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Name: CheChe Subaidah

Class:PPi 2B (semester 2)
Nim: 230603021

Abstracts of “Islamic Political Thought”

Analisa Pemikiran Politik Islam

Jurusan Filsafat Politik Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Sumatera Utara, Jl. William Iskandar
Pasar 5 Medan Estate Medan, 20371, Telepon: 061-6615483/6622925, Fax: 061-6615683.
Diterima tanggal 31 April 2005/Disetujui tanggal 3 Mei 2005
This short article focused on Islamic political thinking. A relation between state and religion is
the main theme. Debate about this has created many thinkers like Jamaluddin al-Afghani (1839-
1897), Abul A’la al Maududi, Ahmad Lutfi Sayyid (1872-1963), M. Thaha Husein (1889-1973),
M. Ali Abd. Al Raziq (1888-1966). Islamic political thinking based Al-Qur’an and Sunnah. But
in reality, Islamic political thinking has influenced method of interpreting. This situation can be
done because there is different interpreting on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah. This article explores this
using interpreting of political history. It’s finding there are three reasoning why it is happened.
Firstly the thinkers understanding about history since a period of prophet till a period of Caliph
is different. Secondly the way of life’s between text and context also not in parallel. The thinkers
made interpreting by see its society growth and others; And, thirdly the experience, knowledge,
and ideology is diverse. This differentiations factor has formed pattern of different thinker’s
Ahmad Khoirul Fata
IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo
The dynamics of the Islamic dynasty take a serious attention of Muslim Thinkers in the past, and
they tried to formulate the concept of leadership in accordance with the Islamic idealism. The
research looked at how leadership has a great significance for muslims and Islam. According to
Islam, the point of urgency lies in realities that leadership is an important factor to achieve the
goal of community live. Although the socio-political background of different Muslim Thinkers,
this study found the red thread, that in leadership, people realize that the society can exist with
values based on Islam. Leadership has a sacred values closely related to how to impose religious
values in society and state.
Keywords: Islamic leadership, Islamic dynasty, state study

Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman Mengenai Politik Islam

Fazlur Rahman's Thinking About Islamic Politics
Ryzka Dwi Kurnia
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa
Fazlur Rahman is a thinker of Islamic neo-modernism who wants to actualize the teachings of
Islam in a unified and solid framework, where one aspect and the other are interrelated. Through
this approach, he wants the Qur'an to be understood in an integral and total way, so that things
that are considered contradictory no longer exist. This effort is his obsession so that humans can
capture the messages of the Qur'an holistically. Departing from his concern for the global
problems facing Muslims, he offers a solution that is grounded in the differences between
normative Islam and historical Islam. From this distinction, Fazlur Rahman conducted a
comprehensive reconstruction of Islamic scholarship. The reconstruction he did refers to the
original and definite Islam. For this reason, he suggested that the Qur'an as the main source of
Islam needs to be interpreted as a whole and not to interpret it fragmentarism (paragraph verses),
namely an interpretation that is able to understand the Qur'an as a whole, so that the theological,
legal, political aspects and ethics in the teachings of the Qur'an into a unified whole. Fazlur
Rahman argues that the purpose of the Qur'an is to establish an ethical and egalitarian society.
So, Islamic society is formed because of Islamic ideology. The ideal condition of the Islamic
social order is "which calls for good and prevents evil". This is in order to realize the
implementation of politics based on Islamic ideology which cannot be separated from the Qur'an
and Sunnah.
Keywords: Fazlur Rahman, Politics, Islam


Dewi Erowati
This article is an author’s analysys of Liberal Islamic Thought and its influence on Islamic
politics in Indonesian. The issues in this paper are: (a) What is Liberal Islam and Liberal Islam
typology?,(b) What is the thought of Liberal Islam in Indonesia?, (c) How is the influence of
Liberal Islamic thought in Indonesia? The Liberal Islamic Thoughts described in this article
include opposing the idea of an Islamic state (secular), pluralism, democracy, and gender
equality having an influence on Islamic political thought. The influence is gaining resistance
from fundamentalists, where fundamentalist thinking is to want an Islamic state.
Keywords: Liberal Islam, The Thought of Liberal Islam in Indonesia, The influence of Liberal

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 5, No. 1, Januari-Juni 2006

PEMIKIRAN POLITIK ISLAM: Tinjauan Sejarah Awal Islam
Alimuddin Hassan Palawa
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau
Islamic Political Ideology: A Historical overview of the beginning of classical Islam: Muslim are
divided into three ideologies. Firstly, the ideology which claims that Islam is a religion which
regulates the totality of life and finds out solutions to all problems including problems in politics.
Secondly, the ideology that claims Islam is simply a religion that has no connection with politics
at all. Thirdly, the ideology that claims there is no political and constitutional systems in Islam,
but Islam has ethical values for the life of the nation. There is no doubt that under the leadership
of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be up on him) the Arab people made a great breakthrough both
in sophisticated social and political lives. When the social structure was already set up under the
leadership of the Prophet and was then developed by the first caliphs to provide the principles of
arranging a world empire, it was considered modern in terms of time and place. It was modern
because of high commitment of people and the participation of ordinary people as the members
of the community and the openness of their leaders to be evaluated on universal basis which
symbolized the leadership which were not based on descent.
Keywords : politics, Islamic Ideology, community.

Analysis of The Abstracts:

1. This paper aims to examine what the
politics of education is and how the
politics of Islamic education in
Indonesia from the pre-independence
period to the reformation period.
2. The method of writing this article is a
literature study or library research in
which the author uses references in the
form of books and journals as sources
of information which are then
analyzed to obtain data related to the
research objectives.
3. These phases include: pre-
independence period, new order
period, old order until reformation
which in each phase has a policy
direction according to its own
Simple Present Tense Passive 1. The important political aspect in
islamic history is described by Muh
Kurdi Ali in his book.
Simple Past Active 1. Dand
2. Dajsd
3. kfd
Simple Past Passive 1. From the formulation of the problem,
the following results were found.
Adjective Clause 1. which in each phase has a policy

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