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Question 1

a) Distinguish between programming theory and Problem Solving (5marks)

b) Explain the steps taken in Algorithm Problem Solving (10marks)

c) One of the tools used in a computer program design is a flow chart. Explain what a flow chart is

d) Draw, name and explain any four symbols used when drawing program flow charts (12marks)

e) Giving an example in each case, explain the difference between an algorithm and a pseudo code

f) Explain the advantages of using flowcharts in program development (5marks)


Question 2

a) Describe the three main levels of programming languages (6marks)

b) State any two characteristics of each mentioned (6marks)

c) Of what importance could programming knowledge be to a BBC student? (8marks)

Question 3

a) At your newly appointed position at tukodinge Uganda Itd, as a programmer you have been tasked to
make a presentation about the various programming styles. (8marks)

b) Explain the characteristics of a successful computer programming language (8marks)

c) List any four examples of data structures used in programming (4marks)

Question 4

Structured Programming is a programming paradigm aimed at improving the clarity, quality and
development of a computer program by organizing it into logically structured blocks of code.
a) State the principles considered while using structured programming. (12marks)

b) State advantages of structured style of programming. (5marks)

c) List any three languages that support structured programming (3marks)

Question 5

a) Clearly elaborate the key features of a Computer Program. (12marks)

b) Computer Systems use various representations of data to store process and communicate
information effectively. Help a logistics Scholar to understand the various representations. (8marks)

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