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Oracle BIP Reports Vs OTBI Reports

Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) are both
powerful reporting tools used in Oracle environments, but they have distinct features and use
cases. Here’s a comparison:

Oracle BI Publisher (BIP)


 Designed for creating highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports.

 Often used for complex reports that require a high degree of customization and


 Data Sources: Can use a wide variety of data sources, including Oracle databases,
web services, XML files, and more.
 Design: Offers a rich design interface, including a web-based report designer and a
desktop tool (BI Publisher Desktop) for creating and formatting reports.
 Templates: Supports multiple output formats (PDF, Excel, HTML, etc.) and allows
the use of templates for report design.
 Integration: Can be integrated with various Oracle applications, including E-
Business Suite, PeopleSoft, and Oracle Cloud Applications.
 Complex Layouts: Capable of handling complex layouts and document generation,
including invoices, purchase orders, and financial statements.
 Scheduling and Distribution: Provides advanced scheduling and distribution
features, allowing reports to be run and distributed on a set schedule.

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)


 Designed for ad-hoc reporting and analysis directly from transactional data.
 Used primarily for real-time, self-service reporting by end-users.


 Data Sources: Directly accesses real-time transactional data from Oracle Cloud
 Ease of Use: User-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that enables non-technical users
to create and customize their own reports and dashboards.
 Real-Time Analysis: Provides real-time data analysis and insights, allowing users to
make timely decisions based on current data.
 Pre-Built Content: Comes with a wide range of pre-built reports and dashboards
tailored to various functional areas like finance, HR, sales, and procurement.
 Visualization: Offers a variety of visualization options, including tables, charts, pivot
tables, and dashboards.
 Security: Adheres to the security model of Oracle Cloud Applications, ensuring users
only see data they are authorized to view.

Comparison Summary

Oracle Transactional Business

Feature Oracle BI Publisher (BIP)
Intelligence (OTBI)
Primary Use Real-time, self-service reporting
Complex, highly formatted reports
Case and analysis
Multiple data sources, including Real-time data from Oracle Cloud
Data Sources
databases, XML, web services Applications
Drag-and-drop interface for end-
User Interface Web-based and desktop design tools
Primarily on-screen reports and
Output Formats PDF, Excel, HTML, and more
Suitable for technical users and
Complexity Designed for non-technical users
complex report layouts
Pre-Built Includes pre-built reports and
Requires custom report design
Content dashboards
Advanced scheduling and distribution
Scheduling Basic scheduling capabilities
Integrates with various Oracle Integrated within Oracle Cloud
applications Applications
High degree of customization and Limited to what is provided within
formatting the tool

Choosing Between BIP and OTBI

 Use BIP if you need highly formatted, printable reports, integration with multiple data
sources, or complex document generation.
 Use OTBI for ad-hoc, real-time analysis and self-service reporting directly from
Oracle Cloud Applications.

Each tool has its strengths, and the choice depends on the specific reporting requirements and
the user’s technical expertise.

Example Reports for both

Sure! Here are examples of reports for both Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) and Oracle
Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI):

Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) Example Reports

1. Financial Statements Report

o Description: A comprehensive financial statement report that includes the
balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
o Features:
 Highly formatted with company logos, headers, and footers.
 Includes tables, charts, and graphical representations of financial data.
 Multiple output formats such as PDF and Excel.
 Uses data from the Oracle ERP system.
2. Invoice Report
o Description: Detailed report of invoices issued over a specific period.
o Features:
 Lists invoice numbers, dates, customer details, amounts, and statuses.
 Includes a summary section with total amounts due and received.
 Customizable templates with company branding.
 Data sourced from Oracle Accounts Receivable module.
3. Purchase Order (PO) Report
o Description: Report detailing all purchase orders issued within a specified
o Features:
 Lists PO numbers, supplier names, item descriptions, quantities, and
 Categorized by departments or cost centers.
 Output in PDF for distribution to suppliers.
 Data sourced from the Oracle Purchasing module.

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Example Reports

1. Sales Performance Dashboard

o Description: Interactive dashboard displaying sales performance metrics.
o Features:
 Real-time data visualization of sales by region, product, and
 Includes charts, graphs, and tables for a quick overview.
 Drill-down capabilities for detailed analysis.
 Filters for time periods, product categories, and regions.
 Data sourced directly from Oracle Cloud Sales module.
2. Employee Attrition Report
o Description: Report analyzing employee attrition rates and trends.
o Features:
 Shows attrition rates by department, job role, and location.
 Includes charts and graphs depicting trends over time.
 Provides insights into reasons for attrition based on exit interviews.
 Data sourced from Oracle Cloud HCM module.
3. Inventory Turnover Report
o Description: Report tracking inventory turnover rates.
o Features:
 Displays turnover rates by product category and warehouse.
 Includes key metrics such as average days in inventory and inventory
 Interactive elements allowing users to filter by date range and product
 Data sourced from Oracle Cloud Inventory module.
Sample Layouts and Data Fields

BIP Invoice Report Layout

 Header: Company Logo, Report Title, Report Date

 Body:
o Table Columns:
 Invoice Number
 Invoice Date
 Customer Name
 Amount
 Status
 Footer: Page Number, Confidentiality Notice

OTBI Sales Performance Dashboard

 Top Section: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like Total Sales, Sales Growth, Top
 Middle Section:
o Charts:
 Sales by Region (Bar Chart)
 Monthly Sales Trends (Line Chart)
 Bottom Section:
o Tables:
 Detailed Sales by Product
 Sales by Salesperson
 Filters: Date Range, Region, Product Category

Creating the Reports

For BIP Reports:

1. Define Data Model: Create a data model using SQL queries or data sources.
2. Design Layout: Use BI Publisher Desktop or the web-based designer to create a
report template.
3. Configure Output: Specify output formats (PDF, Excel, etc.) and delivery options.
4. Deploy and Schedule: Deploy the report to the BI Publisher server and set up
scheduling and distribution as needed.

For OTBI Reports:

1. Select Subject Area: Choose the appropriate subject area in OTBI based on the
required data (e.g., Sales, Inventory).
2. Create Analysis: Use the drag-and-drop interface to select columns, add filters, and
create visualizations.
3. Build Dashboard: Combine multiple analyses into a dashboard layout.
4. Share and Schedule: Share the dashboard with users and set up schedules for
automatic updates.
These examples highlight the flexibility and power of both BIP and OTBI in meeting
different reporting needs within an Oracle environment.

Some Important Interview Questions and Answers

Preparing for an interview involving Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) and Oracle Transactional
Business Intelligence (OTBI) requires a good understanding of both tools, their features, use
cases, and best practices. Here are some important interview questions along with their

Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) Interview Questions

1. What is Oracle BI Publisher?

 Answer: Oracle BI Publisher is a reporting solution that enables the creation,

management, and distribution of highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports. It separates
data extraction from data presentation, allowing for flexible report design using a
variety of templates and multiple output formats like PDF, Excel, and HTML.

2. How does BI Publisher integrate with Oracle applications?

 Answer: BI Publisher integrates seamlessly with various Oracle applications, such as

Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, and Oracle Cloud Applications. It
can use data from these applications to generate reports and can be embedded within
the application interface for ease of use.

3. What are the main components of a BI Publisher report?

 Answer: The main components of a BI Publisher report are:

o Data Model: Defines the data structure, including queries, data sets, and
o Report Layout: The template that defines the formatting and layout of the
o Report Definition: Combines the data model and layout template and
specifies output formats and delivery options.

4. How do you create a data model in BI Publisher?

 Answer: A data model in BI Publisher can be created using the Data Model Editor.
You can define data sets using SQL queries, data from web services, XML files, or
other sources. You can also define parameters, lists of values, and data triggers within
the data model.

5. What are the different output formats supported by BI Publisher?

 Answer: BI Publisher supports multiple output formats, including PDF, Excel,

HTML, RTF, eText, and XML. This flexibility allows reports to be used for various
purposes such as printed documents, spreadsheets for analysis, and web pages.
6. Can you explain the scheduling and bursting feature in BI Publisher?

 Answer: Scheduling allows reports to be run at specific times or intervals

automatically. Bursting is a feature that splits a single report into multiple reports
based on a key field and delivers them to different destinations. For example, an
invoice report can be burst by customer and sent to each customer's email.

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Interview Questions

1. What is Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)?

 Answer: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) is a real-time, self-

service reporting tool that provides business users with the ability to create ad-hoc
queries, reports, and dashboards directly from transactional data within Oracle Cloud

2. How does OTBI differ from Oracle BI Publisher?

 Answer: OTBI is designed for real-time, ad-hoc reporting and analysis by end-users,
offering a drag-and-drop interface for easy report creation. BI Publisher, on the other
hand, is used for creating highly formatted, complex reports and documents with
advanced layout and distribution capabilities.

3. What are subject areas in OTBI?

 Answer: Subject areas in OTBI represent a logical grouping of related data objects
(tables, columns, etc.) that users can query. Each subject area corresponds to a
specific business domain, such as Sales, Finance, or HR, and contains pre-defined
fields that can be used to create reports and analyses.

4. Can you describe the process of creating an analysis in OTBI?

 Answer: Creating an analysis in OTBI involves the following steps:

o Select a subject area based on the data you need.
o Use the drag-and-drop interface to choose columns, apply filters, and add
o Arrange the selected fields in tables, pivot tables, or graphs.
o Save the analysis and add it to a dashboard if needed.

5. What types of visualizations can be created in OTBI?

 Answer: OTBI supports a variety of visualizations, including tables, pivot tables, bar
charts, line charts, pie charts, and more. These visualizations help users to interpret
data quickly and make informed decisions.

6. How does OTBI handle data security?

 Answer: OTBI adheres to the security model of Oracle Cloud Applications. Users can
only access data that they are authorized to view based on their roles and permissions.
This ensures that sensitive data is protected and only accessible to authorized users.
General Reporting Questions

1. What is the difference between operational and analytical reporting?

 Answer: Operational reporting focuses on day-to-day business operations, providing

detailed, real-time data to support immediate decision-making. Analytical reporting,
on the other hand, involves analyzing historical data to identify trends, patterns, and
insights that support strategic decision-making.

2. How would you approach performance tuning for a complex report?

 Answer: Performance tuning for a complex report involves several steps:

o Optimize SQL queries by indexing, rewriting queries, and eliminating
unnecessary joins.
o Use efficient data models and reduce data volume by filtering and aggregating
data at the database level.
o Cache report results if the data does not change frequently.
o Optimize the report layout to minimize processing time, especially for large
reports with complex formatting.

Preparing answers to these questions will help you demonstrate your knowledge and
expertise in Oracle BI Publisher and OTBI during your interview.


Sure, here are additional advanced questions and answers for Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) and
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) interviews:

Oracle BI Publisher (BIP) Advanced Interview Questions

7. How do you handle data merging and concatenation in BI Publisher?

 Answer: In BI Publisher, data merging and concatenation can be achieved using the
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) functions within the RTF template or through
SQL in the data model. For example, you can use the concat() function to merge
strings or use SQL to concatenate fields within a query.

8. What is the purpose of the Template Builder in BI Publisher?

 Answer: The Template Builder is an add-in for Microsoft Word that allows users to
design report templates for BI Publisher. It provides a user-friendly interface to insert
data fields, tables, charts, and other elements into the template. It also supports
previewing the report with sample data, making it easier to design and test the layout.

9. Can you explain the concept of sub-templates in BI Publisher?

 Answer: Sub-templates in BI Publisher are reusable templates that can be included in
multiple main templates. They allow for the consistent application of common
formatting, headers, footers, and styles across different reports. This modular
approach simplifies maintenance and ensures consistency.

10. How do you handle multilingual reports in BI Publisher?

 Answer: Multilingual reports in BI Publisher can be managed by using translation

files or by creating dynamic templates. Translation files (XLIFF) contain translations
for different languages and can be linked to the report template. Dynamic templates
can use conditional formatting to display content based on the user’s language
preference or locale settings.

11. Describe how to implement conditional formatting in a BI Publisher report.

 Answer: Conditional formatting in BI Publisher can be implemented using XSL-FO

(Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects) within the template. You can
use conditional statements (if-else, choose-when) to apply different styles, such as
changing font color, background color, or visibility based on data values.

12. How do you troubleshoot and debug a BI Publisher report?

 Answer: Troubleshooting and debugging a BI Publisher report involves several steps:

o Check the data model to ensure the data is correctly retrieved.
o Verify the template design for correct field mappings and syntax.
o Use the BI Publisher log files to identify errors or issues.
o Preview the report with sample data to ensure the output is as expected.
o Validate the XML data structure to ensure it matches the template

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Advanced Interview


7. How do you create complex calculations in OTBI?

 Answer: Complex calculations in OTBI can be created using the Expression Builder
within the analysis editor. This tool allows you to write custom formulas using
functions, operators, and fields from the subject area. You can create calculated
columns, aggregate functions, and conditional expressions to meet specific reporting

8. Explain the process of customizing OTBI reports for specific user roles.

 Answer: Customizing OTBI reports for specific user roles involves:

o Using role-based security to control data visibility.
o Creating separate analyses or dashboards tailored to the needs of different user
o Applying filters and prompts that restrict data based on the user’s role.
o Leveraging OTBI’s security model to ensure users can only access the reports
and data they are authorized to view.

9. What is the role of the BI Composer in OTBI, and how does it differ from the
Analysis Editor?

 Answer: The BI Composer is a simplified, wizard-driven interface for creating and

editing analyses in OTBI. It is designed for business users who need to create reports
quickly without extensive technical knowledge. The Analysis Editor, on the other
hand, offers more advanced features and greater flexibility for creating complex
analyses. BI Composer guides users through a step-by-step process, whereas the
Analysis Editor provides a more comprehensive set of tools and options.

10. How do you implement data visualization best practices in OTBI dashboards?

 Answer: Implementing data visualization best practices in OTBI dashboards

o Choosing appropriate chart types that effectively represent the data (e.g., bar
charts for comparisons, line charts for trends).
o Keeping the dashboard layout clean and uncluttered.
o Using colors and labels consistently to enhance readability.
o Providing interactive elements like filters and drill-downs for deeper analysis.
o Ensuring the dashboard is responsive and performs well by optimizing data
queries and limiting the amount of data displayed.

11. Describe how to use agents in OTBI for automated reporting.

 Answer: Agents in OTBI are used to automate the delivery of reports and analyses.
An agent can be scheduled to run at specific intervals and can perform actions such as
delivering reports via email, triggering alerts, or invoking web services. To set up an
agent, you define the conditions for triggering the agent, specify the actions to be
taken, and configure the delivery options.

12. How do you optimize OTBI performance for large data sets?

 Answer: Optimizing OTBI performance for large data sets involves:

o Designing efficient analyses by minimizing the use of complex calculations
and filters.
o Using data aggregations and summaries to reduce the volume of data
o Leveraging caching mechanisms to improve response times.
o Ensuring that the underlying database is optimized with appropriate indexing
and partitioning.
o Monitoring and tuning the performance of the BI Server and ensuring
sufficient resources are allocated.

General Reporting Advanced Questions

3. How do you ensure data accuracy and consistency in your reports?

 Answer: Ensuring data accuracy and consistency involves:
o Validating the data sources and ensuring they are reliable and up-to-date.
o Implementing data quality checks and validation rules within the data model.
o Standardizing data definitions and calculations across all reports.
o Regularly auditing reports to identify and correct discrepancies.
o Using version control for report templates and data models to track changes
and maintain consistency.

4. What strategies do you use to gather and document report requirements?

 Answer: Strategies for gathering and documenting report requirements include:

o Conducting interviews and workshops with stakeholders to understand their
o Creating detailed requirement documents that outline the scope, data sources,
and desired outputs.
o Developing prototypes or mockups to visualize the final report and get user
o Using requirement management tools to track changes and approvals.
o Ensuring clear communication and collaboration between technical teams and
business users.

5. How do you handle changes in business requirements after a report has been

 Answer: Handling changes in business requirements involves:

o Maintaining a flexible and modular report design that allows for easy updates.
o Implementing a change management process to assess the impact of changes
and prioritize them.
o Communicating with stakeholders to understand the new requirements and
ensure alignment.
o Testing changes thoroughly in a development environment before deploying
them to production.
o Keeping detailed documentation of changes and updates for future reference.

These advanced questions and answers will help you demonstrate a deeper understanding of
Oracle BI Publisher and OTBI, showcasing your ability to handle complex scenarios and
deliver high-quality reports.

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