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I have four an ……
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2023/2024 A. Eraser
Tanda Tangan Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nilai: B. Book
Orang Tua/Wali Kelas/Semester : I A / II ( dua ) C. Pencil
Hari/Tanggal : …………………… …………… 7. This is an ….
Nama : ……………………. Paraf Guru: A. Eye
B. Ear
…………… C. Nose
8. How many this pencil ?
A. Cross (X) a, b, and c for the correct answer!
1. We are reading a ….
A. Book A. Seven B. Twelve C. Twenty
B. Pen 9. Robich chews food using her …
C. Pencil
A. Lips B. Mouth C. Teeth
2. Today is Thursday , tomorrow is ….. 10. Silfiani is my sister and kind to me and …. beautiful
A. Friday B. Saturday C. Wednesday A. She is
3. Rabbit have ….. ears B. He is
A. One C. It is
B. Two 11. The English of this number is …
C. Three A. Twelve
B. Fifteen

4. Richo : Is this a cat ? C. twenty

12. The English of ayah is …..
Sasa : ……
A. Mother B. Father C. Teacher
A. Yes, it is
13. After Thursday is ….
B. Yes, of course
A. Tuesday
C. No, it is not
B. Sunday
5. What animal is it ?
C. Fiday
A. Elephant
14. Fakih : How many day in a week ?
B. Dog
Yusril : There are … weeks.
C. Cat
A. Four B. Seven C. Twenty
15. How many this apple ?
A. Thirteen
B. Eighteen
C. Fifteen

B. Match each picture with the correct information!

1. ….

2. ….
a. Finger
b. Friday
3. ….
c. Tiger
d. He is Police
4. ….
e. May

5. ….

C. Answear each question below!

1. Mention three days of the week! ……………

2. Mention two name of animals ! …………….

3. Mention three parts of the body! ……………..

4. Mention three of the Family ! ………………

5. Mention two mounth of the year ! ………….

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