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Sanima Bank Ltd.

Statement of Financial
Condensed Consolidated ended 32nd Ashad 2079 Amount ro NPR
For the qua rter
Group Bank

Ashad End 2078 Ashad End 2078

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.;.._a_rt_cr_ n_ m~g ___,...
Th '•s...Qu ,_u_d•_·te_d.;.) ._ _ This Qu
arter Ending

- 4,823,295 ,539 4,225,275,09 3 4,771,140,480

6,053, 731,274 13,516,139;617 6,05 3,731,274
· ~ cash equivalent 13, 516 ,139,617
1,797,708,397 371 ,162 ,744
:ash[ro!U Nepal Rastra Bank Institutions
401 ,162,744 16,016,111
uue ienl with Bank and Financ
ial 16,016, 111
'al .nstrurnen 395 ,193 ,477 500,726,317 224,408,989
pJaCf fl 609,344,862
periram·e financ1 , 5,167,865,708 4,094,023,666
4,094,023 ,666
"'~- ,r,Jding assets 5,167,865 ,708
137,161 ,371 ,311 119,071 ,400 ,724
;n•~ adrances to B/Fls 137,161,694,973 119,071,770,255
27,682 ,843 ,909 20,922,507,357
Loans and ad\'8nces to custom
ers 21,004 ,670,454
Iuresnnent securities 250,000 ,000 250 ,000 ,000
('unenl tax assets
Iuresunent in subsidiaries 72,932 ,294
Iuresunent in associates 72, 932 ,294 1,343.307,074 1.196.388,539
1m-estment property 1,206,818, 328 48,082,940
1,361,715, 366 56.002.636
48,412 ,478
Property and equipment 56,078,464 69,432,118
Goodwill and Intangible asse 60,393 ,516 2,073,470,587 2,362,175,691
Deferred tax assets 2,295,653 ,2 13 160,750,584,166
2.029,572,582 192,490,529,408
Other assets 192,578,543,497
Total Assets
2,614,422 ,138 4,920,874,273
4,920,874,273 J ,6"51 ;303 ,839
Liab ilities 2,614,422,138 4,096,650,775
Institutions ·J,6"5l;:m3,8J 9
Due to Bank and Financial 4,096,650;775 52,394,722
Due to Nepal Ras tra "Ba nk 52,394 ,722 128.425,867, 181
ents 128,226,612, 165 157,518,535,239
Derivative financial instrum 157,345,663,047 1,279,000.000 l,i8 7,250,0iJO
ers 1,279,000,000 I,787,250,000 62,454,562
Deposits from custom 62,881 ,734
67,594 ,039 51,762,791 31,374,632
Borrowing 48,699,778
48,699 ,778 31 ,374,632
Current Tax Liabilities 42,066,575
72,760 ,678
Provisions 2,892,655 ,514 2.134,263.725
3,039,956,005 2,243,584.960
Deferred tax liabilities 6.819,816 ,000
4,771 ,716,000
6,819,816,000 4,771,716,000
Other liabilities securities issued 175,385,055,901
!._ubordinated Liabilities l 75,364,196,504 145,757,239,339
~ta l liabilities 9,681,519.08 2
9,681 ,519.082 11,327,377 ,326
Equitv 11,327,377 ,326
Share ~i tal 1,737,199,687
1,833,150,63 3 1,46 9.986, 145
Share premium 1,550,593,544 3,504,694,608
3,535,384 ,136 4,308,l 10,0 36
Retained earnings 4,336,376,122 14,923,413,378
15,050,0SJ,851 l 7,105,47J,508
Reserves 17,214,346,993
le to equity holders
Total equity attributab 1,1,913 ,413 .378
Non-controlling interes
15,050,053,851 17,105,473,508
17,214,346,993 160,750,584,J 66
Total Equity
160,80 7,293,191 192,490,529,408
ties and Equ ity 192,578,543,497
Tot aJ Lia bili
Sanima Bank Ltd.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
For the Quarter ended 31st Ashad 2080 Amount In NPR
Grou p Bank

Corresponding Corresponding
Upto This Quar ter Previous Year Upto Thi~ Qn11rter Previous Y("llr Upto
Upto This Quarter This Quarter

FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 14,400 ,194,201 20,572 ,133,494 14,386,372,605

4sH 20.587.166,324
tere5t receirni ·1:-ns:"5 lJ3,434 1,089,546,097 ·1,026,690,747 986,479,675
and other income received 2,810 ,965 497,892
-,~dend received 273.013,868 367,203,866 272,571 ,894 359,237,214
ipts from other operating activities (14,882.792 ,976) (1U,16Y,UU8 ,UU5) (14,908,Y38 ,5U3) (IU,183 ,144,438)
tereSI patd (263,261 ,793) (150,823 ,608) (260,862,404) (148,361 ,763)
ission and fees paid (1,650 ,621 , l 42) (i ,568,407,217) (i,6i9,296,474) (i,533 ,4i5,847)
· payment to empioyees (999,758,874) (586,718,29 7) (970,803,60 7) (583,2 02,989)
er expense paid
ating cash flows before changes in operating 4,.202;059;806 3,382,4-84;930 4;111,495,147 3,283;964,457
sets and liabiliti~

ncrease)/Decrease in operatin2 assets 3,148,043,261 (7,462,408,343) 3.148 .043.261 (7,462 ,408.343)

e fT1.1m Nepal Rastra Rank (715,408,789) 1,410,545,652 (685:4oS:789) 1,369,545:652·
lacement with bank and financial institutions 80,120,981 (215,996,357) 87,387,832 (237,054,892)
er trading assets 722,704,736 (1,073,842,042) 722,704,736 (1,073 ,842,042)
an and adrnnces to bank and financial institutions (9,915 ,7-14,-158) (-1-8;000,985,949) (9,915 ,782,757) (18,001,031 ,8! 8)
l!IIS and advances to customers (I 46,766,025) (526,618,07 7) (146.182,552 )
f er assets

~ crease/(Decrease) in operating liabilities 2,579,088,424 (2,306,452,136) 2,579,088,424 (2,306 ,452,136)1

- to bank and financial institutions 445 ,346,936 (4,024,564,678) 445,346,936
fr;: :::~:1< 17,924,813,542
29,092 ,668,058
1,288,541 ,489
liabilities 14,841,870,074 5,744,8.U,809
14,685,155,607 5,896,665,428
flow from operating activities before tax paid (l ,233,887,476 ) (882,927,767)
( 1.263,641.192) (906,854,954)
Income taxes paid 13,607,982,598 4,861,917,o.tJ
13,421,514,•HS 4,989,810,474
Net wb flow from operating activities
CASH FLOWS FROM fNVESTING ACTIVITIE (27,535,541 ,910) (5,874 ,490,354)
of investm ent securities (27.561 ,215,853) (5,888,359,795)
Purch ase 11,M0,3"92,500
iJu:ceipts -,,_. ·'lie ofinvestment securities l l ,!S4U,392,5UU (524,839,688)
(536,883,007) (185 ,121 ,049)
y and equipment (189,728,317) 30,714,473
33,085 ,028 15,236,263
e of property and equipment 16,664,045 (40.i84,89iJ
(40,184,891) (6i,783,096)
pbie assets (6i,783,096)
sale of intangible assets
ent properties (72,932.294)
(72,932,294) (117,242,085)
ItII "
sale of investment properties (117,242,085)
'ved 138,150,274
150.306,118 78,795 ,103
86,276,490 (6,343,582,481 )
(6,354,968,841 ) (15,971,264,275)

2,033 ,100,000
lece1pt from issue of debt securities 2,952,500,000 2,033 ,100,000
leJ>ayment oc ifebt securities (37U,UUU,U00)
f6Pt from issue of subordinated liabilities
q>a~ment of subordinated liabilities
F,1Pt from issue of shares 200,000,000 (86,624, I I 8)
(111 ,008,298)
'-vidends paid (150,481 ,982) (149,124,118)
iterest paid 11 ,234,677
(42 334 337 1,935,241,204
(42,348,702 1127 9738
11clivitics 2,589,669,316 1,872,696,144

. aJents
(decrease) in cash and cash equiv 65,875,688
507,537,777 4,771 ,140,4K0
18,547,416 5,224 ,716,246
n cash equivalents at Sawan I 5,330,833,316 4,823 ,295,539
ect of exchange Ie fl uctuah.ons on cash and cash
. nl ra 5,224,716,246
v ents held
p.tand cash equivalents at period end 5,349,380,732 5,330,833,316

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