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Module III

Graph Theory
(Part 3)
Graph measurements: length, distance,
diameter, eccentricity, radius, center
1. Length –
Length of the graph is defined as the number of edges contained in the
2. The distance between two Vertices –
The distance between two vertices in a graph is the number of edges in
a shortest or minimal path. It gives the available minimum distance
between two edges. There can exist more than one shortest path
between two vertices.
6. Eccentricity of graph :
Eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance between a vertex
to all other vertices. It is denoted by e(V). To count the eccentricity
of vertex, we have to find the distance from a vertex to all other
vertices and the highest distance is the eccentricity of that
particular vertex.
3. Diameter of graph(d(G)):
The maximum eccentricity from all the vertices is considered as the
diameter of the Graph G
3. Diameter of graph(d(G)):
The maximum eccentricity from all the vertices is considered as the
diameter of the Graph G

In the above graph, d(G)

= 3; which is the
maximum eccentricity.
4. Radius of graph – The minimum eccentricity from all the
vertices is considered as the radius of the Graph G.It is denoted as
4. Radius of graph – The minimum eccentricity from all the
vertices is considered as the radius of the Graph G.It is denoted as

In the above graph r(G) = 2,

which is the minimum
eccentricity for ‘d’.
5. Center of graph –
It consists of all the vertices whose eccentricity is minimum. Here
the eccentricity is equal to the radius. For example, if the school is
at the center of town it will reduce the distance buses has to travel.

In the example graph, ‘d’ is

the central point of the

e(d) = r(d) = 2
Eulerian graph
Definition: A graph is considered Eulerian if the graph is both
connected and has a closed trail (a walk with no repeated edges)
containing all edges of the graph.
Definition: An Eulerian Trail is a closed walk with no repeated
edges but contains all edges of a graph and return to the start
Eulerian graph

A connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if all vertices of G

are of even degree, and a connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if
its edge set can be decomposed into cycles.
Euler Circuit - An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge
of a graph exactly once. An Euler circuit always starts and
ends at the same vertex

The graph which contain Euler circuit is called Euler graph

Hamiltonian graph
There exists a Hamiltonian circuit ABCDEFA in the above
graph, therefore it is a Hamiltonian graph.
Number of Hamilton Circuits: A complete graph with N
vertices is (N-1)! Hamilton circuits. Since half of the
circuits are mirror images of the other half, there are
actually only half this many unique circuits.
Non planar
Region (Faces)of a Graph: Consider a
planar graph G=(V,E).A region is
defined to be an area of the plane that
is bounded by edges and cannot be
further subdivided. A planar graph
divides the plans into one or more
regions. One of these regions will be

Finite Region: If the area of the region is finite, then that region is called a
finite region.

Infinite Region: If the area of the region is infinite, that region is called a
infinite region. A planar graph has only one infinite region.

Let G be a planar, connected graph. Let V be the number of
vertices, E the number of edges, and R the number of
Region(Faces) in G. Then v - e + r = 2
Proof: by induction on the number of edges in the graph.
Step 1:
If e = 0, the graph consists of a single vertex with a single
region surrounding it. So we have 1 − 0 + 1 = 2 which is clearly
If e=1 ,the graph Consist of an edge with a vertex at each end
So we have 2-1+1=2 ie,v -e +r =2 which is also clearly true .
Step II:
Let us now suppose that the result is true for any graph with at most k
i.e.we assume that v-e+ r =2 is true for e= k
Here v - k +r =2
Step III:
Here we have to prove that v - e + r = 2 is true for e = k+1 ,For this
Let G be a graph with n + 1 edges.
and let (aₖ₊₁ ,bₖ₊₁) be the new edge that is added to G .
Here we consider two cases
Case 1: Both the vertices of new edge are in G.
Then L.H.S= v -(k+1)+(r+1)= v -k -1+r +1 =v - k + r =2 =R.H.S
Case 2: One of the vertex is in G & the other is out side the G
Then L.H.S= (v+1)-(k+1)+r = v+1-k-1+r = v - k +r =2 = R.H.S
In all the cases the formula v - e +r =2 is true.there fore v -e +r =2 is true
for any connected planar graph .This formula is called Euler formula
The chromatic number of a planar graph is not greater than 4
Chromatic Graph

A gragh has a chromatic number is called chromatic


If a graph with k chromatic number then the graph is called k-

chromatic graph
The cycle graph with n vertices is
called Cₙ

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