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Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745

Volume 5, Issue 2,September 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell



Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing- IEC Jakarta

Bejo Sutrisno
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing- IEC Jakarta

Meilina and Sutrisno, B. (2020). An analysis of dissociative identity disoder (DID) experienced by
Kevin in the movie “SPLIT”. Journal of English Language and literature, 5(2), 49-56. doi:

Received: 11-07-2020 Accepted: 20-08-2020 Published:01-09-2020

Abstract: This study is under psychology umbrella. The aim of this study is to analyze
Dissociative Identity Disorder experience by Kevin, the main character in the movie Split. This
study has two objectives: (1) to find out what are the symptoms or signs of DID on Kevin in
the movie Split; (2)to find out how does Dissociative Identity Disorder effect the main
character’s life. This study employed a qualitative method since it describing the phenomena
of DID. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative or textual description. Some steps
in analyzing the data were : watch the movie, taking notes, sorting the data, classifying the data,
coding the data, interpretation, and the last drawing conclusion. This study reveals two
findings, first, all of four classification symptoms in Kevin. Second, three effects of this
disorder has coming up to main charcater live (Kevin) were : depersonalization or derealization,
amnesia, identity confusion or identity alteration.

Keywords : Psychology, Psychological Disorder, Mental Illness, Dissociative Identity Disorder

INTRODUCTION unknown and widely debated, with debate

People as human beings who live in the world occurring between supporters of different
will have a life process that started since we are hypotheses. The expert Dr.Jekyl and
in our mother’s womb, born, live, and ends Mr.Hyder (2010) explained about dissociative
with a death. During the process, many identity disorder also known as a multiple
feelings will be happening like happy, sad, love. personality, is basically a condition that causes
In every taste of feeling has advantages and a person to display multiple personalities that
disadvantages which give contribution to are each distinct and that behave differently in
people characteristics. Many experiences in the environment. As the name suggests,
people life also give bad or good impact to someone with dissociative identity disorder
people life future. displays very different personalities that take
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a over at different times, and that each
mental disorder characterized by at least two personality does not typically remember what
distinct and relatively enduring identities or the other personality did while “in control”.
dissociated personality states. These states Currently DID is defined as “the presence
alternately show in person’s behavior, of two or more distinct identities or
accompanied by memory impairment for personality states that recurrently take control
important information not explained by of the individual’s behavior, accompanied by
ordinary forgetfulness. The cause of DID is an inability to recall important personal

Meilina & Bejo Sutrisno
An analysis of dissociative identity disoder (DID) experienced by Kevin in the movie “SPLIT”

information that is too extensive to be the Dissociative Identity Disorder effect the
explained by ordinary forgetfulnes the disorder main character’s life.
characterized by identity fragmentation rather
Psychological Disorders
than a proliferation of separate personalities” .
The identity of the dominant, or “host A psychological disorder or abnormal behavior
personality,” breaks off sub categorically, and is psychological dysfunction that is associated
identities begin to develop with Dissociative with distress or impairment in function and
Identity Disorder 4 separate and distinct sets of response that is not typically or culturally
memories, behavioral patterns, historical and expected (Durand & Barlow, 2016). Kaplan
familial backgrounds, differing physiological and Sadock (1994) said that psychological
characteristics, and cognitive function, refers disorder also called it as mental illness is as any
to the separate and distinct personalities of the significant deviation from any ideal state of
individual as “sub personalities or alternate positive mental health. Some mental health
personalities”. This disease is definitely going express define a psychological disorder as
to change someone’s character in their life.The behaviors and cognitivr and psychological
main character in this movie is Mr. Mc Avoy conditions experienced by an individual as
as a Kevin , a regular guy who due to a series disabling or distressing (Blackwekk,317).
of traumatic child hood events (we’re told he It can be concluded that psychological
was left by his father and mistreated by his disorder is mental or behavior helath illness
mother ) has created a string of alternative that cause either self or other significant
personalities, most of which are mentaly distress.
stronger than he was intially (Dissociative
Types of Psychological Disorders
Identity Disorder). The beginning at this movie,
Kevin brings the girls Marcia ( Jessica Sula), There are many different conditions that are
Claire ( Haley Lu Richardson), Casey ( Anya recognized as mental illnesses. The more
Taylor Joy) into a windowless room in an common types include (Goldberg) : (a) Stress
unkown location. The girls continue to try and response syndromes which occur when a person
find a way out. They look trhrough a crack in develops emotional or behavioral symptoms in
the door and she what appears to be a woman response to a stressful event or situation. The
talking to their captor, Claire and Marcia call stressors may include natural disasters, such as an
to the woman to help, she approaches the door earthquake or tornado; events or crises, such as a
but it just Kevin wearing a kirt and high heels. car accident or the diagnosis of a major illness; or
This alter is known as Patricia, a polite british interpersonal problems, such as a divorce, death
woman. In this story Kevin have a therapist, Dr of a loved one, loss of a job, or a problem
Karen Fletcher (Betty Buckley) she is mentions with substance abuse; (b) Dissociative disorders.
that Kevin has 23 district identities. Karen People with these disorders suffer severe
mentions a 24 identity, new identity Kevin call disturbances or changes in memory,
“The Beast” and Kevin says is indeed real. In consciousness, identity, and general awareness of
this movie we meet the core personalities are themselves and their surroundings. These
Dennis, Patricia,Hedwig and Barry. Denis (a disorders usually are associated with
solemn, muscular perfect), Patricia ( a strict, overwhelming stress, which may be the result of
pious british woman ), Hedwig ( an energetic 9 traumatic events, accidents, or disasters that may
years old boy ), Barry (a designer and have a be experienced or witnessed by the individual; (c)
cool character ). Factitious disorders. Factitious disorders are
The movie “Split” is taken as a unit of conditions in which a person knowingly and
analysis of physological conflict of DID’s intentionally creates or complains of physical
patient named Kevin, the main character in this and/or emotional symptoms in order to place the
movie.The writer needs to find out why this individual in the role of a patient or a person in
patient has many characters in his life and try need of help; (d) Sexual and gender
to explore more why his story with his family disorders.These include disorders that affect
could be give the bad impact for his mental. sexual desire, performance, and behavior. Sexual
Based on the background mentioned, the dysfunction, gender identity disorder, and the
writers focus on (1) the symptoms or signs of paraphilias are examples of sexual and gender
DID on Kevin in themovie Split; and (2) How disorders; (e) Somatic symptom disorders. A

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 2,September 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

person with a somatic symptom disorder, Disorder is a person have more than two
formerly known as a psychosomatic disorder personalities and can changes from one identity
or somatoform disorder, experiences physical to the other identity in seperate time which is
symptoms of an illness or of pain with an this person feel losing time and memories.
excessive and disproportionate level of distress, Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder
regardless of whether or not a doctor can find a
Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder are
medical cause for the symptoms; and (f) Tic
linked to recent formulations about
disorder. People with tic disorders make sounds
psychobiology of the human trauma response
or display nonpurposeful body movements that
and the protective activation of altered states of
are repeated, quick, sudden, and/or
conscious ness as a reaction to psycholigical
uncontrollable. (Sounds that are made
trauma. It is thought thatoverwhelming
involuntarily are called vocal tics.)
traumatic experiences induce an altered state in
Dissociative Identity Disorder which the memories and affects relating to the
Dissociative Identity Disorder (or Multiple trauma are encoded. In adddition, the person
Personality Disorder) is characterized by the frequently has little conscious awareness that
presence of two or more distinct identities or certain basic assumptions about the self,
personality states that recurrently take control relationships, other people, and the nature of
of the individual’s behaviour, accompanied by the world have been altered by the trauma
an inability to recall important personal (Licthenberg, 1992).
information that is too extensive to be Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder
explained by ordinary forgetfuness. It is a Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by
disorder characterized by identity the presence of two or more distinct or split
fragmentation, rather han proliferation of identities or personality states that continually
seperate personalities (Ringrose, 2012). have power over the person's behavior. With
Dissociative identity disorder, formerly dissociative identity disorder, there's also an
called multiple personality disorder, is a type inability to recall key personal information that is
of dissociative disorder characterized by more too far-reaching to be explained as mere
than two personality states (also called alters, forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder,
self-states, or identities) that alternate. The there are also highly distinct memory variations,
disorder includes inability to recall everyday which fluctuate with the person's split personality.
events, important personal information, and/or Along with the dissociation and multiple or split
traumatic or stressful events, all of which personalities, people with dissociative disorders
would not typically be lost with ordinary may experience a number of other psychiatric
forgetting. The cause is almost invariably problems, including symptoms (Gunarrsson ,
overwhelming childhood trauma. Diagnosis is 2010):
based on history, sometimes with hypnosis or a. Depression (major depressive disorder)
drug-facilitated interviews. Treatment is long- is a common and serious medical
term psychotherapy, sometimes with drug illness that negatively affects how you
therapy for comorbid depression and/or feel, the way you think and how you
anxiety. act. Fortunately, it is also treatable.
Austrian (2005) said that Dissociative Depression causes feelings of sadness
identity disorder is chronic dissociative and/or a loss of interest in activities
disorder whose cause is most often traumatic once enjoyed.
event, usually abuse. It involves a series of at b. Mood swings are rapid and often
least two alternating identities, each of which extreme, fluctuations in one's
claims to be autonomous and determines emotional state, involving alternating
behavior, appereance and attitude when it is the between feelings of happiness and
“dominant” personality. These “alters” may be well-being and feelings of anger,
unaware of the traumatic experience or they irritability or depression.
may remember it. c. Psychotic-like symptoms (including
From those definitions above, it can be auditory and visual hallucianations) is
summarized that Dissociative Identity an abnormal condition of the mind that
results in difficulties telling what is

Meilina & Bejo Sutrisno
An analysis of dissociative identity disoder (DID) experienced by Kevin in the movie “SPLIT”

real or not. Symptoms may include d. Maslow Theory (1943, 1954) in

false beliefs and seeing or hearing McLeod (2017)
things that others don not see or hear.

Based on Maslow’s theory psychological is not due to the direct physiological effects of
needs( line five from the top) is meaning a a subtance (e.g ., blackouts or chaotic behavior
people need love for another people. Wherever during alcohol intoxciation) or general
people received much love from friends, medical condition (e.g., complex partial
family, work.In this movie split, the main seizures)
characater Kevin didn’t get love from his
Effects of Dissociative Identity Disorder
parents, since child his parents go away from
his life. By this accident give the bad impact Adah Sachs and Greme Galton (2011) stated
from Kevin’s life, his felt alone and then that there are several main ways in which the
triying to build another character to protect and psychological processes of dissociative identity
give his love, the character is only on Kevin disorder change the way a person experiences
mind not in real life. living, including the following:
a. Depersonalization or derealization. This is a
Diagnose of Dissociative Identity Disorder
sense of being detached from one's body and
The person with DID essentially lives with is often referred to as an "out-of-body"
various simultaneously active and subjectively experience. Depersonalization or
autonomous strands of experience that are derealization disorder occurs when you
rigidly and profoundly seperated from each persistently or repeatedly have the feeling
other in important ways such as in memory, that you’re observing yourself from outside
characteristic effects, behavior, self-image, your body or you have a sense that things
body image and thinkingstyle. The current around you aren’t real or both. Feelings of
diagnostic criteria of dissociative identity depersonalization or derealization cab be
disorder (Howell, 2011): (a) The presence of very disturbing and may feel like you’re
two or more distinct identities or personality living in a dream
states (each with its own realtively enduring
b. Amnesia. This is the failure to recall
pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking
significant personal information that is so
about the environment and self ); (b) At least
extensive it cannot be blamed on ordinary
two of these identities or personality states
forgetfulness. There can also be micro-
currently take control of the person’s behavior;
amnesias where the discussion engaged in is
(c) Inability to recall important personal
not remembered, or the content of a
information that is too extensive to explained
meaningful conversation is forgotten from
by ordinary forgetfullness; (d) The disturbance
one second to the next.

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 2,September 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

c. Identity confusion or identity the same approach in psychology; (d) The

alteration. Both of these involve a sense of cognitive approach (including the cognitive-
confusion about who a person is. An develop mental approach) is try to build up
example of identity confusion is when a cognitive models of the information processing
person has trouble defining the things that that goes on inside people’s minds, including
interest them in life, or their political or perception, attention, language, memory,
religious or social viewpoints, or thinking, and consciousness; (e) The social
their sexual orientation, or their professional approach is about understanding individual
ambitions. In addition to these apparent behavior in a social context.Social
alterations, the person may experience psychologists therefore deal with the factors
distortions in time, place, and situation. that lead us to behave in a given way in the
Psychological Approach presence of others, and look at the conditions
under which certain behavior/actions and
Psychological approach is the view that some
feelings occur. Social psychology is to do with
psychological relation is both necessary and
the way these feelings, thoughts, beliefs,
sufficient for one to survive (Olson, 1997).
intentions and goals are constructed and how
Psychological approach is a perspective
such psychological factors, in turn, influence
(i.e., view) that involves certain assumptions
our interactions with others; and (f) The
(i.e., beliefs) about human behavior: the way
biological approach is actually includes areas
they function, which aspects of them are
of study as diverse as the psychology of
worthy of study and what research methods are
brain ,the influences of evolution on human
appropriate for undertaking this study
behavior and the influence of genes on
(Sternberg ).
people’s individual characteristic.
Jex and Britt stated that psychological
approach is target the “software’, learned METHOD
faulty behaviors and habits, along with Qualitative research methods are used to
damaging words, thoughts, interpretations, and examine quetions that can best be answered
feedback that direct strategies for daily living. by verbally describing how participants in a
From these definitions above, the writer study perceive and interpret various aspects of
conclude that psychological approach is certain their environment. Meanwhile quantitative
assumptions about human behavior and habits research method are used to examine
in daily life and try to understand it. questions that can be answered by collecting
and statisically analyzing data that are in
Types of Theoretical Approaches to
numerical form.
Both of them have characteristics to
There are kinds of theoretical approaches of support the researchers to make their research
psychology has helped us understand human easily running. The writer use the qualitative
behavior, thought, and feeling (Jarvis, 2000): approach method, because this thesis analysis
(a) The behavioural approach is learned, thus about psychological conflict on the film which
all behavior can be unlearned and just can be answered and described verbally.
newbehaviors learned in its place. is concerned Qualitative research involves an in depth
primarily with theobservable and measurable understanding of human behavior and the
aspects of human behavior; (b) the reasons that govern human behavior and this
psychodynamic approach includes all the characteristic relevant to this research.
theories in psychology that see human Collecting data is the important thing in
functioning based upon the interaction of this study. The primary Source, the script and
drives and forces within the person, scenes of the movie “Split” are used; and the
particularly unconscious, and between the secondary source, several articles and books
different structures of the personality; (c) The of Psychology and DID are used to gather
humanistic approach is probably interested in more information to this study.
all aspects of Majorie’s life , past and present.
Humanistic, humanism and humanist are terms FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
in psychology relating to an approach which 1. The symptoms of Dissociative Identity
studies the whole person, and the uniqueness of Disorder on Kevin
each individual. Essentially, these terms refer

Meilina & Bejo Sutrisno
An analysis of dissociative identity disoder (DID) experienced by Kevin in the movie “SPLIT”

In order to diagnose DID, it is important to experience , this feeling that the world is not
know the symptoms. Based on Logi real or looking foggy or far away. In this scene,
Gunarsson, the people with DID require have kevin have change to the last identity and they
the symptoms that usually occur. called it “the beast”. Kevin crawling on the
The writer found that Kevin experiences wall like a lizard and his body also chnged
Dissociative Identity Disorder because the like what he knows and described about the
causes and the symptoms are appropriate with beast. (1:33:02, 1:27:58)
what happened with Kevin. Therefore, by 2. Amnesia is the failure to recall significant
analyzing DID portrayed in the movie “Split”, personal information that is so extensive it
the writer found the symptoms and the cannot be blamed on ordinary forgetfulness.
problems of DID phenomena. There can also be micro-amnesias where the
(1). Depression (major depressive disorder) is discussion engaged in is not remembered, or
a common and serious medical illness that the content of a meaningful conversation is
negatively affects how you feel, the way you forgotten from one second to the next. The
think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also proof is by this conversation between Casey
treatable. Depression causes feelings of and Kevin.
sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities 3. Identity confusion or identity alteration. Both
once enjoyed. of these involve a sense of confusion about
(2) Mood Swings Symptoms. Mood swings who a person is. An example of identity
are rapid and often extreme, fluctuations in confusion is when a person has trouble
one's emotional state, involving alternating defining the things that interest them in life, or
between feelings of happiness and well-being their political or religious or social viewpoints,
and feelings of anger, irritability or or their sexual orientation, or their
depression. professional ambitions. In addition to these
apparent alterations, the person may
(3) Psychotic-like symptoms (including
experience distortions in time, place, and
auditory and visual hallucianations) is an
situation .
abnormal condition of the mind that results in
difficulties telling what is real or not. Discussion
Symptoms may include false beliefs and 1. The symptoms or signs of DID on Kevin
seeing or hearing things that others don not in the movie Split
see or hear. According to Logi Gunarsson, the
(4) Based on Maslow’s theory. Maslow’s symptoms of DID are depression, mood
theory about psychological need telling about swings, Psychotic-like symptoms (including
the person need love from another people . auditory and visual hallucianations) , and
Kevin didn’t get affection from his family figures especially parents how their
family, so he try to build another charcter as teach and treat his child.
his family to get love and protection. Kevin a. Depression. In this movie Kevin had
want to feel save and full of love and also this symptom because her father left
don’t feel alone in his life for the future. him when he is a child on a train.
Since that accident Kevin feel so alone
2. The effects of DID to Kevin
without his father and his mother also
In order to diagnose DID, it is important to treat him with hardness. This is what
know the effects. Based on Adah Sachs and causes it Kevin build the other
Greme Galton, the people with DID require characterisctic in his life, a child
have the effects not only for him self but also character (Hedwig, 9 years old)
for the people aroud him. Therefore, by because he still thinks of himself as a
analyzing DID portrayed in the movie “Split”, child left by his father.
the writer found the effects of DID b. Mood swings. In this movie show us
phenomena. many scene proof that Kevin always
1. Depersonalization or derealization is a sense changes his mood in seperate time.
of being detached from one's body and is The changes is not only talk about
often referred to as an "out-of-body" emotion and mood but also the

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 2,September 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

characters, Kevin told that Patricia and b. Amnesia. In this movie also proof this
Dennis take control of all them. This effect to Kevin life. When Kevin come
movie also show us the changes is so to be another identity, his forget about
significance, when Kevin as Patricia what he did. In Indonesian, have a real
he is totally shift, example he is patient with DID, her name is Anastasia
wearing long skirt, neckless, heels, Wella from Medan, she is have nine
style and tone of his speech. chracters in her life. The character not
c. Psychotic-like symptoms (including only like a woman, but also to be a man.
auditory and visual hallucianations). The man character name is Andreas (a
Based on this movie, the other chracters man who likes violence). Wella proof
said that Kevin is very weak so they are this effects about amnesia, she told when
must protect him and keep him save. By she is in another identity, she forget
that reason Kevin try to build a new about what she did (Iffah, 2017).
character need a person bigger, tall and c. Identity confusion or identity alteration.
very muscular. In this movie many times show us how
d. Family figures. Based on Maslow’s Kevin feel confused him self. In seperate
theory. Maslow told that humans have times Kevin as Patricia told to the Casey
many needs in their life include about Dennis will explain something for
belongingness, love needs, and safety you, and after that immediately change
needs. This movie proof that Kevin his look like Dennis and sure told to
didn’t get it in his life, he has been left Casey what happened to them. Mostly
by his parents since a child so he didn’t this chracter change in when the patient
get the much love from them. Based on feels scared, so he need another
this movie Kevin build another character character to keep his save interference.
like Patricia ( a british woman), Dennis(a For example, in this movie when Kevin
cool man), Hedwig (a boy, 9 years old) as Hedwig (a boy 9 years old) and
with the aim of completing his own daily somebody try to affect his mind,
life. Hedwig feel disturbed and need a figure
2. How Dissociative Identitiy Disorder that is more mature than him so Hedwig
effect the main character’s life change to be Denis (a cool and muscular
According to Adah Sachs and Greme man).
Galton, DID give impact for the patient life
and and the lifestyle too. This changes is CONCLUSIONS
also significant, not only in main family Based on the result of the both findings and
but also in situasion work or study, friend discussions, the conclusions of the research can
zone, and the patient carier for the future. be drawn as the following: (1) Related to the
The main impact the patient should face is symptoms, Kevin experience all of the 4
feeling excluded even considered crazy. symptoms as according to to Logi Gunarsson.
a. Depersonalization or derealization. In The most symptoms show in this movie is
this movie proof that Kevin get this family figures as according to Maslow’s theory
effect to his life. Kevin “hallucinations” about belongingness and love need. Kevin
about new identity or 24th character in didn’t get love form his parents because his
his life. Kevin sure about this character father left him on train when he is child, his
can take care and save Kevin’s life more mother also always being bad and talking to
than the other identity (Patricia, Dennis, him in angry and highest tone. Maslow’s
Hedwig, etc). Even his psychiatirst told theory about belongingness and love need is
him about this new character is not real, the important factors that human need, if this
it is just in Kevin mind and this character factors not fulfilled with good condition can
is so dangerous but Kevin make sure in cause a variety psychological disorder or even
many times to Dr. Fletcher that the new lead to criminal acts. (2) Meet all effects of
character is real and he is on the way to DID as according to Adah Sachs and Greme
coming up to Kevin life. Galton. Kevin feel depression, because he only
life alone since he is child till he grow up to be

Meilina & Bejo Sutrisno
An analysis of dissociative identity disoder (DID) experienced by Kevin in the movie “SPLIT”

a man, and always build a communication with always told that he did it or told what activity
his psychiatirst Dr. Fletcher. For kevin, he did when he is in Kevin real. Identity
Dr.Fletcher is someone who cares abouth him confusion, Kevin always change his identity in
and accept him with psychological disorder. separate times, complete with his clothes and
Amnesia, when Kevin change to another languange and intonation.
identity and come back to real Kevin, he

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