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Assignment 03


Before you attempt this assignment, please work through Study Units 5
and 6 in your Study Guide (TUT501/0/2022) and the relevant sections of
your prescribed and recommended textbooks.


NOTE: Before you start this assignment, please go to page 4 of

Tutorial Letter 501 (The Study Guide) to review the Outcomes and
Assessment Criteria for Units 5 and 6. Use the Outcomes and
Assessment criteria as guide for answering your questions.

1. This is an essay question which counts for 50 marks.

2. Ensure that your essay is coherent and grammatically correct.
Please note that structure and grammatical correctness are just
as important as the relevance of the content to the specific question
3. Make sure you acknowledge your sources correctly and provide
a list of references in the correct format.
4. It is also important that you check your work carefully before your
final submission.
5. Do not include any drafts or mind maps with your final submission.
As a foundation and intermediate phase teacher, developing a love of
animals in your students is an important aspect of their holistic

Write an essay of 1000-1200 words (this is about 2-3 typed pages) in

which you discuss why this is important and how can you as foundation and
intermediate phase teachers effectively foster a sense of compassion and
love for animals in your students?

Your essay should consider the following:

1. Why fostering a sense of compassion and love for animals in children is
2. An understanding of how developing a love of animals can contribute to
students' overall social, emotional, and cognitive development.
3. Teaching resources.
4. Discussions.
5. Activities or projects.
6. Integration of technology.
7. Role modelling/Reflections of your own experiences.

8. Please note this scaffolded question builds upon the previous

assignment, allowing you to delve deeper into the topic and explore
various aspects of developing a love of animals in students.

Read the following guidelines to structure your essay:

1. Use the question as your topic.

2. Do not make use of any headings.
3. Ensure that your essay is coherent and grammatically correct.
4. Proofread and edit before you submit.
5. Try to keep to the prescribed word count.

• Remember to use the correct essay format:

• one paragraph for your introduction,

• one paragraph for the conclusion, and

• the remaining paragraphs for your discussion of the points.

You will be assessed on the following criteria::


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