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1. The police prevented him from escaping.

2. Is this the best hotel you could find?
3. John has been playing the piano for ten years.
4. She doesn’t study hard enough.
5. The car cost me only a few hundred pounds.
6. He has been investigating the case for a week.
7. Even though the flat’s very noisy we enjoy
living here.
8. Until I tell you, you must stay / you may not
9. Susan isn’t as good at chemistry as Sarah.
10. When are John and Mary getting married/to
be married?
11. We didn’t arrive in time/early enough to see
the first film.
12. Nobody in the class is as clever as Sally.
13. This is the most romantic story I have ever
14. We have been cooking for the party for four
15. He is behaving more violently than ever
16. The police prevented us from getting nearer.
17. Unless you promise to try harder I won’t
help you.
18. She has lived in that house since 1973.
19. You needn’t shout/You don’t need to shout.
20. It took (us) 5 hours to get to London.
21. She's not used to staying up late.
22. They haven’t visited me for five years.
23. He had all his suits made in Paris.
24. He is visiting England for the first time.
25. He enjoys walking in the rain.
26. It is over 20 years since he last went back to
his home town.
27. Travelling by train is much cheaper than
travelling by plane.
28. Johnny Brax is a careful driver on public
roads but a terror on the racetrack.
29. What is the matter/wrong with this TV?
30. This is the first time I’ve tasted pheasant.
31. Sad as/though it is, unemployment is unlikely
to go down this year.
32. It last snowed here six years ago / It hasn’t
snowed here for six years / It is six years since it
last snowed here.
33. There’s very little/hardly anything he doesn’t
know about whales.
34. The more popular television programmes
become, the worse they seem to get.
35. The sooner we (can) solve the problem, the
better it will be for all concerned.
36. There were far fewer people there than I had
37. No matter how often I invite him for a
weekend with us, he’s always too busy to come.
38. However experienced you may be, driving
fast is dangerous.
39. Our French exam was not as difficult as our
German one.
40. I haven't played football since 1971.
41. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't
get the money.
42. I am not in the habit of sleeping in the
I am not used to sleeping in the afternoon.
I am not accustomed to sleeping in the afternoon.
To be/get used to smth/doing smth quen làm gì
To be accustomed to smth/doing smth
To be in the habit of doing smth
43. The hotel was more expensive than any one
we had stayed in before.
44. Donald kept us waiting for two hours.
45. It’s years since I last went to a cricket match.
46. I don't play the guitar as well as he does.
47. A few days ago the weather was much cooler
than it is today.
48. That house has been unoccupied/hasn’t been
used in for years.
49. Although we had warned him, he left camp
without talking his rifle.
50. They moved here six years ago.
51. Whichever route you take, it will still take
you about three hours to get there.
52. We look forward to hearing another lecture
by Professor Brown in the near future.
53. Even though they had been lost in the
mountains for three days, they looked strong and
54. However long it may take, I’ll find that man.
55. No matter how much louder he can shout, I
still won’t take any notice.
56. Despite good notices (which/that) the play
received, not many people went to see it.
57. As long as you keep calm, you will pass your
driving test.
58. Unless it rains / it starts raining millions of
pounds worth of crops will be lost.
59. Try as hard as I might I couldn’t open the
60. Although he has got ungainly air/ his air is
ungainly, he is remarkably agile.
Air (n) dáng vẻ
Ungainly (adj) lóng ngóng, vụng về
Remarkably (adv) đáng kể
Agile (adj) nhanh nhẹn
61. A heavy shower put a stop to their game of
tennis / stopped/prevented them (from) finishing
their game of tennis.
62. Unless you saw (heard/listened
to/watched/have seen) the programme you can’t
really judge
63. Mrs Scott prides herself on her cooking/on
being a good cook.
64. Elizabeth cannot play the piano as well as
65. She prides herself on her cooking.
66. It is 20 years since John and Mary moved to
67. It was in very bad condition and it needed a
lot of work.
68. Please give me a ring and/let me know if you
can make it.
69. I’m really looking forward to seeing you
70. Despite his (superior) strength Christopher
was soon overpowered by his attacker.
71. Despite their good game/the fact they played
well, the team lost.
72. Norman’s house may have been more
expensive, but it is smaller and less attractive
than mine.
73. It was not so much a discussion as an
It is not so much A as B không phải là A… mà
là B thì đúng hơn
74. Mrs Jones is the most generous person you've
ever met.
75. The less time my boss has, the better he
76. It hasn’t rained for a fortnight.
A fortnight nửa tháng
77. Whenever he comes to visit us there’s
78. No matter what I do my parents find fault
with me.
To find fault with bới lông tìm vết, phê bình
79. The older I get the less I want to travel.
80. The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is
greater than that of the Atlantic.
81. In spite of his innocence/his not being guilty
he was executed.
82. Much as I admire her achievements, I don’t
really like her.
83. My father has difficulty (in)
following/reading maps.
To have difficulty (in) doing smth gặp khó khăn
trong việc làm gì
84. If Karen had an IELTS certificate, he’d
apply for the job.
85. If Lam liked spicy food, she would eat some
food at the party.
86. But for the traffic jam, we would go to the
meeting on time.
87. Without your help, I couldn’t find my dog.
88. Unless he submits the project, he won't
89. But for his sickness, he would come to help
90. Unless you agree to help me with this job, I
will tell her the truth.
91. Were you not so busy, we could go on a trip
92. Were he more confident, he could ask her out
on a date.
93. If I had enough money, I would travel
around the world.
94. If she spoke Spanish, she could communicate
with her relatives in Spain
95. If he knew how to swim, he could go scuba
96. If you don’t go right now, you’ll be late for
the bus.
97. If I knew Lana's e-mail address, I could send
her the document.
98. If Karen were tall enough, he would join the
basketball team.
99. If Ronald saw the signal, he’d stop the car.
100. If Peter ate less chips, he wouldn't be fat

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