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Septa Aryanika1, Muhammad Hussein Abdulloh2, Meisuri3
UIN Raden Intan Lampung

This research used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The primary instrument in
this research is researcher itself. The researcher focusing on analyzing and aims to find out the kinds and
meanings of the main character personality portrayed in Fight Club movie based on Psychoanalysis theory
by Sigmund Freud, and also try to find out what are the internal and external conflict of the main character
in Fight Club movie. The data of this research were collected from “Fight Club” movie script as the data
source. The theory used in this research is theory Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. After analyzing the
data, the researcher found that there were 22 data of the main character divided into three parts id, ego and
superego, Id 12, Ego 3, and superego 7. The Id of the main character type is the most dominant in the data
source. The researcher also found 10 internal and external conflict of the main character in Fight Club
movie. There were 7 external conflict in this research which is the most dominant conflict of the main
character in Fight Club movie.

Keywords: Psychoanalysis, id, ego, superego, Sigmund Freud, internal and external conflict.

Wellek and Warren stated, “Literature are mirror of human life that showed the feelings, thoughts,
and perceptions of humans that could be seen based on personal judgment”. Psychoanalysis is a scientific
discipline that began in the 1900s by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a branch of psychology that is
specifically concerned with individual experiences. According to Mario Giovanny (2015) Psychoanalysis
is used to analyze the characters written by the author as the fruit of his imagination which is poured in
written form. In An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud explains the principal tenets on which psychoanalytic
theory is based. He begins with an explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus—the id, the
ego, and the superego. The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is inherited,
everything that is present at birth, and the instincts. The ego has the quality of being conscious and is
responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimulate, and
serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by
either adaption or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid unpleasure. Finally,
the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and
represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial,
societal, and cultural tradition.
Psychology in literature is in the form of a study that views literary works as a psychological
activity. Many psychology issues are found not only in real life but also in literary works such as movie,
drama, and novel. Most psychologists believe that movie has deeper impact to the audience especially in
shaping the opinion and the perception. In this research, the researcher interested analyzing the main
character in the “Fight Club” movie. The Fight Club movie was chosen by researcher as the data source,
and Jack (Tyler Durden) as the main character in this film, will be examine by the researcher as the object
of this research. The researcher using Sigmund Freud’s theory of id, ego and superego to analyze the data.
Fight Club is an American drama film released in 1999 directed by David Fincher. This story tells about an
insomniac office worker and a devil-may-care soap maker form an underground fight club that evolves into
much more. The film was released in United States on October 15, 1999.

This qualitative research uses content analysis methods. According to Barelson, content analysis is
a research technique to produce an objective and systematic description of the content contained in
communication media. Content analysis has purposes including to: describe the tendency of
communication/message content, tracking the development of science, detecting the existence of hidden
propaganda or ideology, identify the intent and nature of the communicator/author. Using this method,
researchers want to analyze and try to understand the main characters personality portrayed in the Fight
Club movie using psychoanalysis theory.


After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher found several result from main character in
the Fight Club movie using Sigmund Freud’s theory.
Table 4.0 Total data of main character’s personality

No Types Amount of data

1. ID 12
2. EGO 3
Total Data 22

Based on the data in the table above, the researcher found that there are 22 data from the main
character divided into three parts. First id there are 12 data, second is the ego there are 3 data, and the last
is superego there are 7 data. It can be concluded that the most dominant personality from the main character
is id with 12 data.
Data 1 (angry)

Jack show his anger to Marla

Methodist Church Meeting Room. (11:49)

Marla sits with the group, smoking, listening intently while a member speaks. Jack spies on her.
Jack V.O : This ... chick ... Marla Singer ... did not have testicular cancer. She was a liar.
Jack V.O : She had no diseases at all. I had seen her at my melanoma Monday night group...
Jack V.O : Marla, the big tourist. Her lie reflected my lie.
Jack V.O : And suddenly, I felt nothing. I couldn't cry. So, once again, I could not sleep.
Jack’s imagination
Jack : Marla, you liar, you big tourist. I need this. Get out.

Based on the dialogue above Jack saw Marla in support group with testicular cancer, even though
Marla did not suffer from any disease. “Marla, the big tourist. Her lie reflected my lie” from this dialogue
Jack also has no any disease at all, he join this group for find peace to fix his insomnia”. Marla is just a
tourist who came to get free coffee. Marla’s presence makes Jack disturbed and loses peace which makes
it difficult Jack to sleep. “Marla, you liar, you big tourist. I need this. Get out” based on this dialogue it can
be categorized as id personality. Because Jack is angry Marla has disrupted her therapy process in dealing
with his insomnia. Jack was very angry and want Marla to get out from the support group.
Data 2 ( Jack punch Tyler to fulfil his id)

Jack fulfill Tyler’s need to hit him as hard as he can.

Parking Lot Tavern Club Night (34:13)

Tyler and Jack come out the back door from the bar.
Tyler : I want you to do me a favor, I want you to hit me as hard as you can
Jack : what do you want me to do?, just want me to hit you?
Tyler : come on, just do me a favor
Jack : why?
Tyler : why, I don’t know why, never been in fight, I don’t wanna die without any scar, come on
hit me before I lose my nerve
Jack : oh god, this is crazy
Tyler : So go crazy, let’er rip


In this scene Tyler and Jack at the parking lot from Tavern’s club. Tyler ask Jack to hit him as hard
as he can right in the face, but Jack rejected what Tyler request. But Tyler insist to do this for no reason, he
said he’d never been in fight and he don’t wanna die without any scar, Tyler still insist Jack to hit him, then
Jack accept that and hit Tyler as hard as he can. In this scene Jack’s act is categorized as ego personality
because Ego is a self-related desire in every human being that works consciously and must be done to fulfill
everyone's desires. In this scene Tyler work as the id, he ask Jack to hit him, but Jack rejected, but Tyler
still insist to do this, Jack accept that and hit Tyler. Jack’s act when he hitting Tyler is work as the ego to
fulfill Tyler’s id. So Jack has fulfill Tyler’s id and decide to hit him as the ego to fulfill Tyler’s need. Because
the ego develop from the id so people can handle the reality. Jack action is categorized as ego defense
mechanism displacement.
Data 3 (empathy)

Jack feel empathy listen Bob’ story.

First Methodist Church Meeting Room Night (08:36)

Jack and Bob are hugging together at the sharing session.
Bob : I was a juicer, you know, using steroids, Diabonol, then, Wisterol -- it's for racehorses,
for Christsake. Now I'm bankrupt, divorced, my two grown kids won't return my calls...
Jack (V.O): Strangers with this kind of honesty make me go a big rubbery one.
Jack feel empathy listening Bob’s story.


In this scene Jack at the Methodist church meeting room. Jack and Bob at the sharing session they
are hugging and try to open them self each other. In this session Bob crying on Jack’s shoulder and share
all his story in the past “I was a juicer, you know, using steroids, Diabonol, then, Wisterol -- it's for
racehorses, for Christsake. Now I'm bankrupt, divorced, my two grown kids won't return my calls...” he
said that he used was a cheater, he used to be a bodybuilder with using steroids, diabonol, and wisterol, and
he regret it now. Bob said he were married and have a two kids, but now he is divorced and his two kids
never answer his phone. Jack feel sorry listening Bob’s story, from this explanation Jack shows his empathy
when listening Bob’s story. Jack’s action shows his empathy is categorized as superego personality, because
superego is the moral and ethical power of personality. Jack show his moral act by showed his empathy
when Bob share his story.

The researcher also analyze the internal and external conflict of the main character in this movie.
Internal conflict is a conflict that occurs in the heart, soul of a character in the story. The internal conflict is
the conflict which happened inside the characters though. Internal conflict is the conflict that occurs in the
heart or the soul of a character or the other characters in the story. Internal conflict will happen when a
person has his or her own dillema and he or she does not know what to do. According to Kenney W (1966),
the external conflict is happened between the main character and other characters in the story and also
between the main character and the surrounding community. The researcher found that there are 3 conflicts
and 7 external conflicts of the main character, and total there are 10 conflicts face by the main character in
this movie. For example:

1. INTERNAL CONFLICT (Jack vs Insomnia)

Jack’s bedroom Night (03:55)
Jacks lies in bed, staring at the ceiling
Jack (V.O): “for six months. I could not sleep”

In this scene Jack said that he hard to sleep for last six months. Jack had internal conflict
with his insomnia. Jack have very bad insomnia and it makes him frustrated and tired cause lack of
sleep. Jack was looking some various way to fix his insomnia problem.


Tavern Basement (1:12:15)
Tyler : who are you?
Lou : who I am?! There’s a sign on the front that says Lou Tavern, I’m fucking Lou. Who the
fuck are you?
Tyler : Tyler Durden
Lou : who told you motherfuckers you could use my place
Tyler : we have deal worked out with Irvine
Lou : look, stupid fuck, I want everybody outta here, right now!

In this scene Tyler have a problem with Lou (bar owner). In this scene Lou accidently came
to his bar and found Tyler and the other members are gather in the basement. Tyler make an illegal
fighting named Fight Club in Lou’s basement. Lou was angry know that there is illegal fighting
happened in his club. Lou told Tyler and everyone to leave his place right now, but Tyler didn’t
listen what he said. Lou was angry and punch Tyler over and over till Tyler bleeding.
After analyzing the data which have found in the findings and discussion above, the researcher
analyzed the data by using psychoanalysis theory from Sigmund Freud. In Fight Club movie the main
character personality divided into three parts id, ego, and superego according with psychoanalysis theory.
Based on the analysis, the researcher found 22 data of the main character in the movie Fight Club. Those
data are detailed as follow: 12 id personality, 3 ego personality, 7 superego personality. From the result
analysis of this research it can be said that the type personality occurs dominantly in the movie is id
personality in which the main character personality mostly showed in the movie is id personality based on
psychoanalysis. The researcher also found 10 conflicts of the main character. Those data are detailed as
follow: 3 internal conflict and 7 external conflict. From the result of analysis of this research it can be said
that the external conflict is most dominantly found in the movie.
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposes some suggestions as follows: (1) for the
teacher, in this research discussed about psychoanalysis of the main character in movie, which is very
interesting topic to learn with student. And the teacher can apply this theory as a teaching material. (2) for
the student, Through this research, it is considers important to recommend the students of English
Department to do further analysis about the Psychoanalysis used in other resources such as movie and
novels. The researcher hoped that this research could be a reference for those who interested in studying
psychoanalysis. (3) for next researcher, The researcher also hopes that for the next researcher can give a
better explanation especially on psychoanalysis theory, so the people who interested in this topic they can
be more understand.

Baldick, C. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford University Press, 1996.
Creswell, Research Design Qualitative and Mix Method Approches Third Edition.
Freud, Sigmund. Memperkenalkan Psikoanalisa (Penerjemah K. Bertens), (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia, 1979).
Kenney, W, How to Analyze Fiction. Monarch Press, (New York, 1966).
Mario, Giovanny, "A Psychoanalysis on the Main Character and the Author of Sherlock Holmes: a Study
in Scarlet", Journal. Jakarta: Bina Nusantara University (2015).
Saul Mcleod, PhD, Freud’s Theory of Personality: Id, Ego, And Superego, University of Manchester.
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Siagian, Melisa, Martina Girsang, and Nurhayati Purba. "The Conflict of The Main Character In The Movie
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