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Black Dahlia


Knitted DROPS fur jacket in 2 threads "Symphony" or "Melody". Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 134-33
DROPS design: Pattern no WW-050
Yarn group D
Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Materials: DROPS SYMPHONY from Garnstudio
Colour no 08, black:
600-650-700-800-850-950 g

Or use:
DROPS MELODY from Garnstudio
Colour no 05, black:
300-350-350-400-450-500 g

to get 13 sts x 19 rows in stocking st with 2 threads Symphony or Melody = 10 x 10 cm.

DROPS DARK BUFFELHORN BUTTON (25 mm) NO 536: 1 piece for all sizes

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.

GARTER ST (in the round): * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.

Dec 1 st on each side of marker as follows: Work until 2 sts remain before marker, slip 1 st as if
to K, K 1, psso, (marker), K tog the next 2 sts.

Inc 1 st on each side of marker as follows: Work 2 sts in 1 st on each side of marker.

Cast off for 1 button hole from WS on right neck edge as follows: Work until 4 sts remain, cast off
the next 2 sts and cast on 2 new sts over the cast off sts on next row.

Worked back and forth on needle. Cast on 106-118-130-142-154-170 sts (incl 1 edge st in garter
st in each side) on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 threads Symphony or Melody. Work 4 rows in
garter st - See explanation above (1st row = RS), then work in stocking st with 1 edge st in
garter st in each side. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
When piece measures 3-4-4-5-5-6 cm, insert 2 markers in the piece; 27-30-33-36-39-43 sts (=
front piece) in from each side (back piece = 52-58-64-70-76-84 sts). Move the markers upwards
when working. On next row from RS, dec 1 st on each side of every marker - Read decrease tip
above = 4 sts dec. Repeat dec one more time when piece measures 6-7-8-9-10-11 cm = 98-110-
122-134-146-162 sts. Continue until piece measures 12-13-14-15-16-17 cm, then inc 1 st on
each side of every marker - Read increase tip above = 4 new sts. Repeat inc one more time when
piece measures 21-22-23-24-25-26 cm. When piece measures 29-30-31-32-33-34 cm, cast off
for armholes as follows: Cast off 2-2-3-3-3-3 sts on each side of every marker (= 4-4-6-6-6-6 sts
cast off in each side). Finish each part separately.

= 48-54-58-64-70-78 sts. Continue to cast off for armholes at beg of every row in each side as
follows: Cast off 3 sts 0-0-0-1-1-2 times, 2 sts 1-1-2-2-2-2 times and 1 st 1-3-2-1-2-2 times =
42-44-46-48-52-54 sts. Continue with 1 edge st in garter st in each side until piece measures 42-
44-46-48-50-52 cm. Now cast off the middle 18-18-20-20-22-22 sts for neck and finish each
shoulder separately. Dec 1 st on next row from neck = 11-12-12-13-14-15 sts remain on each
shoulder. Loosely cast off when piece measures 44-46-48-50-52-54 cm.


= 25-28-30-33-36-40 sts. Cast off for armhole in the side as on back piece - At the same time
when piece measures 32-34-35-37-38-40 cm, cast off towards the neck on every other row as
follows: 3 sts 1-1-1-2-2-2 times, 2 sts 2 times in all sizes, 1 st 4-4-5-2-3-3 times = 11-12-12-13-
14-15 sts remain on each shoulder. Continue until piece measures 44-46-48-50-52-54 cm, loosely
cast off all sts.


Work as right front piece but reversed.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles size 8 mm with 2 threads Symphony or Melody.
Cast on 28-28-30-32-32-34 sts and work 4 rounds in garter st - Read explanation above. Insert a
marker at beg of round = mid under sleeve. Then work in stocking st. When piece measures 10
cm in all sizes, inc 1 st on both sides of marker = 2 new sts on round. Repeat inc every 10-8-6-5-
4-3½ cm a total of 3-4-5-6-7-8 times = 34-36-40-44-46-50 sts. When piece measures 40-40-39-
39-38-38 cm (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and broader
shoulder width), divide work at the marker and continue back and forth on the needle in stocking
st, while at the same time casting off and dec for sleeve cap in each side on every other row as
follows: 3 sts 0-0-1-1-2-2 times, 2 sts 2-2-1-2-1-1 times, then dec on every 4th row 1 st 2-2-2-
1-2-2 times. Continue until piece measures approx. 49-48-48-48-49-47 cm, then cast off in each
side on every other row as follows: 1 st 1-2-2-1-1-3 times, 2 sts 1-1-1-2-1-1 times, and 3 sts 1
time in all sizes = 10-10-12-12-14-14 sts remain. Loosely cast off all sts on next row from RS
(piece measures approx. 52 cm in all sizes).

From RS sew shoulder seams with neat stitches, or use kitchener sts. Sew in sleeves.

Worked back and forth on circular needle size 8 mm. Knit up approx. 40-50 sts inside 1 edge st
along right edge mid front. Work 1 row in garter st from WS while at the same time adjusting no
of sts to 42-44-46-48-50-52. Work 2 more rows in garter st, then loosely cast off all sts. Work the
same way along left edge mid front.

Worked back and forth on circular needle size 8 mm. Knit up from RS approx. 70-80 sts around
the neck, beg on right band. Work 1 row in garter st from WS while at the same time adjusting no
of sts to 72-72-78-78-84-84. NOTE: Cast off for button hole at the end of row - Read explanation
above. Then work 2 rows in garter st, on next row from RS loosely cast off all sts. Sew the button
on to the left neck edge.

Have you made this or any other of our designs? Tag your pictures in social media with
#dropsdesign so we can see them!

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You'll find 14 tutorial videos, a Comments/Questions area and more by visiting the pattern on
Have you purchased DROPS yarn to make this pattern? Then you are entitled to receive help from the store that
sold you the yarn.

© 1982-2024 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about
what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site.

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