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In The Business Context


Course Overview
This course is designed to dive deeper into using data analysis to
solve a company’s problems using Power BI.
The course focuses on learning the impact of data analysis in
solving business problems, so we will study different business
needs and problems in several departments like marketing, sales,
and HR.
We will start from the beginning with the mindset of the person who
will deal with analysis problems. After that, we will use the popular
technical tool Power BI to provide solutions and accomplish the
Course Syllabus
• Module 1 : Thinking deeper in data analysis.
• Module 2 : High data quality for better results
• Module 3 : Basic DAX with a complete report
• Module 4 : Analyzing multiple tables
• Module 5 : Deeper knowledge of data modeling
• Module 6 : Complete Data Analysis Project In The Business Context
Course Objectives
1. Understanding how to apply structured thinking to reach the solution
2. Understanding deeply the data analysis impact on the real world
3. How to draft SMART questions to extract insights.
4. Identify data errors in the raw data Like ( inconsistency, nulls ,
duplicates, etc)
5. Using power query for discovering data errors, solving them, and
automating the data cleaning processes.
Course Objectives
6. Extracting raw data from its source as ( SQL Server, Excel, CSV , Web,
7. Connecting multiple tables using Power Pivot and performing data
8. Understanding why should we deal with multiple tables in real-world
9. Writing Basic DAX using (count, distinct count, aggregations,
calculate, calendar, if )
Course Objectives
10. Understanding the use of basic visuals ( Bar chart, Pie chart, tree map,
waterfall chart, line chart, map)

11. Performing interactive dashboard which compares performance over

time using time intelligent function Previous_().

12. Designing the dashboard using PowerPoint and power bi

13. Doing PowerPoint presentations with some tips for presenting the
insights and recommendations clearly and simply.
Course syllabus
Module 1:
Thinking deeper into data impact and the analysis processes.

• The importance of data and analyzing it.

• How to structure your effort
• Data analysis project structure
• Business need and meta-data first
• Asking SMART Questions using the SMART technique
Course syllabus
Module 2:
High data quality for better results.

• Understanding the data errors as ( Data types, Duplications, Nulls,

Inconsistency, outliers )
• Discovering data errors using Power Query
• Selecting The suitable solution for errors based on the business
• Automating the data cleaning processes.
Course syllabus
Module 3:
Analyzing using basic DAAX for a complete report.

• Identify DAX, KPIs, and its importance.

• Performing basic aggregations and KPIS
• Creating a date table using the DAX calendar function.
• Understanding the use of basic visuals ( map, bar chart, tree map ,
waterfall, line )
• Designing the final report using power point and power bi
Course syllabus
Module 4:
Analyzing multiple tables

• Basic data modeling concepts (Primary key, Foreign key,

relationships )
• Using Power Query for making primary keys
• Performing relationships between using power pivot
• Understanding relationship cardinality.
Course syllabus
Module 5:
Deeper knowledge for data modeling

• Normalization and the cause of analyzing multiple tables

• The use of cross filter direction
• Comparing calculations over time using previous_() Time
intellignect function for comparing values over time .
• Using flow control if statement
• Making conditional formatting for indicating increasement and
Course syllabus
Module 6:
Complete data analysis project in the business context

• A comprehensive project for applying as much as what we have

learned in the course
• The project compares values over time with important indicators
for meeting the business need.

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