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Quiz Unit 4. Human Organs

Name : ____________________ Date : ______________

1. Label the following organs on the diagram below : the brain, the lungs, the

heart, the stomach and intestines.

2. Finish the sentences by writing the names of these organs in the correct


a. I am in your chest. I pump blood around your body. I am your


b. I am in your head. I help you do everything like talking and moving. I am

your __________________.

c. I am in your chest. I take in air so you can breathe. I am your


d. I am in your tummy. I help to digest food and break it down. I am your


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e. I am in your tummy. I absorb the nutrients from your food. I am your


3. Write the missing words. Choose from the words provided.

blood vessels nutrients organs muscle

beat blood

a. Food is transported by _____________.

b. Blood is transported in ___________________________.

c. The heart is made of ______________.

d. We need _______________ from food.

e. I feel my heart give a _____________.

f. My heart, brain and lungs are _______________.

4. Answer the questions.

a. What should you do to keep your whole body healthy ?



b. What can you do to make your brain getting better and improving ?



c. Why was the breathing rate per minute of the adults lower than that

of the children ?



d. Which part of your body can you feel your pulse ?


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5. Complete the bar chart from Zara’s heart rate at different times

At rest After 1 minute 3 minutes after

exercise exercise
65 90 65

What happen with Zara’s heart rate after exercise ? Why would it happen ?



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