we aE Tae BPR @ 18% 2 (o) Fat 334 (© 1,334 @ a4 (Contd.) 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Match List [ with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List 1 List 11 (Manufacturing site) (Industry) A. Ludhiana 1. Auto parts B. Kanpur 2. Woollen garments C. Varanasi 3. Leather D. Vijayawada 4. Handloom Code: A BCD @1 4 3 2 )2 3 4 1 2 4 3 1 @13 4 2 Which one of the following is not a sea port? (a) Paradeep (b) Haldia (c) Diamond Harbour @ Dhamra Consider the following reaction: CH,(g)+H,O(g) _!270K_, CO(g)+3H(g) In the reaction given above, the mixture of CO and H, is: (a) natural gas (b) water gas (©) producer gas (@)_ industrial gas Living things are grouped into subgroups like plant kingdom / animal kingdom. Which one of the following is nof correct for animal kingdom? (a) Cannot make their own food (0) Body contains cellulose (©) Do not have chlorophyll (@ Migrate from one place to another ‘The silvering in thermos flasks is done to avoid heat transfer by: (@) Convection () Conduction (©) Radiation (@)_ Both convection and conduction #00 64. 65. 67. ‘The Manas National Park is situated in the State of: (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jharkhand (e) Assam (4) West Bengat Addition of gypsum to cement (a) reduces setting time of cement (b) produces very light colour cement (©) increases setting time of cement (d)_ shining surface is formed In case of a compound microscope which of the following statements is / are correct? 1, The focal length of the eye piece is larger than the focal length of the objective 2. The focal length of the eye piece is smaller than the focal length of the objective 3. The image produced in a normal optical microscope is real 4, The image produced in a normal optical microscope is virtual Select the correct answer using the code given below: (@) lonly (b) land4 (©) Qand3 (d) 2and4 Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is twice its focal length Power of a convex lens is negative and that of a concave lens is positive The radius of curvature of a plane mirror is infinity When a ray of light passes from an optically denser medium to an optically rarer medium, the angle of refraction is greater than the corresponding angle of incidence (b) © @ (Contd. 59. 61. 63. Re ae wT aT HT WET TAT BPA: qt wu ( fatrater-ert) (sam) A. ger 1, Fret TEA TT B. Fy 2. oh ae c. arene 3. wast D. fasmargr 4. BEET e A BCD @ 1 4 3 2 2 3 4 1 ©2431 @io3 4 2 Breas 9 a rer om aye Wo a t (@) wees (b) efeear (©) srs eet (@) oT Preafafes after oe frare ae : CH(g)+H,0(g) _27K_, CO(g)+3H,(g) per fe CO ste H, #7 Perr gar (@) mgt te (b) are-sinre ha (tet ta) (o) ag sine Ae (GhegAT fa) (a) eae te wha agai Ft ae ‘Joon Wye Bea nan 81 Crete we org are fre wet maT? (a) 3 FT A TE aT ae (b) wate # Agere etre (oc) <8 aetatie aéf era (d) FF rr RR ors aT we ata gare % eek gre eA aa He eer aoa wT F fare GIT (Near) fear aren B ? (a) Heer @) Baer ste Te AT ~ 65. 66. 67. 12 Pia HRA she aR F 64, eae erga Sart Carte we) Fe aH rattan (@) wee (b) Aas (©) 3aH (a) WR ate dire 9 firey ar ator: (@) fr 8 ager wa A eH Te (bo) safe ged tr a ae sare (oc) Bre wr sage ara sare 8 (@) wrath wae ara a ah ager 3 Re Prefer weit 3 area att 8/8 7 1. Aart tee Zh, sfigem A ates BO 8 ate ate 8 2. Aber a awe gO, aiigeas a dae Be 8 ae ah 3. fet arara varies qerceif # aay ‘wiafaee areata ater ® 4. eat armrer veies qerenfh Pw siafeee siren Brat B aa RA ag a ae aA oe GAT (a) Fa 1 (b) Laid () 233 (a) 234 Seite et SF er ee, a (@) fret saat ae a am Prout gaat awa gO A top at ® (>) fA seer a A err seo alc 8, ‘waft araaet Sa a er TAH ere (c) waa ator FY ome Bout area Bt 2 (@) 9a aS yan A fre gare: aE Brey & wera: Pree rere H ont B aT erecta Gs aK Bast ST z (Contd.) 68. Identify the place that is mof an oil field: (a) Naharkatiya (©) Kalol (©) Ledo @ _Ankleshwar 69, Ammonia (NH,) obtained from different sources always has same proportion of Nitrogen and Hydrogen. It proves the validity of law of: (a) Reciprocal proportion (b) Constant proportion (©) Multiple proportions (@_ None of the above 70. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) If the velocity and acceleration have opposite sign, the object is slowing down Ifthe velocity is zero at an instant, the acceleration should also be zero at that instant (© If the velocity is zero for a time interval; the acceleration is zero at any instant within the time interval (@ If the position and velocity have opposite sign, the object is moving towards the origin 71. The IST meridian 824°E passes through a number of States in India. Which one of the following sets of States is correct in this © respect? (@ Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Andhra Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh and Odisha (©) Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh (4) Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chhatisgarh 72. Boric acid is an acid because its molecule: (a) accepts OH’ from water releasing proton. (b) combines with proton from water molecule (©) contains replaceable H’ ion (d)_ gives up a proton 73. Who among the following discovered the antibiotic producing fungus from Penicillium genus? (@) Louis Pasteur (b) Sir Alexander Fleming (©) Stanley Prusiner (@)_ Robert Hooke 74. Three equal resistances when combined in series are equivalent to 90 ohm, Their equivalent resistance when combined in parallel will be: @ 10ohm (b) 30 ohm (©) 270 chm @ 810 ohm 75. The following figure represents the velocity- time graph of a moving car on a road: ‘Velocity (m/s) > u O Time (s) Which segment of the graph represents the retardation? @ AB () BC (©) cD (d) None 76. Which one among the following places is not an iron-ore mining area? (@) Badampahar () Zawar (©) Bailadila (@) Anantpur (Contd) 69. 70. 1. SR Ra A Tears SHAT A eH et Ba AEF a: (a) Fevafear (b) etter ©) 3 @) aneeae fafier @tdt & ure aphPrar (NH) reg te SregIeT FT arTUIT wa FATT Tea FI aa Fre Pram at due fra exh 8? (@) ARR sry (b) eae sega © Wa sya (@) sara F ae set Preafeiea wert % 8 are GH, we wee ? (a) af aa ate caer & fer fart %, a ag aaa HE (b) ae Pee ern oe A Ta, A sa aT we oer fh apa a (o) a Ral aac S fq ar ET 2, se waraireret H fase At aor ae eae ae eon (@) ae aaftats ste ar F Prer Pade z, dag gig Aaa ae IST arte 8210°E Hea F ae Tet B BHT yet 31 ) © @ 73. Prafaita ¥ & Ret Water sae a eanhita searea wan (Gna) A Gta 7 @ Fw (b) ae aaast FART (0) Rea aferrz (@) wad & Ge wart waa ST Doha F eather FT ae Gra WATE 90 ohms | SS SATA HF aha HA oe TAH qeu Ade sar sr ? (a) 10 ohm (b) 300hm (c) 270 ohm (d) 810 ohm Previa faa fet aga oe after om are ae Sawa une cafe & 74. 75. AT (m/s) 76. (Contd.) 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lis List 11 (Eorest Conservation (Place) Type) ‘A. National Park 1. Dudhwa B. Sanctuary 2. Bhitarkanika C. Biosphere Reserve 3. Chilka D. Tiger Reserve 4, Nokrek Code: A BCD @23 41 1 4 3 2 ©2431 @1 3 4 2 ‘The main constituent of Vinegar is: (@) Acetic acid (b) Ascorbic acid (©) Citric acid (@) Tartarie acid White Phosphorus glows in the dark due to: (a) amorphous character (b) slow oxidation (©)_ high ignition temperature (d@)_ good conducting property of electricity Which one of the following is not an example of eukaryotic organism? (a) Yeast (b) Bacteria (©) Plant (4) Human being Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) The Kelvin scale of temperature is called the Absolute scale Visible light radiation has wavelength range of 400—700 nm ‘The capacity to do work is called power ‘The wavelength of Gamma rays is less than that of X-rays (b) © @ 82. 83. 84. 85. A man is sitting in a train which is moving with a velocity of 60 km/hour. His speed with respect to the train is: (a) 103 m/s (b) 60 mis (©) infinite (@ zero Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List 1 List 11 (Place) (Normal vegetation type) ‘A. Western Ghats 1, Tropical Moist Deciduous B. Himachal Pradesh 2. Tropical Evergreen C. Haryana and 3. Himalayan Moist Punjab Forest D. Chhotanagpur 4. Tropical Thomy Plateau Forest Code: A BC D @2 3 4 1 () 1 4 3 2 @2 4 31 @1 3 4 2 The term ‘Regus’ is used to mean: (a) Laterite soil (b) Dettaic soil (©) Red soil (d) Black cotton soil Graphite is a much better conductor of heat and electricity than diamond. This is due to the fact that each carbon atom in graphite: (a) undergoes sp? hybridization and forms three sigma bonds with three neighbouring carbon atoms undergoes sp’ hybridization is tetrahedrally bonded is free from van der Waals force (b) © @) (Contd.) 77. 78. 79. 80. 81 BE Gh 8 ie te ea ma Be ow var ae AE oe BPR: ei wu (FA WIT FAT) (Ft) A. Aaa oF 1. year B. are 2, Prercefirrr C. steisa Preu3, Pron (arifesore Pearl) D. aa Pra 4, apt e ABCD @2 3 41 ® 1 4 3 2 ®2 43 1 @i1 3 4 2 Racer #1 YI ae ae ? (a) Biifes oer (b) ails ara (©) fates aa @) ceRa ara Py Bieter aR Fe ew 8 ah Aer (a) afteecta aiftereror (b) Are ataeerer (©) 3e4 vata @) Raq a set Gare I Prefafes 3 3 are we, geRaifes se wl varwe ade? (@) wR (are) (b) Hany (©) We @ Wa petaten merit Fe are GH, wel ae @ gr ere are er aR ® Be rr A cal 400700 om z () ad a ae A era afta seem & WRT Ht Tete X-Aret A Terta a ar ae 3 82. um anfte 60 kmitier B ar 8 afta Tens) H Sa 81 Tas F arte gaa aT HM 2? fa) 103 mis (b) 60 m/s (©) at @ 83, a a gh a gate ART She aha Are RA Ta RH i ae at Tae BAR, wi au (FIFI) (AUR TRAY SATE) AL oat ae 1 gorepfedehte and wast B. era et 2, soratatha aaate C. ature site dare 3, Beret anf a D. Berm we 4, gone seat m e A BC D @2 3 41 1 4 3 2 ©2431 @1 3 4 2 84, Ung! we PRUs fa vas ter B? (a) aug ya (b) Serre Fa (©) Aa ya @) art ee Te 85. at a atten deree son sie Bye aT ART srror aie Bi ue ae ae ear 2 A trnge 8 xen at ToT (a) spear 8 are 8 aie a Praca ands east & ara da Rear ane wrt 2 () sp seer FEAT s (©) wqsvety srafire ater & @) ast are aa 8 yaa Baz (Contd) 86. 87, 88. 89. Which one of the following vitamins is synthesized in our own skin? (@) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B (© Vitamin C @ Vitamin D Which one of the following is the SI unit of the thermal conductivity of a material? (@) Wk? (&) Wavk © Wok @ Js'm'k Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) Conduction can occur easily in solids, less easily in liquids but hardly at all in gases (b) Heat energy is carried by moving particles in a convection current (©) Heat energy is carried by electromagnetic waves in radiation (4) The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid is called the boiling point Which one of the following combinations of stalactites and stalagmites occurrences is correct? (a) Stalactites hang as icicles of different diameters and stalagmites hang from the floor of the caves Stalactites hang as icicles of different diameters and stalagmites rise up from the floor of the caves Stalactites rise up from the floor of the caves and stalagmites hang as icicles of different diameters © © (@)_ Stalactites hang as icicles of different diameters and stalagmites also hang as icicles of different diameters 90, Which one of the following is the correct sequence about various levels of organization of Biosphere? (a) Ecosystem —Biosphere— Community — Population (b) Population — Organism — eo system — Biosphere (©). Organism — Community ~ Population — Biosphere (a) Organism - Population — Eco system — Biosphere 91. Which of the following are the properties of an electron? 1. Electron is aconstituent of cathode ray 2. Electron is a negatively charged particle 3. The mass of the electron is equal to the mass of the proton 4, Electron is deflected by the electric field but not by magnetic field Select the correct answer using the code given below: (@ Land 2 only () 1,2and3 (© 3and4 (@) Land4 92. Carbon and energy requirements of autotrophic organisms are fulfilled by: (a) Photosynthesis (b) Gluconeogenesis (©) Glycogenesis (@)_Extemal sources 93. The resistance ofa wire of length / and area of cross-section a is x chm. If the wire is stretched to double its length, its resistance would become: (@ 2xohm (b) 0.5.x ohm © 4xohm @) 6xohm 86. 87. 88. 89. Preafatea eat % a eee uw, card 90, tadset (anittnax) & anos & fier er arf car % awaits sta & ? (a) Retr A (b) Rome B (©) fer Cc (d) fafa D Preafafta % 8 a we, fet ward A wer arrpar FY SL garg # ? (@) Wo'k* (6) Wk. (©) Wark" (8) Jstm'K Preafataa aera 3 & atrar ow abt a3 ? (a) ert Set AF Gra &, wal A aH GT & veg te F ey AS (>) sha sof, daet are Yo afta aii arr vartea ett & (oc) seha graf, APR Ft ge grate ae are vafea eth 2 @) Fea Bra 7 aE Se oa aR Ber &, samen wee e Biaeen oh Raomeg Faq oR Prafatea deri 4 & stra we ae 2? (@) Raaeren PAT at B aaa & wr F aed ata SR eR TH Baad ach aE (>) eaacrece Pier cael ageiat F wud acd aa 8 Sh eae TH aI sw are RarecH YH F aa a Vd Haz ate aries Ber adi F ated Bey Hach dae etaacrece Pf and F anda F wo Face aa & a Rae Bay me Bea Be oes ae © @ 91. 92. 93. & at 3 Peaete 2 a aaa ow, ad wy 8? (a) WAR cin Sises ager are (bo) Steen — sha —arftiRafttes aia — sfteiset © Sa-aqee - orem - shaisa ) ta — sree —aftRefte da —stesiser Prater T atak, acts Be? 1. wares Sets Peer a yew 2. agit aes wea ater ae 3. Se gaa, SF wT F are & 4, Wat Riga Sa aro ae Aare weg genta Ba arc ae AR RA A ARE a GAT HE WE TAT AR: (a) Far 132 (b) 1,233 @ 3ae4 @ lar4 aaa hat ar ards sie Sat A saree rad era qd ett & 7 (a) vere arate (&) RRAA Tarra CEASA) (6) Tae (rarest) @ we ae Dang ate a arypea- afte Beart 18 Fea are ar widde x ohm’? | aft are aA arg A ‘hese Sap fear ay a geet where fra astm ? (@) 2xohm (b) 0.5.x ohm (©) 4x ohm (a) 6x ohm (Contd.) 94. Which one of the following describes the Lithosphere? (a) Upper and lower mantle (b) Crust and upper mantle (©) Crust and core (@) Mantle and core 95. Which of the following statements gard rej heavy water are correct? 1. It is extensively used as a moderator in nuclear reactors 2, Iteannot be used in exchange reaction to study reaction mechanism 3. Viscosity of heavy water is relatively smaller than that of ordinary water 4. The dielectric constant of heavy water is smaller than that of ordinary water Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) Land2 (b) 2and3 (©) 3and4 (@) tand4 96. Conservation of momentum in a collision between particles can be understood on the basis of: {a) Newton's first law of motion (b) Newton's second law of motion only (©) Both Newton’s second law of motion and Newton’s third law of motion (@)_ Conservation of energy 97. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) Temperatures decrease from the equator to poles (b) Temperatures in equatorial regions change substantially from January to July (c) Large land masses located in the subarctic and arctic zones develop centres of extremely low temperatures in winter (d) Highlands are always colder than surrounding low lands 98. To weld metals together, high temperature is required, Such a high temperature is obtained by burning: (a) Acetylene in oxygen (b) LPG in oxygen (©) Methane in oxygen @ Acetylene in nitrogen 99. Two forces, one of 3 newton and another of 4 newton are applied ona standard 1 kg body, placed on a horizontal and frictionless surface, simultaneously along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively, as shown below: xeaxis ‘The magnitude of the resultant acceleration is: @) 7m () lms (© Sms @ V7 ms 100. Magnetic meridian is an imaginary: (@) line along north-south (b) point (©) vertical plane (@ horizontal plane 101.An up fold in rock is: (@) graben (b) horse © anticline @)_ syneline (Contd.) 94, 95. 96. 97. Prafafea #8 sere Gr, esa a aot wm & ? @) 378 ak Prt ware (fea) () WA de wt wea © Wa ak as @) aR ak ae Sed ot ok 9 Prete mur 3 at wae? 1. Baa Raed A Ries Fo ea F wey oar oq wer ate & 2. wr er after fa Fare & fey fay afiibar ¥ aet fer or wa 3, ard ore Ft garter, Tae oer aA FUT ster aH ath & 4. a8 ae ar , AT et peab a AR AT mirage a wT we EY STE BPD: (a) 132 (b) 233 (©) 3384 @ idea wo Bey dug A dam wT deem ae RO TC PAA TT THAT BP (@) Aca @ ate @ ye Prom (b) ea wr ate a tact ete Pa (©) ar aft aor Reta Pras ste > Sen yates on -" (4) Sef ar aeerer Freafattrr eet 9 aren wr ae ae 7 (@) fap ae 8 gH A she eee eee aT (b) Agata aot Y saad 8 gore B Ae arent H urd acon Be (©) ST ser gay oh oar gata wea A saat geq y defeat F vikraq FH sre BH TUT H aig Peewee ret (@) Sea ya, aes area A Per ga & adh ae 98. args a Te Few AH Be ser aT sraerret eh 81 ter sea aaa as wey Fore Bar F? (a) states % ther (b) stadt ¥ oa tt ot (0) steer % RA @ regs 8 hea . Raft Afar ate an Ua ace ae we Pt ATE kg fis oe 3 ayer sh ara Ba ae AMT xsl Sh y-ster # safer cw aE am -@ &, Sar FS fea F aan oe: ye F,=4N after rca ar oftearor ar 2? (a) 7mis? () I ms © Sms @ V7 ms 100, 3a ars: (a) Freel F safer arecPrs Tar & (b) wieaPre farg & (c) sreaPre gealox aa & (a) treats Sas aa ® 101.34 ® sqaert ar ata % ? (@) after (ara) (b) sierra (ete (oc) waft (d) afte (Contd.) 102. Which one of the following gases is found in highest quantity in Exosphere? (a) Hydrogen (b) Helium (©) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen 103. In blood, platelets are required for: (a) transporting oxygen (b) transporting carbon dioxide (c)_ initiating blood clotting (@) initiating degradation of urea 104. In SI unit of force ‘Newton’ (N) is given by (where m stands for metre and s stands for second): . (@ 1N=1kg/ms? (b) 1N=1 kgnvs* (©) 1N= 1 kg stm (@) IN=1kgms? 105.The acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ for objects on or near the surface of earth is related to the universal gravitational constant “G’ as (*M’ is the mass of the earth and ‘R’ is its radius): M (a) G= a M ) e=SRF 1G © Me G ( Rea 106. Match List I with List I and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List 1 List II (Low-Latitude Climate) (Characteristic) A. Wet Equatorial 1. Uniform tempe~ tatures, mean near 27 °C B. Monsoon and trade 2. Marked tempe- wind coastal rature cycle with very high tempe- rature before the rainy season C. Wet-dry tropical 3. Temperatures show an annual cycle with high temperature in the high-Sun season D. Dry tropical 4. Strong tempera- ture cycle, with intense tempera- ture during high-Sun season Code: ABCD @23 4 1 ) 12 3 4 © 2 4 3 1 @13 2 4 107. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the code given below the List List 1 List II (Element) se) ALi 1. Time keeper in atomic clocks B. Na 2. Batteries CK 3. Transfer of nerve impulses D. Cs 4, Control of the water content in the blood Code: ABCD @2 3 41 @) 123 4 4301 3.2 4 (Contd.) 103. vat ¥, Favaroy Peas fey same ae e 7 (a) aieier-aert (b) Fah eresineres-ae4 ©) Gam Fen FF A YS FCT @ fers Preteen STA) A yer aor 104, aa & SLaraK YEA’ (NH Preteens FB fras ara arae Pear ar aaa 8 ? (ei maT ad ict att sar arf Aas 2): (@) 1N=1 kg/ms? (0) 1N= 1 kgmis? (ce) IN=1kgstim (d) IN=1kgms? 105.yed Fh wee HE sea TEs Preps TSF Ferg erty cae g’, ara edhe fea “GR Pra sere araftar 8 OM? weal aT manent are ‘R’ gaat Prva 8)? M @ G-87 M (b) g= Our © ue 8G © Ro ye 106. 107. 1m qt 1a aig ste * We tutte sets qa aw (Pret starter array) (sifrererer) A, ang Pagad 1. GReRTT aT, ar eM 27 °C Barra ate arate 2. gee arraa are wet aaa sat ara ast ag B wet a gee arart C. anger om 3. aT atts ar aftaeha Reena 8 Pret ser gig ®t sero ame D. Us sorefeaia 4. yar ara am, oh SaF oy ea giag $d da rar re ABCD fy 2093 4 1 ) 1 23 4 @2 4 3 1 d@it3 2 4 1a gta aAfag az * RR eget wt i (sein) ALi 1, wen Wat ar B. Na 2, defeat CK 3. Ay aaa aT earieeT D. Cs 4, ofr 3 ae ait aT Friar re ABCD @2 3 4 1 () 1 203 4 @2 4 31 @i3 2 4 (Contd.) 108. 109. 110. OnF 112. 113. 14, Which one of the following is not a site of action in human body for the malarial parasite plasmodium? 8 Liver 'b) Kids (c) Red bl (@ Brain The loudness of sound is related to: {a) its frequency (b)_ its amplitude (c) its speed (4) its piteh X-rays are elect etic radiation whose wavelengths are of the order of: (a) 1 metre (b) 10° metre (c) 10° metre (@) 10" metre lood cell Which one of the following pairs of properties of typical air masses is correct? Air Mass Source Region (a) Maritime Warm oceans in Equatorial equatorial zone (b) Maritime Polar: Warm oceans in the tropical zone (©) Continental Less warm oceans ‘Tropical in the tropical zone @ Continental Moist oceans in Polar the polar zone The symbol ofthe element “Tungsten” is: (a) fa () W 0 d) Te In Egypt, ancient mummies can be found to have their arteries intact due to well preserved: (a) mineralized blood (b) fibroblasts fibre (©) clastic fibre @_ brown fat Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) The image formed by a concave mirror for an object lying at infinity is at the principal focus, highly diminished, real and inverted ‘A ray of light parailel to the principal axis after reflection from a concave mirror appears to diverge from the principal focus of the mirror ‘The focal length of a spherical mirror is double of its radius of curvature A ray of light travelling from a rarer medium to a denser medium bends away from the normal (>) ©) @) 115. Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Rutherford’s alpha-particle scattering experiment led to the discovery of electron JJ Thomson suggested that the nucleus of an atom contains protons ‘The atomic number of an element is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus of its atom ‘The mass number of an atom is equal to the number of electrons in its shells () ©) qd) 116. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) Application of time makes the soil acidic () High acidity in soil is typical of humid climate (©) Increasing soil acidity results in declining soil fertility () Arid climate is characterized by alkaline soil 117. The alkali metals have relatively low melting point. Which one of the following alkali metals is expected to have the highest melting point? @ Li (b) Na © K @ Rb 118. Which one of the following is useful in paper manufacturing industry? (a) Fibrous plants (b) Orchids (©) Non-flowering plants (@)_ Plants growing in high altitude 119. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (@)_ Insteady flow of a liquid, the velocity of liquid particles reaching at a particular point is the same at ll points Steady flow is also called streamlined flow In steady flow, each particle may not follow the same path as taken by a previous particle passing through that point ‘Two streamlines cannot intersect each other ) © @) (Contd. a? es a AT (Heer 109. caf at vase Prae aafits & 7 @ wet 8 Se ate 5} SaHT AT 110. X-Fgal Ragagarta Fare, Rrra wera @ ie eae (b) 10" thee eet 2 (©) 103 Atex eens @) 10 Fee Bea 8 111, Rafter ay defeat & queef & Preafatenr war ee arret Tae a? ag weft itr aa @) age Ragan: gata a (>) wat yatta gorpieddhe ar BIT TST () Hedtiy gor : gonaftddta Sa avfeaie ‘ROT FEAT (@ Amdt yaa; Geer ta Ara 112. ‘crea’ aed at we aT Be? ® Ta ) W (3 1 ) Te 113. Be 3, Pat A anfral ret after 2 115. Preafeear writ # ara uw wa 2? @) Tae F aeHa yah wir F aRtormerey ectaelt a ator ek (b) 8 chr weer ba ar aT anite Fares aye (©) Pret aor A very der a AA ET BAS Toy F safes Fac A were (@) Pet weal A ga den eas ahi % waht at den B acax eet e Ui. refer et 8 8 ster ee, wt et ? @ Gra oqwin a ge wate a ate (b) Be are Tes mea () FoF wen wat a 4 oRomeTey a A dea ae et on 2 (@) ara Fer gSK serary A fase B 117.ere_ ergata meri site ey lat Bi Pewee ere ug teow vo afrray err aftr 3? f@ Li (b) Na © K (d) Rb 118. Prev @ & ata wr, anne Prato wait ¥ aah dar 2 ? (a) Wer oq - (bo) as (©) agst area @) 34 gra A a ae oe 119. Preafafirs ett & aha ww dt sere ? (a) Prat za & afte vere 8, fare fae fig ve Gat a8 aa a a a wh fags 3 TH ete ® (b) saftadt yore ere ware oA asorar B (6) wae wa 3, seter wo ga Reg B Se ae ae adi amr ara iq ae anf ar argren aeh oh are aa & @) 8 aretant ww get A et ae ae (Contd) 120. According to the Geo-scientists, the s! of the earth is: * hape 1, round 2. spherical 3. close to that of a sphere 4. anoblate ellipsoid Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 2,3and4 (b) 1,2and3 {c) land 2 only (& 3and4 only . The word ‘Secular’ was inserted into the Constitution of India by: (@) 44% Amendment Act (b) 52™ Amendment Act (c) 42" Amendment Act (d) 34 Amendment Act 122. Which one of the following is nof correct in the context of balance of ents of India during 2013-2014? pay (a) India’s exports were less than its imports 12) (>) Trade balance was negative (©) Net invisibles were positive (@) Capital account balance was negative 123, Which one of the following continents accounts for the maximum share in exports from India? (a) Asia (b) Europe (©) Africa (@)_ North America Article 21 and Article 446 Article 32 and Article 226 Article 44 and Article 152 Article 17 and Article 143 125. Which one of the following statements about Subsidiary Alliance devised by Lord Wellesley in the year 1798 is mot correct? (a) The territories entering into a subsidiary alliance with the British were responsible for their own internal Inte tem of be ) In the territory of the ally, a h ©) aed contingent would be stationed (©) The ally would have to provide the resources for maintaining the British contingent in the territory (@) The permission of the British was needed for the ally to enter into agreements with other rulers 126. Who among the following was associated with the Mughal Court as a physician to Prince Dara Shukoh? (a) Hakim Afzal Khan (b) Ibn Battuta (©) Francois Bemier (@) Duarte Barbosa 127. During the Eleventh Five Year Plan (FYP), agriculture sector in India witnessed a growth rate of 3.3 per cent per annum which is higher than 2.4 per cent per annum in the previous FYP. This is largely due to better performance of: (@) Crops and Livestock (b) Oilseeds and Fibres (©) Fishing and Oilseeds (@) Fibres and Fishing 128. An emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution of India can be declared only during: (a) War, external aggression or internal disturbance. (b) War, external aggression or armed rebellion. (c)_ Failure of Constitutional Machinery in. the State. (@) Financial instability in the country. 129. Which of the following statements about the Livestock sector in India is/are correct ? 1. Livestock contributed about 25 per cent of gross value added in agriculture 2. It provides self employment to a large segment of population 3. Rapid growth of livestock sector can be egalitarian and inclusive Select the correct answer using the code given below: @) 3only (b) 1 and 2 only (©) 2and3 only (@) 1,2and3 (Contd.) 120, yaaa & srgere, yeh ar sere: ee agar, yet i 1 2. 3 (b) 524i ashe afta (©) 424i deter afta (@) 3404 date ara 122, Press 4 RU, 20) wae NS (a) une & Prats sae ame 3 ary (b) Snare Reger AONE eT (ce) Pract ager eater (qd) oh der ager eure aT 123. Prefer % & Fre Ren a Se oe @ tet (a) Tae saree 124, area B a rus its Sates Sane Wome e aes (a) 21 ear 446 (©) 4°Oe 44 aa HTeBe 152 125, af 17988 aig Aah are senor we i Sakae eetbiee met rere 126, Preatafear 8 a, rer aeare Bara THAEATE ara Rate & fatter eq H ger or? @) em apa ar ) ART (©) wien aP ire @ wee wet 127. 7aedt taaia ator (FYP)% eh, war pit da Y 3.3 vite oft at tafe oe 2, aR Reet FYP # 2.4 foe & afte ey ve aftrina:, Reb /eak Gere Pros a ame 8? (a) Fae oie ager (b) facet Se tH (co) Reenen Ste feet ) ate seer 128, area & faary F apedq 352% anit sore A thon Fact Pad ders a awe 2 7 (a) FS, Te samme or aia serie (b) 3a, er snr or ase fate (c) Ustt # ait da at farce (d) %a % facta sfterear 129, Preafaftt weal 2 & Aaa aa ¥ wget dF at A wh 2? 1 FRY date ee ET a eT 25 witora Ainerst ay Rar 2 werden} GH ad wT A done ‘sare HTT F 3. ager Gat ata afte arora er eat Bards $3 Rag ar vie ae ae oer PR: @ Fat3 (b) Faq 1 ste 2 (©) Fam 2st 3 @ 1,233 (Contd.) 130, Which one of the following statements about Khilafat Movement is #of correct? (a) The Khilafat Movement demanded that the Khalifa must retain control ‘over Muslim holy places (b) The radical trend in the Khilafat Movement was represented by younger leaders like Muhammad Ali, Shaukat ‘Ali, and Maulana Azad (©) Indian Mustim leaders used Khilafat as a symbol that could unite the Indian Muslim community (4) The Delhi conference of the Central Khilafat Committee in 1920 decided to launch a massive Non-Cooperation Movement 131. Which one of the following is not correct, in the current Indian scenario? (a) Life expectancy is on the increase and is about 67 years as of now (b) Infant mortality rate is on the decline and has reached 47 per thousand (©) Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is on the rise due to lack of medical facilities (@) Percentage of women giving birth in health institutions is on the rise 132. The Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of India deals with: (@) provisions related to the administration of tribal areas. (b) allocation of seats in the Council of States. (©) the Union List, the State List and the Concurrent List. (@)_ recognized languages of the Union of India. 133. The British Officer who was a representative of the Governor General and who lived ina State which was not under direct British rule was called: (@) Collector (b) Viceroy (©) Resident (d) Agent 134. Which of the following features of the Permanent Settlement of 1793 is / are correct? 1. The Permanent Settlement vested Land ‘ownership rights in the peasants 2. The Permanent Settlement vested land owmership rights in the Zamindars 3, The Zamindars had to pay a fixed amount of rent by a particular date 4, The Zamindars benefited hugely from the Permanent Settlement while the peasants suffered Select the correct answer using the code given below: (@) Lonly (b) and 3 only (e) 4 (@) 1,2and3 135, The Vijayanagara Empire received its death iow at the battle of: (a) Talikota in 1565 (b) Panipat in 1661 (©). Talikota in 1665 (@_ Raichur in 1510 136. The ‘Basic Structure Doctrine” was enunciated by the Supreme Court during the: (a) Golak Nath case (b) Maneka Gandhi case (©) Kesavananda Bharati case (@) SR Bommai case 137. Consider the following statements about the travellers who visited India: 1. Abdur Razzag Samargandi from Herat visited Delhi and Daulatabad. 2, Ibn Battuta provides detailed accounts of both Delhi and Daulatabad. 3. According to Francois Bernier there was no private property in land in Mughal India. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Lonly (b) 1,2and3 (©) Land 3 only (@ 2and 3 only 130. feeraa aitrt F a R Preafater 4-8 Bren om wert ae ate? (a) Reema sitters a ai ht Re Get aT Pris save & qeanrtt & ofa ent RATS Aroma sata Hau waft ar SAAR Ferre ach, shea sett ean Herat sree 38 yar Fant ar ga rede yacrard Farsi 3 fererpe a Oe edt wy wate a 8 Pe arate years ayer A anda Pear aT a 1920 % tata Reemaa aha feet weer Foun ene seein aide a Ue ect a Prete fer 131, afar sect oftgen H Preafattes #8 are WH ae WR? (a) ay aonfeer ae Th 8 oer aT aE eo 67k es b) Pag geet ee 8 an 47 WR coe ga ndh & (b) (©) (d) (©) Fg Beye (MMR) Petre BPRena F art ae Bas aT () meq derat % aay Bat wai wr Mfaent ae Tar 132. 8a $ wears A eet arggeh fae ae wat 8? (@) Sania aa F weet & defer sod (b) Weare 3 Met ar amie © a et, ot G aad gh @) wre 8 da A aera Tey mrerte ercet aor BAP AAMT seer at BT ued Feat on Th fe yeret afer maT F arity a8 oi, Far aca ar? (a) Fat (b) area () ee @) we 133, 134. 1793 & fa eanlh sala & Proafatten aarti Fa Maya a 2/2? L Seat star A yates afer FFT 2, Pacer dart 3} quarter afters watert & Riga frat 3. Saree we Paftee AR ae ae A om Prefte car om act eet dt Eo salt Beal A TRA GT a RN ae a wT we WA gre BPR (a) #401 (b) Fan 2a 3 © 4 (@) 1,283 135, fasrarrre araroa ve winnftes vere Pea ye wr? (a) ahrarer % 1565 7 (b) wha ¥ 1661 % (c) after 4 1665 9 @) wR 15108 136. ‘srareyg tren Raia’ (ARR 7 Sones sae gw Ho a REY fern aa? (a) Tee ay aT (bo) Fer ai araeT © Swarr wet AAT @ ware. arg aa 137, SR PAUL AE ae TPR Have Pree et aero rare Fife; 1. Bae aegis aaeed 3 Ret wen ‘Sara a wer Phar 2 Be ae ae OT 3. eae em ree Ta Aaa a * sage weit 38 area ah 82? @) Far] (>) 1,23 3 (©) Fan 133 (d@) Faq 23 3 4. (Contd) 138. Which of the following statements about bill stations of colonial India is/are correct? 1, The architecture of hill stations sought to recreate the European style 2. Hill stations were developed as sanitariums where soldiers were treated for illness 3. Shimla became the official residence of the Commander in Chief of the Indian Army 4, In 1864, Shimla had to be evacuated because ofa Typhoid epidemic Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) Lonly (b) 1,2and3 (©) Band 4 (@ 2and3 only 139. Match List I with List If and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List 1 List U1 (Dynasty) (Architecture) A. Chalukyas 1. Sun Temple, Konark B. Hoysalas 2. Pattadakal Temples . Pandyas 3. Kesava Temple, Somnathpur D. Eastem Gangas 4. Eastem gopuraof Chidambaram Temple Code: ABCD @1i3 24 12 3 4 @2 43 1 @23 41 140, The Senia tradition is: (@) musical tradition that emerged from the colonial army (Sena) (b) dance drama written by Keshab Chandra Sen (©) textile tradition of eastem UP (@)_ musical tradition that invoked the name of Tansen, the celebrated musician of Akbar’s Court 141. Who among the following founded the Rajahmundri Social Reform Association in 1878 in support of widow remarriage? (a) Vishanshastri Pandit (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (©) Pandita Ramabai (@)_Veeresalingam Pantulu 142. The SAARC Secretariat is located at: (a) New Delhi (b) Colombo (© Kathmandu (@ Karachi 143. The 19" Century Faraizi Movement in eastern Bengal developed under the leadership of: (@) Titu Rai (b) Haji Shariatullah (©) Shah Sayyid Ahmad (4) Dudu Miyan 144, The Indian States Committee was formed in 1928 under: (a) The Raja of Junagadh (b) Ian Copland (©) Sir Harcourt Butler (@ Motilal Nehru (Contd.) 138. 139, ates area F adda earth mt FH Prevfetter aerit #8 strae at 88? 1. wether ear a aregrer 9 ye tet ARs ee a va Pt 2, ede wart ah arta Bea Peshe Shar nar set APrat at fare ar aT Beat 3, areca Gar & anise er hp a Tear amare rere aT 4. 18648 Reren A crepes were a ae & act Far GET AS AY a ae ar wT ae aA STE GPT: (a) aa 1 &) 1,233 © 33R4 @) Far 2a 3 ts Aa Gita Fe se Gd F AR Re me Be wT WIT He we TH BAIT wt wo (are) (aRgeaT) A. WR 1, a af, aot B, daa 2. Nesaet HRT Cc, vit 3. Fara wfez, ar D. an 4, Radars aie ar at age re A BC D @13 2 4 1 23 4 @©2 43 1 @2 3 4 1 140. 141, 142, 143, 144, APrm Teer sur B 7 (a) Sta aRre dan 8 Pract ater seer (b) Bae we BF ara feta Jor Tear (©) Wat. Aw ae TTT (@) sear 3 care $ gene het ara & arr 8 arf art anh afte ser faerar gaffer & eres ¥ 1878 7 Prevfatta 31 Pre? cnet dha fant fees Pa at? (a) Perranedt sé (bo) feat we Rare (oc) Sar wrens @ Reery ogg SAARC @ftrarta wei feu 2 ? (@) we Ret (>) Fey (oc) wre @ rat Lot weed ar ST art ar Spee) Teter fad Agee 8 Rent 7 @ aga (b) ant wages (c) we dug aeHe @® Ra anda toy AP FT 1928 F msa Bae snitt gon at? (@) me Ts (b) aM ins (©) we erate weet (d) Aden ee (Contd.) 145. 146. 147. ‘The Panchayati Raj system under Part-IX of the Constitution of India does mot apply to the States of: (a) Assam, Mizoram and Nagaland (b) Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tripura (©) Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram (d) Sikkim, Tripura and Meghalaya The First Five Year Plan (19511956) was. drafted by: (a) PC Mahalanobis (&) KNRaj (c) JC Kumarappa (d) Jawaharlal Nehru Who among the following is the author of the book, “Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience”? (@) Christophe Jaffrelot (b) G Parthasarthy (© Imran Khan (@) Mamnoon Hussain 148. Which one of the following was the theme of the “Intemational Day of United Nations Peacekeepers” for the year 2015? (a) Peacekeeping is a Global Partnership (b) UN 70 and UN Peacekeeping: Past, Present, and Future (©) Women in Peacekeeping (@)_ A Force for the Future 149. Indian athlete Vikas Gowda is associated with: @ ) © @ Wrestling, Sprint Discus throw Archery 150. The 19" Federation Cup National Senior Athletic Championships (2015) was held in: (2) Kamataka (b) Haryana (©) Uttar Pradesh @ Kerala 145, eRe & Sfert BaF aT B anita daratt “aa reer ft Toa A amy ae ait ? (@) say, Bier oer arms >) ames, Fare ee Bye () Fonds, Fare ae Prey @) Raia, Pye wer Fee , 146. vee eee tort (19511956) aT TET feet Gare Rear a? (a) Sat, mere (0) Fe. Tr © 3a. gre @) wae Fee 147, Preafaed & & ate, “neat tee; See Ws RRR” Ta TH wT (@) Perera (b) oh. order © oR at @ wre 148.48 2015 8 “ays wif xe jociegte Rew a meaty Presta 2 a ated ow at? (a) wiferemn we archi arart 3 (b) UN 70 ae UN sifeemr : iq, air, after a (©) wiferern & agent Gd) sae FRI ws za 149, srr fret Perera Pra BB ye R ? 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