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Down Under Party

Congratulations Your
Arthur Darwin!
Your a young 17 year old child named Arthur
Darwin. You grew up in a small house in NSW.
You live with your mother Gina and your father
Hans Darwin. Your about to take a large test that
will determine what you will be able to do in the
future. You are currently on a good streak with
your school. This means you have very nice
grades. You have many friends one of with being
This is Arthur
Well that's all you need to know about Arthur.
Good Luck on your journey.
You journey starts at you typical public school. You are sitting at a table eating your
lunch with you mates. You are discussing the birthday party that Rosa is having
tomorrow. Your friends have heard there will be alcohol. You learn from this
conversation that all your mates are pumped about the party and even more excited
about trying their first drink. Although you try to remain neutral about the matter you
do express some positivity towards the party and the possibility of getting to try your
first drink. Soon the lunch bell rings signaling the last period of school. You have math.
Your best mate Bryce expresses his excitement for the next subject by shouting a
profanity. Despite your good reputation with school you have zoned out this lesson.
Thinking about all the exciting things you could do at the party. Soon the math lesson
ends. You make your way to the front entrance of your school to wait for your bus.
Sadly none of your friends attend the same bus you do, so your bus drive is dull and
boring. Just before the bus takes off you catch a glimpse of Bryce's gleaming blond
hair. So you wave. Bryce does not notice you. You did not get a reply. The bus soon
briefs over your stop. You kindly thank the bus driver on you way out.
When you enter your home, not long after leaving the bus, you are met with a warm
This is Bryce
welcome from your mother Gina. Then you are met with the standard ‘How was
school honey?’. You respond with the standard ‘It was great mom’. Again another
standard Question is asked ‘Did anything interesting happen?’. Your eyes light up and
you remember the party. You carefully consider your response.
You get to choose your response
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

You decide not to tell her about the You decide to tell her about the party but You decide to tell her about the party and
party and just respond with the not about the alcohol. alcohol.
standard ‘Nothing much’.
Your mother then shorty follows your response with a comforting
‘Okay honey’, as she hands you some food. You thank her for the
food and resume to your thoughts from earlier. You are planning to
go to the party but you are not yet 100 percent sure. Since you are
unwilling to tell your parents about the party you only have two
choices. They are to break out of the house and try to make your
way to the party or to stay home and waste away your hours doing
boring things like studying.

You get to choose

Option 1
Option 2
You decide to break out and attend
You decide to spend your time at home
your friend Roses party.
studying rather than at the party so you stay
You mother offered to take you to the party. You happily accepted,
but again she pushed with the questions whose party is it, where is
the party, when is the party, how long will you be there and so forth.
You carefully word you answers desperately trying not to reveal the
specific details you are trying to hide from your mother.

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
You will get driven by your mother to
the party.
After you bref you mother about the details of the party she flares
up ranting about the dangers of alcohol and drink driving. She
soon follows up with statistics about how ‘one in four drivers killed
are under the influence of alcohol’ and how ‘if there is alcohol there
is drugs’. She soon follows with ‘there are nearly 2 thousand drug
induced deaths per year in Australia’. ‘Where do you get this
information from’ you ask her. She tells you ‘From AIHW and
NRSPP respectively’. Your mother calls Rosa’s mother and gets the
party completely canceled. You fear your friends. You fear to go to

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
You decide to spend your time at home
You have decided to break out of the house. You hurry to finish your food so you can start with your
plan. You spend your entire afternoon and some of the night devising a plan. You have finally decided
on a plan. You are going to pretend to sleep and when your mother is convinced you are sleeping. You
will break out of the house through a window. You will make sure not to forget your opal card or your
phone on the way. Because you need them for your trip. The next day soon arrives. School breezes
past. All you can think about is the party. You are so overwhelmed with your thoughts you even forget
to thank the bus driver on your way out. Again you are greeted with your mothers standard questions
but again you breeze past them. As per your well thought out plan; you drink close to a liter of coffee
to help you stay awake throughout you conquest. The 19th hour soon comes. It is your time to shine.
You pass your mothers inspection. She is convinced that you are asleep. So you pry your cold window
open. Oh no you forgot about the flyscreen. Your well thought out plan has been foiled, but you
improvise. You take off the flyscreen and hide it beneath your bed. Then you leap out of your window
making your way to the cold, soft grass. Your journey has started. You make your way to the bus stop.
Passing a alleyway you are approached by a short man in a long, brown jacket. He offers you a
unmarked white pill. But you remember your mate Bryce told you about how 5 percent of australia's
population gets hooked onto some sort of drug. Bryce also told you he got this information form

You get to choose

Option 1
Option 2
You decide to take the pill
You decide not to take your pill and
continue on you conquest to Rosa’s party.
The Feeling of being alone overwhelms you. Your studying is
not going very well. You can't concentrate. The only thing you
can think of is all the amazing things you could have done at
the party. One of which being trying you first drink. After long
hours of painful studying you decide to go to sleep. At least
you will be prepared for exams you think to yourself as you
drift out of consciousness.

Dead End! Click this to go back to the start and

try a new story

Option 1
Restart Go to slide 1
When the time comes you kind mother drives you to the
party. She makes sure you are aware of all the dangers that
come with sexual activity by telling you that there are 85
thousand cases of stds every year. She does not forget to cite
the AIHW.

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
Pick this one
Oh no the drug you took ended up being pure
cyanide. You died.

Dead End! Click this to go back to the start and

try a new story

Option 1
Restart Go to slide 1
You have made you way to the bus stop just in time. The bus comes and
picks you up. You tap your opal card and you journey on the bus starts.
While on the bus you are approached by a older lady somewhere in her
fifties. She politely asks you if you are interested in paying her for sexualy
activaty. She is obviously a hooker. You can visibly see she is not in good
health and likely has many sexuly transmitted deseases. You remember
your dad Hans once told you that 17 percent of the Australian population
has caught some sort of std. You fear that you will be one of them.

You get to choose

Option 1
Option 2
You say yes
You say no
You wake up in a sketchy car. The night was a
blur. You realize what happened, so you
immediately make you way to the doctor to get
yourself tested. You tested positive for all the stds
you were tested for. Your doctor informs you that
you only have two miserable years left of life. He
pittys you. You nearly forgot. You have to tell your
parents. You suddenly get a bad feelings in your
stomach realising that you are extremely close to
death’s doorstep.

Dead End! Click this to go back to the start and

try a new story

Option 1
You have declined the request. Shortly afterward the bus stops nearly
directly in front of Rosa’s house. You exit the bus without tapping your
Opal card. You only realise this when the bus is long gone.

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
Enter the party
You enter the party. Everyone there is playing monopoly.
Rosa tells you that ‘you can join in next round’, and to ‘fix
yourself a drink while you wait’. Just as your entering the
kitchen you hear from Rosa again. ‘Make sure not to touch
my father bottle of vodka she said’. You respond with a calm
‘Of course I won’t Rosa don’t be silly’. As soon as you enter the
kitchen the bottle of vodka sticks out to greet you. You
contemplate ‘To chug or not to chug’ you say to yourself. You
remember that your mate Bryce one told you that nearly five
and a half thousand Australians die from alcohol attributed
causes each year, and there was not chance that bryce was
gonna forget to reference the Victoria University website.

You get to choose

Option 1
Option 2
You chug the vodka.
You don't chug the vodka.
You exist the car, say your goodbyes and make your way to
the party

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
Go to the party
You die of alcohol poisoning not long after
ingesting the bottle of vodka.

Dead End! Click this to go back to the start and

try a new story

Option 1
You have decided not the chug the vodka, but instead to fix yourself a more reasonable
drink that does not contain a outlandish amount of alcohol and join the group. So you
join the group, but now they have started playing a different game called spin the bottle.
As soon as you join the group the bottle lands on you, then Rosa. The group of friends
heavily encourages you to kiss Rosa. Just before you lean in for the kiss you remember
you father told you that 47 percent of Australians have felt peer pressure. Your father
never forgets to reference Finder for its spectacular Australian surveys. The kiss happened
very quickly. After the kiss the party flew by incredibly quickly. Soon came the time to
leave. You came to the conclusion that you have two forms of transport to pick from. One
of which is the the good old fashion bus and the latter is driving you and your mates
home in you mates van. The reason you have to drive the van in the second option is
because you are the least intoxicated of all you friends and will most definitely select you
to be the driver. You are still definitely very intoxicated way beyond the legal limit. Just
before you decide what you are going to do. A glimpse of light comes to you, and you
remember one time when you mother was holding you as a baby. You can barely hear
her, but you can make out the words ‘There are nearly one thousand two hundred car
crash related deaths per year. Don't do it. Also don’t forget I am referencing the Australian
Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics’. You carefully consider your

You get to choose

Option 1
Option 2
Follow the light and don’t drive
You are too intoxicated to drive properly. You drive
you and your friends into a gas station. There are
no survivors.

Dead End! Click this to go back to the start and

try a new story

Option 1
You follow the light and swiftly make your way home to your family via bus. There is a
problem though you are feeling horrendously sick. You start to drift in and out of
consionnous. Your mother notices you and rushes you directly to the hospital. You feel
horrible, but you remember that the reason you decided to drink alcohol was because of
peer pressure. In another glimpse of light; possibly from the heavens. You hear the
comforting words ‘It is not your fault 3 in 10 Australian children say that they have been
pressured into taking alcohol or drugs. Referencing Mission Australia’. You soon drift out
of consciousness.

You don’t get to choose

Option 1
Follow option one to find out what
happens next.
You recover. The doctors say the you were lucky to survive,
and that you were in a coma for 3 weeks. You were told
the reason you fell out of consciousness was because of
caffeine poisoning. This confused you. With some
outlandish stroke of luck your parents did not find out
about the mild drinking. This isn’t the end of your luck
either. Due to the inadequate health problems you are
facing your exams have been postponed. Giving you an
additional 3 months to study.

Congratulations you have completed this

choose your own adventure story without

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