instruction to the students

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1. Be in uniform(except pass out and PG students). If not, get HOD’s letter of permission.

2. Be Punctual. Late entry permitted only till the first 30 minutes. You may leave the hall after
the first 30 minutes of the exam.

3. Please switch off your mobile phones and keep it in your bag. If any electronic gadget is
found to be possessed by the student, the same shall be confiscated and submitted to
the Exam Cell along with Admit Card. The exam cell will hand over the confiscated object
only when the Guardian of the student with proper I card comes and meets OIC of the

4. Please occupy your seat at the allotted place in the examination hall at the strike of the first
bell, but not before. Answer booklets will be issued by the invigilators only. DO NOT
FORGET to fill all the appropriate columns and Sign on the facing sheet of the answer
booklet. This time you will be provided only with 24- page answer script. There will not be
any option to provide extra page .

5. Once you complete writing the exam, make sure to submit your answer booklet only to the
invigilator. Do not leave the copy on the table and leave the room.

6. Keep your Admit Card and registration card on the table.

7. You are not permitted to pass the question paper, much less the answer book, to other
students. You are also not allowed to borrow calculators, or any other materials from other

8. Any case of copying, malpractice, discussion shall be reported to the Exam Cell.

9. Students are advised to leave the examination premises as soon as the examination is over.
Thronging in the verandah causes inconvenience.

10. Students are not allowed to go to the washroom during the first one hour and the last half an
hour of the examination

11. Students are under live CCTV surveillance.

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