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Submitted by: : Ms. Hazel Candelaria-Gascon MBA

Mr. Jeroune D. Madridano MBA

Submitted to : Dr. Janine Moneda – Dela Cruz


Executive Summary:
The Grab Brand Management Plan outlines strategies to enhance leading super app,
offering a suite of services consisting of deliveries, mobility, financial services, enterprise,
and others. They offer a wide range of services for consumers, merchants and enterprises.
Grab delivers food, groceries, and acts as an express connecting everything to the doorstep
of users. Grab also have financial services which include payment platform for secure and
seamless cashless payments, Insurance and Investment Service, etc. Grab is one of the
fastest-growing and most innovative company across the world.


A. Brand Assessment:
o Brand Identity: Define and reinforce Grab core values, mission, and vision to
ensure a consistent brand image, has given us a crystal clear idea of who we
want to be and what our brand stands for. From now on, all of Grab's
campaigns will reflect our brand personality to be daring, positive and
o Brand Positioning; Grab's target segment is the price-conscious mass market
that includes middle- and lower-income consumers. To meet the needs of this
segment, Grab positioned itself as an affordable and convenient transport
service provider offering a range of options for specific transport needs via its
mobile application

B. SWOT Analysis:
o Strengths: Biggest in its Nation , Top Quality Selection: , Ease of Payment
Range of Services: , Strong Acquisitions , Diverse products , Recent
o Weaknesses: Changes in Technology , Huge Operational Costs Customers
Privacy Issues: Drivers Reliance on Tips Low Incentives:
o Opportunities: Explore New Markets, Electric Vehicles, Growing Safety
Concerns, Current Nation’s Scenarios, Nation’s Development, and Acquisition

o Threats: Constant Forcement Increase in Fuel Rates: Country-specific

Regulations Rising Incidents Increase in Competition


A. Brand Architecture:
o Product Branding: Grab represents the growing platform of on-demand
services to serve the transport industry. Grab provide the freedom to get to
your destination safely an conveniently; the freedom to choose the best
transport option for you; the freedom to pursue a rewarding livelihood. The
Grab logo was designed with freedom at its core. The dual lines are inspired
by roadways and they represent the endless road of possibilities. They
symbolize the new journey Grab is taking in parallel with its passengers,
drivers, employees and society at large.
o Corporate Branding: Grab Holdings, Inc. is recognized as a multinational
company, situated in Singapore as the main headquarter. A multitasking
company working in various fields food delivery, digital payment services and
transportation via mobile app. Grab offering a wide range of services,
including grocery, food delivery and financial services, helped it establish a
strong foothold in the region. This has made Grab a one-stop-shop for all of a
customer’s needs, making it an indispensable part of daily life in the country.
B. Brand Extension:
o Grab new brand is an important evolution that represents the goal to out
serve their customers. Grab are not only providing passengers with a
transport service, they are saving them and ensuring they have a safe ride.
Grab aims to make transportation accessible to everyone, they have set the
benchmark in the industry, with the most number of transport services that
cater to all price points, all available in one app. Grab have something for
every one- and are committed to delivering the best possible user experience.
Grab announced the expansion of its ‘Grow with Grab” suite products and
features to empower small and medium business (SMBs) to tap on the
regional e-commerce market opportunity. GrabMerchant Commerce, a simple
cost-effective and powerful webstore builder platform, which boost sales and
reduces operational work and payment risks. It enables small businesses to
scale by offering tailored support in areas such as marketing and Brand
Development, as well as advanced operations.
C. Digital Presence and Online Branding:
o Grab Advertisement allows brands to distribute appealing content and create
memorable in-car and digital experiences for customers. Brands will be able
to run integrated campaigns through the GrabAds platform that will allow
them to achieve their branding and marketing goals by targeting the right
audience segment.
o With GrabAds, consumers will have new ways to discover, engage and
receive deals from quality brands. GrabAds use its big data capabilities, local
market insights and presence to create meaningful consumer engagement for
brands that lets them segment their audience and cut through the noise.
Online and offline worlds become one, brands are now more focused than
ever in designing and delivering seamless integrated experiences frothier
customers across multiple channels. GrabAds help brands tap into extensive
vehicle fleet and increasing digital footprint to reach a wider audience. From
generating mass awareness to creating bespoke experiences, that are
interesting, engaging and enriching for customers.
D. Customer-Centric Approach:
o Grab execute feedback mechanisms, they run regular ‘Voice of Customer’
surveys to do this, a key challenge was to get clients to spend time away from
their busy schedules to complete the surveys, which is a problem that many
companies can relate to as well. Grab use gift vouchers upon completion and
incentivized to complete the survey. As companies edges in their product and
services, creating this feedback loop with their customers will be more
important than ever.
o Business strategy that’s based on putting your customer first and at the core
of your business in order to provide a positive experience and build long-term
relationship. Grab uses to listen to their customers, connect with them on their
terms and captivate their attention. They been working very hard to deliver on
customer centricity in a way that drives meaningful and quantifiable impact to
the business. In particular, they found out that our work as it relates to safety
is when it all comes together.
i. Be where our customers are
ii. Quantify and prioritize issues
iii. Stay in front of negative conversation drivers
Grab partnership with Sprinklr, is innovating ways to drive customer centricity
within the business, specifically as it relates to safety. They have enables to
effectively quantify qualitative information, which a can help prioritize actions
that matter to their customers and business. Finally, helping Grab accurately
reflect the sentiment of conversation so they can make informed adjustments
to the positive or negative reception of news and conversations.
A. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC):
o Having them work collectively might be more complicated than you imagine
as there are different factors in which you’d need to consider to make a
successful IMC campaign. Grab strategic planning that is lay to actual usage.
i. Understand their target audience – Grab has excellent crowd
adaptability, ranging from elderlies to Gen Z, they have provided
convenient transportation and food delivery services, which most
countries didn’t have previously, which allowed them to provide
many social benefits for both consumers and their employees
ii. Marketing channels selection – Grab has direct marketing efforts
through email, their application engages their consumers on social
media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
iii. Consistent content, theme and act in sync – Grab has always
followed a certain theme; their brand logo has remained the same
whilst their promotional content always features green highlight to
showcase association with Grab.
iv. Progress tracking – From a membership point system, challenges
to giveaways and lucky draws. Grab has consistently implemented
various methods and coupons to assess the success of their
brand to accurately identify if they are achieving the ideal result.
Develop a comprehensive IMC strategy incorporating consistent
messaging across all channels (online and offline).
Integrated Marketing Communication is critical to ensure that your marketing
efforts are in sync. Your different digital marketing channels should work
together to achieve greater results combined, that the advantage of
omnichannel marketing. As you can see Grab’s success, they have constantly
committed themselves to their IMC to retain their relevance in the market.
o Grab collaborates with Panasonic Corporation to bring better in-car air quality
and enhance overall in-car experience to GrabCar Premium users. Grab,
Southeast Asisa’ leading super app is collaborating with Panasonic
Corporation on an Integrated Marketing Campaign that aims to bring better in-
car quality and enhance overall in-car experience. Through a fully-integrated
campaign that combines GrabAds’ unique online and offline advertising
solutions, Grab will turn 5,500 GrabCar Premium vehicles across four
countries into Panasoic’s nanoe X generators. Consumers who travel on
GrabCar Premium can have a chance to see and experience the nanoe X
generators, a device compact enough to fit in a car cup-holder, via digital ads
placed in prominent spaces with in Grab app. Panasonic will also be able to
tap onyto Grab’s strong consumer insights to engage with their potential
customers through the Grab app that is available on over 214 million
smartphones in Southeast Asia. Consumers can learn more about
Panasonic’s nanoe X technology via digital ads placed in prominent spaces
within the Grab app wherever they go and during their GrabCar Premium
rides. This partnership also provided additional income opportunities for Grab
driver-partners who will earn a monthly product placement fee throughout the
campaign period.

B. Crisis Communication:
o In order for Grab to manage their company’s response to a bad news or
negative publicity.
i. Grab need to establish a clear plan. This means, online forums
and social platforms are a powerful source of information for your
audience and a proactive approach to supporting your brand
reputation is more important than ever. When you’re actively
managing your brand reputation, you are better equipped to tackle
issues the very moment they arise. No one company will ever be
immune, so make sure your team is ready to handle bad press
before it finds you.
ii. Devise a plan before the crisis. The best time to prepare for a
crisis is before the crisis. This critical, living document outlines
communication and response procedures for a crisis situation,
whether that negative media coverage or responding to a storm of
customer complaints. It established a spokesperson, identifies who
needs to be part of the communications or approval process and
provides an action plan to address all aspects of media, including
mass media (Tv/ Radio / newspaper), social media (Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and review websites (Goggle). Without
this roadmap, your organization will be prone to mistakes,
missteps or miscommunication at the most sensitive time.
However, with an effective response strategy, negative press can
be managed, mitigated and oftentimes contained before it ever
gets out of hand.
iii. Timing is everything in a crisis. Being able to react quickly is ideal
but it must be in a coordinated fashion. That’s where your crisis
communications plan comes into play. Before anyone responds,
quickly gather your PR team together for an assessment of the
situation and review your crisis communications plan. Identify what
level of response is required, designate who should communicate
to which audience and then move forward quickly with a
coordinated response. You’ll want to ensure what you’re saying to
the media aligns with what’s being said on social or being told
directly to customers or clients who call in with questions. Take a
breath and ensure your message is aligned with your company’s
crisis plan, your values and the situation at hand, but don’t wait too
long. While you want to respond carefully, realize that the longer
the void the more others will shape your story for you.
iv. Developing an outline of key scenarios and responses beforehand
will be crucial to have when a crisis occurs. The best approach for
online commentary is to try and move the conversation offline.
However, providing a simple response first to let a customer know
they’ve been heard can go a long way for your brand reputation. If
you’re facing media questions, your spokesperson should always
be prepared to share a concise statement at the very minimum to
say you are aware of the situation and that a resolution is
underway. Even if you’re not ready with all the facts, crafting a
short one-liner is much better than no comment at all. Plus, it will
save you from nervously sharing some long-winded technical
jargon response that will only pummel you with more questions
you’re not ready to answer. Be sure to distribute a brief guideline
for the entire company that will help direct media questions to the
appropriate person. It’s also important to realize you have that
internal audience as well who needs to hear that you are
addressing an issue.
v. Analyze before you finalize. Gather your team for a round of Q&A.
Think about what your team could have done differently, or better.
Could the situation have been avoided or resolved sooner? If so,
how can you adjust your process for the future? In the next few
weeks and months ahead, what positive stories can you share that
will help you rise from the ashes? Once you’ve hashed out all the
details, grab that precious crisis communications plan of yours and
get your team prepared for the next crisis. You never know when it
will ignite.

C. Innovation and Differentiation:

o Product Innovation:
o Grad recognized as a Top Innovative company in the World. Grab, the
leading super app in Southeast Asia with a global R&D Centre
in Bangalore, India has been ranked as a top transportation company and
second overall on Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies list for
2019. Fast Company described it as a 'transactional super app' that
brings together various lifestyle services that connect hundreds of millions
of customers to local businesses in South East Asia. Grab is the leading
provider of ride-hailing, fintech and marketplace services in Southeast
Asia, operating in 336 cities across 8 countries, supported by 7 global
R&D centers located
in Singapore, Beijing, Bangalore, Seattle, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh
City and Kuala Lumpur. From advancing its leadership in transportation
technology, to expanding its delivery, digital payments and financial
services offerings, to launching an open platform “GrabPatform” to
support other local developers and services, Grab is providing solutions
for Southeast Asians' everyday needs in one convenient app.
o Grab, Southeast Asia’s leading superapp, has been named to Fast
Company’s prestigious annual list of the World’s Most Innovative
Companies for 2023. Featured alongside companies which are setting the
standard with some of the greatest accomplishments of the modern world,
Grab was recognized for its enterprise service, GrabMaps, in the Asia -
Pacific category. On this list are the most innovative companies across the
Asia-Pacific region, who are finding local solutions with global
implications. Grab’s full stack of mapping technology has been developed
in-house and was launched in June 2022. GrabMaps disrupts existing
mapping models with a granular and highly accurate view of Southeast
Asia built by and for the local community. Grab’s map data is updated all
the time, fed by the orders and rides it serves daily, and is augmented by
contributions from driver-partners who collect data using proprietary
camera hardware. Grab is also piloting its Kartacam technology, for low-
cost and yet high-quality map data collection, beyond Southeast Asia- in
Paris, Johannesburg, Sri Lanka, Las Vegas, Seattle and Jordan. Grab is
also sharing this capability and its edge in accuracy, coverage, freshness
and cost-effectiveness, as an enterprise service, with other companies
including Amazon Web Services, helping them build services and
applications to better serve Southeast Asians.

o Sustainable Differentiation:
o Grab was founded on the belief that a technology company could both run
profitably and create sustainable impact. As a triple bottom line company,
Grab seek to ensure that profitability is tied to the welfare of the
communities to operate in, and the protection of the environment for
future generations to come.
i. Sustainable Partner Livelihoods - Grab is committed to creating
opportunities for everyday entrepreneurs to build sustainable
livelihoods, and their resilience to navigate macroeconomic
ii. A Lasting Planet - Grab has set a Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste
to Nature by 2040 goal. We believe that preserving the
environment and minimizing climate change impact would ensure
long-term economic success for our partners and community.
iii. Grab continues to facilitate economic growth and uplift
communities, bringing over 680,000 small merchant-partners onto
the platform, and upskilling over 780,000 driver-partners
iv. Ensuring the safety of Grab’s partners and consumers remains a
top priority for Grab. On-demand deliveries boomed at the height
of the pandemic. However, the industry also saw an increase in
road traffic accidents during this period of time. Through additional
safety measures and training, Grab’s accident rate for its delivery
segment improved by 36% year-on-year, even against strong
growth in its delivery business.
v. Grab is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
plastic waste. In 2021, Grab switched to powering all its corporate
offices with 100% renewable energy, and launched a 100% low-
emissions 2-wheel rental fleet in Indonesia. Grab’s carbon offset
and cutlery toggle features enabled users to make greener
choices in everyday decisions. The features contributed to the
planting of over 42,000 trees regionally, off settled more than
2,300 tons of greenhouse gas emissions through carbon credits,
and reduced the use of more than 774 million sets of single-use

o New commitments as a triple bottom line company - Grab continues to

invest in Southeast Asia. Its latest Environmental, Social and Governance
(ESG) goals ensure the company’s growth and success have a positive
impact on the communities it operates in:

1. Driving digital inclusion for marginalized groups - Grab seeks to double

the number of marginalized individuals who earn a living through its
platform by 2025. To enable this, Grab plans to launch Grab Access, a
regional program to lower the barriers for marginalized individuals to join
Grab. The program will provide these individuals with special financial and
training support for a period of time to help them adapt and ease into the
platform. Grab Access will roll out first in Indonesia, with other countries to
follow this year.

2. Supporting females to grow in the workplace - Grab is committed to

working towards increasing the percentage of women on its leadership
bench to 40% by 2030, up from 34% currently. This ensures the company
has diverse voices in management positions and considers a variety of
views in crafting and implementing policies and decisions. Grab continues
to maintain a high gender wage parity, with female employees earning 98
cents to a dollar paid to male employees for performing a similar role at
3. Managing its environmental impact - Grab is committed to actively
manage its carbon footprint, with the goal to become carbon neutral by
2040 even as the business continues to grow significantly over the years.
It will focus first on implementing measures to reduce emissions before
turning to offsets. To this end, Grab works with governments, charging
infrastructure providers, and automakers across Southeast Asia to
conduct EV pilot studies and research; plan and develop Electric Vehicle
(EV) charging infrastructure and battery swapping stations; financing
products to support greater EV adoption, and more. Today, Grab operates
the largest ride-hailing EV fleet in Indonesia, comprising around 8,500
electric vehicles.

o To reach carbon neutrality by 2040, Grab will:

i. Continue to drive the transition to low emission vehicles among its
partners, including transitioning 100% of its ride-hailing fleet in
Singapore to low emission vehicles by 2030.
ii. Achieve net zero operational carbon for all premises as a member
of EP100, by transitioning all other premises operated by Grab
and under its direct control such as data centers and operation
hubs to renewable energy by 2030.
iii. Continue to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning to
further optimize for resource efficiency across all areas of its
business and operations, such as order batching and ride-sharing
to reduce unnecessary travel.
iv. Work with suppliers and vendors within our value chain to
minimize emissions.
o This is why we are focusing our Environmental, Social and Governance
(ESG) goals on driving inclusive growth and closely managing the
environmental footprint of our ecosystem. Our journey to becoming a
triple bottom line company reflects our strong belief that the long-term
success of our business is intricately linked to the welfare of the
communities we serve, and the health of our planet.


o More from TIME. Mr. Anthony Tan envisages making Grab a “triple bottom
line” company, measuring success not only by its balance sheet but also by
its social and environmental impact, particularly through the financial services
B. Periodic Review:
o Conduct quarterly reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented
strategies and make necessary adjustments.

o When a passenger makes a booking request, the system generates a list of
available driver-partners within the allocation radius. Grab pinpoints the location
of driver-partners and passengers through geocaches—a geocoding system that
allows us to identify the area of a map a user is in

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