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Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247



An effective damage identification procedure using model updating

technique and multi‑objective optimization algorithm for structures
made of functionally graded materials
D. Dinh‑Cong1,3 · T. Nguyen‑Thoi2,3

Received: 23 April 2021 / Accepted: 9 September 2021 / Published online: 26 September 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021

The application of multi-objective optimization algorithms in the field of structural damage identification has gained increas-
ing attention in the past few years. Nevertheless, their application to the damage detection problems of composite structures
is still very limited. In this regard, the article presents the first attempt to implement a multi-objective optimization frame-
work based on multi-objective cuckoo search (MOCS) algorithm for identifying the locations and extent of multi-damages
in structures made of functionally graded materials. First, we cast the structural damage identification procedure into an
optimization-based FE model updating problem, where two sub-objective functions, namely, flexibility matrix change (Flex)
and modal assurance criterion (MAC), are established for the multi-objective optimization purpose. Then, the MOCS as an
effective optimizer is adopted to solve the multi-objective optimization, which results in a set of Pareto-optimal solutions
for damage identification. Subsequently, a decision-making process is made for finding the most preferred solution in the
Pareto-optimal set. Finally, numerical simulation studies on a two-span continuous FGM beam and a cantilever FGM plate
are conducted to investigate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed damage identification procedure. According to the
obtained identification results, the proposed procedure can yield good predictions for the damage locations and corresponding
severities in both single and multi-damage cases of the FGM structures using spatially incomplete measurement data with
noise contamination. In addition, the results also show that the MOCS algorithm provides a better damage prediction than
two other well-known algorithms, including Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and Multi-objective
Grey Wolf Optimizer (MGWO).

Keywords Damage identification · Multi-objective optimization · Multi-objective cuckoo search (MOCS) · Model
updating · Functionally graded material structures

1 Introduction

Over the last 30 years, numerous structural health monitor-

ing (SHM) approaches have been established and proposed
* T. Nguyen‑Thoi for various kinds of structures. Among them, the vibration-
nguyenthoitrung@tdtu.edu.vn based SHM (VBSHM) approach has been widely used
D. Dinh‑Cong and proven to be a useful and effective way for addressing
dinhcongdu@tdtu.edu.vn problems in both basic and complex engineering structures.
The underlying principle and applications of this kind of
Division of Construction Computation, Institute approach have been given in detail in comprehensive lit-
for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam erature reviews [1–3]. An emphasis on the applications of
2 the VBSHM approach to composite structures has also been
Division of Computational Mathematics and Engineering,
Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang reported by Montalvao [4] and Gomes et al. [5]. It should
University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam be noted here that in the above literature reviews, there is
Faculty of Civil Engineering Ton Duc Thang University, almost no publication on the utilization of the VBSHM
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

1230 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

approach for identifying the damage sites and severities in identification solutions. Perera et al. [31] introduced an
structures made of functionally graded materials (FGMs). application of the multi-objective particle swarm optimi-
The FGMs regarded as advanced heterogeneous compos- zation (MOPSO) method for solving the damage detection
ite materials are fabricated by continuously changing the problem of 2D reinforced concrete frame structures using
material properties along certain dimensions in a function- vibration data. Their study revealed that the performance
ally desirable fashion. Typically, FGM structures are a mix- of the MOPSO was more superior to that of the strength
ture of metal-ceramic material phases with the variation of pareto genetic algorithm (SPGA). Shabbir et al. [29] used
the volume fraction of the constituent materials through their the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-2) for
thickness according to a power-law distribution. In company damage detection in a simply supported isotropic beam. Jin
with the creasing application of FGMs, many computational et al. [20] proposed a multi-objective approach based on
models for predicting mechanical behaviors and perfor- the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II for the FE
mance of FGM structures have been developed and attracted model updating of a highway bridge through modal vibra-
many investigations [6–17]. Until quite recently, some tion testing. Cha and Buyukozturk [32] used a hybrid multi-
research works have been performed on numerical investiga- objective optimization algorithm (abbreviated as NS2-IRR
tions for damage detection of FGM beam-like structures [18, GA) based on an integration of the implicit redundant repre-
19]. Lu et al. [18] introduced a sensitivity-model updating sentation (IRR) genetic algorithm and NSGA-2 for detecting
procedure for damage localization and quantification of axi- damages in 3D steel frame structures. Alkayem et al. [33]
ally FGM beams using structural dynamic responses. Yang studied a combination of MOPSO, Lévy flights (LFs) and
et al. [19] presented a damage identification method based multiple attribute decision-making method to identify the
on the element modal strain energy sensitivity and Tikhonov damage locations and corresponding extents in a 3D frame
regularization algorithm for FGM Euler–Bernoulli beams. structure using complete mode shapes. Santos et al. [34]
Finite element (FE) model updating, one of the most applied the direct multi-search (DMS) algorithm for damage
popular techniques for solving the structural damage detec- identification of the isotropic beams using the first five com-
tion and quantification problem, has been received extensive plete mode shapes. The literature survey on the application
attention in the SHM research community. The model updat- of multiple-objective optimization schemes shows that no
ing process aims to modify the reference FE model of the work has yet been conducted to detect damages in struc-
monitored structure to reproduce the measured experimental tures made of functionally graded materials. Moreover, there
data from the current status of the structure. In the conven- are very limited studies on exploring the feasibility of the
tional FE model updating process, an optimization technique multi-objective cuckoo search (MOCS) algorithm [35] for
is employed to minimize the value of a suitable objective structural damage localization and quantification. Therefore,
function that measures the fit between the model-predicted the focus of the present research work is to address these
and experimental data [20, 21]. Many great efforts have been limitations.
devoted to present powerful and reliable meta-heuristic opti- It is also noted that, in most of the existing multi-objec-
mization algorithms for finding the optimal solution of the tive optimization-based damage detection procedures men-
problem [22–28]. Often, it is advisable to aggregate two tioned above, the mode shapes measured with full compo-
different objective functions into one combined objective nents were required. This is impractical in real engineering
function to improve the performance of the model updating applications due to the restricted number of sensors installed
process for tracking the damage, which is normally referred on a monitored structure for data acquisition or missing
to as a single-objective optimization problem. The aggre- measurement data. Difficulties certainly arise when these
gated objective function balances the residual of each objec- damage detection procedures are applied for structures with
tive function using weighting factors. Nevertheless, it is not limited and spatially incomplete measurement data. On the
a simple task to seek the best weighting factors. other hand, the uncertainties caused by measurement errors
In contrast to the single-objective optimization scheme and environmental impacts inevitably exist, which can sig-
that gives a unique optimum solution, the multiple-objec- nificantly contribute to large errors in the prediction of struc-
tive optimization scheme explores the considered objective tural damage status. Thus, it is particularly important to take
functions independently without assigning arbitrary weight- these challenging issues into consideration, which makes a
ing factors to give a set of alternative solutions named as damage identification procedure applicable in reality.
Pareto-optimal solutions. Once the Pareto set representing Basing on the research gaps mentioned above, this article
the trade-offs solution between the different objectives is proposes a multi-objective optimal framework based on the
achieved, a decision-maker is finally implemented to select MOCS algorithm to determine the locations and extent of
the most desirable solution for the given damage identifi- multiple damages in structures made of functionally graded
cation problem. In previous studies [29, 30], it was found materials, taking limited, spatially incomplete measure-
that the latter scheme can produce more accurate damage ment data with noise contamination into account. First, the

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1231

structural damage identification procedure is treated as an homogeneous reduction of stiffness, then the global stiff-
optimization-based FE model updating process, in which ness matrix related to different
� h damage situations can be
∑ �
two single-objective functions, namely, the flexibility matrix given as K d = Ne e
1 − 𝛆e ke , where 𝜺e is the damage
change (Flex) and modal assurance criterion (MAC), are ratio ranged from 0 to 1 for the eth element. The model
established for multi-objective optimization purpose. Then, updating-based damage identification method can obtain
the MOCS algorithm is utilized to find out the global Pareto the damage ratios by minimizing the multi-objective func-
set (a compromised solution set). Subsequently, a decision- tions based on the difference between the experientially
maker is implemented to choose the most desirable solution measured and the numerically predicted modal properties.
in the context of structural damage localization and quan- In the current research, two dynamic characteristic-based
tification. Finally, to demonstrate the feasibility and accu- objective functions, namely, flexibility matrix change
racy of the proposed damage identification procedure, two (Flex) and modal assurance criterion (MAC), are adopted.
numerical examples of a two-span continuous FGM beam To consider simultaneous optimizations of the objective
and a cantilever FGM plate subjected to various hypothetical functions, the element stiffness matrices of the damage-
damage scenarios are considered. simulated structure are dynamically modified based on the
fitness of two objective functions using multi-objective
cuckoo search (MOCS) algorithm. The multi-objective
2 Model updating‑based structural damage optimization process is stopped and the Pareto front is
identification using multi‑objective obtained when the stop criterion (i.e., maximum iteration)
optimization is reached. Based on the Pareto front, a decision-making is
implemented to select a leading solution in the context of
To track the structural damage, a model updating-based damage localization and quantification. The overall pro-
damage identification method that defines a credible finite cedure of the model updating-based damage identification
element (FE) model of the monitored structure and dam- using the MOCS algorithm is resumed in the flowchart as
age variables are set equally for all elements in the FE presented in Fig. 1.
model. The global stiffness matrix of a healthy structure In what follows, the spatial incompleteness and noise
can be defined as K h = e khe , where Ne denotes the total problems that make the proposed damage identification
number of discrete elements and khe represents the eth procedure more challenging will be considered. Subse-
element stiffness matrix at the healthy status. Assuming quently, a description of two objective functions and the
that the damage of the eth element is only caused by a details of the MOCS algorithm applied for structural dam-
age identification will be provided.

Fig. 1  The overall procedure of

the model updating-based dam-
age identification using MOCS

1232 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

2.1 Spatial incompleteness and noise problems derivations. Several typical objective functions can be
listed as the mode shape residual [43], modal assurance
Consideration of some practical issues in real-world imple- criterion (MAC) [44, 45], modal train energy residual [32],
mentation of the proposed damage identification method is modal flexibility residual [46, 47], and combinations of
indeed important in understanding its applicability. There them [48, 49]. Among numerous objective functions avail-
are generally two major issues that certainly bring more able in the literature, the residual functions based on the
challenges in the structural damage identification problem modal flexibility and residual functions based on MAC
including spatial incompleteness and measurement errors. have been most commonly applied for the structural dam-
The spatial incompleteness problem is due to the limited age diagnosis purpose. In addition to this, many investiga-
sensor availability, and the inaccessibility of some positions tions [22, 23, 49] have highlighted that the use of different
for measurement and the missing measurement data, which combinations of residual functions would provide a better
results in the mode shapes only measured at a subset of the chance of finding the true solution of damage identifica-
degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the FE model. Meanwhile, the tion. In our previous works in Refs [48, 50], a combined
presence of measurement errors is inevitable due to meas- residual function using suitable weighting coefficients of
urement corruption and sensor noise. two single-objective functions related to the modal flex-
To remedy the first issue, we can utilize either modal ibility residual and MAC residual was utilized in the con-
expansion schemes [36, 37] or model reduction schemes text of single-objective minimization problems. In the
[38–40]. In the present research, the iterative order reduc- present research, the same two single-objective functions
tion (IOR) method [39], a well-developed reduction and are also employed but extended for the multi-objective
expansion scheme, is adopted to predict the mode shapes at optimization purpose. The multi-objective optimization is
unmeasured nodes of the monitored structure according to to simultaneously minimize the objectives with the aim of
the following equation: capturing better solutions. To find the values of the dam-
{ d } age ratios 𝜀e fulfilling the considered objective functions,
d 𝚽r, m
= T IOR 𝚽dr, m , the multi-objective optimization problem can be cast as
𝚽r = (1)
𝚽dr, s [ ( )]
Minimize F(𝜺e ) = Flex(𝜺e ) , MAC 𝜺e
where T IOR is the IOR transformation matrix presented in {
(K −( 𝜆M)Φ = 𝟎 (3)
detail in Refs [39, 41]; 𝚽dr, s represents the rth mode shape subject to: ),
0 ≤ 𝜺e ≤ 1 , 𝜺e = 𝜀1 , 𝜀2 , … , 𝜀Ne
of the damaged structure at the unmeasured (slave) DOFs
denoted by s; and 𝚽dr, m represents the rth mode shape of the where M and K are the global mass and stiffness matrices
damaged structure at measured (master) DOFs denoted by of simulated target structure, respectively; Flex(𝜺e ) and
( )
m. MAC 𝜺e are two residual functions expressed by two fol-
To be more compatible with the second issue, the simu- lowing equations:
lated modal data are polluted with an artificial noise using
� d � �� 2
the zero-mean Gaussian distribution as follows [25, 42] �sc ⎛ �Fn − Fhn 𝜺e � ⎞
Flex(𝜺e ) =
1 ⎜� �Fro ⎟
, (4)
datanoise = data(1 + 𝛾.𝜂), (2) sc n=1 ⎜ � d� ⎟
⎝ �Fn � ⎠
� �Fro
where datanoise and data are the polluted and correspond-

ing noise-free components of the eigenvectors or eigenval- ⎛ �
� �� d �T h � ��2 ⎞
� � 1 �⎜
nmod � � 𝚽r 𝚽r 𝜺e � ⎟
ues matrices; 𝜂 is the intensity of additive noise; and 𝛾 is a �
1 − � �� � � �
��� � ��T � �� ⎟,
nmod r=1 ⎜⎜
MAC 𝜺e =
Gaussian random number having the mean 0 and standard d T d
𝚽r 𝚽r 𝚽r 𝜺e 𝚽r 𝜺e ⎟
h h
⎝ ⎠
deviation 1.
2.2 Formulation of the multi‑objective function for in which sc and nmod are, respectively, the sum of column
damage identification of the flexible matrix
( )and the number of considered mode
shapes; Fdn and Fhn 𝜺e represent the nth column of the flex-
As mentioned earlier, the objective functions for model ibility matrix of the damaged and simulated structures,
updating-based damage identification procedure are gener- respectively; ‖ ∙ ‖Fro denotes the operator norm formulated
ally formulated in terms of the errors between the modal by Frobenius norm (F-norm).
parameters obtained from the analytically predicted model For the success of the multi-objective optimization process,
and experimentally measured model. In this manner, there the research capability of the chosen multi-objective algo-
are different alternatives to construct an objective func- rithm is particularly important to encounter the challenging
tion, depending on the type of modal properties and their issues mentioned in Sect. 2.1. In this article, we utilize the

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1233

multi-objective cuckoo search (MOCS) algorithm to solve the � � 𝛽1

⎛ 𝜋𝛽 ⎞
multi-objective optimization problem defined in Eq. (3) and ⎜ G(1 + 𝛽)sin 2 ⎟
obtain the true solution of damage identification. 𝜎u = ⎜ � � � 𝛽−1 � ⎟ , 𝜎v = 1, (9)
⎜ G (1+𝛽) 𝛽 2 ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
2.3 Implementation procedure of multi‑objective
cuckoo search algorithm where G is the standard Gamma function.
In essence, the second rule can be considered as an elitism
The Cuckoo search (CS) algorithm, firstly introduced by Yang strategy that aims to ensure the best solutions to be passed
and Deb [51], imitates the life of cuckoo birds and their eggs. to the next generation. The strategy helps the algorithm to
The principle idea of CS is formed on laying the cuckoo eggs increase its convergent performance. Finally, in the third
in their chosen host nest built by other species of bird. Under step, the worst solutions are discarded with a fraction (Pa)
this condition, these alien eggs will either be thrown away or and a new one xi is created using the following equation

the nest is abandoned with a probability value, Pa [0, 1]. The ( ) ( t )

process of CS algorithm applies Lévy flight that is a category
t+1 t t
xi = xi + 𝛼0 ⊗ H Pa − 𝜀 ⊗ xj − xk , (10)
of random walk that produces the better search space com-
pared with the standard Gaussian process [52]. For solving where 𝜀 represents a random number distributed in the range
multi-objective optimization problems, Yang and Deb [35] [0, 1]; H is the Heaviside function; xj and xk are the new
t t

extended CS and formulated a multi-objective cuckoo search random solutions different from xi.

(MOCS) algorithm. In the MOCS, three following rules are The main steps of the MOCS algorithm are summarized
utilized for the multi-objective optimization problem with N in the flowchart shown in Fig. 2.
different objectives:

• Each cuckoo visits a randomly chosen nest to put n eggs.

• The nests with good-quality eggs will survive to the next 3 Decision‑maker on the solution
generations. of multi‑objective optimization problems
• Each nest will be destroyed/abandoned with a fraction (Pa).
In this manner, the host bird can either throw the alien eggs By solving Eq. (3) using the MOCS optimizer, a set of non-
or just abandon the nest and make a completely new nest dominated solutions known as Pareto-optimal set that rep-
with n eggs. resents the trade-offs amongst two different objectives (Flex
and MAC residuals) can be obtained. It should be mentioned
Mathematically, the first rule is simulated using a random that the Pareto-optimal set is not the final solution of the
process, where a new solution xi for cuckoo ith can be ran- model updating-based damage identification for the struc-

domly generated by Levy flight distribution tures made of FGMs. To choose a reliable conclusion on
t+1 t
( t t
) the damage status of monitored structure, a decision-making
xi = xi + 𝛼0 ⊗ xj − xi ⊗ Levy(𝛽),́ (6) process is made to determine the most preferred solution in
( ) the Pareto-optimal set. In our study, instead of examining
where xj − xi is the difference of randomly selected solu- the whole Pareto-optimal solutions, four types of solutions
t t

tions; 𝛼0 , ⊗, 𝛽 are entry-wise multiplication, and step size with respect to typical points in this Pareto-optimal set are
scaling factor and Lévy flight exponent β, respectively. considered for comparisons. Figure 3 illustrates an example
Using Lévy flights, the generation of step size, s, discussed of the Pareto-optimal set with the Flex and MAC functions,
in detail in Ref [35] can be summarized as follows where the markers with red circles represent four selected
( t ) ( t ) solutions. Among these selected solutions, the most pre-
s = 𝛼 ⊗ xj − xi ⊗ Levy(𝛽)
́ = 0.01 xj − xi
t u
, ferred solution as the final solution is determined according
1 (7) to the following expressions: (1) Min MAC, (2) Min Flex,
|v| 𝛽
(3) Knee point, (4) Min (Flex + MAC).
where the parameters u and v can be determined from the The first (Min MAC) and the second (Min Flex) solu-
normal distributions given by tions correspond to the points that have the minimum val-
ues using only the MAC function and using only the Flex
u ∼ N(0, 𝜎u2 ) , v ∼ N(0, 𝜎v2 ), (8) function, respectively. Whereas the third solution (Knee
in which 𝜎u and 𝜎v are defined as point) corresponds to the point at which the curvature of
the fitting curve of the Pareto front with maximum curva-
ture is observed. For a complete description of the Knee
point located in the Pareto front, the interested reader

1234 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

Fig. 2  The flowchart for the

main steps of MOCS algorithm

4 Numerical example

In this section, a two-span continuous FGM beam and a can-

tilever FGM plate are used as illustrative examples to inves-
tigate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed model
updating-based damage identification procedure, in which
both spatial incompleteness and noise problems are taken
into consideration. In the numerical studies, the simulated
modal data are polluted with 1% and 5% noise to natural
frequencies and mode shapes, respectively, by means of Eq.
(2). On account of the random nature of noise, ten independ-
ent runs are performed for each damage detection problem
to produce the mean and standard deviation results reported
Fig. 3  Pareto-optimal front with two objective functions in graphical forms.
To validate the selection of MOCS algorithm, the perfor-
mance of the MOCS algorithm in damage identification of
the FGM beam and plate structures is compared to two other
well-known algorithms: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
can be referred to Bechikh et al. [53]. Finally, the fourth Algorithm II (NSGA-II) [54] and Multi-Objective Grey Wolf
solution (Min (Flex + MAC)) corresponds to the point at Optimizer (MOGWO) [55]. To perform a fair comparison,
which the summation of both the objective functions is the common parameter settings such as the population size,
minimum. The quality of these selected solutions is evalu- 200, and a maximum number of generations (used as stop
ated based on the mean and maximum percentage errors. criterion), 1000, are the same for all three multi-objective
These errors are defined, respectively, as follows algorithms. While the remaining controller parameters of the
NSGA-II, MOGWO and MOCS algorithms are, respectively,
1 ∑| t
Mean error = 𝜺 − 𝜺ce || × 100%, taken from Deb et al. [54], Yang and Deb [51] and Mirjalili
Nt e | e (11) et al. [55]. More specifically, for NSGA-II, the probability of
( )
Maximum error = Max ||𝜺te − 𝜺ce || × 100% , crossover and mutation are 0.9 and 0.1, respectively, while
the distribution indexes for mutation and crossover operators
where 𝜺ce and 𝜺te are, respectively, the computed and true are set to 20 and 20, respectively. For MOWO, the number
values of the real damaged locations at the eth element; of grid inflation per dimension is 0.1, the leader and dele-
Nt represents the total number of real damaged elements. tion pressure parameters are set to 4 and 2, respectively. For

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1235

MOCS, the discovery probability is 0.25, the Lévy flights Table 2  Four damage scenarios of the two-span continuous FGM
exponent is 1.5, and the step-size scaling factor is 0.1. All beam
the numerical computations and simulations involved in this Scenario Description Damaged elements (degradation of stiff-
article are conducted in MATLAB environment. ness)

A Single damage 1 (20%)

4.1 A two‑span continuous FGM beam B Double damage 1 (20%) and 15 (20%)
C Triple damage 7 (20%) and 8 (15%) and 32 (20%)
The first example is a two-span continuous FGM beam com-
D Multi-damage 1 (30%) and 7 (15%) and 8 (30%) and 22
posed of a mixture of aluminum (Al) (as metal) and alumina (20%) and 32 (20%)
­(Al2O3) (as ceramic) whose material properties are listed in
Table 1 [12]. The material properties of the FGM beam vary of one to four damaged elements are created. Details of the
continuously in the thickness direction in accordance with a four scenarios are described in Table 2. The goal of this
power-law distribution as example is to apply the proposed damage identification pro-
( ) cedure to locate and quantify the given damage scenarios
E(z) = Ec − Em Vf (z) + Em , using spatially incomplete measured data polluted by noise.
( ) (12)
𝜌(z) = 𝜌c − 𝜌m Vf (z) + 𝜌m , For the measured data, only the first five eigenvalues and
partial mode shapes on the 24 translational DOFs at nodes
where the subscripts “c” and “m” stand for the ceramic and marked with red circles (shown in Fig. 4) are required to be
metal constituents, respectively; and Vf is the volume frac- available.
tion distribution of two material constituents calculated The model updating-based damage identification is
according to the power-law index k as follows solved by the MOCS algorithm and two other well-known
( )k algorithms (NSGA-II and MOGWO). Subsequently, the
Vf (z) = z∕h + 1∕2 (13) optimal results obtained after applying a decision-making
process are compared to evaluate their performance in iden-
For the considered FGM beam, the gradient index is tifying damage locations and corresponding severities.
taken as 0.3. The geometrical dimensions are given as width Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 exhibit the comparison results of three
b = 0.1 m, h = 0.05 m and length L = 1.5 m, as depicted in multi-objective optimization algorithms applied in the dam-
Fig. 4. The FE model of the FGM beam structure is uni- age identification procedure for scenarios A to D of two-
formly discretized into 32 Timoshenko beam elements and span continuous FGM beam under spatial incompleteness
33 nodes with 99 DOFs. and noise problems. As already observed in the figures, the
To investigate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed damage identification procedure using these multi-objective
model updating-based damage identification procedure, four optimization algorithms can yield good predictions for the
hypothetical damage scenarios corresponding to the cases real damaged locations in both single and multi-damage
cases of the FGM beam. Also from the figures, it is seen that
Table 1  The material properties of FGM components [12] the selection of the fourth (Min (Flex + MAC)) solution and
the third (Knee point) solution will obtain a lower number
Material Properties
of false warnings than those of the selection of the first (Min
Young’s modu- Poisson’s ratio Mass den- MAC) and the second (Min Flex) solutions.
lus (E) (MPa) sity (𝜌) (kg/ For further investigation, Table 3 reports the average
m3 )
and maximum percentage errors as defined in Eq. (11) for
Aluminum (Al) 70 0.3 2700 the “Min Flex”, “Min (Flex + MAC)” and “Knee point”
Alumina ­(Al2O3) 380 0.3 3800 solutions obtained by using three multi-objective optimi-
zation algorithms. The results in the table demonstrate
that except for scenario A, these errors obtained by the

Fig. 4  Schematic of two-span

continuous FGM beam

1236 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

Actual Actual
NSGA-II - Min (Flex+MAC) NSGA-II - Min (Flex+MAC)
NSGA-II - Knee point NSGA-II - Knee point
0.3 NSGA-II - Min Flex 0.3 NSGA-II - Min Flex

Damage ratio
0.25 0.25
Damage ratio

0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0

1 1
3 3
5 5
7 7
9 9
11 11
13 13
15 15
Elem17 19 Elem 19
ents 21 ents 21 23
23 25
25 27
27 29
29 31

MOGWO - Min (Flex+MAC)
Actual MOGWO - Knee point
MOGWO - Min (Flex+MAC) MOGWO - Min Flex
MOGWO - Knee point MOGWO - Min MAC
0.3 MOGWO - Min Flex 0.3
Damage ratio

Damage ratio
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0

1 1
3 3
5 5
7 7
9 9
11 11
13 13
15 15
Elem17 19 Ele
ents 21 23 men 19 21
25 ts 23
27 25
29 27
31 29

MOCS - Min (Flex+MAC)
MOCS - Min (Flex+MAC)
MOCS - Knee point MOCS - Knee point
0.3 MOCS - Min Flex MOCS - Min Flex
MOCS - Min MAC 0.3
0.25 MOCS - Min MAC
Damage ratio

Damage ratio

0 0
1 1
3 3
5 5
7 7
9 9
11 11
13 13
15 15
Elem17 19 Elem 17 19
ents 21 23 ents 21
25 23
27 25
29 27
31 29
(c) MOCS (c) MOCS
Fig. 5  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
Fig. 6  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario A of the FGM
multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario B of the FGM
beam: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS
beam: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1237



(c) MOCS (c) MOCS

Fig. 7  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different Fig. 8  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario C of the FGM multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario D of the FGM
beam: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS beam: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS

1238 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

Table 3  Statistical results of damage assessment in the FGM beam with measurement noise
Scenario Multi-objec- Min (Flex + MAC) Knee point Min flex
tive algorithm
Mean error (%) Max error (%) Mean error (%) Max error (%) Mean error (%) Max error (%)

1 (Single damage) NSGA-II 43.9 – 40.9 – 44.3 –

MOGWO 3.7 – 2.4 – 3.7 –
MOCS 4.6 – 0.4 – 9.1 –
2 (Double damage) NSGA-II 53.8 58.4 50.2 52.8 54.2 59.4
MOGWO 16.3 22.2 14.3 19.6 16.3 22.1
MOCS 6.6 11.0 0.9 1.2 16.1 19.0
3 (Triple damage) NSGA-II 20.4 23.0 18.2 19.3 23.7 31.5
MOGWO 12.3 32.7 12.0 31.4 12.8 34.5
MOCS 2.8 4.8 2.8 5.8 6.0 8.7
4 (Multi-damage) NSGA-II 36.5 58.9 35.3 55.9 38.7 66.1
MOGWO 20.0 47.5 20.0 48.2 20.0 47.4
MOCS 10.1 31.7 8.4 25.0 6.4 9.2

The smallest values of the errors are written in bold

MOCS algorithm are much less than corresponding errors best solution for damage detection and quantification of
obtained by other algorithms. Herein, because the “Min the FGM beam structures. In addition, the standard devia-
Flex” solution outputs a higher number of false warnings tion of the four selected solutions using the MOCS algo-
than the two other solutions, we focus on evaluating the rithm is also compared and plotted in Fig. 9. As can be
quality of the “Min (Flex + MAC)” and “Knee point” solu- seen in the figure, the standard deviation of the “Knee
tions. From this observation, it is obvious that except for point” solution is small and almost the same as the “Min
scenario C, the smallest values of the errors are obtained (Flex + MAC)” solution, and is always lower than those
with the solution corresponding to the Knee point of the of the “Min MAC” and the “Min Flex” solutions for all
Pareto front. Thus, the Knee point is recommended as the considered scenarios.

(a) Scenario A (a) Scenario B

(b) Scenario C (b) Scenario D

Fig. 9  The standard deviation of damage ratios obtained by MOCS algorithm for each scenario of the FGM beam: a Scenario A, b Scenario B, c
Scenario C, d Scenario D

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1239

4.2 A cantilever FGM plate well-known algorithms (NSGA-II and MOGWO). Fig-
ures 11, 12, 13, 14 show the damage identification results
For the second example, a cantilever FGM plate previ- obtained by three multi-objective optimization algorithms
ously investigated in Ref. [56] is considered. The dimen- for scenarios A–D of the cantilever FGM plate under spatial
sions of the FGM plate shown in Fig. 10 are given by length incompleteness and noise problems. It is evident that the
a = 1 m, width b = 1 m and uniform thickness h = 0.1 m. NSGA-II is unable to found the truly damaged locations for
The mechanical properties of constituent materials ­(Al2O3 the considered scenarios (except for scenario D) as there
and Al) employed in the cantilever FGM plate structure are are large false warnings in its predictions. Meanwhile, the
the same as those of the first example. The FE model of MOGWO and MOCS algorithms yield good predictions of
the FGM structure consists of 64 four-node quadrilaterals the real damaged locations in both single and multi-damage
Reissner–Mindlin plate elements and 81 nodes with total scenarios. Also from the figures, it is found that the “Min
DOFs of 405. (Flex + MAC)” and “Knee point” solutions give more accu-
To demonstrate again the feasibility and accuracy of rate predictions of damage sites than the “Min MAC” and
the proposed model updating-based damage identification “Min Flex” solutions.
procedure, the cantilever FGM plate structure is subjected For further investigation, the quality of the “Min
to different simulated damage scenarios involving single- (Flex + MAC)” and “Knee point” solutions obtained using
damage and multiple-damage elements. Details of these the MOGWO and MOCS algorithms are evaluated for
scenarios (different positions and magnitudes of damage) each damage scenario. According to Table 5, the average
are collectively shown in Table 4. For damage identification, and maximum percentage errors obtained by the MOCS
only the first five eigenvalues and mode shapes with partial algorithm are much smaller than those obtained by the
DOFs at nodes marked with red circles (shown in Fig. 10) MOGWO algorithm, which validates the selection of the
are assumed to be measured. multi-objective optimization algorithm, MOCS in the model
For comparison purposes, the model updating-based updating-based damage identification procedure. Similar to
damage identification for the cantilever FGM plate is solved the previous example, it is also revealed that the solution
by the selected algorithm (MOCS algorithm) and two other corresponding to the Knee point of the Pareto front obtains

Fig. 10  a Schematic of FGM plate structure; b node and element numbering in FE model

Table 4  Four damage scenarios Scenario Description Damaged elements (degradation of stiffness)
of the FGM plate
A Single damage 1 (20%)
B Double damage 27 (20%) and 28 (20%)
C Triple damage 1 (20%) and 2 (15%) and 28 (40%)
D Multi-damage 1 (30%) and 5 (20%) and 28 (40%) and 37 (30%)

1240 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247



(c) MOCS
(c) MOCS
Fig. 11  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario A of the FGM Fig. 12  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
plate: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario B of the FGM
plate: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1241



(c) MOCS (c) MOCS

Fig. 13  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different Fig. 14  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by different
multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario C of the FGM multi-objective optimization algorithms for scenario D of the FGM
plate: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS plate: a NSGA-II, b MOGWO, c MOCS

1242 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

Table 5  Statistical results of Scenario Multi-objec- Min (Flex + MAC) Knee point
damage assessment in the FGM tive algorithm
plate with measurement noise Mean error (%) Max error (%) Mean error (%) Max error (%)

A (Single damage) MOGWO 28.5 – 27.7 –

MOCS 13.0 – 7.6 –
B (Double damage) MOGWO 20.9 21.9 19.3 21.3
MOCS 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.3
C (Triple damage) MOGWO 16.3 28.6 15.2 24.8
MOCS 6.0 15.9 1.9 4.1
D (Multi-damage) MOGWO 12.5 23.8 11.0 21.1
MOCS 5.4 8.3 3.5 5.8

The smallest values of the errors are written in bold

the smallest values of the errors for most damage cases. Fig- damage scenarios is carried out again. The procedure is
ure 15 presents the standard deviation of the four selected also executed 10 times and the CS parameters are the same
solutions for each damage scenario using the MOCS algo- as those in the MOCS algorithm. The outcomes of the
rithm. It can be seen that for all considered scenarios, the damage identification process are reported in Fig. 16 and
standard deviation of the “Knee point” solution is small and compared with those by the “Min (Flex + MAC)” solu-
is always lower than those of the “Min MAC” and the “Min tion obtained using the MOCS algorithm. The outcomes
Flex” solutions. indicate that the CS algorithm fails to track the structural
To compare the model updating-based damage iden- damage(s) in all assumed scenarios. Thus, the performance
tification procedures by single-objective and multiple- of the “Min (Flex + MAC)” solution obtained using the
objective optimization
( ) schemes, two residual functions MOCS algorithm is better than that obtained using the CS
( Flex(𝛆e ) and MAC 𝛆e ) are recalculated using a combined algorithm. In other words, the proposed damage identifica-
residual function (Min (Flex + MAC)) for damage identi- tion procedure is more efficient in predicting the damage
fication by the CS algorithm. The damage identification locations and their severities in the FGM plate.
procedure based on the CS algorithm for four hypothetical

(a) Scenario A (a) Scenario B

(b) Scenario C (b) Scenario D

Fig. 15  The standard deviation of damage ratios obtained by MOCS algorithm for each scenario of the FGM plate: a Scenario A, b Scenario B,
c Scenario C, d Scenario D

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1243

(a) Scenario A (b) Scenario B

(c) Scenario C (d) Scenario D

Fig. 16  Comparison of damage predictions obtained by MOCS and CS algorithms for four damage scenarios of the FGM plate: a Scenario A,
b Scenario B, c Scenario C, d Scenario D

Next, the performance of the proposed damage identifica- that regardless of varying the sizes of structural damage or
tion procedure under the refinement of FE meshes is studied. changing the damage positions, the proposed procedure can
For this purpose, two different FE meshes (sizes of 7 × 7 still achieve satisfactory identified results for the two cases
and 9 × 9) of the FGM plate are considered. For collect- of discretization.
ing measurement information, a set of measurement points
for each of the mesh sizes are selected to install on nodes
of the monitored plate. Particularly, the sensor installation 5 Conclusions
positions for the mesh 7 × 7 are 11, 17, 22, 24, 27, 39, 42,
44, 46, 52, 58 and 63, whereas for the mesh 9 × 9, there are In this article, a first attempt has been made to implement
12, 25, 26, 29, 33, 37, 38, 52, 64, 66, 70, 78, 92, 94, 97 and a model updating-based damage identification procedure
99. The proposed damage identification procedure is carried posed in a multi-objective optimization framework for dam-
out on damage scenarios A, B and C of the FGM plate with age detection and quantification of structures made of func-
two meshes using the first five incomplete modes with noise tionally graded materials. In the multi-objective optimiza-
contamination (5%). The solution corresponding to the Knee tion framework, the damage identification is accomplished
point of the Pareto front for all three scenarios is reported by the simultaneous optimization of two single-objective
as the final solution of structural damage identification, as functions, namely, the flexibility matrix change (Flex) and
shown in Figs. 17 and 18. It is observed from the figures modal assurance criterion (MAC), which is solved using the

1244 Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247

(a) Scenario A (a) Scenario A

(b) Scenario B (b) Scenario B

(c) Scenario C (c) Scenario C

Fig. 17  Damage predictions obtained by the proposed procedure for Fig. 18  Damage predictions obtained by the proposed pro-
damage scenarios A, B and C of the FGM plate with mesh 7 × 7: cedure for damage scenarios A, B and C of the FGM plate
a Scenario A, b Scenario B, c Scenario C with mesh 9 × 9: a Scenario A, b Scenario B, c Scenario C

Engineering with Computers (2023) 39:1229–1247 1245

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