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Criteria Similarities Differences

Understanding of Gender I concur with my participant that In contrast to my participant, I believe that
Norms gender stereotypes are prevalent, gender norms are created and maintained by
ingrained in institutions, and those in positions of power who stand to gain
replicated via people's behaviour. from people's adherence to them.

Me and my participant share following The interviewee claims that altering gender
similarities: norms is a political endeavour that results in
equality for women and men, which I don't
(a) People adhere to gender norms believe to be the case.
that are typically ambiguous in
their country, society, or
(b) Gender stereotypes are often
shaped over the course of a
person's life by internalising
gender norms during childhood
and adolescence.

Consensus on Masculine Throughout the conversation, my According to my participant these exists no

and Feminine Traits participant and I both agreed that men such dichotomy of “Masculinity” and
are perceived as more agentic than “Feminity”, it’s only the society that have
women, taking the initiative and created this dichotomy and my participant feels
exercising control, whereas women are that women are not given the basic rights and
perceived as more communal than are underrepresented in parliament and
men, being sensitive to others and workforce , increasing cases of domestic
fostering relationships. violence to which I don’t agree.

As, I think the situation is changing and is far

much better if we talk about the traditional
gender role perspective.
Consensus on the Not only are gender stereotypes used According to me, young boys and girls pick up
definition of Gender to describe others, but also to describe on gender stereotypes from their surroundings
Stereotypes oneself. Thus, stereotypical traits may and the media, and they also learn how to
be absorbed and integrated into one's behave in ways that are proper for their gender
gender identity, a crucial component for which my participant has a different
of one's self-concept. When it restricts perspective to talk about where there are no
a woman's or man's ability to grow strict proper criteria for gender roles and
personally, pursue a career, or make behaviours expected for men and women.
decisions about their lives, a gender
stereotype is damaging According to my participant, harmful
stereotypes reinforce injustices, whether
blatantly hostile (such as "women are
illogical") or ostensibly innocuous ("women are
nurturing"). For instance, because women are
traditionally viewed as carers, child care duties
frequently fall solely on women to which I
don’t agree because in the interview I did
mention that both men and women can work
equally and even men are contributing in the
household chores, it’s not just that women are
doing a major chunk of the household chores.
Underrepresentation of According to me and my participant, Women are overrepresented in occupations that
Women in Workforce women are not afforded equal rights emphasise social contributions and require
and have lower representation in interpersonal skills, while they are
parliament as compared to men. underrepresented in occupations that are highly
competitive, rigid, and require high levels of
Also, we agree that one of the key physical skill. The interviewee also believes
aspects of agency is independence, that women are not afforded equal rights and
and it appears that women do not see have lower representation in parliament as
themselves or other women to be compared to men. But in my opinion, this is not
lacking it more than men. Women also the case, since throughout the interview, when
do not make distinctions between men we discussed the modern day, my viewpoint
and women in general when rating was extremely different from that of my
their leadership competence, another participant, as I believe that in the current
key component of agency (Hentschel context, women are in direct competition with
et al., 2019). These findings suggest men in all spheres of life especially in the work
that, for modern day women, some sectors and professional areas, politics being an
important aspects of the agency exception.
stereotype no longer apply, to which
me and my participant we both agree.
Significance of Gender We both concur that gender plays a According to my participant, there is wide gap
significant role in our lives. in terms of inequality between men and women
Stereotypes about gender have an and he feels that women are denied basic rights
impact on behaviour, academic and resources to showcase their skills and
preferences, aspirations, and talents, the interviewee feels that all men and
relationship attitudes. In organised women can equally perform both household
sport, girls are less likely to and professional tasks to which I have a
participate. From my participant’s different perspective to talk about where I think
interview he did mentioned that there the women themselves are not willing to break
were less girls who opted advanced the shackles of the vicious cycle in which they
math courses, highlighting the are trapped in , all the resources and freedom is
influence of gender stereotypes on there only.
career choices.
The interviewee follows the atypical gender
orientation where women and men are equal
and they are free to follow any rules and are
free to live the life the way they want whereas
I abide by the typical gender orientation where
each gender has a specific set of behaviours
that they are supposed to follow which is very
much evident from the interview.

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