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Nishant Vora
B.Tech - IIT Patna
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at a point
Layman Definition
Any function f(x) is said to be continuous if we can draw the graph of
that function without lifting pen
Mathematical Definition

Continuity at a point

A function f(x) is said to be continuous at x = a, if

Continuity at a point

5 5
4 4 4

3 3 3
Continuity at a point

3 3
Continuity at a point
If the function f(x) =

(JEE Main 2021)

is continuous at x = 0, then is equal to :

A. -5

B. 5

C. -4

D. 4
Let a, b ∈ R, b ≠ 0, Define a function

(JEE Main 2021)

If f is continuous at x = 0, then 10 - ab is equal to.

Let a function f : R ⟶ R be defined as

(JEE Main 2021)

Where [x] is the greatest integer less

than or equal to x. If f is continuous on
R, then (a + b) is equal to :

A. 4

B. 3

C. 2

D. 5
Let f : R ⟶ R be defined as

(JEE Main 2021)

If f is continuous at x = 0, then α is equal to :

A. 1

B. 3

C. 0

D. 2
Let f : R ⟶ R be defined as

(JEE Main 2021)

where [x] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. If f is

continuous at x = 2, then λ + μ is equal to

A. e (-e + 1)

B. e (e - 2)

C. e

D. 2e - 1
(JEE Main 2021)

If f is continuous at x = 0, then the value of 6a + b2 is equal to :

A. 1-e

B. e-1

C. 1+e

D. e
Let f : R → R be defined as f(x) =

If f(x) is continuous on R, then a+b equals : (JEE Main 2021)

A. 3

B. -1

C. -3

D. 1
(JEE Main 2019)

A. 2/π+5

B. -2 / π + 5

C. 2/π-5

D. 2/5-π
If the function f defined on (-1/3, 1/3) by

(JEE Main 2020)

is continuous, then k is equal to _.

If the function f(x) = is continuous at each point in its

domain and f(0) = 1/k, then k is _

(JEE Main 2021)
(JEE Main 2019)




3 Important Points
to Remember
1. Continuity is always talked in the domain of

⇒ f(x)= are all continuous functions in its domain

⇒ is discontinuous at x = 1, is discontinuous at x = 0.
2. Point function are continuous.

3. Inverse of a discontinuous function
cannot be continuous.
3 Reasons for
Reasons of Discontinuity:
does not exist


1. f(x) = [x]

2. f(x) =
Reasons of Discontinuity:

exist but is not equal to f(a)

Reasons of Discontinuity:
f(a) is not defined

f(x) =
Reasons of Discontinuity:
Reasons of Discontinuity:
Note :
1. Every polynomial function is continuous.
2. Every rational function is continuous at every point where its
denominator is not equal to zero.
3. Logarithmic functions, exponential functions, trigonometric
functions, inverse circular functions, and modulus functions are
continuous in their domain.
Types of
Identify the type of discontinuity ?

at x = 1
Identify the type of discontinuity ?
Identify the type of discontinuity ?
Identify the type of discontinuity ?

f(x) = [x] + [-x]

Identify the type of discontinuity ?
Identify the type of discontinuity ?
Identify the type of discontinuity ?
Identify the type of discontinuity ?

i. at x = 1
Identify the type of discontinuity ?

ii. f(x) = 2tanx at x =

Identify the type of discontinuity ?

iii. at x = 0
Identify the type of discontinuity ?

at x = 0
Continuity in an
Continuity in open interval :
A function f is said to be continuous in (a, b) if f is continuous at
each & every point in (a, b)
Continuity in close interval :
A function f is said to be continuous in a closed interval [a, b] if

1. f is continuous at each and every point in (a, b)

2. f is right continuous at ‘a’ i.e. f(x) = f(a) = finite quantity

3. f is left continuous at ‘b’ i.e. f(x) = f(b) = finite quantity

Continuity in close interval :
How to calculate continuity in an interval ?

Look for possible points of discontinuity (PPOD)

Points to remember
All Polynomials, Trigonometric functions, Exponential and
Logarithmic functions are continuous in their domains.

Points to remember

Continuity of {f(x)} and [f(x)] should be checked at all points

where f(x) becomes integer.
Points to remember

Continuity of sgn (f(x)) should be checked at the points where f(x) = 0

Discuss the continuity of

f(x) = sgn(x3 - x)
f(x) = sgn(2cos x - 1)

f(x) = sgn(x2 - 2x + 3)
Points to remember
Continuity of a function should be checked at the points where
definition of a function changes
Points to remember

Continuity of a function should be checked at end Points

Let [t] denote the greatest integer ≤ t. The number of points where
the function
is not continuous is.
(JEE Main 2021)
If f : R ⟶ R be a function defined by

where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, then f is :

(JEE Main 2021)
A. discontinuous only at x = 1

B. discontinuous at all integral values of x except at x = 1

C. continuous only at x = 1

D. continuous for every real x

Let , for - 10 < x < 10, where [t] denotes the greatest
integer function. Then the number of points of discontinuity of f is
equal to _.
(JEE Main 2020)
Let [t] denote the greatest integer ≤ t and

Then the function, f(x) = [x2] sin(πx) is discontinuous, when x is equal to :

(JEE Main 2020)

(JEE Main 2019)

Where [t] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to t. Then, f is
discontinuous at :

A. only one point

B. only two points

C. only three points

D. four or more points

Theorems on
Theorem 1: Super Table🔥

f(x) g(x) f(x) ± g(x) f(x).g(x) or f(x)/g(x)

Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous

Continuous Discontinuous Discontinuous May be Continuous

Discontinuous Discontinuous May be Continuous May be Continuous

Theorem 2: Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT)

If f is continuous on [a, b] and f(a) ≠ f(b)

then for any value c ∈ (f(a), f(b)), there is at least one number x0 in (a, b)
for which f(x0) = c
Application of Intermediate Theorem

If f(x) is continuous in [a, b] and f(a).f(b) < 0

then there exist at least one root of f(x) in (a, b)
Theorem 3 : Extreme Value Theorem

If f is continuous on [a, b]
then f takes on, a least value of m and a greatest value M
on this interval
Key Points

1 If a function f is continuous on a closed interval [a, b] then it is

Key Points

A continuous function whose domain is some closed interval
must have its range also in closed interval
Key Points

If f is continuous and onto and one-one on [a, b] then f-1(from
the range of f) is also continuous.
Key Points

If f(a) and f(b) possess opposite signs then ヨ at least one root of
the equation f(x) = 0 in the open interval (a, b) provided f is
continuous in [a, b]
Show that there exist at least one root f(x) in (0,π) f(x) = cos(x) - x2
Identify the intervals in which 2x3 - 6x + 1 = 0 has at least one root

A. (0, 1)

B. (1, 2)

C. (-1, 0) Multi-correct ✅
D. (-2, -1)
Continuity of function involving
Today’s Topics

Continuity of functions involving limit

Discuss the continuity of the following function
Find the value of x where f(x) = is discontinuous
Discuss the continuity of f(x) in [0, 2], where f(x) =
Continuity of functions in which f(x) is defined differently for
rational and irrational value of x.

Discuss the continuity of the following function

Find the value of x where f(x) = is discontinuous

🔥 Shortcut
Find the points where f(x) is continuous

i. f(x) =
ii. f(x) =
iii. f(x) =
Continuity of
Composite Functions
Continuity of composite functions

if f (x) = and g(x) =

then discuss the continuity of f(x), g(x) and fog(x)

Continuity of composite functions
if f (x) = and g(x) =

then discuss the continuity of f(x), g(x) and fog(x)

Continuity of composite functions

and g(x) =
if f (x) =

then discuss the continuity of f(x), g(x) and fog(x)

Let the functions f : R ⟶ R and g : R ⟶ R be defined as :

(JEE Main 2021)

Then, the number of points in R where (f o g) (x) is not

CONTINUOUS is equal to :

A. 3

B. 1

C. 0

D. 2
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