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4129124, 8:54 AM Document 21175281 ORACLE wvorcte surrorr i Pomsrven sor | st og Aon, 20086146 VEST @ Jack nb) D(C) Contact UsHelp Daccand Mowladge Serie Regus; Patches ptr Cammy we Gr a ‘vy EBS General Ledger Analyzer (GL Analyzer) (Doc ID 2117528.1) Te Bottom In this Document ost doament nu? case ° tad Ta ates sin 7 seul — ‘wen aaa unnino the Analver as 2 Concurrent Reauest SES omevosnere funn the fos va SOP ino RUD stat Sanne Guat en dae ‘nn sus and Sotons col ‘Questions, Comments & Feedback Rebates Resources References (rack General ap Oracle General Ledger - Version 12.0.0 and late ens an Avo A Information in ths cocument apples to any platform. roa nd Sees (502 racy nd saat Festi Prats (On Perse) (132) Using General Ledger Analyzer, Document References oi are naa Download the latest EBS General Ledger Analyzer ver rae 2468795) (atteseni “The EBS General Ledger Analyzer / GL Analyzer ia sel-service heatn-check script that reviews General Lager related ent is ata, analyzes cutent configurations and stings forthe envierment and provides solutions for known issues, feedback | Use OK 70 Latest Ups ‘and recommendations on bes practices shoo iene te aera) ‘Analyzers are designed by Support to proactively asst you to beter dlagnose and maintain your Oracle Appaton Cevtonments, Arayers ay aso be red as eat colecon tol by Suppor enghees Ca ce a Sep ast NOTE: This is a non-invasive script - the Analyzer does not perform any INSERTS, UPDATEs or DELETES Uisssssaa) to your data; just reports on Werngon te ae She nar colecs cos using al the tables necessary to dagnose sus and provides soliions and recommended | SaieASit uta {clone or production instances, You shold rst apply ay econmendd ations or oko oa recent done to Sti esta) ‘sre an enpeted outzome Cores Open Pei Dot lobe customer Suppor (GCS) Serves an systems ae not dened t accommodate special secu cont that isms may be recured to sore or proces cesta paso sentne dat Ute Open re Please ensure that you do vot subrvt any sete dla tat reqs protctons greater than tose specified in GCS BERR te crer publhed Secutty acces document. eed con at) Reference Hw fo EGE Output om Oracle Tels and Ubites to Remove Sestive Content (Dac 1D 12279421) iene) show toe ‘We welcome and encourage you to share your feachack via te feck theead in the My Oracle Support General Leger ‘Community, Your feedback snapes the content of ensting Analyers and drves creation of New AraIyze'. > ‘Audience ‘+ DBAs and System Administrators fun the seript an revew the tout, -365009400218h ntps:/support\taces/DocumentDisplay?_af.oop=886929308 145968 parent=SiDetalText&sourceh 117528... V6 4129124, 8:54 AM Document 21175281 + Product Specialists and Business Analysts - review the out Benefits + Immediate heath check analy, Proactive recommencations ard provides output ofthe fllowing informatonfissus from a parscular environment. “Instance Overview active and Preventive Recommendations assified Accounts ‘Accounts Mi + Overtapping Chi = Duplicate Rows + Period Closing Budgetary Control + Dlagnosties Apps Check General Ledger Setup Data Collection “Calendar Data Collection + Financial Statement Generator (FSG) Data Collection + Account Setup Manager (ASM) Data Collection, + Summary Accounts Data Collection ‘“ournal Batch Detals + Recurring Journal Batch Details + Journal Import, Posting and Misc. Journal Approval Workflow status + Fusion Accounting Hub (FAH) Integration “consolidation = Lifetime Support Policy + Provides recommenced actions and best practices {Rune asa standalone or SRS Concurrent Request. ack oT 200.34 Download the latest EBS General Ledger Analyzer / GL Analyzer version E downi ‘Since Analyzers are regularly updated to include newly identified issues and solutions, we highly recommend always using the latest version, To vey the version of previously cownloaded Analyzer + Bxecute the Analyze via SQL sept o° concurrent request © Review the Execution Detais section inthe output HTML fle generated + Akematvely, you can find the Analyzer version information in the Header section of he SQL ser le facto Ton Parameters Ledger 14: (Required) Period Name: (Requred and Case Sensive) Curent Period Name (OR) The be eros Balances corruption started Ente the Period Name inthe Exact format (Example: Jan-16) rom your G_ Accounting Calendar setup Budget Version 1D: (Optional) Budget Version 1D related tothe Budget Name Data Collection [Y of NI: (Requred) This parameter takes 2 value of Y (Yes) or N (No). The deel valu is". ‘The General Ledger Setup, Accounting Setup Manager (ASM) and Calendar data collection sections in the ‘analyze output wil be sie only when the Parameter vale Is Sea "Y". The valve of hs parameter needs to be "Y' whan uploading the Arazercutput to a Service Request. Financlal Statement Generator data colection section Is Wslbe when the Analyzer tun withthe parameter "Data Calleeson" = Y and with a FSG report name. Summary Accounts data colton section is visible when the Analyzer Is run with the parameter “Data Coleco! = Y and with an Acaunt Comoinaton. Journal Batch Details sation i displayed when the Analyzer is un with the parameter “Data Callction” = ¥ and ‘wth @ val Journal Batch ID/Name. od Name were you fel there may 117528... 216 -365009400218h nitps: support 145968 parent=SiDetalText&sourceh 4129724, 8:54AM Document 2117528.1 Recurring Journal Batch Detals sections clsplyed when te Analyzers run withthe parameter "Data Collection’ = ¥ and with a valléRucuring Journal Batch 1D/Nme. Journal Approval, Workflow Status sections ae displayed when the Analyzer is un with the parameter "Data Ccllecon = , with avail Journal Batch 1D/Name and Joural approval (9 ledgers. enable je_approval Nag) is ‘enabled atthe Ledger level. Consolidation cata collection sation is isle when the Analyzers run withthe parameter "Data Calcio’ ‘and with 2 Consoldaton, + ‘Account 1D/ Combination: (Optional) This parameter takes the value ofan Account combination. {FSG Report: (Optional) This parameter take the value ofa single Franca Statement Generatr(FSG) report name. ‘+ Consolidation 1D: (Optional) Ths parameter take te value o* Cansoldation ID/name. ‘You can use the following SQL scripts to get the required parameter vales when running the Analyzer SQL soit fom SQL*Plis, SQL Developer tool tc, y where naze = VeEhter the EXACT name of the Ledgez>! Select code_conbsnation=id, conestonated segnents trom g1_c0 Select report. ie, sane f20n x9 zeports waere nase™= [Exact Batch nane*] End default pariod names | "Ente ne Period the batch journal is tor in a For Recurring Joursal Batch JB Baton 10 where naze = [Exact Recu Bates mame! }? For consolidation 19 ect * from gl_conselidation ‘The EBS General Ledger Analyzer / GL Analyzer can elther be run as a Concurrent Requestor via SQL*Plus. Instructions for both options are listed below: Running the Analyzer as a Concurrent Request NOTE: Running the Analyzer as @ Concurrent Request allows furctinal users to run the Analyzer without needing the APPS user passwor. ‘A Install the EBS General Leger Analyzer / GL Analyzer by runing o_he_analyzersl as APPS to creat the Paccage detaiton “Ts Is required fer the ste the analyzer installed, anc each ime you dowmload a new vesin ofthe analyen oyiplus appe/ Sgu> Wsl_ne-amalyaer. sal First you must register the concurrent program. 1. Put the fle GLHCAZ lt on your server and use the applications FNDLOAD command below to import the concurrent program defniton into your instance. Run this command from te directory where you Nave Adovmloaded the lt fe on your server, and note thatthe APPS password is needed: PDIORD apps/cappe_paseword> OY UPLOAD {END "02/paten/=1s7inpor=/afcpprog. ict GLICKE. 1d PROCRRA APPLICATION, SHOAT_NAME="SQLGL" CONCURRENT PROGRAM, NAMES" FCCLANALYZER 2. This should create the concutent program "General Ledger Analyzer in the General Ledger application, . Add the process to the responsibilty report group 2. Assign tothe detaut request group, or toa diferent request group if you need more restict htps:Isuppor. 36 cle. com/epmosifaces/DocumentDisplay?_sf.oop=896020398 145968 parent=SiDelalText&source 4129124, 8:54 AM Document 21175281 2. Connect othe System Administrator responsiblity. Navigate to Securty > Responsiity > Define 3. Under “Request Group” note down the name and query up this request group In curt > Responsiaity > Request, 4. AGE "General Ledger Analyzer ere and Save . The cancurent process "General Ledger Analyze" should then be avaiable within your responsibilty. NOTE: The performance ofthe GL Analyzer depends upon the vlume of the data (GL Balances, ‘GL_nterface, GL code combinatonset,) that exists on your instance, Plase perform ALL the “suggested stéps fam the flowing note 3d then run te Gather Schema statistics on "GL" schema to improve any GL Analyer performance lesves. NOTE 855725.1 R12: Improving Performance of General Ledge: and Journal Import “Torun the analyzer: Navigate from your responsibilty to Vew > Requests 2. Quer the single Request "General Ledger Analyzer" 3. At Language Stings ensure you have checked: American Engish 4. Enter the input parameters,Choose the OK button, then the Submit button 5, Once the racuest completes click on View Output and very te output In order to save I loely use File => Save as -> Webpage, HTML only. Running the Analyzer via SQL"Plus Running the process via SQL‘Plus canbe used as an aerative method to runing 2s a concurrent process. 1. Bxecute gl_he_analyzer.sal as APPS to create the pacage definition, Tiss reqursd each ome you download a new verson af the scr. 2 Lag ino SQL=Plus asthe APPS user ang run the script nalyze.sal Brample ‘The EBS General Ledger Analyzer / GL Analyzer generates an HTML report output that makes reviewing the ‘output easy. Running as concurrent request + Once the request completes clck on View Oxtput and very the output 1 inorder 9 save cally select Fle > Save Page As, and then choose Web page, HTML only forthe ‘Save as ‘ype: ‘+ Output is also availabe in your server at SAPPLCSF/$APPLOUTY/ o-.outso copy and rename ito “meaning flename> Al Running trom septs: ‘+ Output generated is: GLC_Analyzer___. hm ‘+The bcation of output fle wil be csflayed inthe SQL*Plus window after execution ‘lek the buton below to view a sample output ofthe analyzer: err NOTE: In the images below andor the atached document, user details / company name / addres / emai / telephone umber representa fctous sample (based upon mace up data use inthe Oracle Dero Vision instance). Any similar to ‘bal persons, ving oF dead, purely coincidental and not intended in any mennet, 145968 parent=SiDetalText&sourceh -365009400218h 117528. 416 4129124, 8:54 AM known Issues and Solutions Document 21175281 Tesue [Wien attempting to selec buttons in Internet Explor you getan error nat says, "To help protect your secur, Internet Explorer has restrict this webpage from running serps or Activex controls thet could access your omputer Ck here for options” Button wil rot work if you have protection setongs fr Internet Explorer From the Cc here for options chains select “Alow Blocked Contene” and say yest "Ae you sure ou war® tol this eran actve content You should now be able to use te buttons inthe Analyse outpet Wen attempting to save the concurrent request output, the fle contains only authentication fled” Workaround Options: Restart your browser ocopytename the output rom $APPLCSF/SAPPLOUT/0.out to an hint fe type See Dee 1D 389501 for more etal [Quip contains duplicate butions aftr saving output crated rom concurrent esuest, “To save the output local, select File > Save Page As, and then| choose Web page, HTML only’ forthe Save a pe Wren you recive the output via ema, buttons are not solved or the formats ncomect and sections Cslay, Fe nt found Urblockedrroraspx was replaced with hreF“"UrBlockedroraspx” This san email server sue, Have the person sending the fle ether zip Rand resend va email or shared space (Rp). Ths will Preven the mating sever fom modifying the output ‘See Note 211685041 for al known issues with analyzers. ‘ackto Top Have questions or suggestions? ela ‘lick the button above to ask questions about and/or provide feedback on the EBS General Ledger [Analyzer /GL Analyzer, Share your recommendations for enhancements and help us make this, ‘Analyzer even more useful ‘To search for solitons or post new questions about Financ Control in general, ist te Oracle General Ledger Corsmurity ‘on My Oracle Suppor: Community (MOSC). sack to Check out the full list of Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Proactive Sui Analyzers and Tools (Doc ID 1545562.1) + E-Business Suite Support Analyzer Buncle Menu To! (Dac 10 1939637.1) + Colaborate with industry peers inthe Oracle General edoer Communi + Orade E-usiness Suite Support General wedow" BLOG ack to Ton ‘NOTE:ZLA869. ~ EBS Classic Analyzer FAQ and Krown Isues & Solutions NQTE:555725.1- 2: Improving Performance of General Ledger and Journal Import. NOTE:2¢69739.1- EBS Period Clse Process Analyzer Dit tnd wiatyou are looking fr? _ Bask in Garni Related nips: support 145968 parent=SiDetalText&sourceh -365009400218h 117528. 56 4129724, 8:54AM Document 2117528.1 Products + Ode Epusnss Sut > Franca Mrapenant > Fandal Corto anéReporing > race Gana Leper > Standard Rapes Inglis > anc Reprt Kerwords ACOOUNT CotnATON; ANALYZER; BALANCES; BIDGETARY CONTROL; CALENOAK; CHECK CLD ACCOUNTS; CONSOLIDATION ES FINANCIAL STATEMENT GENERATOR: GLBALANCES) Gl De AATEMES, HEALTH HEALTHCHEGK, DOURAAL APPROVAL; OUROAL BATE JOURNAL IMPORT, MISOLASSNED ACCOUNTS POST ‘Translations + nan Source + ines panes NE + fovea R04 ‘ios 00, late rranes. _Laaletcer and Temsa! a Bey Samet ae

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