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The Rightly Guided Caliphs

Administration of Caliph Abu Bakr Siddique

Caliph Abu Bakr R.A was the first caliph of Islam after the death of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
and can be seen as a role model for all Muslim leaders and governments today.
He continued with the same principles as were maintained by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to
secure peace and solidarity of the Islamic state.
He took the office of khilafat at the most critical and crucial moment of Islamic history
and united the Muslim Ummah.
His caliphate was impacted by two main concerns. The first was to maintain the unity
and solidarity of the Muslim Ummah by putting down the uprisings that began after the
Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬demise and, secondly, he had to continue with the expedition to Syria,
which the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬had planned.
He refused to take salary from bait-ul-maal. However, when he felt that by looking after
his own business and property, the affairs of the state were being neglected he started
taking salary but returned all the money he had received before his death by sold out his
He laid the foundations of a true Islamic Republic state based upon democratic principles.
The Caliph himself performed religious and political duties as he was the Chief
Executive, Commander-in-Chief of the army, often led the daily prayers and above all,
was the Chief Justice of the Islamic Republic State.
He set up the Majlis-e-Shura (Advisory council) consisting of senior and devoted
companions to Islam whom were close to Allah and His Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and conducted all
affairs of the state after consultation with the Majlis-e-Shura.
He divided the Muslim State into provinces for strong administration as the Capital was
Madinah and the provinces were Makkah, Taif, San’a(north Yemen), Yemen (south
Yemen), Najran, Hadramawt, Bahrain and Dhamutal Jandal.
A governor (Wali) was appointed in every province to lead the Prayers, supervise the
army, collected taxes, administer justice and maintain law and order.
He was aided by an Amil (administrator) who collected revenues.
He appointed a number of Judges in various provinces to dispense justice as Hazrat Umar
and Hazrat Ali R.A were judges in Madina.
He established a special department of the Muftis (Islamic Jurists) for resolving the daily
life problems of people in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
He is also credited with laying the foundations of the Bait-ul-maal for managing Zakat,
Ushr, Jizya and spoils of war and their distributions among needy and poor.
He set up a strict standard of accounting for public money.
He appointed all officials, commanders, and governors on the basis of merit.
He founded the military cantonments and maintained a reserve force and divided the
army in battalions and each troop was headed by a commander.

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He reserved a part of the revenue for purchase of arms and for the maintenance of forces.
Special pastures were preserved for horses and camels used in the battles.
He saved the true image of Islam by defeating the false prophets, suppressed the
uprisings that took place all over the Muslim State and dealt firmly with the tribes
refusing to pay Zakat.
He maintained the integrity of Islam and with his campaigns in Persia and the Byzantine
Empire, extended the boundaries of Islam.
He was also significant for the compilation of the Holy Quran when a large number of
memorizer of the Holy Quran were martyred in the battle of Yamama.
The rights of non-Muslim were protected and granted religious and cultural freedom.

Savior of Islam/Services
Caliph Abu Bakr Siddique R.A proved to be the best amongst the Muslim community, as
he alone faced the distressful situation with brave face and sound judgment.
He was a hope and console men to Muslims in grief of the demise of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
He took the office of Caliphate at the most critical and crucial moment of Islamic History
He faced disunity among the Muslims, threatened by rebellions, rise of false prophets and
apostasy movements.
He brought the unity among the Muslims and crushed the power of the false prophets and
rebellions because of his firm determination to Islam.
No amount of difficulty could make him negligent of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
It was in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A that the teachings of Islam crossed
the Arabian borders.
A major part of Iraq came under his rule and Muslims conquered many important cities
of Syria.
He made adequate and effective arrangements for the safety of the borders of the Muslim
empire and Islam became a world force which successfully confronted the might of the
Persian and Byzantines empires.
In consideration of the difficulties arising out of the demise of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his
calm judgment and sagacity with a gentle and compassionate heart at that critical moment
ensured preservation of Muslim’s faith and their integrity.
Suppression of the apostasy movement brought a great deal of short and long term
benefits to the Muslim Ummah.
Perhaps the most important outcome of this was the compilation of the Holy Quran, the
greatest unifying force for the Muslims.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A earned the noble title for his devotion and services to
Islam called “the Savior of Islam”.

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Thus Islam, the Universal Religion, started to blossom as a world religion and his
administrative ability brought peace and prosperity from within and without in his time.

Past Papers
Question # 3: (a)
 Write an account of how Abu Bakr led the Islamic empire when he became the
first caliph. [10] (Oct/Nov 2020 22)
 Write an account of the achievements of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of Islam.
(Oct/Nov 2019 21)
 Write a detailed account of Abu Bakr’s achievements as Caliph.
(May/june18 21)
Candidates in response to this answer can say that Abu Bakr was the first caliph of
Islam after the death of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and can be seen as a role model for all
Muslim leaders and governments today.
He continued with the same principles as were maintained by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to
secure peace and solidarity of the Islamic state, e.g.,
How he united the ummah at a critical time after the death of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬,
fought and defeated the false prophets, crushed the rebellions and upheld the Pillar
of zakat could all be written about as his achievements and went on to expand the
Islamic empire and implemented Islamic law (Sharia) whilst allowing religious
freedom to all non-Muslims..
He sent the Muslim army to Syria as per the Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬plan.
It could also be added that he divided the caliphate into provinces under a governor
and list the task of the governor to develop the answer.
It could be said that he also established military cantonments and maintained a
reserve force.
He administered in accordance with the practice of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and set the
precedent of maintaining strict standards of accounting for public finances.
He provided the foundations of a truly democratic welfare state by consulting the
Shura before taking decisions, e.g., he consulted them about the compilation of the
The preservation and compilation of the Qur’an will also be seen as one of his most
important achievements as caliph.
Candidates could also write about how he maintained the integrity of Islam and,
with his campaigns in Persia and Byzantine, extended the boundaries of Islam.

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The Rightly Guided Caliphs

Justice, patience, sacrifice, and humility were the hallmarks of his leadership and
can be expanded upon in the answer. Above is guidance which can be included and
expanded upon in the answer to show how he led the Islamic empire and set an
example for Muslim rulers for all times to follow.

Question # 4: (a) Write a detailed account about the election and administration of
Abu Bakr. [10] (Oct/nov17 22)

(Note: Election has been discussed above. As administration in this question is

merged with the election so candidate should attempt this question precisely than
above question)

As for the administration of Abu Bakr, candidates could say that he laid the
foundation of a truly democratic state.
Following the Qur’an and Sunna Abu Bakr conducted the affairs of the state by
discussing all matters with the Majlis-e-Shura.
He divided the state into provinces and appointed governors who were responsible
for both administrative and military affairs.
Public money was strictly accounted for and all those in government were selected
on merit.
It should be said that even though there was no police force, all crimes and their
perpetrators were dealt with in the light of the teachings from the Qur’an and
Sunna and if they were silent ijma was practiced.
By his efficient administration he preserved the integrity of Islam by suppressing
rebellions and making sure that the Pillar of zakat was enforced.
The mark is not to be divided 5+5 between the two parts but instead the answer has
to be read as a whole and a global mark should be given.

(b) Which was his greatest contribution as caliph? Give reasons for your answer.
[4] (Oct/Nov 2019 21)
 In your opinion, what was the greatest service performed by Abu Bakr during
his caliphate? (Oct/nov17 22)

Give reasons for your choice. Candidates are free to choose which, in their opinion, Abu
Bakr’s greatest service/achievements/ contribution as caliph was.

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The Rightly Guided Caliphs

They could say that by fighting the false prophets he ensured that the Muslims
were not led astray,
or they could say that by upholding the Pillar of zakat he ensured that the faith was
not corrupted
Or that the compilation of the Qur’an ensured its survival in its original form for
future generations of Muslims.

All viewpoints given must be backed up with reasons that why in their opinion they feel
it were his greatest service/achievements/ contribution as caliph. Their choice has to be
backed by valid reasons.

(b) What was the most serious danger faced by the Islamic state during Abu Bakr’s
caliphate? [4] (Oct/Nov 2019 22)
 In your opinion what was the most important task that faced Abu Bakr on
becoming caliph? Briefly discuss. (Oct/Nov 2011 21)
Give reasons for your answer.

When Abu Bakr became the first caliph of Islam, he had to face serious challenges
like the emergence of false prophets, refusal of some tribes to pay zakat, rejection
of the political authority in Madina by some tribes/states etc.,
The death of several hundred huffaz in battles which gave rise to the fear that the
Qur’an may therefore be in danger of getting lost, forgotten or corrupted if not

Candidates need to select any one threat, which in their opinion posed the greatest threat
to the Islamic state and state it clearly. They need to go on to give a clear explanation of
why the task they have selected to discuss was important, what benefit came out of it and
perhaps what may have happened it had not been dealt with effectively by Abu Bakr.
This is an evaluative answer which gives the candidate a chance to show their
understanding of the topic.

(b) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬called Abu Bakr ‘Al-Siddique’ (Testifier of the Truth). How
did Abu Bakr live up to his title during his caliphate? [4] (May/june16

During his caliphate, Abu Bakr fought to uphold the finality of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
in the wars against the false prophets;
he refused to give in to the demands of those who wanted to be exempted from
paying zakat and fought battles with them,

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The Rightly Guided Caliphs

And he preserved the word of God by having the Qur’an compiled.

One or more of these events could be given by candidates as examples of how Abu
Bakr always stood by the truth and fought to maintain it, by which he lived up to
the title of ‘al-Siddique’ (Testifier of the Truth) which the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬had given
him when he was the first to believe the Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬account of mi ’raj.

(b) Why was Abu Bakr given the title ‘Savior of Islam’? [4] (Oct/Nov 2010 01)

 Why Abu Bakr is called the Savior of Islam? (Oct/Nov 2009 02)

To gain top marks in this question candidates need to show a good understanding of the
reason why he was called the Savior of Islam.

Candidates in this part should try to show an understanding of the importance and
significance of Abu Bakr to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and therefore to Islam.

They could mention how his loyalty to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬contributed to keeping
the community united, he held the community together when the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
died, and this led to him becoming the first caliph.
A satisfactory answer would simply explain that he fought to prevent the break-up
of Islam.
However, more complete answers will explain that the false prophets and apostates
threatened the uniqueness and unity of Islam and could not be allowed to continue
their activities.
Hence when he became caliph, he not only gave new heart to the Muslims after the
Prophet passed away but helped the community of Muslims against its many
In his short term as caliph, he defeated the tribes who withdrew from Islam and
made them stay Muslim and he fought and won against tribes who refused to pay
He also defeated the false prophets and thus kept the unity of Islam when there was
much danger.

Candidates could mention his contribution in the compilation of the Qur’an as well.

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(b) Was Abu Bakr a good choice as caliph? Give reasons to support your answer.
[4] (Oct/Nov 2012 21)

Candidates could give a variety of reasons to support their answer, if they agree to him
being a good choice as caliph,

they could refer to him being the first male Muslim,

to his being the Prophet's closest friend and father-in law,
For being appointed as the first Amir al Hajj by the Prophet when it first became
obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra and for all his contributions to Islam etc. If they
disagree, they will need to support their view. All valid points must be credited.

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