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Newton’s laws of motion

Readings: Chapter 4 & 5 (12th edition),

pp. 107 -180

PowerPoint® Lectures for

University Physics, Twelfth Edition
– Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman

Adapted by the Dept. of Physics, University of Ghana

Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
Goals and Objectives
In this lecture we study
• What the concept of force means?.
• The significance of the net force on an object.
• The relationship among the net force on an object, the object's
mass, and its acceleration.
• Newton's laws and how to apply them in solving problems
• The nature of the different types of frictional forces and how to
solve problems that involve these forces.
• How to solve problems involving forces and circular motion.
• The key properties of the four fundamental forces of nature.
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A force is an effort that can:
(i) set a body at rest in motion.
(ii) bring a body in motion to rest.
(iii) change a direction of a body in motion
(iv) . . . .

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Nature of A Force
• A force is an interaction between two objects or between an
object and its environment.
• A force is a push or pull.
• A force is a vector quantity with magnitude and direction.
• There are two types of a force. They are:
(a) Contact forces.
Examples are pulling and pushing. These are forces are physically
(always) in touch with the body
(b) non-contact. The non-contact forces are known long-range
forces or field forces. Examples of field force are (i)
electromagnetic and (ii) gravitational force (the weight).
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Nature of A Force
• Two types of forces can be considered here:
(a) Contact forces are forces that are physically
(always) in touch with the body.
Examples are pulling and pushing.
(b) Non-contact forces are known long-range forces.
Examples are (i) electromagnetic and
(ii) gravitational force (the weight).

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Four Common Types of Forces
• The normal force: When an object rests or pushes on a surface, the
surface pushes back with a force 𝑹 .

• Frictional forces: In addition to the normal force, surfaces can resist

motion along the surface with a force 𝒇.
• Tension forces: When a force is exerted through a
rope or cable, the force is transmitted through that
rope or cable as a tension 𝑻.

• Weight: Gravity’s pull on an

object. This force, 𝑾, can act
from large distances.

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Force as a vector: Superposition of Forces
• Consider two forces, 𝑭1
and 𝑭2 acting on a body to
• The two forces can be
represented by a single
• The effect on the body’s
motion is the same as if the
single force 𝑹 were acting
equal to the vector sum of
the forces. 𝑹 = 𝑭1 + 𝑭2 + 𝑭3 + ··· =  𝑭

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Worked Example 1
Three horizontal forces, are
as shown in the figure. The
magnitude of the forces are
F1 = 250 N, F2 = 50 N and
F3 = 120 N.
Find the,
(i) x-and y-components of
the net force,
(ii) magnitude of the net
force and
(iii) direction of the net
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Solution to Worked Example 1
• The net for R can be determined
by finding x- and y-components
of all forces first.
• By finding the components and
adding, the magnitude and the
direction can be determined.
• The angles between the three
forces F1, F2 and F3 and the
positive x-axis are:
1 = 180° – 53° = 127°
2 = 0°
3 = 270°
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Solution to Worked Example 1
F1x = (250 N) cos 127° = - 150 N
F1y = (250 N) sin 127° = 200 N,
F2x = (50 N) cos 0° = 50,
F2y = (50 N) sin 0° = 0,
F3x = (270 N) cos 270° = 0
F3y = (120 N) sin 270° = - 120 N.

Rx = F1x + F2x + F3x = (-150 N) + 50 N + 0 N = -100 N

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Solution to Worked Example Continues

• Ry = F1y + F2y + F3y = 200 N + 0 N + (-120N) = 80 N

• The net force, R, is R = [(-100 N)2 + (80 N)2] = 128 N
• The direction is obtained by determining the arctangent of
the angle between the net force and the positive x-axis.
 = tan −1 [80 N/(-100 N)]
= arctan (-0.8000)
= - 39= - 39 + 180

= 141
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Newton's First Law of Motion
Consider a trolley, initially at rest on a horizontal plane.
If the trolley is given a little push on smooth floor.
Is a force required to sustain its motion.
Discuss what happens next . . .

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Newton's First Law of Motion
Once a body has been set in motion, no net force is needed to
keep it moving. This is observed as Newton’s first law of
A body acted on by no net force moves with a constant
velocity and zero acceleration.

Newton’s first law of motion states thus:

The tendency of a body to stay at rest or keep moving once
it is set in motion results from a property called inertia.

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Newton's Second Law of Motion
• Newton's first law explains when a body is acted on by
zero net force, it moves with constant velocity and zero
• As the trolley slides along the level and horizontal plane,
if friction is negligible, there are no horizontal forces
acting on it.
• The downward force of gravity and the upward normal
force exerted cancels one another.
• The net force F acting on the trolley is zero.
• The trolley has zero acceleration, and its velocity is
• F is constant and is in the same horizontal direction as V.
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Newton’s Second Law and Momentum
𝑝Ԧ = 𝑚𝑣Ԧ
Note that momentum is a
The second law states that the
net force on a body is equal to
• Consider a body of mass, the rate of change of
m, moving with velocity, v. its linear momentum, p, in an
It has a linear momentum. inertial reference frame.
• Momentum, p, is the dp d (mv )
F = =
product of the product of dt dt
mas of the body and its where F is the net force
velocity, expressed as: applied.
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Newton's Second Law of Motion

• For a constant mass, then the force, F, is m (dv )

F =
• The acceleration is (dv) = a = v2 − v1 dt
dt dt

• where v1 and v2 are the initial and final velocities while dt is

the change in time. The second law becomes:

∑ 𝐹Ԧ
• 𝐹Ԧ = ∑𝑚𝑎Ԧ or 𝑎Ԧ =

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Implications of Second Law
• 1. A force applied on an object will change its
velocity in the direction of the force. A positive
change in velocity creates a positive acceleration
and negative change in velocity creates
deceleration or retardation.
• 2. Acceleration is directly proportional to the
• 3. Acceleration is inversely proportional to the
mass of the object, for a constant force.

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A worker applies a constant horizontal force,
magnitude 20 N, to a box with mass 40 kg resting on a
level floor with negligible friction. Calculate the
acceleration of the box.
Identify all of the forces acting on the body and
conveniently to choose one axis guide you preferably
x-axis in the direction of the applied horizontal force
as indicated in the sketch for this problem (next page).
Note that the friction is negligible.
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From the question, the nonzero
x-component force is given as:
F = 20 N and the mass, m = 40
kg, But from the second law, F
= ma, Hence the acceleration is:
a =
where a is the acceleration of the
body. By substituting the values

20 N
a= = 0.50ms − 2
Hence the acceleration is a = 0.5
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Worked Example 3: P.132

Identify from the questions the information needed that will enable you
to solve for acceleration, a, and the mass, m, of the ice.
(a) Use F = ma to calculate the mass of the ice block
Let +x-axis be the direction of the force, F = 80.0 N
The initial velocity is vo = 0.00 m/s2 since the block ice moved from
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The distance covered from rest after 5.00 s is x = 11.0 m

x = vot + ½at2
Hence the acceleration of the block of ice is:
2( x )
a= 2
Therefore the acceleration is:

2(11m) −2
a= = 0.88ms
(5.00s )2

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Worked Example Continues

To. obtain the mass of the block of ice use:

By substituting the values of the net force and the calculated
acceleration gives:
80.0 N
m= −2
= 90. 9 kg
0.88 ms

(b) If the worker stops pushing the block of ice, then the body
will move at a constant velocity. (Ans. 33.0 m)

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Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Forces always act in pairs.

A football kicked forward with a force

by one’s foot also exerts back a force
on the foot.
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Newton’s Third Law of Motion

The force exerted on a body is always in the

opposite direction to the force exerted by the body
in return.

If a body A exerts a force FAB on body B, then body B

exerts a force FBA on A that is equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction:

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Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Note that illustrations and experiments have

shown that whenever two bodies interact, the
forces exerted on each other are always:
(i) equal in magnitude and
(ii) opposite in direction.
This fact is known as Newton’s third law of

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Applications of Newton’s first law: particles in equilibrium

When a particle is at rest or is moving with constant

velocity in an inertial frame of reference, the net
force acting on it, that is, the vector sum of all the
forces acting on it must be zero:

∑ 𝐹Ԧ = 0 (particle in equilibrium, vector form)

• Expressing this equation in component form gives:

• Fx = 0
• Fy= 0 (particle in equilibrium, component form)

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Worked Example 4

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Applications of Newton’s second law
Newton's second law is applied to bodies when the net force is
not zero.
F = ma (Newton’s second, vector form)
Fx = ma (Newton’s second, component form along the x-
Fy = ma (Newton’s second, component form along the y-

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Worked Example 5

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We need

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• The direction of the friction force is always such as

to oppose relative motion between the two surfaces.
• The kind of friction that acts up to a point when a
body just slides over a surface is called a static
friction force fs.
• The kind of friction that acts when a body is sliding
over a surface is called a kinetic friction force f k.

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• The magnitude of the kinetic friction force fk is
proportional to the magnitude n of the normal force.

fk = kn
where k is a constant known as the coefficient of kinetic
Similarly for static friction force,
𝑓𝑠 ≤ 𝑠𝑛

۱Scalar quantities!!!

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Worked example
Suppose in worked example 5.6, a constant horizontal friction
force with magnitude 100 N opposes the motion of the
iceboat. In this case, what constant force Fw must the wind
exert on the iceboat to cause the same constant x-acceleration
ax= 1.5 m/s2?
Two forces now have x-components: the force of the wind and
the friction force opposing the motion of the boat. The x-
component of Newton's second law gives:
Fx = Fw+ (-f) = max (opposing forces are denoted negative)
𝐹𝑤 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝑓 = (200𝑘𝑔)(1.5𝑚/𝑠2) + (𝑙𝑂𝑂𝑁) = 400𝑁

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Worked example
The elevator is moving in the negative y-
direction, (the positive direction is moving
vertically upwards). The initial y-velocity is
voy and the y-displacement is (y – y0). These
quantities are negative.
The initial velocity v0y = -10.0 m/s
The displacement y – y0 = -25.0 m
The final y-velocity = vyf = 0 m/s

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Worked example

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Quiz time 5
Two horizontal forces, are as shown in the figure. The magnitude
of the forces are F1 = 250 N and F2 = 200 N. Find the:
(i) x-and y-components of
the net force,
(ii) magnitude of the net
force and
(iii) direction of the net force
(iv)assuming these forces
were to be applied on an
object of 400 Kg, what
would be the acceleration
of that body?
(g = 9.81 N/Kg)
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Quiz time2
Two horizontal forces, are as shown in the figure. The magnitude
of the forces are F1 = 350 N and F2 = 300 N. Find the:
(i) x-and y-components of
the net force,
(ii) magnitude of the net
force and
(iii) direction of the net force
(iv)assuming these forces
were to be applied on an
object of 500 Kg, what
would be the acceleration
of that body?
(g = 9.81 N/Kg)
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Centripetal acc.: arad = v2/R = Rw2 = 4p2R/T2 = 4p2f2R

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