01MakeTheGrade2 Unit4 TestLevel1 (Reparado)

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Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:

> UNIT 4

1 Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

shift | perks | position | deadline | slave | teamwork | nonsense | clerk

1 The ................................................................... is tomorrow, not a day later.

2 The ................................................................... include a company car.
3 He first started working here as a ................................................................... .
4 That’s ................................................................... . It’s just not true.
5 She’s been promoted to a new ................................................................... .
6 I’m not a ................................................................... . I don’t work for free.
7 This week I’m working the early ................................................................... .

8 I need help. This task requires ................................................................... .

2 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1 A dead-end job offers you a few / no opportunities.
2 A worker who is burnt out may be promoted / quit.
3 If you’re out of work, you don’t have a job / work from home.
4 Lisa hates the rat race and is leaving her job / the country.
5 He shared some tricks of the trade about his profession / qualifications.
6 We watched the actors rehearse before / after the show.
7 It’s a part-time job, so the hours are shorter / longer than many other jobs.

3 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the expression in bold. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
1 It is difficult to make a living when you don’t have a steady job. ..........

2 Someone who gets paid peanuts earns a lot of money. ..........

3 If you make up your mind, you decide what to do. ..........
4 If you pull your weight, you don’t like to work hard. ..........
5 An employee who comes late every day may get fired. ..........

4 The sentences below do not make sense. Replace the words in bold with a word from another sentence.
(5 x 1 = 5 points)
1 Jack is paid extra if he works sick leave. ..................................................................
2 Linda gave in her qualification and left the job. ..................................................................
3 He broke his leg and has taken resignation. ..................................................................
4 You need a college starvation for this job. ..................................................................
5 People were dying of overtime after the earthquake. ..................................................................

5 Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1 This is the office .................................................................. I work.
2 Our boss always stays at the office in the evenings, .................................................................. everyone has gone home.
3 The woman .................................................................. child won the competition was proud.
4 I like the people with ................................................................. I did the project.

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4
5 Do you know anyone ................................................................. is qualified to work here?

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4

6 Match A and B to form sentences. Choose from the relative pronouns below. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

which | when | whose | whom | where

1 The person to ................................................................... .......... a parents are abroad, are staying with their
2 The hotel room in...................................................................
.......... b you are talking is my boss.
3 We like to play football after school,
.......... c I was born is in the south of England.

4 The children, ................................................................... .......... d we are staying is expensive.

5 The town ................................................................... .......... e we have free time.

7 Combine the sentences using relative clauses. Do not change the original meaning. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1 Kate is new in the office. She used to be a teacher.

2 I work in a start-up company. It has many employees.


3 The manager was fired. His staff didn’t like him.


4 I don’t want to think about the time. I was unhappy in my job then.

5 That is the park. We like to meet there.



1 The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them by replacing the words in bold with words in bold from
another sentence. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
1 He was fined a serious crime. ...............................................

2 She was caught robbery cosmetics. ...............................................

3 He lost all his money because of shoplifting. ...............................................
4 No phones here – it’s go straight to take pictures. ...............................................

5 The thief tried to forbidden my bag. ...............................................

6 He isn’t charged with but no one believes him. ...............................................

7 Nobody was hurt during the gambling. ...............................................

8 I was concerned for returning the library book late. ...............................................

9 Don’t worry. There’s no reason to be guilty. ...............................................

10 They are trying to grab and stay away from crime. ...............................................

2 Match the ebest option. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1 bring up 4 pick up
5 defy
2 set up
3 put down a law

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4
children a friend
a business some food for dinner

5 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use affirmative or negative modals, modal perfects or
had better. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1 He’s injured. He .................................................................... (should / wear) a helmet.
2 They weren’t there, so they .................................................................... (could / know) what happened.
3 The roads are very icy. You .................................................................... (better / drive) tonight.
4 The suspect was released, so the lawyer .................................................................... (have to / defend) him.
5 The driver .................................................................... (able to / pay) the fine, so he wasn’t arrested.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
(5 x 2 = 10 points)
1 Don’t drink from this cup. (better)

2 There’s no doubt that he’s guilty. (must)


3 It’s impossible that this story is true. (can’t)


4 She’s angry that you didn’t invite her. (should)


5 Perhaps she didn’t receive your e-mail. (might)


1 Match the beginnings of the sentences in A to the correct endings in B. (10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
1 I won’t pay this much for a cup of coffee. It’s daylight ................................................ .
2 He’s going to be behind ................................................ for many years for his crimes.
3 Sophisticated criminals cover their ................................................ very well.
4 It was her first offence, so the police let her off the ................................................ .
5 Gemma is always with Alexa. They’re as thick as ................................................ .

5 He wants to earn more money so he needs a job that has room for…..
6 You need to learn a skill so you can …………a living
8 You will need help with the project sooner or
9 We are putting bars on the windows because last night thieves managed to break ...
10 He should have got a fine but the police let him off the…..

2 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold. (10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
1 A deadline is the date you must begin / end a project.
2 If you defy a law, you obey / disobey it.

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4
5 When you get rid of something, you keep / remove it.
8 The clerk at the bank / school answered my questions.
9 Lily is fond of jazz music, so she often / rarely listens to it.
10 The local people suffered from starvation as there was no food / water.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (4)
(qualify) (rely) . (offend) . (resign)

1 This person has all the right ................................................ for the job.
2 Janet gave in her ................................................ after working in the company for 13 years
3 We’re looking for ................................................ workers for our company.
4 She is the young ................................................ who was arrested for shoplifting

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
1 I .................................................................... (would / help) you, but I didn’t have time.
2 I can’t find my phone. I .................................................................... (must / leave) it at home.
3 ................................................ you .................................................................... (be able to / drive) us to the concert tomorrow?
4 My friend said she .................................................................... (wait) for the train for 4 hours.
5 The painter did a terrible job. We .................................................................... (should not / pay) him before we checked his work.
6 Michael complained that he was hungry and .................................................................... (not eat) anything since the morning.
8 ................................................ you .................................................................... (have to / clean) the house after everyone had left?
9 I look forward to .................................................................... (have) an interview with you
10 You’ve been working all day. You .................................................................... (must / be) tired.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
1 “I wouldn’t go there if I were you,” my father warned me .
(‘d better)
2 There are several subjects. I am interested in them.
There are several subjects ............................................................................................................................................................... I am interested.
4 I don’t think that Joey locked the door last night. (modal verb)
Joey ............................................................................................................................................................... locked the door last night.
5 The man got the job. His interview was successful. (relatives)
The man ...............................................................................................................................................................

Test Level 1 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4

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