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DROPS 14-1

DROPS navy jacket with “Karisma Superwash”.

DROPS 14-1
DROPS Retro 1980-1993

Size: S - M – L
Materials: DROPS Karisma Superwash
600-650-700 g colour no 17, navy blue

DROPS pointed needles size 2.5 and 4.5 mm - or size needed to obtain 19 sts x 25 rows in
stocking st on needle size 4.5 mm = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS buttons, 6 pcs

Rib: Row 1: *K1 into back of loop, P1*, repeat from *-*. Row 2: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-*.
Repeat Row 1 and 2.

Back piece: Cast on 90-94-98 sts on needle size 2.5 mm and work 8 cm rib. Change to needle
size 4.5 mm and continue in stocking st, at the same time inc 16-20-22 sts evenly on first row =
106-114-120 sts. Remember the knitting tension! When piece measures 34-34-36 cm cast off 3-
4-5 sts each side for armhole and cast off each side to shape the armhole on every other row: 3
sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time, 1 st 2-4-4 times = 86-88-92 sts. When piece measures 63-65-65 cm cast
off the middle 40-40-42 sts for neck and dec 1 st on neckline on next row. Cast off remaining 22-
23-24 sts on shoulder when piece measures 64-64-66 cm.
Right front piece: Cast on 44-46-48 sts on needle size 2.5 mm and work 8 cm rib. Change to
needle size 4. 5 mm and continue in stocking st, at the same time inc 9-11-12 sts evenly on first
row = 53-57-60 sts. When piece measures 34-34-36 cm cast off for armhole at side as described
for back piece = 43-44-46 sts. When piece measures 58-58-60 cm cast off to shape the neckline
on every other row: 9-10-10 sts 1 time, 4 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2 times and 1 st 1 time.
Cast off remaining 22-23-24 sts on shoulder when piece measures 64-64-66 cm.
Left front piece: Like right front piece but mirrored.
Sleeve: Cast on 44-44-46 sts on needle size 2.5 mm and work 5 cm rib. Change to needle size
4.5 mm and continue in stocking st, at the same time inc 9-11-11 sts evenly on first row = 53-
55-57 sts. At the same time after the rib inc 1 st each side a total of 31-30-29 times on every 3rd
and 4th row alternately = 115-115-115 sts. When piece measures 50-49-48 cm cast off 3-4-4 sts
each side, then 2 sts 2 times and 1 st each side on every other row until piece measures 54-55-
55 cm. Now cast off 4 sts each side 1 time and 5 sts 1 time and cast off remaining sts when piece
measures 55-56-56 cm.

Front bands: Cast on 12 sts on needle size 2.5 mm and work approx 59-59-60cm rib (to fit front
piece), cast off. Work right front band in the same way but make 6 buttonholes evenly distributed.
1 buttonhole = cast off the middle 2 sts and cast on 2 new sts on return row. Sew front bands to
front pieces.
Sew the shoulder seams. Pick up approx 90 sts round the neck on needle size 2.5 mm and work 6
rows stocking st, P 1 row, 5 rows stocking st, cast off. Fold edge double towards WS and fasten.
Set in sleeves, sew side seams and sleeves seams and sew on buttons.

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© 1982-2024 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about
what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site.

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