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Name: _______________________________
Date: _____________________ Sachmaas Level VI Batch: _______________

Level VI Final Grammar Exam March

I. Types of Sentences: (4)

A. Identify the type of sentence:

1. May you have a happy and successful life! ___________________________________

2. Could you please take a message for me? ___________________________________

B. Convert:

1. What a horrible day! (Exclamatory to Assertive)


2. You are a kind person. (Assertive to Interrogative)


II. Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences: (4)

1. Someone is going for a walk.



2. Have you signed here?

Subject: _______________________________________________________________


III. Identify the Adjectives and state its type: (10)

1. He showed much patience.

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2. The Indian spices are known for their flavours.


3. What plans are you making for your grandparents?


IV. Identify the Pronouns and state their types: (10)

1. I am young.


2. Neither of the kids has solved this exercise. It is disappointing.


3. Raj cleaned himself under the tap.


4. Someone is in the waiting room.


V. Change the degrees of comparison (Mention the type and degree): (7)

1. No other drama in Sanskrit is as good as Shakuntala.



2. Prevention is better than cure.




3. The Pacific Ocean is larger than any other ocean.




4. Very few kids are as understanding as Riya.

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VI. State the tense of the underlined verb: (3)

1. How is your brother today?


2. The students have been writing a test since 3 pm..


3. Grandpa had enjoyed his trip to London.


VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: (7)

1. I prefer sushi ___________ noodles.

2. On account ___________Republic Day, there was a holiday in school.

3. He is fond _____________ tea.

4. He is ______________ the room.

5. Beware __________ thieves.

6. We cannot live ___________ water.

7. Cleanliness is next _________ godliness.

VIII. Conjunctions: (5)

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Conjunctions (Don’t use and, but or so):

a. The mouse escaped ___________ it was intelligent.

b. Disha saw a man ___________ looked like his neighbour.

c. This is the dress __________ I bought for the party.

2. Rewrite using appropriate Conjunctions:

a. The dog bit the child. The dog was angry.


b. Mother entered the room. Immediately, the children stopped fighting.

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IX. Change the Voice: (5)

1. That firm may have offered Katherine a new job.


2. The movie fascinates me.


3. I am going to bake a cake.


4. She will mail the gift to you.


5. I am helping John today.


X. Convert from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech and vice versa: (5)

1. Priya said to her, “A stitch in time saves nine.”


2. Manoj said to his friends, “When are we meeting for dinner?”


3. Atul advised me to see the doctor immediately.


4. Raj questioned his friend where he was taking him for a party.


5. Mother said to Jay, “Did you eat your lunch?”


XI. State the figure of speech and explain: (10)

1. The boy smiled, giggled and laughed at the stranger’s look.

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2. “Hear, hear, hear!” said the men in the courtroom.



3. United we stand, divided we fall.



4. Raj is as active as a quicksilver.



5. Disha has been drowning her room with her tears.



XII. Complete the table of 4 forms of Verbs: (5)

V1 V2 V3 V4

wish wished

cut cut cutting

write written

XIII. Identify the type of the underlined Nouns: (5)

1. The class was very big.


2. Always remember, honesty is the best policy.


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3. The shopkeepers are known for their clothes.


XIV. Fill in the blank with the appropriate Gender: (5)

Masculine Feminine






XV. Write the appropriate Number: (5)

Singular Plural








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