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Worksheet – 5


1. Four nuclei of an element undergo fusion to

form a heavier nucleus with release of energy.
Which of the two the parent or the daughter
nucleus would have higher binding energy per
2. Draw the plot of the binding energy per nucleon
as a function of mass number for different nuclei.
The nuclei lying at the middle flat portion of the
curve are more stable. Explain.
3. Show that density of nucleus is independent of
its mass number A.
4.Why is the mass of a nucleus less than the sum
of the masses of its constituents?
5.The nuclear radius of 13Al27 is 3.6 fermi. Find
the nuclear radius of 29Cu64
6. Draw a graph showing the variation of binding
energy per nucleon with mass number of different
nuclei. Write any two salient features of the curve.
How does this curve explain the release of energy
both in the processes lf nuclear fission and fusion?
7. Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of
nucleons as a function of their separation. Write
two important conclusions which you can draw
regarding the nature of nuclear forces.
8. Write three characteristic properties of nuclear
9. Briefly describe the multi-step process involved
in the generation of energy in the sun.
10. Calculate for how many years will the fusion
of 2 kg deuterium keep 800 W electric lamp
glowing. Take the reaction of fusion as
1H + 1H2 → 2He3 + 0n1 + 3.27 MeV
11. Differentiate between nuclear fission and
nuclear fusion.
Worksheet – 6
Semiconductor Electronics
1.What is meant by energy band gap in a solid?
Draw the energy band diagram for conductors,
insulators and semiconductors.
2. Explain how the width of depletion layer in a
p- n junction diode changes when the junction
is (i) forward biased (ii) reverse biased.

3. Explain how an intrinsic semiconductor can be

converted into (i) N-type and (ii) P-type
semiconductor. Give one example of each and
their energy band diagrams.

z4. Explain briefly, how the characteristics of a p-

junction diode are obtained in (i) forward bias
and (ii) reverse bias.

5. A semiconductor has equal electron and hole

concentration of 6 × 108 /m3. On doping with
certain impurity, electron concentration
increases to 9 × 108 /m3. (i) Identify the new
semiconductor obtained after doping (ii)
Calculate the new hole concentration.

6. What is meant by doping of an intrinsic

semiconductor? Name the two types of atoms
used for doping of Ge/Si.

7. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic


8. Draw the V-I characteristics of a p-n junction

diode. Differentiate between the threshold voltage
and the breakdown voltage for a diode. Mention
the property of a junction diode which makes it
suitable for rectification of ac voltages.

9. Carbon and silicon have the same lattice

structure. Then why is carbon an insulator but
silicon a semiconductor?

10. When a voltage drop across a pn junction

diode is increased from 0.70 V to 0.71 V, the
change in the diode current is 10 mA. What is the
dynamic resistance of the diode?
What happens the output waveform when a
capacitor is connected across the output terminals
parallel to the load resistor?

When a capacitor is connected across the

output terminals of a full-wave rectifier parallel to
the load resistor, the ripple factor present in the
output signal is eliminated and the output becomes
almost smooth.

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