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1. 1 gauss = ……….

(a) 10−4 (b) 10−2 (c) 104 (d) 102 Ans. ()

2. If initially unpolarised light of intensity �� transmit through the polarizing sheet throw angle �, then transmitted
intensity given by
(a) � = �� ���2� (b) � = 2 �� (c) � = �� ���2� (d) � = �� Ans. ()

3. for light incident at the Brewster angle, the angle between incident and refracted ray is
(a) 00 (b) 1800 (c) 450 (d) 900 Ans. ()

4. Red light of � = 664 �� is used in young's experiment with the slits separated by a distance � = 0.12 ��. The
screen is located at a distance � = 2.75 � from the slits. Find the distance y on the screen between the central
bright fringe and the third order bright fringe
(a) 4.56 cm (b) 1.23 cm (c) 6.64 cm (d) 6.80 cm Ans. ()

5.  
Two beams of light with electric field amplitudes î E and î  2ĵ E interfere at a point with path difference λ/2 .
The magnitude of the electric field at the point of interference is
(a) 2 2 E (b) 0 (c) 2 E 
(d) 1 5 E 
6. A system consists of a ball of radius R carrying a spherically symmetric charge and the surrounding space filled
with a charge of volume density ρ = r where α is a constant, ‘r’ is the distance from the centre of the ball. The
charge on the ball for which the electric field magnitude outside the ball is independent of ‘r’ will be ? (the
relative permittivities of the ball and surrounding space are assumed to be equal to unity) (college lec. 2020)
πR2 α
(a) 2
(b) πR2 α (c) 2πR2 α (d) 4πR2 α Ans. ©

7. A sphere of in radius 1cm outer radius 2cm, centred at origin has a volume charge density �0 = �/
(4��) ,where K is non zero constant and r is radial distance. A point charge of magnitude 10−3 � is
placed at the origin. For what value of K in units of �/�2 , the electric field inside shell is constant ?
[JEST 2017] Ans. 20

8. A large flat metal surface has a uniform charge density +�. An electron of mass m and charge ‘e’
leaves the surface at point A with speed u , and return to it at point B. disregard gravity. The maximum
value of AB is
2u2mϵ₀ u2 eϵ₀ u2e u2σe
(a) σe
b) mσ
c) ϵ σm d) ϵ₀ m
Ans. (a)

9. The electric potential at a perpendicular distance ‘r’ from a long straight wire of cross sectional radius
‘a’ is given as V(r) =− A ln (r/a) where A is a constant. The charge Q per unit length of the wire is
(pol. Tech 2020)
(a) 4πAϵO (b) πAϵO (c) 2πAϵO (d) 2 O Ans. (c)

10. In a coaxial cable , the radius of the inner conductor is 2mm and that of the outer one is 5mm. the
inner conductor is at a potential of 10V, while the outer conductor is grounded. The value of the
potential at a distance of 3.5mm from the axis is………… [IIT JAM 2017]

Ans. 3.8
11. There is infinite linear array of alternatively placed positive and negative charge each of magnitude Q
and separation r. the potential energy of a charge is
��2 ��2 �� �� 1 1 1
a) ln 22 b) − ln 22 c) ln 2 d) 1 − + − + ……. Ans. (b)
� � � � 2 3 4

12. A conducting sphere of radius r has charge Q on its surface. If the charge on the sphere is doubled
and its radius is halved, the energy associated with the electric field will [JEST 2014]
a) Increase four times b) Increase eight times
b) remain the same d) decrease four times Ans. (b)

13. A point charge +q is placed at (0,0, d) above grounded infinite conducting plane defined by z = 0.
There are no charges present anywhere else. The induced surface charge density σ on the
conducting plane is given by (pol. Tech 2020)
−qd −qd
(a) σ(x, y) = 2 2 2 3/2
4π(x +y +d )
(b) σ(x, y) = 2 2 2 3/2 2π(x +y +d )
qd qd
(c) σ(x, y) = 2π(x2+y2+d2)3/2 (d) σ(x, y) = 4π(x2+y2+d2)3/2 Ans. (b)

14. Consider a system of three charges as shown in the figure. For � = 10� ; � = 60� ; � = 10−6 � ��� � =
10−3 , the electric dipole potential in volts (rounded off to three decimal places) at a point (�, �) is…….
[GATE 2019]

Ans. 0.045

15. A charge –q is distributed uniformly over a sphere, with a positive charge q at its centre in figure (i).
also in (ii), a charge –q is distributed uniformly over an ellipsoid, with a positive charge q at its centre.
With respect to the origin of the coordinate system, which one of the following statement is correct?
[GATE 2015]

fig (i) fig(ii)

a) the dipole moment is zero in both (i) and (ii)
b) the dipole moment is non-zero in (i) but zero in (ii)
c) the dipole moment is zero in(i) but non-zero in(ii)
d) the dipole moment is non-zero in both (i) and (ii)

16. A hydrogen atom is placed in the external electric field 3 × 106 V/m. Assuming that the negative
charge in the hydrogen atom is uniformly distributed in the volume of a sphere of radius 0.5 × 10−10 m,
the distance between its positive and negative charges will be (school lec. 2022)
(a) 2.6 × 10−16 m (b) 1.66 × 10−15 m (c) 1.5 × 10−10 m (d) 4.5 × 10−13 m Ans. (a)

17. An infinite conducting slab kept in a horizontal plane carries a uniform charge density σ. Another
infinite slab of thickness t, made of a linear dielectric material of dielectric constant k, is kept above the
conducting slab. The bound charge density on the upper surface of the dielectric slab is
σ σ σ(k−2) σ(k−1)
a) 2� b) �
c) 2�
d) 2�

18. A conducting loop of face area A is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field B = BO sin ωt.If the
resistance of the loop is R, then the thermal energy dissipated in the loop during the time t = 0 to t =
2π/ω is (pol. Tech 2020)
πBO 2 A2ω 2πBO 2 A2ω πBO 2 A2ω
(a) zero (b) R
(c) R
(d) 2R
Ans. (b)

19. A coaxial cable consists of two thin coaxial cylinders electrically connected at one end; inner cylindrical
conducting tube of radius ‘a’ caring a study current I which is screen by an Outer cylindrical conducting
sheath of radius ‘b’ and provide a return path. There is no dielectric medium present. The inductance L of
a length l of the cable is (pol. Tech 2020)
μo l b μ l b
(a) L = ln 2π a
(b) L = o ln 4π a
μo l a μo l a
(c) L = 4π
ln b (d) L = 2π
ln b Ans. (a)
20. a particle of mass m and charge q is thrown into a uniform magnetic field �� � with velocity �1 � + �2 � +
�3� .which of the following statement is/are correct.
��3 � �21 +�22
a) Radius of helix is ���
c) Radius of helix is ���
b) Pitch of helix is ���
d) time of revolution is independent of �1 , �2 , �3

21. A charge Q enters in a region of uniform magnetic field B with a velocity (4i − 7j) m/s and experience
a force (5i − Cj) N. The value of C is(school lec. 2022)
10 20 65
(a) 3
(b) 7
(c) 5
(d) cannot be determined as value of Q and B are not given Ans. (b)

22. If the electric and magnetic field are unchanged when the vector potential A changes (in suitable units)
  
according to A  A  r̂ , where r  r t r̂ , then the scalar potential  must simultaneously change to
[NET Dec/ 2012]
(a) Φ  r (b) Φ  r (c) Φ  r/t (d) Φ  r/t

23. In a non-magnetic dielectric medium with dielectric constant  r  4 , the electric field of a propagating plane

  
wave the ω  10 8 rad/s is given by, E   î  3 ĵ exp j ωt  k. r . The propagation vector k (in units of m-1) is
given by
 1 1  1  1 1  1 1
(a) k  î  ĵ (b) k  ẑ (d) k  î  ĵ (d) k   î  ĵ
3 3 3 2 3 6 3 3

24. The wavelength of red helium-neon laser in air is 6328 A 0 . What happens to its frequency in glass that has a
refractive index of 1.50? [JEST 2015]
(a) Increases by a factor of 3 (b) Decreases by a factor of 1.5
(c) Remains the same (d) Decreases by a factor of 0.5 Ans. (c)

25. The space-time dependence of the electric field of a linearly polarized light in free space is given by
x̂E 0 cosωt  kz  where E 0 , ω and k are the amplitude, the angular frequency and the wavevector, respectively.
The time averaged energy density associated with the electric field is (GATE 2012)
1 1
(a) 4 ε 0 E 0 (b) ε 0 E 02 (c) ε 0 E 02 (d) 2ε 0 E 02
26. The electric field of a plane wave in a conducting medium is given by

� �, � = ��� �−�/3� cos ( 3� − ��) , where w is the angular frequency and � > 0 is a constant. The
phase difference between the magnetic field � and the electric field � is [NET June 2018]
30� and � lags behind � c) 60� and � lags behind �
b) 30� and � lags behind � d) 60� and � lags behind � Ans. (a)

27. Let � = ��� �� �.�−ωt

where � = �(���� � + �� sin � ), � = |�| , the magnetic field � of the wave is
� � � �
(a) � ω �� �� �.�−ωt b) � ω �� �� �.�−ωt+ϕ c) � ω �� �� �.�−ωt−ϕ d) � ω �� �� �.�+ωt Ans. (b)

28. Let a proton and α-particle are accelerated with same acceleration a. then what is ratio of total power
radiated by proton and α-particle
a) 2 b) 4 c) 1/2 d) 1/4

 
29. A propagating electromagnetic wave is given by E  E 0 j  ik̂ e i kx gwt  . The wave is
(a) left circularly polarized (b) right circularly polarized
(c) linearly polarized (d) elliptically polarized
30. Consider a beam of light incident on a system of polarizer and analyzer. The analyser is oriented at 45
degree to the polarizer. When another optical component is introduced between them, the output
intensity become zero (light is incident normally on all components). The optical component is (pol.
Tech 2020)
(a) a full wave plate (b) a half wave plate
(c) a quarter wave plate (d) an ordinary glass plate Ans. (b)

31. A linear beam of unpolarised light passes through tow plane polarisers, the planes of which are perpendicular to
the direction of propagation of the beam. The first polariser rotates around this direction with an angular velocity
of 20π radians per second. If the initial intensity of the light is I0, then the intensity when it leaves the second

(a) is periodic with frequency of 20 Hz and maximum of I0/4

(b) is periodic with frequency of 20 Hz and maximum of I0/2
(c) is periodic with frequency of 10 Hz and maximum of I0/4
(d) is periodic with frequency of 10 Hz and maximum of I0/2

32. A plane electromagnetic wave traveling in vacuum is incident normally on a non-magnetic, non-
absorbing medium of refractive index � = 1.5 . The electric field given as incident wave �� =
� exp [�(�� − ��)] , reflected wave �� = ��� exp [�(�� � + ��)] and transmitted wave �� =
��� exp [�(�� � − ��)]. If � = 2�/� then the application of appropriate boundary conditions leads to
3 7 1 8
a) ��� =− 5 �/�, ��� = 5 �/� c) ��� =− 5 �/�, ��� = 5 �/�
2 8 4 6
b) ��� =− 5 �/�, ��� = 5 �/� d) ��� = 5 �/�, ��� = 5 �/�

33. Two infinitely extended homogeneous isotropic dielectric media (medium 1 and medium 2) with
dielectric constants 2 and 5 respectively meet at the Z=0 plane. For Z ≥ 0 the electric field is given by
E = 2i − 3j + 5k. The interface separating the two media is charged free. The electric displacement
vector in the medium 2 is given by (college lec. 2020)
(a) D2 = ϵO 10i + 15j + 10k (b) D2 = ϵO 10i − 15j + 10k
(c) D2 = ϵO 4i − 6j + 10k (d) D2 = ϵO 4i + 6j + 10k Ans. (b)
34. A Microwave source of wave length λ  3 cm is used in a double slit interference experiment. The distance D
from the slits to the detector is 1 m. If the distance d between the slits increases from 1 mm to 5 cm, then
(a) the fringes being to overlap
(b) the central maximum becomes more intense
(c) the secondary sources at the slits lose coherence
(d) the separation between the maxima decreases.

35. A normal human eye can distiguish two objects separated by 035m when viewed from a distance of 1.0 km. The
angular resolution of eye is (in seconds) JAM 2022 Ans. 71 to 73

36. The critical angle of a crystal is 300 . than its Brewster angle is JAM 2022 Ans. 27 or 63

37. An oil film in air of thickness 255 nm is illuminated by white light at normal incidence. As a consequence
of interference, which colour will be predominantly visible in the reflected light? Given the refractive
index of oil = 1.47 JAM 2023
(A) Red (~ 650 nm) (B) Blue (~ 450 nm)
(B) (C) Green (~ 500 nm) (D) Yellow (~560 nm) Ans. ©

38. An experiment with a Michelson interferometer is performed in vacuum using a laser of wavelength 610 nm.
One of the beams of the interferometer passes through a small glass cavity 1.3 cm long. After the cavity is
completely filled with a medium of refractive index n, 472 dark fringes are counted to move past a reference
line. Given that the speed of light is c, the value of n is JAM 2021
(A) 1.01 (B) 1.04 (C) 1.06 (D) 1.10 Ans. (a)

39. The magnetic field intensity (in A/m) inside a long solid cylindrical conductor of radius a= 0.1m is, H =
104 sin αr r cos αr
[ α2
− α
]ϕ ,where α = π/2a. what is totol current (in A) in the conductor? [GATE]
� 800 400 300
(a) 2� b) �
c) �
d) �

40. Which of the following current densities J,can generate the magnetic vector potential
A = (y2 i + x2 j)? [GATE 2009]
2 2 2 2
(a) (�� + ��)�₀
b) − (� + �) �₀
c) (�� − ��) �₀
d) (� − �) ��
41. Intensity of electromagnetic Radiation from an isotropic point source changes with its distance ‘r’ from source
as (SET 2022)
1 1 1
(a) �2 (b) �3 (c) �2 (d) � Ans. ()

42. In young's double slit interference experiment,� = ���−1 � is the angle for,
(a) first maxima (b) second maxima (c) third maxima (d) none of these

43. Assertion:The unpolarised light and polarized light can be distinguished from each other by using polaroid.
Reason:A polaroid is capable of producing plane polarized beams of light.
(a) Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is correct explanation of the assertion
(b) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason is not a correct explanation of assertion
(c) Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect.
(d) Both assertion and reason are correct.

44. Using a zero reference potential at infinity,determine the amount by which a point positive charge of 4.0 ×
10−8� alters the electric potential at a spot 1.2 m away
(a) 300 V (b) 400 V (c) 480 V (d) 325 V Ans. ()

45. 1 radian is equivalent to how many revolutions ?

(a) 0.159 rev. (b) 3.14 (c) 6.28 (d) 0.318 rev. Ans. ()
46. The SI unit of Poynting vector is
(a) Watt (b) Watt /�����2 (c) Watt / meter (d) volt / meter Ans. ()

47. Sunlight enters the top of the earth's atmosphere with an electric field whose RMS value is ���� = 720�/�. Find
the average total energy density of this electromagnetic wave
(a) 2.3 × 10−6 �/�3 (b) 2.3 × 106 �/�3 (c) 4.6 × 106 �/�3 (d) 4.6 × 10−6 �/�3

48. What is the electric potential at point P,located at the center of the square which have charge of 1 nC on each
vertex ? Each side of square is of 1 m.
(a) 50 V (b) 4 V (c) 10 V (d) 20 V Ans. ()

49. Suppose an electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference 5000 V, what will be the speed of
electron as a result of this acceleration ? (mass of electron= 9.1 × 10−31 ��)
(a) 2 × 107�/� (b) 3 × 106�/� (c) 4.2 × 107�/� (d) 4.2 × 106�/� Ans. ()

50. A copper wire carries a steady 125 A current. Find the magnitude of magnetic field due to a 1 cm segment of
this wire at a point 1.2 m away from it
(a) 8.7 × 10−8 � (b) 8.7 × 10−8 ����� (c) 8.7 × 10−2 � (d) 8.7 × 10−2 ����� Ans. ()

51. The two wires of a 2.0 m long appliance cord are 3.0 mm apart and carry a current of 8.0 A. Calculate the force
one wire exerts on the other.
(a) 0.85 N (b) 0.0085 N (c) 0.0085 N (d) 0.4 N Ans. ()

52. A circular loop of wire has diameter of 20.0 cm and contains 10 loops. the current in each loop is 3.00 A, and
the coil is placed in a 2.0 T external magnetic field. Determine the maximum torque exerted on the coil by the
(a) 1.88 N (b) 2.40 N (c) 1.20 N (d) 0 N Ans. ()

53. Suppose cyclotron is operated at an oscillator frequency of 12 MHz and has a dee radius of 53 cm. What is the
magnitude of the magnetic field needed for neutrons to be accelerated in the cyclotron ? ( the deuteron mass is
3.34 × 10−27��)
(a) 1.6 T (b) 3.3 T (c) 1.1 T (d) 5.3 T Ans. ()

54. A solenoid has length � = 1.23 � and inner diameter � = 3.55 �� and it carries a current � = 5.57 �. it consist of
5 close packed layers, each with 850 turns along length L. What is magnetic field B at its center ?
(a) 22.2 mT (b) 24.2 mT (c) 26.2 mT (d) 18.0 mT Ans. ()

55. Magnetic field of current carrying coil doesn't depend on

(a) number of turns (b) current in coil (c) length of coil (d) diameter of coil

56. Changing magnetic field can set up current loops in nearby metal bodies, such currents are called
(a) self inductance (b) loop current (c) eddy current (d) linked current

57. The radii of the circle of a zone plate is given by rn = 0.1 n cm. The most intense focal point for wavelength
λ = 5 × 10−5 cm will be at a distance
(a) 50 cm (b) 100 cm (c) 150 cm (d) 200 cm Ans. ()

58. What minimum work must be done by an external force to bring a charge 3.0 �� from infinity to a point 0.5 m
away from charge of 20�� ?
(a) 3.00 J (b) 1.08 J (c) 7.05 J (d) 2.08 J Ans. ()

59. When a single slit is replaced by double slit arrangement, the intensity of central maximum is increased by:
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 8 times (d) 16 times

60. Which law reflects the fact that magnetic monopoles don't exist ?
(a) Faraday's law (b) Ampere circuital law (c) Oersted law (d) Gauss law

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