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Preparation CA

Name : __________________________ Date : _______________________

1. Complete the sentences below using the word from box.

dolphins five backbone water fish reptiles
amphibians birds mammals scales fins feathers
land smooth fur wet dry crocodiles
wings hair Sea whale skeleton

The animals that have a ______________ with a _______________ inside their bodies is
vertebrate. We can sort the vertebrates into ______________ groups. There are
___________, _______________, _______________, _____________ and ___________.
Fish are vertebrates that live in ____________. They have _________ instead of arms and
legs and their bodies are covered with _____________. Amphibians live in water and
on ____________ and their bodies are covered with a ______________, __________ skin.
Reptiles are covered with ________ scales. Most reptiles live on land but some in water
such as _______________. Birds are covered with ____________. Birds have _________
instead of arms. Mammals are covered with __________ or __________. Most mammals
live on land but some live in the ________, such as ____________ and _____________.

2. Mention the 3 examples of each kind of vertebrate.

a. Fish : ______________________________________________________
b. Amphibians : ______________________________________________________
c. Reptiles : ______________________________________________________
d. Birds : ______________________________________________________
e. Mammals : ______________________________________________________
3. Answer the questions.
a. Mention 2 functions of medicine!
b. Please explain how medicine can prevent us from getting illnesses.
c. Name some of the ways in which our body can move ?
d. Mention the examples of infectious diseases.
4. Write one word for each of the underlined parts of these sentences.
a. The job or use of the ribs is to keep safe the heart and lungs.
b. The heart and lungs are parts inside the body that do different jobs.
c. Muscles always work in groups of two. When one muscle gets shorter, the other
muscle gets longer.
d. A crab has a hard covering on the outside of the body.
e. When we are ill, we take drugs that make our bodies better. They also stop us from
getting ill.

5. Write the correct word for each description below.

a. Substances that make our water, air and land dirty. ________________
b. Something that gives support and shape from the inside. ____________________
c. An object or drawing that helps us understand how something works, or what
something looks like, that we can’t see in real life. _________________
d. Parts of the body joined to the bones that allow you to move. __________________
e. A disease that is caused by very tiny living things (germs). ____________________

6. Mention whether each statement true (T) of false (F).

a. Only people can have infectious diseases. __________
b. Infectious diseases in plants can harm different plant parts. __________
c. Bird flu is an infectious that infects birds and plants. __________
d. Vaccinations to animals can prevent illness. __________
Draw a line to match each word with its meaning. The first one has been done for you.

Word Meaning

Skeleton The bones in your chest

Bones The bones in your back

Skull The bone that joins your leg to the upper

part of your body

Rib cage The hard, strong frame that supports our


Spine The bone that moves when we eat or talk

Hip Hard parts that form the skeleton

Jaw The bones of the head

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