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Question 1

a) Define a computer program (2marks)

b) State any two objectives of a computer program.(2marks)

c) State any three components of a computer program (6marks)

d) Explain three levels of a programming language (6marks)

e) Describe the computer program development lifecycle phase (9marks)

f) State any four computer programs (4marks)

g) State any three merits of computer programming

h) Explain the following as used in program Approach to programming. (2marks @)

i) Control flow

ii) Indentation style

iii) Modularity

iv) Top-Down Design


Question 2

a) Distinguish between problem solving & Business Problem solving (4marks)

b) Explain the two Approaches to Problem Solving (4marks)

c) What should be considered while choosing the right Approach (6marks)

d) Explain the main three problem solving techniques as used in problem solving. (6marks)

Question 3
a) Define the following approaches as used in computer programming. (2marks@).

i) Imperative Programming

ii) Declarative Programming

iii) Object Oriented Programming

iv) Procedural Programming

b) Give four Advantages of Object Oriented over procedural (4marks)

c) Why do most programmers opt for imperative than Declarative (3marks)?

d) List characteristics of imperative programming (5marks)

Question 4

a) Explain any four Principles Kayemba should follow while choosing Object Oriented as a programming
Approach. (8marks)

b) Define the following as used in Object Oriented programming (2marks)@

i) Class

ii) Object

iii) Code Block

iv) Method

c) State any limitations of Object Oriented programming (4marks)

Question 5

a) Distinguish between a compiler & Interpreter

b) Explain the following in regard to event programming (2marks) @

i) Events

ii) Event Handlers

iii) Asynchronous Execution

iv) Event Loop

v) Event Listeners

Question 6

a) Explain three merits of Event Driven programming approach. (6marks)

b) Explain the traits of a business Algorithm. (8marks)

c) Explain to a business manager the Application of business algorithm in his/her business (4marks)

d) With the help of an illustration define the following as used in visual representation of an algorithm
(2marks) @

i) Terminal

ii) Process

iii) Connecter

iv) Decision

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