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Jungle Hopper

DROPS Cardigan in Cotton Chenille

DROPS 56-5
Sizes: Small/Medium (Medium/Large, Extra Large)
Finished measurements:
Bust: 104-112-120 cm
Waist: 88-96-104 cm
Hem: 112-120-128 cm


(100% cotton) 50 g./76 yards
450 (500, 550) g. col. 15, brown

Alternative yarn:
* DROPS TYNN CHENILLE (90% cotton, 10% polyester)
400 (450, 500) g. col. 910, brown
All numbers/measurements for Tynn Chenille are given in ( ).

DROPS 3.5 mm and 4 mm circular needles, or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge.
(DROPS 2 mm and 2.5 mm circular needles, or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge).

6 DROPS dark nut buttons (button no. 514).

Cotton Chenille: 14 sts and 26 rows on larger needles in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm
(Tynn Chenille: 20 sts and 32 rows on larger needles in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm)

Double Seed stitch (on an even number of sts):

1st row: k 1, p 1
2nd row: k 1, p 1
3rd row: p 1, k 1
4th row: p 1, k 1

Garter Stitch, when knitting flat: Knit all sts, all rows.

Buttonholes: When the work measures 1-1-1, 9.5-10-10.5, 17.5-19-20, 25.5-28-29, 33.5-37-
38.5 and 42-46-48 cm, bind off for buttonholes on the right front as follows: Bind off the 3rd and
4th (3rd, 4th and 5th) sts and cast on 2 (3) new sts over the bound-off sts on the next row. Knit
the uppermost buttonhole above the others.

Body: Cast on 166-178-190 (238-254-270) sts (including 5 (7) sts on each side for the
buttonband) on smaller needles and knit 4 rows garter st, but work the buttonband sts on each
side as follows: always knit the edge st in garter st and the remaining sts in double seed st (for a
firm edge).
Change to larger needles and stockinette st, keeping the buttonband sts in pattern. Remember to
knit buttonholes on the right front per instructions above. When the work measures 8 (11-12)
cm, place a marker on each side of the center 42-44-46 (60-62-66) sts at the back and a marker
24-25-26 (34-35-37) sts (including the buttonband sts) from the center front on each front piece
(4 markers total).

Now dec at the markers on a knit row (right side facing) as follows:
Right front: Dec on the buttonband-side (before the marker) as follows: K 2 tog.
Back: Decrease inside each marker as follows:
After the first marker dec as follows: Sl 1, K 1, pass the slipped stitch over (psso).
Before the second marker dec as follows: K 2 tog.
Left front: Dec on the buttonband-side (after the marker) as follows: Sl 1, K 1, psso.

Dec 1 st immediately, then dec 1 st every 3 (2) cm 1 (2) times, then every 2 (1) cm 5 (7) times,
and then every 3 (2) cm 1 (2) times = 134-146-158 (190-206-222) sts. Continue knitting until
the work measures 27-30-31 (27-30-31) cm.
Now inc on the same side of the markers as you decreased. Inc 1 st immediately, then inc 1 st
after 3 (2) cm 1 (1) time, then every 2 (1) cm 2 (5) times, and then every 3 (2) cm 1 (1) time =
154-166-178 (222-238-254) sts. When the work measures 41-44-46 (41-44-46) cm, work the
next row as follows: 39-42-45 (56-60-64) sts for the front, bind off 4 (6) sts for armhole, 68-74-
80 (98-106-114) sts for the back, bind off 4 (6) sts for armhole, 39-42-45 (56-60-64) sts for the
front. Knit the rest of each part separately.

Front: = 39-42-45 (56-60-64) sts. When the work measures 41-45-47 (41-45-47) cm, inc 2 (2)
sts for collar at the center front inside 1 edge st which is knit in garter st - measure the collar
from here. Then increase 1 st inside the edge st on every other (every) row 10 (2) times, and
then every 3rd (2nd) row 2 (16) times. Knit the increased sts in double seed stitch (= 19-19-19
(27-27-27) sts collar). At the same time, continue to shape armholes at side edge every other
row: bind off 3 sts 1-1-1 (1-2-2) times, 2 sts 1-2-3 (3-2-4) times, dec 1 st 2 (3) times, then dec
1 st every 4th row 1-1-2 (1-2-2) times. When the work measures 45-49-51 (45-49-51) cm, dec
for the neck shaping and continue to inc for the collar.
Keeping the collar in double seed stitch and continuing collar increases, dec 1 st every other row
in the stockinette sts 2-3-3 (4-5-5) times, then every 4th row 5 (5) times, then every 6th row 2
(4) times. After the last inc for the collar knit 2 rows - the collar measures 11 cm (measure from
where you began increasing for the collar). Now bind off the outermost 8 (11) sts at the center
front and on the next row cast on 7 (10) sts over the bound-off sts = 18 (26) sts collar. When the
collar measures 15 (13) cm, dec 1 st on the inside of each front edge st. Then dec 1 st on the
inside of each front edge st every 5 (4) cm 1 (2) times = 16 (23) sts collar. When the work
measures 64-68-70 (64-68-70) cm bind off 17-17-17 (23-24-24) sts from the shoulder to the
neck. Only the collar sts remain on the needles. Continue in seed stitch for 2 (1.5) cm more, then
inc 1 st inside each front edge st which you continue to knit in garter st. Then dec 1 st at each
front edge (inside the edge sts) and at the same time, inc 1 st at the shoulder edge every 2 (1.5)
cm 2 (3) times. When the collar measures 6-6.5-6.5 (6-6.5-6.5) cm from the shoulder bind-off,
shape collar with short rows: put 5 sts from the shoulder edge on a stitch holder every other row
2 (1) times, then put 6 sts from the shoulder edge on a stitch holder every other row 1 (3) times.
The sts on the stitch holder will be joined at the center back later.

Back: = 68-74-80 (98-106-114) sts. Shape armholes as on the front = 52-54-54 (72-76-76) sts.
When the work measures 62-66-68 (62-66-68) cm, bind off the center 14-16-16 (22-24-24) sts
for the neck. Then bind off 2 sts on the next row at each neck edge. Bind off the 17-17-17 (23-
24-24) sts on each shoulder when the work measures 64-68-70 (64-68-70) cm.

Sleeves: Cast on 50-52-56 (70-74-78) sts (including 1 edge st at each side for seam) on smaller
needles and knit 4 rows garter st. Change to larger needles and stockinette st. Inc 1 st each edge
6-6-5 (10-9-8) times:
Size S: alternately every other and every 3rd (every other) row
Sizes M+L: every other (alternately every and every other) row
= 62-64-66 (90-92-94) sts. When the work measures 8-7-6 (8-7-6) cm bind off at each side for
armholes every other row: 3 sts 1 (3) times, 2 sts 2 (2) times, dec 1 st 11-12-15 (12-14-17)
times, bind off 2 sts 2 (2) times, 3 sts 1 (2) times, bind off all sts. The work measures approx.
21-21-22 (21-21-22) cm.

Pocket flaps (make 2): Cast on 17 (23) sts on larger needles and knit double seed stitch for 10
(12) rows (= 3.5-4 cm). Then bind off on every row: 2 sts at the beginning of the row and 1
stitch at the end of the row until all sts have been bound off.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Knit together the sts at the center back shaping. Sew the collar
to the neck opening on the back with the seam out on the right side. Sew sleeve seam. Sew on
the sleeves and buttons. Place the pocket flaps on the body and attach them.

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what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site.

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