YR 5 Pre-UPSR Model Test Paper 013 - 014

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PAPER 013 One hour and fifteen minutes

1. This paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
2. Answer all the questions in both sections.
3. Each question in Section A is followed by four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. For
each question, choose one answer.

[20 marks]

Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1 The apples were thrown away _____________ they were rotten.

A because
B and
C but
D so

2 Can you tell me _____________ bought these flowers?

A what
B which
C whom
D who

3 My aunt gives a _____________ of keys to my father.

A set
B pride
C bunch
D clump

4 Last month, Johan _____________ his siblings to the new stadium.

A take
B took
C taken
D taking

5 We left the carnival early _____________ it was going to rain.

A but
B and
C since
D although
Question 6
Choose the most suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
6 ‘We might _____________ if we take Father’s money without his permission,’ said Azlin to
his younger sister.
A be a hot blanket
B get into hot water
C add fuel to the fire
D blow our own trumpet

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Nurul ran into the kitchen to drink her tea. She did not know that the tea was still very hot. When she
drank _____________ (7), she gave a shout and jumped up. The tea spilled _____________ (8) her
baju kurung. Nurul had no choice but to go to her room and change her clothes. She ____________ (9)
that she was going to be late for school.

7 A it
B us
C you
D them

8 A in
B at
C on
D near

9 A decided
B wanted
C found
D knew

Question 10
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
10 Julia did not go to school yesterday because she was sick.
A lost
B unwell
C healthy
D pleasant

Question 11
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A ‘We have not seen Maya since tuesday,’ the girls told the policemen.
B ‘We have not seen maya since Tuesday,’ the girls told the policemen.
C ‘We have not seen Maya since Tuesday,’ the girls told the policemen.
D ‘We have not seen Maya since Tuesday?’ the girls told the policemen.
Questions 12 to 15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Today is Saturday. Encik Daud and his family are in their (12). It is a hot day so Encik
Daud wears a (13). He is (14) the lawn. His wife, Puan Hafizah, is
watering the plants. His son, Khairul, is using a pole to (15) the rambutans.
His daughter, Farhana, is sweeping the dry leaves.

12 A park 14 A mowing
B field B mopping
C garden C cleaning
D playground D trimming

13 A hat 15 A dig
B cap B rake
C scarf C grow
D towel D pluck
Questions 16 and 17
Study the brochure below and answer the questions that follow.


16 The brochure shows that we can go to Kota Kinabalu to ______________.

A try different types of food
B visit vegetarian food bazaars
C see various designs of songket
D watch international folk dances

17 If Mr Tan visits Penang in October, he will be able to attend the ______________.

A Nine Emperor Gods Festival
B International Folklore Festival
C International Gourmet Festival
D ASEAN Songket Weaving Exhibition
Questions 18 to 20
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

The Couple and the Crane

One day, a poor man found a crane in the jungle. The crane was caught in a trap so the man helped to
release it. That night, there was a knock on the man’s door. When his wife opened the door, they saw
a young girl. The girl said she was lost in the jungle. She asked for their permission to stay at their
home for one night so the man and his wife agreed.
When morning came, there were fierce storms. The storms lasted for a week so the girl
continued her stay at the couple’s house. During her stay, the girl cooked and cleaned the house. She
made the couple very happy. When they learned that the girl was an orphan, they decided to adopt her.
Not long after, the girl told them that she would weave cloth for them to sell. She asked the
couple to promise not to peek while she was working in her room. Although the couple felt strange,
they promised anyway. The girl then made beautiful cloth and the couple became rich selling it.
One day, the couple decided to peek into the room while the girl was working. They were
surprised as they saw a crane using its feathers to weave the cloth. The crane knew what the couple
did. Since they had broken the promise, it had to leave them. With a heavy heart, she flew away
through the opened window.

18 Why did the girl continue her stay at the couple’s house?
A There were fierce storms.
B She was afraid of getting lost again.
C She wanted to weave cloth for them.
D The couple wanted her to stay longer.

19 The phrase a heavy heart shows that the crane was very ______________.
A sad
B angry
C surprised
D embarrassed

20 From the story, we know that the crane ______________.

A did not like the couple
B was a very brave creature
C wanted to be the couple’s daughter
D wanted to repay the man’s kindness
[30 marks]

Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

_____________ Sure. Thanks for
your help. Answer





[2 marks]

I passed the examination with
flying colours, Father. Answer





[2 marks]

_____________ I hope you will
find it soon.




[2 marks]
Question 22
Read the diary below and answer the questions that follow.

My Diary
8 June

 I’m so happy to be in Langkawi. My room overlooks the ocean and the

view is simply beautiful!
 Today, we visited a house called the Root House. It looks like a giant
ginseng root! Its owner, Abang Zul, greeted us cheerfully.
 Abang Zul collected pieces of old wood that people threw away when
they renovated their houses. He thought the wood looked unique and
began to use it to build his own house. Besides that, he also used tree
roots, ship rope and carpets.
 The Root House is so unique that Abang Zul has been receiving daily
visits from tourists who want to take photographs of the house.
 We watched a tourist from Canada paint a picture of the house. The
picture was almost identical to the house!
 We said goodbye to Abang Zul before heading to the Batik Village. He
said he would keep on adding to his house to make it more comfortable.
 I hope to see the changes when Father brings me back to this beautiful

Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Based on the diary, tick two things that Abang Zul used to build his house.

Tree roots
Ship rope
[2 marks]
(b) Number the following sentences according to the correct sequence. The first one has been
done for you.

The writer watched a tourist painting a picture.

The writer met Abang Zul. 1
Abang Zul wanted to make his house more comfortable.
Abang Zul thought the wood looked unique.
[2 marks]

Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) In your opinion, what did the writer do at the Batik Village?




[2 marks]

(d) Why do you think tourists want to take photographs of the Root House?




[2 marks]
Question 23
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Chester Greenwood was a 15-year-old boy who lived in Maine, United States. One
winter day in 1873, he was trying out his new ice skates that he received for his
birthday. As he was having fun, his ears began to hurt from the cold. He tried to cover
his ears with his scarf but it did not help.
Then, Greenwood had an idea. He made a pair of earmuffs by using a wire and
beaver skin pads. First, he moulded the wire to form a frame. After that, he asked his
grandmother to sew beaver skin pads onto the frame. The earmuffs were able to keep
his ears warm and Greenwood was over the moon that he had solved the problem.
That was how the world’s first earmuffs were created. At first, the boys in his
neighbourhood made fun of his earmuffs. Then, they all started to ask for one of their
Over the years, Greenwood went on to invent more things and became a
celebrated inventor. In 1977, the Maine State Legislature officially declared 21
December, the first day of winter, as Chester Greenwood Day.

Tick () the correct answer.

(a) The phrase over the moon in the text can best be replaced with ___________.

very excited
very confident
very surprised
[1 mark]

(b) The word declared in the text means ___________.

[1 mark]
(c) Match the phrase in List A to the phrase in List B.
One has been done for you.

List A List B
Greenwood lived
of Greenwood’s earmuffs.

His grandmother an inventor.

The boys made fun in Maine, United States.

Greenwood later became helped to make the earmuffs.

[2 marks]

Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) Based on the text, list two things Greenwood used to make earmuffs.

(i) ___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Do you think Greenwood was a patient man? Why?




[2 marks]
Questions 24 and 25
Read the poster and the dialogue below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

All the residents of Taman Indah are

invited to help out with the event by:
Recently, there have been many criminal cases  providing food
in Taman Indah. However, our dedicated police  decorating the school hall
force have fought the criminals bravely and
protected us. Therefore, the Year 6 pupils of SK
Taman Indah are organising an appreciation
night for the police force.

Mother: Look at this poster, Kelly. I wonder how we can contribute to the appreciation night.
Kelly: Do you have time to bake a cake? My teacher says they need a chocolate cake.
Mother: Oh dear! I’m afraid I’ll be rather busy these next few days.
Kelly: Why don’t we just get a chocolate cake from the Baker’s Corner? I heard that they’re
having a promotion until this Sunday.
Mother: That’s a great idea, Kelly! Let’s go there on Friday afternoon.

Question 24
Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Based on the poster, the appreciation night will take place ___________.

at the police station

at the school hall
at Encik Azman’s house
[1 mark]

(b) The appreciation night will start at ___________.

3.30 p.m.
4.30 p.m.
5.30 p.m.
[1 mark]
Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.

(a) The residents of Taman Indah may help out with the appreciation night by:

(i) ___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Why do you think Kelly asked her mother to bake a cake for the appreciation night?




[2 marks]

(c) If you were a resident of Taman Indah, why would you attend the appreciation night?




[2 marks]

PAPER 014 One hour and fifteen minutes

1. This paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
2. Answer all the questions in Section A and Section B. Answer one question in Section C.

[10 marks]

Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text.


 big
 walls
 white
 picture frames

 bright
 draws the curtains
 grey
 comfortable

 weekend
 rectangular
 mop
 middle
 clean

Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information.

Fiona’s living room is very big. The walls are white and there are three ___________________ (1)
hanging on one of the walls. Then there is a grey sofa. Fiona likes sitting on the sofa while she is
watching television because it is very ___________________ (2). Sometimes, she also sits on the
rectangular carpet which is placed ___________________ (3) the living room. Fiona likes the living
room to look bright so she usually ___________________ (4) to let the light in. At the weekend,
Fiona will help her parents to mop ___________________ (5). That is why her living room always
looks clean.

[10 marks]
[15 marks]

Study the advertisement below. Answer the questions that follow in the space provided.


(i) Mageswari has a six-year-old brother who wishes to attend the celebration.
Name three activities which he can join.
(a) ________________________________________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________________________________________
[3 marks]
(ii) Your cousin is interested in joining one of the activities during the celebration.
Write an email telling him/her about the activity he/she might be interested to join. You may
include details such as day and time.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.

























[12 marks]
[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.

Question 1
Continue the story based on the given picture. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
story in the space provided.
Your story should be between 80 and 100 words.

burglar valuables sleeping kept geese

pecked chased dropped sack glad

Start your story with:

Mak Zaidah lived alone in a village. One night, …


Question 2
Write a story based on the given pictures. You may use the words given to help you. Write your story
in the space provided.
Your story should be between 80 and 100 words.

matches – newspapers – garden

lit – fire – panic – help

brother – heard –bucket – put out –











































[25 marks]

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