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Name : ______________________ Date : _____________________

I. Read the story below where Adam is in an alley. He has not been
able to find Bar Belle.

1. In the first paragraph, the writer focuses on visual descriptions of the

man and the alley. Using examples, explain the effect of this.
The use of silhouetted adds mystery and
danger as the man’s features cannot be
seen. The word waiting makes it sound

as though the man has intent and may
be threatening. Then the gloom of what
looked like a dead end makes the alley
sound dangerous as he could get trapped.

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2. In second paragraph, Adam prepares to fight but says he was clutching
at straws. What does this mean?
He means that it is a hopeless situation
and that, although he will try his best,
fighting is not likely to be successful.

3. Describe Adam’s different feelings in paragraphs 3 and 4.

Adam feels relieved as he realises that he
has been imagining the danger. His relief
turns into embarrassment as he feels

foolish for panicking.

4. In the final paragraph, Adam feels an odd scene of anticlimax.

Explain what this means and what it tells you about Adam’s character?
It means that he felt slightly deflated and
let down by the realisation that the danger
was in his imagination. This shows that he
seems to enjoy the thrill of an adventure.
5. The writer structures this extract by first creating tension, then
building it, then releasing that tension. In pairs:
a. Identify lines where the tension is built up.
The tension starts to build in the first line on and stopped. This shows Adam is suddenly tense as
he sees the man silhouetted. The tension then continuesto build as he thinks he could get trapped
and cannot see anything to defend himself.
b. Identify lines where the tension is released.
The tension is released in paragraph 3
when he realises that the man is not even looking down the
alley. It then deflates completely when he realises he’s an old
6. Do you agree that Adam has a heroic characteristic based on this
story? Explain your answer.
(learners answer(
7. Look at the first paragraph. Give three examples of structural and its
Structural features : _____________________________________
to create suspense
Effect : ______________________________________________
Structural features : _____________________________________
rhetorical question

Effect : ______________________________________________
to build up tension
Structural features : _____________________________________
short sentence

Effect : ______________________________________________
build up suspense

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II. Read this articles from a website that contains light-hearted
stories and articles. It is an account of predictions from the past –
things that people thought would happen by 2020.

1. Give one word from the first paragraph that means ‘greatly’?

2. Suggest how the writer has made the opening of the article effective.
Give a clear example to support your answer.

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by asking a question
they link firmly to the main topic
3. Look at the paragraph 2. Give two examples of informal language and
explain their effects.
exclamation of Sounds good to me is very personal and informal
 ________________________________________________
use of 'whixh let's face it, we all do'in bracket uses a contraction

 ________________________________________________
4. Look at paragraph 3. Give two interesting examples of sentence
punctuation and explain their effects.
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
5. This articles uses a headline and subheadings. Give two further
features in thie article that are typical of this text type.
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
6. What is the main purpose of this text?
Tick one statement.
To inform the reader ___
To persuade the reader ___
To advice the reader ___
To entertain the reader ___

III. Read the extract below. Identify the persuasive techniques used
and annonate them.

Imagine a world where every child has access to quality

education, where opportunities are not dictated by zip codes
imperative verb
or family backgrounds, but by sheer determination and
talent. Can we afford to ignore the staggering statistics that
reveal the concequences of education inequity? Every year,
rhetorical question millions of bright minds are left behind, trapped in a cycle of
poverty and despair. It’s time to take action, to stand up and
make a difference. Join us in our mission to ensure that
every child receive education they deserve. Together, we can
imperative verb
break barries, defy expectations, and build future where direct address
success knows no bounds.

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IV. Writing
Write an argumentative writing about whther you agree or disagree
to ban all junk foods and sugary drinks from the school site. (Write
at least 300 words)

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