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Shrivelled Roses by Siba Ponono
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆
-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-
She had always believed that her problems were birthed the
day her parents decided that she was the last child. Surely, had
there been another child after her, things would have turned
out differently. Had there been another child after her, she
wouldn’t have been expected to follow on the footsteps of her
perfect sisters.
“My name is Onele Mzayi, I’m eightee-” her well-prepared
speech was cut short by Mr. Nyathi who seemed to know the
entire Mzayi family. He removed his glasses and looked at her,
amused, asking “Mzayi? Are you by any chance related to Lionel
Mzayi?” She chuckled, almost nervously and answered, “he’s
my big brother” and Mr. Nyathi’s approval made it dawn on her
that she had a Mzayi reputation to uphold. Her siblings left a
remarkable trail and she had that on her shoulders, her own life
didn’t really matter (to some extent) as long as she didn’t bring
shame to her last name. Talk about unplanned responsibilities.
The continuation of that oral presentation was longer than
intended, because Mr. Nyathi seemed to have quite some
opinions, and later, he proved himself to be nosy as he inquired
about Lionel’s life from Onele who didn’t give away much. She
didn’t mind the questions, or curiosity for that matter. It gave
her the idea that there could be something interesting about
her brothers, but at the same time Mr. Nyathi was new to the
school. She didn’t know him hence she didn’t give away much
information. It was her last year in highscool and she had just
broken up with her high school boyfriend. Her heart wasn’t
really broken, because there was another man in the picture.
But, besides the other man, she was going to university the
following year and all she wanted was freedom!

Ever since Cassandra left home to study at Nelson Mandela

Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth (PE) Onele felt lonely
back home, but because her sister had bought a house in PE
that loneliness became a thing of the past. Talking about
Cassandra, she was a the youngest of Onele’s big sisters. The
only phrase that could possibly describe her would be “ice-
queen”. She wasn’t necessarily a snob, but she was very choosy
and vocal, but most importantly, she shocked their parents
when she fell pregnant for a man almost ten years older than
her. But that’s a story for another day, if you haven’t already
heard it…

After Cassandra gave birth to Milli there was an obvious

excitement within the sibling circle, excitement about the new
member of the family, so they went down to Port Elizabeth (PE)
to spend a week or two with the new born and the new mom.
To be honest, Onele didn’t travel to PE entirely for them, she
had other plans. A few days before the trip to PE was confirmed
she had met a friend on Facebook and agreed to meet up with
him, when the trip got confirmed she arranged with the friend
that she would be able to meet up with him that week.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the siblings that the friend wasn't a
stranger to the family, well, she kept the “meeting up” a secret
altogether because she felt like they'd want to involve her in
their drama, which was actually none of her business. He never
did her any wrong, and anyway, she was attracted to them
darker and violent.

“I've always made it known that I love my sister's relationship

with Ta Nko. Like, every one was aware of that. Despite
everything that was happening between them I still believed
that they belonged together because I knew how much they
loved each other. I knew how much Sandra loved that guy and it
pained me to watch her hurting because Ta Nko was busy
nomlungu endingamaziyo ba udibene nayephi. What goes on in
your mind when you visit your baby momma with another
She mumbled to herself as her thoughts traveled back to the
events of that day. Nkosinathi may have done that without
thinking much about the after effects but she was hurt, and
what hurt more was Cassandra trying to put her at ease saying
she didn't mind what he was doing with his love life as long as
he's sincere with his feelings towards her and not just do
everything to spite her because she was over that. Well, who
was Onele to say anything? She was secretly meeting up with
an enemy, family enemy that she was attracted to and couldn’t
even share that with any of her siblings because she’d be the
bad guy.

After a few days in Queen Elizabeth's homeland, Onele had to

stay true to her word and meet up with the guy as promised.
Her nerves shot sky high as she managed to get herself packed
in denim dungaree shorts, white sports bra and matching kicks.
She was young and inconservative, showing a little skin here
and there wasn't being totally naked and in her mind, it wasn't
worth the attention she knew she'd get from the perverts on
the streets. Once the dressing up was done, she grabbed her
cross-body bag and went to her sister's room who she was just
lying there admiring her son. Onele sat just below the little kid
and put her bag on the floor. Cassandra was aware that Onele
was in the same room with them, but her focus and attention
were on her son, and it was cute to watch.
“Mntase… would you give Ta Nko another chance, if he were to
ask for it?” Onele asked out of the blue and a shocked
Cassandra looked up and asked in exclamation, “What?”. Onele
cleared her throat and asked again, well she didn't really have
to know but her curiosity wouldn't let her rest. “Would you
consider giving your relationship with Ta Nko another chance?”
Suddenly, her sister appeared to be uneasy and instead of
answering the question she asked “why are we talking about
this?” and Onele sighed....

She had watched him when he accompanied the two of them to

the doctor's appointments after he found out about the
pregnancy, and she was very sure that the guy still loved her
sister. Being a sucker for love, she may have wanted to see and
hear from Cassandra if about the possibility of them getting
back together. Cassandra's argument was that Ta Nko had never
never said he had stopped loving her, but the reality that she
was presented with was that he had moved on and that's where
cupid Onele chipped in, “Kaloku if he were to come to back his
senses and ask for a love-back, would you consider?” She didn't
say anything. She just stared into space as if weighing her
options. She didn't have options, as far as everyone knew, Ta
Nko was her only option. At least, an option that mattered, an
option that everyone loved. Everyone being Onele.

“I know you still love him” Onele nudged and Cassandra didn't
even smile or blush, but she responded in a very cold and
distant tone saying, “If he were to want that now, no I wouldn't

Onele nodded understandingly but still asked, “why not?” and

Cassandra explained that a lot had happened, and that she was
in no space to be in a relationship at all. That propelled Onele to
ask if Cassandra would consider the relationship three years
down the line and she said she couldn't put a time frame to her
healing. She made it clear that she wouldn't mind looking into
it, as long as it's not that very moment and that gave Onele the
chance to ask what she initially wanted to ask from the very
beginning of that conversation.

“Oh, so that means you still want him too?”

sans-serif;">Cassandra smiled sitting up, “We had plans for the
future Onele, it would be nice to see if they could still come to

Onele followed suit and sat up to asking, “Did those plans have
Milli in the picture? I mean, he's here now but, you know what
I'm asking” and her sister responded saying Nkosinathi had
always wanted to have kids with her, that's all he ever spoke
about. She further explained how they even went as far as
taking fertility tests just to see if either one of them was
“We took all tests trust me, we were planning towards this
whole parenting thing but the deal was we would commence
with our plans once I graduate and things decided to go this

Onele looked at her sister thinking...

She could still feel that Cassandra loved him but maybe she was
disappointed by how things unfolded. So her curiosity lead her
to ask, “Kutheni khona ningena pet names kule relationship
yenu?” Cassandra laughed responding “I don't know. I don't
really care about pet names” and that very moment Onele
realized how different they were. Yes they both loved attention
and affection, but Cassandra was boring while Onele was a wild

“Mntase, akukho neligama ke alibizayo xa abantu bengekho?

That name when he calls you uyazi immediately what he wants
without him having to spell it out?” Onele asked again, trying to
really get a grip and Cass smiled saying, “We never had such, he
calls me Cassandra or Cass and it ends there”.
Onele fet like Cass was the boring one in the relationship. Even
though Nkosinathi had appeared to have moved on with his life
Onele still felt like they belonged together, Nkosinathi was Stull
the only "Sbari" she recognized.

“Don't you have anywhere to be? Why are you on my case

today? Cassandra laughed ass Onele grabbed her bag leaving
also laughing at her. She called a cab because she couldn't drive
as yet even though a car was available, and she wasn't about to
walk for fifteen minutes to get a taxi.

Onele got to Greenacres and texted the guy. Ginger. Without
hassles, he went to pick her up, they were going to have a bite
at a restaurant by the beach as he had promised. The drive was
a very tense one, and Onele didn't know why because according
to her they had vibed just fine on Facebook. They reached his
restaurant of choice and ordered drinks while going through the
menu and Bongani attempted to break the ice.
“Uhm, I'm glad you came through”

Onele rolled her eyes at that and responded saying, “You say
that as if I wasn't gonna come through,” he chuckled, taking a
sip from his scotch.
“I took your word yes, but there's so much that has happened
in the past few years between your family and I that I thought
you'd grow weary and decide against this meeting”. He was
right, but his involvement or bad history with her family didn't
directly involve her. At that him she wasn't even looking at her.
He sighed and she looked up at him right after that sigh. Since
he tried to break the ice, she tried to pull the conversation
“How's Mozambique?” she asked, “Kumnandi, but it will never
be like home,” he responded honestly. She noted the warmth in
his voice and that drew her curiosity even more.
“If it's not like home kutheni ungabuyi ke?”

The waitress went to take their order, asked if they needed a

refill and when they declined, she left them to continue with
their conversation. Onele had questions, questions that he
expected but didn't really think she'd be so bold and vocal
seeing that she was eighteen years old.

“What do you want from me?” she asked, playing with the
straw in her juice, he looked up at her, confused. He'd had
thought he made himself clear from the onset, his intentions
were clear. But she still asked, “What do you want from me?”

He smiled, fixing himself up and tried his best to respond to her

the only way he knew best, “I told you already Onele, I love you
and I'm ready to actually settle down with one person who feels
the same about me regardless of my past.” Well aware of the
past, but not in detail she asked, “You do realize that I have a
boyfriend, and I'm not ready for no settling at all, right?”
He nodded, with a smile, because he knew that she was the
one. He had found his woman and she wasn't even aware but
the problem in finding her was Luciano and Sithembele. He had
always respected Sthera, he had always been loyal to him and
carried out his tasks and demands without asking questions but
for the very first time he knew deep down just by looking at her
fierce persona that a thorn and a rose were about to be an
impeccable force.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐

-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-

“Ndimncinci mna, I have my whole life ahead of me, and I want

to live it to the fullest without being chained down by a grown
man who has loved his life wonela,”

The boldness that attracted to him could end up being a

problem, but he still loved it. He loved her.

“I want you. Ndifuna wena, there's no way I can explain it

simpler than that. Ingxaki yam with wanting you is that I don't
want get you in trouble. After yonke lanto ka Cass I promised
your brothers I'd never set foot here again.”

She chuckled and asked, “Oh, so now you broke your promise?”
he jumped in immediately because he could see where the
conversation was headed, “I broke my promise because I
wanted to meet you, surely you can tell that andikhululekanga
nangoku because I know they have ears and eyes everywhere.
Lionel is cool, but Steve?”

She weighed what he was saying. He did seem a bit uneasy, but
she obviously thought he was nervous. He could see that she
was deep in thought, so he added assuringly that “You having a
boyfriend is not really a problem here, the mere fact that you're
here having this conversation with me speaks volumes. I want
to get to know you yes, but I am aware that it's not gonna be as
easy we may think” he seemed to have caught her attention
because with that she asked, “You think?”
“I know but it's worth trying,” he said and she just nodded. He
seemed to be aware of what he wanted, and how to get it. Of
course, he was older than her and he was probably most
experienced in so many ways.

He seemed so sure of himself, and she liked him. He wasn't any

different from the Ginger she knew from Facebook to the one
she was meeting now for the first time, he was confident in
himself and he didn't mince his words.
“So, what do you think we should do, moving forward? I mean,
with us, this relationship if we can even call it that at this point.”
she asked while taking a bite.
“Well, if we do decide to go the extra mile, take the relationship
further I mean, we might have to travel between SA and
Mozambique as I am currently based there for now. I don't
know what you're going to tell your boyfriend ke wena mntu
ukwi relationship, and I know we might have to wait until you're
in varsity so that we can avoid lying to the folks unnecessarily,”
he purposely brought up the boyfriend because she kept on
reminding him that she was in a relationship, yet at the same
time wanted to pursue his offer. She chuckled, seeing where he
was taking the conversation and she didn't want it to go there
as yet, instead, she asked him about his true feelings for her
sister, Cassandra…

“Tell me... what are the chances of you ever being attracted to
Cass, kuyo yonke la mess naniyenza no Bhut Sthe? And please
be honest”
“I was never attracted to her,” he shrugged and she didn't
believe him. He saw that.
“I'm actually being honest, she's beautiful don't get me wrong,
but I never felt any form of attraction towards her. I can tell that
you don't believe me but I would never lie to you about
something like when I've been totally honest with you about
everything. In detail” she arched a brow and asked, “Really?”
He laid back on his chair just as his food came through. Avoiding
his gaze, she took another bite from her plate as the waitress
disappeared back into the kitchen.

She looked up almost blushing... Pet names. She wasn't new to
these though, because he initially called her Nelle, and other
cute names already pha ku Messenger.
“What do you want me to say? Be honest, ufuna ndithini?” he
asked and she shrugged.
“I don't know. But I know si attractive sonke ekhaya, why
wouldn't you have been attracted to her?” she asked and he
laughed at her.
“You are attractive yes, all of you but that doesn't mean I'm
going to be attracted at all of you. Right now, you want me to
admit to having some feelings for your sister? Really baby?”
She laughed at him and assuringly said “I was just pulling your
leg” and he assured her that he would have never come for her
had he had feelings for her sister, it wouldn't be a fair fight.
“That's good to know, I wouldn't like being a second option
even to my sister,” she pouted and he smiled feeling like he had
managed to go under her skin.
“You wouldn't mind being second choice even though you
already have a boyfriend?” he asked and she glared at him her
fork in the air, “Yi boyfriend yam mos, not eyakho so I don’t see
why you’re sweating. Or uyamfuna sim-share’ishe?”

“Yhiyhooo,” he exclaimed and she laughed at him... But what

was so wrong with having two options? Surely with being in a
democratic country they had the choice even
“relationshipically”. After that meal they we went to watch the
waves sitting on a big rock on shore. In as much as she liked that
calm and relaxed side of him, the fact that he had some
gangster shit about him, about his past, turned her on the most.
He was very interested in her life, her future plans, her interests
and her family life.

“Your siblings are very protective of you guys, and that's dope,”
he observed after listening to her speak so profoundly and to
some extent irritably about them. She was indeed a wild card,
who didn't want to be confined, unlike the rest. She just wanted
to live, a free spirit that couldn't be caged, she was a different
kind of a Mzayi.

“I will tell them when you fuck me up the wrong way and they
will deal with you accordingly. Don't get it twisted,” she assured
him and he smiled knowingly. He didn't plan to do any harm, he
just wanted to love her right though he knew that the age
difference would become a problem in the long run. She smiled
and lay the back of her head on his chest. Her nostrils were
definitely not ready for the scent that welcomed her, he smelt
good. Very expensively good to be exact.


He later drove her home and promised to keep in touch as he

was planning to spend at least two weeks there, undercover of
course, but he did all of that so they could meet and see where
the relationship idea would will take them. If they were to really
try it out. Three days later Onele went to the mall again, she
stepped out of the house giving Cass and her baby daddy time
to themselves. She did a lot of window shopping, grabbed an
ice-cream and as she continued just minding her own business,
she saw S'thembele and felt chest pains.
“Kanti oo bhuti didn't deal with this guy?” she wondered as she
quickly walked past the restaurant S'thembele was sitting in,
but then as she was walking past, she caught a glimpse of
Ginger and walked back just to make sure her eyes weren't
deceiving her. Unfortunately, it was him. They were having
lunch. With a lump in her throat, she walked away, got into a
shop two blocks away from where they were eating and called

Ginger: Baby, hey.

Onele: Heeey, you good?
Ginger: I'm okay, I'm good. You good?
Onele: Yeah.
Ginger: Are you missing me already?
Onele: It's been what, three days?

He chuckled...
Ginger: well, I can arrange something if you're game.
Onele: Something like what?
Ginger: Maybe late lunch or dinner?
Onele: Let's make it lunch. I can't be out very late.
Ginger: I'll send a car to pick you up at four then.
Onele: Alright... What are you doing?
Ginger: I'm having a bite with a friend.
Onele: Mmh, do I know the friend?

He went silent.
And cleared his throat.

Ginger: Nah, I don't think so.

Onele: Well, I hope that friend is not a harmfull friend now.
Ginger: He's totally harmless, trust me on that.
Onele: Oh it's a he? The way you hesitated when I asked if I
know the friend you'd have sworn it's a she.
He laughed.

Ginger: I wasn't hesitant, I'm eating. So I was chewing and

swallowing baby.
Onele: Alright then, see you at four.
Ginger: Can't wait.

She chuckled and hung up wondering to herself why would he

lie about being with her brother inlaw? And, why would they be
meeting there? What if they were back to their old tricks again?
She panicked and went home, to find Nkosinathi leaving. She
quickly went to change for "late lunch", got into a lil sexy
number and put on some makeup. Ginger looked like he was
gifted, and she was hoping he'd give her some of that gift
because she had been in a desert for while. Her boyfriend back
home had been playing mind games with with her, and yes, she
suspected he was cheating but at the same time she knew he'd
never cheat on her. Ulungile lamntu for urhaqaza, she
comforted herself.
Cass came into her room just as she put on perfume....

“Weeeeeh mameh!” Cass exclaimed and Onele laughed at her

exclamation knowing that a maltitude of questions was about
to follow. Especially since she just got back from town.
“Your boyfriend followed you to here?” Cass asked and Onele
shook her head. “Then who are you dressed up for?” another
question from Cass.
“I'm dressed up for and going to a lunch date with a potential
side. Before you ask anything else, it's just lunch, and I met the
guy on Facebook.”
“Haibo Onele, that's not safe,” Cass exclaimed and Onele rolled
her eyes.
“Onele Mzayi” her voice sounded like that of their mother,
“Relax mntase. Akho nix ezokwenzeka”

sans-serif;">Cassandra looked at Onele, worried. She even went

as far as asking if she had condoms with her, obviously
concerned because she knew Onele wasn't built like her. She
was a wild and carefree.

“That's a very offensive question, why would you ask me about

condoms?” Onele frowned and Cass looked her up and down
saying, “Because Onele, you are definitely going to have sex
after your lunch. You're... Argh never mind.”

Onele smiled.
She'd always been the careful and cautious one, Onele wasn't.
And all Onele wanted was to live her life to the fullest without
being pressured by anyone to live according to their standards.
Their parents did their part very well, she had their teachings at
the back of her mind but her adventurous self was always ready
to experiment.
“Don't worry, we don't need another Million just yet, I'll be
careful,” she said and all Cass said was “Thanks” and then she
walked away. Onele laughed at her as she followed right behind
her, kissed Milli when they got downstairs and made then made
herself juice and a muffin while waiting to be picked up. She
could tell Cass was uncomfortable. She wanted to say
something but she was calculating...

“You better stop gawking at me and say what's on your mind”

Onele provoked her sister because she knew her very well and
she knew she had a lot to say, first about her outfit and second
about the potential side. As expected, Cassandra asked why
Onele would cheat on Mabhuti, she went on and on about the
dangers of multiple partners…

“I'm not married to my boyfriend mntase, I am too young to

depress myself ngee relationships. I know I never mentioned
this but I've been having online fun with this new guy for a
while now, he gives me attention more than my physical
boyfriend so the least I can do is to show up when he’s in town,
who knows, he might just be the one.”

As expected, Cassandra heard everything but because

sometimes she deemed herself to be a selective listener, all she
heard was the attention part because she then asked, “So, all
you're after is the attention? Not love, affection, joy and
everything else. Attention?” Onele laughed, because for her, all
the things Cassandra mentioned fell under “attention” you
could only be affectionate to someone you’re willing to give
your attention. You could only bring joy or be the actual joy to
someone you’re willing to be attentive to. Everything boiled
down to attention, either way.
“If that’s what you’re really after, then why don't you
communicate that with your boyfriend?” Cassandra asked and
Onele just drank up, dusting off the muffin crumbs.
“Because, he knows what he's supposed to do. He just chooses
not to do it. Again, don’t worry yourself about me, I'm not
gonna get hurt, but thank you for caring”
Just as she finished that sentence, he sent a text that the car
had arrived and so she jumped to her feet and smiled at her big
sister, “Now there's my ride, see you later.”
“You're really going out dressed like that Onele?” Cassandra
asked, and all she got as a response was a mere “Yep. Ciao!”

She found a black Maserati waiting for her, the guy opened the
door, and as soon as she was comfortable inside he drove to her
to a hotel just outside of PE. She stepped out of the car, and to
her approval, her Ginger was already waiting for her by the
door. They hugged and her insides turned at the scent of his
cologne. He walked her to a restaurant at the back of the hotel,
the weather was allowing for them to sit outside.
Their drinks came through, followed by the menu...

“Stop staring at me,” she said, looking at the menu. He smiled

and looked away, only for a few seconds because again, she felt
his eyes on her and she put the menu down and looked at him.
“I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable, but for some
reason, I'm losing concentration here. You uhm, you look
beautiful, sexy,” she smiled at the compliments and mouthed
her “thank you” not knowing how even that was making him
yearn even more for her naked body to be under his. He had all
these episodes playing in his head, in each and everyone of
them she was sweating, calling out his name with her hands
gripping on either side of the bed while he pounded in and out
between her legs. They were beautiful episodes, beautiful

“Are you comfortable?” he asked, and her response was, “I'm

breathing just fine,” he laughed at that response. Yes she was in
a tight outfit, but that wasn’t the reason for that question. He
just wanted to know if she was comfortable with him, at that
hotel, in that restaurant, away from her comfort zone.

“Okay maybe I am a bit too sexy,” Onele wondered to herself,

but leather was comfortable. She had a brown leather dress on,
very V on the twins, "vacant" at the back from her neck down to
the waist and just above the knee. She loved dressing up. She
loved dressing up for a date even more, and judging by his
constant shifting on his seat, she was enjoying the torture he
was in. It was such a turn on.


They had their late lunch, laid on a very light and easy-going
conversation then it started to drizzle so they quickly went
inside, along with other people who were enjoying lunch in that
outside set-up. Instead of finding a table, Bongani suggested
they “go get you a jacket before I take you home”, she looked at
him and asked, “Get a jacket? Where?”

He didn’t make it a secret, but he also didn’t tell her that he had
booked himself a room in that same restaurant, until that
moment. She agreed and allowed him to lead the way, and she
followed right behind him. They got to his room. Suite. He went
straight to the closet, and she just walked around looking at the
books in the shelves, he emerged with the jacket, brown leather
biker jacket for men. She smiled as she extended her hand to
take it and he knew why she was smiling, “We have the same
taste, yes” he acknowledged.
“I'm amazed,” she said and he laughed while helping her with
the collar. That was the moment she had been waiting for, the
entire night and she knew she had to act on it. Instead of her
head going forward so he could flip the collar, she flipped her
head onto his chest as he stood behind her with their bodies
ever so close and he chuckled...

“Sizonxiba isilamba ke apha, don't get any weird ideas” he tried

to act all calm and cool, but deep inside he wanted to tear that
leather dress up and ravage her insides with his organ.
“I’m pretty sure siyanxiba mos nangoku. Why would you think
I'm getting weird ideas?” she asked she slightly pushed her ass
against his crotch and he lost his mind.
“Baby, stop what you’re doing, it won’t end well.”

She tried to act dumb and he laughed turning her around, there
was a very small gap between their bodies making it very
difficult for her not to smell his alcohol infused breath. He licked
his bottom lip keeping eye contact, she felt heat blazing from
the bottom of her belly and instantly crossed her legs. He saw
that, and kicked himself for what he said next, well in his mind,
he thought that’s what she wanted to hear. Women were like
that, she categorized her with the women he had been with in
the past. Forgetting that she wasn’t just a woman, but a teen.
An eighteen-year-old fresh teen with hormones all over the

“We are still getting to know each other. We don't have to rush
to anything,” he said and her answer was a simple “Okay...”

“I want you, but at the same time I am afraid of getting you

knocked up. You still have varsity to get to, as you’ve already
high-lighted nawe ba u mncinci. You can never manage with a
child right now.”

She seemed to understand, and agree with him.

He pulled her close, kissed her, and she reciprocated the same
energy. After a couple of seconds his hand went for her waist
but it landed on her butt and that's where he lost it. He grabbed
her ass, and pulled her even closer to him. She felt the
roughness of his second hand on her thigh and knew that
whatever was said a few minutes ago had already gone out the
window, the temperatures in the room proved that it was about
to go down.
He pushed her against the wall and kissed heaven out of her, he
was soooo into it and in a split second, she pushed him back a
bit fixing her dress.

“We know where this kiss is leading to, and as you’ve also
mentioned, we cannot have sex right now. Moreso because we
are merely getting to know each other,” she spoke while still
pulling her dress down and patting the jacket on the sides trying
so hard to avoid his eyes. He looked at her with both hands on
his waist.
He stepped closer, pulling her waist.
“Forget what I said, I know I said some valid points but I
promise to be careful,” he begged and the throb between her
thighs tickled again, just as it did when he kissed her. There was
something about a grown ass man begging a woman for sex,
and whatever that thing was, young Onele loved it.
‘look, I'm so sorry I seduced you. But you're right, we can't do
this. I can see that you’re messed up, and I do apologize babe…”
she kissed his cheek and he just looked at her. After a moment
she smiled at him and asked, “Okay ke, aw'na baby oil? I'm sure
you can do self-service,” as unexpected as that was, it wasn’t
rejected. He chuckled as he stepped forward and planted a wet
kiss on her neck, that moment she said a silent prayer that her
erect nipples don't feel as hard as they actually were against his
“Maybe, I can do that self-service with you watching then?” he
arched a brow and walked to his side of the bed. She didn't
answer him, but followed behind him. He took out baby oil
from the drawer next to his bed. Must have been his frequent
favorite every night xa ide ibekufuphi kangaka, she wondered
silently. He went to fetch a towel from the bathroom and he
looked at her while unzipping his trousers.
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“You better be kidding me,” she exclaimed trying her best to

hide her excitement as it registered to her that he was really
going to do as she had suggested. The guy didn't just remove
his pants but he undressed, from head to toe until he was left
with just his boxers. He seemed to enjoy her presence, judging
by the sneaky smile on his face as he sat on the edge of the bed
facing her. She swallowed hard, her throat going dry at the sight
of the dark and very masculine Xhosa man a few feet away from
her reach. He was in his own world, he put on music and oiled
both his hands slowly. She walked into the room, closing the
door behind her ss if kungangena umntu without them realizing
that they were suddenly three.

“Maybe you could stand where I can see you properly, I need a
little bit of motivation here,” his voice cracked and she
dismissed him, “I'm not your motivation Ginger, where do you
get motivation when I’m not around?” she croaked, not missing
the begging face he gave her. She knew she was a sucker, not
necessarily for love, but she was a sucker.
She put her bag on the floor and went to sit on a chair by the
window, it was on a great view for him. He flipped the hem of
his boxers removing his massive member from its
imprisonment, and she gasped. The fact that Ginger was
waaaaay older than her made it pretty much understandable
why his manhood would be bigger than that of her boyfriend
and the few other boys she had been with. He had obviously
sent her his own nudes before, but for her to actually see
everything right before my naked eyes was totally different. He
stroked his stick as if he was in his own world, stealing a look at
her every now and then. She was supposed to be his
motivation, yet she was totally turned on by just watching him,
minding his own business and the minute he closed his eyes
with a soft breath escaping his lips, she pulled up her dress to
her waist and started self-servicing herself. One hand between
her wide, open thighs and the other grabbing vigorously on her
perky breasts, she managed to release a moan and he opened
his eyes causing her to stop.

“Don't stop baby, keep going,” his husky voice echoed in her
ears. She masturbated, her flat palm going in circles on her
bean until she orgasmed and funny enough, they orgasmed at
the same time. He sprinted up from his bed and knelt down
before her wide-open weak legs and without even saying a
word, he buried his face in her coochie. The 45% of morals that
she had remaining, went right through the window. She knew
she said she wouldn’t have sex with him, but she couldn't
control herself, he knew what he was doing, he had experience,
his tongue was educated. Harvard issues.
She hated herself for comparing him to her boyfriend but at the
same time, her boyfriend would come third and Ginger would
take the first two spots at any given time. He made her cum in
his mouth three more times before lifting her up and carrying
her to his bed. She watched her dress fly across the room and
he grabbed a pillow commanding her to turn around...

As stubborn as she naturally was, she submitted to his

commands and turned around, the pillow on her lower
abdomen and he bent down and thrust his hot and wet tongue
down there. She burst out responding to the warm of his
tongue and pace in gibberish, some of the things he was doing
to her were foreign to her body, a totally different experience.
In as much as it was a new experience, she enjoyed it. She was
happy. He stopped, and got up from the floor...

Onele: Please grab my bag.

He didn't ask why, he just went to get her bag, she removed the
box of condoms, opened one and gave him. He did the honors
and in no time, she felt him slowly taking territory. He had a
great command and control, his hands rough but very much in
control and soothing at the same time. At some point, he
flipped her around to lay her down on her back, playfully, she
licked off sweat from his neck and didn't care about that being
unhygienic... she was getting serviced. Properly. That's what
mattered, the fact that he knew his business and he showed
determination to master it was the best thing to watch.

She felt his fullness between her thighs, in the inner depths of
her womanhood she felt his full girth. After a couple of rough
rides up and beyond the tides, he made slow love to her.
Appreciating her body, beauty and youthfulness. The kind that
makes you catch feelings, the deep strokes, the moans, the
kisses in between every struggle to breath, the ass grabs and
the nipple sucks. Yes, that slow love. He buried his head on the
gap between her neck and her shoulder and in the next minute,
he deeply moaned her name causing a frenzy in her head as she
followed right behind him.
Two if not three condoms later, they were both worn out. They
lay in each other's arms and soaked in what had just
happened... She cuddled up against his body, he had his strong
arm keeping her very close to him and obviously, she was
enjoying the moment. He felt like he was hers alone, she knew
there was a high possibility of him having another woman
where he was currently living but that very moment, she felt
like he belonged to her.

Ginger: Your brothers can never find out about this.

Onele: I didn't know uboyika that much.
Ginger: It's not even about ukuboyika baby, I broke a bro-code
here. We don't date our friends’ sisters or cousins.
Onele: but you're not friends anymore.
Ginger: I know that, but still.
Onele: They'd probably kill the both of us. I mean, I've just had
amazing sex with intanga yabo. Yho!
He lifted her chin and kissed her, full on the lips.
Ginger: So, the sex was amazing?

She didn't answer him, she just kissed him.

Then stopped.
Onele: Ndive xa ndisithi they'd kill the both of us.
Ginger: But what happened to age just being a number?
Onele: I'm in matric, you're old enough to be married and
probably have about three children by now. Age just ain't no
number here.
He laughed...
Ginger: well in that case, you can call me daddy.
She burst out laughing.

Ginger: See, it's not so bad.

Onele: Mmh I know.

They kissed again, his thigh between her thighs, she rubbed her
coochie against it. Sending her straight to orgasm while they
were still kissing, he held her ass in place as the rest of my body
shivered at the pleasure.

Ginger: you're a bad, bad girl.

She blushed, burying her face onto his chest as she cooled
Her phone rang somewhere...

Onele: Excuse me. That's my phone.

She got up and looked for it, found it on the chair.

Onele: Sandra, hey.

Cass: Are you on your way back?
Onele: Uhm... Why do you ask?
Cass: Because oo sisi basendleleni ebuya emsebenzini Onele.
Ndizothi uphi elixesha?
Onele: I'll be home in the next thirty minutes mntase.
Cass: okay.
She hung up.

Ginger: You have to go?

Onele: Yep.
Ginger: Take a shower first.

She rolled her eyes at him as she collected she clothes and went
to freshen up, he followed right behind her and as expected,
they had a quickie in there.
“In my entire sexual active life I have never felt such sexual
attraction to anyone before. The type that even if ningavalelana
endlini for an entire week, anidikwa?” she thought to herself as
she dressed up. That's exactly how she felt, that even if they
could go on exile together, they'd have sex from morning to
evening without getting tired or bored. He literally took her to
places she’s never been to, and he was so much in control.
Eyenza yonke lento yakhe epholile, engangxamanga and his
deep voice of command just topped it all off.

He drove her home, promising to check on her later on. She

walked in and luckily for her wafika a few minutes before the
big sisters arrive. “Phew. What a close call” she thought. It was
always better to deal with Cassandra than with Cindy. Cindy was
just the quirkiest of the pack, the perfection of perfect, strict of

One: Molweni.
Cass looked up…
Onele: Is Milli sleeping?
Cass: Nope, uyadlala.

She went to kiss him, she basically just wanted to get closer to
Cass coz she knew soze angabinanto yothetha. And, she wanted
to know if she really smelt of Ginger or it was just her being
paranoid since bendisondele kakhulu kuye.

Cass: Please go take a shower.

Onele: I showered apho ndivela khona.
Cass: Well Onele unuka indoda.

Onele stopped playing with Milli and looked at her, waiting for
her to laugh it off but her sister just had a poker face. An
unwelcoming one, that is.

Onele: You're joking, right?

Cass: Eshe, khaw'hambe uyovasa ntombi.
Onele: Oh boy. Hlalapha mntanam, makazi uyabuya ngoku.

She grabbed her handbag, rushing to her room. She showered

and got into pj's, by the time she returned downstairs the big
sisters were back. They had dinner and played cards then they
all went to our rooms. As she had expected, Cass went knocking
on her door...

Onele: You may come in if you come in peace.

Cass: Mxm.
She pushed the door open and walked in, sitting on the edge of
the bed.

Onele: Wwhat's up?

Cass: What's bothering you?
Onele: Me? Nothing.
Cass: You're acting out of character Onele, meeting strangers
and having sex with them is not you.
Onele: See why I said ngena if you've come in peace?
Cass: ndicingela wena apha Onele, what's going on?
She sighed....
Onele: Nothing is going on, nothing is bothering me, I'm just
having fun.
Cass: I'm not saying don't have fun but not nge sex
Onele: We used protection.
Cass: How old is he?
Onele: Why does it matter?
Cass: I just wanna know.
Onele: I never asked.
Cass: You're lying to me.
Onele: Bruh, uTa Nko ukushiya ngeminyaka emingaphi? Close to
ten? Why would you care how old the guy I'm seeing is?

She nodded... and Onele sighed, she obviously didn’t mean any
of that in an offensive manner. But she really had no business
asking about age when she was also involved with an older guy.

Onele: I'm sorry.

Cass: It's okay, I just hope you're really being careful.
Onele: I am. Stop stressing yourself.
She tried to smile...
Cass: Okay ke... Goodnight.
Onele: I love you.
Cass: love you too.

She turned off the light as she walked out.

Onele breathed, talking to herself, “Haibo, I am not planning to
get pregnant here, I am just having fun. F. U. N. That's it.” She
threw her head backwards reminiscing on the day’s events. Her
“video replay” was disturbed by a call from Ginger but she
muted her phone just in case Cass was standing by the door.
Eavesdropping. After about 15 minutes he called again and she

Onele: Hey.
Ginger: Hey, are you busy?
Onele: Uhm no, I was busy when you called first.
Ginger: Ooh okay. Just wanted to say good night.
She smiled and didn't answer him...
Ginger: I wish it was possible for you to sleep in my arms, but
Onele: I wish yazi.
Ginger: but I'm sure we could work something out xa uye e
Pretoria ku sisi wakho.
Onele: Ain't going near her house anytime soon.
Ginger: You don't struck me as a grudgy kind of person.
Onele: I don't hold grudges at all, I just don't want to go
anywhere near her personal space.
He sniggled.

Ginger: could have fooled me.

Onele: meaning?
Ginger: You had a tight relationship with her before all of that
shit happened, now all of a sudden you don't want to be in her
personal space? Come on babe.
She chuckled, but didn't answer him.
Ginger: you're obviously still grudging against her for the
shooting, and maybe her husband's doings.
She didn't answer him... He was on the verge of upsetting her
and she didn't know how to react as yet.

Ginger: are you still there?

Onele: yep.
Ginger: oh, you just went quiet on me.
Onele: I'm listening to you talking about me as if you know me
all too well.
He cleared his throat.

Onele: Go on. I'm still listening.

Ginger: Hayike babe I didn't mean it like that.
Onele: I mean, just because I had sex with you don't you make
the mistake of thinking I forgot what all of you put my sister
through. U bhuti Sthe, u sis Asanda, nawe. I'm very much
Ginger: Baby...
Onele: Yintoni?
Ginger: I'm sorry, akhange ndiyithathe olohlobo, I was just
commenting based on my observations.
Onele: Observations oziqale nini Ginger? We just met. When
did you get a chance of observe my behavior or reaction
towards u sisi?
He didn't answer her.

Onele: Unfortunately for all of you I'm not like Cassandra ke, I
may be a bit young and wild but I'm not as naive as I might have
come across. Especially to you.
Ginger: I'm sorry.
Onele: No, I'm sorry. Good night.

Then she hung up, and turned off her phone. I

She knew that he was going to call her back right after she hung
up that's why she switched the phone off. For three consecutive
days she had her phone off until on the fourth day her beloved
mother called Cass and asked for her saying she cannot get hold
of her from her own phone.

Cass: Where's your phone?

Onele: Charging e roomini.
Cass: Umama uthi she called you izolo and it was on voice mail,
she called you this morning and it's still on voice mail.
Onele got up...
Cass: is everything okay?
Onele: Yep.
Cass: U sure? I mean, I haven't seen you with your phone after
your date.
Onele: Everything is perfect mntase, usisi uzophuma bani?
Cass: u Siki?
Onele: Yeah.
Cass: uGodukile, Cindy use Kapa.
Onele: Great.

She rushed off to her room, she knew Ginger would want to
meet and anyway she wanted a shag too, so with both sisters
out of the way, why would she not go?
She sat on her bed and switched the phone on, his messages
flooded in but she called her mother first.

Mom: Hewethu ubuya nini?

Onele: Hello mommy, unjani kodwa?
Mom: Ndakuphoxa ke Onele.
Onele: Ndcela nindithumelele imali yobuya ndibuye ke.
Mom: Eshe. Mnkq, what happened to your phone?
Onele: I was having network issues izolo but namhlanje ibise
charge. Uxolo ma.
Mom: Ooh okay, hay I was just checking on you. Awuzokwazi
ubuya ushiye udad'wenu yedwa apho. Linda u Cindy abuye.
Onele: Uzobuya nini yena mama?
Mom: Ebethe end of the week.
Onele: Oh okay, hay akhongxaki ma. So, uzandifakela lemali?
Mom: Imali yothini Onele ungekazobuya?
Onele: Imali ye data, ye zinto ezimnandi mama haibo.
She laughed.
Mom: Uthe u Siki there's enough of izinto ezimnandi apho
endlini, niba bini nizokonela.

Well, Siki was right. But Onele sulked and mumbled.

Mom: ngaske ndikuthwaxe nge faydukhwe.
She laughed at her mother who laughed back and promised to
send the data. When the call was over, Onele opened her
Messenger and read through ii messages zika Ginger, then went
on WhatsApp and he was online. She didn't even spend five
minutes reading ezabanye abantu ii messages, he called.

Onele: Hi.
Ginger: Babe... I'm sorry.
Onele: Okay.
Ginger: Can I see you?
Onele: I don't feel like going out today.
Ginger: That's cool, I'm around your area I can come by your
Onele: Okay.
Ginger: sharp.

They hung up.

She went back to the lounge, Cass and her son were going to
her bedroom for their mid-day nap. Onele grabbed an apple
and waited for her visitor, after 25 minutes he texted that he
was outside, so makaphume. She walked out and saw his car
three blocks away from the house, so she walked towards it.
Got in and greeted him... He had wings and was drinking a
strawberry milkshake.

Ginger: I missed you.

Onele: It's just been three days.
Ginger: Why did you put off your phone?
Onele: I didn't wanna talk to you. Where's my shake?
He smiled...
Ginger: You can have mine.
Onele: Thanks.
She took it and drank looking ahead.
Ginger: So basically umntu uyakwazi ukuba sexy noba

She didn't answer him, her attention was on the road in front of
the, and the straw in the shake.
Ginger: Nelle?
She immediately turned and looked at him.
Ginger: Khaw’yeke lento uyenzayo mfondini, yintoni ngoku
kwacaba ndizocengana nawe isidala?
Onele: Heh mfondini, xa ungazocengana nam isidala uzothini
apha? You know what? Bye bye.

She opened the door and walked back home, he reversed and
drove slowly right next to her with the window wide open.

Ginger: Ufuna ndithini ke because ndilucelile uxolo and uyayazi

nawe ba ndiyakukhumbula.
Onele: Go back to where you came from, leave me alone.
Ginger: Andizokwazi ke uku leave'a alone. Bona icebo.
Me: Nali icebo. Bye.

For some reason this was entertaining to him, he laughed at her

as she walked into the yard but she didn’t turn back. She walked
inside, flopped on the couch and chilled. After a while she saw
his car drive away.
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That night, she didn't sleep much, in actual fact, she did a lot of
tossing and turning for the whole night and when she couldn’t
take it anymore… she decided to go and watch TV, with the
heater on. After about an hour of watching the TV blankly, Cass
walked down the stairs with Milli in her arms...
Onele: hey.
Cass: Khamthathe.
Being the great aunt that she was, Onele extended her arms
and took him. Milli was wide awake playing and smiling to
whosoever cared to look at his cute little face.
Onele: Akonwabe.
Cass: Kunini evukile, Yho ha.a.
Onele: Go back to sleep, I'll bring him if he needs uncanca.
Cass: Enkosi mntase.
She walked back upstairs, leaving Aunt Onele in conversation
with her nephew. Not the best conversation, but a very cute
one. They eventually fell asleep on that couch, until Onele felt
Cass taking Milli from her chest...
Onele: Mh?
Cass: Ungu makazi nyhani shem, go to bed. I'll take it from here.
Onele: Yho, silele.
She laughed and walked to her bedroom with Milli leaving
Onele to turn off the TV and go to bed. She slept for about four
hours then woke up, and took a shower. Maybe it was because
of the restless night, or sleeping on the couch… her body was
just dragging her mood. When she finally gave up on feeling
better, she turned her phone on and just lay on her back trying
not to think. As expected, she felt all message vibrations, but
just didn't want to attend to any of them as yet. Ginger called,
not surprising at all. She let it ring four times before answering
Onele: Hello?
Ginger: Baby... Kunini ikhala iphone?
Onele: Bendivasa, what's up?
Ginger: Can we meet up?
Onele: No.
Ginger: Why not?
Onele: We agreed to meet up Wednesday.
Ginger: Onele ndiyak'cela ndifuna ukubona namhlanje, inde
into yangolwesithathu.
She didn't answer him.
Ginger: Ndize?
Onele: Nd’cela sithethe apha lento kucaba iyakutshisa.
Ginger: Baby...
Onele: Babe I'm not feeling well, I just took meds andizokwazi
uphuma and meet up with you.
Ginger: You took meds, utheni?
Onele: I have severe period pains.
Ginger: I'm sorry, zincedwa yintoni?
Onele: The meds I took, and staying warm in bed.
Ginger: So there's nothing I can do?
Onele: Nah, I'll be fine. Enkosi.
Ginger: Okay ke I'll wait for Wednesday. I love you.
Onele: Love you too.
Ginger: Sharp.
They hung up.
She obviously didn't have no period pains but she just didn't
want him to say "jump" and she'll ask "how high". After that
phone call she went to make food for herself and her sister was
with her baby daddy.
Onele: Ta Nko.
Nkosinathi: Onele, u right?
Onele: Good, wena?
Nkosinathi: Alright.
She went to make muesli with plain yogurt, took her bowl and
went to eat outside. She just wasn't up for any conversations,
just wanted to be left alone. She was really in her feels.
After about two hours later the two lovebirds walked out of the
house with their bundle of joy.
Cass: Mntase, sisakhapha lobhuti.
Onele: Uyaphi yena?
Cass: Just around the block.
Nkosinathi: I'm taking her for a drive, akafunuphuma kodwa
she's cooped up in this house.
Onele: Good idea Ta Nko.
Cass: Eshe, mxm.
She watched them as they walked to his car, and drove off. She
went back to the house and went to bed. Her mother called,
they spoke for a while and then she just dozed off, again. This
time around, she was woken up yi phonecall ka Ginger.
Onele: Mh?
Ginger: Ulele?
Onele: Yeah.
Ginger: Ndcela uphume, I brought you some stuff.
She sat up and stretched.
Onele: Huh?
Ginger: I'm 5 minutes away from your house, please step
outside for a sec.
Onele: Okay.
He hung up.
She grabbed her gown, tied it tight and wore slippers. She had
that whole "I'm not feeling well" facade so perfectly. She walked
out and opened the gate, saw a car, different from the one he
came with the other day but somehow she knew it's his. Or in
fact, he's driving. He drove past her and stopped at the
following house, she was already walking right behind the car
because she knew akazomisa at the gate. He got out of the car
and went to hug her... Then he stood back, holding one of her
Ginger: You really look like you're not feeling well, are you sure
you don't need a doctor?
She smiled, with a nod.
Onele: I'll be fine.
Ginger: Okay ke. I brought you some stuff andikho sure if they'll
help but I'm hoping they'll do.
He let go of her hand and went to the passenger side of the car,
came out with a full shopping bag. He gave it to her...
Onele: Enkosi... You really didn't have to go through the trouble
Ginger: I care about you, I have to go through the trouble to
make sure you're okay.
That went somewhere deeper into her heart than it was
She immediately felt warm and fuzzy as he said those words,
what a betrayal to herself.
Onele: Enkosi baby.
Ginger: Can I get a kiss before I leave?
Onele: You wanted us to meet up for something, you sounded
He cleared his throat.
She just looked at him.
Ginger: Tt's about u Ta Sthe.
Onele: What about him?
Ginger: He's not back to do any harm, he just wants to be closer
to his family.
Onele: He's in PE, his family is in Pretoria. How close is that
Ginger: He was meeting up with his son, a week before I came
down. And we went out for lunch just to catch up.
Onele: I don't believe you, but that's fine. It's none of my
Ginger: Why would I lie to you?
Onele: Because Ginger, I'm just a girl you're fucking and Ta Sthe
is your boss. You'll be more loyal to him kunam, you'll be more
useful to him kunam. That's not scientific, that's common sense.
He didn't respond.
Onele: I don't care to know what you two are up to, just know
that if ever I have to choose, my family comes first.
He didn't respond.
Onele: And I can promise you one thing, whatever ya'll are
doing, if it has anything to do with my family or my sister
nicing'be ya'll are using me ku lonto. You're in for a big surprise.
Ginger: So you're doubting my feelings for you now?
Onele: You could be using me to get closer to my family for all
we know.
Ginger: I'd never do that, I swear I'd never play you like that.
Onele: Oh shut the fuck up torho, I can feel you lying to me
right now and it's making me sick.
Ginger: Nelle...
Onele: Please go.
He didn't move.
Onele: Nd’cela uhambe Ginger.
Ginger: Ndiyakuthanda yazi Onele, and ziyandikhathaza ezizinto
Onele: So ndiyaxoka?
Ginger: You're jumping into conclusions.
She sighed.
Onele: Ubufuna ntoni e Airport no Ta Sthe ke Ginger, and that
was waaaaay before niyo "catch up'a" over lunch.
Ginger: Wait, are you stalking me?
Onele: Are you ignoring the question?
Ginger: Why am I being interrogated kanti?
Onele: Why are you being a jerk kanti?
He sighed.
Ginger: Maybe I really should leave.
Onele: Drive safe.
She turned and walked back home.
After a few minutes, his car drove past without even hooting.
She walked in and flopped onto the couch, not even sure of
what had just happened but she knew something happened.
And the worst part was that she actually missed being in his
arms, though she wasn't going to call him or beg him. If he
couldn’t man up then what was the use of him being a man in
the first place?
He sent a text:
"I don't know what to say to you that will make you believe me,
and you know what? I think it's better if we just stop whatever
it is le besiyenza and just cut ties, and move on." She read the
text two times, her heart pumping very hard, how could he
dump her via text? He was there with her, couldn’t he have said
that to her face? Okay maybe she wasn’t mad because of the
text, but the fact that he wasn’t willing to be honest with her.
Instead, resorting to a breakup.
She called him…
He answered... Edikweeeee
Ginger: Onele.
Onele: So you couldn't tell me that straight to my face?
Ginger: Does it matter?
Onele: Kutheni ungena mqolo Ginger?
Ginger: Sisi, ufuna ntoni kum?
Onele: Good question, I'll take a screenshot and save it for the
Ginger: Was that all?
She didn't answer him, but just hung the call up.
And deleted his number.
She didn’t know how that would help when she knew three of
his numbers off heart, but she deleted them anyway from her
phone. Deleted every text, except for messenger texts. You
know i-summer fling? That's how it felt
like they just had a fling and it was now over. She charged her
phone and then curled herself up on the couch watching
cartoons. That moment she realized that she just wanted to go
home. She was done. Unfortunately, she had to wait for Friday
as scheduled and the wait was overwhelming so instead of
being asked what was bothering her, she continued with the
"I'm not feeling well" facade nasendlini to a point that her sister
concluded that she was "home sick" which worked in her favor
because their dad came to fetch her on Wednesday evening
and brought sis Siki home.
She returned home and remained in her feels until Saturday
when she decided to take a walk to her boyfriend's place. He
wasn't home, but his flat was open, so she just walked in and
waited. He only came back after about 30 minutes and he was
shocked to see her. They hugged, he went to fetch refreshments
from the main house… his mother knew about Onele, they've
bumped onto each other a few times and at some stage she
called her to talk about preventing and stuff. Emphasized on
education and that they should plan their lives properly
bangangxami ngabantwana, she's a nurse who happens to be a
single parent so her concern was very thoughtful and
Mabhuti, the boyfriend, came back...
She took a sip and just looked at him, he was uncomfortable.
Onele: Wenzeni?
Mabhuti: Ndenzeni nini ngoku baby? How was PE khona?
Onele: If you had taken the time to call me you would have
known yazi.
Mabhuti: But you also never called, oko wawuthetha on
Onele: Who's the man in this relationship kanene?
Mabhuti: Iicalls azina manhood Onele, do unto others what you
would like them to do to you.
She nodded... thinking she was right with Ginger. At least he
made EFFORTS, countless efforts to make her happy.
Mabhuti: But I'm sorry ke baby, I was busy. I got a holiday job so
bendi busy yiyo.
Onele: Mmh.
He looked at his hands, and he only does that when he's
nervous about something.
Onele: Is there something you want to tell me?
Mabhuti: Yes.... Just... Please don't overreact.
Onele: Oh-Kay.
Mabhuti: Ndimithisile.
She looked at him in silence, her ears having gone deaf
immediately after he said that. There was a very weird and
piercing sound in her eyes, so she just sat there and just waiting
for that weird sound to stop. She could see him talking and
blabbering but she had literally gone deaf, for a few seconds.
Mabhuti: baby?
Onele: can you repeat what you just said.
He sighed
Mabhuti: I uhm, I'm going to have a baby. I impregnated
Onele: Wena, uzoba nomntana? With who?
Mabhuti: With Asiphe... From down the road.
Onele: u Asiphe wakwa Madlamini Mabhuti? You were fucking
u Asiphe behind my back all this while?
Mabhuti: Baby... I'm sorry.
Onele: Oh my word!!!!
She got up and walked out bumping onto his mother (Mandisa)
at the gate...
Mandisa: Oni, awunqabe mntanam. Uvelaphi?
Onele: Molo sis Mandy, ndivela eBhayi.
Mandisa: ooh okay, awusemhle ntombi caba ubuhlala endlini
She just casually laughed at that as Mandisa walked in… Onele
walked out. Few seconds later her son went running after
Mabhuti: Baby please come back. Ndizokukhapa late, we need
to talk about this.
Onele: Nd’cela ujike emva kwam or else ndizokungomba
ngalamatye mna.
Mabhuti: Onele I made a mistake come on.
Onele: Which part was a mistake? Sleeping with her or sleeping
with her without protection or making time for her when you
couldn't make time for me OR just fucking lying to my face?
He kept quiet.
Onele: When did this thing of yours start?
Mabhuti: Baby please don't do this.
Onele: You're not answering the question Mabhuti, niqale nini?
Mabhuti: A few months back.
Onele: Wow, so uyamthanda?
Mabhuti: No, no baby I love you. She was a mistake.
Onele: A mistake that is a few months old. A one night stand is a
mistake, not an affair.
Mabhuti: baby, trust me. She's a mistake, I didn't mean for
things to be the way there are right now.
Onele: But she's carrying umntanakho kuyo yonke lonto. She's
carrying your mother's grandchild, she's carrying your first born,
She stormed off and went home, got to her house and went to
lock herself in her room crying her heart out.
She wasn't really hurt because he cheated, she also cheated
and enjoyed it. But she was hurt because they had a lifetime
bond. Umntana. She was hurt because even if she wanted to
fight for the relationship, she wasn't ready to have umntana
with anyone. She was hurt because she didn't have anything to
fall back on, Ginger dumped her so there was no hope of any
messenger texts that would comfort and give her all the
attention and compliments that she longed for. She was hurt
because she realized that actually, she’ not “inja ye game” as
she thought she was for the past few days. That reality hurt like
nobody's business.
After a while, she went to wash her face and went to make
dinner preparations. She only did that because cooking brought
some sense of sanity to her and because she didn't want to
think about anything. She just wanted to keep busy.
A few weeks went by with no communication between Onele
and Mabhuti because she was upset, a few weeks went by with
no communication between Onele and Ginger because she
deleted his number and blocked him. Except of course, on
messenger. But even so, he still had not texted her, which was
frustrating because it made her think that he really was using
her to get closer go her sister. Her family.
Two months later, while she was tossing and turning engakwazi
nokulala, Ginger called. Using a "foreign" number....
Onele: Hello?
Ginger: I miss you.
Her heart stopped beating.
She had already concluded that they'd never see each other
again but hearing his voice... Gosh!
Ginger: I know we… uhm... Nelle ndiyakukhumbula mfondini.
Onele: Two month later.
Ginger: Bendisakunika ichance to think.
Onele: Bendithe ndifuna ichance yocinga nini?
He didn't respond...
Onele: I have a class in a few hours.
Ginger: Please text me after your class, I'll call you.
Onele: Why?
Ginger: Because I want to call you, I want to talk to you.
Onele: Is that your idea of cutting ties? Moving on?
He sighed.
Onele: Please don't call me again.
Ginger: Bab-
She hung up.
Oh, she hung up and smiled to the darkness of the room, it felt
so good ukumphoxa knowing fully well that he really missed her
and she likewise. His agenda aside, they had fun for those few
days. She missed that.
She didn't even sleep much, when it was time to go to school,
she actually wanted to sleep but when you're in matric, you
can't really afford to miss classes. She pushed beyond the
temptation, went to school and walked back home. As if
Mabhuti was Ginger's duplicate, he decided that today would
be the right day to pester her. He ran up behind her and caught
Mabhuti: Baby...
She turned to look at him and just continued walking.
Mabhuti: Onele I miss you, I understand you need time to
process this whole thing but I miss you.
She just walked in silence.
Then she saw a group of girls from Asiphe's school walking
towards her and Mabhuti. She felt her stomach turn into knots.
Mabhuti: Baby?
Onele: Nankuya u baby wakho esiza.
Mabhuti: Onele please don't be like that.
Onele: Don't be like what?
Mabhuti: You know I love you, yonke lento ka Asiphe was a
Onele: Then go to your mistake and leave me the hell alone.
She stormed off, passed on Asiphe and her friends, bahleka.
Asiphe: Hey Onele.
Onele: Asiphe.
Asiphe: u right? You look constipated.
She turned, her friends were a short distance away from her.
Onele: Andiva?
She giggled.
Asiphe: i-ou yakho ikuxelele ba sizoba nomntana?
Onele: Yeeees, congratulations babe.
Asiphe: Thank you sweety, I'm sorry if I ruined your perfect lil
relationship. It wasn't my intention.
The friends giggled, Mabhuti was now standing beside Onele.
Onele: You didn't ruin it honey, you did me a huge favour. And I
should commend you, unesibindi sana...
Asiphe: I don't understand.
Onele: Or, it's very much possible that nawe utya ii ARV's so
before y'all go to bed beniqale nohlulelane?
Asiphe and Mabhuti: what?!
Onele giggled.
Onele: Maybe I should consider the option co-parenting that
child. Depending on the gender, I'll call him Aidsy or Aidsine.
What do you think? Cute ne?
Then she walked away.
She didn't have time for all of them, they might as well go to
hell. She left Mabhuti right there to explain whatever she said.
There was no truth to any of it, and she knew that Aids jokes
were a no-no, but she needed leverage. She obviously said that
to hurt both of them but mostly Asiphe for thinking she could
rub salt into her open wound. She got home and locked myself
in my room, cried my heart out, all over again. She was hurting.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

“Your meeting with Mr. Mandiya is at 3pm, before that you are
meeting Ms. Sokwakha and her lawyer, the boardroom is
already booked for that, and then you’re meeting your brother
for drinks at 6 pm. I have sent you the GPS coordinates for that
meet up. The time now is 08:42 am, you’re in time for your 9
am with Pst Njekho and wife. That will be all”

I looked at her admiringly as she waited for me to get up,

Siyasisanda McClaw had been my PA for the past three years
and in those three years I had never felt like I was feeling that
very moment. Mesmerized, taken by her presence.

“Mr. Abendeiya?” she frowned, and I cleared my throat, getting

up and taking my diaries with. She looked at me, confused and
asked, “is everything okay today?” I smiled, adding a nod. She
nodded, and led me to the boardroom where I would be
discussing our social activities with the local pastor and his wife.
The meeting took nearly an hour because we had to first
account for the previous donation, and then lay out their new
application for the current donation, and my appearance in
their activities. Every year, my business gave the church R100K
donation, and all they had to do was to bring receipts and
testimonials the following year if the wanted more donations.
So far, for the past three years since we started our relationship,
they had been nothing but consistent.

“Thank you Mr. Abendeiya, thank you very much” his wife
shook my hand and I smiled, approvingly to both of them. To be
honest, I didn’t hear a word they said, my mind was still stuck
on Siyasisanda.

“Are you wearing new perfume?” I asked, that wasn’t intended

to be intrusive, but I couldn’t come up with another way of
asking. I was sometimes a little bit too blunt and blatant for my
own good. She smiled, and nodded, that was more than an
invitation for me to walk further into her small office. It was just
one block away from mine, but I had seldom been there. I
always called her into mine.

“Smells rich,” I complimented and she sniggled, closing her

laptop, looking at me.
“What do you want sir?” that was cold, the sir in the end, that
was cold.
“Nothing, I just noticed that you were wearing something new
and I thought I should compliment you on it, simple.”
“Well my perfume is not the only new thing I’m wearing, thanks
to a man who knows how to treat his woman,” she boldly
emphasized on the last part and I stopped, looked at her and
asked, “You have a man? How come we have never seen him?
In all the three years you’ve been working for me you have
never spoken about having a man.”

She laughed, pouring herself a glass of water from the corner of

the room…

“Well, I’m here to work, not talk about my relationships. How’s

your wife doing?” that was a snub, accompanied by a rude
twinkle in her eye. I cleared my throat, walking towards her,
“she’s fine, some women enjoy being spoilt by hardworking
men,” I said smiling and she smiled back, revealing perfectly
white teeth.
“And some men enjoy spoiling submissive women just as much
as they enjoy making them feel worthless in the process, could
never be me!”

I was almost a breath away from her, and there was this
seductive atmosphere around us. I tried my luck, touched her
waist and she fell forward, her left hand landing on my chest
and she laughed.
“Don’t do that Mr. Abendeiya, don’t touch another man’s
property like that,”
“Or what are you going to do about that? Better yet, what’s HE
going to do?” I smirked, kissing her. She allowed me to, kissed
me back, I lost my mind in the moment. I suddenly craved her,
like I would crave a dop or a ciggie. Her back against the wall, I
pressed my body against hers and in a split second, she stopped
kissing me and just bore her eyes into mine…
“You know I’m way above your league Chris, don’t start what
you can never finish. Ndiyi girl ye big boys mna, I know you pay
my salary at the end of the month but babe, you cannot afford
this. Rather talk to Candy pha e reception or Nomcebo at the
accounts, they have the hots for you and I believe they are in
your league,”

With that, she straightened her skirt, kissed my cheek and

walked out with her car keys and phone. I couldn’t believe it. A
woman, ridiculed me, in my own building??? How? I took the
walk of shame to my office and called Candy, I needed to know
where Siya was going, it was just after 10am, where was she
rushing to during work hours?

Candy: Mr. Abendeiya?

Me: Candy, where is Siya?
Candy: She’s gone home sir.
Me: What? Why?
Candy: Well, she started her leave yesterday. She only came in
today because she forgot to send me your diary and you had
that important meeting with the Pastor today. She wanted to
make sure tha-
Me: Thanks Candy, bye!

I hung up.

“Damn!” I growled in frustration, and then in a split second, I

dialed Mfundo my other assistant.

Mfundo: Mister?
Me: I need you to track down my PA, you know her, right?
Mfundo: Siya? Of course, why am I tracking her down?
Me: Because I’m telling you to, dammit!
Mfundo: Well, I’m going to need more than that Mister.
I huffed, he wasn’t interested in tracking a harmless woman
down. Had I asked him to track down a killer he wouldn’t have
asked me questions, he just wasn’t interested.

Me: I want her, is that enough for you Mfundo?

Mfundo: No, it’s not. Why would you want another man’s
woman when you have a wife at home?
Me: Mfundo, I don’t pay you to interrogate me, do as I say or I’ll
find someone else to do your job.
Mfundo: Great, find someone else then, bye.

He hung up.
I looked at my phone in shock, he had never done that before.
Oh wait, he has. When I wanted him to kill Mzuvukile “Nairota”
Khumalo, he said I should find someone else. I called him back…

Mfundo: Already found someone else?

Me: Who is her man?
Mfundo: Mzukisi “Kuriyata” Khumalo.
Me: Is that Nairota’s twin?
Mfundo: Yes.
Mfundo: Bye, again.

He hung up and I threw the phone straight into the wall.

The Khumalo brothers were really big boys, on the surface and
in the underground world. They were the most respected, the
most grounded and the most notorious. They didn’t need extra
men, they killed millions, just the two of them
and if they needed help, they called in more Khumalo men. No


Christopher Abendeiya was amongst the wealthiest young men

in East London, with a sparkling reputation on the surface. He
always considered himself as a “big boy” until his personal
assistant turned him off, you could say she bruised his ego. For
a man who had women falling at his feet almost all his life,
Siyasisanda had been a tough cookie, oblivious to his advances
and presence to be precise. She had been his PA for the past
three years, and prior to that, she was the company
receptionist, but Joseph Abendeiya, Chris’s father was still
running the company then. When he retired and handed over
the company to his son, she got promoted to being his PA and
they had always had a perfect working relationship, much to
the envy of her female colleagues. EVERY one of them wished
he would at least knock them down in the passages, just so they
could smell his expensive cologne.

“Hey baby,” she kissed his smoky lips as he grabbed her behind,
pulling her onto him. She shrieked in excitement, he made her
feel like a twelve-year-old, all the time, for the past two years.
“How’s that douche you work for?” he asked, biting the corners
of her lips.
“I don’t care, I’m on leave and I need a vacation. Can we talk
about that?” she pouted, looking up at him. half her body on
her seat and the rest on him.
“I’ve booked us a house in Cape Town,”
“I thought I made myself clear Khumalo, I want to go to Zimbali”
she said, getting off him and fastening her seat belt.
“Well, I have a couple of things to do in Cape Town Tshawekazi,
it’s either you accompany me or you go to Zimbali by yourself.
I’ll follow you whenever I’m done with business,” he started his
car not looking at her and she sulked. He drove off the
Abendeiya offices and into town, stealing side looks at her.
“Are we sulking,” he asked and she shook her head, still

He decided to let her be…

His phone rang and it was on Bluetooth…

Mzukisi: Khumalo?
Mzuvukile: Mntungwa, Mbulaz’ omnyama, Nina bakaBhej’
eseNgome, Nin’ enadl’umuntu nimyenga ngendaba, Nin’ enadl’
izimf’ezimbili ikhambi laphuma lilinye, Lobengula kaMzilikazi,
Mzilikazi kaMashobana,
Mzukisi: Shobana noGasa kaZikode, Zikode kaMkhatshwa,
Okhatshwe ngezind’ izinyawo nangezimfushanyana,
UMkhatshwa wawoZimangele, UNyama yentini yawoZimangele
Mabaso owabas’ entabeni kwadliwa ilanga lishona BaNtungw’
abancwaba, Zindlovu ezibantu,
Zindlovu ezimacocombela,
Mzuvukile: Nin’ abakwaMawela owawel’ iZambezi ngezikhali,
Nin’ abakwaNkomo zavul’ inqaba,
Zavul’ inqaba ngezimpondo kwelaseNgome zahamba, Nin’
enalukudl’ umlenze kwaBulawayo,
Mantungwa Aluhlaza, Mntungwa Omhle, Mntwana wenkosi,
Mzukisi: Aw, ngane ka baba, indoda emadodeni!

Then they laughed, it sounded as they were speaking in codes,

not necessarily singing praises to each other, but Siya couldn’t
make out what exactly was being said. She just sensed from the
excitement that there was most certainly something worth

Mzuvukile: Ukuphi umfazi wakithi?

Mzukisi: She’s sulking right next to me.
Mzuvukile: Umenzeni pho?
Mzukisi: Ngimtshelile ukuthi ngiya e Cape Town, she wants to
go to Zimbali. Ngithe akahambe ke, I’ll follow when I’m done.
Mzuvukile: Ah, women! Kotiza, saw’bona?

She rolled her eyes and Mzukisi laughed at her.

Siya: Ta Mzu, unjani?

Mzuvukile: Mgiyaphila mama, uyaphila wena kodwa?
Siya: Very well, thank you.
Mzuvukile: That’s good to hear, do me a favor ke ngane ka
Bab’Tshawe. Rather go sulk in Cape Town and post champagne
and beauty spa treatments on the Gram while that man goes
out to make more money for that comfortable life you’re living,
uyezwa ke sisi?

She looked at Mzukisi and he looked straight ahead…

Siya: I guess you missed the part where I make my own money
Ta Mzu.
Mzuvukile: You make your own money without a doub
Tshawekazi, but we know why you’re with my brother.
Siya: I love your brother, contrary to popular belief!
Mzuvukile: Asazani na love thina kwa Khumalo futhi ke angazi
kwa contrary leyo mina. Engikwaziyo ukuthi ubaba washada no
ma bengazani, bengathandani. Baze bafunda ukuthandana as
they grew old together, oh and ubaba wayengena mali.
Siya: He must have had a big D then, don’t you think? Oh better
yet, he must have known how to use it!

Both men laughed their hearts out, she huffed and focused her
attention back to her phone. The Khumalo twins wrapped up
their conversation and then Mzukisi returned his attention back
to her, he apologized for Mzuvukile’s words. She brushed him
off, because she felt embarrassed by what she said about their
father, well, their parents.

Siyasisanda McClaw was an IT Graduate that got lucky and

scored herself an internship at Abendeiya and Sons right after
varsity. She practically grew up there, and worked her way up
the ladder. She came from a very underprivileged family, being
the oldest always meant she had to work thrice as hard as the
rest so there could be food on the table. All of that stopped the
day she “bumped” onto Kuriyata. She was out with her friends
at a local “joint”, popularly known as Buccs by the residents. He
was with his friends and so was she, she caught his attention
and he walked up to their table and asked to have a word with
her. Akhona tried to get in between, but Michelle assured Siya
out. They exchanged numbers, met a week later and ever since
then, they had become inseparable. He single-handedly re-built
her home, made sure every month that her mother had
everything she needed and still paid the fees of the last child in
the family, unprovoked. Whenever people asked about him and
his work, she either pretended to not know, or she would
quickly change the subject. She knew that he was running a
family company with his brothers, but she never liked discussing
that. And she feared losing him, men were easily lured and
hungry women were predators. With that being said, what she
didn’t know was that he was also a well-known and respected
man in the underworld.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙

-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

Mzukisi drove them to his house, he had a zoom meeting at six,

and their flight was at 9pm. He hadn’t told her that part yet, she
was just under the impression that they would fly out the
following morning.

“Mntungwa?” she called on him leaning her back against the

door. He looked up, mouthed that he was busy on a conference
call, and then focused back to the screen before him. She
walked back to the lounge, took his plate and placed it in the
microwave before walking up the tedious staircase leading to
the master bedroom. She knew that he wasn’t necessarily too
busy for her, but denying her quality time was his way of
punishing her. Something about love languages. She dialed her
friend Uyabukwa, she needed a friend to vent on…

“Aw, Mrs. Khumalo… kwenzenjani wang’fonela ngales’khathi?

Awuna ndoda yini?”
“Ngaske ndikufake impama with that fake Zulu njandini!”

They both burst into laughing frenzy.

Uya: What’s up my friend? You sound “down” or am I reading

too much?
Siya: I feel like… I feel like there’s someone else Uya.
Uya: Someone else phi kanene?
Siya: Mzukisi has this thing of ignoring my presence mvanje,
he’s always cooped up in his study, he’s always on calls with his
brother, bayahleka bonwabile. I only get to see him when he
comes to bed, whatever time he decides to come to bed. Like,
ingathi ndiyamdika or ndimxinile.
Uya: But u Ta Mzu has always been like that Sanda nje,
whenever he has a new business interest, he switches off and
becomes a goober. Why is it surprising you now?

She sighed, playing with her toes…

Siya: I am on leave babe, right? When he asked me where I

wanted to go, I told him that I wanted to go to Zimbali and he
was okay with that. Two days ago, we couldn’t go to Zimbali
because he was going to Cape Town. He had a business “thing”
to attend in Cape Town. Couldn’t he have told me BEFORE ndibe
excited about Zimbali? Couldn’t he just communicate with me?
Uya: Well baby girl, just hop on to his ride or flight and come to
Cape Town. We will have fun, we hadn’t had girlie dates since a
month before your party.
Siya: Argh sthandwa, I wouldn’t want to probe. Besides, Siya
probably still hates me.
Uya: uBaby ukwelocala, they have umcimbi kokwabo and he
will probably spend the next two weeks there. Khona Sanda,
when are you going to apologize to him? You do realize that you
were wrong, right?
Siya: I was wrong? Njani Uya kodwa yi boyfriend yakho that
brought another woman to my sister’s party ndisazi wena mna?
Uya: Sanda…
Siya: Don’t tell me you’re choosing a man over your friend
ntombi, haibo!
Uya: Sanda, oko ndandithetha into enye kuwe kwase high
school… do not fight ii battles that are not yours. You admitted
that you reacted before thinking, and asking. What if the girl he
was with ngu sister wakhe? Or better yet, umntana wakhe or ka
brother wakhe? You splashed indoda’m ngotywala ntombi and
embarrassed him in the midst of his peers.
Siya: How was I su-
Uya: And you never apologized, even when I called you out
about it the first time. You just admitted to overreacting, and
acting on your toes. But you never apologized mntase.

Siya huffed, and Uya smiled at the irritation she could feel
coming off.

Siya: You really do love him… oh my God!

Uya: Haibo Sanda, why do you sound shocked by that?
Yindoda’m mos u Siyabulela, obviously ndiyamthanda.
Siya: Dude, you’re smitten. Zange zange wabanjena!
Uya: Yhimake chomi, kanti wena awumthandi u Ta Mzu? I am
here thinking that’s why we are in relationships with men,
because we love them and not just the provision and security
they come with.

That question hit a blank wall.

Uya: Siyasisanda, why are you with Mzukisi? Just give me one
reason chomi…
Siya: I just want a better life Uya.

That came with a chilling silence.

Uya had never thought of using a man to better her chances in
anything, maybe it was because she had never lacked that
much. She either worked her way through life, or as most times
had proven, her last name worked for her. Not a man.

Uya: So you are with him because he can provide for you? Not
because you love him?
Siya: Chomi, you make it sound so bad!
Uya: Siya when Ginger asked you out, on your 16th birthday you
told him you couldn’t be with him because your family wouldn’t
want you dating an older guy. Jikijiki e Varsity you were all over
him, you were madly in love. Sathi sisabukele leyo, kwathi gqi u
Ta Mzu yangathi Ginger never existed. Kanye kanye friend
kwenzeka ntoni? What is it that you want?
Siya sighed… she knew she lost the mark the day she tried to
string along two men. Bongani had the craziest intuition, she
knew damn well that he was bound to find out, sooner than her
calculations. They obviously broke up, but she still loved him,
and he skipped the country right after that. Robbing her the
opportunity to try and work things out
so, she continued with Mzukisi because he was available and
because he didn’t lack much.

Uya: Sanda?
Siya: I hate to actually say this out loud, but I think I still love
Bongani more chomi.
Uya: Then why are you still with Ta Mzu? You are avoiding
answering this question. He is still older than you, just like
Ginger, why are you with him? Be honest to yourself first.
Siya: Mzukisi makes me feel secure Yaya, like, he makes me feel
safe by all means. Bongani doesn’t, or, he didn’t. That niqqa is a
thug qha qwaba and I think at some stage I could have just been
attracted to him because of that.
Uya: Fair enough, but now wazinjani ukuba u Ta Mzu is not a
thug too?
Siya: That’s the thing: I don’t know. I have my suspicions… yho
ha.a Uya torho. This needs good food and good wine. We
cannot seriously be talking about these things over the phone
ndizomuruka ndedwa ngoku.

Uya laughed…
“Okay ke friend, does that mean uzoza eKapa nalo bhuti? Or
you’re going to Zimbali all alone? If awuzi kaloku funeka
ndixelele lobhuti ukuba I’m going away for a week or so then ke
ndiku join’e in Zimbali. So, what are you deciding on?”
Uyabukwa asked and Siya’s response was an exasperated “I’ll
call you” and that was the end of the call.

Around 8:30pm Mntungwa walked into his massive bedroom

and watched his woman snoring softly with a glass of wine and
a coffee mug right next to her. It was time for them to leave and
he knew that she was going to throw a bitchfit. He went over to
her bags, nothing much was taken out, just her pjs so he zipped
them up and packed everything in his car. His bags included.
When he came back, he walked closer to the bed and shook her
“Mh,” She murmured.
“Vuka sihambe” he urged and she opened her eyes, not
forgetting to frown.
“What did you just say?”
“We’re leaving, wake up”

She got off the bed and looked for her bag in silence…

“It’s in the car” he said and she nodded without uttering a

word. They followed each other out of the house and she just
went straight to the car while he locked up. When he got to the
car she wasn’t in the front passenger seat, but at the back and
he just looked at her and realized that she has coiled her body
up and shut her eyes.

“Baby?” he tried to converse while driving out and she flat

ignored him and he got the hint. The ride to the airport was a
silent one, when they got there she let him offload alone and
when he was done, she followed right behind him straight to
their already waiting bird. Once inside, she switched her phone
off and tried her best to fall asleep. That was the only way she
could avoid having conversation that would lead to a brawl.
They landed and were welcomed by Mzukisi’s brother,
Mzuvukile and that alone ticked Siyasisanda off. He opened his
arms for her, and they hugged, while someone else was busy
singing praises to Mzukisi.

“Mntungwa, Mbulaz’ omnyama, Nina bakaBhej’ eseNgome,

Nin’ enadl’umuntu nimyenga ngendaba, Nin’ enadl’
izimf’ezimbili ikhambi laphuma lilinye, Lobengula kaMzilikazi,
Mzilikazi kaMashobana, Shobana noGasa kaZikode, Zikode
kaMkhatshwa, Okhatshwe ngezind’ izinyawo

As soon as they got to the house that he booked, Siya went

straight to the room she assumed would be theirs and waited
for her man who later followed and packed their bags in the
wardrobe before sitting with her on the edge of the bed.

Mzu: Is everything okay?

Siya: Am I sleeping here?
Mzu: WE are sleeping here, now please answer me, is
everything okay?
She got up, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back down with
a huff.

Siya: Nd’cela ukulala Mzukisi torhwana.

Mzu: Uzolala mfondini kutheni u moody na? Waliwe?
Siya: Xa une chance torho ndicela ungandiqheli kakubi, I am
only here because I love you and because I took this leave to
spend time with you. Don’t get it twisted ke, I can leave you
nabantu bakho right now uzonwabele.
Mzu: I’m sorry babe… can you please come and eat ke before
you sleep? There’s braaied meat downstairs.
Siya: I’ll eat in the morning.

He nodded, letting go of her hand.

He kissed her cheek and she allowed him to.

Mzu: What can I do to make this up to you?

Siya: Come back to bed before the sun comes up, awusoze
undithathe ekhaya uzondilalisa ndodwa mna.
Mzu: Done.
He kissed her lips, and walked out.
She got into bed and switched off the lights.
At breakfast…
Three ladies drove in a yellow Mustang… all eyes were on them,
and they seemed to be popular within the circle. Circle yes,
because the “holiday house” that was supposedly booked for
Siya and her man was suddenly crowded like a commune.
Two ladies walked up to where Siya and Mzu were chatting over
their light brekkie. One patted Mzu on the shoulder and walked
passed them to go and plate up her own breakfast while the
other grabbed a chair and joined the two love-birds without
“Aw, uMkhatshwa wawoZimangele, UNyama yentini
yawoZimangele. Mabaso owabas’ entabeni kwadliwa ilanga
lishona, BaNtungw’ abancwaba, Zindlovu ezibantu, Zindlovu
ezimacocombela, Nin’ abakwaMawela owawel’ iZambezi

The lady seemed to know Mzukisi… like, know know… kotrasini

kinda know!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

“Lindelwa, damn, what are you doing here?” Mzukisi almost

jumped out of his seat as the lady almost wrapped up her
praises towards him. Sanda raised her brow and he noticed
that… there was something in his looked that actually
concerned her.

“Your brother told us you guys are coming over for the weekend
so we decided to come and greet before ya’ll paint the streets
red,” she chuckled, he eyed Sanda and cleared his throat. That’s
when Lindelwa supposedly noticed that Mzukisi had company…
“Oh my bad, where are my manners?” she smiled extending a
handshake to Siyasisanda… “My name is Lindelwa and this guy
and I used to get it going back in the day. You must be his new
chick, huh?” Siya nodded, shaking the other girl’s hand in
silence but with a smile.

Lindelwa: You don’t talk much do you?

Sanda: No.
Lindelwa: Yho, how do you cope with this dude?
Ndandimgqibele etshwetshweza lomZulu!
Sanda: He’s got his brother to match his hype.
Lindelwa: True, what’s also true is how his brother described
you. Well baby girl, good luck with him…

With that she stood up, kissed Mzukisi on the cheek and
vanished…leaving Sanda reeling.
Siyasisanda continued to eat, not missing that Mzukisi was
suddenly distracted and “jumpy” as though he was caught on a

Mzukisi: Are you uhm, okay?

Sanda: I should be asking you… are you okay?
Mzukisi: Yeah, sure.
Sanda: Great… listen, I am going for brunch with Uya and I’m
not sure what time I’ll be back.
Mzukisi: Oh… can I drive you?
Sanda: I’ll take an Uber, but thank you.

She walked away from him, went to prepare for her brunch with
Uyanda and left without saying another word. Uya was still in
bed, so they chilled at her place until around 2pm waiting for
one of their closest friends to be dropped off by her man. At
2:30pm, Iyana rocked up looking like money! You can imagine
the noise all three liberates made as they left the house to paint
the streets red.

Settling at The Gin Bar, they each ordered cocktails in preps of

catching up.

Iyana: Mfazi ka Khumalo, yintoni wa distressed? Please don’t

tell me ulahliwe torho yho I cannot deal with another breakup.
Uya: Another? Who broke up?
Iyana: Me.
Sanda: Oh Iyana ntombi… it was just six months, umenzeni
Iyana: Haibo chomi, ndimenzeni? What if nguye owe-
Uya: We know you buddy, what have you done?

She burst out laughing, and they waited for her.

Iyana: He’s boring guys. Like, yho ha.a he is boring with a capital
Uya: That’s it?
Iyana: Momma bear, nna ke rata risks bathong. Like, sometime
nje ke batla hoya ko Table Mountain and be left hanging ka di
rails. Yena on the side he wants to keep things simple?
Wang’suffocate’a motho yho!

All three of them cracked up rolling on the aisles.

Iyana: Enough about me, what’s really going on friend? You

don’t look like yourself.
Uya: She misses Ginger.
Sanda: Haibo Uyabukwa!!!

Iyana stopped drinking and just looked at both ladies.

Uya: Ndiyaxoka ke?

Iyana: Please tell me she’s just being silly…

Siyasisanda kept quiet…

Iyana: Asoze friend, never sisi!

Sanda: I loved him.
Iyana: And you dumped him because of your selfish reasons.
Uya: You’re a fine one to talk.
Iyana: Oksalayo… hey hay man… dude, have you seen how
happy My Guy is? Lamntana is really making him happy, please
do not go there and ruin his life chomi ndiyakucela.
Sanda: Omphi umntana? Wait, is Ginger back in SA?
Iyana: Holy crappaholic! You didn’t know? Oh

Uyabukwa was almost on the floor with laughter… that was

basically the reason why she missed Iyana. She was a character
in her own lane.
Sanda: Akandidike u Uya namhlanje.
Uya: Xolo friend but come on… you thought he’d wait for you?
Or wait, inform you that he’s back?
Sanda: NO… but…
Iyana: You know I love you, but please… ndicela umyeke u My
Guy mfethu.
Sanda: Well… to answer your question before Uyabukwa
hijacked it. I’m fine…
Iyana: Gqibezela kaloku.
Sanda: Mzuvukile saw it best to invite his brother's ex over to
the house we’ll be staying in for the rest of this… andikho sure
phofu noba silapha for how long. But, yeah wethu, ndibashiye
pha mna!

The silence that followed was as thick as Big Mama’s thighs.

Uyabukwa cleared her throat, looking for words that would
encourage her friend.

Iyana: How did Mzukisi react when he saw her?

Sanda: He became jumpy, wambuza ufuna ntoni pha… I just
looked at him and carried on eating.
Uya: You think he might still be hitting it?
Sanda: I don’t know… I don’t even think I wanna know.
After lunch and drinks, they went clubbing.
Just to destress a bit.

Around 11pm, Siyasisanda felt a hand grabbing her from the

dance floor… lo and behold
Mntungwa was taking her bag from Iyana and already pulling
her outside the club. Into his car and straight home… well,
home for however long he had planned for them to be in Cape


I walked ahead of him, only because I was upset.

Like, how could he? I didn’t bother him, I left him with his
friends do to whatever that made him ditch OUR plans of
spending my leave in Zimbali and opt for the Mother City. But
he had the nerve to gate-crash my peace? My time with my
friends? What kind of narcissist was I dating? Selfish bastard!

I heard the door shut behind me as I threw my handbag and

shoes across the room… he came charging for me, without even
uttering a word and once his hands got hold of my curves…
everything around us came to a standstill.
Mzukisi: Angazi kwenzakalani kulelo khanda lakho elikhulu
kodwa ngeke ungidelele kanjena. Since when do you behave
like a City Girl, Minty?
Sanda: Do not call me Minty Mntungwa.
Mzukisi: Siya, what in the heavens is going on with you? Look at
Sanda: Take me back home, I’ll fly myself to Zimbali and finish
off my leave there.
Mzukisi: Minty…
Sanda: Awuva neh? Ndithe do not call me Minty.

He sighed…
I broke free from his grip…

Sanda: Whenever your brother is around, the arrogance ka

Kuriyata comes out. That’s not my man, hence I will leave you
to bask alone in it. I didn’t make no mistake namhlanje
ngokunishiya nedwa imini yonke, I knew very well that you two
would have fun… your ex’s arrival confirmed exactly that.
Mzukisi: Kepha kukho konke lokho uyazi ukuthi ngikuthanda
Sanda: Uyang’thanda vele, that goes without saying but
honestly? It’s been two years of bliss in hell Mzukisi… having to
prove myself all the damned time, having to act tough even
when I feel fragile, having to carry your burdens while you care
more about your family than about me? As long as you send me
money whenever you feel like, my feelings don’t matter.
Mzukisi: I get that you’re drunk, kodwa Minty uyazi nawe
akulona iqiniso lelo.
Sanda: I mean just because I’m Xhosa I suddenly loose value?
My value is measured by money? And you laugh it out, not
caring how that stings? Hay fok man, take me home!!!

After washing my face I found him still sitting in one place, I

huffed and grabbed my PJs. I had hoped by the time I walked
out of the bathroom he’d have returned to the noise
downstairs, but he didn’t. He waited for me and I hated the fact
that the alcohol in my head was gradually becoming
He stepped up, taking my hand and kissing my cheeks in silent.
The way I wanted to just scratch his face off… Lord!

Mzukisi: I love you, and I am sorry you’re feeling this way. I’m
sorry that I caused you to feel this way… forgive me Minty.

Without even giving me a chance to respond and maybe cuss

him for calling me Minty for the hundredth time, he kissed my
lips making sure to suck the bottom lip. I tried to resist him, but
the small percentage of alcohol left in my body wanted every
ounce of him. He grabbed my thigh, pushing me onto the bed
as he lay me down and started worshiping my body like he
knew how. I wanted him in me, all the time and specifically that
very moment. I wanted all his weight on top of me. I wanted to
squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I
wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on
him and scream his name in ecstasy. He knew that, our bodies
were in communication, our minds and organs in perfect
understanding. His lips left mine and traveled down my jelly-
belly and furthermore finding comfort between my sweaty
thighs. A part of me wanted to push him off, so I could go
freshen that part of my body with a wet towel, but he didn’t
give me that much of a choice. His warm collided with mine and
sent me off to a world known by many… but less travelled. He
slipped a finger into my mouth to shift my focus and possibly
mum the sounds not knowing that my focus was on the sounds
his tongue was making between my folds.

I got on top of him. As fly as I would love to think I am, I’d never
done that before… and many other things to be exact. I couldn’t
really believe it; I was doing this, to my Zulu man. I was
inventing something new for us. I held him and put him in
slowly, he felt deeper in me and for a second my breathing
stopped simultaneously as his eyes shut. I’ll never forget that
moment. I was in charge and for some really strange reason, he
liked it. I held his hands down, let my tits touch his face and he
went frenetic. I couldn’t get enough of him.

I was tired, upset and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to
I probably didn’t even want to leave anymore… unless he was
leaving with me.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8

-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

The next morning she had recovered.

His prick was still hard though.

She reached for her phone and was bombarded by eleventeen

messages from her friends, Uya was actually mad at her for
ghosting them. She knew she would have to make it up to
them, but that would just have to wait. There was a message
from work… and because she valued her peace of mind more
than the wages itself, she ignored it and looked at the man next
to her. He looked so much at peace, like a lion cub in the safety
of a lioness. She played with his beard a bit, knowing fully well
that he wasn’t a light sleeper, he wouldn’t just wake up because
of that. She would have to work harder if she wanted to wake
up him.
Smiling to herself, she slid off the bed and went to the
bathroom, returned and took the prick into her hand. They
always slept naked, only because he believed their souls
connected more when their flesh rubbed throughout the night.
He opened his eyes to such a beautiful sight, Indlovukazi yakhe
pleasuring him in all ways possible. In the end she was arranged
across the pillows, and in a few minutes he rolled her over and
put it in as if someone had put an end to the intermission.

“Oh, Mbulazi” she breathed, “that’s it right there.”

She’s so wild that the bed started creaking.

Not only that, her pace almost left him behind, but like the
strong and proud Zulu man that she had always known him for,
he caught up. He noticed how her breath shortened as he
braced his hands on the wall with his knees hooked outside her
One push, and he drove himself deeper.
Clutching on her, they crumbled together like sand crumbling
from a toddlers sand castle. After gathering his breath, he took
the short walk to the bathroom and upon his return he picked
up the covers from the floor. She had not moved. She was still
lying on the very same spot where her walls had fallen. He
kissed her, deep…

“What plans do you have today”? he asked and she just pulled
the covers over her head. He pulled her close, kissing her head
over the covers. She couldn’t help but insufflate his sexy scent,
it smelt as fresh as it did when he put it on the previous day…
obviously laced with sweat here and there. Even so, she still
didn’t respond to his question.

“I have a meeting just now at 9 am, after that we can leave. So

when you eventually wake up, please start packing,”
“Siyaphi?” she asked under the covers.
“Awushongo yini ukuthi ufuna ukuya eZimbali? Siyakhona ke”
He obviously thought she would jump for joy, shower him with
kisses as she normally would when things went her way. But for
some reason, she didn’t. She lay still and in his heart he knew
something was wrong, but didn’t want to ask. He slid off the
bed, went to take a shower, dressed up and left for his meeting.
An hour later, she sat up and returned the call from work…

Candy: You’re speaking to Candy Oviora, how may I help you

Siya: Candy, you called.
Candy: Siya? Oh, Mr. Abendeiya wanted to speak to you.
Siya: What’s so urgent though?
Candy: He didn’t say, can I put you through to him? He’s in his
Siya: Sure.

The anticipation laced with annoyance engulfed Siyasisanga as

she waited to hear her boss’s voice.

Chris: Abendeiya?
Siya: Mr. Abendeiya, I hear you’re looking for me.
Chris: Siyasisanda, gosh, you’re so difficult to get hold of.
Siya: I’m on leave sir, you shouldn’t need to get hold of me.
Unless the firm is burning down.
Chris: I know that but Siya… I need you to come back.
Siya: What? Why?
Chris: I know this is inappropriate but… I really need you to
come back. I’ll pay you double, I promise. The office is not the
same without you, I feel like I’m going crazy here… Please come

Siya looked at her screen with a frown…

Siya: Mr. Abendeiya, are you okay? Is everything alright at

Chris: Siya please just get on the next flight back, I will
reimburse you for it. I will tell you everything once you’re here.
Siya: But I can’t do that, what will I tell my boyfriend? That my
boss wants me back at work? No!
Chris: Please.
The silence that followed that “please” had pain in it, she
sighed. Maybe he was in trouble, or maybe Candy was messing
up his schedule… surely, this was just one of those “frustration”
days. She cleared her throat, trying so hard to make an
informed decision that wouldn’t leave her relationship and
work in jeopardy. Yes, it was within her rights to say “no” to him
she was entitled to her leave, but then again… when she
accepted the job she did say they could count on her in case of
emergencies. What if there was an emergency now?

Siya: Can I call you back?

Chris: Of course, call my personal phone.
Siya: Bye.

She got off the bed, and went to freshen up.

A warm bath would have been nicer and relaxing, but because
she was in between anxiety, confusion and a tad of sexual
high… a shower worked out better. She dressed up, and started
packing her bags only. When she was done, she walked out of
the room with her bags, and called Taxify as she landed on the
first floor of the house.
Mzuvukile: Hau, Kotiza, uyakuphi?
Siya: Hi Ta Mzu, slept well?

Vukile laughed, getting up to follow her out to the kitchen area.

Mzuvukile: What time did you come back last night?

Siya: I don’t know bro, but your brother should know.
Mzuvukile: Mmh, so where are you going?
Siya: I’m going home.
Mzuvukile: Does he know that? He told me ya’ll leaving for
Zimbali nje.
Siya: You will tell him kaloku Ta Mzu haibo.
Mzuvukile: So he doesn’t know. Did you two fight or
Siya: No we didn’t fight, and no he doesn’t know but I trust you
to convey the message in detail to him. There’s my ride… stay
well, and enjoy whatever you guys have planned.
She stepped out leaving him in a mass of confusion.
The ride to the airport wasn’t that long, they were literally five
minutes away. She was unfortunate though, the only flight
going back to East London was at 13:00 pm so in an attempt to
inform Chris that flying back to the city wasn’t an option, she
called to inform him and he said his Private Jet was actually in
Cape Town waiting for his brother Arnold. He apparently had a
09:00 am meeting with investors in Cape Town. She located the
PJ and waited for Arnold who was back in there right after 10:30
am, right then, the birdie took off. As soon as she landed, her
phone got bombarded by Mzukisi’s messages and missed call
notifications. She didn’t respond to any of them until she got to
her place, had brunch and downed a shot just to wake herself

“What are you doing Siyasisanda? Wenzani sisi?” she asked

herself savoring the bitter taste of alcohol in her mouth. Her
phone rang for the hundredth time, she eyed it, walked straight
up to her wardrobe and took out an outfit because she was
meeting her boss in the next hour. For some reason, he didn’t
want to meet up in the office, meaning, the meeting wasn’t
work-related. A quick shower, touch of makeup and a very sexy
outfit did the trick… she actually responded to Mzukisi as she
drove herself to the address as sent by Mr. Chris Abendeiya.
Sanda: Mbulazi?

He breathed, it wasn’t a sigh, but a breathing of exhaustion.

She smiled to herself at the accomplishment of the
uncommunicated mission.

Mzukisi: Baby, ukuphi?

Sanda: I’m in East London.
Mzukisi: Kanjani? I thought we had agreed that we’re going to
Zimbali. So manje tshela mina ukuthi use East London kanjani.
Sanda: Ndise East London because I flew down here, does that
answer your kanjani baby?
Mzukisi: Punkie don’t start with me, ngiyak’cela. Not today.
Sanda: Hau, mhla’mbe kumele ng’khulume isiZulu ke Mbulazi
ngoba ngiyasho ukuthi ngize nge aircraft… I mean ibhanoyi… e
East London. K’yezwakala ke baba?

He laughed, he bloody well laughed and clicked his tongue then

went silent on her.
Not hanging up the phone.

Sanda: Look, I understand that you’re a busy man, you have

your own priorities and I have my own. Do whatever you’re
doing ubuye, I’ll be here waiting for you.
Mzukisi: Didn’t you hear me this morning?
Sanda: I did, but I didn’t have the strength to respond to you.
Deep down nawe uyazazi you don’t want to go to Zimbali, you
were just doing it to please me. Instead of that ke, rather bond
with your brother, attend your business meetings without
having me at the back of your mind. When all of that is done,
then you can come back. You’ll find me here.

He didn’t respond…

Sanda: I’ve called in at work, I’m returning back to work

Mzukisi: Ah, so you cut your leave short?
Sanda: Yes, better be preoccupied as well and not be a nuisance
kuwe when you’re busy building your empire. Phela as your
brother always reminds me as’shadile angithi? Your empire is
strictly yours, futhi ke empeleni maybe your friends do see me
as a gold digger just like Ta Mzu. I wouldn’t blame them
though… it makes perfect sense.
Mzukisi: So you left because of Mzuvukile? Is that what you’re
Sanda: I left because I wanted to get busy and work for my own
money. Lazing around in Cape Town won’t bring me money nge
month end.

He sighed… as she parked and looked around the unfamiliar

suburban area.

Mzukisi: We’ll talk when I get there.

Sanda: You’re following me? You want your brother to be on my
case, again? Yho hay baby, hlala apho noba yi veki ey’1 please.
Mzukisi: Ngithe sizokhuluma mang’fika lapho.
Sanda: Mnkq, okay. Love you.
Mzukisi: Sharp.

Sanda: Awung’tha-
He had already hung up.
She shrugged and got ready to go head to head with Christian
for cutting her leave short… why was there a tingle of
excitement between her legs all of a sudden?

“Get a grip Siyasisanda. Get a goddamn grip!”

A little self-reprimanding in place as she followed the staircase

up into the massive mansion. Clueless of what awaited her
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 9
-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

At eighteen years old, Liyanda left home going to study

Biochemistry at the University of Witwaterstrand in
Johannesburg knowing that by age 21 she’d be done with her
three-year course. Unlike most of the friends she made there,
she didn’t have relatives in Johannesburg, but she planned to
make the best of those three years. Regardless. Unlike many
that she came across, she didn’t have a poor background, or a
sad story as a matter of fact. But, she was also not from a rich
family. Her parents just made sure that there was surplus in
their provision for all their children. This however didn’t stop
the curious young mind of Liyanda from wandering…

“My name is Liyanda Sithotho and I’m a first year Biochemistry

She introduced herself in a large circle of young ladies, a book
club to be exact. That’s how she became best friends with
Onele Mzayi. They were in two different universities, the book
club was their only common ground… until Mzuvukile

Two years later…

Yes, Mzuvukile happened, two exact years later and he turned
her world downside up. She had always thought she was bright
for her, but at 20, she fell for a well-established older guy and all
her morale and everything she thought she knew flew out the

“Who am I to judge you Liya? I’m dating an older guy too,”

Onele assured her.
“But your family knows about him, my dad would kill me.
Literally,” Liyanda shivered at the thought. Onele laughed,
remembering the time she disclosed her relationship to
Cassandra, her sister. She knew Bongani wouldn’t be easily
accepted, he was actually an enemy of the family, but she didn’t
care much. What she cared about was her heart, and because
she respected her sisters, she figured it would be better for her
to disclose her relationship instead of them finding out for
themselves. Well, nothing was better. She got the same results.

“My family may know about Bongani but they still however do
not approve of him… and my parents don’t know. I just told my
siblings” she nodded at her friend who then asked, ”But you
continued with the relationship anyway?” and Onele laughed.
They had been friends for the past eight months and Onele felt
comfortable indulging Liyanda on the gory details of her
relationship with Ginger. She told Liya, the whole story…
including Ta Sthera and Sis Asanda. That very moment Liyanda
realized that she had finally found her twin in Onele. They were
very much alike, one was bolder than the other, but they could
be the same person.

Liya: Okay ke friend, let’s just go home ngoku… when we get

back I will know what to do.
Onele: Okay, did you inform your parents that sizoqala kwa
sis’wam namhlanje and only fly out tomorrow?
Liya: Ewe, dad will pick us up at the airport ngomso late.

They packed their bags, called a cab and left for Asanda’s house
that evening. Aphiwe was happy to have his aunt, even if she
wasn’t his favorite, but having family around was very seldom
for them. Onele didn’t visit them as often as they thought she
would, since she was just around the block. And to her defense
she claimed that school was hectic. Asanda wasn’t home when
they got there, so they started preparing dinner in waiting for
her. Mzuvukile called as Liyanda started marinating the meat.
She jumped for her phone and stepped outside, for privacy.

Liya: Hello?
Nairota: Baby girl, kunjani?
Liya: I’m well thank you, yourself?
Nairota: I’m alright… ukuphi?
Liya: I’m in Pretoria… leaving for East London tomorrow
Nairota: Can we do breakfast tomorrow then? I’m in
Johannesburg for tonight, leaving around 12 pm k’sasa.
Liya: Eish… I’m not at res. Sikulo Onie and I don’t want to
disrespect her sister.
Nairota: Come on Liya, I’m pretty sure if you want to meet up
you will make a way. You’ll find something to tell your friend’s
sister without disrespecting her.

She kept quiet, wondering if she really wanted to meet up with

him. Even for breakfast, as he put it.
She had promised her mother that she would focus on school
only kula Gauteng, this Mzuvukile was surely not part of the
promises. Not by a chance.

Nairota: Please, I would really like to see you before you go

Liya: I’ll see what I can do.
Nairota: Thank you
I love you.
Liya: Love you more.
They hung up.

The following morning Liyanda woke up and prepared for her

breakfast meeting with her soon to be boyfriend, Mzuvukile
Nairota Khumalo. She was excited, but had to hide that as
Asanda dropped her off on her way to work. Onele knew that if
their time to leave came and Liya wasn’t back, she would have
to pack her bags and meet her at the airport. She basically
knew she would have to cover for her.

He was already waiting for her, dressed in distressed denims

and a matching jacket, white sneakers and matching round
necked t-shirt. He saw her, a smiled creeped up on his face as
he got up and welcomed her with the warmest of hugs.

“I didn’t think you’d make it” he confessed and she giggled,

melting at his embrace but mostly drowning into the deep lust
his cologne was dragging her to. She breathed in, through the
nostrils one more times… dragging the scent and allowing it to
fill her up and mess up her insides. Ah, what a beautiful
moment. He stepped back, pulled a seat for her and then
signaled for a waiter to attend to her needs.
“Whatever he’s having, with a glass of water instead of coffee.
Thanks” she smiled and the guy nodded, departing. Nairota felt
his loins reacting to the beauty that was seated across him, he
had seen many beautiful women, he had experienced the sex of
many too… but there was just something about Liyanda. Maybe
it was her innocence? Naivety?

“Umuhle… kakhulu futhi” he started off the conversation

looking dreamily at her and her cheeks flushed.
“Enkosi, Mntungwa” she responded and he beamed. Men and
their clans!
“You remembered?” He asked and she laughed, playing with
the sugar sachet she had busied her hands with since she sat
“Of course I remembered… you mentioned how much you
loved being addressed with your clan name at least fifty times
that day”

He laughed at her exaggeration…

Their food came, and they indulged making small conversation.
Liyanda felt comfortable and weird at the same time.
She felt comfortable to be herself in his presence, yet weird that
she actually felt like she had known him since forever. Very
Nairota: How long will you stay at home?
Liya: For the duration of the semester break.
Nairota: Am I allowed to pop in and see you?
Liya: Besides seeing me, do you have any other business in East
Nairota: No, but my brother has a house there. He lives with his
Liya: Ah, your twin brother. Okay… maybe.
Nairota: What does that mean?

She sighed, chewing on a crispy end of bacon.

Liya: As long as I won’t be expected to play happy families with

Nairota: What do you mean?
Liya: I mean, I don’t really have to meet your brother and his
Nairota: That’s not a problem… but just so you know, my
brother and I are very close. He is almost found in every corner
la ngikhona.
Liya: Meaning he could pop up right now?
Nairota: Possibly.

She nodded, thinking.

Nairota: But, I respect you. So I will tell him that you’re not
ready to meet him yet.
Liya: Enkosi…
Nairota: What time is your flight? I’d like us to go for a drive.
Liya: It’s after your 12 pm flight.

He laughed, remembering that he actually told her the previous

night that he was leaving at 12 pm.
After settling the bill, he led her to his car and just as she was
about to get in it someone called out her name…

“Liyanda?” She stopped and turned to see a frowning Ginger.

Nairota frowned as well…
“Ta G, hey, unjani?” she left Mzuvukile and went to hug her
friend’s boyfriend in excitement, leaving a confused Nairota
warming up his car.

“Who is that guy? What are you doing with him?” he asked out
of concern and Liya laughed at the protective tone.
“I’m safe bro, don’t worry. Are you arriving or leaving?” she
“I’m here to fetch you guys, but I have two stops to make before
then. Your friend said ya’ll will be ready by 3pm” he arched his
brow and she nodded. He nodded at her, peaking behind her to
mentally register the car and then tapped on her shoulder as
she turned back to joing Nairota in the car.

“Who was that?” he asked, his question laced with jealousy and
“My friend… so, where are we going to?”

She shut him out with a smirk, looking straight ahead.

He suddenly doubted her innocence… but that was his
conclusion. She never sold innocence to him. He concluded that
she was.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10

-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

The drive to McDonald’s was very long, because of the silence.

She didn’t mind, because she wasn’t really a talker, but on the
other hand… he was dying. The thought of her with someone
else killed him. She said that man was her friend, but the
excitement in her voice when she recognized him and his stare
at Nairota’s car while she hugged him… those moments were
surely not as innocent as friends would make them.

“Baby?” he finally gathered courage as they cued at the McD’s

drive-through for McFlurrys.
“Mh?” she responded not looking up from her phone.
“Your friend, ihlala kuphi? He looks familiar” he lied.
“Here in Pretoria, I’m not sure where else” she answered blind-
“Hau, you don’t know where your friend lives? What kind of
friend are you?”
She dropped her phone and frowned at him, finally catching on.

Liyanda: Why are you asking me so many questions?

Nairota: I’m just curious… that’s all.
Liyanda: Bongani is Onele’s boyfriend, that’s how he became
my friend. I know he has a house in Pretoria because he once
gave us his house keys when we wanted to host a book club in
his backyard and that’s all I know. I don’t need to know
anything else about him.

He exhaled.
A relief.

Liyanda: Are we going to have a problem every time you meet

my male friends?
Nairota: You have male friends?
Liyanda: Yes, haibo! Don’t you have female friends?
Nairota: I don’t have friends at all… just business associates,
and family.
Liyanda: Can’t say I’m surprised.

He chuckled, paying for their McFlurrys and drove out after

She didn’t even bother asking why he was driving to the
Birchwood Hotel… they got out of the car and Liya just followed
behind him in silence. Once they got to his room, she went to
stand by the window and looked outside. He was busy on his
phone, but another one rang under his pillow and she ignored
it. Who was going to answer it if she wasn’t there? She
A minute later, he answered the second phone, she sat on the
chair at the far end of the room and just minded her own
business keeping communication with Onele who wanted to
know where she was. When he was done with his call he pulled
her chair towards the edge of the bed and sat down legs open
facing her, she put her phone away and kissed his nose causing
a smile to crack his hard face open.

Nairota: Uyazi, ngiyakuthanda ngempela. Angazi ukuthi kungani,

ngobani, kepha ngiyazi.
Liya: I like you too… just that I think we will have a problem.
Nairota: Kanjani?
Liya: You cannot seriously react every time I talk to another
man. Besides friends, I have brothers.
Nairota: About that…
Liya: Here we go…

He pulled her chair even closer to him, kissed her full lips and

Nairota: If we are to be in a serious relationship, I don’t mind

your brothers but you will have to cut loose on those male
friends you have.
Liya: Aha, Alpha male tendencies. Already giving me orders.
Nairota: It is not an order baby, I am just being honest with you.
I’ve been a male friend to someone before, and we did more
than what normal friends do. Men always have ulterior motives.
Take it from a man.
Liya: Great, what else?

He sighed, looking at her hair.

She was indeed much younger than him, but she was
innocently beautiful and she appeared to have a good head on
her shoulders. He concluded on that the very first time he saw

Nairota: Please don’t be like that.

Liya: At some point you will need to loosen up, I’m not very
good at taking instructions but if you lead me well, I might just
follow. So do me this one favor Mntungwa
lead and leave the rest to align.
Nairota: I have absolutely no problem with leading you mama,
inkinga ukuthi I want to lead umuntu owaziyo what’s expected
from her hence I am communicating kumanje ngezinto
eng’ngaz’thandi and I expect you to communicate with me what
you also don’t like. That’s how we ought to build our
relationship, communication.
Liya: I get that, but what do you expect I do with the friends
that I already have? Ditch them?
Nairota: Babe…
Liya: When the relationship doesn’t work out I’ll be found
crawling back to them and be a laughing stock? Mh.
Nairota: Why are you insinuating that the relationship will not
work? Am I missing something here?

Liya laughed, getting up from her seat to walk around the room
in silence.
It was clear that she wasn’t as easy as he thought she would be,
based on his experience with women, the minute you take
them to your hotel room or house, you both already know what
will go down. She didn’t seem like the type… Maybe again, her
age was a factor.

Nairota: Maybe I am reading too much into your response, but

I’d like to believe we are on the same page though. I mean, we
are in a relationship Liyanda, right?
Liya: I would like to believe so too… but, who’s Candy?

That came out of nowhere.

She had planned to not ask about his ex, because he never
disclosed the state of relationship to Liya when he approached
her. On the other hand, Mzuvukile was caught off guard. It
never crossed his mind that Liya would do research on him. He
cleared his throat, not moving an inch from where she had left
him a few seconds ago.

Liya: She’s beautiful too.

Nairota: She is… how did you find out about her?
Liya: Were you hiding her?
Nairota: No… she’s an ex. There’s no need to hide my past.
Liya: An ex you say? So why are you still renting a flat for her in
East London?
Nairota: Mh, you did your homework.
Liya: And why are you still paying for her mother’s
accommodation at that home?

Sweat broke on his forehead and she laughed, picking up her

sling bag from the chair she once sat on.

Liya: I like you, a lot too, but you can’t seriously have a problem
with my male friends while you’re still financing your ex’s
lifestyle and offering her handouts every month. Choose a
battle big guy and stick to it.
Nairota: For a twenty-year old you are so damn mature!
Liya: Glad you noticed buddy, ngeke ngidlalwe nguwe mina
Mntungwa. Ngicela ungiyise esikhumulweni sezindiza
‘musuqedile ukucasukiswa ingane.

He chuckled, his hand running over his dry masculine facial

It dawned to him that as young as she was, she may have been
the match he’s been looking for since forever. He followed her
out, they just walked to the exact spot where Onele and Ginger
said they would meet her. He found a bench and dragged her to

“uCandy wang’nceng-“
“Angikho interested, ebengik’tshela kona ukuthi don’t come
with patriarchy into a relationship okuyona nami. If you want to
lead like you said… then lead with example. I have no problem
following suit. That includes cheating ke futhi, if you cheat, I do
the same. You hit me, I get people to hit you back ngobake
anginawo mina amandla wakho. Respect me, I respect you. Do
not think I am iintanga zakho that you treated anyhow because
you knew they depended on you for provision… I’m going for
my last year in varsity and my fees have been fully paid, not by a
funding scheme. That should tell you that I don’t need your
money… if that was your strategy to lure me in, go back to the
drawing board Mzilikazi ka Mashobane. I am not that girl.”

She expected him to be mad, but he wasn’t.

He was amused, more so by her boldness.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 11

-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

Bongani, Onele and Liyanda landed in East London.

They first went to drop Liyanda at home and then Ginger
(Bongani) left to drop Onele off. She rang the intercom bell, and
Aunt Nelly’s voice echoed cheerfully on the speakers.

“Sithotho residence, how may I help?” Anelisiwe, the “family

executive” asked and Liya chuckled before answering, “Aunt
Nelly, ndim u Liya”. Shouts of joy and excitement could be here
from the other side as the gate opened. She ran down the stairs
to help Liya carry her luggage, but first, the hugged. A very
warm and tight embrace.

As soon as she shut her bedroom door, she flopped on her bed
and allowed the moment to sink in. She was finally home, in her
natural habitat. In a split second, she was on her phone dialing
Mzuvukile just to update him that she travelled safely and in the
same breath, she was multitasking- unpacking.

Nairota: Baby?
Liya: Hey, I’m home.
Nairota: Great, so when am I allowed to actually come and see
Liya: You saw me today, you can also see me when I get back.
Nairota: That won’t work for me mama, I miss you already and I
feel sick. Waiting for the entire two months to see you won’t
cut it.

She sniggled at his tone, he sounded genuine.

Liya: Well, if seeing me will make you feel better, come down in
two weeks.
Nairota: One week.
Liya: No, 14 to 10 days baby. Nothing less than 10 days.
Nairota: One week, that’s seven days. I’ll call you when I get

He wasn’t going to budge and she knew that.

She succumbed, agreeing that he was permitted to visit her in a
week’s time. Once that call was over she continued unpacking,
freshened up and went to make a snack while Aunt Nelly
started off with dinner preparations. Both her siblings were at
work, she wasn’t sure of the folks. Her mother was a stay-home
mom, or housewife if you preferred that term. She retired just
as Liyanda left highschool for varsity, after many years of
working hard to ensure that her husband doesn’t feel the work
load especially since he was also supporting his family in the

“Liya ude ufike nini kanti?” a text came through from Mimi and
Liya just cracked up. Mimi had been in East London for a week,
she was also a university student, but in DUT… KZN. She never
cared about greeting, a total opposite to her twin Chu who was
the very articulate one. She bit a bigger piece of the fried
cheese ball before dialing Mincili.

Mimi: Sithotho?
Liya: Ndlongolo, ndikhona mfondini.
Mimi: Ufike nini?
Liya: About an hour or two ago, uphi wena?
Mimi: I’m waiting for Chu kwa Zuki. Akugcwele.
Liya: Mandize apho, akho bantu apha.
Mimi: Okay babe, don’t drive. We’re driving.
Liya: Sure.

She downed her drink, took two more cheeseballs and stormed
out with her key.
As she got out of the gate
a taxi hooted, she lifted her hand and it came to a halt. Zuki’s
hair salon was situated in Southernwood, Nichume Ndlongolo
had dreadlocks on and she had always done her hair there.
Since their highschool days. When she got there, she saw the
Ndlongolo Golf and peeped, Mincili was sitting there with a
lowered seat. She knocked on the door, their eyes locked and
both screamed. The door flew open and a much anticipated
squeeze brought them closer.
Mimi: Awusemhle!!!
Liya: Argh, stop!

Liya ruffled Mimi’s Afro and they laughed.

About 30 minutes later Nichume was done, they went for a
drive and got McFlurry’s on their way to the beachfront. They
were basically going to have a “life update” type of vibe right at
beach. Nichume started first…

Chu: I dropped out of the netball team.

Mimi: I knew it!!!

Chu: Yho ha.a bendisifa phaya.

Liya: But you love netball. What happened?

Nichume just sighed…

Mimi: Should I?
Chu: Go ahead big head, kudala ufuna umbalisela anyway!
Mimi: She has a crush on this other chick…
Liya: So?
Chu: Her parents are pastors.
Liya: Okay wait, does she know you have a crush on her?
Chu: Yes, we kind of kissed. A few months back…
Liya: That’s great! So why again did you drop out of your team?
Mimi: Last time we spoke about this she said that one of the
team leaders caught them, they both feared they’d be reported
and she did say if they do get called for disciplinary then she
would stop playing for the team.
Liya: So you just dropped out? Because you were caught kissing
another girl?
Chu: It’s against the rules… we broke rules fam.
Liya: Okay, does that mean you and the girl are now dating at
Mimi: Good question.
Chu: No.
Liya: You dropped your favorite sport for nothing? Haibo Chu!
Chu: See why I didn’t want to tell any of you? You two have
literally overlooked what I said in the beginning of this
conversation. Her parents are pastors, if they were to find out
about the kiss they would kill her… her words, not mine.

Liya frowned, well, that was the privilege of having

“understanding” parents.
On her way home she asked them to drop her off at the
Abendeiya and Sons offices, it was almost knock off time for her
big brother Sakhiwo who was a driver there. As luck may have
its day, Candy was the first person she saw. Well technically it’s
not luck, Candy was the receptionist for the company. She was
bound to be the first one to see anyway…

“Good afternoon ma’am, I’d like to speak to Mr. Sithotho

please” she greeted Candy with a smile. Candy looked up with
her own smile, “Afternoon, I’ll call him up for you” she said and
Liya mouthed her “thank you” as she walked to the waiting
area. Candy called Sakhiwo, when she was done, she walked
over to where Liya was sitting and frowned at her.
Liya: Is he at work?
Candy: He is… he’ll be here in five minutes.
Liya: Oh thank you.
Candy: You look familiar… have we met before?
Liya: I don’t think so ma’am.

The frown on Candy’s face was still visible…

Candy: Are you not Mzuvukile’s new girlfriend?

Me: Hey now, you Mzuvukile Khumalo?
Candy: Don’t do that baby girl, you know who I am.
Me: Oh-kay… I’m not sure what you know but I really don’t
know you and you’re making me feel uncomfortable.
Candy: Cut the crap okay? You know who I am, and you are the
reason why he said he would stop helping me out.

Liya didn’t respond… she was just hoping by the time he

brother walked in, Candy would have wrapped up her speech.
Candy: Let me warn you baby girl, he will never change.
Mzuvukile likes them young and submissive, I was younger too
when I met him and he gave me the whole world. Don’t think
you’re alone, there’s probably three or four of you. He doesn’t
do monogamy.
Liya: Uhm ma’am, I really don-

Candy: When he’s done with you, he will spit you out like you
never existed. I was just lucky that I gave him a son, I’m sure he
forgot to mention that part to you. He supports me financially
because I am the mother of his son.

“Candy you said someone is looking fo- heeeeeey wena, ufike


Sakhiwo’s timing? Impeccable!

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

They went to pick up their sister at her work place and went out
for drinks. Yes, drinks. She was of age now to have drinks with
her siblings without being cautious of what they thought of her.
The drinks were just for catching up, without the folks probing
in their conversations.

Ncesh: Hewethu, unomntu wena kula Pretoria, kutheni umhle u

Liya: Andingo Thixo mna sisi andinamntu.
Ncesh: uThixo ungenaphi?
Liya: NguYe osidalileyo asisithi… singabantu bakhe nezimvu
ezaluswa nguYe.
Sakhi: Psalm 100.
Ncesh: Bitch!!!
They burst into a frenzy of laughter, tears and “clinks” of

Sakhi: But on the serious note, who’s got you glowing like this?
Liya: Eish bhuti, I’m not even sure if I should talk about him yet.
Sakhi: Why not? Is he in the picture or not?
Sakhi: Uthi he is.
Ncesh: Wena uthini?

Liyanda sighed, thinking about what transpired when she got to

his work place. She couldn’t risk them knowing about
Mzuvukile kanti akekho serious… serious at that very point was
to be measured by his level of discrepancy. He may have
forgotten to mention that Candy was the mother of his child, or
he jus chose to not mention it.

Ncesh: Liyanda?
Liya: Ey sisi, I recently found out that he has a child. He didn’t
think that mentioning it would be important.
Sakhi: Is he still with his baby mamma?
Liya: Good question, and I don’t have an answer to it.
Ncesh: But do you like him? How old is he?
Sakhi: What does age have to do with liking a person?
Ncesh: Liyanda is too old for her age Sakhiwo, if the guy
yintanga yakhe then she might as well drop the whole thing.
Liya: He’s older.
Sakhi: Then why are you surprised that he has a child?
Liya: Andikho surprised, he should have told me ndingade ndive
ngomama womntwanakhe.

The silence from the siblings lingered a moment longer than


Liya: Besides that ke, there are a couple of loose ends that I feel
would be a great if he were to tie up. Otherwise yeah, there is
someone but I won’t say much until I am confident that we are
both on the same page.
Sakhi: If the baby mamma gives you problems, you know my
number off heart!
Ncesh: Ndakum’bhaka kemnake, xa efuna iindawo
zophambanela akhangele i St Marks. Please.

After catching up on each other, laughing and teasing one

another… they headed home.
The folks were excited to have their youngest daughter back, as
but they were more happy to see that the distance didn’t crack
the bond.

Two weeks later…

She stood nude in the lamplight except for her black stockings
which were held up by elastic bands around her thick thighs.
Nairota rolled the stockings down extending his hand to
support her balance as she stepped out of them. A step further
away from him she held her arms across her bare breasts with a
tad of shyness crawling into the almost darkened room. Her
worst fear came alive as Nairota stood up, slowly walking
towards her. He held one of her hands and turned her around
slowly for inspection. She feared that… being inspected… as
though she was held hostage in a police cell. A part of that fear
came from childhood memories. Being “inspected” to check if
you qualified for whatever you wanted. Being “inspected” to
check if you were worthy of whatever reward that was actually
due to you. The inspection alone arose memories that she had
tried to forget over the years, memories of feeling inadequate…

He whistled, gaining a frown on her face.

“Lie down,” he instructed in a not-so-demanding yet very

audible tone. Liyanda lay down on the bed, on her back looking
at the ceiling wondering why in the third heavens did she agree
to this? Why did she agree to meet him at his brother’s place?
Surely they could have gone out just for lunch or dinner… no
sex. The loose ends were still that… loose.
He stood above her head, kissing her all over the face before
saying “relax, you’re home in my presence” with such
smoothness that she believed him. Immediately. Liyanda put
her own hands on her breasts and her palms rotated the
nipples. Her hands swam down along her flanks. She rubbed
her hips. Her feet pointed like a dancer’s and her toes curled.
Her pelvis rose from the bed as if seeking something in the air.
Nairota traced two fingers down his thighs and found comfort in
the mound between her legs. Dancing to a drum only audible to
his brain the fingers rammed deeper, the younger woman
began to ripple on the bed like a wave on the sea. At that very
moment a hoarse unearthly cry echoed from the bedroom walls
and Nairota smiled in satisfaction. He hadn’t even done much,
but she was patty in his hands.

Basking in his pride and ego he missed an opportunity to pin

her down, and missed how she turned both of them around
and straddled him… he gasped. Her hair was loose. It was cut
straight across at the level of her shoulders. It was hanging
forward, hiding her face, except for her eyes, which she was
holding shut tight. He had to push his anxiety away. It would be
easier for him to get up and take care of an emergency if she
weren’t on top of him. He had to forget about that. One thing
he loved that moment was her aligning their nipples and
rubbing against each other… their bodies smooth and heated
felt like melted chocolate. Her nipples would be hard and his
would be too.
She dragged her hair across his face and lightly bit his shoulder.
She was lowering herself more. She was brushing her breasts
across his face. He wanted to take one of her breasts into his
mouth, either one. He was frantic. He wanted to get as much of
one of her breasts into his mouth as he could. Her breasts were
killing him, she was indeed too voluptuous for her age. He
drove himself harder into her. She was whining with pleasure
and that was good. She would climax again right away… he
thought to himself and then he would flip them back so he
would be on top and lead. Take control. Be in charge.
He kept on, slowing himself. He pushed her knees up higher. He
was almost there and so was she, again. The knot at the root of
his prick dissolved in fire, melting. He shouted when he came.
Then she was snorting, trying to say something. She was telling
him to stop. She had come a second time and she wanted him
to stop. They disengaged, shaking.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 13
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-
“I know what you said, but do you realize ukuthi you’re doing
the opposite of that? You’re literally going back on your word!”
she tried her best to remain calm, but the rage within her belly
was pushing through. He just looked at her, shaking his head
and then he walked out. She ran after him, screaming her lungs
out. He stopped packing and frowned at her asking…
“Usuphethwe yi dlozi or vele uyahlanya ngempela baby?”
That “uyahlanya” hit a place she had managed to bury for the
longest time. She froze and looked tried to breathe… the
infamous techniques that supposedly help one to calm down…
yes, she did those… with her eyes closed. The next minutes, he
was walking out of the house and she was running after him.
She blind mindedly grabbed his wrist, he yanked it off her and
they stood in silence. Shocked by his reaction, she looked
around, there were no people in sight… just the man of her
dreams in his bad day demeanor. She cleared her throat, wiping
her eyes with the back of her hands. She was still shaking from
her anger, but he didn’t care and she knew that he was really
going to leave her like that if she didn’t own up and talk to him
as calmly as she possibly could.
Iyana: Okay I’m calm…
Clive: Congratulations.
Iyana: I’m going to ignore that… uyaphi?
Clive: Awung’mele Iyana bo, hau!
Iyana: Zwelethu uyaphi?
He hissed, both hands in his Adidas jogging shorts showing off
his dark and thick masculine legs.
Clive: I’m going for a drive.
Iyana: Then I’m going with you.
Clive: Aw’dakwanga sisi?
Iyana: Ubuthenge utywala Zwelethu?
His phone rang…
He walked back towards the front door, got inside his house and
shut the door in her face as he answered his brother. She
walked in, and stood beside him eavesdropping on the
conversation between the two brothers.
Clive: Mntungwa?
Kuriyata: Ngikude nemizuzu eyishumi nanhlanu, usukulungele
Clive: Sure, just hoot when you get to the gate.
Kuriyata: Sure, where is your woman?
Clive: Nangu eng’bheke ngathi uhlanyo.
Kuriyata laughed his lungs out, and hung up.
They sure liked them crazy.
Iyana: You’re calling me uhlanyo Zwelethu? uHlanyo?
Ngiyahlanya mina?
Clive: Aw mfethu awung’yeke… ngiyak’ncenga kahle. I told you
about this trip, months ago. Today, you’re acting crazy as if
you’re hearing about it for the first time?
Iyana: you couldn’t think of any other word but uhlanyo
Clive: Mawuz’bhekile ke awuhlanyi perhaps?
Iyana: Hehe! Ndizokubonisa uhlanyoo ke bhuti, I will give you
exactly what you ordered.
She walked away… rephrase… she stormed away.
Left him in the lounge and went to their bedroom where she
locked herself inside with his luggage. Ten minutes later, he
followed behind her and after two tries on the knob he realized
that she had indeed locked herself in the room with his
Clive: Iyana?
She ignored him.
Clive: Baby please open the door.
She lay on her back, finishing off the chopped fruit she was
eating earlier before the fighting occurred.
Clive: I’m going to kick this door open, kuyok’siza ukuth’
uphahle ng’yakutshela.
Iyana: Unemali andithi? Kick the door and buy another one on
your way back from wherever your brother is taking you.
Clive: Haibo Iyana, my brother is taking me HOME dammit!
Iyana: Mmh.

Kuriyata hooted from outside, Clive banged on the door three

times and then went to open the gate. Iyana didn’t move an
inch, instead she took out her laptop and started writing her
reviews that would be needed on Monday at work. She heard
their deep voices as they laughed making their way to the
bedroom and she knew she was the joke. Silence settled in for a
minute before Mzukisi Kuriyata Khumalo knocked…
Kuriyata: Aw, Madabane… aw’vulele mina ke.
She sniggled silently but ignored him… he knocked again.
After realizing that they were going to waste time knocking, he
asked Clive to call her but he spoke... not Clive.
Iyana: Hi Ta Mzu, how are you?
Kuriyata: You already knew it’s me? How are you
Iyana: I’m hungry
how are you?
Kuriyata: I have food here for you, care to open the door?
Iyana: Nah, I’m not opening the door today. Tell Clive he must
knock it down, that’s what he said he’s going to do and I want
to watch him do it.
Kuriyata: Clive has gone out, he went to pick up Mzuvukile.
Iyana: I don’t believe you.
Kuriyata: R1000 to prove I’m not lying to you.
Iyana: Send it to my number… le undifounela kuyo.
Kuriyata: Okay.
She hung up and waited…
A message came through, R1500 sent from Clive’s phone, Iyana
laughed but still didn’t move. Kuriyata called again…
Iyana: Umsaphi umntu wam?
Kuriyata: We are going home, there’s a traditional ceremony
that we have to do fo-
Iyana: His wedding? Is that the traditional ceremony you’re
talking about?
Kuriyata: Aw Ndlovukazi, ukhuluma ngani manje? Umshado?
Iyana: Cut the crap Ta Mzu… I’m not interested in it. I know
damn well that you and your brother have organized a Zulu
woman for Clive to marry. Her name is Buhle, she is twenty-five
years old and she just graduated from Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University. Should I go on?
There was silence on the other end…
She sat up, looking at the beautiful trees in the backyard…
Iyana: She is a junior editor for a local magazine that I cannot
name, her favorite color is purple… did the three of you ever
wonder why she wears rainbow bangles around her ankles? Or
you just didn’t care much? Well… I’ll tell you why…. It’s because
she’s a lesbian. Oops, how can she be a lesbian when she told
ya’ll she’s a virgin, right? Well I’ve got news for you… she’s a
lesbian because you, ta Mzu, you raped her whe-
Clive: What?
Kuriyata: Uhlanyo ngempela ke manje.
Iyana: You raped her when she was doing her first year and
after that encounter, she vowed to never engage with a man.
Clive: Iyana, uy’thathaphi leyonto oy’khulumayo?
Iyana: Shut up wena mbungulu andithethi nawe… aren’t you
supposed to have gone out to fetch your other brother?
Clive: Baby… don’t talk to me like that.
Iyana: I will talk to you anyhow I want Zwelethu. uBusy apha
uphuma izithuba ufuna ugoduka kodwa your brothers are
setting you up for death? Umuncu wena, ulibele kubona mna
ophambanayo, umuncu krwe!
Kuriyata: Uhm… Iyana, I am not sure what you think you know,
kodwa ke ngizok’cela nje ukuthi ukhiphe igama lami kulowo
mbhedo ngan’yakwethu. I don’t take advantage of women
Iyana: Ah Ta Mzu, umbhedo nguwe nj’endala. Nguwe
Mntungwa umbhedo shame, ubheda awuna ntanga.
He didn’t respond, not because he lacked answers, but they
were silently trying to unscrew the knob. Instead of kicking the
door down.
Iyana: Baby?
Clive: Mama?
Iyana: Buhle agreed to marry you because you’re going to grant
her access to her rapist. She has a whole revenge plan worked
out and you three musketeers fell right into her plan on your
quest to outcast me. I am now going to open the door for you,
take your clothes and go get married mntu wam. You don’t owe
me nothing, and I have forgiven you and I wish you well
because I know awazinto wena, ufakwe ngentloko.

They stopped what they were doing… she got up from the bed,
grabbed her two suitcases and went to open the door. Their
pale faces greeted her exhausted but brave face as she walked
right past them, not forgetting to tap Kuriyata on the shoulder.
She got into her car, started it and breathed… it had been six
months of keeping this huge secret and now she had finally let
it out… and got R1500 nje.
“Baby… please don’t leave… can we talk about this?” He banged
on her window and she just blocked him out of her mind as she
drove out of his premises and back to her own flat. She hadn’t
been there in the last three months… but it was still home to
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 14
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-
Zwelethu Clive Khumalo sat down right where her car was
parked and tried to play back her exact words…
“𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑛 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒
𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝑍𝑢𝑙𝑢 𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦. 𝐻𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑠
𝐵𝑢ℎ𝑙𝑒, 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡
𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑁𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑎 𝑀𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑛
𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦. 𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑗𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑒
𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒, ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑙𝑒… 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒
𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑤 𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑠
𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠? 𝑂𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ?”
First things first, how did she find out about the wedding?
Secondly, how long has she known about the wedding?
Lastly, how did she manage to gather such accurate information
ngo Buhle? Her age, varsity, job. Accurate.
“𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙… 𝐼’𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤ℎ𝑦…. 𝐼𝑡’𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒’𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑛.
𝑂𝑜𝑝𝑠, ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑎’𝑙𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒’𝑠 𝑎
𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛, 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡? 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐼’𝑣𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑛𝑒𝑤𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢… 𝑠ℎ𝑒’𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑛
𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑡𝑎 𝑀𝑧𝑢, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔
ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟, 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜
𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑔e 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑛. 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟.”
That part too was accurate.
When they did their research on Buhle everyone mentioned
that she only had males friends, and amongst those male
friends there’s not even one who was suspected to have been
in any romantic relationship with her. The only ex-boyfriend
that came up was a guy she dated when she was fifteen and
they broke up when she was eighteen… the rainbow bangles
that she wore around her ankles… damn! Kuriyata: And then,
Clive: Did you rape her?
Kuriyata: Usuyahlanya manje nawe Mntungwa?
Clive: Mntungwa did you take advantage of Buhle?
Kuriyata: Aw’thathe ii bags zakho sihambe Zwelethu, hau!
Clive: Angiyindawo mina bafo until you tell me the truth.
Kuriyata: Suit yourself then. He got in his car and left.
After a couple more minutes of sitting there, trying to figure out
whether his brother was really a rapist or not, Clive got up and
walked back inside the house. The minute he saw his luggage in
his room
patiently waiting for the promised trip to KwaZulu-Natal… his
girlfriend’s voice echoed once more in his head…
“𝐵𝑢ℎ𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜
𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑡. 𝑆ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒
𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜
ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑒. 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜
𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝑡
𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑛𝑡𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑚. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤
𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑎, 𝑢𝑓𝑎𝑘𝑤𝑒 𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑜𝑘𝑜.”
Frustrated at himself, he banged the wall and his mounted
mirror came crashing to the welcoming floor. Shocked by the
sound, he took calculated steps to his bed, sat on the edge and
called Iyana. She didn’t answer her phone, he called three more
times, same results. He ended up leaving her a voice message.
“Baby… I know you probably hate me right now, and I
understand. Can we please meet up so I can explain this whole
Buhle story? Please… I love you Madabane.”
Two weeks later…
She managed to brave out the constant urges to call him or
drive to his flat and thank God he had not tried to rock up
unannounced at her place. The distance had put a lot of things
into perspective for her, the mere fact that he was going to
willingly leave her in the Eastern Cape to go and get married in
KwaZulu-Natal, then rock up and continue naye with life as if
nothing happened was an actual eye opener for her. She didn’t
care about her relationship status or the questions that were to
follow once they break up. She would rather be a consistent
queen in knowing her worth than being taken for an ass.
On a faithful Monday morning, she rocked up at work and her
office was flooded by tulips. Her assistant shrugged, with a
smile at Iyana’s frown.
Iyana: And this? Kuthwa mandisebenzephi? Njani bethuna?
“Your boyfriend brought them… you do like tulips, don’t you?”
the assistant asked and Iyana just walked inside and removed
everything but instead of throwing them away, she donated a
bouquet to each and every office in that building and then went
back to work. She had been ignoring Clive’s calls for the past
two weeks, she wasn’t necessarily surprised by his extravagant
quest to get her attention. She expected it from him… he had
always been a loud lover and the silence must have been a
dread for him. Her office phone rang…
“You’re through to Iyana Kleinbooi, good morning,” she
answered enthusiastically.
“Baby… I kno-”
“Sukundiqhela wena! Tsek!”

She slammed the phone back into its socket with a huff!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 15
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

Friday morning, as she prepared to leave for work, she found

Clive sitting on the front door step. A huge sigh left her lips…
she just stood behind him praying for the guts to just kick him
from behind and watch him roll all the way to the driveway.

Iyana: What are you doing here? Who opened the gate for you?

Clive: Good morning Iyana.

Iyana: Ungandiphambaneli Zwelethu on a Friday morning,
ufuna ntoni kwam?

He stood up, brushing the dirt off his behind with the palm of
his hand as he turned to face her.
Clive: I came to apologize in person, and explain what happened
or how we got to that marriage decision. I know I’ve hur-
Iyana: I’m not interested.
Clive: Baby, please.
Iyana: For six months Zwelethu, six fucked up months you
played me. You were busy keeping me cozy in your bed, giving
me uncalled for orgasms, splashing your money on me while
you knew that you were organizing a wedding with someone
else? Caba andikho good enough mna for utshatwa nguwe?
Clive: You are… babe, can we please go inside and talk like a
normal couple? Like, normal human beings?
Iyana: Andiseyiyo kemnake i-human being, right now? Ndiyi
wolf. Ingaske ndikuhlubule ifele eli lobuso kuvele ubunja obu
ububo. How could you? Oh wait, your brothers convinced you I
wouldn’t know… nawe shame wavuma, kuba ubona isibhanxa
xa ujonge mna. Rhaaaa, rubbish ka Mntungwa! Futsek kwam
Mzilikazi ka nonsense, fokofa kwam S’bhanxa ndini!

She quickly turned back, got inside and slammed the door
before him. Not forgetting to lock it.
The long strokes to her bedroom were accompanied by tears,
she didn’t want to cry in front of him and give him the
He stood against the door, leaning forward and allowed himself
to feel the emotions he had been avoiding since she left. He
was hurting, and he missed her. So much…

She called in sick and wallowed in her sorrows, with her phone
off just in case one of his brothers called or one of her friends.
She didn’t want to be around people… it was only now that the
realization of a three year relationship was setting in. All that
time she was researching she didn’t feel anything… but now? It
was bitter. The only man she ever truly loved had betrayed her,
right under her nose and she had had to brave it out and
pretend like she didn’t know. It was all coming back now… and
she just wanted to be left alone and feel every emotion, every
sting of the truth.
About two hours later, he had realized that she wasn’t going to
work because if she were, she was already late. He hadn’t
moved from her front door, he hadn’t responded to any of his
who had been calling since three days ago. He sat there, and
waited for her to eventually want to talk to her. Around 11 am,
a Mr D scooter showed up, and then the door opened. She had
ordered food…
“What the faaa- Gosh!”

She exclaimed as she almost tripped over him on her way to the
gate. She hissed and walked ahead to fetch her food, on her
return, he was already inside. She sighed as she closed the door,
there was clearly no way to get rid of him that day except for
listening to whatever he had to say. A small part of her felt sad
for him
he had been sitting on that stoep since 7:30 am. She walked
inside, dropped the pizza box in the lounge and went to fetch
cool drink and two glasses for both of them. She didn’t even
invite him to eat, she just poured the juice for herself and
started eating from the box. She knew damn well how much he
hated that. Zwelethu would “plate up” wings instead of eating
them from the box, he was a neat freak like that.

Clive: I know you hate me right now, and I am shocked that you
managed to keep such a huge secret and weight on your
shoulders for so long. All I want to say is that I am sorry Iyana. I
know I have wronged you, I have no excuse, ngiyaxolisa
sthandwa sam.
Iyana: Khawutye Zwelethu, izobanda le pizza.
Clive: Unayo i-imcrowave.
Iyana: Usenayo ne chance yophendula ukusa?

He smiled, taking a slice of pizza.

Clive: Mina bang’tshela ukuthi all I have to do is to be present at

the ceremony, bese bona they will take care of her financially
nalokunye nje. My presence was for formalities kuba bona
badala kuyena u Buhle and ubabakhe ebengekhe avume
ingan’yakhe ishade nabo.

She just continued to eat, as though she wasn’t listening to him.

Clive: Bathi kimi they want to build friendship with ubabakhe

for business purposes, he considered a millionaire esgodini
futhi uyahlonitshwa kakhulu. Based on the information I was
presented with, I saw it as a business opportunity for our family
and I didn’t want to be a hindrance hence I told them ukuthi
mina angimthandi uBuhle and angekhe ngilale naye kuyomele
ukuthi emva komshado bahlanganise amakhanda wabo for her
sexual needs nokunye nje.

She poured her second glass of juice and just looked at him, he
still had that one slice of pizza in hand. Uneaten.

Clive: Angisho ukuthi blame my brother kuphela, ungizwa kahle

sthandwa sami… nam nginecala lana. I should have done proper
research before agreeing to this, ngizo understand’a uma ufuna
ngik’nike is’khashana nje uhlanganise umqondo wakho u
phefumule. I will do that, kodwa eng’ngekhe ngikwenze ukuthi
ngohlukane nawe. Ay ngekhe mama, ngiyakuthanda mina futhi
ngiyoshada wena.

She laughed, almost spilling the juice over herself.

Iyana: Uyoshada mina? Kuphi? Hay sugula wena, hambo tshata
uBuhle and leave me alone.
Clive: I will not leave you alone Iyana.
Iyana: You will not leave me? Hehe!

She got up and headed for the door, then called him. He bit his
pizza as he got up and just leaned against the wall watching her.

Iyana: Get out of my house!

Clive: I will not leave you.

She stormed towards him, grabbed his arm and dragged him
towards the door. He dumped the slice of pizza on the kitchen
counter, his other hand reached for the door, closed it and then
pushed her against it. She fought for a couple of seconds and
then huffed. He had her pinned, no room for movement

Iyana: Zwelethu Clive Khumalo, I said leave me alone.

He looked deep into her eyes, behind the rage and the anger, he
could still see her lovesick puppy eyes. Licking his lips, he drew
in her scent with his nostrils and closed his eyes allowing it to
fill him up. All this time, the only thing in her mind is to just rip
his clothes off that instant and have him begging for a release.

Clive: I love you… and I will not leave until I know that you have
forgiven me.
Iyana: I have forgi-
Clive: Don’t say it just to get rid of me Iyana…

She closed her eyes and then tears peaked under the closed
She had been trying her best to not feel, but the thought of him
being that close to another woman. The fact that he was going
to play along and marry Buhle behind her back??? She wasn’t
necessarily angry at him for that, she was upset. Hurt. Broken…
and for the first time since the discovery, she cried.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 16
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

He pulled her close for an embrace, kissing the side of her head
that was exposed to him as she continued bawling her eyes out.
He felt her heart, it was broken to pieces… by him. He single
handedly broke her heart and he had to mend it. Try his best to.

“I’m so sorry Nana, please forgive me. I will do anything for your
forgiveness” he whispered, “But I will not leave you alone, that I
will not do.” She wanted to punch him in the loins as he said
that because she was going to tell him to leave her alone. After
a few more seconds of offloading, she stepped back and
breathed, still covering her face with her hands. He stepped
back, heard the soft hiccups and went to get her water. She
drank the whole glass and then walked back to the lounge
leaving him in the kitchen. He followed, uninvited and sat with
her on the same couch…
Clive: Baby ngiyafisa ukuthi wazi that I don’t ever want to lose
you, I understand that right now you hate me and you probably
really want me to leave you alone but I fear coming back
ungasafuni lutho oluhlanga name. I don’t want to be selfish and
pester you, pollute your space, I just want to know if I give you
your space right now uzophinda ungivumele ngikhulume nawe.

She sniffed and just ignored him.

Clive: Nana?
Iyana: Zwe?
Clive: Please talk to me.
Iyana: What else do you want me to say? I’ve been telling you
to leave me alone, did you?
Clive: Angeke ngikushiye wedwa mfethu, ngiyakuthanda. Yebo
ngimoshile, ngiyazi ngimoshile kakhulu kodwa ngiyakuthanda.
Iyana: At this point ke Zwe love is not enough. Imagine how you
would feel if tables were turned uzwe ngabantu ukuba mna
ndizotshata nomntu ezilalini kodwa ndihlala nawe apha,
sihamba kwi boar cruise every other month, sinxiba ii matching
biker jackets mntakabawo kwi dates… yet at the end of the day I
will still leave you here ndiyotshata omnye umntu. Put yourself
in my shoes nawe.

He sighed… she was right though.

Clive: Okay… I’ll go.

Iyana: Enkosi.
Clive: But ng’zobuya.
Iyana: Fine, hamba qha. That’s all I want right now, disappear.

He sighed again, got up, kissed her cheek and walked out. She
heard the car driving away… and started crying all over again.
He drove to his brother’s place, Mzuvukile. When he got there
he saw Mzukisi’s car and he knew the best thing was to just
turn back and go to his place. Without thinking twice, he did a
U-turn, unfortunately they had already seen him. His phone
rang as he drove to his place…
Clive: Mntungwa?
Nairota: Usuyaphi ke manje?
Clive: I am going home.
Nairota: Aw, kanti… are you still made at him?
Clive: I am, quite frankly, I am mad at you too.

Mzuvukile walked away from the gathering that had happened

impromptu and went to sit in his car. He could really feel that
his little brother was upset…

Nairota: Mina ngenzeni?

Clive: You knew, yet you went along with his plan. My girlfriend
hates me Mntungwa, she hates me because of the two of you.
Nairota: Zwelethu, usukhaliswa yintombi?
Clive: Fuck NO!!!!! You don’t get it, argh, why do I even bother
thinking you’ll get it kodwa u colorblind. Mxm.
Nairota: Okay okay I’m so-

The phone beeped.

Nairota: Zwelethu? Clive? Haibo, Khumalo?


Nairota: Weeeh sdwedwe!

He went back to the others and just sat down
his brother looked at him and shrugged with a frown. He
ignored him. Deep down he knew he should have told Clive the
whole plan, but on the other hand, he also wanted to protect
his family name and telling Clive would have jeopardized that.
Not that it matters now, because “Clive knows the truth” he
thought to himself. The rest of the day was just in doom, sour to
be exact.

Around 2pm, Iyana was woken up from her sleep by Siyasisanda

calling her.
Iyana: Hello?
Sanda: Hi babe… wait, you’re not at work?
Iyana: Nah, called in sick.
Sanda: Are you sick?
Iyana: No… I just didn’t want to go to work.
Sanda: Okay siyeza.
Iyana: Uza nabani? I don’t wanna be around people mntase
torho. I don’t have the energy.
Sanda: But you said you’re not sick… okay Yaya, what’s going

She sighed and turned over so she could sleep on her back.

Iyana: I broke up with Clive.

Sanda: Mh.
Iyana: Two weeks ago, but namhlanje ndivuke esemnyango
ezondicenga. I’m just an emotional wreck babe, I really am not
good company.
Sanda: I understand babe, but ke siyeza anyway. Ndiza no
cousin wam, he’ll just drop me off he’s taking my car for the
Iyana: Oh okay, thought uza noo Claire.
Sanda: See you in a bit.
Iyana: Sure.

They hung up.

Claire went to wash her face, fixed her bed and then opened all
windows while Siyasisanda went shopping for comfort foods.
When they were done, she rocked up at Iyana’s flat with
shopping bags and wine. They shared a couch, and then Iyana
told Siya everything from scratch. They were friends before they
dated the brothers…

Sanda: Chomi why didn’t you tell me?

Iyana: I didn’t want to cause problems in your relationship…
nangoku ndikuxelela kuba ndidiniwe kukube ndifihlana nalento.
He denied it, so maybe there’s nothing to worry about.
Sanda: But Iyana, denying rape doesn’t meant it didn’t happen.
I could be dating a rapist… like, there’s a ninety percent chance
that I am sleeping with a pedophile.

Iyana sighed and downed a glass of wine in silence.

Sanda: They are at Mzuvukile’s place, having a braai.

Iyana: They are probably working out another plan to silence
Buhle because I most certainly ruined plan A.
Sanda: Ndizambuza yazi u Mzukisi.

Iyana: He is going to deny it Sanda, he denied it kum engayazi

nokuba how I got to know about this. At least Clive was
matured enough to come back azondicacisela ke… not that it
makes any difference.
Sanda: But you have to forgive Clive, nawe uyatsho ba he didn’t
know the deets. His brothers are the masterminds kulento
Iyana… I know how much you love that dude, and how much he
loves you.
Iyana: If Clive loved me as much as we think he does, he would
have never agreed to get married behind my back. The Clive I
fell in love with would have taken part in this nonsense Siya…
for him to even go ahead, like, buy outfits and stuff sogqiba
axoke kum without blinking? That’s not love mntase, I don’t
care how you put, that is not love. Angandibulala ngenye imini
sogqiba anincedise ukundikhangela kaloku xa enjalo.

Siyasisanda nodded looking ahead, dreamily.

She knew Iyana was right… even she knew that Kuriyata had the
capability to kill and bury her angaziwa ngabantu. Why did she
attract such men anyway? What was it about her that attracted

Iyana: He loves you… I don’t know about you loving him.

Sanda sighed, looked at her friend and then downed her glass
of wine.

Sanda: I slept with Chris.

Iyana: Chris as in Christian Abendeiya? What?
Sanda: Yes, Chris as in my BOSS Iyana!
Iyana: And here I thought I had problems… mntase, how did you
move from thinking you still had feelings for Ginger to actually
sleeping with your boss???
Sanda: Stress kukuba I want more… ndiyayiva yona le
uyithethayo. I want more of him.

Iyana’s jaw dropped, Sanda just poured herself another glass of

wine not forgetting to take two aprons from the Ocean Basket
platter for two box.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 17
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

“My name is Clai-” she stuttered.

“Your name is Siphesihle, I know who you are. Yintoni u Claire
“My name is Siphesihle Claire Biyase, and my father said I would
find Mr. Nkosiphendule Ndlongolo here” she finished off her
introduction much bolder than the first sentence. Luzuko
ignored her for ten minutes straight, when he looked up, she
was still standing next to his car… waiting patiently. He wiped
his hands with the oiled rag hanging from his pocket and smiled
at her frustration.
“My name is Luzuko Ndlongolo… the Mr. Ndlongolo you’re
looking for is not available. Maybe I can help you?”
“No thank you” she turned on her heels and headed back to her
car outside the Ndlongolo household. He followed behind her,
kicking the sand as he walked and then he stopped just outside
her door and waited because she was on the phone. He was
expecting her, Tshawe (Nkosiphendule) did mention that
Tat’Biyase’s daughter was going to bring her CV for the vacancy
they had discussed as brothers.
Claire: Tata, akekho utatu Tshawe apha.
Biyase: Uyinike bani kengoku iCV yakho?
Claire: ilapha kum… bendingazokwazi noyishiya usile labhuti
ndifike ekhona.

Her father laughed…

Biyase: Inoba ngu Luzuko lowo, akasanga mntanam, uyathanda

uqhula. Yishiye kuye iCV he should know what to do with it.
Claire: Yho hay… bye bye futhi, this guy is literally standing just
outside my car.

Her father laughed again and she hung up, and took a deep
breath in.
Seeing that she was now off the phone, Bhazuka (Luzuko)
knocked twice on the window and waited for her to open it. She
slowly lowered her window and looked at him with an
unreadable face.
Bhazuka: Ungandinika iCV yakho before you drive off… I am
pretty sure ubuzise yona.

She took the brown envelope and gave it to him without

uttering a word. She smiled as he took it from her hand, and
nodded without opening it.

Bhazuka: Would you like something to drink before you leave? I

wouldn’t want your father to think we are unkind to his children
when he’s not around.
Claire: No thank you, please make sure Mr. Ndlongolo gets my

Just then Mincili and Nichume drove in and stopped the car
right in front of hers. She couldn’t believe her eyes… wait, was
this their home? She opened her door just as they got out of
their car and everyone just screamed in excitement leaving a
confused Luzuko in haze.

Mimi: Ubuye nini eKapa wena? Dude, how did you find our new
Chu: Worse sisuka ku Liyanda ngoku and we promised to bring
everyone here at the same time.
Claire: This is your new home?

They now frowned at her… confused.

Chu: Okay wait… ubuzothini apha kanti? Awuzanga kuthi?

Claire: Bendizise iCV yam ku Mr. Nkosiph-
Mimi: Yabona lento yethu yobiza utata ngesiduko? That’s our
dad chomi.
Claire: Haibo Mimi, uTshawe ngu Nkosiphendule? I thought
ngumntu omncinci mna lo ndize kuye.
Mimi: Hahaha, yep, ngu tata wethu lowo. Worse ke akekho
nalapha… did u Tamnci at least take it?

They all looked at Luzuko and Nichume saw the brown envelope
and smiled, winking at her uncle was just standing there and
watching them in silence.
Claire: That guy is your uncle?

They both nodded…

Claire: Yho thiza!

Chu: Come inside, soze sikugqibele kudala and then see you like
Claire: No chomi man le-
Mimi: Ngenisa imoto Siphesihle haibo!

Chu: Claire wase Kapa!

They laughed and each one drove into the yard. Nichume
walked ahead with Luzuko while her twin sister drove ahead of
Claire. They parked on the same spot but Mimi had to take a
call before going inside so Claire walked in alone. When she got
to the kitchen, Bhazuka was there waiting for her. He was
leaning against the kitchen counter with his leg crosses over the
other and his hands across his chest.
Bhazuka: Again
would you like something to drink?

She sighed, remembering that she declined his offer earlier on.

Bhazuka: I won’t drug you.

Claire: Orange juice please.
Bhazuka: Great, muffins or biscuits?
Chu: Biscuits tamnci… uzosenzela sonke mos?
Bhazuka: Ningamandwendwe nani?
Chu: Haibo lomntu… khasibuke noba asingomandwendwe.
Okanye sew’bona icherry ngoku ku Claire so uzenza fresh
Bhazuka: Intwenzima ke ngoku kukuba mna nawe sizo
khompitha ngama cherry… I really don’t get why you had to be
a lesbian.
Chu: Bruuuh!!!
Bhazuka: Oh sorry, she didn’t know? My bad.
He walked away, Claire was still standing on the same spot.
Chu showed her the lounge and then went to fetch the drinks
and snacks. Mincili joined them and they all caught up, making
plans for the weekend ahead.


Mincili, Nichume, Liyanda, Siphesihle and Onele were all back

home for the December holidays.
Siphesihle was the oldest amongst them, she was 25 years old
and the rest were between 20 and 23 but there’s not even one
day that any of them felt the age gap. They treated each other
with respect and dignity and because Claire was older, some
have used her as coy in the past… and the parents fell for it.

Onele: Niyayazi ke mna andina moto, so who’s driving between

the twins and Claire?
Liya: And ngaske ba decide’e soon because andisoze ndiye e
Gqeberha mna ndingena transportation ndisho ngayo… unless
nifuna la bhuti ayondithatha.
Claire: La bhuti? Liya une ndoda ngoku?
Chu: Ubuye enomntu lo kula Pretoria… can you guys see the
Onele: Bo driver???

Everyone stopped for a second… and the laughed.

Onele was always the one to call everyone into order.

Claire: I’ll drive fam… xasibuya ke kuzoqhuba omnye wenu.

Chu: I’ll take the wheels xakubuywa because I am pretty sure
ndizobuya nawe wedwa. I don’t trust these hoes!
Mimi: Did you just call me a hoe?
Chu: Ah msindisi!

Mimi threw a cushion at her twin and everyone else just

The drive to PE was the shortest, everyone was excited…
including Onele who knew damn well that Ginger had no
problem following them anywhere in South Africa just to keep
an eye on her. The first stop was Neighbourhood Bar & Grill as
chosen by Claire. Everyone understood why she chose that
particular club… they were hosting Kwesta and she had a silly
but serious crush on him. Halfway through the night, Claire
walked outside to catch her breath… then she bumped onto
Luzuko and Siyabulela Ndlongolo. Her eyes locked with Luzuko
for a second, then she quickly turned and went the opposite
way. He excused himself from his brother, and ran after her.

“Siphesihle… wait,” he called and she halted, shutting her eyes

in panic. He got to her, and just looked deep into her eyes. They
both felt the chemistry, but Claire mentally scolded herself
because Luzuko wasn’t just any man. He was her bestfriend’s

Without saying another word, he grabbed her waist, pulled her

closer to him and smashed his lips into hers. Sparks flew from
the bottom of her belly, straight up to her nipples. That was it…
she was immediately a gone girl!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 18

-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

Claire woke up in East London… ukuba njani, naye akazazi.

One thing she knew without a doubt though was that her
friends were going to kill her. She woke up in a room with peach
walls, and very soft bed linen… it was clear that someone had
shared the bed with her, the other side of the bed as messed
up. She sighed, gathering courage to wake up and face whoever
she spent the night with. A phone vibrated next to her… she
turned towards the left and saw her phone charging. The
person was considerate too…

Claire: Nele?
Onele: Where the faaaaarrr- where are you Sihle?
Claire: I don’t know bruh… I …. I just woke up.
Onele: You don’t know? You don’t know? Claire you walked out
phezolo usithi ufuna umoya, and then what happened? THINK
She squinted her eyes also trying to remember what happened
the previous night.

Onele: Claire?
Claire: Chomi… my head is throbbing please don’t shout. Niphi
kanti nina?
Onele: Sikulo Chu apha e Bhayi mfondini silinde wena. Send
location sizokuthatha ke xakucaba awuzazi ba uphi.
Claire: Okay… I’ll send just now.
Onele: Don’t make me call you again, vuka.

She hung up…

“Good morning…” that voice sounded too familiar, she thought

without facing him. Her worst fear was having had sex with a
stranger and not remember anything.
“You can look at me, I don’t bite” he said that with a chuckle as
he walked closer to the bed carrying a breakfast tray. She did a
mental prayer before facing him…
“Luzuko… hi,” she managed and he just shook his head as he
joined her in bed.
That moment, she realized that she had been undressed. She
was just in her underwear and someone’s oversized t-shirt.

Bhazuka: Yitya uvase, your friends must be looking for you.

Claire: Siphi?
Bhazuka: We’re in East London. You don’t remember anything
from last night do you?
Claire: No… did we..?
Bhazuka: I don’t take advantage of women Siphesihle.
Claire: It wouldn’t necessarily be taking advantage if I agreed to
come all the way here with you.
Bhazuka: Well, seeing that we had our tongues down each
other’s throats in PE… when we got here I initiated, and you
said no. So I stopped.

She shut her legs, blind mindedly but he noticed.

Bhazuka: If we had sex, surely you would know… you’d feel it.
Andikho sure ke if you’ll eat first or uzovasa… better yet, suvasa,
go and get tested. If you bath, uzovasa i-evidence.

Then he got up to leave… she wanted to call him back and

apologize, but her voice wouldn’t allow her to so she watched
him leave. Deep down, she knew and believed him. She knew
they didn’t have sex, but she just had to ask. With a sigh, she
took the coffee first and took two sips before getting out of
bed… walking to the window. She opened the curtains
with the cup of coffee in one hand and just watched the
beautiful trees with droplets of morning dew covering the
leaves. It was a beautiful sight, one that reminded her of home
and not the concrete jungle she had accustomed her mind to.
The door opened, and she turned around to see him walk back
inside. He was fully dressed in jogger pants, socks and a vest.
No shoes.

Bhazuka: Have you decided what you’re going to do?

Claire: I will bathe and go home.
Bhazuka: You don’t want to pass by the police station and
maybe ask for a rape kit or something?
Claire: No… uhm, thank you for uhm… making sure I’m safe.

He didn’t respond, but his face softened up.

Claire: I am usually the one who is in order, I am still not sure

what happened last night but enkosi for bringing me into safety
and for not taking advantage of me. And… I am sorry for earlier.
Bhazuka: I can only accept that apology if you agree to have
lunch with me.
Claire: When?
Bhazuka: Whenever you’re free.
Claire: Okay…

Bhazuka: I’m going out for a few minutes, the shower is on your
left and your bag and clothes are in the closet on your right. I’ll
come back and take you home.
Claire: I can take a cab… but thank you.
Bhazuka: I will take you home obuya kwam.
She nodded almost smiling at how he wasn’t taking “no” for an
answer. He nodded back at her and then walked out leaving her
to have her breakfast and freshen up. She heard the car as it left
and then she called Onele.

Onele: Hey, you okay?

Claire: I’m fine chomi… ndise East London.
Onele: WHA-
Claire: Sungxola… and please don’t tell the twins what I’m
about to tell you.
Onele: Holy crap Siphesihle what have you done? Okay okay…
yhima ndiphume phandle coz basalele aba.

Claire just listened until Onele indicated that she was outside.

Claire: Ndise Monti… and the guy endize naye apha ngu tamnci
wo Chu.
Onele: Omphi? uTa Siya?
Claire: Wazi noo Ta Siya wena? I’ve only met one, Luzuko I think.
Onele: Oh, he’s single.
Claire: Sies Onele, we didn’t have sex.
Onele: That’s okay kaloku, no need to get defensive… you will
have sex qha noba kunini. He’s a nice guy… bonke phofa qha
igirlfriend ka Ta Siya inee chomi ezi weird.
Claire: Wawudibanaphi nazo?
Onele: Ndandikhaphe u Ginger eye kwenye iparty, they were
there… bayakhweleta, bayalwa and they have big mouths. Yhu

Claire laughed at Onele… they concluded that the twins won’t

be told about what happened until Claire felt they “needed” to
know. After that call she bathed, cleaned his room, took the
tray to the kitchen and got ready to be taken home. After an
hour, he came back and found her waiting in the lounge. He left
her there, took a shower and then drove her home.
When they got to her front yard, she looked at him and said
“Thank you” in a very soft tone and he just laughed.

Claire: Did I say anything funny?

Bhazuka: Here’s my number, I’ll be expecting your call for the
lunch date.
Claire: Oh wow… what your name again?
Bhazuka: It’s on that card.

She clenched her teeth, nodded and got out of his car. He
watched her until she was inside the yard, then he drove off.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 19
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

A week later, she still had not received feedback from the
Ndlongolo’s regarding her application and she didn’t want to
ruin her friendship with the twins by asking them to put in a
good word for her or asking them to push their parents for an
answer… so she kept to herself, praying every day that by
January at least kubekho into ecacayo so that azozazi ukuba
uyahlala e Eastern Cape or she will have to indefinitely move to
Cape Town in search of greener pastures.

Second week in waiting, second week of gradually approaching

the thin line between desperation and depression mode… she
was woken up around 10 am by a call from an unknown

Claire: Sihle Biyase good morning.

Bhazuka: It’s been two weeks.
She looked at the screen, and frowned then returned the phone
to her ear as she recognized the voice but wondered where he
got her number… “Damnit! He has my CV” her brain clicked on
the light bulb.

Claire: Mr. Ndlongolo, unjani?

Bhazuka: I’m glad you recognized my voice.
Claire: I have a very good memory… I don’t know what came
over me when I was with you though.
Bhazuka: Well, I didn’t drug you.
Claire: I know.
Bhazuka: Great… lunch?

She sighed as she sat up, supporting her back with a continental

A part of her wished the call would be about her application,

she had not forgotten about his lunch request. Well honestly,
she didn’t even take him seriously, she didn’t think he was
serious about it either.
Claire: I am pretty sure you said whenever I have time nje, I
don’t have time yet.
Bhazuka: I’m leaving SA in two days and I would like to have
lunch with you before ndihambe. Is that possible okanye funeka
ndicele ipermission ku tatakho?
Claire: Utatam ungenaphi kengoku?
Bhazuk: You’re a daddy’s girl, and it’s cute… so ndithini? Ndiye

Claire: Oh Bawo yintoni le ndizifake kuyo?

Bhazuka: I could bring lunch to you xa kucaba awukwazi
uphuma kwakho, I don’t mind.

She weighed in her options, it would be better to have the

lunch in private as she didn’t know how her friends would feel
knowing that she was meeting up with their uncle and the
“meeting up” wasn’t work related.
Claire: Prepare something at your place, send me your address,
I’ll be there around 12 pm.
Bhazuka: I will send a car to fetch you ngo 11:30 am, is that
Claire: I wish you would allow me to come ngokwam, but ke it’s
okay. Send the car.
Bhazuka: I will allow you to cum ngokwakho sisi, sungxama.
Claire: Huh?

He laughed…

Claire: Oh crap, no, that’s not what I meant. God!

Bhazuka: Don’t be late.

Then he hung up.

She smiled at the phone allowing herself to bask in the
She laughed again at the “cum/come” comment. She had been
excited about this lunch since he initiated it but obviously didn’t
want him to know that and besides that, she thought he wasn’t
serious about it hence she toned down her excitement and
pretended to even forget about. Playing hard to get was always
the way to go, or else she would be labeled as “desperate” or
“easy”… right?


By 11:25 am a black Chevrolet Camaro was already by the gate,

he didn’t hoot or make any sort of indication that he had
arrived. Claire noticed it by chance as she whipped herself a
glass of fruit smoothie angafiki komnye umzi sekhaba izitya
yindlala. Draped in a white plunging neckline chiffon dress, gold
jewelry and matching sandals… she stepped out at 11:45 am as
their date was supposed to be at 12 pm. As she neared the car,
the driver stepped out and opened the back passenger door for
her without saying a word. She obviously greeted
but he responded with just a nod, got in his side of the car and
drove off without batting a lash her way.
Her phone rang, five minutes after they left her house…

Claire: Hi?
Bhazuka: Is there anything that you’re allergic to?
Claire: Uhm, no.
Bhazuka: Any meat you don’t eat?
Claire: No.
Bhazuka: Sho.
Claire: Uhm… are you cooking?
Bhazuka: Can’t wait to see you.

He hung up again, and she just smiled.

He was indeed a mysterious man… or trying his best to be one.

They arrived at his house, the one she woke up in… not the one
they met in earlier that month. That one, was the family home.
The driver did the same thing, got out of the car, opened her
door and walked her to the gate. He buzzed, it opened and then
he watched her go inside. After taking a few steps, she turned
and saw him walk back to his car. She had no choice but to
brave it out and knock on the front door. One knock, and
Lukuzo appeared dressed in navy chinos and white buttoned up
golf shirt with matching sneakers. He looked like he was

Bhazuka: Good afternoon Ms. Biyase, welcome to my habitat.

Claire: Mr. Ndlongolo, thank you for the invitation. May I?

He did a little bow stepping aside for her to get inside and the
he closed the door and led her to the dining room. In her mind,
she expected the room to have the long family dining table, but
lo and behold she walked into a perfect setup for two people. A
round table with just two chairs and welcome snacks, then at
the end of the room there lay a very long buffet setup for self-
service. He pulled a chair for her before taking his seat…
Claire: Thank you.
Bhazuka: u Sindiswa wenze itheko ke, uyaw’tya oyityayo uyeke
ongayifuniyo. Where do we start?
Claire: Nd’cela i-juice k’qala? And then tell me why you pushed
for this lunch.

For once he blushed, oh well, men don’t believe they blush… so

he beamed.

Bhazuka: I like you… a lot.

Claire: You don’t know me.
Bhazuka: I don’t need to know you in order for me to like you.
Claire: Ah, umXhosa kwedini. Uy’buka ivaliwe.

Now he laughed!

Bhazuka: So, kuzofunwa iinkomo ezingaphi pha kokwenu?

Claire: Haibo bhuti, iinkomo already?
Bhazuka: Oh, ufuna sithethe nge bhedi yam le sewulele kuyo
ke? Fine, did you like my linen or should I buy the Pure Parima
Claire: Hay suba mdaka apha!

Bhazuka: Right, back to iinkomo… xa ucinga bangafuna

zibengaphi kokwenu?

She smiled basking in his unique sense of humor, he was indeed

a Xhosa man.
All proud and wise… what a weird timing. Couldn’t he have
pitched later in her life when she’s more established and ready
to be in a relationship? What a weird timing he had!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 20

-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

Around 3pm, the lunch date was over…

But Claire was still in the company of Mr. Ndlongolo, sipping on
wine and chatting like old buddies by the pool side. He watched
her for a few seconds and then she stopped laughing, her
cheeks all flushed at the realization that the man was watching

Claire: Don’t do that…

Bhazuka: Umhle.
Claire: Thanks… I should go futhi.
Bhazuka: Uleqa usana?
Claire: No, but I have a date with my friends later on. I need to
go and freshen up.
Bhazuka: So you sweated while sitting here?
Claire: Ewe, I’m musty and sticky so I have to freshen up and
change. Don’t worry yourself, I’ll catch u Bolt.
Bhazuka: You said you’re sticky? Hey hay iyandibhida ichoice of
words yakho Siphesihle. Ubuqale ngokuthi you want to come

She laughed, she did expect him to bring that up.

Bhazuka: So when are we doing this again?

Claire: Who said we will do this again?
Bhazuka: You mean to tell me you won’t go out with me
ukhona? Ulapha eMonti?

Now that was her chance to see how her application went.
Claire: I won’t be here for long, I might be in Cape Town next
year… well, kweziveki zizayo coz we’re almost half-way through
December already.
Bhazuka: Hm, uyohlala khona?
Claire: Ndiyokhangela umsebenzi… I can’t forever be dependent
on my parents. They did enough ngokundifundisa and carry me
ngento yonke after my graduation, I should now allow them to
enjoy their retirement bengena stress esindim. Noko bagqibile

He nodded, deep in though.

Claire: And you said you’re leaving the country anyway.

Bhazuka: I’m just going on a business trip, I should be back in
three weeks.
Claire: Well, sizobonana aph’estratweni bhuti… thank you for
hosting me. Please pass imibulelo yam to your helper or your
chef. She’s a great cook.

She got up and fixed her dress then smiled at him as she went
He had no choice but to follow her, she put her glass in the sink
and then went to fetch her bag from the lounge. He was waiting
for her there, as soon as she walked in, he grabbed her wrist
and spun her around so she ended up right in front of him.
Their lips a few inches apart…

Claire: Luzuko…

Her voice trailed off as she felt her body warming up against his.
He let go of her wrist but both his hands grabbed her love
handles. They both heaved, but remained silent for a while.

Bhazuka: MaTshangisa, Bhodlinyama, Snuka, Nxuba, Fak'inyama

emlanjeni iphume ivuthiwe.

She blushed, and her nipples hardened.

Bhazuka: UmXhosa ongangxengwanga.

Claire: Wandithutha Tshawe, undisaphi?
Bhazuka: Ndiyakuthanda Zulu, Skhomo… and ndijongile nje,
andiphinde ndikwazi uyeke ukukuthanda. Noko kudala
ndizinyamezele, ndizicinezela ii feelings ezi ndinazo ngakuwe.
Claire: You don’t love me Luzuko… awundazi. We only met two
times, once ndiyofaka iCV and the second time e club’ini.
Bhazuka: We met more than two times… the first time I saw you
wawunxibe ilokhwe emfutshane e blue kwi party yoo Chume.
Second time I saw you wawunxibe a black two piece kwi
graduation ye sister ka Liyanda. The third time I saw you
wawunxibe a black and white camo pant with a white crop top
usenza u Mimi intloko ezoya kwi interview last year ngo June
and the fourth time I saw you ubuhamba no mamakho e
Hemingways Mall last month unxibe denim on denim.

She frowned remembering all these times, yet she never saw

Bhazuka: No, I wasn’t stalking you… we just happened to be in

the same place at the same time and all those times I didn’t
have the guts to approach you. I didn’t want to appear njenge
pervert especially since you’re friends with my nieces.
Claire: Mh
so you had the perfect opportunity that day in PE.
Bhazuka: I had the perfect opportunity when you went to the
Ndlongolo house, but you seemed stressed and irritated. Please
give me a chance?

She sighed, looking down at his chest.

Bhazuka: Andiceli chance kuba ndifuna ukubhanxa… I really love

Claire: Timing…

Bhazuka: Timing?
Claire: Yho… your timing is bad Luzuko… I am not into dating
right now. I have a lot on my plate and I do not think I can add it
anytime soon. I will not even suggest ukuba sibezi friends,
because we both know that won’t work.

He pulled her even closer, one of her legs got between his legs
and her lips almost kissed his chest… waist? You guessed right,
belt to belt. She closed her eyes and exhaled, trying to think of
the next move.

Bhazuka: Andizokuncama.
Claire: Give me five years ke… ndizobuya eKapa ndibuyele
Bhazuka: Ayizokwenzeka lonto.
Claire: Eyiphi?
Bhazuka: Awuyi Kapa Siphesihle, nge 12 ka January I expect to
see you at your desk ngo 8 am. If it was up to me I wouldn’t
even hire you bu-

Claire: What? You’re giving me a job?

Bhazuka: You got the job kwangalamini wawuzise iCV,
Siyabulela will call you before Christmas to tell you.
Claire: What? OMG! Why didn’t you tell me? Wandiyeka
ndandwaba nge Kap-

She was trying to wriggle free from his grip but it was tighter
than it felt. She buried her face on his chest and just went dead
silent trying her best to control the tears that were eagerly
threatening her eyes.

Bhazuka: I was not supposed to tell you any of this, he makes

the decisions, not me and I just overheard the conversation
ethetha nobhuti.
Claire: Okay… now let go of my waist.
Bhazuka: Yhima kaloku Tshangisa… calm down.

That moment, she broke down and he consoled her in silence.

After a few minutes of crying, she stopped and just stood there
sniffing. He removed a handkerchief from his back pocket and
slipped it into her hand. She blew her nose, the reburied her
head into his chest enjoying the embrace.

Bhazuka: Please tell me you will accept the job.

Claire: Kuzothwa ndingene nge bhedi just like abantu bakwa
Bhazuka: You know that’s not how you got the job, and that’s
what matters. Your truth.

She didn’t respond.

He kissed the side of her forehead and squeezed her tighter.

Claire: Ndizonuka wena for the rest of the week…

Bhazuka: Uzonuka mna every time you wash this dress sisi.
Claire: Oh, so you knew? That’s why undiqinise kangaka!
Bhazuka: Nd’funa ucinge ngam every time you see it, touch it,
wear it. And… I like it, so I know after today awunophisa ngayo.
Claire: You’re full of yourself Tshawe.
Bhazuka: Une pride yobubhanxa Mam’Ngwevu… we both know
you like me, might not be love just yet, but I know you like me.
Abantu ke aba uboyikayo abazosenzela mtshato… bakhuphe
kwalapha entloko.

She giggled, and wriggled herself free from him, took her bag
and walked out.
He followed after a minute, when he realized that she could
actually call a taxi for herself. She was standing next to his car, it
was on the driveway waiting for him to open it up for his

Bhazuka: Mnkq, umntu angakufuni kodwa afune ungena

emotweni yakho.
Claire: Yi R16 ukhwela itaxi, it may be R21 ku Bolt right now.
Thetha into evakalayo Mdange.
Bhazuka: You have no idea how I’m going to tame you… yho
awuna idea. Get in the car.

She tried the door, and it opened.

He got in his seat, buckled up and drove out.

“Your driver should teach you a thing or two about manners

and treating a lady… uluhlaza wena when it comes to such,” She
spoke while looking ahead, almost smiling but trying her best to
conceal it. He frowned wondering what he said that implied he
was ill-mannered after he tried so much to be a gentleman to
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 21
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

One week later…

She hadn't spoken to Luzuko since the lunch date, and she had
not saved his number from the last time he called. Well, he did
call her later on after the date, but that was it. She knew
though, that if she back-searched to that day's calls she would
find the number, which wouldn't really count now even if she
were to find it because he did mention that he would be out of
the country for three weeks.

“What kind of business was he into anyway? I mean, three

whole weeks out of the country? He better not be a drug dealer
Nkos’yam” She thought to herself.
Her sister called and notified her that she was on her way from
Cape Town, they would commute together to the villages where
their parents lived. It was December, they always went home
for the end of year shutdown. She was happy to go home, just
sad that it would be another year efika ephaca unlike the rest of
her siblings. As much as they understood what she was going
through, she still felt like she should at least have something for
her parents but…

In the afternoon of that same day, Claire received a bank

notification of R15 000 deposit into her account. She did not
even check the reference, because she knew that someone
probably made a mistake and they would call and claim it back.
There was no way anyone would just send her that amount of
money unless that person really made a mistake.

“I bought you some stuff, khaw'zofithisha before ziyofika

ezilalini zithathwe ziphele” her sister urged pulling Claire to the
bedroom. Her mind was on the money, she was even tempted
to go to the bank first thing the following morning and reverse
it. As she was about to get into the second dress, her phone
beeped and it was next to her sister. She read the message from
the screen and then smiled looking at Claire who was frowning.

“And that? Why are you blushing kwi phone yam?” Claire asked
and her sister passed the phone asking, “I thought we were
taking a break from dating, who's the mystery guy?” Claire
didn't respond, but read the second message that didn't appear
on the screen three more times before she went back to the
bank notification to read the ref which was written: Uyothenga
impahla ye Krismesi - L.

Her eyes filled up instantly. The text that her sister read was just
a casual “I miss you” but the second one that followed was even
deeper. Or rather, more in depth:

“Siphesihle… I know you won't like this, and I'm sorry if it makes
you feel weak in any way. I've just sent you R15 000 so that you
can chip in kokwenu kule Christmas, I know awunyanzelekanga
because they know you're unemployed but I know they will
appreciate xa usithi uzothenga iveg or some spices ngokwakho
nawe uzoziva ungumntu xa ungazomane ucela imali yetyuwa or
something ephelileyo while you're there. Iingxaki zakho ke
andizazi kodwa the rest you can buy yourself Christmas clothes
ufane nabanye abantwana. What I’m trying to say is that I don't
care nge change… I just want to make you happy, even if
andikho phambi kwakho. I know you didn't save my number
because you probably thought I was joking ngayo yonke lanto
ndandiyi thetha kuwe that day, well I was serious and I saved
yours. You don't have to save it nangoku ke, but please text me
when I call video call you, you don't have to say anything. I just
want to see your face… I really do miss you”

She got out of her sister's bedroom and went to lock herself in
hers where she bawled her eyes out to satisfaction. When she
was done, she texted him back… “Enkosi” he opened the
message, and then called her immediately. She thought of going
to wash her face quickly so he doesn't notice that she was
crying, but then decided not to. So she answered the video
Claire: Hi.

Luzuko: Siphesihle… unjani?

She shook her head trying her best to not cry again, not with
him watching her. He smiled
and just looked at her. After a few minutes, she spoke up, her
voice cracking up a bit.

Claire: I miss you… I've been missing you.

Luzuko: You're being honest?

Claire: I tried calling you the other day, but I couldn't even go
through with that.

Luzuko: Why?

Claire: I remembered that you're out of the country.

Luzuko: Be honest with me.

She looked down and kept quiet for a few seconds.

Luzuko: Baby?
Claire: I just… I didn't want to get hurt. I still don't want to get
hurt phofu and I know opening myself up to you will hurt me
noba ke it will be unintended but uthando nje lu overrated.

Luzuko: So, you do love me?

Claire: I like you…

He smiled and nodded.

Claire: Thank you for the money… I want to, but I am not mad at

Luzuko: I love you, and please don't respond to that, I am just

telling you that I love you. I will make it my mission to make you
feel loved and appreciated at all times… if only you allow me.
Claire: I appreciate you… can I ask you a question? I know you
said your brother will call me about this but, will we work in the
same building? You and I?

Luzuko: No, you'll be working directly with him. I'll probably

come by once or twice a week. We recently opened a new
branch so I'll be focusing on that until I see it's fit enough to
operate without me then I'll move on to something else,
somewhere else.

She nodded, with relief.

Claire: You’re a busy person.

Luzuko: We are working very hard to create this generational
wealth, I don’t want my children to experience even a quarter
of the life I lived.
She nodded, thinking that she hadn’t even thought as far as
creating anything that would benefit her children if she were to
ever have any. She had just wanted to get a job, anything else
was far in line.

Luzuko: Have you told your friends about us?

Claire: No.

Luzuko: Are you planning to?

Claire: Do you want me to?

Luzuko: I am okay with anything as long as I won’t be expected
to hide you too. So, are you planning to tell them? Or anyone as
a matter of fact?
Claire: Not until I feel we're both seriously invested in us. I know
you are, I'm still trying to find my way around it and I know
they'll have questions so I need to be able to answer them
without shame or guilt.

He nodded.
Claire: I hope you can and you will be a little patient with me.
Ngento yonke.
Luzuko: What do you mean ngento yonke?
Claire: Dates, PDA, sex… yonke nje into eyenziwa ngabantu
Luzuko: Oh, are you a virgin keeping yourself for marriage?
Claire: And if I am?
Luzuko: I asked you how much do you think you father will
want, how many cows. I am still asking that question… biza
iinkomo zakho ndizise kokwenu so I can pop that cherry.

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

Her sister walked in and frowned seeing tissues next to Claire
and seeing that she ditched her for a video call with a man. She
heard a man’s voice when she walked in.

Luzuko: Caba ndiyakonwabisa… who’s that?

Claire: It’s my sister… can we talk some other time? We were
packing to go home ngomso.
Luzuko: Alright, text me when you can talk again.
Claire: Okay.

He mouthed an “I love you” and she giggled, waving at him ang

cutting the called.
Sister sat down and folded her arms across her chest, smiling.
Claire blushed and threw her body backwards, landing with a
thump onto the bed linen.

Bukiwe: Siphesihle????
Claire: It’s nothing! Don’t say a word, it is nothing.
Bukiwe: iNothing eku blush’isa ubenje? Hay Claire sundenza

Siphesihle didn’t respond, she was just smiling at the ceiling

above her head. Bukiwe moved up the bed and lay on her back
took, then she stole a look at her younger sister. She could tell
that the young lady was madly in love, it was too evident even if
she was in denial.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 22
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

Siphesihle’s phone vibrated but she didn’t pay much attention

to it because her big sister was right there. It vibrated again,
and she ignored it still.

Bukiwe: You’re still blushing.

Claire: He’s ticking all the boxes.
Bukiwe: But you were crying, I saw the tissues.
Claire: I was crying because he sent me money, I didn’t even ask
for it. No one has ever sent me that amount of money before…
and we aren’t even dating as yet.
Bukiwe: What does that even mean?
Claire: We went on one date, we don’t even know each oth-
Bukiwe: There you go.
Claire: Sisi, just because he sent me money doesn’t mean
uyandithanda or whatever.
Bukiwe: I don’t know him, but judging from what I’m seeing,
please do yourself a favour and open up to the guy. Be open to
new love Claire Biyase, you can’t seriously hold on to your past
uzivimbe a nice life ngenxa yezinto ezidlulileyo.

She didn’t answer, but she was convinced that even if her sister
didn’t say a word trying to convince her, her heart was going to
betray her anyway. She wanted him, he knew that. One way or
another they were going to find each other and make it work.

Bukiwe: Umdala Claire, and you also deserve to be loved.

Nditshatile mna, happily so, you also deserve someone who is
going to cherish you. Someone you are going to enjoy life with.
Claire: You don’t even know the guy yet you’re advocating for
him. What if uyafana no Mpumelelo?
Bukiwe: When you refuse to heal and move on, every man will
resemble Mpumelelo kuwe because that’s what you choose to
see. Mpumelelo lowo ke utshatile and he is living his happily
ever after with his little family.
Claire: I am not refusing to heal sisi, I know you don’t know how
this feel because utata ka Kwanda has always been consistent in
loving you. Kemnake I literally wasted my life loving someone
who was in love with someone else… I cannot do that to myself
again. The fact that Luzuko splashed me with money doesn’t
mean he cherishes me or he wants to build a family nam.
Bukiwe: True, but it could mean he is serious about you and he
wants you to know that he can and is willing to provide for you
as your man. As he should.
Claire: Yho hay.

Bukiwe sat up, Claire followed suit.

They looked at each other in silence.

Bukiwe: I won’t force you into anything, but ndive ngawe mna
ba he ticks all the boxes. Give him time, see how far he can go.
Claire: Intliziyo yam is flesh through and through, if I open up to
this guy and get hurt again I don’t think I will ever forgive
Bukiwe: You’re only twenty-five, you will live.
Claire: You met your husband una nineteen and got married at

Bukiwe was one of the lucky ones.

She met her husband at varsity and they got married when she
was twenty-two… he was he was thirty at the time. You’re
probably wondering why would a thirty-year-old be in varsity?
He was a part-time lecturer. He had and still has great passion
for Accounting so he offered his free time to lecture CA’s…
that’s how they met.

Bukiwe: You could get married una twenty-six, what does it

matter? If he loves you, he will show you. You won’t have to beg
for his attention, it will come naturally. Just open yourself up for
love Siphesihle. Yho, khendikuyeke!

Claire sighed.
Her sister walked out and went to finish packing, she got the
opportunity to check the messages that were coming through
while they were talking. It was Onele… so she called her back.

Onele: Chomi, ubusy?

Claire: I’m packing, what’s up?
Onele: I need a ride torho… something is up ngo Bongani.
Claire: You need a ride to his place or use BNB?
Onele: His place.
Claire: Okay ndiyeza.
Onele: Agh thank you friend.

She hung up, grabbed a jacket and walked out to tell her sister
she was taking a short drive. She went to fetch Onele, they
drove to Ginger’s new house and parked a few blocks away.
Claire looked at an anxious Onele in sympathy.

Claire: Should I go in with you?

Onele: No, I don’t want you to get involved. Just wait here.
Claire: Please be safe. If you’re not out in five minutes I’m
calling the cops.
Onele: Okay… make it ten minutes?
Claire: Ten minutes is a lot. You could die in there.
Onele: Haha, okay. Five. Keep your phone ekuhleni.
Claire: Sure.
Onele got out of the car and walked to the gate at the back of
the house. It was locked
and she didn’t have a key, but she knew how to jump and that
was her resort. She jumped over the gate and walked to the
front door, it was locked. She noticed the two cars in the
driveway, but didn’t want to overthink because she was already
going crazy. She walked all around to the poolside and tried the
sliding door, it gave. She stepped in and her nostrils were
welcomed by a sweet woman’s scent. Certainly not her kind,
but it was a lovely perfume. There were heels in the lounge,
strappy and black. She walked around and saw her handbag…
she figured she didn’t have to go further in the house, it was
clear that Bongani was with a woman. She sat down on the
next, and went through the items inside the bag. There were
two phones, an iPhone 8 and a Huawei P30. The iPhone was
locked, the Huawei wasn’t. She went through the pictures, and
her heart shattered. Bongani was with his ex. Onele knew about
her… she just didn’t realize he would do that to her after all the

She took both phones, and then searched for her wallet, there
was R2000 in cash, then she took the cards and ID as well.
There was nothing else important. As she headed for the door,
she figured why not have more solid proof of this? She tiptoed
to the bedroom and found the door slightly ajar. She took out
her phone and took a one-minute video and then walked away.
As she jumped off the gate, Claire sent a text asking if she was
still fine, she didn’t respond. She wasn’t fine, she was crying. By
the time she got to the car, she already had hiccups and her
heart felt like it was being ripped off her chest. They hugged,
and consoled each other until the tears died down.

Onele: Let’s go fill your baby up!

They went to the garage and filled Claire’s car, full tank.

Claire: Mh, so she has “tap and go” type of cards.

Onele: Risky shit I tell you.
Claire: When are we going shopping?
Onele: Pity the stores are closed right now… kusasa uzovuka
ayovala ama-card wakhe obviously.
Claire: Masiyothenga uKFC k’qala, I have an idea.
They drove to KFC and bought two family treats, went to
McDonalds and did the same then they took a drive to the

Onele: Okay, the plan?

Claire: We buy clothes from Shein. You have the phones with
you, we will authorize accordingly.
Onele: Haaaa!! Why didn’t I think of that? Worse my cart is
sitting on eight thousand rand.

Using the Capitec card details they each bought clothes from
Shein worth ten thousand rand, leaving Siyasisanda with a mere
R20 in her savings account. They couldn’t access the FNB
account because the iPhone was locked and they had no idea
how to open it. When they were satisfied, they tossed the
iPhone into the sea but Onele said she wanted to keep the
second phone. Claire, who was very tech-savvy wiped out
everything that would enable the phone to be traced.
Onele: I hope he knows that two can play this game.
Claire: Just don’t get hurt, umncinci. Ebehleli emdala kakade u
Bongani kuwe.
Onele: I won’t get alone Sihle if I do get hurt. Ndizombonisa la
bhuti ba xa engazazi ufuna ntoni ebantwanane then he must
stick to iintanga zakhe. Izinto zodlala are made in China, not kwa

Claire nodded and started her car, she dropped Onele kokwabo
and then she went home.
Her sister didn’t question ukutya, she was just glad to see
McDonalds as she wasn’t a KFC fan.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 23
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

A week after arriving in the villages for the December holidays

or festivities, Siphesihle Claire Biyase received the call she had
been mostly anticipating for. She was offered employment by
Siyabulela Ndlongolo.

Siya: I need to sit down with you so that we can go through the
contract, can you be in East London tomorrow at nine?
Claire: Yes sir, definitely.
Siya: Alright then, see you tomorrow.
Claire: Thank you, bye!

She ran to her parents and told them the good news.
Everyone was excited, her mother suggested they pray and
thank God for that and everyone abode. It was such a beautiful
moment, everyone celebrated her even before she signed the
contract. Unfortunately, she couldn’t call Luzuko because she
didn’t want to jinx it with being super excited. She promised
herself that she would text him the following day.


Siya: We currently have three businesses running, and we have

positions on two. The reason I wanted us to discuss your
contract in person was because I wanted to offer you the
freedom to choose between the two. I am meeting the second
lady at 12 today, so she will take whatever you didn’t.

Claire nodded.

Siya: Ndlongolo and Sons Enterprises is the main business, but

then it gave birth to the two that brought us here today:
Ndlongolo Livestock and Ndlongolo Couriers. Both the latter
two have positions open. The Livestock needs an in-house
Accountant, that’s your expertise, well, that’s what you studied
for… according to your CV. Then the courier company needs a
receptionist, you have experience in that as well.
Claire: Well, thank you first for the opportunity to be part of the
Enterprise and for the grace to choose my fate. My obvious
choice would be the Receptionist position because I have more
experience in it and it doesn’t require much, I just have to be
the pretty face of the company.
Siya: But?
Claire: But, I studied Accounting because I love it. I know the job
comes with pressure and sleepless nights, but I believe I can
take the challenge. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I
cannot let my fears of feeling inadequate dictate to me.

Siya nodded.

Claire: If you believe in me that much, and you trust me with

your books then I am willing to give it my all.
Siya: That’s all I want from you, your all.
Claire: Then we have a deal.
Siya: One more thing, Ndlongolo Livestock is based in the
Transkei… that means you will have to move that side for the
duration of your contract, unless you won’t mind traveling four
combined hours to and fro, every day.

Now that was a bummer.

Yes, she wasn’t renting the flat. She could leave it unattended
and it would still be safe whenever she came back but the
struggles of looking for a place to stay in a very remote
Transkei? Phew!

Siya: You can go back and think about it, we open on the 12th of
January but on the 10th we will need to do an induction.
Claire: It’s fine, I’ll take it. I have a home in the Transkei. I can
always go to East London when I’m off or on weekends.
Siya: Are you sure?
Claire: Yes sir, hundred percent.
Siya: Alright then
here’s your contract. I’ll give you a few minutes to go over it, I’ll
be in that office when you’re done.

She nodded as he got up and left her.

She went through the contract, they were offering a fair
amount for starters, and they had benefits. Salary was to be
reviewed after six months, which was also fair. They were
basically giving her enough rope to get around. She signed the
contract, got her own copy and drove herself to McDonalds for
a celebratory McFlurry then she took a picture of her signature
and sent it to Luzuko first, then to the family group.
Congratulatory message were flooding in from the family, but
she waited in anticipation at that one person whose voice she
very much longed to hear. She decided to call Chu while

Chu: Baby gurrrl!

Claire: Where’s your twin?
Chu: Uyavasa.
Claire: Tell her to come out, I wanna share some news to the
both of you.
Chu: Mh, okay.

Chu walked to the bathroom and asked Mimi to turn off the
Mimi: Siphesihle sama Ngwevu!
Claire: Ndiqeshiwe bethuna, ndiyi employeeeeee!
Chu: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss!!!
Mimi: Rhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Yhiza siyonxila sisi, i Chardonnay is on

They laughed.

Chu: Uqeshwa ngu Tamnci mos chomi?

Mimi: Please say yes, yho!
Claire: Yes, your I signed my contract today with your uncle
Chu: Ah man, he’s going to be an incredible boss mntase as long
as you do your work to perfection.

Mimi: Yhima Claire, uzophangela aph’eMonti mos?

Claire: Uhm, about that… no. I will be in Transkei.
Chu: Haibo!
Mimi: I thought as much.
Claire: So that means sizobonana ngee weekends ke.
Chu: Did he tell you that you’ll be working directly with our dad
e Transkei?
Me: What?
Mimi: Yup. Uya kwi Livestock mos?
Me: Yes… I thought he…
Chu: Siya is hands-on kwezi zilapha eMonti ii companies, then
Lu is just all over the place. He’s the planter of businesses, the
negotiator and the “always on the road”. Then utata deals with
imfuyo and farming of all sorts. So wena, uzosebenza notate.

Claire sighed.

Mimi: He’s a tough cookie to crack, phofu uyamazi nawe.

Chu: Goodluck choza.
Mimi: Before you go, when are you going back home? We
should celebrate kaloku.
Claire: Ndingahamba ngomso, lemme check on Onele then we
can commute to wherever you guys see fit.
Mimi: Sure.

She hung up and called Onele.

The panic in her chest, unmissable.
She knew utata woo Mincili was a very strict man, she didn’t
even think he was still in business. But it made sense, he was
based in the Transkei for a reason: to look after the Transkei-
based business. Why didn’t she figure that out? Gosh!

She drove to her, place and once inside the yard, she checked
her WhatsApp… her message was still unread. Why did that
take a piece of her heart? She knew he was away on business,
but he never took that long to respond to her messages. Mh.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 24
-𝑺𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒉𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒆-

At 2 am Claire, Onele, Mincili, Nichume and Liyanda tiptoed into

the Ndlongolo mansion as though someone was watching
them. They damn well knew that no one was home, but
alcohol. Some found the couches more comfortable while some
made it to the beds.

In the morning, Nichume was woken up by a vibrating phone.

She looked around and realized that she was in Mincili’s room.
She grabbed the phone and walked barefoot to the bathroom.
The phone vibrated again… she looked at the screen, it was
Noziqhamo, her mother.

Chu: Mama?
Nozi: Nibuya xakutheni kweli Monti Nichume?
She sniffed, but didn’t respond. That was Mincili’s phone, not
hers. How did their mother know just from “mama” that she
wasn’t speaking to the owner of the phone?
Her head was throbbing from the hangover.

Nozi: Nichume Ndlongolo?

Chu: Sizobuya namhlanje mama, pha late.
Nozi: Azakhe abethe u five ningekho apha, your dad will
personally come and fetch you two. Kutheni nizimisele
ebunjubaqeni nibancinci? Kunini nibuyile eskolweni? Hay
sanundiphambanisa mna.
Chu: Love you ma.
Nozi: Nalo English yeye mali yam.

Then she hung up.

Chu walked out, looked at who she shared the bed with: Claire.
She found slippers and went to start up with breakfast. Onele
was fast asleep on the one couch with Mincili on the other
couch which meant Liyanda has slept in Chu’s room. She
prepared breakfast while eating a dry toast. Onele woke up and
walked outside, she sat on the stoep and basked on the
morning sun without saying a word to anyone. Liyanda woke up
and went straight to the kitchen, she broke an egg and gulped it
down. RAW.

Chu: Sebete sa hao!

Liyanda: Don’t!

He body shuddered as she swallowed in one go, then she rinsed

her mouth and went to wake up the two who were sleeping in
the lounge. Claire woke up as the others were cleaning up the
lounge. She made the bed before going out of the room,
washed her face and then checked her messages. She had five
WhatsApp missed calls from Luzuko… no message. As she was
about to leave the room, he called again. He must have seen
that she was online… She sat down, plugged in the nearest set
of headphones and then answered the call.

Claire: Hi?
Luzuko: Unjani?
Claire: Ndi right.
Luzuko: And the attitude?
She rolled her eyes.

Luzuko: Mh, congratulations on your new job. I called you last

night and you didn’t answer your phone.
Claire: Enkosi.

He frowned, she was really in a bad mood.

Luzuko: Should I call you some other time? It appears to me

that awufuni ukuncokola nam right now. Should I then try again
later or uzothetha? Qha ndikulinde?

She looked away, holding back tears.

This was the very same reason why she didn’t want to be in any
relationship. She wasn’t even used to him, or having him
around yet she missed him. He was the first person she told
about the job, she was upset that he was the last person to
congratulate her yet she knew he was out of the country,
working. The most difficult thing that very moment was
articulating her feelings to the man she barely knew, yet felt
deeply for.

Luzuko: Hey… babe, what’s wrong? Did I say something to upset

you? Siphe?

She blinked once, and tears betrayed her.

She quickly wiped them off and smiled at him. He obviously

wasn’t buying that.

Claire: Uhm, no. I’m fine.

Luzuko: Please don’t lie to me.
Claire: I just had a rough night, ndi right. Nyhani.
Luzuko: Baby please talk to me… you are upset, that much I can
tell, ndenzentoni? Okanye ke how do I fix whatever I have done
to upset you?

She breathed, wiped her eyes again and then just looked at
him. He had a white vest on, and he looked like he was about to
get in bed, there was a cup behind him and he was sitting on
the bed. It looked like he may have mounted the phone onto a
stand or ringlight because both his hands were free. He looked
darn sexy, even in his silence.

Claire: I uhm… ubuya nini?

Luzuko: Just after Christmas.
Claire: Okay…
Luzuko: Xelela mna
utheni kaloku Tshangisa?
Claire: I miss you… I … I want to be with you. I know my friends
took me out last night and we celebrated kwamnandi but a part
of me soooo wished that I was celebrating with you instead. On
top of that, I couldn’t get hold of you imini yonke izolo.

He nodded, still listening.

Claire: I know uyasebenza, but undiqhelisile Luzuko ukuba

ndithethe nawe every day, when you’re going to be too busy
you tell me so that ndingabinaxhala or panic ngoku when things
don’t happen ngalondlela I don’t know what you want me to
think. Nguwe ondiqhelise lonto so yesterday was just a shocker
to my system. To my heart.
Luzuko: I’m sorry.
Claire: It’s fine, ndi right ngoku.
Luzuko: It upset you so it’s not fine, I’m really sorry. Ayizophinda
yenzeke lonto.
Claire: Enkosi.
Luzuko: Undixolele nyhani?

She nodded, almost smiling at him.

Luzuko: I figured usezilalini until January, so when can we meet

before uqale emsebenzini?
Claire: I’ll be in East London from the 29th of December.
Luzuko: Until?
Claire: Ndizosebenza ezilalini kaloku, so I will have to be that
side nge 10th of January.
Luzuko: What do you mean uzosebenza ezilalini baby?
Claire: He didn’t tell you? I took the in-house Accountant
position for Ndlongolo Livestock, someone else got the
Receptionist one. So ndizohlala ekhaya, kukufuphi noko.

He didn’t respond.

Claire: Please say something.

Luzuko: I’m just thinking ba sizokwenza njani. I cannot
disrespect your parents ndizomisa ngemoto kokwenu oko, and
u Tshawe would kill me uba angaqhaphela my frequent visits.
He knows I’m not that much into livestock as ba ndikhula…
enyinto ndoluse gqithi.
Claire: Then we will have to work around weekends.
Luzuko: Okay.
Claire: It’s not like sinayo enye i-option.
Luzuko: I know… okay tell you what, let me finish up lento
ndiyenzayo apha ndibuye. Enye nenye we will discuss when I
am back, okay?
Claire: Yes sir!

He smiled, she blushed.

Luzuko: I love you… I hope you know that.

“S’phesihle vuka uzotya” Mincili barged in and shocked Claire...

“Oh, uvukile. And you’re on the phone”.

Claire: Ndiyeza friend, I’m on a call.

Mimi: Yho awothuka, unendoda wena and uzaziphaka
Claire: Get away Ndlongolo!
Mimi: Mmmh.

She closed the door, Claire laughed and Luzuko joined in.

Claire: Okay I have to go before they all barge in here.

Luzuko: I’ll call you after 6pm, I have a busy day today.
Claire: Alright, love you.
Luzuko: Zithande nawe.
Claire: Eshe, I love you Tshawe.
Luzuko: Gqibezela, faka u ‘wam’ pha ekugqibeleni.
Claire: I love you Tshawe wam.
Luzuko: Now that sounds better, uthandwa ndim Mam’Ngwevu

Eskimo kisses flew across the air, phone lines got cut and the
Siphesihle walked out and joined the crew.

Liyanda: Ngubani lendoda uzivalele nayo kula room wena?

Ndikwazi u single and not looking mna.
Chu: Mjongeni, izidlele zide zapink ku blush’a.
Mimi: Siphesihle? Siphesihle? Siphesihle? How many times have
I called you?

The room roared with laughter, each one of them taking a plate
and going to camp out in the lounge.
Onele was suspicious, because Claire told her who she left with
ngalamini eBhayi but she didn’t want to say anything kanti her
suspicions were false. Claire would have to break the news
Claire: I can’t say much bantwana bam, kodwa ke I understand
Rihanna when she says she found in a hopeless place. Ndim i-
hopeless place shame, and love found me. Sena worry… ubhuti
wabantu akandincami tu.
Onele: Bantwana bam nogal?!
Claire: Haibo, ndim ndedwa omdala apha. Or nilibele?
Liyanda: Every chance she gets, she will remind us kanene. Saze
safela ukungabina twenty-five mighty warrior!

Just like that, she shifted the whole conversation from her man
to age. Yes, she was the oldest amongst all of them, but that
was never a factor. It still isn’t. They were a group of friends that
loved and respected one another on so many levels and that’s
all that mattered.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 25
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

It had been two months since she broke the “Buhle news” to
the Mntungwa trio, and every other day she would wake up to
Clive sitting on her door step. She actually enjoyed that part.
She enjoyed seeing him beg, because they never beg. That’s
what they were known for, they never begged women. Between
going to her place every other day, he sent lunch at work too.
But thank goodness he stopped filling up her office with
flowers. All of a sudden she hated flowers.

They had planned a girls’ trip: Sanda, Iyana and Uyabukwa.

It had been a long year and they were all in different provinces
so they needed to catch up. Her leave application was
approved, she just had to do shopping for the trip before the
other two came to pick her up. They were driving Sanda’s car
for the trip. As she finished up getting dressed, she saw his car
driving up the driveway and sighed. Yes she was used to it now,
but that specific day was not the day to be seeing or arguing
with him. She just wanted peace. She needed peace. That was
the whole point of the coming trip.

She grabbed her bag, and keys then walked out hoping they
only bump at the bottom of the stairs. Unfortunately, as she
opened the door, he was already standing there. Looking

Iyana: I am on my way out.

Clive: Saw’bona.
Iyana: I am on my way out.
Clive: I just need five minutes of your time.

She stepped aside so he could walk in and then she followed

behind him. They sat across each other, a part of her felt really
sorry for him. He had even lost weight. He looked like he hadn’t
been taking care of himself. She sighed, rolling her mental eyes
at what she was about to ask.

Iyana: Ndikwenzele ukutya?

Clive: Are you going to eat with me?
Iyana: I’m not hungry.
Clive: No… thanks.

She huffed, got up and went to the kitchen to prepare him

He may have hurt her but she still loved him and seeing him not
doing well after the breakup hurt her even more. Talk about a
confused human being. She returned to the lounge and set the
tray on the table, came back with a bowl and cloth so he would
wash his hands and when that was done, she shared the couch
with him and started eating. She didn’t have to invite him, he
dug in and a few minutes later he stopped and just looked at
the opposite couch. His mind seemingly wandering about.
Clive: I know ukuthi you want out, I vowed that I would respect
you and give you time to think things through. But what I didn’t
promise was leaving you, entirely. That is one thing I cannot do.

She didn’t respond.

Clive: I am well aware ukuthi there is no time-frame for healing,

forgiving and trusting again kodwa ngith’angize kwakhona
kuwena and remind you that I still love you. I do not expect you
to accept me back immediately, I do not expect you to be head
over heels with me, kodwa engik’celayo ukuthi nje unginikeze
ithuba les’bili to prove myself to you. To prove what I have been
saying, proclaiming. Ngiyak’ncenga MaDabane, ngikonile yebo
ngiyavuma kodwa ngiyak’cela ungixolele.

She didn’t respond still.

Clive: Inhliziyo yami ifuna wena kuphela Iyana, these past two
months felt like two years without you. Kunzima ngisho uk’lala
kwami ngoba ngizovuka ungekho eduze kwami… angizanga lana
to manipulate you into forgiving me kodwa ngiyacela bandla,
Her phone rang… It was Uyabukwa.

She looked at him

he nodded so she answered the phone right there.

Iyana: Bubu?
Uya: Baby, unjani?
Iyana: I’m alright, unjani wena?
Uya: Good good, ndcela undiphathele iPyjama torho babe.
Ungandibuza ba ndiyilibele njani.
Iyana: Aw’zolala apha namhlanje then u Sanda adlule ngathi
ngomso kanti?
Uya: Ndine ndzodza eMonti mna sisi.

They both cracked up.

Iyana: Mnkq, okay ndizokuphathela ke.

Uya: Are you sure you’re okay? Uphi? Nabani?
Iyana: I’m at my place.
Uya: Nabani?

She sighed first…

Iyana: No Zwelethu.
Uya: Hay fok!
Iyana: Bye.
Uya: Ungazenzi isibhanxa Iyana kuyo yonke into oyenzayo,
uClive makaye ku Buhle wakhe and leave you alone.
Iyana: Bye bye Uyabukwa.
Uya: Iyana Kleinbooi!!!!

She smiled and hung up.

Then put her phone on the coffee table without saying another
word. She grabbed another sausage watya in silence. That was
the confusing thing about having two besties. Sanda said she
should forgive Clive and give him another chance because HE
also didn’t know much, his brothers played him… Uya on the
other hand wanted her out for good. She hated Clive with so
much passion because she believed Clive was well-aware of the
whole situation. He agreed to everything, aware of what he was

Iyana: I don’t trust you Zwelethu. I don’t know if I can be in a

relationship with someone I don’t trust.
Clive: I’m sorry.
Iyana: Your sorry is not going to mend my broken heart. You
have hurt me in ways I cannot imagine… like, you looked me in
the eye and lied to me. Blatantly, for six months non-stop. You
cuddled me Zwelethu, kissed my forehead and held my hand in
assurance of your love and commitment to me yet on the
flipside, you were ready to get married to another woman. I
don’t care to know your reasons for whatever you did, they
don’t make sense to me. Your brothers don’t owe me anything,
but you? You Zwelethu? Yho!

She took her glass and gulped down the juice pushing back the
lump that had suddenly grown in the depths of her throat. She
had done enough crying, that’s why they were going on that
trip, to celebrate life and the little victories they had
accomplished in that year. Not to cry.
Clive: How do I fix this? How do I gain your trust back?
Iyana: I don’t want you to… let’s just go our separate ways
Clive: Iyana I can’t.
Iyana: Try torho, just try yho. I cannot put myself through that
torture again. I cannot keep wondering ba uphi when you’re not
with me, I cannot keep imagining you in her arms or someone
else’s arms when I cannot have access to you. Imagine the
mental strain I will be putting myself in. I cannot torture myself
like that Clive I am sorry.

He faced her and took both her hands into his.

She swallowed hard again.

Clive: I did one mistake, and it costed me you. Ngiyak’cela

mfethu, allow me to fix this.
Iyana: There is no fixing broken trust Zwelethu, you cannot
break a cup and then tape it together expecting tea to not spill
from the broken pieces.
Clive: But I can try to mend a broken ruler and it will still work.
It will still underline.
Iyana: Your five minutes that you asked for is over.

He sighed, and nodded.

Clive: I love you, always have and always will. I know what I am
saying to you right now is meaningless but one day when you
have healed you will know that I once loved you. I am sorry for
everything… I really am.
Iyana: It’s… uhm… it’s cool.

She was very close to crying again. If she blinked one more
time, tears were definitely going to flow down her blushed
He let go of her hands and went closer to her face, he placed a
kiss on her lips and held it for a while longer then he moved
back and nodded at her. A few minutes later she heard his car
leave, then she broke down. It was finalized. The relationship
was over… she did right by herself, right? She chose herself over
a selfish man… right? But why did it hurt? Why was she hurting
so much?
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 26
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

To say she had been doing well for those two months would
really be an understatement, his visit was a setback to her
healing. In fact, it opened up an old stinking wound… though
she may have been from a loving family with present parents
and supportive siblings, Iyana experienced rejection first-hand
from one person that was supposed to protect her from it: Her
mother. From her sixth birthday until she was eighteen, Iyana
was taken care of by her father because her mother decided
that she wanted a break. It felt like rejection to her because she
was the youngest and all her siblings had their mom, from birth
until that day when she decided to just leave. They may now
have worked on their relationship since she came back, but that
never fixed or erased the fact that she left. For twelve years,
Iyana had to be fully dependent on her father, even when she
hit puberty… when she actually needed umama, her dad
became a father and a mother… well, her siblings assisted here
and there but her mother just didn’t come to the party. So she
knew rejection, she knew how it felt to not be wanted, and
even though she had stayed even after finding out the truth, it
hurt more when she finally exposed Clive because she thought
by then he would have gone back to his minds and
remembered that she was the love of his life. But he didn’t… he
wanted to marry Buhle, and he was going to do just that,
behind Iyana’s back and then come back and continue with his
life as if nothing happened.

That’s what killed her the most, his ability to lie with a straight
face. His pretense. God!
After yet another crying session, she got herself off the floor,
went to wash her face, and then proceeded with the plans she
had for the day. On her way back to her car, she bumped into
Uyabukwa and Siyabuyela, her boyfriend.

Iyana: Haibo Uya, kanti ngoku ufounayo sewufikile? Yho, molo

ta Siya.
Siya: Iyana.
Uya: Khayeke friend, I will send you my pick-up location later on
Iyana: I will not be driving sisi, send it straight to the driver.
Uya: u “The driver” wethu has blocked me kaloku nono…
ucaphukiswe yile part yokuba ndizofikela endodeni yam. oo
Siyasisanda bafuna sonke singabina madoda xa bona bexabene
nawabo. Ungabinjalo ke nawe, mna no baby asingeni ndawo
kwizinto zenu.
Iyana laughed and excused herself.
She got to her car, packed her bags in the boot and then went
to buy a snack. On her way home she called Sanda.

Sanda: Baby?
Iyana: Nenzani no Uyabukwa?
Sanda laughed, and then started cursing!
Iyana couldn’t help but laugh, they were already fight? Yet they
hadn’t even left for the trip yet.
Sanda: Rha uyayithanda indoda u Uyabukwa ndimncamile.
Iyana: Niyafana wethu Siya, uphi khona?
Sanda: Ndise Hemingways baby girl, ndizoza kuwe later on siyazi
ke ukuba sime ngalo sis wase Kapa.
Iyana: Alright ke, see you.
Sanda: Sho.

They hung up, and Iyana drove straight home.

She started off by packing izinto that she would need, when all
her bags were ready, she warmed the snack and had a bite
while going through her socials. Clive sent a text, she didn’t
even open it. She ignored him, because they were done. He
needed to accept that. A minute later, someone knocked on her
front door and she knew it was him. Yes, it was cute at first, but
now it was just sickening and exhausting. She had made herself
clear. Multiple times. The knock came again
she got up and went to open the door… he stood there with his
hands in his pockets. She stepped aside and let him in, not
because she wanted to, but because she learnt that he never
listened to being shunned. He stepped in, and waited for her to
close the door. She closed it with a sigh, feeling a slight
headache and then she turned to face him asking:

“What can I do you for you, now?”

He took a step closer to her, his hands found handles on her

waist and they pulled her closer to him. She didn’t protest.
“I love you” he started off, “and I want you… yebo ukhona ke u
Buhle, but mina ngifuna wena” he continued.
“Your brothers should admit you at St Marks, you’re losing it
Zwelethu” she remarked subtly trying to get out of the
embrace. One thing that was knocking her off her high horse
was his perfume. She had managed to fight it off in the
morning, but now that she was literally a breath away from him,
she couldn’t.

This was his last resort…

After he left her earlier on, he went home and locked himself in
his room trying for the last time to think of something. He
replayed the events of that morning in his head until he found
pieces that convinced him that even if she was hurting, she still
cared about him. She wouldn’t have made him food if she
didn’t, she wouldn’t have respected him and offered him water
to wash his hands, she wouldn’t have listened to him… pieces
were adding up. She still cared, and he could bank on that, he
just had to try one last time. And if it didn’t work out now, he
will know that he had exhausted all possible means to revive his
dead relationship, and failed.

“I am not here to fight with you, all I am asking for is one last
kiss… I respect you and your decision and I will leave you alone,
from today going forth. But Iyana… can I get one last kiss?

His words came as a whisper, there was something fresh around

them, and something else… not desperation… but they were
laced with something else. She breathed, and looked deep into
his eyes, searching…

“Clive…” her voice broke off and she dropped her eyes. That
very moment she knew that she was still deeply in love with
him. Maybe that’s why she was hurting. She was hurting
because she was still madly in love with a man that betrayed
her trust.
“You took your one last kiss this morning before you left” she
argued, her eyes focused on his heaving chest. He lifted her chin
with his fore-finger and bent down so his lips would meet her
“No… that wasn’t my last kiss, that can’t be my last kiss Iyana…
this is it. I came back for this one right here…” He mumbled as
their lips came into contact. She felt her body betraying her, she
wanted him, she wanted all of him and the sad part was that if
she let him go now, there was no guarantee that she would see
him again. He could be leaving for KZN right after moment,
ahambe ayokwakha ubomi bakhe no Buhle… that was possible.
Or, he could be moving to Cape Town. They had family almost
everywhere, akazodinga.
“Zwe…” she whispered as his lips left hers and traced down the
side of her neck down to her chest. She willingly let him invade
her, his kisses bathing her already scented body. He lifted her
off the floor and led the way to the lounge where he lay her on
the long couch and worshipped her nakedness. Once they were
both naked, he looked at her for approval, she nodded, slightly
and he dipped his head and buried it between her thighs.

Her cries of ecstasy were exactly what he wanted to hear…

She was now putty in his hands, even though he knew that he
had her right where he wanted her, he also knew that she was
capable of allowing him in and still maintaining what she said.
She was as stubborn as they came, but he never minded.

“Zwe… Oh my G- Fuck! Zwelethu” she moaned as his tongue did

one last flip evoking a volcano. She grabbed his head and kept it
in position as she smashed her thighs against it, releasing all the
tension right on his face.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 27
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

She lay on his chest, butt-naked and satisfied.

He kissed the crown of her head and breathed in her scent… it
was all he wanted. To wake up next to her every morning and
beathed in her scent.

Clive: I should leave…

She didn’t respond.

She thought she would feel guilty about letting him in, but she
didn’t. She was happy, yes she was still mad at him but a part of
her was now willing to work things out. His strategy must have
worked then.

Clive: Yaya?
Iyana: Mh?
Clive: Let’s take a shower, I should leave.
Iyana: Okay.
After a few seconds of not moving, she finally gathered strength
and got off him leading the way to the shower. She opened the
mixed water and stood there, facing the wall. She had loads of
emotions to deal with, ones that she thought she wouldn’t have
to deal with earlier that day since they mutually broke things
off. Officially.
He joined her, she felt the warmth of his body brushing against
hers as he reached for the shower gel that was above her head.
A few seconds later he had the gel all over her body and her
breath had hitched the minute she felt his hands on her. She
was in a battle between her mind, heart and body because her
calculative mind knew that Zwelethu would hurt her again. She
already knew the cycle, if he did it once, what stop him from
doing it again? But her heart wanted him, and her body wanted
his touch. He swiftly turned her around and the water from the
shower head washed off her tears…

Clive: I’m sorry, for everything.

Iyana: I told you I forgave you.
Clive: But you’re crying… I hate seeing you cry.
She shut her eyes and just stood there.
He turned off the water and stood there in silence, he needed
her to make the next move, and his fear was that she had
everything on her side. She could cry rape, and she would be
believed. She would have witnesses, like the gatekeeper? Clive
bribed that man everytime he wanted to see Iyana.

Clive: Usafuna ngihambe? Ngizokwenza lokho mfethu, I will

leave and never bother you again. Ukuthi beng’ngekhe ngikwazi
ukuhamba nje without a final goodbye from you.
She sighed and dropped to the floor.
He followed suit and sat right in front of her, waiting for a

Iyana: I just…
Clive: Khuluma nami, ufuna ni? Ufuna ngenzeni?
Iyana: I want you.
The world came to a stand-still.
Iyana: I want you, and I want every bit of you Zwelethu and you
have no idea how that shit irritates me because I should not
want you. I am not supposed to want you, you have hurt me.
Why can’t I be angry at you? Why am I fooling myself like this?
He didn’t respond.

Iyana: This morning I had made peace with seeing you for the
last time, but you had to come back here. I don’t know why
you’re doing this to me shame, but just know that it hurts. It
hurts like hell.
Clive: Ngiyaxolisa Yaya, ngiyazi kade ngixolisa kodwa ngixolisa
impela. Ak’siyona inhloso yami ukuba uhlala ngenyembezi njalo
Iyana: I really thought today I will be putting this whole thing
behind me, and move on with my life. But look at me? I have
sex with you, I am in the fucken shower, naked with you? I am
basically back to square one and do you know what I hate the
most? The fact that I cannot blame everything that happened
today on you. I am to blame here, I gave you access to me
once again.

After a long silence he exhaled and lifted his head that had
dropped because of shame and guilt.

Clive: Okay ngiyakuzwe, do you still want me to leave?

Iyana: NO!!! Awuva? I don’t want you to go anywhere and that
shit is fucked up because for all we know you are somebody’s
husband Zwelethu. I could be stuck with another woman’s man
because of this stupid heart.
Clive: I am no one’s husband… I didn’t go through with the
arrangement because I couldn’t lose you. I didn’t want to live a
life ungekho wena in it baby.

She broke down.

He pulled her close and consoled her on that shower floor…
when she had calmed down, he got them up and opened the
shower so they bathed off the foam. He grabbed the towel and
wrapped it around her body then let her go to her room as he
cleaned up the shower. When he was done he wrapped a towel
around his body and found her cuddling a pillow on her bed. He
joined her, she looked at him and she faked a smile. That stung
him, she had to fake a smile for him?

Iyana: I uhm… I am going on a weekend away with my friends.

Clive: I figured, I heard Sanda talking about that benobhuti.
Iyana: So I guess we will talk more about what happened today
obuya kwam?
Clive: Of course… I am happy that there’s still hope for us. I
didn’t expect you to want to talk about it at all.
Iyana: We have to reach a common ground… I am hurting yes,
but I have realized that what hurts me more is not being with
you when my heart really just wants you. So we have to talk… if
you still want us to try again.
Clive: I do… and I don’t mind, I will wait for you to come back.
Iyana: Enkosi.

He kissed her cheek, got up and went to gather his clothes

wanxiba pha e lounge. She lay on her back wondering what in
the third heavens was she getting herself into when she knew
damn well what the Mntungwa trio was capable of.

“I uhm, I bought you some things that I thought you would

need for the trip” She was called back to life by his voice at her
bedroom door. She frowned at the bags he was carrying. What
she didn’t know what that after he left her earlier he went
shopping for her… because he knew she was going away with
her friends. When things were still fine between them, making
sure that she had everything she needed for trips was his job.
He tried fulfilling that, even with the fear that she wouldn’t take
the bags.
Iyana: You went shopping, for me? When?
Clive: After I left you this morning.

He walked in and dropped the bags next to her towel wrapped

She sat up and just looked at him, he was still standing,

Iyana: Zwe…
Clive: This used to be my responsibility, I didn’t want you to
suddenly find yourself doing izinto that you were not used to do
just because I messed up. Please, just look through the bags I’m
sure you’ll find one thing that you will like, the rest you can
keep for whenever you need them… like the extra toiletries and

She opened one bag and saw clothes, the other had shoes, the
other had underwear, the other had toiletries and the last one
had snacks. She opened the toiletries one and smiled, he
bought the right size of tampons and the correct brand of

Iyana: You remembered the brand.

He smiled…

Iyana: Enkosi Khumalo, I appreciate this. I know you didn’t have

to, but you did it anyway. Enkosi Mntungwa.
Clive: You’re not chasing me out with these bags?
Iyana: I want to… but no, thank you. Nyhani.

He breathed, sat down and watched her as she unpacked

She was indeed his happy place… spending those few hours
with her and seeing her smile as she went through each bag felt
like something he hadn’t felt in ten years. Yet it was just a few
Clive: I know gifts won’t buy uxolo, and they won’t fix what’s
broken kodwa nje I hope this is a good start. For both of us.
Iyana: Gifts are not a problem, you are permitted to bring them
even if we don’t fix things. Sex is a problem though… you can’t
waltz in here and expect me to be wet and ready for you. Next
time you won’t be this lucky.

He laughed at her, she left the bags and went to stand between
his knees, kissing his lips and mumbling sweet nothings to him.
He knew she was not fully in it, but the fact that she opened the
opportunity to talk about it after her trip was enough for him. It
was the beacon of hope.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 28
-𝑰𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒊-

Siyasisanda, Uyabukwa and Iyana arrived at the Zimbali Resort

and freshened up. Uyabukwa wanted to see the area first, but
Sanda wanted to have a swim. Iyana just wanted to sit on a
couch and stuff her face with comfort foods. She may have
forgiven Zwelethu and indicated that they could still work on
their relationship but she was still conflicted. That was the
messed-up part… when she was hurting after they broke up she
thought by getting back with him her heart would at least be at
peace. But it wasn’t… she was still conflicted.

“Why are you moping around? We’re in Zimbali for goodness’

sake, loosen up!” Sanda chimed as she flopped right next to
Iyana, with a can of Hunters Gold in hand.
“I’m not moping… sela utywala bakho and let me be” Iyana
answered defensively and dismissively.
“Friend, I told you to just take him back. Lento uzenza yona is
only hurting you… you don’t have to stick it out, but uzoxola
when you have taken him back uzame kwakhona and then if
now it doesn’t work out… umyeke ke”
Uyabukwa heard that from the kitchen and came running to the
lounging area…
“Siya, are you really advocating for Clive? Wena?” She asked
with her hands on her waist.
“I am not advocating for him, but I can see that Yaya is hurting.
She loves him, that much we know Uya”
“She loves him ewe, but does he love her back? The same way
she loves him?” Uyabukwa asked and Iyana mentally asked
herself the same question. Did Zwelethu love her the same way
she wished to be loved by him?
“Uya, your boyfriend has his own flaws too, Mzukisi has his own
flaws too but none of us have ever left them ngenxa
yezompazamo. And fut-” Sanda tried to make Uyabukwa see
“I get that everyone has flaws, not amadoda kuphela but Siya
would you stay with Mzukisi elobole omnye umntu ukhona
after all these years? Because tshomi that is what you’re asking
Iyana to do. Clive left her here wayolobola intombi kokwabo
kwa Zulu, emshiya e perm’ile u Iyana engadinginto.”

The room was filled with silence…

Iyana decided to break the ice that moment instead of waiting
for the open fire session where they would write letters down
and burn them while eating roasted marshmellows.

Iyana: There’s really no need for us to quarrel about this… I

know how much you love me Uya and I love you even more. I
think it’s better I tell you guys now that Zwelethu and I are back
together, please Uya, don’t give me that face. Ndiyamthanda u
Clive, and just like Sanda said, I owe it to myself to get closure.
Leaving him ibe intliziyo yam imfuna is not going to help me in
any way but it will hurt me because I am already hurting ngoku,
I thought by now ndizobe ndi right but ndiya ndiba worse. I miss
him every day, like… I don’t know how else to explain this
feeling. So I have decided to get back with him, we will only talk
kakuhle when I return home because ufike pha endlini
namhlanje ezocenga once again but I told him ndiyahamba
Sanda: But it’s a done deal that niyabuyelana?
Iyana: Yes, ninety percent.
Sanda: Are you emotionally ready for that? I mean, you spent
months knowing that ulobole omnye umntu but yena engatsho
kuwe. How will you cope xa engekho phambi kwakho?
Iyana: Those are the things we will talk about xandibuyile

Sanda nodded, Iyana looked at Uyabukwa who was still on her


Iyana: Say something.

Uya: Congratulations chomi.
Iyana: Not that, say something else… say exactly what you want
to say.
Uya shook her head and walked back to the kitchen.

They both followed her, one stood behind the counter and one
stood by the entrance.

Sanda: Uya I know you don’t like what Iya is doing

and trust me I understand your sentiments but mna ndiyayi
support’a because I don’t want her five years down the line to
say samkhupha kwi relationship yakhe nomntu wakhe
emthanda, makabuyela kuye azozivela azibonele if u Clive is
sincere or udlala nje ngaye. Ndiyakucela mntase, you don’t have
to agree with it but just be there for her as a friend.

She stopped what she was doing and faced both of them…
shaking her head.

Uya: You know what hurts me right now? What hurts me the
most is Iyana walking into the lion’s den with her eyes wide
open in the name of love. If Zwelethu could pull that off for six
months and not slip up, what else is he capable of doing?

They didn’t respond…

Uya: But ke as Sanda said, I can only be there for you. Umdala,
uyayazi lento uyenzayo. I just hope it doesn’t damage you or
change your perspective on what real love is.
Sanda: Uyashwabula kengoku chomi.
Uya: Andishwabuli Sanda… I think your problem wena chomi is
that you have always had smooth relationships. That’s why
yonk’into kuwe looks easy, excuse me ke for looking out for her
Sanda: But Uya you are projecting right now, both of you know
how I am with relationships. The fact that I am a helpless
romantic doesn’t mean andibinazo iingxaki kwamna… kwalo
Mzukisi mos nguye le kuthwa wa rape’a u Buhle andithi?
Uyayiphika, as expected but do you think I believe him? Even if I
do, do you think I don’t think of the “what if he did it nyhani”
and all the other crap?

Uya chuckled shaking her head… she really felt like Sanda was
setting Iyana up. Maybe it was because their men were

Uya: Do you know how long it took me to recover after my ex

married his baby mamma ehlala nam for years phofu? At least I
didn’t have to do research kemnake, he told me ezinkonkqeni
but do you know the amount of money I spent on therapy
because of that? Not only is that psychologically taxing but
emotionally? I struggled mna when I first dated Siyabulela, in
actual fact I thought he would just pack and leave me because I
made his life a living hell. Kwa ezo therapy sessions
zazibhatalwa nguye because he loved me and he wanted me,
but I was a pain in his ass why? Trust issues, relationship
trauma. I wouldn’t want anyone I know to experience half of
what I went through for three full years, but as I said, mdala u
Iyana makenze lento right for yena, as her friend I can only be
there for her and pray for her. Qha.

She had tears in her eyes, and that broke Iyana.

Uyabukwa was always the strength of their friendship,
Siyasisanda was the rich aunt and Iyana was the softies, the
baby of the friendship. Even Sanda was emotional, she kenw
about the story but not in depth because Uya never liked
talking about it.

Sanda: I’m so sorry friend.

Uya: What worries me about you ke Sanda is that uhleli kule
relationship knowing that you could be dating a rapist. You
could be sleeping with a rapist and that doesn’t scare you?
Iyandoyikisa kelonto. Or maybe they got the names mixed-up,
maybe ngu Mzuvukile lo, right?
Sanda: Andiyazi chomi… yho and’funi noyicinga.
Iyana: I didn’t know about this Uya…

Uyabukwa sniffed and ignored her… turned her back to them

and switched off the grill.
She was making their lunch before they went for a swim… if
they were still going for that after that heated session.

Sanda: I knew about it, she just didn’t like talking about it.
Iyana: Yho… I’m sorry Uya. For everything you went through,
I’m so sorry.
Uya: Akhonto wethu, good luck with Clive, and congratulations.

She plated up while the other two drifted back into their sad
What a way to start off a recuperation girls trip!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 29
-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

The previous night was a bit hazy for her, yet the most
important details about it were like a movie replaying in her
head. Hundred folds. He was not as soft as she had imagined,
but he was a man. A man in control.
Her eyes shut at the glimpse memory of how he handled her
body… She now lay on his chest, drawing sweet messages
across his bushy chest and the sun was already up. She needed
to get going… or else she'd be in trouble with her father.

“Saw'bona” he groaned grabbing her behind and she smiled,

not looking up at him. There was something mysterious about
him though, yes he had not exposed much about himself as yet
but she couldn't help but feel like there was more to the eye.
He was a mysterious man.
“Yebo” she responded blushing and he kissed the side of her
head pulling her up so their faces were leveled. He kissed her
right there and then, turned her over and worshiped her body.
He took his time, kissing away her fears as he honored her
curves and made love not only to her but to her mind as well. If
she ever doubted him, that morning he showed and proved it
to her that he could be gentle too. The previous night may have
just been an initiation… She wasnt a fan of the hardcore type of
handling, type of love hence she enjoyed the morning
pampering to a point of even forgetting about her strict father.
In her books, the Zulu charm, was a curse she was willing to
“Kuzomele ngik'hambise kini, it's past 9 already” he spoke up as
she was drifting off. She didn't respond, she didn't even move.
He nudged her gently, she just rolled over and slept on her side
of the bed not forgetting to pull the covers over her face. He
chuckled and let her be, got off the bed and went to shower. He
had a 10am with his brother, Mzukisi, and he didn't want
Liyanda to be ambushed into meeting his family.
His plan was to take her home first and then meet up with his
brother, but he could see that wasn't going to happen. He had
to either reschedule for later that same day, or cancel for the

Kuriyata: Khumalo.

His brother answered enthusiastically.

Nairota: Ndoda, ngine nkinga la. Ungabuzi angekhe ngikwazi
ukuchazela over the phone… ayonkinga as such, it's just a little
delay. Can we reschedule for some time later today?

His brother laughed.

He knew that Nairota wasn't in any trouble… unless it involved a

Kuriyata: Usuthole umakoti Mntungwa? S'tshele phela silungise

iinkomo mfo ka Baba!
Nairota: Eheni! Awung'tshele we bafo, siya reschedule'a yebo
noma cha?

They both cracked up!

Kuriyata: Akunankinga Mntungwa. Let's do 6pm, I have a busy

day today. Umakoti wakini is acting up, I just want to attend to
her and see what exactly is going on. Uyamazi ke nge silent
treatment manje kumele ngincenge nengingayazi ukuze
Nairota: Useqome eny'indoda ukhona u Siyasisanda?
Kuriyata: Yazi bafo… ngicabang'ukuthi useyazi ngo Buhle…
angithi uhlobene no Iyana.

Mzuvukile wanted to say "ngak'tshele" but he went dead silent.

The Buhle issue was going break that relationship… Mzukisi was
supposed to tell Siyasisanda immediately after finding out that
Iyana knows about it. He was supposed to cover up for himself,
because it was clear that they were outsmarted.

Kuriyata: Ume useyazi hay cha angazi ukuthi ngizothini…

Nairota: How about you tell her the truth? Siya loves you, she
will be hurt but she will forgive you.
Kuriyata: Inkinga esinayo ke Mntungwa ukuthi Siya has other
man gunning for her. Ngizomtshela and then expect her to stay
kanjani? She's not dependent on me for anything.
Nairota: By other men you mean Abendeiya?
Kuriyata: That son of a bitch can't keep his hands in his pockets
Nairota, we should have kille-
Nairota: Awume kancane ngokubulala, yhini ngawe? Hawu!

Mzukisi sighed, almost cursing under his breath.

Nairota: You have to deal with the Buhle issue first, phela
ubabakhe samthembisa iinkomo Bafo. After that kumele uzame
indlela to compensate u Zwelethu no Iyana… Iyana didn’t take
this well, and Zwelethu will hate you if his relationship doesn't
survive this.
Kuriyata: Compensa-
Nairota: Yebo, compensate. Uma usuqede konke lokho ke
usungabuya ulungise uqondane ngqo nalowo Abendeiya
wakhona… but he is not priority, ifa lethu is priority right now.
Don't get distracted… mina ang'funi nje ukulwa impi
ekungasiyona eyami.
Kuriyata agreed and they cut the call.

Mzuvukile returned back to his girlfriend and just watched her

sleeping peacefully. After an hour, she woke up and went to
freshen up and returned to him having already fixed the bed.

“Kutyiwa ntoni apha?” she asked as she was getting dressed. He

remembered that he also had not eaten so he placed an order
for breakfast leaving her in the bedroom. She checked her
and the only message was from her cousin asking what time
she'd be home… she didn't respond. At least it wasn't who she
expected it to be. When she was fully dressed she followed him,
found him making coffee for both of them. She kissed his
shoulder, took her cup and went to sit in the lounge. He joined
her, and they sipped in silence.
“You're too quiet” Nairota finally spoke up after a long minute
of just waiting for her to say something… anything. She cleared
her throat, and sighed, putting the cup down.
“I have nothing to say,” she lied. What she really wanted to ask
was what Candy told her… that Mzuvukile was taking care of
her (Candy) because she is the mother of his child.
“Mh, did you at least sleep well?” he asked and before she
could answer, their breakfast was delivered. He got up, went to
pay and then returned to the lounge with plates and cutlery.
She plated up for herself, then gave him to do the same for
himself. He frowned at her as she just continued eating like she
was alone in the lounge… he put his plate down and just looked
at her.

Nairota: Lilly?
She stopped her hand halfway to the mouth… and frowned at

Nairota: What's wrong?

Liyanda: Where?
Nairota: Come on, what's wrong? You're not the usual chirpy
and sassy Liyanda that I know. What did I do? Is it something I

She sighed, put her plate on the coffee table and looked at him.

Liyanda: Why didn't you tell me about having a child with

Nairota: Oh… okay.
Liyanda: I get that the relationship is new but umntwana is
permanent, you should have told me about him from the onset.
Undinike the freedom to decide if I want to be in a relationship
with someone who has a child.

He breathed.
He was cracking his brain trying to understand how she did her
research about everything. She was diligent… too smart.

Nairota: I didn't want to overwhelm you, I figured if we took

baby steps and I introduce you to one important factor in my
life at a time then you wouldn't be overwhelmed. You also
didn't want to meet my family, remember?
Liyanda: I didn't want to meet your brother, I didn't want to be
ambushed into meeting your people and I still don't. But
ukungatsho ke ukuba unomntwana? Hay Mzuvukile, hayi!

He nodded and apologized.

She took the apology, because well, there was nothing she
could do. Mzuvukile had a child with his ex, and he was
probably financially taking care of them because of the child.
She couldn't fault him on that…

Nairota: You have proven to be investigative, like, you know

your story and I don't want us to be drawn back to this next
week or next month so let me get it over and done with.
Liyanda: What are you talking about?
Nairota: Candy and the child.
Liyanda: Oh, there's more?
Nairota: No, I just want us to be on the same page. I am paying
Candy's rent, car and the child's maintenance. That's a total of
R5000 every month…
Liyanda nodded, he said "R5000" as if it's change to him. That
was a lot of money bathong!
Nairota: I do not love her, nor do I want her. We had our
chance, it didn't work out and we both agreed to end the
relationship. If I were to cheat on you then rest assured it
wouldn't be with her, I wouldn't put you through bullshit. Okay?
She nodded, he took her hand and kissed it.
Nairota: Ngiyazi ukuthi I'm a bit older than you, and you may
have heard stories about older men kodwa ngiyak'thembisa
ukuthi I would never hurt you intentionally. I know what I want,
and it is you. When you are ready, you will meet my son and the
rest of the family… no pressure. I just want you to know that I
have nothing to hide, that I am not hiding you and you're
definitely not a secret.

That was a relief… she wasn't a secret.

He had intentions too. Great!
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 30
-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

Once they were done having breakfast, she packed her bag and
went to find him. He had been on a call on the veranda for a
while, as she opened the sliding door she heard that he was in a
heated argument, she decided to close the door and wait
inside. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, a part of her was
obviously wondering who he was arguing with, but then she
decided to mind her own business. In the meantime, she called

Onele: Sithotho?
Liyanda: So umntu xa ekukhumbula funeka aqale akucele ku Ta
Onele laughed, and so did Liyanda.
Onele: Oh sthandwa sam, I miss you too.
Liyanda: Uxokelani Onele?
Onele: Bruh, I really do. I have just been going up and down
kulomzi kaloku akabuyanga u Sandra ngoku yon’into ijonge
ukwenziwa ndim apha. Uyabazi ke abazali.
Liyanda: Oyhini tshom’am, worse bendizothi come and spend
the weekend ekhaya.
Onele: Mh… let me get back to you about that.
Liyanda frowned, that was weird.
Onele would usually jump at such an opportunity because she
would sneak in some time for Ginger as well.
Liyanda: Okay, that’s soooo unlike you. When last did you speak
to Ta G?
Onele yawned, Liyanda knew that’s where the problem was.
Liyanda: Onie?
Onele: Uyandiqhela loo Ta G wakho friend, I have temporarily
blocked him so I don’t know ba ndigqibele nini uthetha naye.
Liyanda: Oh Bawo, did you two fight?
Onele: We didn’t fight… khaw’yeke man, we will took
xasidibene. Uphi khona?
Liyanda: I am at home.
Onele: Suxoka, why is your background so quiet?
Liyanda: Yho, wazi ne background yasekhaya? Hayi sisi!
Onele: Stop avoiding the real question.
She lauged… but Mzuvukile walked in as she was about to tell
Liyanda: Bye bye wethu, I’ll come by later on ndikuncedise
kwezi chores zingakuphumisiyo.
Onele: Bring a weekend bag sisi, sizovuka sivase ii mats zika
mama walapha. Yho andoyiswe, why did we even come back?
Pretoria wasn’t like this!

Liyanda laughed and hung up. Nairota looked at her bag and
frowned, she shrugged.

Liyanda: What?
Nairota: Where are you going?
Liyanda: I’m going home, aren’t you supposed to be going to
some meeting with your brothers?
Nairota: I had to reschedule, you were snoring when I was
supposed to be leaving.
Liyanda: You didn’t leave because I was snoring?
Nairota: Because you were sleeping peacefully, I didn’t want to
wake you up.
Liyanda: Ooooh… I’m sorry. But, if I still want to have a home
then I should be on my way home right now. My dad will kill

He nodded and walked to his room.

Just as he was leaving, her father called and asked where she
was. She lied and said she was at the Mzayi house, they were
washing blankets and that she would come back home in three
days because the following day they would wash mats. Her
father didn’t mind, he wasn’t even at home that very moment
but asked that she go home during the day, just to let abantu
bomzi breathe and actually get a chance to discuss izinto zabo.
She agreed, and said she would be home before 2pm.

“So what am I supposed to do with myself while waiting for my

meeting if you’re leaving me all alone here?” Nairota asked
emerging from the room with his jacket and keys. She smiled,
getting up and didn’t respond to him. The promise she made to
her father about 2pm was obviously to give her enough time
with him
but she wasn’t going to open the option for him if wasn’t
suggesting anything. They got in his car… and he eyed her, she
saw that and laughed.

Nairota: Uyahamba ngempela?

Liyanda: Haibo, unomfazi ondim wena?
Nairota: Yini, ufuna ngise ilobolo kini?
Liyanda: Soze, ndisafunda mna. Ask me that question in five
He smiled, and started the car, driving out.
Liyanda: And that grin?
Nairota: Ukuthi nje kuzwakala kamnandi ma uthi usezoba name
in five years time.
Liyanda: Yho, mnkq!
He drove her home, and then went to look for his younger
brother, Zwelethu.

A couple of weeks later…

Mzuvukile called while Liyanda was having lunch with Nichume.
Chu was busy scrolling through Liyanda’s Instagram looking for
someone’s post that she forgot to screenshot and she wanted
to show Liyanda that post. When the call came through she
frowned at the screen and gave Liyanda her phone, watching
her facial expressions. Liyanda blushed, and then laughed at
Chu before answering…

Liyanda: Hello?
Nairota: Mkami?

She blushed as if he would see that…

Chu just laughed and took a short walk to the bathroom, giving
her friend privacy because she looked like she needed it.

Liyanda: Khumalo, unjani?

Nairota: I’m sick mfethu, kanti ukuphi?
Liyanda: Ngikuphi? Kanjani manje?
Nairota: I am sick ke, umuntu usezobuya eMonti indoda yakhe
sek’thiwa ishonile. Futhi mina I thought you’d be in Gauteng by
Liyanda: Go to the doctor xa ugula Mntungwa, that’s what
normal people do. Ushota ngantoni? Ngemali?

He started coughing and she laughed at him.

Nairota: Naw’muntu ezoshona eGoli enganakiwe umuntu

Liyanda: Nice try, I’m pretty sure I told you when I’m coming
back, so it’s either you go to a doctor or you die in peace
Nairota: So awung’thandi vele Lilly? Is that what you’re telling
Liyanda: Mntakwethu, mna andizelanga futhi andijonganga
kuzala anytime soon. If you want to be a big baby, yitsho.
Sukundijikeleza ngochuku torho, yhini nyana ka ban-ban!
Nairota: Yho, amaXhosa!!!!
Again, she burst out laughing at him.

He smiled, hearing her sound happy was an achievement on its

own. Even if she was happy already when he called.
Nairota: I really do miss you.
Liyanda: I miss you more, I might see your baby momma today.
Nairota: Why? Where?
Liyanda: My brother works with her, I’m meeting him and my
sister later tonight and I’m driving so I will fetch him.
Nairota: Ooh okay, eish, please try your best to avoid her drama
baby. Please.
She frowned, Chu was coming back.
Nairota: I know Candy can be a little rude when intimidated…
Liyanda: Oh-kay, I have to go. I’ll call you later after my dinner
plans with my siblings.
Nairota: Okay, I love you.
Liyanda: I love you.
They hung up, Chu sat down and looked at a beaming Liyanda.
Chu: Intsha indoda?
Liyanda: Kraca!

They both cracked up, attracting a couple of eyes from the

nearby tables.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 31
-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

Liyanda and her siblings went out for dinner, her sister was
leaving for the villages and so she wanted to spoil the other two
before she left. Luckily for Liyanda, she didn’t see her
boyfriend’s baby mama because she had apparently knocked
off earlier. Sakhiwo chose the restaurant of choice, obviously
with a bar, and so they allowed him to drive, because Liyanda
was not familiar with the area.

Ncesh: So, how has East London been treating you, sis wase
Sakhiwo: Mnkq, akafasti nendoda lo!
Liyanda: Haibo bhuti!
Sakhiwo: Lonto ke uyandoyikisa… ungamithi Liyanda!
Ncesh: Unabazali u girl, bazokwenasa umntwana.
Sakhiwo: Sulahlekisa umntana wena, awukazali kodwa wa
graduate’a kudala.
Ncesh: Wena uzele? Coz mna ndilinde wena.
Sakhiwo: Kodwa uthi ku Li-
Liyanda: Whoah bethuna, andizomitha. Rest.

The ride to the dinner located suddenly became muted.

But they had fun, the food was delicious and then after about
two hours they headed out. As they stepped outside, Liyanda
saw Ginger with a woman and so she thought it was Onele, she
ran after them but at a few feet away she noticed that the
woman was not her friend. She stopped and frowned, then
dialed Onele immediately.

Onele: Sithotho?
Liyanda: Is Ta G in East London?
Onele: Yup.
Liyanda: Are you with him right now?
Onele: Nope.
Liyanda: Uphi chomi?
Onele: Mna or yena?
Liyanda: Wena, uphi right now?
Onele laughed… irritating Liyanda who started cussing at her.
Onele: Haibo chill, I’m at his house. Undithukela ntoni?
Liyanda: Are you driving?
Onele: Yes.

Liyanda dropped the call and ran back to her siblings, she asked
her brother to drop her off at the house and promised she was
safe. Well, she didn’t know that, but what she knew was that
Onele would need a backup because she suddenly felt like
Onele knew what Ginger was up to. After trying very much to
convince her siblings, they eventually dropped her off and she
called Onele who opened the gate for her. As she walked in, she
looked around and saw that the kitchen was still intact and so
she breathed. Onele was sipping on wine in the lounge, looking
at a confused Liyanda.

Onele: Uyaphi baby?

Liyanda: Why do I feel like you’re up to no good?
Onele: Maybe that’s because you kind of know me too well.
Liyanda: What are you doing here? Where is Ta G?
She got up, poured Liyanda a glass and then stood behind the
couch looking at the blank TV screen.
Onele: Bongani is out with Siyasisanda.
Liyanda: You mean he is out with his ex? What? Are they back
Onele: Uhm, I assume they are.
Liyanda frowned, and put her glass down.
Liyanda: What are you doing here? How long have you known?
Onele: I came to collect my stuff… I walked in on them a few
weeks after we came back from Pretoria. They didn’t see me,
but I took her phones and spent the little money I managed to
access from her accounts.
Liyanda: What?!
Onele: I came with Claire.
Liyanda took her glass again and smiled, at least even if Onele
was hurting, she wasn’t crying.
That would be awkward.
Liyanda: So are we juuuust fetching izinto zakho? Qha?
Onele: We could fry some Pork sitye
they won’t be home until after 10 pm.
Liyanda: Okay, I’ll fry some pork. What are you going to do?
Onele: I’m going to change his bedlinen, imdaka man.

Liyanda nodded with a smile, and went to the kitchen while

Onele went to collect every document she could find in Ginger’s
bedroom/study/safe. Everything. When she was done she
changed the bed linen, put the dirty one in the washing
machine but didn’t wash it and then went back to the bedroom
where she found a brown envelop under the bed, it belonged to
Siyasisanda. She took that envelope, and a USB that she kicked
on her way out. She picked it up, closed the door and went to
put the things in her car then joined Liyanda in the kitchen.
They made food enough to feed the entire neighborhood… they
took every meat that was left in the fridge and left with it,
leaving the dirty dishes under the sink where Ginger would
normally keep them. As they got to Onele’s car… well, not hers,
but she was driving it, Liyanda stopped and looked at her friend.

Onele: And then? Ucinga ntoni?

Liyanda: So sizoshiya utywala sibubona?

Onele laughed, shaking her head.

They both walked back inside, they took every bottle from the
fridge, and then a number of bottles from the cellar. When
Liyanda was satisfied, they walked out, locked and drove to her
home because that’s where they were going to store the booze.
In the old backroom she used for her painting stuff…
Once they were done offloading and packing or rather, hiding
the alcohol, they went back to Onele’s car and chat for a bit.

Liyanda: How are you?

Onele: Mh… numb? I mean, I thought after that day he would
stop, but kuyacaca ba a leapord really never changes its spots.
Liyanda: What are you going to do now? Way forward?
Onele: I am not going to dump him…
Liyanda: Onele…
Onele: Uyandiqhela u Ginger Liya mfethu. Imagine being
disowned by your own sister fighting for someone who will later
on shit on your face? Uyandiqhela, and ndizomlungisa. I want
him to dump me ngokwakhe so that angabe eleqeka emva
kwam. When he really makes the decision he will stick to it, in
the meantime, khanindiyeke ndiyotya imali ka Ntsika!

Liyanda frowned and asked, “Ntsika?” and Onele nodded,

“Some guy who used to crush on me while we were in
highschool. He lives up my street and he has asked that I
accompany him to his cousin’s party this weekend ndamxelela
ba andinanto yonxiba even if I wanted to accompany him. Then
he said we will go shopping ngomso”.
Liyanda sighed… Onele was playing with fire, knowing fully well
that Ginger would never hurt her but what about this Ntsika?

Onele: Relax, he knows I have a boyfriend.

Liyanda: I’m worried about what will that scumbag of yours do
to lo Ntsika wakho mna. Uyamazi u Ta G akabhadlanga.
Onele: Akazomenza nix… watch and see.

Liyanda nodded, still not sure if she liked what Onele was doing.
It was a dangerous game, even for Onele.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 32
-𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒐-

It was now their last week in East London so they had a get-
together at Liyanda’s house, because her parents didn’t want
her to go out. Her friends brought snacks and so they made a
picnic at the back. Seeing that they didn’t mind camping in his
backyard, her father started off a braai, just for them and
allowed them privacy once the meat was done.

Mimi: Okay fam, I know a lot went down while we were in the
villages. Fill me in, siqale ngo sisi omdala.
They all looked at Claire and laughed.
She cleared her throat and took a glass, filling it up with wine-
infused grape juice.
Claire: First things first, ndine man.
Chu: Hay lantso!
Claire: iMan endithandayo bethunana, like, yho umntwana
wabantu doesn’t care about my mood swings. I feel like,
kungona ndizolazi uthando manyhani apha kulobhuti,
ayandithanda qha qwaba.
Mimi: I hope he’s not a gangster like someone’s boyfriend.
Onele: Ndikufake isihlangu.
They all broke out, laughing at her.
Claire: He’s not… well, he doesn’t seem like he is.
Mimi: You’re not sure?
Claire: The relationship is still new guys, obviously he’s not
going to overwhelm me with so much information, but I do
know the basic stuff. He doesn’t have a child so no baby mama
drama ahead.
Liyanda: Lucky you!
Mimi: Yhima yhima siyeza kuwe, ugcwele uthe qhu I can see
They both laughed.
Claire: I would like ya’ll to meet him, but that would probably
be when you guys come back in June.
Chu: Why?
Mimi: Uhlalaphi?
Onele: Yho niyabuza guys, can I now update ngeyam ilove life
niyeke u Siphe?

They nodded, Claire smiled, seeing that Onele was protecting

her from the Ndlongolo twins. She actually didn’t know what
she would have said to them, the lies she would have uttered
had Onele not saved her.

Onele: Ginger has gotten back with his ex-girlfriend.

Chu: Which ex ke baby, ikhona leyana iyi psycho, yakhe
yasiphambanela kwa Ta G.
Liyanda: And then there’s leyana that accused him of rape,
lowana man wayebhatalwa zeza guys zase Qu-
Claire: U Phakama, nope ayinguye. She’s in jail lowo.
Mimi: And then there’s the one who’s dating the Khumalo
brother… Siya? I think.
Claire: Siya?
Mimi: Yeah, she works for Abendeiya and Sons mani. PA yala
Liyanda felt her hear beating very hard against her chest… they
said the ex was dating a Khumalo brother? Which one? Surely it
wasn’t her Khumalo man, or maybe it was the younger one?

Onele: Siyasisanda, Ginger is back with Siyasisanda McClaw.

Mimi: Asoze Onele, asoze mntase. Unless the guy has a death
Chu: Hayi Mincili.
Mimi: Yho, khendithule.

Now everyone was looking at them. It was clear that they knew
quite a lot either about Siyasisanda or the Khumalo brother. All
this while Liyanda is anxiously waiting for Nairota to respond to
a text she had sent a second ago. In her brain, she had sent it
ten hours ago, and he was mizing her. Anxiety!

Claire: Hay yhimani, what do you know that we don’t know?

Onele: Argh, chomi. We all know how dangerous Bongani’s life
is. I understand exactly what they mean, if he’s gone back to
Siya that means he really has a death wish because Kuriyata will
kill him with his bare hands.
Mimi: You know Kuriyata?
Onele: Yup, met him a few times. But I kind of prefer his
brothers than him.

That second, everyone noticed how Liyanda was quite and they
turned to her frowning. She was blind-mindedly looking at the
swings, her mind far far away.

Onele: Lilly, you okay?

She didn’t respond.
Chu shook her softly and she snapped and coughed, everyone
frowned and just sat there waiting for her to speak up.

Liyanda: Uhm, nithetha ngantoni? I’m sorry, I just drifted off.

Claire: Babe
what’s bothering you?
Chu: And don’t say it’s nothing. Eversince we started talking
about Siyasisanda you just zoned out.
Mimi: Is it something we said? Or siyakubhora?

She took a deep breath, looking at her hands.

Then she decided to publicize her relationship… it was just an
impromptu decision.

Liyanda: Okay, I’ll take this turn to fill you guys up, noba
ibingeyoyam ke. I am dating a Khumalo brother too… I uhm, we
met in Pretoria not so long ago, he’s been visiting me here and
the flow is great. When you guys mentioned that surname… I
guess I panicked… I am still in panic. What if the man I am
falling for is actually Siya’s boyfriend and he lied to me?
Chu: Yhoooooooo!!!
Mimi: Yhima wena nge drama, what your boyfriend’s name
Liyanda: Mzuvukile.
Mimi: That’s not Siya’s man, his twin-brother is.
Liya nodded, trying to smile.
Onele: You are dating Mzuvukile Khumalo and I didn’t know?
Liyanda: Intsha chomi…
Onele: Yho Liyanda, do you know what you’re getting yourself
Claire: What do you mean?
Onele just refilled her glass, shaking her head silently.
Claire: Onele, what do you mean?
Onele: Masityeni guys, congratulations Lilly on the new
relationship. Hope it works out, you deserve to be loved
mntase. Not sure if he can do that, but who am I?
Liyanda: He loves me… he has proven that.
Onele: Good, who’s next?

Claire frowned, she was old enough to see that Onele knew a
lot about the Khumalo men but didn’t want to dish out and so
did the Ndlongolo twins. Her fear was that Liyanda was sooo
inlove she couldn’t see that, she couldn’t see that her friends
were actually concerned about the relationship. Though young,
Onele had always been the reasonable one, so Claire promised
herself that she would talk to Onele when everyone else wasn’t
with them. She wanted to understand her stance in the whole
Khumalo brother issue.

Chu: Well, we are going to a club in PE on Friday, umntu

makazicengele umzali wakhe kwangethuba.
Claire: Ewe ewe please, mna ndinomzi wam andihlali nabazali.
Liyanda: Uyazibona ba umdala nyhani ke? Ngaske akutshate lo
mystery man ube humbled once!
Mimi: Once Lilly!

They laughed at Claire who was rolling their eyes.

It started to drizzle so they packed up, and it was already late so
they told the elders that they were leaving. Claire drove with
Onele with the twins shared a ride. Onele’s phone rang, and
she ignored it, but silenced the phone. As Claire stopped in
front of Onele’s house, they spotted Ginger’s car. She eyed
Onele who didn’t seem bothered.

Claire: What is he doing here?

Onele chuckled, with a shrug.
Claire: When last did you speak to him?
Onele: Two days before he took Siya on a date.
Claire: What?
Onele: They went on a date recently, I last spoke to him two
days before that.
Claire: You have dumped him, right?
Onele: Why would I do that? Haibo chomi, yindoda yam u
Claire: Utshaya ntoni Onele? Ginger is cheating on you with his
ex, and you are fully aware yet you don’t want to dump him?
Onele opened the door and stepped out, closed it and leaned
on the open window looking at a frustrated Claire.
Onele: Siphe, I will not dump u Bongani but I will teach him a
lesson. I will teach him a lesson he will never forget in his
lifetime, a lesson that whenever he sees any female engangam
ngeminyaka he will run away ayokhangela iintanga zakhe.

Claire sighed… Onele and danger ke, she thought to herself.

Claire: Just don’t get hurt.

Onele: If I get hurt chomi, he dies. He understands that, my
brothers are watching him like a hawk. They had beeeen
watching him since we started dating, one wrong move and
he’s dead… suba ne stress, I’m enjoying this, and I will make
sure I push him to his limit. I want to see how far he can stretch,
and then I will strike. When he least expects it.

With that she winked and walked into her yard.

Claire started her car and drove away… Ginger called Onele
again, and she silenced the phone again. She knew how much
he hated being ignored, she was capitalizing on that. How far
would he stretch?
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 33
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

“𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑦𝑎… 𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒

𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘. 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘. 𝐼’𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒, 𝐼 p𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒.”

She replayed his words in her head as she got off the car…
They were laced with sexual tension in ‘em, she indeed felt that
and maybe that’s why she was excited all of a sudden. Besides,
zange ingabimnandi futhi ke into ebiwayo so this one was no
exception… ibibiwa in a sense that her boyfriend wasn’t aware
that she cut their plans short because of her boss. She told him
she was going back to work.

“𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐼 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐼’𝑚
𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒… 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘. 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑚𝑏𝑢r𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑡”

She walked inside, following the pin.

The place smelled like it had just been cleaned, smelled really
fresh… but the daunting issue was the long passage. Her senses
were on par, she could hear “click” sounds from the end of the
passage so she figured he was in the last room with a door that
was left ajar. She calculated her steps, one at a time, each one
in sync with her breathing. That was the only possible way she
could calm her nerves down.
When she eventually got to the room, she gently pushed the
door open and found Mr. Abendeiya sitting on a couch with a
bottle of whiskey next to him and a half-drank glass in his one
hand. The room was furnished with lounge furnisher, fully
furnished too and it smelled of lavender. He saw her and
jumped off his seat already looking flushed.

“Siya, you’re here… hey” he spoke up nervously and she just

looked around, building her confidence. “Please uhm… take a
seat” he assured me her in pointing at an available couch. She
sat down, crossed her legs and waited for him as he walked
over to the other end of the room where he emerged with a
wine in an iced bucket and her glass. He opened the bottle right
in front of her, poured it out and handed the glass over. She
took a sip and calmed down as he sat right next to her, not
where he was sitting when she walked in.
Chris: Thank you for coming.
Siya: You still pay my salary.
He chuckled.
Chris: I uhm, I don’t want to waste your time so I will get
straight to the point.
She nodded, taking another sip.
Chris: I love you.

Sanda laughed, he expected that.

She would laugh at anything.

Chris: I understand that you have a man, and I have a wife too
but that has not stopped me from actually falling for you. I
don’t know how to act around you lately, and when you’re not
at work I feel like my world is crashing.

She laughed again, knocking his confidence off the floor.

Chris: I know we have worked together professionally for three

years, and I wouldn’t want that to change hence I have been
ignoring these feelings for the longest time. My dad treats you
like his daughter, I wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship you
have with him… but I cant pretend anymore. I want you, I love
you Siya.
She smiled, sipped on her bev and then looked at him.
Sanda: Its lust wena Chris, certainly not love.
Chris: Siya you’re not listening to me.
Sanda: I am listening to you Mr. Abendeiya, and I am telling you
that you just want to have sex with me. Lust.
Christ shook his head….
Sanda: I have a boyfriend that I am happy with, he loves me
dearly and I have no doubt about that. I feel safe with him. You
on the other hand, you have a wife that you’ve been married to
for the past twelve years, you love her. I am not a child that will
believe you are only with her because of the kids or because
you’re protecting the family name… no. You love her. So, believe
me when I say whatever you are feeling is lust Chris, definitely
not love my dear.
Chris: Siya, you know I could treat you much better than that
Zulu boy.
Sanda: You want me
yet you’re still insulting my boyfriend?
He looked down, and apologized.

Sanda: Let’s say I agree to whatever you’re proposing, because I

know you will not leave Faith, what do I gain from all of this?
Chris: Whatever you want.
Sanda: Uh-uh, you must have at least drawn something up. I
can’t risk with my life and reputation for “whatever you want”
kaloku Chris.

Be real, what am I gaining from this?

He breathed, nervously looking at his hands and then he looked
back at her gorgeous face. His mind went off-track for a second,
imagining how he would like her face and suckle on her cheeks,
granted the opportunity. He was smitten.

Chris: If you could be available for me whenever I needed you I

would offer you R10K monthly allowance, that would be
reviewed maybe after six months. On top of that I would buy
you a new car, and pay for two vacations and flights in a year…
hopefully I’d get to tag along in one of them.
Siya: I want a raise, and a new position.
Chris: I can give you a raise, not a position.
Siya frowned.
Chris: I can’t let you work with someone else. I have to see you,
every day.
Sanda: Haibo we will still be working in the same building, don’t
be selfish.
Chris: I’m sorry Siya, that I cannot and will not do. Everything
else, I will willingly do, no hesitation.

She nodded, and put her glass down then turned to him, she
felt his breath leave his body as his eyes dropped to her chest.
She was one of the gifted ones.

“So, what are you going to do with me now that I’m here? I
mean, I dropped everything, left my boyfriend and came
running to you… compensate me, however way you see
She didn’t have to ask him twice, as though he had been
waiting for the opportunity to present itself, he smashed his lips
on hers, pulling her bottom lips into his greedy mouth and she
winced. The couch was big enough for both of them… it looked
like a sleeper couch took, very broad. He only noticed this as he
lay her down, her clothes already across the coffee table, now
left with underwear. He took a second and stopped, looked at
her beautiful and delicate skin for over two minutes before
kissing her from the toes up… sending tingles between her legs
and all over her swollen nipples.

“God… what am I doing?” Siyasisanda mentally asked herself,

but she wasn’t even making an attempt to stop her boss from
what he was doing. A part of her wanted him just as bad,
another part wanted him as revenge to Kuriyata, but another
part felt the betrayal she was embarking on. If her man were to
ever find out about that couch moment, he would die. It would
kill him… but she didn’t stop.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 34
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-
She drove herself home… no contract in hand.
Contract? Yes, a surety that Chris would keep his end of the
deal, now that he got a large piece of what he wanted from her.
She ran herself a bath, and soaked in. Her body relaxed at the
soft touch of the bubbles and so did her mind.
“What are you doing, Siyasisanda?” she asked herself once
again, but she didn’t have an answer. She had no answers…
besides the fact that she enjoyed the time she spent with Chris.
She sniggled at the thought… Chris was different from Mzukisi,
he was dominant yet a cry baby too. She saw that in his eyes.
Just as she was trying to reimagine his eyes, her phone rang.
She reached out to it and her hear smiled.
“Khumalo?” she answered.
“Ukahle?” he asked and she could tell that he was upset.
“I’m okay, yourself?”
“What’s going on with you? With us?” Ah, he was hurt.
She got out of the bath, drained the water and dragged a towel
as she walked to her bedroom.
“I am not sure I follow, what’s going on where?” she asked.
“You left Cape Town without telling me you’re leaving, and then
I can’t reach you for an entire day, I get to your place awukho
and no one has seen you, I get to your work and everyone says
you’re still on leave. What is going on?”
Shit! She panicked, she didn’t tell Candy she was back.
And she wasn’t really good with lying, she knew if she lied too
much she would slip up at some point.
“You’re stalking me now?” she asked while trying to think of an
excuse, a reasonable excuse.
“Ukhuluma ngani manje? Angithi uhambile ungang’tshelanga
bese uvala ucingo? Ubucabang’ukuthi ngenzeni ke? Ng’tshele
mfethu ukuthi wena kuloyomqondwana wakho ubucabangani?”
He wasn’t just upset, but he was mad.
“Mbulazi, I am not sure why you’re upset with me. I told you I
am going home, and it’s not like ndikuzimele, I informed your
brother who was there when I left. You didn’t find me at work?
You won’t find me there because I am only starting on Monday”
“Pho kungani ucingo luvaliwe?”
“I was at home, I didn’t want to be disturbed. Just like you find
peace with being around your brothers, I find peace being with
my family. I even left you to enjoy your peace but now it seems
like I can’t enjoy mine” what is it called again? Gaslighting? Yes,
she was doing exactly that to him. He sighed.
She listened to his breathing and knew that she had hurt him…
but she just couldn’t apologize.
“Uhm… are you still in East London?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m leaving on Monday.”
“I’ll come to you tomorrow then”
She frowned, she thought he would say “Ngiyeza ngizok’landa”
but he didn’t. He just hung up.
She looked at her screen, still frowning but decided to just let it
go. She lotioned her body and got in bed, stark naked. Mzukisi
on the other hand was camping outside the Abendeiya mansion
when he couldn’t get hold of her earlier on he had asked Clive
to look for Chris Abendeiya and what he found shattered his
heart… Clive went to check the place out and took pictures of
the movie that was playing before his eyes. He obviously didn’t
want to be part of it, so he just sent his big brother the location
of the Mansion, not where Siya was, then he called…
Mzukisi: Mntungwa?
Clive: She is with him.
Mzukisi: Mus’udlala ngami mfethu.
Clive: I will send you pictures.
Mzukisi: No, send me the damn location Zwelethu, not pictures.
Clive: I am not going to do that… Siya doesn’t really know that
side of you and I don’t wish for her to be fully exposed to it
unless you want me to involve ubhuti. Uma kungenjalo then
chill, I will tell you when she leaves and don’t even think of
tracking this call, I have disabled my location.
He grunted, furiously.
Clive: Bye?
Mzukisi: Send me the location to Chris’s home then, obviously
they are not there. His wife is there.
Clive: His wife and kids Khumalo, innocent kids.
Mzukisi: Location, please.
Clive: Okay fine, just don’t act on your anger. Predators know
when to strike.
He hung up and waited for the location pin, once he got it he
drove to Abendeiya mansion and scouted the place. He studied
everything that happens in a day, because he would need such
information the day he decided to strike… Clive was right, he
had to cool down. Or he would miss the whole thing.
“Ukuphi Mntungwa?” Nairota asked in a call.
“Ngi busy, ufunani?”
“Weh ndoda, ukuphi ne moto yami. Nd’funa ukuya kumuntu
wami phela. Hawu!”
“Ngithe ngi busy, awuzwa yini?”
Mzuvukile shook his head, his brother obviously not seeing that
“She’s sleeping with him…” Mzukisi spoke up.
“Okay slow down Mntungwa, who’s sleeping with who?”
Mzuvukile asked.
“uSiya, she’s sleeping with Chris. I put Zwelethu on her and he
just sent me pictures. There’s proof Mzuvukile, yet she thinks I
don’t know… like, lengane ingenza is’lima while I have proof
“Mmh, so what are you going to do next?”
“I need to deal with Chris first, ng’zobuya ngaye u Siya”
“You need to deal with Siya, she owes you loyalty. Not Chris,
futhi in your dealing ukhumbule ukuthi we do not lay hands on
women” Nairota emphasized the last part.
“Awung’mele wena Mr. Perfect, ngithe I will deal with Chris
bese ngiya ku Siya. Ukhe wangizwa ng’khuluma ngok’shaya
umuntu mina?”
“Waziwa imina ke Mntungwa, ngiyak’khuza njalo. Asim’shayi
umuntu wes’fazane kwa Khumalo”
Then he hung up.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 35
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

Uyabukwa was most certainly not to be told anything.

Yes, loyalty was vital, in any relationship but Uya was just too
loyal to Siyabulela that it bore the isht out of Sanda’s colorful
life. She had told her about the sexual encounter with Chris,
and told her about the possibility of “hooking up” with Bongani
and that’s where Uyabukwa threw out the bottles. She
threatened Sanda that she would tell Mzukisi if she were to
ever mess up Bongani’s relationship, because Bongani was
happy with Onele. Did Siyasisanda care about that? No, she
only cared about the fact that she was granted another
opportunity to mingle with her old love. Maybe rekindle the old
love, because to be fair, she was mostly likely still inlove with
Bongani than she was with Mzukisi.

Mzukisi went to see her, around 2 pm because she didn’t keep

her end of the deal. She said she would come to his house, but
she didn’t, so he drove over there with braaied meat and a
bottle of wine. The gate was open so he just drove in, hoping to
catch her out doing anything sinister. Unfortunately, he found
her laying on her couch eating cookies while talking on the
phone with Uyabukwa. They ended the call, and Sanda frowned
at a somber Mzukisi before she kissed his cheek, taking the
meet to warm it and plate up for both of them.

“Thank you,” he took his plate and ate one piece in silence.
“You good?” She asked, drinking her wine and he nodded
before asking, “Ubukuphi izolo?” and she chuckled, nervously
now because she felt like he knew the whole truth, what she
wasn’t going to do though was to incriminate herself.
“Are we really going to talk about that, today?” she tried
ducking away.
“It’s a very simple question, ubukuphi izolo?”
“I told you I was at home Khumalo, what’s with the question
“And I would be a liar if I told you that I spotted your car in one
of your boss’s properties?” He asked that not even looking at
her, her heart did not only sink, but it did a backflip and got
stuck in her throat.

Her silence probed him to look up, she wasn’t even smiling
But he could see the nerves in his eyes, and the anxiety that
accompanied them… she cleared her throat.

“You wouldn’t be lying, I went to view the place. It is my project

for the year… as his PA I needed to know what we’re working
with so I would look for suitable interior designers to work on

That was a white lie.

But he nodded.

“So what time did you go home after viewing the place?” he
asked, eating. She knew she was busted, he had proof.
“I didn’t check the time”
“It was after 3pm, and what time did you go in there?”
Now she was sweating… at least if he was angry and maybe
cussing, she would know how to react. He was calm. Eating.
Minding his own. And bombarding her with questions.
If she wanted to pin anything on him she had to think very fast.
“I don’t remember”
He nodded.

“Hay, akunankinga. Bengithi ang’dlule nje ngokubone before I

go home”
“Home as in KZN?” she asked, getting a bit excited that she
would now turn the conversation around.
“Mh, you know I have been waiting for you to actually fill me in
ngo Buhle. But it seems like I will wait forever… it seems like you
are not going to willingly engage me on what really happened
He frowned, he did not expect that.
“Iyana told me”
“Mh, Iyana. Well, there’s nothing to tell. Buhle is lying, I am not
a rapist
I would never touch a woman against her will” he answered
confidently but she couldn’t read him. Yes, she could read the
confidence but other than that, he was a closed book. There
was something dark in his eyes that she couldn’t pin. It was
unfamiliar, but it looked like it was just another trait of his, a
“You didn’t rape her, is that what you’re sticking to” she asked,
looking straight in his eyes.
“No, I did not rape her. Why don’t you believe me? Do you think
I am capable of such?”
“I am trying to understand why she would single mindedly
choose to frame you for rape? What would she gain?” Sanda
“I don’t know… momentum?”
“Momentum on what Khumalo? Buhle says you raped her, but
instead of going to the cops, she marries your brother? What
kind of momentum is she gaining from all of this? It is not like
she publicized the information, Iyana had to dig for it. What
momentum are you talking about?”

He sighed, and wiped his hands.

“Mfethu, ngithe kuwe I didn’t touch her, I don’t know what else
you want me to say. If you do not believe lento engiy’shoyo
then go back to Iyana and get more information, or better yet,
as’hambe siye ku Buhle umbuze wonke lombhedo. She will have
better answers for you, as the supposed victim”
He got up, took his phone and car keys, then looked at her.
She got up, a little disappointed that he wasn’t entertaining any
of her stunts.

“I am not sure when I’m coming back, I am still going to Pretoria

after KZN…what do you need?”
“I need you…”
“Besides me, what don’t you have? Food? Meat? Toiletries?
Electricity” he tried to ignore the puppy eyes.
“Khumalo, I need you to at least make time for me kule
schedule yakho. I understand you’re a busy man, but I need you
to also prioritize me. Unless you have someone else warming
up your bed when I’m not there?”

He smiled, giving into that jealous tone that he knew was faked
because of his questions earlier. He sniggled, pulling her waist…
kissing her cheeks, tip of her nose and then forehead.

“There will never be another woman warming up my bed… that

is your job” he assured her and she smiled wearily.
“Yet you’re leaving, without giving me something to ponder on
in your absence”
He chuckled, tightening the grip around her love handles.
“Ah baby, believe me when I say if I had the time, I would… and
besides, you look tired. I don’t want to wear you off”
She frowned, he bent his head and kissed her lips.
Her heart was beating against her chest… why would he say
that? Did he know that he had sex with Chris? Yes he knew
about her car, but he would need the security access to get into
the house to even see that room they were in…
“Ngiyakuthanda mama, and you are priority to me”
“I love you too Khumalo… travel safe”
He nodded, pecking her lips one last time and then he walked
out. She opened the gate for him, and watched him disappear.
She ran to the mirror and looked at her face… she didn’t look
tired, what the hell did he mean? After a few minutes, he sent
her R2500 to buy anything eshotayo or buy petrol and go out
for lunch with her friend Iyana as Uyabukwa was based in Cape
Chapter Thirty-Six
-𝑺𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒘-

Two days later she decided to just go out and have a solo-lunch.
She could have called Iyana, but she didn’t need the kind of
energy was in, hence she opted to go by herself. She wore
strappy black heels, leather shorts and a tucked-n padded t-
shirt. Her first stop was the massage parlor, then the lunch and
thereafter a little shopping. As much as she felt guilty about
what she did with Chris, she was excited about the future.
Whether with Chris, or with Mzukisi.
As she walked out of M&H, she spotted a familiar head turning
a nearby corner and her heart almost stopped. After a second
corner, she quickly followed behind him and as she had
anticipated, it was him. Bongani Sambhuza. She quickly walked
up to him and patted his shoulder, he had two M&H bags, and a
G-Star one. He stopped and frowned at her…

“Ek’se” he said, still frowning.

“Bongani… hi” she heaved.

After an awkward minute, he opened his arms for a hug and she
smashed her body against his. For the longest time she
fantasized about that moment, and now that it was happening,
it felt better than the one in her imaginations. He still smelt
really good, God!

“Where have you been?” He asked, not releasing her from the
fuzzy embrace.
“I’ve been around, gosh I missed you” she spoke without
thinking and he squeezed harder but didn’t respond verbally.
After a few more minutes of attracting attention, he suggested
they grab a bite at Mugg and Bean, it was the closest to where
they were. She didn’t decline, even though she had just had
lunch. After placing their orders, they caught up for a bit, their
food came and they enjoyed each other’s company. Siyasisanda
kept on thinking “maybe his girlfriend is going to call” but their
time spent was undisturbed. Which she really appreciated.

They later went to Ginger’s house, had a few drinks and one
thing led to another.
The following morning, she woke up to him staring at her. She
smiled, pulled the covers and covered her chest. He laughed
and kissed her lips.

“Good morning” he moaned.

“Good morning Bobo”

He smiled, she was the only person, even back then, who called
him Bobo.

“After so many years, you still call me that?”

“Haha, I feel better calling you that than calling you Ginger”
He nodded, still smiling at her.
“We shouldn’t have broken up Bongani…” she started off and
he just looked at her.
“I was young, and naïve… but even so, I never stopped loving
you. I never stopped thinking about you” she said the last part
very softly.
“You hurt my feelings Anda”
“I know, and I am sorry” she said, touching his jawline.
“I have someone, and I love her. She’s young, but she’s
“But you’re here with me right now, I don’t see her anywhere?”
she answered cockily.
He got out of the bed, she jumped suit and apologized.
“Uxolo torho Bongani, I didn’t mean that… I am sorry. I know
you are in a relationship and I have heard how good she has
been to you. I am not here to ruin that…” she stuttered.
“What do you want then Anda?” he asked looking outside the
She stood there and wonder the same thing… what did she
“I want to be loved the same you loved me back then… I want
that kind of love, that kind of relationship. I know I am loved by
the man I am with, but he doesn’t match”
“Cut the bullshit Anda, you love danger and are only with
Kuriyata because of the financial security. Everybody knows
She frowned
how did he know about her relationship?
How did he even know about her life?
“How do you know him?” she asked softly, trying to compress
the lump in her throat.
“I’ve seen him around,”
“And you came to the conclusion that I don’t love him how?”
she asked, grabbing her shorts and getting dressed.
“Do you love him ke?”

She didn’t answer him, and he didn’t probe.

When she was done getting dressed, she left him in his room
and ran to the lounge. Something about how he said
“everybody knows that” made her angry. Who was everybody?
What were the chances of him being in constant
communication with Uyabukwa?

“Someone was here” she said, looking at her handbag as he

joined her in the lounge. Bongani frowned and looked at the
gate, it was still locked. He could see it from the porch.
“The gate is still locked, no one was here”
“Well what happened to my bag? I know there were two
phones here, an iPhone 8 and a Huawei P30. Where are they
now?” she asked frantically, already panicking. She wasn’t even
thinking of Ginger’s girlfriend because Uyabukwa always
referred to her as “lamntwana” meaning she was young. She
wouldn’t go to such extremes. Her fear was Mzukisi following
her and finding her in another man’s bed, right after whatever
he found about Chris.
“Okay, I’ll check the cameras… what else is missing?” Bongani
asked as she turned her bag inside-out. She sighed, sitting down
and covered her face.
“My wallet is gone too, there was R2000 in cash in there. Oh,
and my cards too? How the fuck am I supposed to go about
kengoku? Funeka ndiyoqalela yonkinto???”

He went to the security cameras and there was nothing

Onele knew her way around the house, she knew how many
camera and where they were plucked up. Obviously, she
wouldn’t play around them. After thirty minutes of cracking
their brains, Siyasisanda decided to leave ayovasa kwakhe, then
she went to the bank to make a new card. She almost lost her
mind when she got the statement and saw her bank balance.

“Ms. McClaw, your Capitec card was used to fill petrol, buy KFC
and McDonalds at around 10pm last night. Twenty thousand
rand was used on Shein clothing store. You authorized all of the
above, the bank is not responsible or liable for any of it. I’m
sorry I cannot be of help ma’am”
She looked at her bank balance again, a mere R20 was left. She
couldn’t even buy a R100 phone with that money, to at least
make phone calls.

She took a deep breath and went to Vodacom where she

bought the iPhone, unfortunately, they couldn’t trace the
iPhone, and so she lost hope for the second one. With all new
cards, one with untouched money and the other with R20. She
used the money on the second bank card and bought another
phone, Huawei Nova and did a sim swap, so that she could at
least call Mzukisi and she called him on her way home.
“Khumalo?” he answered his phone.
“Baby…” she broke down.
“Baby? Ukhalelani? What’s going on? Ukuphi?”
She breathed, the tears still streaming down her now swollen
“I am on my way home, I was mugged yesterday on my way
home” she lied.
“What? Are you hurt? Why are you only telling me today?”
“I am not hurt, they took my bag and ran with it. I just came
from the bank, I had to make new bank cards and buy a new
phone and do a sim swap”
“Okay, now ukhalelani mfethu? Yazi I thought you’re hurt?” she
sighed, relieved.
“Baby I was too late, they spent every cent on my Capitec card…
every cent including my mother’s savings that were in the
He didn’t respond for a second, and she sniffed, wiping her
“How much was your mother’s money?”
“R20 000 baby”
“Okay, I’ll send you that amount. Please now, keep it safe or ask
one of your siblings to keep it safe.”
“Enkosi mntu wam, I love you”
“Love you too”

He hung up.
She looked at the screen, why he cold to her? Normally he
would have said he’s getting the next plane to get to her, but he
just… he seemed cold.
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-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-

The girls had spent the entire day at Liyanda’s house having a
picnic at the back, when Claire dropped Onele off, they saw
Ginger’s car parked right by Onele’s house. A part of her
wanted to tell Claire to drive off, angohliki because she knew he
probably figured that she had caught him out and everything
that he found messed up kwakhe was all her fault. But another
part of her didn’t care whether he figured it out or not. She
took a deep breath and got out of Claire’s car, Ginger called and
she ignored him as she walked into her home and straight to
her room. She used that time and started packing, it was her
last week home, and she had a party to prepare for. Even
though the “Ginger” issue was hurting her, she knew she
wouldn’t miss Ntsika’s invitation for the world. She finished up,
and went to prepare dinner for the family… Cassandra didn’t
come home, she went to Port Elizabeth with Milli and so the
folks also spent the previous week with them, they were all
supposed to come to East London together. Bongani called for
the tenth time and now she answered, because she was tired. It
was either that, or she’s just have to block his calls…
“Bongani Sambhuza?” She answered the phone, wakhuza u
Bongani. She just waited in silence.
“Nd’cela uphume”
“Haibo, sendilapha phandle. I won’t take more than five
minutes of your time. Ndiyakucela.”
“Ndithe andifuni. Now stop pestering me and go back to
wherever you’ve been for the past two days”

She hung up.

He called again… the nerve!

“It’s either you leave me alone Bongani or I will block all your
numbers, okay?” She answered the phone with an outburst.
“Whoah baby, okay chill out. Why are you upset with me? I ca-“
“I don’t care what you came to do ekhaya, just leave me alone.
Is that English not clear enough for you?” She cut him short and
he breathed.
“Nelle? Please, five minutes”
She hung up, and turned off her phone.
One thing she knew without a doubt was that he wasn’t going
to get off his car aze kuye endlini. He didn’t know abekho
abantu abadala. She continued cooking, when she was done,
she turned on her phone and checked messages… she was
specifically waiting for eka Ntsika ke because they were
supposed to go shopping for her dress. He had not sent any,
and she didn’t bother reminding him. Instead, she took a walk
to the shop, and to her not so surprise, Bongani was still parked
outside. As soon as she was about five blocks away from her
house he started his car and followed right behind her, as he
caught up, she also reached the shop. She felt weird about what
he was doing, it felt like he was a stalker
the dangerous ones. But she blocked that thought off her mind,
he was dangerous, that part he she knew but what she also
knew was that he would never hurt her. She bought her chips
and walked back out as if she did not see him following her
there. He now got out of his car and walked up to her, grabbing
her hand, bringing her to a halt. She looked at him, and then at
her hand, he let go.

Ginger: Baby…
Onele: Ufuna ntoni kum?
Ginger: I understand that you’re ups- …
Onele: Answer the question before I cause drama for you here
ujongwe ngabantu, even better, ungonjwe ngabantu. Ufuna
ntoni kum?

He sighed, licking his dry lips.

Ginger: I came to apologize… I was so caught up with work I

neglected you. I am sorry.
Onele: Okay.
Ginger: Don’t just say okay kaloku baby.
Onele: Ndithini?
Ginger: I don’t know, something else besides “Okay” uyayazi
nawe umsebenzi unjani. Sometimes I leave without knowing ba
ndizobuya nini. I’m sorry for not calling you… uhm, can we get
in the car? I bought some stuff for you.

She laughed at him, shook her head and walked away from him.
A huge part of her wanted to smack his filthy mouth with that
bag of chips, but that would draw attention to them. So she
fought and conquered the thought.

“Onele” he called out and she stopped, he walked towards her

again and now he had his hands in his pants. She could tell that
begging was really not his forte, but lying through his teeth was.
He was a genius at that.
Ginger: What can I do for you to forgive me?
Onele: You could go back to your ex Bongani and enjoy life with
Ginger: Ex? What are you talking about?
Onele: I am talking about Siyasisanda McClaw. Your ex-

The one you have been spending more time with oko sifikile
apha eMonti. Go back to her, and leave me alone.
He frowned.
Probably thinking of another lie, but she could see fear in his
eyes. It wasn’t uncertainty, it was fear of being caught on a lie
and probably a secret that was meant to stay between him and
her: Siyasisanda.
Onele: Free yourself from the lies mfethu, you don’t have to do
that with me. I know about the late-night dates, I know about
the day ya’ll had sex in your house and the other days too, I
know about everything wethu Bongani. I am pretty sure you
didn’t even notice that I took my clothes ebezikwakho because
you’re too occupied with the not-so-new cat. Now do me one
favour torho, leave me the fuck alone. Okay? Leave me alone.

She walked away from him, and this time he didn’t follow her.
She got home, and a few minutes later her family hooted
outside. They were home, all of them. She missed Milli so
much, she didn’t know how she would react around Sandra
because the last time they spoke was on phone and she kind of
disowned her, ngenxa ka Bongani. The same Bongani she found
cheating with his ex. How the wheel turned, so soon even.
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-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-

Everyone was in high spirits, and Onele took note of how

Cassandra did her utmost best to avoid her. But she didn’t mind
much, Milli was stuck on her like a glue, that was good enough.
Aphiwe and Sandra were always best buddies, it wasn’t
shocking to realize that they later disappeared together without
anyone noticing and when they were called, they said they
were at the beach. A huge part of Onele felt the sadness that
she saw in her brother’s eyes, but Lionel didn’t say a word.

“Are you ready to go back to Pretoria?” Siki asked and Onele

tried to smile.
“More than ready sisi, yho abazali bakho are so controlling”
They shared a laugh.
“Is everything okay between you and Sandra? I have noticed
how distant you two are”
“We’re cool” oh that was a lie.
“Cool? What does that mean?”
“It means we have had our differences and not one of us is
willing to let go. So we have made peace with the fact that we
might never see eye to eye. So yes sisi, we are cool”

She nodded and didn’t ask much more than that.

Onele sighed, and walked away from her.
The following morning, Onele woke up to an empty bed.
She had shared her bed with Milli, and didn’t even hear his
mother taking him. She lay on her back thinking, and all that
while, she could hear her phone ringing but she knew it was
Ginger and she didn’t want to talk to him. He sent texts, and
more calls but she wouldn’t budge. Instead, she went to take a
shower, and then responded to Ntsika’s message about going
shopping for the dress. She wore a dungaree with sneakers and
a sports bra, walked out to the lounge and greeted everyone
who was awake as she walked out.
“Haibo, uyaphi Ntombi?” Cindy asked.
“Ndiyabuya sisi”
That’s all she answered.
Ntsika was already waiting for her near the shop… she got in his
car and they drove to Beacon Bay, apparently, he had seen a
dress in some boutique there. She didn’t mind, Ntsika would be
a great distraction from the pestering of Ginger. They bought
the dress, matching shoes and then grabbed some lunch.

Ntsika: I didn’t think you’d pull through with this invitation,

especially since your boyfriend is in town as well.
Onele: Keeping tabs on me now?
Ntsika: Haha, no. I saw him in Gonubie.
Onele: Well, I am not married to him Ntsika. I can do pretty
much what I want, with whoever I want to do it.
Ntsika: Mh, so you mean he wouldn’t mind seeing you having
lunch with another man?
Onele: He would definitely mind, but I am sure you’re man
enough to know how to handle another man?
Ntsika: Mh, throwing me in the deep end I see.
Onele just winked at him and finished up her lunch.

He drove her back home

and left. She walked into the yard, and Ginger bombarded her
phone again. Hearing the happy sounds indoors prompted her
to actually answer the call, buying herself a few minutes to

Onele: Bongani? Uva xakuthethwa eyiphi language?

Ginger: Baby… can we please meet up before you leave for
Pretoria? I know I messed up and I want to apologize properly.
Onele: No, thank you.
Ginger: Onele ndiyakucela ke, just five minutes.
Onele: I have five minutes now… talk!
He sighed…
Ginger: I don’t love Siya, I love you. I want you.
Onele: That’s all you wanted to say?
Ginger: No… I slept with Siyasisanda to get back at her for
dumping me back then. It had nothing to do with you, I still love
you, I still want you. Please forgive me…
Onele: Mh, so let me get this straight Bongani…
Ginger: Baby, please don’t do this. Can I come to you so we can
talk in person? I hate talking about important things over the
phone… nawe uyayazi lonto.
Onele: At this point I don’t know what I know ndikuxelele
Bongani. But I want to understand you so take me through it.
You’re telling me that you slept with your ex-girlfriend to get
back at her for dumping you. Wow Bongani, makes total sense. I
mean, you went shopping with her, you went on multiple dates
with her, you went to clubs with her, you gave her multiple
orgasms… you went through all of that just to get back at her?
Semandi tana!

He huffed.
He didn’t know how she got so much information and didn’t
even leave a trace, anything to alert him that she was on his
Onele: She must have been your first… the way you are so
attached to her, she must be your first. It’s either that, or
there’s something you’re not telling me. So, this is your only
chance Bongani to tell me the truth. What exactly are you doing
with Siyasisanda McClaw? In actual fact, what are you doing
with Mzukisi Kuriyata Khumalo’s woman? Okay scratch that,
what are you doing with Chris Abendeiya’s sidechick?

Ginger: WHAT??!
Onele: Oh, you thought she was exclusive to you just like I was?
You can be stupid when you want to yazi wena baby.
He grunted, but didn’t respond to what she was saying.
Onele: So, after you enjoyed her moaning and sexy screams, did
you at least think how I would feel? Or you didn’t care as long
as you got the cat? Did you remember to at least use protection
ke? Because for someone with so many partners I wouldn’t put
it past her that she’s not as clean as she looks. Come to think of
it, uyandiqhela yazi Bongani. I think eyonanto that makes me
want to strangle you more than dump you is the fact that I
literally fought my family to be with you. I fought tooth and nail,
ndingabahoyanga oobhuti bendixelela ngenja oyiyo and I didn’t
see a dog tu. I saw a man that I loved, until this trip. You have
proved them right, and in that process you have made me a
fool. You must be happy dawg, you won!

Then she hung up.

After a long minute, she took a deep breath and walked inside.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 39
-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-

She found her sisters gathered around in the lounging area. She
sent one of the kids to but her shopping bags in her room and
then sat around with her sisters. Everyone was laughing, and
just in a space of freedom. After a couple of minutes, Asanda
nudged her to loosen up… she sighed and grabbed a cider from
the coffee table. The parents were not home, and the children
were turning the house upside down.

Lionel: So, how’s Pretoria Onele?

She looked up, she hadn’t seen him walk in alongside Steve.
Now that would be very first day her brothers were to ever see
her with alcohol in hand. She shifted uncomfortably.

Onele: Uhm, ku mnandi bhuti.

Lionel: And school?
Onele: School… well, kumnandi ukuzihlalela, that much I can
say. Eyeencwadi yona into would need a whole bottle of
Siki: Hayi!

She laughed, and her brother joined in.

At least he caught the joke.

Lionel: Well, you have all resources you need. Just make sure
you pass, even if ku after ten years. Just pass qha!
Onele: Ngaske ndikuphe imali enentsi wena bhuti, just for
understanding that I don’t have to pass in record time. Abanye
abantu balapha don’t think like you.
Asanda: Ndim ke u “abanye” lo kuthethwa ngaye.
Onele: Oh hi sisi, I didn’t see you’re here!
Asanda threw her with a cushion, everyone laughed.
Onele: Uphi u Sandra?
Siki: She went out.
Onele: With Aphiwe again?
Asanda: They have always been inseparable, everyone knows
Onele: Mh… just feels like she’s doing everything she can to
avoid being the same space as me.
Siki: Why would she do that? I thought you said ya’ll are cool.

No one, besides the brothers, knew about Onele and Ginger.
Cassandra did say she won't mention anything because it was
not her place to, and whatever Onele chose to do was none of
her business… Onele just didn’t think she would keep that
promise. That very moment it looked she, Onele, had shot
herself on the foot.

Cindy: Okay, clearly something is happening between these two

and Onele you are going to tell us what it is. Why would
Cassandra not want to be in the same space as you?
Siki: And be honest this time around, I don’t buy that
differences nonsense you told me earlier. What is the real
reason between ya’ll not talking?
Onele sighed, and downed what was left in her bottle.
Steve walked out and went to smoke in the patio, his brother
followed, leaving the girls alone.
Lionel: You think she’ll tell them?
Steve: Knowing Onele, she will, but she wont back down
anyway. She’s so blinded by love she still wont see reason.
Lionel: I didn’t even think that relationship will last as long as it
Steve: That could mean he is also committed to her… maybe he
finally has a heart.
Lionel laughed, walked inside and took his iPad then walked
back out to Steve. He showed him Ginger’s whereabouts since
he had landed in East London. After watching everything, Steve
returned the device to its owner and shook his head.
Steve: Where was she all this time?
Lionel: In three of the days she was at his house, she definitely
saw the other chick and the other day she left with some
documents. There was one particular document that was in an
envelope that I am interested in… my problem is that I don’t
know where she hid all those documents.
Steve: Find out from her, she trusts you more than she trusts
Lionel: Hay she also trusts you qha uyakoyika, nawe uyajama!

They laughed, lighting up cigars and finishing off their whiskey.

Back inside, Onele was still “under investigation” with her
Cindy: Onele?
Onele: I am dating Ginger.
Kwathi cwaka endlini.
Onele: I am dating Bongani Sambhuza, whom you may all know
as u Ginger. Yes, he is the very same man who was working with
umyeni ka sisi to terrorize u Sandra when she first got to Port
Elizabeth. Ayintshanga, I have been dating him since I was in
grade 12 and I never told anyone of you because I knew I would
be judged.
Siki: Judged how?
Onele: Come on sisi, maybe you’re the only one who wouldn’t
have judged me but… we all know the truth. Had I told ya’ll
kwangoko yayisaqala, y’all would have judged me and maybe
told me to cut things off with him.
They didn’t deny anything.
Onele: I uhm… I don’t know how oo bhuti found out, but when I
realized that they knew about the relationship I decided to tell
Sandra ngokwam as I didn’t want them to do so ndingatshongo.
So, we had a fall-out, then. I am now saying she is avoiding my
space because this is actually the first time we would be
spending time together after that fallout. The December after
the fallout she didn’t come home, she sent the rents imali and
every other holiday she had an excuse not to come home. One
time she flew to Pretoria knowing andikho and she spent the
holidays with usisis and the kids. The other time she just came
to dump Milli then she went on vacation with her man. I am not
even sure why I am calling it a fallout when she actually
disowned me as her sister on that day. So yeah, that’s what’s
Everyone looked at Asanda… she shrugged, she didn’t know.
After she made peace with Cassandra, she thought everything
was okay, everyone was cool. She didn’t notice anything.
Cindy: So uhm, we know he is older than you, but is he treating
you well?
Onele: He does sisi.
Siki: Akakubethi? Or, izinto ezifani like ii drama zee baby mamas
and exes?
She was having a difficult time answering the questions because
she thought they would judge her, like Cassandra did. But
instead, they cared more about her well-being and safety. This
was confusing to her. Why were they acting kindly towards her?
Where was the animosity she had been expecting all the years?
5, 5); font-size: 15px;">
Onele: No sisi.
Siki: Phew, that’s better.
Asanda: You said your brothers knew about the relationship? All
these years?
Onele: Yup… they know about the fallout too.
Cindy: And they never told anyone of us?
Onele: I’m glad they didn’t. Maybe it would have caused a
bigger gap between us, maybe abanye benu would have taken
sides you know.
Asanda sighed, recalling the day she and Casandra made peace.
She vividly remembered how Onele was so adamant to go to
Pretoria, even when she (Asanda) told her that she was
spending the holidays at home for the first time after the
shooting. It dawned on her that Cassandra and Onele may have
had their fallout kwangoko. It pained her that Onele chose a
man over family, because she knew that it never ended well.
She had first-hand experience of that. But she decided that she
would not say a word… Onele was old enough to know exactly
what she was doing.
Cindy: I guess this is where we tell you that we do not judge
you, I personally wouldn’t want you to date anyone as
dangerous as the men Sithembele was dealing with, but if you
say he had been good to you for all these years then there’s not
much I can say other than we will be here for you if things don’t
work out. Onele’s eyes filled up.
She had built the wall all those years for them to say that?
Cindy: Don’t cry, please don’t do that.
Onele: I … I didn’t expect you of all people to say that.
Siki: Exactly, I’m shocked too!
Cindy: I’ve been young too, I have made my mistakes as well but
what made me learn from them was the support that I got from
the people who loved me. You see these two women and those
men outside? They covered me all my life, they know things
about me that not even umama knows, and there’s not even a
day where they felt it right to judge me. I have no right to judge
you too. Onele: Enkosi sisi.
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
Siki: We all have each other’s backs, that’s what we were taught
at the youngest of ages that we have each other and no one
else. I personally will not meddle between you and Cassandra, I
trust that you two will sort it out in due time, unforced. But I
am glad that even if you couldn’t tell, you were aware that your
brothers knew, for me that means a lot.
Cindy: Ewe yazi, at least if anything had gone wrong, she would
have been able to run to one of them bamncede.
Okay now she was crying…
Not because she was hurting, but because she spent all those
years emotionally detaching from all of them instead of opening
up to them kuba she thought they would side with Cassandra.
She convinced herself that she was the least favorite, and that
everyone in the family preferred Cassandra over her and now
they were showing her how wrong she had been. How wrong
she still was. Asanda: You okay?
Onele nodded. Asanda: You’re sure?
Onele: I just… I feel like… okay I didn’t expect this reaction. I am
surprised, but I am also grateful for you guys.
Asanda: We’re family, this is what family does.
Onele nodded and hugged her, she was closest.
Everyone else then joined in the hug, with teary eyes. It was a
new dawn for Onele… this was a moment of breakthrough for
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 40
-𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒛𝒂𝒚𝒊-

The following morning Onele woke up to the smell of burnt

oats, she knew Cassandra was home. A part of her wanted to
immediately rush to her so they could talk kungekavukwa, but a
part of her just wanted to stay in bed. One thing about her was
that she was hurting… the whole cheating thing Ginger had
resorted to, the lying… that hurt her. She may have tried to
brave it out before her friends but deep down her heart was
torn. How could he do that to her? How could he betray her like
She sighed, got out of bed and went to pee before going to her
mother’s room to look for Milli. He was the only “thing” that
made sense to her, only thing that brought her peace too.

“Yhu, wena ibekanti sewuvukile?” her mother exclaimed and

she just rolled her eyes looking around. Her mother caught on
and answered the unvocal question, “he’s with his mother in
the lounge”. She nodded and walked out, she found Cassandra
feeding Milli but they looked like they were on their way. They
were fully dressed, and smelled good.
Onele: Good Morning.
Cass: Morning.
Onele: Uhm, I went looking for him in mom’s room.
Cass: Yeah, but I will be back before him. His father is fetching
him for a date with some of his daddy-friends.
Onele: Oh okay, thought nawe uyahamba. Like, nawe
uzothathwa ngu Ta Nko.
Cass: I have a breakfast “thing” with his cousin’s wife, but I’ll be
back before lunch time.
Onele: Sure.
She kissed Milli’s forehead and then took two steps walking
away from them before stopping with a sigh.
Onele: Cass uhm… I told oo sisi about what transpired between
Cassandra frowned…
Onele: I thought you would have at least told u sis Siki by now, I
was shocked to hear that none of them knew. So uhm, thank
you, for keeping your word.
Cass: Keeping my word?
Onele: Yes, you said awungeni ndawo an-
Cass: That’s not keeping my word Onele, that’s me minding my
own business.
Onele: Well, enkosi either way.
Cassandra just shrugged and continued feeding her son.
Onele: You were very clear about your stance in the whole
thing, but I do want you to know that I miss our relationship. I
miss sharing things with you, I miss calling you in the middle of
the night. This… where we are right now hurts more than
anything. I know you have always been close with Aphiwe but I
am jealous of the time you spend with him…
Cass: You chose a man Onele over your own sister? What did
you expect? Oh wait, you expected me to congratulate you and
when I didn’t, I was the selfish sister.
Onele: I am not fighting with you Sandra, I am just opening up
because I am hurting…but I guess uzenzile akakhalelwa. Right?
She gulped, a lump had formed in the middle of her throat and
she was fighting with her tears to not embarrass her any
Cass: What has he done?
Onele: Huh?
Cass: What has Ginger done to you? Ndiyayiva yonke lento
uyithethayo but I know you, you’re not hurting because of our
relationship. What has he done?

Onele blinked, and wiped away the tears with the back of her
She took a minute, contemplating whether to be honest in her
response of just shut her sister out. But Cassandra didn’t wait
for the response, she also knew she may not get an honest
answer anyway.
Cass: A piece of advice, it is always better to be wholly loved by
him than his friends or family because that way he will protect
you from everything and everyone. I don’t know what’s going
on between you two but if he loves you manyhani he will
protect you, he will shield you and he will make sure that you
never bewail. If it happens that he hurts you in any way, never
question yourself, you’re not the problem…
Onele sniffed, she wanted to tell her sister that Ginger was
actually cheating on her… as she braved out… Lionel walked in
with his daughter in his arms. Onele nodded at Cassandra and
walked back to her room where she cried her heart out.

Around 12pm she Bolted to Bongani’s house and was welcomed
by the two familiar cars. His and Siyasisanda’s. Her heart almost
stopped, because she didn’t think she would find Siya’s car
there, not after he had been blowing her phone up with calls
and messages… she didn’t plan for that part, but now that she
was there she took a deep breath and opened the small gate,
walking herself in. She got to the kitchen door and found
Siyasisanda in a short nude dress, Ginger’s slippers… cooking.
She knocked, and Siya turned to face her. They had not met,
Onele wasn’t even sure if Siya knew about her existence.

Sanda: Uhm, hi, ngena.

Onele: Hi, thanks.

She pushed the bottom door open and then walked in and
stood against it.
Her palms sweating.
Onele: Is Bongani around?
Sanda: Yes, he’s taking a shower, you can wait for him in the
Onele: Thank you.
She walked to the lounge, her chest catching heat that was
beyond the Gaviscon control, her palms drenched in sweat and
her ears itching. This was the part where she was supposed to
call Cassandra. She would know what to do… or even Asanda.
She heard Siyasisanda’s footsteps coming closer so she looked
Sanda: Uhm, I’m sorry I didn’t offer you anything. Would you
like something to drink?
Onele: A glass of red wine please… if you have?
Sanda: Yho babes, ndisandofika nayo ayikabandi. But ikhona e
white, ebandayo.
Onele: White please.
Sanda smiled and walked back to the kitchen.
Onele looked around taking note that “ndisandofika nayo”
meaning Sanda had just got there. The wine came, and then
she was given her space again. Ginger walked down from the
stairs on the phone, he wasn’t talking… Onele’s phone vibrated
and she looked at the screen… he was calling her. She rejected
the call and watched his face... “Baby please answer your
phone… if you continue with this ndizoza kokwenu because I
cannot take this any longer. Please answer your phone”. Just as
his feet hit the ground floor, his nose twitched at the familiar
scent and he looked up. The shock on his face when he saw
Onele on the couch was never be matched to anything Onele
has seen in her lifetime. He looked at the wine glass, then at the
kitchen and then walked to Onele without saying another word.
He put the phone on the coffee table, took her one free hand
and pulled her up for a hug. She didn’t ask questions, she
hugged him back and then sat back down…
Ginger: Uhm… I was about to go to your house.
Onele: Is she always here?
Ginger: No, she just got here ufike ndizovasa kuba ndizoya
kokwenu ndiyojonga wena. We really need to talk Onele.
Onele: That’s what I thought when I came here, I am not so
sure anymore.
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He got up and went to the entrance of the kitchen and called
Siyasisanda to join them. She even hada an apron on. She sat
on the armrest near the entrance while Ginger returned to his
seat next to Onele.
Ginger: I don’t think you have formally met.
Sanda: Nope, but she looks familiar… unayo nendawo efana no
Ginger: Mh… well Siya meet my girlfriend Onele. Onele, this is
Sanda’s eyes almost fell off their sockets.
Onele: Nice to meet you Siyasisanda.
Sanda: Girlfriend? Ginger ngumntana lona kuwe haibo!
Ginger: Siya, please stay out of my business.
Sanda: How old are you nontombi? Are you even eighteen? Oh
my God!
Ginger: Siya?
Sanda: Yazi bendimncoma ba she’s very respectful ungene
wabulisa wabuza wena, no drama, nothing. Kanti yi cherry
yakho? Rha Bongani awuzithandi! Ulala nabantwana?
Then she turned to face Onele…
Sanda: Nontombi, how old are you? Okay fine what are you
getting from this? Is it for the money? Soze kaloku ibeyi love
mntasekhaya, this man is as old as your father.
Ginger: Siyasisanda please leave.
Onele: Not on my account please, bendingazango phazamisa
Ginger: Babe, let me handle this.
Sanda: Babe? Babe Bongani? Emntanani?
Onele: To answer your question Siya I am over twenty, old
enough to be sleeping with Bongani who is not as old as my dad
but old enough to be my big brother. I find it strange that you’re
concerned about my age now, yet when I asked for wine you
didn’t question it. Nonetheless, please excuse us, we need to
talk. Sanda: Haibo! Who do you think you are?
Onele: I am the girl you don’t want to mess with mntasekhaya…
grab your bag, get in your car and leave. You can come back
ngomso, you will find him here andizobaleka naye.
Sanda frowned, Onele wasn’t even shouting.
She was talking in a very civilized manner… very calm.
Sanda: Andiyindawo.
Onele: I’m pretty sure Kuriyata would be happy to find you
here, right? Sanda’s heart almost stopped.
She looked at Ginger but didn’t move.
Onele: And he’d be glad to know that you are sleeping with
your boss too, that you actually have signed a contract with
terms and conditions. I see prostitution has moved with the
times… ngu higher grade lo wakho.
Sanda’s phone dropped to the floor.
She remembered the envelope that went missing after she
spent the night in Ginger’s house.
Onele: Now please, give us some space, respectfully. As I said, I
am not going anywhere with him, we just want to talk. You can
come back later or tomorrow you will find him here, waiting for
you. She didn’t need to say anything else.
Sanda got up, grabbed her bag, heels and car keys and then
stormed off. Onele downed her wine and breathed. Now it was
time to deal with Bongani directly.

……………………………The End.…………………….

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