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Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)

ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)


1 2
Aulia Jauhari Rakhman , Sjahrul Meizar Nasri
Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia,


Protection of personnel in microbiological testing laboratories should be conducted. One of the

efforts that can be used for preventive action is the determination of the biosafety level. This study
was conducted with the aim of knowing how important the biosafety level is seen from the readiness
level of laboratory personnel regarding knowledge, training, and competency assessment of
laboratory personnel. Moreover, this study was also based on the application of biological risk
assessment and the planned biosafety implementation program. The sampling method used was
secondary data with document review and data recording from the implementation of activities in the
microbiology laboratory. Meanwhile, the primary data collection was done through in-depth
interviews with respondents using questionnaires and direct interviews. The results of data collection
and data processing showed that 74% of laboratory personnel had the appropriate competence in
carrying out the assessment by determining the biosafety level. This was supported by the biosafety
program which might be planned and implemented with laboratory readiness. This had a percentage
of 73% in terms of biological risk assessment and laboratory facilities. Determination of biosafety
level is important for personnel who is working in dangerous facilities which is exposed to
microbiological agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbiological products. This is
because, determining the biosafety level not only protects laboratory personnel, but also the
environment from biological hazards.

Keywords : Biological Hazard, Biosafety, Laboratory, Microbiology, Risk Assessment


Pekerja yang dapat terkena paparan dari hazard biologis diantaranya adalah personil laboratorium.
Perlindungan terhadap personil di laboratorium pengujian mikrobiologi harus dilakukan. Salah satu
upaya yang dapat digunakan untuk tindakan pencegahan adalah dengan penentuan tingkat keamanan
hayati (Biosafety Level). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa penting Biosafety Level
dilihat dari tingkat kesiapan personil laboratorium terkait pengetahuan, pelatihan dan penilaian
kompetensi personil laboratorium. Selain itu, juga didasari oleh penerapan penilaian risiko biologi dan
program pelaksanaan Biosafety yang telah direncanakan. Pengambilan sampel menggunkan metode
observasi dan studi literatur untuk data sekunder dengan review dokumen dan rekaman data dari
pelaksanaan kegiatan di laboratorium mikrobiologi, serta pengambilan data primer melalui
wawancara yang mendalam terhadap para informan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan interview
secara langsung. Hasil pengambilan dan pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa sebesar 74% personil
laboratorium telah memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai dalam pelaksanaan penilaian dengan penentuan
Biosafety Level. Hal tersebut didukung oleh program Biosafety yang akan telah direncanakan dan
akan dilaksanakan dengan kesiapan laboratorium. Hal tersebut memiliki presentase sebesar 73%
dilihat dari penilaian resiko biologi dan fasilitas laboratorium. Penentuan Biosafety Level penting
untuk personel yang bekerja di berbagai fasilitas yang terpapar agen mikrobiologi seperti bakteri,
virus, parasit, fungi, dan agen terkait serta produk mikrobiologi lainnya. Hal tersebut karna, penentuan
Biosafety Level tidak hanya melindungi personil laboratorium, tetapi juga dan lingkungan sekitarnya
dari bahaya hazard biologis.

Kata Kunci : Biosafety, Hazard Biologis, , Laboratorium, Mikrobiologi, Risk Assessment

PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 522

Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

INTRODUCTION agent which can be insects or other

vectors that often cause respiratory and
Biological hazards in some cases that skin disorders (Rim and Lim, 2014).
affecting workers can be included in A laboratory is an organization that
occupational diseases. The hazard involves carries out testing, calibration, and
biological agents that can cause infectious sampling activities. The laboratory can
diseases. Workers who are generally also be interpreted as practical workplaces
exposed are workers who work directly for professional scientists, technicians,
with the biological hazards, such as and students in carrying out research or
doctors, health workers, and laboratory learning activities. The laboratory is a
analysts. Companies or institutions that system that is required to have a
have relevance and obligation to the management that can be responsible for
application of biosafety guidelines are all laboratory activities. Things that are
medical, clinical and microbiological required to be considered in working in a
laboratories, research laboratories, teaching laboratory are safety and security. Various
and training laboratories, and other health personal protective equipment has to be
care institutions (Rim and Lim, 2014). worn while in the laboratory, such as
laboratory coats, safety shoes, and safety
glasses. This is because the laboratory is a
special field that requires careful planning,
adequate resources, and close supervision
(Nayeem, 2016).
One of the efforts that can be made
to minimize exposure to biological hazards
is by pursuing a program to reduce hazard
exposure for both workers and the
surrounding environment by identifying
and assessing risks. Risk is the probability
for a person will be harmed or experience
Figure 1. Standard Biohazard Symbol any bad effects for health. It may also apply
Source : (Shroder, 2016) to situations where the loss of property or
equipment, or the occurrence of harmful
Infectious diseases among workers effects to the environment (Health and
exposed to biological hazards can Safety Authority, 2016). Risk assessment
generally cause systemic infections can be done by determining the level of
involving the respiratory organs as well as biosafety. PT SCI CI provides inspection
the immune system. Biological hazards services for the quantity and quality of
can be an allergen or toxic causative agricultural, forestry, marine, and fishery
agents that form bioaerosol, which can products/ commodities, food, industry,
cause diseases of the respiratory tract and mining, oil and gas, consumer products, as
skin. Bioaerosol is a biological particle well as the environment. In general, these
that can be in the form of dust or droplets services are intended to protect the interests
that are suspended in the air (Feng et al., of the parties that concerned and to ensure
2019). Bioaerosol consists of viruses, compliance with technical standards for
bacteria, endotoxin, fungi, fungal trading products and commodities. PT. SCI
secondary metabolites, fecal particles, also provides audit services to ascertain the
mite and insect bodies, as well as hair, capacity and capability of potential
feces, and urine from animals. suppliers. One of the business domains of
Furthermore, the presence of biological PT. SCI in laboratory testing is microbial
hazards can also be a zoonotic causative parameters (Ahmad et al., 2019).
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ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

The need to carry out a risk to be balanced with profit opportunities

assessment in determining the biosafety (Crane et al., 2013).
level is related to the likelihood that a Risk assessment is a series of
biological hazard in the laboratory might systematic activities that refer to
cause disease. Moreover, the severity of the quantitative calculations by measuring the
disease may infect laboratory personnel or impact or loss caused by a particular
be exposed to the environment. Hazard in phenomenon. Risk assessment can be
the microbiology laboratory is generally carried out with three steps by risk
pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria identification, analysis, and assessment.
strains could be dangerous and crucial not The result of that is a basis for risk
only in laboratory scope but also in national management. Risk assessment is based on
and strategic biological resources (Jiang, the process of comparing the results of the
Liu and Wei, 2019). Pathogenic bacteria risk analysis carried out with the referred
and microorganisms that available in risk criteria. It can also be interpreted as
microbiology laboratory of PT SCI the process of comparing the results of
consisting of Escherichia coli, Salmonella personalized risk analysis to determine the
typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, level of risk severity in a situation,
Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, activity, or place. The results of the risk
Legionella pneumophilla, Vibrio cholerae, assessment can be used to make risk
Candida albicans, and Aspergillus niger. mitigation or prevention (Li et al., 2019).
Thus, a risk assessment needs to be carried Biological hazards or commonly
out in order to determine the appropriate referred to as biohazards are organisms or
biosafety level for the safety and security of organic materials that are metabolized
laboratory personnel in the microbiology from organisms that have properties that
laboratory of PT. SCI. This study was are harmful to health. These organisms
conducted with the aim of knowing can include viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
whatever is important. The level of There are three main routes for these
biosafety is seen from the readiness level of microorganisms to enter the human body,
laboratory personnel regarding the namely through the inhalation, oral, and
knowledge, training, and competence of transmission through contact with the
laboratory personnel. Furthermore, this body fluids of an infected person or
study was based on biological risk contact with contaminated objects or skin.
management and the planned biosafety The harmful effects caused to human
implementation program (Public Health health by these biohazards are infections,
Agency of Canada, 2018). allergies, and poisoning (OSHC, 2003).
Risk is defined as an event, a change Diseases that can be found as a result of
in circumstances, or a consequence that these hazardous pathogenic
creates uncertainty and the effect of microorganisms include Salmonellosis,
uncertainty on the objective. Risk can be Listeriosis, Campylobacteriosis and
defined as the chance of loss or the Yersiniosis (Pigłowski, 2019).
unwanted result of some action. Biological safety, which is
Uncertainty is a state of not knowing what commonly abbreviated as biosafety in the
will happen in the future. The risk might laboratory, is the principle of containment,
occur can be as big the uncertainty of that. both in the form of technology and
Risk is also possible to make a profit. This practice applied to prevent exposure to
is because if there is no risk, there will be pathogens. The main purpose of biosafety
no return on the ability to manage that risk is the containment of potentially
for any decisions that require a risk-return hazardous biological agents (biohazards).
trade-off. Possible losses due to risk have The scope of biosafety is that of safe
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Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

methods, facilities, and equipment for exposure assessment, and continuous

managing infectious materials a type of review and improvement. Biosafety Risk
bio risk that can affect humans and the Assessment in its assessment can provide
environment. Personnel who is working in guidance for the selection of suitable
laboratories may be exposed to biosafety biological safety measures. This may
hazards, particularly those who work include methodologies in microbiological
directly with infectious agents, or those practice and safety equipment, security
who work indirectly or closely with measures, and facility protection aimed at
infectious agents. People living in an mitigating defined risks to acceptable or
environment outside the laboratory or manageable levels. The results of the risk
facilities can also face biosafety hazards if assessment can be conclude that some
the agent is released either intentionally or risks can be controlled using relatively
unintentionally into the environment straightforward measures, such as
(Smith, 2014). properly cleaning up spills and splashes,
Biosafety risk assessment is a reducing fall hazards, and lock all
systematic work program that involves an containers containing dangerous
assessment of the hazards of pathogenic pathogens. Risk assessment is an
microorganisms, laboratory testing important instrument to assist in risk
activities, laboratory facilities and reduction. This is because laboratory risks
equipment, personnel in the laboratory, can never be completely eliminated. The
laboratory methods, natural disaster purpose of the research conducted was to
mitigation methods, and protection from fire assess the readiness of the microbiology
hazards, electrical equipment, hazardous laboratory at PT SCI in facing the
chemicals, and hazardous gases. Biosafety biosafety risk assessment assessed from
Risk Assessment can be carried out the Biosafety Knowledge and Training as
qualitatively and quantitatively. Risk well as Competency Assessment and
assessment is the most important Biosafety Program and Biological Risk
component of biosafety implementation. Assessment (Public Health Agency of
This is because the risk assessment Canada, 2018).
determines the relative nature of the
laboratory, both activities, test results, and METHODS
environmental risk assessment. This is
necessary in order to understand a broader Data were obtained from two sources,
risk assessment concept, namely a way to primary data and secondary data. The
deal with uncertainty and incomplete data method used in collecting the primary data
from laboratory results. Therefore, decisions was in-depth interviews with respondents
can be made with full consideration of the using questionnaires and direct interviews
consequences of being influenced by policy with the ethical approval number: Ket- 61/
choices, individual experiences, and public UN2.F10.D11/PPM.00.02/2021.
reactions (Traynor, Frederick and Koch, Meanwhile, secondary data were taken
2002). from document review and data records of
In its implementation, Biosafety activity implementation in the
Risk Assessment considers the activities microbiology laboratory. The scope of data
carried out in the laboratory, the hazard collection was seen from various aspects in
characteristics of pathogenic the microbiology laboratory, namely
microorganisms, and the prevalence of demographic data and general question data
pathogens in the environment around the regarding biosafety (WHO, 2004).
laboratory. Risk assessment is consists of
four components which are hazard
identification, hazard characterization,
PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 532
Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

Biosafety Knowledge and Training as well assessment of biological hazards,

as Competency Assessment decontamination protocols, use of biosafety
cabinets, standard operating procedures for
Human resources at the PT SCI handling biological hazards, transport and
Microbiology Laboratory were mapped disposal of biohazard waste, and
from the managing manager to the management roles in managing laboratory
laboratory staff totaling 12 people. The PT based on biosafety standards. Moreover,
SCI Microbiology Laboratory was a interviews were conducted with
laboratory that receives samples daily from respondents regarding the availability and
various sources with various types of use of laboratory personal protective
samples. This requires a suitable and equipment (PPE) as well as biosafety
concentrated laboratory environmental devices such as facilities with appropriate
condition concerning the safety of its biosafety levels.
personnel from possible biological hazards.
Besides environmental conditions and Data Management and Statistical Analysis
biosafety level standards, the knowledge
and competence of personnel need to be The sampled data were then
taken into account as part of the biosafety processed and analyzed using Microsoft
assessment in the Microbiology laboratory Excel 2018 and SPSS. The results of data
of PT SCI. collection were used to determine the
Data were collected during the 2015- readiness status of laboratory personnel for
2020 period according to the year of entry biosafety implementation at the PT SCI
for the majority of staff and training that Microbiology Laboratory. A numerical
began at the Microbiology laboratory. The scoring system was undertaken to assess
training included occupational safety and general knowledge of biosafety, use of
health training, training on biological biosafety devices and appropriate PPE, as
hazards, methods and basics of well as personnel attitudes and their
microbiological testing, to handling competencies to standard laboratory
biological hazards at the PT SCI practice, and level of awareness in
Microbiology laboratory. Sample data were biosafety application using One-Factor
devoted to laboratory personnel who work Anova Correlation Test for Biosafety
directly on samples and executive Knowledge, Training & Competency and
management. Laboratory Record of Year Service and
also Linear Regression Correlation Test for
Biosafety Program and Biological Risk Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
Assessment Competency and Biosafety Program and
Biological Risk Assessment.
Interviews and questionnaires
submitted to laboratory personnel were RESULT
based on the standards outlined in the
Laboratory Biosafety Manual such as the Demographics of Laboratory Personnel
5th edition of Biosafety in Microbiological
and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) and The demographic level of
the Laboratory Biosafety Manual (3rd respondents consisted of 12 people
Edition) by the World Health Organization including three categories, namely
(WHO) in 2014. The questions raised laboratory management, analysts, and
indicate the respondents’ general laboratory assistants. The respondents’
knowledge, including standard sample average response rate was 100% visualized
testing procedures, identification and in Table 1. The characteristics of laboratory
PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 535
Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

personnel were dominated by those in the

age of 21-30 years old of 75% (Figure 2)
with male dominance of 67% (Figure 3).
Most of them were experienced in the
laboratory for 1 to 5 years with a
percentage of 75% of the total laboratory
personnel (Figure 4).

Table 1. Category of Laboratory Personnel

in Microbiology Laboratory PT Figure 4. Working Period of Laboratory
SCI in 2020 Personnel
Category Person Person Response
Attended Response Rate (%)
Biosafety Knowledge and Training and
Manager 1 1 100 Competency Assessment
Supervisor 1 1 100
Analyst 9 9 100 Based on the results of data collection
Lab Staff 1 1 100 and processing, it was found that 74% of
Total 12 Average 100 the 12 laboratory personnel had the
Participants Response
Rate appropriate competencies related to the
implementation of the assessment by
determining the Biosafety Level (Figure 5).
The results of the data on the correlation
between the tenure of laboratory personnel
and the knowledge and training data of
biosafety and competency assessments
showed that there was no correlation
between personnel tenure in the laboratory
and knowledge, training and competence
regarding biosafety application in the
laboratory (Table 2).
Figure 2. Age Distribution of Laboratory

Figure 5. Biosafety Knowledge and Training

and Competency Assessment
Figure 3. Gender Distribution of Laboratory

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Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

Figure 6. Biosafety Program and Biological

Risk Assessment

Table 2. Results of One-Factor Anova Correlation Test for Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
Competency and Laboratory Record of Year Service

Biosafety Knowledge, Training & Competency

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Squar
Between 1.750 2 .875 .750 .500
Within 10.500 9 1.167
Total 12.250 11

Biosafety Program and Biological Risk 5). The results of the correlation test data
Assessment between biosafety knowledge and training
as well as competency assessments and the
Data obtained from the planning of Biosafety Program and Biological Risk
the Biosafety program carried out related to Assessment show that there is a strong
laboratory readiness with a percentage of correlation with R = 0.912 (Table 3 dan
73% seen from the biological risk Tabel 4).
assessment and laboratory facilities (Figure

Table 3. Results of the Linear Regression Correlation Test for Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
Competency and Biosafety Program and Biological Risk Assessment from SPSS

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 19.949 5.643 3.535 .005
Biosafety Knowledge, 1.044 .148 .912 7.049 .000
Training & Competency
a. Dependent Variable: Biosafety Program and Biological Risk Assessment

Tabel 4. Results of the Linear Regression Correlation Test for Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
Competency and Biosafety Program and Biological Risk Assessment

Variable R R2 Line Equation p-Value

PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 535

Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

Biosafety Knowledge, 0.912 0.831744 Biosafety Program and Biological 0.005

Training & Risk Assessment = 19.949 + 1044
Competency (Biosafety Knowledge)

DISCUSSION personnel had good laboratory biosafety

scores. The data showed that this survey
Based on the results of the research was the first to be conducted at PT SCI
conducted, it was found that the personnel which aimed to evaluate biosafety in a
had a good level of awareness regarding the microbiology laboratory facility. The
application of biosafety in the microbiology importance of personnel competence in the
laboratory. The results of sampling with application of biosafety is required in every
laboratory personnel show that the average laboratory staff, so that they must be given
response rate is 100% as shown in Table 1. understanding and training, starting from
The survey response rate of 100% indicates understanding the characteristics of the
that the motivation of laboratory personnel chemicals and biological agents used, as
is good, where this percentage also implies well as good and correct laboratory
the level of attention of laboratory techniques in the laboratory where they
management who is already concerned with work. This can be seen from the percentage
the implementation of laboratory biosafety. of 74% of the personnel shown in Figure 5
The total number of personnel is dominated regarding the Biosafety Knowledge and
by the age range of 21-30 years as shown in Training and Competency Assessment of
Figure 2 with a male population of 67% all laboratory personnel (Syahputra, 2017).
more as shown in Figure 3. The average of The Anova value obtained from
the entire working period of personnel in statistical testing of the One-Factor Anova
Figure 4 is the last 5 years amounting to Test (Table 2) is F = 0.750 with a p-value =
75% and the rest are in managerial and 0.500 (p> 0.005). The null hypothesis
supervisory positions. This will affect the shows that there is no correlation between
test results of the relationship between the tenure of laboratory personnel and
competence and knowledge gained during Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
work. Competency, while the alternative
Most laboratory personnel have a hypothesis shows that there is a correlation
general knowledge of good and correct between the tenure of laboratory personnel
laboratory practice. This includes training and Biosafety Knowledge, Training &
and use of acceptable biosafety devices and Competency. By using alpha = 0.005, the
PPE demonstrated with a score of 81.6%, conclusion from the above results is that
occupational safety and health training at the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. Thus,
85%, knowledge of biological hazards with the conclusion is that there is no
a score of 73.3%, exposure to specific risks relationship between the tenure of
to microbiological agents 75%, knowledge laboratory personnel and Biosafety
about how to handle testing equipment / Knowledge, Training & Competency. This
supplies in the laboratory by 76.7% and the is because training and competency
use of biosafety cabinets by 71.6%. improvement are carried out routinely
Laboratory analysts working with every year in the microbiology laboratory
pathogens were found to have good in accordance with the specific Training
knowledge and competence related to Needs Analysis study and in accordance
occupational safety and health in the with the hazards and laboratory testing
laboratory and related to daily analytical needs However, the development of the
work. The results of questionnaire data microbiology laboratory towards biosafety
processing showed that most laboratory has only been carried out for the last 5
PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 532
Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

years, especially training for employees and infection, but also prevents pathogenic
analysts who have recently joined as sources from leaking to the environment. It
employees at the microbiology laboratory can be done by standardize management for
of PT SCI (Hastono, 2018). ensuring safe operation of biosafety
The results of other linear laboratory. This is consistent with what is
regression correlation statistical tests shown in Figure 6, that the laboratory
related to Knowledge Training and management has thought about and
Competence as well as the Biosafety prepared the Biosafety Program and
Program and Biological Risk Assessment Biological Risk Assessment with a
in Table 3 show that the knowledge and presentation result of 73% (W et al., 2019).
training variables have a positive and Most of the laboratory personnel
significant effect on the biosafety program. have obtained high scores in the laboratory
The correlation between Biosafety biosafety program category and assessment
Knowledge, Training & Competency with of biological hazards which are part of an
the Biosafety Program and Biological Risk effective biosafety program. Most of the
Assessment shows a positive correlation laboratory personnel received high scores
with high strength/closeness of the in the laboratory biosafety program
relationship (R = 0.912 close to +1) as category and the biological assessment
shown in Table 4. This means that the based on the questionnaire (U.S.
higher the Biosafety Knowledge, Training Department of Health and Human Sevices,
& Competency, the better the Biosafety Centers for Disease Control and National
Program and Biological Risk Assessment Institutes of Health, 2020). This data is
in the laboratory will be implemented. strengthened by the demographic data of
Biosafety Knowledge, Training & personnel with a dominance of 1-5 years of
Competency variables can explain 83.2% work experience, showing that the
of the variation in the Biosafety Program competence of laboratory analysts is equal
and Biological Risk Assessment variables. in terms of laboratory management related
This relationship is a statistically to biosafety. The thing related to biosafety
significant relationship which is indicated management is the availability of standard
by a P value of 0.005 <0.05 (Sabri and procedures, which include sample
Hastono, 2014). acceptance, testing, sample quality control,
In addition to the competence of to the decontamination stage with a score
laboratory personnel, management and of 61.7%.
administrative control of biosafety and In addition, the biosafety risk
assessment of biological hazard risks are assessment is shown with a score of 60%
also required as part of an effective because the biosafety assessment has not
biosafety program. That is a part of quality been carried out. Biological hazard control
management system. Implementing the by identifying laboratory activities has a
quality management system in laboratory is score of 80%, new management control
more than quality control and quality procedures have a score of 68.3%, a list of
assurance, because quality management microorganisms and personnel able to
system leads to system plan of laboratory identify them has a score of 80% and the
work, documents practices include stage of biological hazard control in case of
processes and operating procedures, meets spills and unexpected events has a score of
its requirements, checks and evaluates it 76.7 %. The last one is management system
through audit (Hou et al., 2019). Managing audits related to biosafety have a score of
biosafety laboratory provide an important 68.3%. The facilities for laboratory for
safety platform according to not only example the design or layout, material for
protect personnel from pathogenic furniture and also requirement for room
PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Page 535
Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2623-1581 (Online)
ISSN 2623-1573 (Print)

monitoring are important rules for protect behavior at work, which is related to the
the laboratory personnel, because effective availability and proper use of biosafety
treatment and preventive measures are not devices and PPE, good attitudes towards
usually available (Zhang et al., 2019). biosafety, and adherence to standard
laboratory practices (Bayot and Limaiem,
2019). Good biosafety laboratory practice
also cannot be developed if the safety
culture is not strong enough to be
implemented. Poor implementation of
good microbiological practice is the most
common cause of laboratory-acquired
infections, and training in compliance with
procedures and regulations appears to be
the best method of avoiding such infections
(Huang et al., 2019).
Figure 7. Example of Biosafety level-3
Source : (Syahputra, 2017) CONCLUSION

The scoring results reflect the Determination of the Biosafety Level

readiness and awareness of the importance is important for personnel working in
of assessing and applying biosafety in the facilities exposed to microbiological agents
PT SCI microbiology laboratory. Bayot & such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and related
Limaiem, 2020 states that the failure of agents and other microbiological products.
implementing biosafety systems is due to This is because the role of determining the
the absence of technical documents Biosafety Level is not only to protect
containing specific biosafety guidelines, laboratory personnel, but also the
poor biosafety skills due to lack of surrounding environment from biological
personnel training, continuous laboratory hazards. Safety considerations are the most
hazards and increased risk. due to important thing in biosafety assessment,
inadequate risk assessment and along with the consideration of laboratory
management, use of substandard laboratory test results that will be more accurate with
equipment, poor maintenance of equipment the safety and risk assessment carried out.
and biosafety guidelines in laboratory
facilities. This can occur as a result of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
poorly written guidelines or procedures,
including writing regarding the application This research was supported by the
of generic and non-specific procedures, members in the thesis guidance group, all
unclear roles and responsibilities for each Lecturers and Postgraduate Students of the
staff involved, lack of a review and update Occupational Health and Safety
process of existing guidelines and Department, Faculty of Public Health,
socialization and access to those guidelines University of Indonesia and colleagues
that are bad. The assessment of real-time from PT SCI Microbiology Laboratory.
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is the first step towards biosafety defense REFERENCES
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