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DROPS 35-6

Drops Jacket with Bird pattern in “Alaska”

DROPS 35-6
Size: Jacket: Small/Medium (Medium/Large)

Materials: Drops Alaska from Garnstudio

400(450) g col no 5, charcoal
350(400) g col no 3, pale grey
100(100) g col no 39, green
100(100) g col no 48, mustard
100(100) g col no 2, cream
50(50) g col no 11, wine

Drops Buttons: 5 pieces.

Drops Circular Needles, long (80cm): 3,5mm and 5mm
Drops Double Pointed Needles: 3,5mm and 5mm
Or the size needed to obtain the correct knitting tension.

Knitting Tension: 17sts x 21 rows in stocking st on needles size 5 mm = 10x10cm.

Rib: *K2, P2*

Pattern: See diagram (1 diagram = 1 repeat). Pattern is read from right to left, and is seen from
RS. Pattern is worked in stocking st.

Body: Knitted back and forth on circ needle from centre front. Cast on 168 (172) sts on circ
needle size 3.5mm with pale grey. Work 3cm rib. Change to circ needle size 5mm and work
stocking st and at the same time inc 24 (36) sts evenly on 1st row= 192 (208) sts. Work 5 cm.
Work M.1 - remember to check your tension- then continue in pale grey. Continue until piece
measures 32 (33) cm. Divide piece as follows: Work 48 (52) sts for front, work 96 (104) sts for
back, work 48 (52) sts for front. Finish back and fronts separately.

Left Front: = 48 (52) sts. Continue with pale grey until piece measures 53 (55) cm. Dec on neck
edge on every other row as follows: 9 (10) sts once, 3 sts twice, 1 st 3 times. At the same time
when piece measures 54 (56) cm work M.2. Complete M.2. Cast off when piece measures approx
61 (63) cm.

Right Front = 48 (52) sts. Work as left.

Back: = 96 (104) sts. Work pattern as on front until piece measures 59 (61) cm. Cast off centre
34 (36) sts for neck. Next row: Dec 1 st each side of neck. Cast off as front when piece measures
approx 61 (63) cm.

Sleeves: Cast on 36-40 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5mm with pale grey. Work 3 cm rib.
Change to double pointed needles size 5mm working stocking st and at the same time inc 10-10
sts evenly on first round = 48-50 sts. Work 5 cm in stocking st, then work M.3 ( make sure to
place 1 repeat centrally on top of sleeves). Complete M.3 and continue in charcoal.
At the same time after the rib, inc underneath sleeve as follows: 2 sts 25-26 times on
alternatively *every 3rd and 4th round* = 98-102 sts.
Continue until piece measures 37 (36) cm. Work M.4, then cast off when piece measures approx
50 (49) cm.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Pick up approx 92 (96) sts along left front band on circ needle
size 3.5mm with pale grey and work 3 cm rib back and forth on needle. Cast off. Repeat for right
front but work 5 buttonholes after 1 cm as follows: 1 buttonhole= cast off 1 st and cast on 1 st on
next row.
Pick up approx 96 sts around neck on circ needle size 3,5mm with pale grey. Work 2.5cm rib back
and forth on needle, change to charcoal and work 1 row rib. Cast off. Sew in sleeves. Sew in

Diagram explanations

= charcoal
= pale grey
= mustard
= wine
= green
= cream

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