12th Chemistry Evaluate Yourself Answers English Medium

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Evaluate yourself


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U N IT - I
Evaluate yourself - 1
1 . W ri te th e eq uati on for th e ex trac ti on of si lver b y leac h i n g w i th sodi um c yan i de an d sh ow th at th e
leac h i n g p roc ess i s a redox reac ti on .
Role of NaCN in the extraction of silver (Ag) is to do the leaching of Ag ore in the presence of air from
which the silver is obtained later by replacement
4Ag + 8CN- + 2H2O +O2  4[Ag(CN)2] + 4OH- (Ag 0 Ag+ ) Oxidation reaction

2Na[Ag(CN)2]+Zn Na2[Zn(CN)4]+ 4Ag(ppt.) (Ag+ Ag) reduction reaction

both oxidation and reduction takes place, so it is show that the leaching process is a redox reaction.
Evaluate yourself - 2

2 . Mag n esi te ( Mag n esi um c arb on ate) i s c alc i n ed to ob tai n m ag n esi a, w h i c h i s used to m ak e refrac
tory b ri c k s. W ri te th e dec om p osi ti on reac ti on .

The decomposition temperature is given as 350 °C (662°F). However, calcination to the oxide is
generally not considered complete below 900 °C due to interfering readsorption of liberated CO2

MgCO3 MgO+ CO2
Evaluate yourself - 2 A
3 . U si n g Elli n g h am di ag ram i n di c ate th e low est tem p erature at w h i c h Z n O c an b e reduc ed to Z i n c
m etal b y c arb on . W ri te th e overall reduc ti on reac ti on at th i s tem p erature.
2 C O 2

-220 + O 2
2 C O
Go kJ mol

C + O 2
C O 2
- 410 2 C

O + O
2 Z n 2

-520 + O 2 C O
2 Z n
1000 K

By seeing the Ellingham diagram the free energy formation (Go) of CO from C becomes lower
temperature above 1120 K while that of CO2 from C becomes lower above 1323 K than (Go) of ZnO .
As (Go) of CO2 from CO is always higher than of ZnO. So C can reduce ZnO to Zn but not CO.Thus

carbon is better reducing agent than CO for ZnO

1) 1000K is the lowest temperature at which ZnO can be reduced to Zn.
2) The overall reaction for the following process is

Z n O ( s) + C ( s) Z n ( s) + C O ( g )
We can observe from the Ellingam diagram that the standard free energy change required for the
production of Carbon monoxide CO is less than the energy change required for the production of ZnO.
4 . Metalli c sodi um i s ex trac ted b y th e elec trolysi s of b ri n e ( aq . N aC l) . A fter elec trolysi s th e
elec trolyti c soluti on b ec om es b asi c i n n ature. W ri te th e p ossi b le elec trode reac ti on s.
H ook er c ell for elec trolysi s of brine (schematic). Since chloride ions are removed and hydroxide ions
produced by the electrolysis, the electrolyte gradually changes from a solution of sodium chloride to a
solution of sodium hydroxide.

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Hooker cell for electrolysis

✁✂✄☎✆✝✞✆ ✟✠✡✁ ✟✝☛☞✌ ✍✝✎✏✌ ✑☛
,H2,can be obtained by electrolyz ing an aqueous NaCl solution

(brine) 2H2O + 2e- H2+ 2OH -

Chlorine is produced at the anode: 2Cl - Cl2 + 2e-

Thus the overall reaction is :

2H2O(l) + 2Cl- aq H2 (g)+Cl2 (g) + 2OH- (aq)
The considerable effort required to concentrate the NaOH solution obtained from diaphragm cells
can be avoided by using mercury cells.
The cathode in such a cell is mercury, and the cathode reaction is
Na+(aq) + e- + xHg(l) NaHgx(l)

The sodium metal produced in this reaction dissolves in the liquid mercury, producing an amalgam.

The liquid amalgam is then transferred to an- other part of the cell and reacted with water:

NaHgx (l) + 2H2O(l) 2Na+(aq) +2OH - + H2 + xHg(l)


p-Block Elements-I
Evaluate yourself : 1

Why group 18 elements are called inert gases? Write the general electronic configuraton of group
18 elements
The elements in group eighteen are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon.
These elements are all in all alluded to as noble gasses. The expression "noble gases" infers that
these elements have a tendency to be chemically inert or un- reactive.
electronic configuration of elements of group 18 is ns2 np6 with the exception of helium which has the
electronic configuration of 1s2.
D ue to the duplet or octet configuration in their valence shells, the group eighteen elements are
quite inert.

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UNIT - 3
p-Block Elements - II
Evaluate yourself : 1
Write the products formed in the reaction of nitric acid (both dilute and concentrated) with zinc.
Zn reacts with dil.HNO3(20 to form nitrous oxide (N2O)

Zn reacts with conc.HNO3(7 0 to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

4Zn+10HNO3(dil.) 4Zn(NO3)2+N2O+5H2O

Zn+4HNO3(conc.) Zn(NO3)+2NO2+2H2O

Transition and Inner Transition Elements

Evaluate yourself: 1
Compare the stability of Ni4+ and Pt4+ from their ionisation enthalpy values.

IE Ni Pt
I 737 864

II 1753 1791
III 3395 A2800
IV 5297 4150
Sum of four ionisation enthalpy of Ni is= I E1+I E2+I E3+ I E4 = 11,182 kJ
Sum of four ionisation enthalpy of P t is = I E1+I E2+I E3+ I E4 = 9,555 kJ
ii) However, the sum of the first four I E of Pt4+compounds is lower than that of the first 4 I Es of Ni4+
and is therefore relatively stable.

Pt4+compounds are more stable because the sum of first four ionisation enthalpy is less than that of Ni4+

Smaller the I onisation enthalpy greater will be the thermodynamic stability of its compounds
Evaluate yourself: 2
Why iron is more stable in +3 oxidation state than in +2 and the reverse is true for Manganese?
Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ due to the stable electronic configuration of Mn2+ because of half filled

d- orbital. Fe3+ is more stable than Fe2+ because Fe3+ has exactly half filled d- orbitals which give the
stability to Fe3+ while Fe2+ has 3d6 electronic configuration.

Coordination Chemistry
Evaluate yourself 1:
When a coordination compound CrCl3.4H2O is mixed with silver nitrate solution, one mole of
silver chloride is precipitated per mole of the compound. There are no free solvent molecules in
that compound. Assign the secondary valence to the metal and write the structural formula of the
CrCl3.4H2O it gives one mole of AgCl , [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl  [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]+ + Cl -
Total two ions mean one ioniz able ion and one complex ion non ionisable.
primary valence of Cr is +3 and is satisfied by Cl- ions. The secondary valence of Chromium is 6
[Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl - (tetraaquadichloridocobalt (I I I ) chloride)

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Evaluate yourself -2:
2. I n the complex, [P t(NO2) (H2O) (NH3)2 ] Br,identify the following
i. Central metal atom/ ion
ii. L igand(s) and their types
iii. Coordination entity
iv. Oxidation number of the central metal ion
v. Coordination number
i. Central metal atom/ion - P t (I I )
ii. Ligand(s) and their types - unidentate ligands( NO2- nitrito, H2O - aqua, NH3 - ammine)
iii. Coordination entity - coordination entity is enclosed in square brackets [P t (NO2) (H2O) (NH3)2]+

iv. Oxidation number of the central metal ion is = +2 [ x + (- 1)1 + 1(0) + 2(0) = +1, x = +2]
v. Coordination number - 4

Evaluate yourself 3:
A. Write the IUPAC name for the following compounds.

i) K2[Fe(CN)3(Cl)2(NH3)] - P otassiumamminedichloridotricyanido- N- ferrate(I I I )
ii) [Cr(CN)2(H2O)4][Co(ox)2(en)] - Tetraaquadicyanidochromium(I I I )
- (ethane1,2- diamine)bis(oxalato)cobaltate(I I I )
iii) [Cu(NH3)2Cl2] - diamminedichloridocopper(I I )

iv) [Cr(NH3)3(NC)2(H2O)]+ - Triammineaquadicyanido - - N- chromium(I I I )ion

v) [Fe(CN)6]4- - hexacyanidoferrate(I I )ion

B. Give the structure for the following compounds.


(i) diamminesilver(I ) dicyanidoargentate(I ) - [Ag(NH3)2] [Ag(CN)2]

(ii) P entaammine nitrito- - .N - cobalt(I I I )ion - [Co(NH3)5NO2]2+
(iii) hexafluoridocobaltate(I I I )ion - [CoF6] 3-

(iv) dichloridobis(ethylenediamine)Cobalt(I I I )sulphate - [CoCl2(en)2]2SO4

(v) Tetracarbonylnickel (0) - [Ni(CO)4]

Evaluate yourself : 4
4. A solution of [Co(NH3)4l2]Cl when treated with AgNO3 gives a white precipitate. What should be the
formula of isomer of the dissolved complex that gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3.What are the above
isomers called?
[Co(NH3)4l2] Cl + AgNO3 gives a white precipitate - AgCl
[Co(NH3)4Cl I ] I + AgNO3 gives a yellow precipitate - Ag I
The above isomers are called ionization isomer

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5. Three compounds A,B and C have the molecular formulaCrCl3.6H2O they are kept in a container
with a dehydrating agent and they lost water and attaining constant weight as shown below.
Compound Initial weight of the compound(in g) Constant weight after dehydration (in g)
A 4 3.46
B 0.5 0.466
C 3 3

Molecular mass of CrCI 3.6H2O = 52+35.5× 3+6× 18= 266.5g

I) Compound A
4 g of A gives (4- .3.46)g = 0.54 g of H2O on dehydration

266.5g of A will loss = × 266.5 = 36 g

This weight of 36g shown that on dehydration A gives two moles H2O
( molecular mass of H2O)= 1 × 2 +16 = 18g )

i.e. two moles of H2O are present outside the coordination sphere in the composition of A
Thus the composition of A is given by compound A = [Cr(H2O)4CI2]CI.2H2O

ii) Compound B
0.5 g of B gives (0.5- .0.466) g = 0.034 g of H2O on dehydration
266.5g of B will loss = × 266.5 = 18.122
This weight of 18.122 g shown that on dehydration B gives one moles H2O
The weight (= 18.122g) corresponds to one mole of H2O Thus B has one H2O mole outside the coordina
tion sphere and hence the composition of B is give by compound B = [Cr(H2O)5CI] Cl2.H2O

ii) Compound C

Since C shows no loss in water content no H2O molecule is outside the coordination sphere and hence
the comosition of C is given by compound C = [Cr(H2O))6]CI3
6. Indicate the possible type of isomerism for the following complexes and draw their isomers
(i) [Co(en)3][Cr(CN)6] (ii) [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]2+ (iii) [Pt(NH3)3(NO2)]Cl

(i) [Co(en)3][Cr(CN)6] and [Cr(en)3][Co(CN)6] Coordiantion isomerism


(ii) [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]2+ - N attached and [Co(NH3)5(ONO)]2+ - O attached L inkage isomerims

(iii) [Pt(NH3)3 (NO2)] Cl and [Pt(NH3)3Cl ](NO2) I oniz ation isomerism

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Evaluate yourself 7:
7. Draw all possible stereo isomers of a complex Ca [Co (NH3) Cl (Ox)2]
I n total three isomers are possible Ca2+ [Co (NH3) Cl (Ox)2]2-


Evaluate yourself 8:

8. The spin only magnetic moment of Tetrachloridomanganate(II)ion is 5.9 BM. On the basis of VBT,
predict the type of hybridisation and geometry of the compound.
Mn (Z= 25) (3d5 4s2), Mn2+- 3d5 4s0

4d5 4s 4p

2- x x x x
[MnCl4] x x x x
Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

sp3 - hybridization

Cl- is a weak ligand does not forces on un paired electron.

Geometry : tetrahedral Hybridization : sp3
The magnetic moment of the complex ion is 5.9 BM, it should be tetrahedral in shape because of
the presence of five unpaired electrons in the d- orbitals.

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9. Predict the number of unpaired electrons in [CoCl4]2- ion on the basis of VBT.
Electronic configuration Co2+ - 3d7 4s0

4d7 4s 4p
x x x x
x x x x
[CoCl4]2- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

sp3 - hybridization

Cl- is a weak ligand does not forces on un paired electron.

Geometry : tetrahedral Hybridization : sp3

no of un paired elctron = 3 μs = 3(3 + 2) = 3.87 BM

10. A metal complex having composition Co(en)2Cl2Br has been isolated in two forms A and B. (B)
reacted with silver nitrate to give a white precipitate readily soluble in ammonium hydroxide.

Whereas A gives a pale yellow precipitate. Write the formula of A and B. state the hybridization of
Co in each and calculate their spin only magnetic moment.

a) i) Compound A reacts with AgNO3 to give a white ppt readily soluble in dil. aq.NH3

AgCl (white ppt) + [Cr(NH3)4Cl Br] + NO3-

[Cr(NH3)4ClBr]Cl + AgNO3

ii) Compound B reacts with AgNO3 to give a pale yellow soluble precipitate in conc.NH3
[Cr(NH3)4Cl2]Br + AgNO3 AgBr(pale yello ppt) + [Cr(NH3)4Cl2] + NO3-

(b) State of hybridization- In both compounds chromium is in Cr3+ state.

(c) no of un paired elctron = 3 μs = 3(3 + 2) = 3.87 BM
Evaluate yourself 8:
11. The mean pairing energy and octahedral field splitting energy of [Mn(CN)6]3- are 28,800 cm-1

and 38500 cm-1 respectively. Whether this complex is stable in low spin or high spin?

CFSE= { [n t2g (-0.4) + n eg (0.6)]  o + npP} - {n’p P}

 o
= splitting energy is 38500 cm-1 and pairing energy is 28,800 cm-1 Mn3+ is 3d4

i) High Spin complex t2g3 eg1

High spin complex

CFSE = { [3(-0.4) + 1(0.6)]  o + (0)P} - (0) P}

= {-1.2 +0.6} o  o

= - 0.6 x 38500 cm -1 t2g3

Weak field
= - 23,100 cm-1  o<P
i) Low Spin complex t2g4 eg0
CFSE = { [4(-0.4) + 0(0.6)]  o + (1)P} - (0) P} Low spin complex
= {-1.6 } o
+ 1P eg0
= - 1.6 (38500 cm-1 ) + 28,800 cm-1  o
= -1.6 (38500) + 28800 strong field
 o>P
= - 61600 + 28800

= - 32800 cm-1 Larger negative CFSE value indicates that low spin complex is stable

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12. Draw energy level diagram and indicate the number of electrons in each level for the complex
[Cu(H2O)6]2+. Whether the complex is paramagnetic or diamagnetic?

Cu2+ ion has [Ar] 3d9 configuration ( t2g)6 (eg)3.

The Jahn–Teller effect is responsible for the tetragonal distortion of the hexaaquacopper(II) complexion,
[Cu(OH2)6]2+, which might otherwise possess regular octahedral geometry.
strong field
 o

 o>P
d orbitals will split in to two different energy level is t2g and eg.

The presence of one unpaired electron in the eg level , so [Cu(H2O)6]2+ complex is a paramagnetic
For the [CoF6]3- ion the mean pairing energy is found to be 21000 cm-1. The magnitude of

 o is 13000 cm-1. Calculate the crystal field stabilization energy for this complex ion correspond
ing to low spin and high spin states✒

CFSE= { [n t2g (-0.4) + n eg (0.6)]  o + npP} - {n’p P}
 = splitting energy is 13000 cm-1 and pairing energy is 21000 cm-1

Electronic configuration Co3+ is 3d6

i) High Spin complex t2g4 eg2
in case weak field no pairing energy so, P = 0 ,  o < P High spin complex
CFSE= { [4(-0.4) + 2(0.6)]  o + (0)P} - (0) P}

= {-1.6 +1.2} o  o

= - 0.4 x13000 cm-1 Weak field
= - 5,200 cm -1  o<P

i) Low Spin complex t2g4 eg0


in case strog field pairing energy is = 3 P

extra pairing is = 2P ,  o < P

In case consider pairing energy is = 3P - 1P = 2P

Low spin complex
CFSE = { [ 6(-0.4) + 0(0.6)]  o + (2)P} - (0) P}
= {-2.4}  +2P
o  o
= - 2.4 x (13000) + ( 2 x 21000 ) cm -1 t2g6
strong field
= - 31200 + 42,000  o>P
= - 61600 + 28800

= 10800 cm-1
Larger negative CFSE value indicates that low spin complex is stable

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UNIT - 6
Solid State
Evaluate yourself -1
1. An element has a face centered cubic unit cell with a length of 352.4 pm along an edge. The density of
the element is 8.9 gcm . How many atoms are present in 100 g of an element?

Z ×M
N × a3
 = density Z = number of atom in unit cell
M = atomic mass NA = Avogadro's number
a = edge length of unit cell
Given data :
Density = 8.9 gcm-3
Number of atom in unit cell of FCC (Z) = 4
Edge length = 352.4 pm = 352.4 x 10 -10 cm ( 1 pm = 10-10 cm)

Avogadro's number ( NA) = 6.023 x 1023 mol-1
Mass of element = 100 g

Now put all the values in above formula (1), we get

4 ×M
8.9 gcm-3 =
6.023 ×10 mol x (352.8 x 10-10 cm)3
23 -1

6.023 ×1023 mol-1 x (352.8 x 10-10 cm)3 x 8.9 gcm-3
58.6 g / mole

Now we have to calculate the moles of element.

mass of element 100 g
moles of element = 1.7 moles
Molar mass of element 58.6 g / mole
Now we have to calculate the number of atoms.

As, 1 mole contains 6.023 x 1023 number of atoms


So, 1.7 mole contains 1.7 x (6.023 x 1023 ) = 10.23 x1023 number of atoms
Therefore, the number of atoms present in 100 g of element is, 10.23 x1023

2. Determine the density of CsCl which crystallizes in a bcc type structure with an edge
length 412.1 pm.

+ -
Strcuture of Cesium chloride is body centre cubic type in which Cs placed within centre and Cl placed
at corner of lattice.

number of Cl- ions per unit cell = 8 × 1/8 = 1

number of Cs+ ions per unit cell = 1
so, there is only one molecule of CsCl in a lattice .
molar mass of CsCl
so, mass of one molecule of CsCl =
Avogadro's number
(133 + 35.5)
= = 2.8 × 10 - 22 g
6.023 × 10²³
volume of lattice = a³ , where a is edge length
= (412.1 × 10x-12)³
= 7 × 10-23 cm³
so, density of CsCl crystal = 2.8 × 10-22/7 × 10-23 = 4 g/cm³

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3. A face centered cubic solid of an element (atomic mass 60) has a cube edge of 4A .Calculate
its density
Unit-cell edge length =400 pm = 400×10-10cm

Volume of unit cell =(400×10-10cm) 3= 64×10-24cm3

Mass of the unit cell =Number of atoms in the unit cell × Mass of each atom

1 1
Number of atoms in the fcc unit cell = 8 × +6× =4
8 2

Atomic mass 60
Mass of one atom =
Avogadro's number 6.023 × 10²³

4 x 60
Mass of the unit cell =
6.023 × 10²³

mass of unit cell 4 x 60 1
6.2 gcm-3

Density of unit cell = = x
Volume of the unit cell 6.023 × 10²³ 64× 10- 24

Chemical Kinetics
Evaluate yourself 1
1). Write the rate expression for the following reactions, assuming them as elementary reactions.
i) 3A + 5B2 4CD ii) X + Y 2XY
(i) rate = k [A]3 [B2]5

(ii) rate = k [X2]1[Y2]1


2. Consider the decomposition of N2O5(g) to form NO2 (g) and O2 (g). At a particular instant N2O5
disappears at a rate of 2.5 x10-2 mol dm-3 s-1. At what rates are NO2 and O2 formed? What is the
rate of the reaction

2N2O5(g) 4NO2 (g)+ O2 (g)


1 -d[N2O5 ] 1 [NO2 ] d[O ]

- =+ =+

2 dt 4 dt dt

1 1 [NO2 ]
- x 2.5 x 10- 4 = +
2 4 dt

[NO ] 4
i) 2 2 2.5 x 10- 2 = 5 10- 2 mol L-1 s-1
dt 2

1 [NO2 ] d[O ]
2 ,
2 dt dt

d[O ] 1
2 2.5 x 10- 2 1.25 10- 2 mol L-1 s-1
dt 2

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Evaluate yourself 2

1) For a reaction, X + Y product ; quadrupling [x] , increases the rate by a factor of 8. Quadru
pling both [x] and [y], increases the rate by a factor of 16.Find the order of the reaction with
respect to x and y. what is the overall order of the reaction?
rate = k [X]a[Y]b ----------------- 1

8 rate = k [4X]a[Y]b ------------------ 2

16 rate = k [4X]a[4Y]b ------------------3

i) equation (2) is divided by equation(1)

2 8 rate k [4X]a [Y]b 3

= 8 = 4a 23 = 22a 3 = 2a a=
1 rate k [X]a [Y]b 2

order of X =

ii) equation (3) is divided by equation (2)

k [4X]a [4Y]b

3 16 rate 1 1
= 2 = 4b b= order of Y =
2 8 rate k [4X]a [Y]b A 2 2
3 1
The over all order of reaction is = + =2
2 2
2). Find the individual and overall order of the following reaction using the given data.

2NO(g) + Cl2 (g) 2NOCl


7.8 x10-5 = k [0.1]X [0.1] .................... 1
3.12 x10-4 = k [0.2]X [0.1] ................... 2
9.36 x10-4 = k [0.2]X [0.3] . .................. 3

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i) dividing (2) by (1)

3.12x10- 4 k [0.2]x [0.1] X
= x [0.1]y = 4 = 2 , x = 2
7.8x10 - 5 k [0.1]

ii) dividing (3) by (2)

9.36x10- 4 k [0.2]x [0.3]
= x y =3= 3 = (3-1)y y = -1
3.12x10- 4 k [0.2] [0.1] 3
The order with respect to NO is = 2
The order with respect to O is = -1
rate = k [NO]2[O2]–1
The over all order of the reaction = 2 - 1 = 1

Evaluate yourself: 3

(1) In a first order reaction A products 60% of the given sample of A decomposes in 40

min. what is the half life of the reaction?

2.303 a
k= log
t a-x
a = 100 ( initial concentration)
t = 40 min x = 60%

2.303 100
k= log
40 100 - 60

2.303 100 2.303

k= log = = log2.5
40 40 40

= 0.0229 min-1

k =
0.693 0.693
t1 = 30.26 min
2 k 0.0229

The rate constant for a first order reaction is 2.3 x10-4 s-1 . If the initial concentration of the

reactant is 0.01M . What concentration will remain after 1 hour?

2.303 [A o ]
k= log , k = 2.3 x 10-4 s-1 t = 1 hr = 60 x 60
t [A]

2.303 [0.01]
2.3 x10-4 = log
60 x 60 [A]

[0.01] 2.3 x10-4 x 3600 8280 x 10-4

log = = 3595 x 10-4
[A] 2.303 2.303

log =36 x10-2

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log = 0.36

= antilog (0.36) = 2.29

[ A] = 4.4 x 10 3 M
The concentration will remain after 1 hour is = 4.4 x10-3 M
(3) Hydrolysis of an ester in an aqueous solution was studied by titrating the liberated carboxylic
acid against sodium hydroxide solution. The concentrations of the ester at different time
intervals are given below.

Show that, the reaction follows first order kinetics. A
2.303 Vo
k= log
t Vt
2.303 0.85 2.303 2.303
i) k= log k= log 1.0625 k= x 0.0263 0.02019 min
30 0.80 30 30
k = 2.019 x 10-3 min-1

2.303 0.85 2.303 2.303

ii) k= log k= log 1.127 k= x 0.0519 0.00199min
60 0.754 60 60
k = 2 x 10-3 min-1

2.303 0.85 2.303 2.303


iii) k= log k= log 1.197 k= x 0.0780 0.00199min

90 0.71 90 60
k = 2 x 10-3 min-1

since the all values of ‘ k’ remain constant the ester hydrolyzing follows first order kinetics
Evaluate yourself 4
For a first order reaction the rate constant at 500K is 8 x10-4s-1.Calculate the frequency factor, if
the energy of activation for the reaction is 190 kJ mol-1 .
Given data:
Ea = 190 kJ mol –1 = 190000 J mol –1
T = 500 K
k = 8 x10-4s-1
R = 8.314 JK–1 mol –1

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log k = log A

log 8 x 10-4 = log A
2.303 x 8.314 x 500

1900 1900
log 8 x 10-4 = log A log A
2.303 x 8.314 x 5 95.7357

log 8 x 10-4 log A 19.846

log 8 - 4 log 10 = Log A - 19.846

0.9031 – 4 = log A – 19.846
log A = 0.9031 – 4 + 19.846

log A = 20.7491 – 4

log A = 16.7491
A = Antilog 16.7491

A = 5.6117 x 1016 collision s-1


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