Speaking Part 2

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Đề bài sẽ cho 1 chủ đề (situation: tình huống) và theo sau là 3 sự lựa chọn (thường là
các hoạt động; các địa điểm; các món quà; chọn người; …), thí sinh đọc kỹ đề và lựa
chọn 1 sự lựa chọn mà mình có thể nói được nhiều ý. Có 1 phút chuẩn bị và tầm 3 phút
để nói.
Phương pháp trả lời:
Trước khi nói, hãy tìm ý trong 1 phút:
- Đọc kỹ đề bài xem đề bài yêu cầu gì, đề bài hỏi gì
- Chọn nhanh 1 lựa chọn nào mà bản thân cảm thấy dễ nói nhất (sự lựa chọn nào
mà mình có nhiều từ vựng để nói, ko nhất thiết là cái mình thích)
- Tìm ít nhất 2 lợi ích/ lý do tại sao bạn chọn và nhược điểm của 2 lựa chọn còn lại,
tại sao tôi ko chọn 2 lựa chọn kia.
Ví dụ:
1. A first year student/freshman is going to choose where to live: living in a university
hostel /ˈhɒstl/ = dormitory /ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/= halls of residence (ký túc xá); renting a flat
with friends or staying with relatives? Which do you think is the best choice?

Outline: trong 1 phút viết thật nhanh các từ và cụm từ chính

+ Choice: hostel
1. cheap
2. convenient
3. study in groups/ share learning materials
- Rent a flat: expensive; unsafe
- Live with relatives: uncomfortable; far from university
Trong khi nói:
- Trình bày bài nói thành 3 phần
- Phần 1: mở bài giới thiệu tình huống, trình bày ý kiến là em sẽ chọn giải pháp
nào (đọc lại đề cũng được, không đọc lại đề cũng được)
Mẫu câu mở bài:
In my opinion, …(sự lựa chọn của mình)………. is the best option hoặc the best
choice because of the following reasons.

Ví dụ: In my opinion, living in the university hostel is the best option because of
the following reasons.
- Phần 2: thân bài (nêu lần lượt ít nhất 2 lợi ích và so sánh đối chiếu với 2 lựa chọn
còn lại)
- Firstly, (lý do thứ nhất tại sao mình chọn)
- Secondly, (lý do thứ hai tại sao mình chọn)
- Thirdly, (nếu có) lý do thứ 3
- Moreover,/Furthermore,/Besides, ….
On the other hand, about 2 other options/ choices, I do not choose /tʃuːz/to V hoặc là I
do not choose + Danh từ …… because giải thích ra; (thế còn 2 sự lựa chọn còn lại, tôi
ko chọn cái này bởi vì)
Ví dụ: On the other hand, about 2 other options, I do not choose to live with
relatives because …../ I do not choose voluntary work because ……
- Danh từ/ V-ing ……. is not my best choice because …… giải thích ra (cái còn lại
ko phải là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất của tôi bởi vì)
Ví dụ: Renting a flat with friends is not my best choice because …..
- Phần 3: kết bài (khẳng định lại sự lựa chọn của mình)
In short, …(đọc lại sự lựa chọn của mình).. is the best choice because of the reasons I
have mentioned above.
Động từ: choose /tʃuːz/ trong cấu trúc I don’t choose; danh từ: choice /tʃɔɪs/, the best
choice; my best choice; số nhiều: choices

Tóm tắt lại cấu trúc nói 2: Học viên học thuộc cấu trúc nói 2
- In my opinion, ……..(sự lựa chọn của mình) is the best choice because of the following
-Firstly, (lý do 1)
-Secondly, (lý do 2)
-On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose …..(sự lựa chọn còn lại)
because ….
-(sự lựa chọn còn lại) isn’t my best choice because ……
-In short, ……. (sự lựa chọn của mình) is the best choice because of the reasons I have
mentioned above/ because of the above mentioned reasons


Things/Activities: + has reasonable price, doesn’t cost much money, Budget saving
+ open our look/ open our world/ broaden/widen our knowledge.
+ Develop creative thinking/ develop our communication skills/ helps me have a deep
understanding about life/
+meet up new friends/ build up our social relationships
- Time- consuming/ waste our energy/time/money/ lack of life experience/ not fast/ not
convenience/ far from knowledge/
Places: + beautiful/ has a lot of historical values/ be convenient because it is near the city
centre/ shopping malls/ hospitals/ people are friendly/ food is delicious/ weather is very cool
- Be very far/ it takes 5 hours to get there by bus/car. the weather is not really nice/ it
rains all day/ food is not suitable for our taste
People: + have a good communication skills/ time management/ life experience/ good advice/
public speaking skills/ have a good teaching method
- Young and probably not enough experiences/ communication skills and attitudes

Giải thích lí do tại sao chọn phương án nào đó

- (Sự phù hợp về sở thích): I like/ love/ enjoy/ be interested in/ be fond of/ be keen on/ find a
lot of interest in -----------------
Eg: I like business/ I find a lot of interest in business
- (Sự phù hợp về độ tuổi): It is suitable for my age/ for children/ adults/ older people/
- (Sự phù hợp về tính cách): Girls often like bags
- (Sự phù hợp về chi phí): It is cheap/ economical so I can save a lot of money
- (Lợi ích) : It is good for me/ It brings me some benefits.
- (Miêu tả) It is + adj: It is interesting/ relaxing/useful / beneficial/ beautiful/ convenient/
popular/ important/ necessary/ quiet/ peaceful/ fast/ safe/ comfortable....
- (Lợi ích cụ thể): I can............/ It helps me............../ It enables me to.................
+ I can learn online, listen to music and play games/ It helps me keep in touch with my
friends/ It enables me to search for information.
+ I can relax after work
+ I can reduce/ release stress
+ I can save time and money to do other things/ go anywhere at any time
+ I can enjoy the beauty of the nature
+ I can improve my knowledge/ learn alot of things
+ I can improve my health/ keep fit/ prevent health problems

Giải thích lí do không chọn phương án nào đó

- The first option (.......) and the last option (..........) are not suitable for me.
- (Sở thích): i don’t like/ i have no interest in..............
- (Độ tuổi): it is not suitable for children
- (Chi phí): it is expensive and not necessary. It wastes a lot of money/ it costs too much/ it
wastes a big sum of money.
- (Miêu tả): It is boring/ crowded/ noisy/ polluted and expensive
- (Bất lợi): It is not good for…..
- V (destroy, pollute the air, badly affect our health)
1. A first year student/freshman is going to choose where to live: living in a university
hostel /ˈhɒstl/ = dormitory /ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/= halls of residence (ký túc xá); renting a flat
with friends or staying with relatives? Which do you think is the best choice?

Outline: trong 1 phút viết thật nhanh các từ và cụm từ chính

- Choice: hostel
1. cheap
2. convenient
3. study in groups/ share learning materials
- Rent a flat: expensive; unsafe
- Live with relatives: uncomfortable; far from university
Sample 1:
- In my opinion, living in a university hostel is the best choice for the following reasons.
- Firstly, it is cheap to stay there. Students have to pay tuition fees (học phí), pay for food,
books and so on. So, living in the dormitory can save them a lot of money.
- Secondly, It is convenient to stay there because it is close to university, students can walk
there. It saves time and money.
- Besides, It is easy to share the learning materials for study with roommates. Students can
study in groups with roommates, can ask them for advice or discuss with them.
- On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose to rent a flat because it is
expensive and unsafe/ insecure (ko an toàn)
- I don’t choose to stay with relatives because I think I don’t feel comfortable, they might
live far from university. Moreover, I don’t have time to study.
- In short, living in university dormitory is the best option because of the reasons I have
mentioned above.
Sample 2:
- Renting a flat: I can live independently/ I can become more independent; mature; It allows
me to do what I like.
- Hostel: crowded, inconvenient
- Stay with relatives because I think I don’t feel comfortable, they might live far from
university. Moreover, I don’t have time to study.
2. A group of students are discussing where to buy clothes: in a shop; in an open-air
market; in an online shop. Which do you think is the best choice?
- In my opinion buying clothes in an open-air market is the best choice for the following
- Firstly, there is a wide range of = there are different/ many kinds of clothes in the open-air
market, there are many shops selling different kinds of clothes.
- Secondly, it is cheaper than in the shop because I don’t have much money.
- Next, shoppers can bargain (mặc cả) with the sellers.
- On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose to buy in an online shop because I
can’t try them on, It is difficult to know whether they fit me or not. Besides, clothes online
look really nice thanks to photoshop.
I don’t choose to buy clothes in a shop because it is more expensive.
- In short, I would prefer to buy clothes in an open-air market.
3. If you won the lottery of 1 billion VND; what would you do? Buying a house? Buying
gold or saving in the bank? Which do you think is the best choice?
- I think I would buy a house because of the following reasons./ In my opinion buying a
house is the best option for the following reasons.
- Firstly, at the moment I have to rent a house. Having my own house has been my
dream since I graduated from university. I don’t have my own house. I don’t have to
worry about finding/looking for accommodation.
- Secondly, a stable accommodation leads to a stable job. I feel comfortable living in
my own house. I would be very proud of buying a house for my family.
- I don’t choose to buy gold because I am not good at doing business, the price of gold
goes up and down I don’t know. Moreover, I am worried about where to keep it.
- I think it is not a good idea to save money in the bank because the interest rate (lãi
suất) is now low. Moreover, money will lose its value when we keep it in the bank
because of inflation.
- In short, I would choose to buy a house./ Buying a house is the best choice because of
the reasons I have mentioned above.

4. Your cousin is the best student of the class this year. His parents are thinking about a
present, there are three options: a laptop; a holiday or some money. Which option
would you suggest him?
- In my opinion a laptop would be the best present = gift for the following reasons.
- Firstly, a laptop is an important and necessary thing to a student. It is really good for his
study. With a laptop, he can search for information, he can learn English online.
- Secondly, he can relax by reading, listening to music, reading books online.
- About 2 other options, I don’t choose a holiday because every year his family usually goes
on holidays. (he goes on holiday with his family every summer)
- I think some money is not a good choice because money is not a suitable present for a
school student.
- In short, a laptop is the best choice for him because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
5. You have a Sunday evening out with your friends: seeing a movie, going shopping or
singing karaoke /ˌkæriˈəʊki/. Which one would you choose? (giống 30)
Sample 1
- In my opinion, going shopping with friends is the best choice because of the following
- Firstly, my friends are all keen on shopping. You know, it is great to spend money on
buying favorite items such as clothes, shoes.
- Secondly, going shopping is also a good way to reduce stress after hard working hours.
When I go to the supermarket with my friends and collect some items that I like, I feel really
relaxed and excited.
- On the other hand, About 2 other options, I think seeing a movie is entertaining but we
don’t like watching films, it is difficult to choose a film that all of us like.
- Singing karaoke is not my choice because I am not good at singing. I don’t like too
noisy atmosphere in karaoke bars.
- In short, going shopping is the best choice for me and my friends on a Sunday
Sample 2
In my opinion, a movie is the best choice for the following reasons
Movie: Firstly, watching movies helps me relax or reduce stress after hard working time/ I
can update the latest films. (phim mới nhất) Secondly, Seeing movies does not cost much
On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose Shopping because: it’s boring and
makes me tired/ it costs a lot of money
Karaoke is not my best choice because : It’s not suitable/ noisy atmosphere/sing badly
In short seeing a movie is my best choice.

6. Your class wants to do something to keep memories at the university before

graduation. Which option do you think is the best one: a collection of essays; a class
photo book or a class video?
Sample 1:
- In my opinion the best choice is a class video because of the following reasons.
- Firstly, making a video helps to record real emotions and voices of all class members.
- Secondly, we can keep unforgettable memories in an exciting way with a video. We can
both see images and hear voices of our friends.
- Finally, we can keep it as a soft copy on Google drive or Youtube to avoid being lost.
Whenever we want to see we can open it. And it is easy to share, easy to keep.
- I don’t choose a collection of essays because it takes my classmates much time to prepare
and write essays. It is quite boring to read all of them.
- A photo book is not my best choice because it is not as interesting as a class video and it is
expensive to make the photobook.
- In short, a class video is my best choice to keep memories.
Sample 2:
Meaningful things students can do before they graduate: uniform, take photos, a video
There are three options: uniform, take photos, and a video. Taking photos is always my best
choice because of the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to take photos, it helps me have a lot of happy moments with my
friends. I can choose familiar places such as the school yard, the classroom, the teacher’s
house, the park, and so on. I can
Secondly, nowadays, the cell phone is more and more popular, I can take a lot of beautiful
photos with my cell phone. Students can take photos myself. It’s precious and meaningful
Finally, If I choose to take photos. It isn’t difficult to take photos. I don’t need to book a
photographer. I can save a lot of money to do a lot of activities such as holding a party,
traveling together, and buying some gift memory. It’s very easy and convenient.
About the uniform, Although It’s very beautiful and I can keep it as a memory. I don’t
choose it because It isn’t cheap and I can only wear it once. It’s costly. I think it isn’t
suitable for students to choose it.
About the video, Although It’s very wonderful and It’s a great way to save moments with
friends. I don’t choose it because To have a beautiful video, I need some skills and
knowledge about the video. I can need to book a cameraman. I have to take a lot of money. It
isn’t necessary and suitable.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why take photos is always my best choice

7. Your company is going to have a new product and wants to advertise it. What is the
best option: make a phone call, send emails or leaflets /ˈliːflət/ (tờ rơi).
Sample 1:
- In my opinion using leaflets is the best choice to advertise the new product of my company
because of the following reasons.
- Firstly, leaflets can be delivered to a large number of people. They are easily delivered
everywhere. I can post leaflets through people’s doors or distribute them in public places.
- Secondly, leaflets can attract customers’ attention with colorful and eye-catching images.
On the leaflets, there is a lot of information about the product, design, function, use.
- I don’t choose to make a phone call because I can’t convey all information, sometimes
phone calls annoy customers. People can get angry. Besides, It is expensive.
- About sending emails, many people don’t read them, they may consider as junk mails.
- In short, using leaflets is the best choice for me.
Sample 2:
- Choice: I think the best choice is sending emails
- Reasons: 1st reason: Emails are popular and convenient with many people. More people
will know about the new products via emails. I can send emails to many customers at the
same time.
2nd reason: I can provide full information about products with cheap cost, not as expensive as
printing out the leaflets.
- Not choose leaflets: leaflets need more time and human resources and money
- Not choose phone calls: people don’t like; they feel annoyed; they are not willing to listen
to; expensive.
Sample 3
- Choice: make a phone call
- Firstly: they can directly communicate with the listeners and introduce to them about
the new products

- Secondly, they can get the answer immediately and quickly
- 2 other options: emails: many people do not read it and they consider it junk mails
- Leaflets: I am not good at designing; they are expensive; they need time, human
resources and money.
- In short,
Hoặc đề tương tự về cách thức quảng cáo sản phẩm
8. A company is considering advertising a chain of cafeterias.
There are 3 ways of advertising: TV/ Internet/ Brochure (tờ rơi in màu đẹp)
Internet: cheap/ fast/ effective because most people use Internet every day.
Tv: expensive
Brochure: it’s not interesting/ expensive/ it’s not popular for everyone.
9. You are going to have some activities for weekend. There are 3 options for you to
choose: relaxing at home/ meeting friends/ going out with family. What is your best
In my opinion relaxing at home is my best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, relaxing at home makes me feel comfortable and reduce stress after hard
working time.
Secondly, I can spend time with my family. (cảm xúc thế nào, làm gì với gia đình)
About 2 other options: I don’t choose to meet friends because I often meet my friends at
work every day
Going out with my family is not my best choice because everyone is busy this weekend/ the
weather is bad this weekend.
In short, relaxing at home is my best choice.
10. You are going to buy a pet. There are 3 options for you to choose: cat/ dog/ bird.
What is your best choice?
In my opinion, I choose a dog because of the following reasons.
Firstly, it is a very intelligent animal which understands what I say.
Moreover, dog is a loyal and brave domestic pet and a good safeguard for my family at night
or when we are away.

I don’t choose a cat because it makes troubles and makes a mess. Moreover, I am allergic to
(bị dị ứng) the cats.
A bird is not my best choice because I don’t have a lot of experience to raise and feed the
In short, a dog is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
11. You have to prepare a birthday present for your brother who likes travelling. There
are 3 options for you to choose: a selfie stick/ camera/ 3-day holiday. What is your
best choice?
Sample 1:
- I will choose a 3-day holiday because of the following reasons
Firstly, it’s a good chance for us to relax/ reduce stress
after hard working time;
Secondly, it is a perfect present/ an ideal present for him; it is a chance for him to
discover/explore a lot interesting things during this trip.
- On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose a selfie stick because it’s a very
simple present
- I don’t choose a camera because I don’t have a lot of experience to buy a good camera
In short a three day holiday is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above
Sample 2:
- camera
In my opinion, a camera is the best option because of the following reasons
- Firstly, my brother’s hobby is taking photos. He will be very happy when being given the
one he likes
- Secondly, he has the chance to take a lot of beautiful photos. He can join photography club.
- Moreover, it is the long-lasting present, he can keep it for a long time
- I don’t choose selfie stick and 3-day holiday because
- Selfie stick is a simple present
- a 3-day holiday is not my best choice because he often goes on holiday every year.
In short, a camera is my best choice

Sample 3:
There are three options: a selfie stick, a camera, and a 3-day trip. A 3-day trip is always my
best choice because the following reasons

First of all, a 3-day trip helps me relax and reduce stress after school. It’s a great way to
temporarily forget all pressure of my daily life.
Secondly, If I choose a 3-day trip, I can travel to famous places such as Ha Long Bay, Phu
Quoc Island, and Nha Trang Beach. I come to go there with my friend and my family. I can
enjoy beautiful views and take a lot of photos.
Finally, If I choose a 3-day trip, I will meet many people and make new friends. I can enjoy
delicious food. It’s very interesting and happy.
About the camera, Although It helps me take a lot of beautiful photos, I don't choose it
because nowadays, the cell phone is more and more popular and people take many beautiful
photos easily with their cell phone, so it replaced a camera. Besides, A camera has too many
buttons and functions, so It’s very difficult to use. The camera is very expensive. It's about 20
About a selfie stick, Although It’s useful, It helps me have more beautiful selfies. I don't
choose it because these days, a selfie stick isn't popular and It's very cheap, it’s about 20
thousand. It isn’t precious and meaningful
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why a 3-day trip is always my best choice

12. It is important to give the way how to assess primary students. There are 3
options: marks only/ comments only/ both marks and comments . What is your best
choice? Cách đánh giá học sinh cấp 1: có 3 sự lựa chọn (chỉ chấm điểm/ chỉ nhận xét/ cả
nhận xét cả chấm điểm)
Sample 1
- My choice:
In my opinion, both marks and comments are my best choice because of the following
Firstly, it’s the best way to assess students comprehensively/ totally;
Secondly, parents know their children’s ability and progress.
- On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose marks only: because it’s stressful
for students; it may lead to cheating in the exam just to get the good marks: some students
may copy from other students’ work to get good marks
- I don’t choose comments only: because it’s not motivated for students and parents don’t
know about the ability of their children.
In short, both marks and comments are my best choice
Sample 2:
There are three options: marks, comments, both marks and comments. Both marks and
comments are always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose both marks and comments, It helps me access students because a
student will like to have high marks than other students in the class. They try to learn and
they will have better results.
Secondly, to have high marks, students must learn for a long time and don’t lazy. Almost
students have high marks who are good students. The mark is important, the teachers help
their students when they have trouble

Finally, Comments are very important. Of course, students will like good comments from
their teacher. Comments as motivation for them to learn better. Therefore, both marks and
comments are very important.
On the other hand, about 2 other options,
About marks, Although It's a great way to access students, I don’t choose it because If only
high marks, It can cause many problems. For example, students focus on marks and they can
cheat in the exam. It’s very dangerous for the learning of students.
About comments, Although It's a good solution to access students, I don’t choose it because
If only good comments, we don’t know their lever learning. Besides, the comments depend
on the teacher. There are too many factors that affect it. For example, Some teachers will
give good comments to some students who they like
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why both marks and comments are
always my best choice.

13. City council is planning to spend a million USD to improve the local environment:
planting more trees, building a factory to recycle wastes, relocating hospital to suburbs.
What do you think is the best choice? (trồng cây/ xây dựng nhà máy tái chế rác thải/ di
chuyển bệnh viện ra ngoại ô) relocate: di chuyển, relocation (n)

Sample 1

- planting more trees: Firstly, it’s useful to protect the environment and makes the air
clean and fresh. Secondly, It helps to reduce environmental pollution/ air pollution;
Thirdly, It helps to limit soil erosion and improve people’s health.

- building a factory to recycle wastes: It’s expensive; the products are not easy to use; not

- relocating hospital to suburbs (chuyển bệnh viện đến vùng ngoại ô): it is not suitable and
not convenient for people to visit hospital for treatment. It is costly/expensive/ takes a lot of

14. There are plans for your brother after graduation. There are 3 options:
- going to work
- studying for Master’s Degree (đi học thạc sỹ)
- going traveling
Which is the most suitable?
Sample 1:
In my opinion going to work is my best choice because of the following reasons.

Firstly, it helps my brother earn money; he can earn a stable salary which can support
himself and his family, without relying on support from the parents. It reduces my family’s
financial burden.
Secondly, he can gain a lot of experience and open/ expand relationships.
- I don’t choose to study for Master’s Degree because studying Master takes/costs a lot of
money he should study master after he earns enough money;
- Going travelling is not my best choice because he doesn’t have enough money; he has just
graduated from university, it takes a lot of time and money.
In short, going to to work is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
Sample 2
There are three options: go to work, study higher education and travel. Going to work is
always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, It’s very suitable because I can make money when I receive the salary. I can save
a lot of money to buy some things I like and pay for life.
Secondly, If I choose to go to work, It helps me learn various skills such as problem-solving,
money management, stress management, teamwork, communication, and so on. It’s very
Finally, If I choose to go to work, I can meet more people and make good friends. I can get
the opportunity to advance earlier at work. It’s very good for my future
About studying higher education, although It’s a great way to widen knowledge. I don’t
choose it because It will take a lot of money to pay fees when I study higher. It’s about 100
hundred million. It’s very costly. To learn higher can take a lot of time, it’s about two years.
It isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
About Traveling, although It helps me relax stress and clear my head. I don’t choose it
because it will take a lot of money and I can forget the knowledge that I learned if I don’t use
a long time. I can lose the opportunity to find work. It’s very serious.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why Going to work is always my best choice

15. Your parents want your brother to have the best preparation for his entrance
exam to high school. There are 3 options to choose:
- hiring a tutor (thuê gia sư)
- taking an extra class (học thêm)
- learning with his classmates (học cùng bạn cùng lớp)
Sample 1:
Tutor: my brother can learn useful knowledge from tutor. The tutor can help my brother with
difficult exercises, explaining clearly so that my brother can understand easily.

Extra class: it’s crowded/ not effective
Classmates: it’s not easy to do the difficult exercises without the help of the teacher.
Sample 2
In my opinion, Extra class is my best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, he can improve knowledge and develop communication skills, learn a lot from
teacher and friends;
Secondly, tuition fees are affordable, not expensive.
Thirdly, He can have guidance from experienced teachers.
I do not choose Classmates because in some difficult exercises, they can’t do by themselves.
Without the teacher, The classmates can make noise that makes him difficult to concentrate
on the lesson
I do not choose Tutor because it is expensive – my parents can’t afford to pay it
In short, extra class is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
16. Your volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in a remote class. (lớp
học khu vực xa xôi hẻo lánh)
There are 3 options: books, clothes and movies. What is your best choice?
Hoặc notebooks and pencils/ amount of money/old clothes
Books: it is the best way to improve the knowledge and help to enrich/broaden their mind
and relax
Clothes: not suitable for their favourite/ color/ size/ culture / habits and customs
Movies: not all families in remote areas have modern equipment to open movies
From my point of view/In my opinion, the best choice is BOOK because of some
following reasons. The first reason is that Book helps children broaden their knowledge. The
second reason could be explained that Book helps to develop their creative thinking. Last but
not least, Book opens their outlook and gives them more opportunities to get good jobs in the
In contrast, there are several reasons I don’t choose other options clothes and movies.
Firstly, living in the remote area lacks a lot of modern equipment to watch movies. Secondly,
children’s fashionable clothes in the city are quite different from children’s clothes in the
remote area, so it is quite hard to choose suitable clothes for these children
In short, I think books will be my best choice because of its conveniences and usefulness

17. You are going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do a military service. (nghĩa
vụ quân sự) There are 3 gifts: a book, a CD, a diary. What is the best choice?
In my opinion buying a book is the best choice for the following reasons
Firstly, he can relax in his free time, reading his favorite book that I give him
Secondly, it is a good way to improve the knowledge
Moreover, Book helps to develop his creative thinking.
+ Book opens his outlook and gives him more opportunities to get a good job in the future

On the other hand, about 2 other options: I don’t choose a CD…… because
A diary is not my choice because …………
In short, …… is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
Gợi ý:
Books: The best way to improve the knowledge/ enrich the mind / relax
A CD: not suitable because if he wants to open CD, he needs CD player which may be not
available in the army./ Military base: căn cứ quân sự
A diary; it’s too simple; he doesn’t like writing; he has no time to write a diary because he
has to practice very hard.

18. You are asked the best way to take notes in class. Three ways of taking notes:
using pens, using by phone/ ipad; recording the teacher’s lecture. What is your best
In my opinion, using pens is the best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, Pens: fast/light/ and effective to use pen to write on notebook - we can keep it for a
long time. Secondly, Whenever I want to see the notes, I can easily look at my notes on my
On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose the Phone: it’s heavy / slow/ Phone
has some problems such as running out of battery or it can be stolen.
Recording is not my best choice because ; it takes a long time to listen to the lecture again
and sometimes the content may be lost
In short, using pens is my best choice.
19. Your friend wants to organize a high school class reunion (họp lớp cấp 3). He’s
thinking 3 options: visiting old school and teachers, organizing a party and inviting
teachers and classmates, holding one day trip. What is your best choice?
Sample 1:
My choice: Organizing ..:it is more meaningful, they can meet teachers and friends to
take pictures/ to review the best memory they had together, update the latest
information about the teachers and classmates; take photos together.
Visiting old school and teachers: too simple, we can’t meet our friends and update the
information. It takes a lot of time and preparation to arrange a meeting at school with
teachers and classmates.
Holding one day trip; expensive, it’s difficult to arrange the suitable time/ destination/ plan
for a whole day.
Sample 2:
+ Visiting old school and teacher is the best way to reconnect with former teachers and
friends directly.
+ Visiting old school and teachers is also a good way to see how our school has changed
during these times.
+ Visiting old school doesn’t cost a lot money for the trip because I don’t have to plan how
much money I spend for a high school class reunion.
+ organizing a party can be cost a lot of money, and takes time to find suitable place to
make sure that everybody can join the party
+ holding one day trip can be time-consuming and it can definitely be difficult to
find activities that everybody can involve in the trip

Sample 3
On teacher’s day: visit the old school, hold a party and invite friends and teachers, hold
a one-day trip

There are three options: visit the old school, hold a party and invite friends and teachers, and
hold a one-day trip. Holding a one-day trip is always my best choice because the following
First of all, holding a one-day trip helps me relax and reduce stress after school. It’s a great
way to temporarily forget all pressure of my daily life.
Secondly, If I choose to hold a one-day trip, I can travel to famous places such as Ha Long
Bay, Phu Quoc Island, and Nha Trang Beach. I come to go there with my friend and my
family. I can enjoy beautiful views and take a lot of photos.
Finally, If I choose to hold a one-day trip, I will meet many people and make new friends I
can enjoy delicious food. It's very interesting and happy.
About visiting the old school, Although It helps me meet my friends and old teachers again.
I don’t choose it because the old school is near my house. I often visit it. It isn’t special and

About hold a party and invite friends and teachers, Although It’s very interesting. Everyone
can talk together and review memories. I don’t choose it because To hold a party, I need to
take a lot of time and money to decorate the party and buy food. I need to book in advance
and choose a place to hold a party. It’s very difficult.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why holding a one-day trip is always my best

20. Your sister decides to lose weight. Three suggested options: going to the gym;
taking weight loss by drugs; going on a diet. What is your best choice?
Option 1: it is the best way to lose weight and it’s safe to keep fit and stay healthy
Option 2: it’s not safe and she can get some diseases and side-effects (tác dụng phụ)
Option 3: it’s not good for health

In my opinion, going to the gym is the best choice because of the following reasons.

+Firstly, going to the gym is the safest way to burn the fat, lose weight and keep fit,
+Secondly, going to the gym helps to meet friends so we can build up our social relationship
+ Finally, going to the gym always helps my sister reduce stress after a hard working day

-On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose Taking weight loss drugs is very
dangerous and harmful for our body because it requires a long-term use so it can cause
negative effects such as heart attack, addiction of weight-loss pills
-Going on a diet is not my best choice because it is also not good for our health, it makes
people be lack of energy for other activities and also easily affects our digest system

In short, going to the gym is my best choice.

20.1 Your brother would like you to give him some advice on how to lose weight. Which
do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Skip meals (bỏ bữa)
- Use drugs (dùng thuốc)
- Exercise regularly (go to the gym)
In my opinion, The best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly. Firstly, doing exercises
helps reduce the level of fat and strengthen the muscles. Moreover, exercises allow more
energy released and help us stronger and healthier. Jogging or going to the gym every day is
the good method.

Nowadays, some people often skip their meals or use drugs as the ways to lose weight.
These are acceptable in a short time because they can have negative influences on our health.
If people don’t eat any of three meals in a day, they tend to die of eating and therefore they
can eat much more in the next meals without control. As a result, they become fatter.

Using drugs can be able to affect negatively to center nervous system and social activities
such as low thinking and memory, ineffective work, easy mistake making,… In conclusion,
it is necessary to exercise every day to maintain a nice and healthy body.
Side effects: tác dụng phụ

21. Reading is being encouraged in your high school. Three options: textbooks (sách
giáo khoa), picture books, reference books (sách tham khảo). What is your best choice?
Sample 1:
Option 1: textbooks: cheap and easy to understand the content; cheap and easy to buy
at any bookstores; provide basic and essential information and exercises for practice.
Option 2: picture books: expensive/ there are a lot of pictures that make students lose
concentration on the content / the content of the picture book is very poor
Option 3: reference books: expensive and it’s difficult to understand the content.
Sample 2:
- Choice: reference books
- Firstly: Reference books have a lot advanced knowledge which students do not learn
in the textbooks.
- Secondly, students can discover new things, learn new information, knowledge
- Textbooks: simple; they study a lot in the class everyday
- Picture books: expensive; poor content
1. Reference (tham khao) /ˈrefrəns/
2. Knowledge (kien thuc) /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/

22. A friend from Nha Trang/Da Nang city wants to visit HN this weekend. There are 3
places: HCM mausoleum, Hoan Kiem lake; Hanoi museum. Which is your best
In my opinion, HCM Mausoleum is the best choice for me because of the following
Firstly, HCM mausoleum is one of the most attractive places where attracts a lot of
tourists in HN capital because it is the final resting place of HCM. He will know more
about the life of the president HCM.
Secondly, Around HCM mausoleum there are some other nice places such as HCM’s
house, One Pillar Pagoda and Ba Dinh Square where you can take pictures and more
importantly can deeply understand our history.
I don’t choose HK lake: he visited there many times; It hasn’t changed for a long time. The
streets are very crowded and very dangerous when you across from the streets near HK lake
HN museum is not my best choice because: It’s boring; It is not always open.
In short, HCM mausoleum is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.
23. A foreign student wants to understand about Vietnamese history. There are 3
options: a museum, video, reading books. What is the best choice?
In my opinion, reading books is my best choice because of the following reasons.
Reading books: Firstly, it’s convenient to help him know much information about the
Vietnamese history and culture.
Secondly, he can read any time and in any places;
Moreover, he can take notes or highlight the important information on the book that he needs
to remember.
On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose Museum because it’s not easy to
arrange the time to visit and the museum is not always open.
Video is not my best choice because : it’s difficult for him to choose the suitable video about
Vietnamese history and not many videos are translated in to foreign languages.
In short, reading books is my best choice

Sample 2:
There are three options: going to the museum, watching documentaries, and reading books.
Watching documentaries is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to watch documentaries, It helps me find out about the history of
Vietnam. There are a lot of documentaries. It’s produced from various information such as
stories of heroes, letters, the family of soldiers, the author himself, and so on. Therefore, It
shows the truth about the history of Vietnam
Secondly, the documentaries have many on the internet. We will find it easily. We can watch
it anywhere such as the school, our house, the coffee store, the library, and other places. It’s
very convenient.
Finally, On the internet, almost documentaries are free. We don’t take a lot of money to buy
it. I can save money to do many things. It’s very useful.

About the museum, although It’s a great way to find out the history of Vietnam. We can see
objects from the war and have an interesting sightseeing tour. I don’t choose it because If we
go to the museum. We can take a lot of time to move and pay fees to visit the museum.
Besides, the museum doesn’t have too many things. It can’t show all about the history of
About reading books, although It’s a not bad solution to watching documentaries and some
people can do it. I don’t choose it because It isn’t suitable for me. It’s inconvenient and
uncomfortable. It isn’t good as other ways such as watching documentaries
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why watching documentaries is always
my best choice.

23.1 A group of foreign students are studying Vietnamese history. You are asked to
suggest the sources of learning. There are 3 options: going to the museum (A), watching
documents (B), listening to Vietnamese songs (C). What is the best choice?
+ Going to the museum is the best way to study Vietnamese history directly by seeing
historical objects and listening to historical events through tour guide/ historians
+ Going to the museum also helps to relax, enrich their eyesight/outloook, develop their
creative thinking and language use.
-Watching documents and listening to Vietnamese songs to study Vnese history cannot as
direct as going to museum
-Watching documents and listening to Vnese songs may take longer time to understand history

24. You are thinking about the way to congratulate on (chúc mừng) your close
friend’s birthday. There are three ways: posting on facebook/ phone call/ send a
card. What is your best choice?
Sample 1:
You are thinking about the way to congratulate on (chúc mừng) your close friend’s
birthday . There are three options: post on Facebook, make a phone call, a card. Sending a
card is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to send a card, It helps me show my love and my congratulations to
my close friend. It’s precious and meaningful because I make it myself.
Secondly, If I choose to send a card, I can decorate a lot of things such as flowers, stars,
stickers, and so on. It’s very beautiful.
Finally, If I choose to send a card, I can write some messages, and send wishes to my close
friend. She can keep it as a memory
About I post on Facebook, Although It helps me send congratulations to my close friend. I
don’t choose it because my close friend doesn’t like social media. Besides, nowadays,
posting congratulations on Facebook is very popular and almost people will do it, so it isn’t
special and meaningful.
About making a phone call, Although It’s a great way to send congratulations to my close
friend. I don’t choose it because I and my close friend meet every day, we go out and go to

school together every day. I can talk congratulations and I don’t need to make a phone call. It
isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above that’s why sending a card is always my best

Sample 2
In my opinion, posting on facebook is my best choice for the following reasons
1: Firstly, I want to make my friend surprised / Through social network/On Facebook, I
want many people to send greetings to my close friend and make her happy (Post on
facebook: Birthday wishes and a Birthday song that was sung by me; that will make
him/her surprised)
2: On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose a phone call because I often
call my friend on birthday every year
3; Sending a card isn’t my best choice because It’s too simple
In short, posting wishes on facebook is the best choice
Sample 3
+Posting birthday wishes on facebook timeline is the most direct, convenient and fastest way
in the modern society because everybody uses fb as a means of communication everyday.
+Posting on facebook is also a soft remind which encourages other people to make best wishes
to my close friend
-Phoning a call may cost much money than posting on fb and sometimes when my friend is
busy working, she cannot pick up the phone
- Sending a card can take longer time for both me and my friend who have to go to the post
office and wait for the birthday card.

25. A youth club is inviting a speaker to talk about life experience. There are 3
persons suggested: famous singer, company president, excellent student. What is
the best choice?
Company president: have much life experience to share/they are successful in their
career/ they have good communication skills and presentation skills/ public speaking skills
Excellent student: He’s too young to have good life experience although he has
good academic achievement.
Famous singer: they sing very beautifully but I am not sure they can deliver a good
speech about sharing life experience.

26. Younger sister told lies many times (nói dối nhiều lần). What are you going to do:
having a talk with her/ informing your parents/ letting her continue telling lies. What is
your choice?
Have a talk: I want to explain to her that it’s not good to tell lies and advise her to
stop telling lies.
Inform parents: I don’t want to hurt my younger sister and my parents to blame her
Letting her…..: This is a bad habit that can affect many people and herself
Sample 1:
There are three options tell her, tell my parents, and let her continue.
Tell my parents is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to tell my parents, they can tell her. I think my younger sister can
more listen to my parents.
Secondly, If I choose to tell my parents, they will have a lot of experience in raising
children. They will have a good way to advise my young sister. They can ask about the
reasons why she tells lies and helps her.
Finally, If I choose to tell my parents, they can punish her. They can ban her don’t play
games for one week, don’t eat a snack for someday, washing dishes, doing homework, doing
exercise, and so on. She will afraid and don’t talk lies again. It’s very useful.
About telling her, Although It’s a good way. I don’t choose it because my young sister tells
lies many times. I think If I tell her, she doesn’t listen to me and tell lies again.
About let her continue, Although It helps me don’t need to think. I don’t choose it because
It’s a bad habit. It isn’t good for my young sister. It can cause many problems. If she tells
lies again, everyone won’t trust her. I should prevent her tell lies.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why telling my parents is always my
best choice.

27. Suggest a place for a foreign friend to visit when he comes to Vietnam. (Hanoi/
Danang/ Dalat)
Sample 1- Hanoi: the capital of Vietnam;
I will take him to a lot of famous places to visit and take photos: Hoan Kiem lake, Ngoc
Son temple; One Pillar pagoda ……. (entertainment centres); enjoy traditional food
(Phở, bún chả, spring roll); because I have been living here for 30 years;
I know many famous places in Hanoi, I want to introduce to him a lot of things about
Hanoi. Visit Ha Long, ………
- I don’t choose Danang: he doesn’t like going to the beach; expensive;
- Dalat: he visited it several times; it is boring
Sample 2 - Dalat: best choice; many beautiful places to visit; the weather: cool; cloudy;
activities: visit pagodas; …….
Danang: hot (summer) makes him feel uncomfortable; sunburn
Hanoi: hot (summer)
27.1 A foreign friend visits VN: HCM, HN, Hue
There are three options: HCM, HN, and Hue. HN is always my best choice because the
following reasons.
First of all, HN is the capital of Vietnam. It’s very big and It has a lot of famous places such
as Hoan Kiem Lake, HCM museum, HN Ancient town/the Old Quarter, the temple of
literature, and so on.
Secondly, My friend can enjoy delicious food there such as Bun Cha, Pho HN, Banh Mi,
Bun Bo, and so on.
Finally, My friend can know about special cultures, traditional clothes, or habits and
customs. She can learn new things and widen her knowledge. It’s very useful
About HCM city, Although it’s a big city. I don’t choose it because HCM city can focus on
developing the economy. It has many companies and factories. It doesn’t have many
beautiful places to sightseeing. People will come to HCM city to find a job instead of
traveling. Besides, in HCM city, there are too many people, so many problems often happen
such as traffic jams, and traffic accidents. It’s very dangerous for my friend.
About Hue, Although It’s very beautiful and has many famous travel places. I don’t choose
it because It’s natural, quiet, and romantic. My friend is very active. She like modern than
classic. Therefore, I think Hue city isn’t suitable for her.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why HN is always my best choice

28. Your nephew is turning 6 years old next week and you are going to buy
him a gift. There are 3 options: robot/ English comic books/ school bag/.
What’s your best choice?
English comic books: Firstly, it’s useful for him to learn English, learning English
vocabulary; it helps him to develop creativity (sự sáng tạo) and imagination (trí tưởng tượng)
when he looks at the pictures in the books.
Robot: he has a lot of robots at home
School bag: he has it already/ his parents bought him already
28.1 Hoặc Buying things for a five-year old son? What would you buy for a five-year
old son? (a toy/a book/ an Ipad)
- A toy: 5 year-old boy likes the toy; he likes to discover things around him; I would buy him
a model of a house or a lego; it will keep him busy; less focus on TV
- A book: he is small; he can’t read yet
- An Ipad: it is expensive; it is not suitable for him; he should not expose to technology so
28.2 Hoặc Buy present for your brother: a camera, a selfie stick (gậy tự sướng), a 3-
day holiday?
- I think the best present is a camera for the following reasons
- Firstly, taking photos is his hobby; he can take beautiful photos
- Secondly, he can save his memories with friends and family, helpful because next month
we have a holiday; he likes to take photos of family and landscapes. I will give him on his
- He can earn some money, because he is really good at photography, he can follow his
dream of being a photographer
- Moreover, he can use it for a long time
- Other 2 options: I don’t choose a a selfie-stick because it is not as useful as the camera;
3-day holiday is not my good choice because next month our family is going to Da
In short, a camera is the best choice
28.3 Hoặc Your niece is turning 12 years old next week and you are going to buy her
a gift. There are 3 options: a dress/ an English comic book/ a bouquet (‘bukei)
of flowers. What’s your best choice?
English comic books: it’s useful to for her to learn English
a bouquet of flowers : it’s too simple
a dress: she has it already

29. There are some ways to assess students’ behavior: self-assessment/ teacher
assessment/ peer assessment. What is the best choice? (tự đánh giá – giáo viên đánh giá
– bạn bè đánh giá) assess: đánh giá; assessment: sự đánh giá
In my opinion, Teacher’s assessment is the best choice because of the following reasons
- Firstly, Teachers have living experience and know strong points and weak points of

- Secondly, the teachers are flexible and can assess students in a comprehensive and
fair way.
On the other hand, about 2 other options
I don’t choose peer assessment: brings bias attitude and results may be unreliable
Self-assessment is not my best choice because: it’s not objective way and students do not
have enough skills to assess themselves.
In short, ……
30. You are studying economics (ngành kinh tế học) and need daily update on economic
news: Internet/ TV/ radio. What is the best choice?
I think the Internet is the best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, Internet: easy to use, popular (I just need a mobile phone connected to the Internet)
Secondly, it’s cheap, fast, convenient, effective/ I can read the news anywhere at any time I
want with Internet connection.
Moreover, it contains a rich source of information about economics (websites; online
TV: It’s not available every time and it follows the timetable
Radio: it’s boring/ the information is limited because of time
In short, ….
31. You have 3 days off and there are some activities: at home/ go hiking/
travel abroad. What is the best choice?
Hiking: relax and see views/ enjoy the fresh air in the mountain; sceneries
At home: boring
Travel abroad: expensive / not enough time to travel abroad for 3 days.
32. You are preparing activities for Women’s Day. There are some activities
suggested: class picnic/ Miss contest/ party (karaoke). What’s your best
Class picnic: have fun together/ have time to meet friends and do many activities together:
eating; drinking; playing outdoor games; we will feel closer, cozy atmosphere; singing
together; taking beautiful pictures.
Miss contest: there are many things/ plans to prepare/ it takes a lot of preparation; a lot of

Party (Karaoke): it’s expensive and noisy/ not all students can sing well/ like singing

33. You want to raise money for charity (quyên góp tiền từ thiện). There are 3 options
suggested: concert/ 2nd hand market / marathon
I think a second hand market is my best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, It’s easy to collect a lot of second hand stuff/ things (clothes, books, newspapers,
magazines, shoes, sandals) and we can get a lot of money;
Secondly, everyone has second-hand things and they are willing to give to others/
On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose Concert because I don’t have
experience to organize/ not many people understand about the concert; it is difficult for me
to invite music band or famous singers.
I don’t choose a Marathon because It takes a lot of time to prepare; I don’t have experience
in organizing this kind of event.
In short, I think my choice is the second-hand market because of the reasons I have
mentioned above.
34. A group of students are raising money for charity. There are 3 options: from
companies, from schools and from individuals. What is your best choice?

Sample 1
+ Raising money from schools helps to teach students how to work in team to take care the
community, especially the poor people
+ Raising money from schools through selling their personal things is also a great way to set
up and boost up the students’ their own mini/ startup business
-Raising money from companies perhaps can gain much money than at schools, however
students have to take a lot of their time to find suitable companies, this will be a challenge and
affect their school time
-Raising money from individuals might not make much money because the living cost now is
quite high, therefore some people even do not always have enough money for their life

Sample 2
In my opinion, students should call on companies to donate money to charity.
Here are a few reasons.
Firstly, companies always have the correct social security funds annually.
The company's social security funds must be used.
If it is not used, the company cannot use it either.
Secondly, the company giving of social security funds and providing it to the community is
a social responsibility that the company must do.
It is the rule that the company must donate money to charity.
Finally, the social security funds of the company would establish as a request from local
The company uses the social security funds to donate money to charity, which means that
the company fulfills the responsibility to the local community.
On the other hand, about 2 other options schools have to take care of the student leave, so
they rarely have a menu to donate to students.
And personally, it is not the responsibility of individuals to donate to charity.
Therefore, it is difficult for students to ask for charity funds from schools and individuals.
In short, students contact and ask the company's social funds as quickly as possible and get
the most money possible.
The reason is, serving society is the responsibility of the company.

35. You need to take photos at the end of school year (chụp ảnh kỷ yếu). There are
some places suggested: park/ flower garden/ zoo. What is the best choice?
- I think flower garden is my best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, there are many beautiful flowers with different colors to take photos; suitable
for photography; suitable for posing; It inspires people to pose more. They can take photos
with their favorite flowers.
Secondly, Students especialy girls like to see beautiful flowers in the flower garden.
Students will have amazing photos to post on their Facebook as sweet memories.
Finally, The entrance fee is cheap.
- I don’t choose the park because: it’s more suitable to do exercises/ It’s far from school/
not beautiful
- The zoo is not my best choice because: there are many animals; it’s suitable for
visitors especially children/ not suitable for taking photos at the end of school year.
In short, taking photos in the flower garden is my best choice.

36. You need to buy some things on Tet holiday. There are some places
suggested: Traditional market/ supermarket/ department store. What do you
Sample 1
I think …… is my best choice because of the following reasons.
Traditional market: There are many kinds of things we can buy for Tet holiday and it’s
cheap. We can feel the atmosphere of traditional Tet holiday. We do Not have to queue to

pay the bill.
Supermarket: expensive/ it takes a lot of time for making a line/ queuing to pay the bill.
Department store: limited stuff/ things/ products to buy for Tet holiday; We do not feel the
atmosphere of traditional Tet holiday.
In short, …….
Sample 2
There are three options: an open-air market, a supermarket, and a department store. The
supermarket is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose the supermarket, It helps me buy things easily because the
supermarket has a lot of kinds of goods. The goods are properly on the shelves. I find the
goods easily.
Secondly, If I choose the supermarket, It helps me save a lot of money because the price of
the supermarket is reasonable. The price of the goods is shown on the shelves. I don’t need
to ask the price If I want to buy it. It’s very convenient.
Finally, If I choose the supermarket, It’s very clear and cool because the supermarket has
some air conditioning and is cleaned every day. It’s very comfortable.
About an open-air market, Although it’s cheap. I don’t choose it because It’s very dirty and
crowded. There are too many people in an open-air market. There may be pickpockets or
thieves. It’s very dangerous. Besides, I can ask the price and bargain. I don’t like it.
About a department store, Although I can buy a lot of things there. I don’t choose it because
It’s very expensive and It doesn’t have many kinds of goods. It isn’t suitable for me to choose
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why the supermarket is always my best

37. There are some punishment ways for people who smoke in public places: fining
(pay 500,000 VND)/ community service (lao động công ích)/ put in to prison. What’s the
best choice? Punishment = penalty: hình phạt
Choice: community service: He has to work hard such as cleaning toilets in the public
places/ cleaning the streets to see their bad habits to change.
- pay 500,000 VND; I don’t choose to pay 500,000VND because this penalty is too light for
them; smoke is harmful for both smokers and non-smokers near them/ rich people are ready
to pay a lot of money to continue smoking.
- put in to prison is not my best choice because it is too heavy
In short, community service is the best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned
Sample 1:

There are three options: 500 thousand, doing community service, and prison. Doing
community service is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to do community service, It helps me reduce smoking in public
places. Smoking in public places is not good. It can affect other people around. It can cause
serious diseases such as lung diseases, cancer, stroke, and so on.
Secondly, If I choose to do community service, They can do many activities such as planting
trees, cleaning up trash in the park, helping poor children and lonely old people, and other
activities. It’s very good for society
About 500 thousand, Although It’s a great way to reduce smoking in public places. I don’t
choose it because It isn’t a serious enough punishment. Some people can smoke in the public
again. Besides, with rich people, 500 thousand is small money. They don’t care If they are
punished 500 thousand.
About put in the prison, Although It’s a great way to reduce smoking in public places. I don’t
choose it because It is a too serious punishment. If this is the first time, people smoke in the
public, We should allow them to change
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why Doing community service is always
my best choice.

38. Your sister is short-sighted (bị cận thị), choose a place for her to sit in the class: sit
in front; in the middle; at the back?

- I think the best place for my sister to sit in the class is in front because of the following

Firstly, sitting in front helps my sister see every word on the board clearly.

Secondly, It also helps my sister to communicate with her teacher more and she will
understand the lesson better.

- About 2 other choices, it is ok for her to sit in the middle but it is not the best place. I will
never let her sit at the back because she is short-sighted, it is very difficult for her to see the
words in the board clearly. It is very bad for her eyes, too.

- In short, sitting in front is the best place for her.

39. Your father is going to retire next week. You are thinking of buying him a present:
a bottle of champagne, a puppy, a tie. Which one do you think is the best present for
a bottle of champagne: it’s not good for his health
a puppy: it is a meaningful present/ it is a close friend and loyal pet to my father and my
father really likes domestic pet. When he retires, sometime he feels very sad, so the puppy
can become his best friend.
a tie: My father has a lot of ties
In my opinion, I will buy a puppy for my father when he is going to retire next week
because of the following reasons.
I don’t choose a bottle of champagne because …..
I think a tie is not a best choice because …..
In short, a puppy is my best present for my father.

40. Your friend is going abroad next month. What present are you going to give him?
(copy of a book he likes/ an album/ a handmade accessory)?
- an album of his favorite singer: a big fan of this singer; can listen to it many times;
meaningful: remind him of Vietnam and remember me
- copy of a book: not good in quality;
- a handmade accessory: not talented/ not good at making the handmade products
41. Your close friend is going to study abroad. There are 3 presents to choose:
- A backpack
- A book
- A beauty product

Which present do you think is the most suitable?

- A backpack: He got it already
- A book: it helps him open the knowledge and relax
- A beauty product: it’s not suitable for boy
Sample 1:
Buy a gift for a friend: a book, a backpack, a beauty product.
There are three options: a backpack, a book, and a beauty product. A book is always my best
choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose a book, It’s very good and interesting. For example, If this is an
English book, It helps my friend learn various skills such as English communication, English
vocabulary, English grammar, English listening, and other skills.
Secondly, If I choose a book, It isn’t too expensive. I can’t need to take a lot of money to buy
it. My friends can keep it as a memory and use a long time. It’s very useful
Finally, If I choose a book, It’s a great way to relax and reduce stress when my friend read
it. It’s very good for my friend
About a backpack, Although it’s very beautiful and my friend can keep it as a memory. I
don’t choose it because a backpack has many shapes, colors, and prices. I don’t know my
friend’s hobbies. If I buy a backpack and my friend doesn’t like it. She can’t wear it. It’s
very costly.
About a beauty product, Although It’s very good for the skin of my friend. I don’t choose it
because I don’t know about the skin of my friend. It’s difficult to choose a suitable beauty
product for my friend. Besides, a beauty product isn’t too cheap. It isn’t suitable for me to
choose it.
In short, for the reasons I mentioned above, that’s why a book is always my best choice.
42. Your parents are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary next week. You are
going to give them a present: a couple of movie tickets, a bouquet of flowers, a
handmade card. What do you choose?

Important/ necessary/ interesting/ wonderful / boring / not suitable /

a bouquet of flowers: my parents are keen on flowers
a couple of movie tickets; my parents don’t like going to the cinema, but they like seeing
movie at home.
a handmade card: I don’t know how to make a handmade card.

43. Để nâng cao chất lượng dạy học thì sẽ chọn yếu tố nào sau đây: giáo viên giỏi, học
sinh giỏi, cơ sở vật chất tốt?
Improve teaching quality: teachers, students, facilities
There are three options: teachers, students, and facilities. The Teacher is always my best
choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose teachers, It helps us improve teaching quality. The teacher needs to
learn various skills such as communication skills, teaching skills, managing stress, and so
Secondly, To improve teaching quality, teachers need to have a good personality such as
friendly, easy-going, active, gentle, happy, and so on. They shouldn’t angry when students
don’t understand the lesson. They should find ways to help them.
Finally, To improve teaching quality, teachers need to have a good appearance. Students
will more like the teacher and they can listen to the teacher. It helps them study hard and
have better results.
About students, Although It’s a good way to improve teaching quality. I don’t choose it
because Almost students depend on the teacher. If the teacher can teach well, students will
learn well and effectively. It isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
About facilities, although It’s a not bad solution and some people can do it. I don’t choose it
because It isn’t suitable for me. It’s inconvenient and uncomfortable. It isn’t good as other
ways such as teachers.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why the teacher is always my best

44. 10 km to work: a bus, a taxi, a motorbike

There are three options: a bus, a taxi, and a motorbike. A motorbike is always my best choice
because the following reasons
First of all, It’s very good for me because It helps me don't have to get up early every
morning to wait for the bus or taxi, so I can save a lot of time.
Secondly, nowadays, the motorbike is more and more popular and almost people use
motorbike to work or to go to school. It's very suitable.
Finally, The price of the motorbike is reasonable, so It helps me save a lot of money to buy
other things. Besides, It’s a great way to move easily on the small and crowded road
About a bus, Although It’s very cheap. It helps me save a lot of money. I don’t choose it
because there are too many people on the bus so It’s crowded. The bus doesn’t have air
conditioning so It’s very hot. I feel uncomfortable when I go to work by bus. Besides, there
may be pickpockets and thieves on the bus. It’s very dangerous.
About a taxi, Although It’s very convenient. It helps me go to work faster without being late.
I don’t choose it because It’s very expensive. It’s about 20 thousand for 1 km. It’s costly.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why a motorbike trip is always my best

45. Choose a place to self-study: a library, at home, a coffee house

There are three options: a library, at home, and a coffee house. A library is always my best
choice because of the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose a library, I don’t need to take a lot of money because a library is free
for students. Everyone will go to the library to study and work. So, the library is very quiet.
Secondly, A library has many kinds of books. I will find a book easily. Besides, the library
has some computers, It’s convenient to search for information.
Finally, The library is very cool and comfortable because It has some air conditioning. It’s
suitable for me if the weather is too hot.
About at home, Although It’s very convenient because I don’t need to go out. I don’t choose
it because If I self-study at home, I will feel bored. I don’t focus on studying. I can be
affected by the noise of other people around me.
On the other hand, about 2 other options, About the coffee house, although it’s very
comfortable. I don’t choose it because I take some money to order coffee. Besides, Some
people don’t go to the coffee house to study, they can go there to talk together. So, I can be
affected by them.
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why a library is always my best choice.

46. Choose a gift: a handmade card, a bouquet of flowers, a photo frame

There are three options: a handmade card, a bouquet of flowers, and a photo frame. A
handmade card is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose A handmade card, It helps me show my love to my close friend. It’s
precious and meaningful because I make it myself.
Secondly, If I choose to send a card, I can choose the color and shape of the card. Besides, I
can decorate a lot of things such as flowers, stars, stickers, and so on. It’s very beautiful.
Finally, If I choose to send a card, I can write some messages, and send wishes to my friend.
She can keep it as a memory
About flowers, Although it’s very beautiful. My friend can use it to decorate her house. I
don’t choose it because flowers are very expensive. It’s about 400 thousand Vietnamdong.
Besides, It can’t use for a long time. It isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
About a photo frame, although it’s very beautiful. I don’t choose it because nowadays, it
isn’t popular, everyone often saves photos on their cell phone. It’s cheap to buy it. It isn’t
precious and meaningful.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why a handmade card is always my best
47. Your younger brother loves a girl at school: let him continue but under your
control, stop him, inform with parents

There are three options let him continue but under my control, stop him, and inform with
parents. Let him continue but under your control is always my best choice because the
following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to let him continue but under my control, It’s very good for him.
Because It’s freedom of him. Love someone isn’t bad. Although it can cause negative effects,
It can have great benefits. He will very angry and sad If I stop him.
Secondly, If I choose to let him continue but under my control, he can trust me. I can advise
him when he has trouble. I can know what he is going to do and control it if it affects him.
Finally, If I choose to let him continue but under my control. It is motivation to he hard study
and has better results. It’s very useful.
About stop him, Although It’s a good way to avoid negative effects. I don’t choose it because
If I stop him, he is very sad. He may not eat, not drink, not want to go to school, and so on. It
can affect his health and his study. It’s very serious.
About informing my parents, Although my parents can advise him. I don’t choose it because
they can be very angry and punish him. They may not understand him and have negative
activities. Because the old people often think the love will affect the future of the young
people. It’s very bad If it happens.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why let him continue but under my
control is always my best choice

48. Choose a birthday present for mother: perfume; a plant; a microwave

1. My choice: Plant: Firstly, A plant is a thoughtful and long-lasting gift that can
brighten up your mother's home or office. Secondly, plants can also have health
benefits, such as purifying the air and reducing stress. Finally, my mother enjoys
gardening and she has a green thumb, so a plant could be an excellent choice.

2. Perfume: Perfume is a popular choice for a birthday present, and many people enjoy
receiving it as a gift. However, I am not sure about my mother's preferences in terms
of fragrance.
3. Microwave: While a microwave can be a practical and useful gift, it may not be the
most exciting option for a birthday present. Additionally, my mother already has a
microwave, she does not use it frequently.

49. choose a present for teacher: coffee; a hat; a picture

1. My choice: Picture: Firstly, A picture can be a thoughtful and sentimental gift for a
teacher. Secondly, I can choose a framed class photo, a snapshot from a school event,
or a personalized drawing or painting made by me. This type of gift can be especially
meaningful at the end of the school year.
2. Coffee: I do not know my teacher's favorite kind of coffee
3. Hat: A hat can be a thoughtful and practical gift for a teacher. It can be especially
useful for outdoor activities like recess duty or field trips. But I do not know about
what kind of hat style or designs that reflect my teacher's interests or personality.

50. Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is
the best way to pass time on a long journey?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Talking to other people
- Reading books
- Sleeping

Sample 1
- In my opinion, the best way to pass time on a long journey is to talk to other people
for the following reasons.
- Firstly, when talking you may forget everything around you and just focus on your
- Secondly, you can make new friends
- On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t think that reading books is good
because on a journey as our eyes may become tired. Moreover, we can get train-sick
because of concentrating on reading.
- Sleeping is also a good way to pass the time but we cannot socialize with others while
- So for me talking to other people is the best choice
Sample 2
- Talking: More positive experience about journey, makes new friends, more social, break
out of your comfort zone, enjoy the journey more
- Sleeping: tired; train sickness
- Reading book: tired
Getting a long train on your own can be kind of tiring and boring; therefore, you may
probably prefer to find something to do to pass the time. Talking to other people, reading
books or sleeping are some options that, to some extent, are good to be chosen. As far as I’m
concerned, I would rate communicating with others higher than either reading books or
sleeping because of a number of its benefits.
Firstly, in spite of just isolating yourself from others, talking will help you get more
positive experience about your journey. It’s when you can share all about your life, your

job or your ideas with a stranger. And in fact, we often feel comfortable to openly tell a
person we’ve never met before our stories either the bad or good. By this, we can relieve our
stress and become happier. By communicating, we can spice up our tedious moments on the
Besides, talking is prerequisite for a friendship to flourish. Obvious as it is, no friendship
can be built in silence; and all of your friends were once strangers. Breaking out your
comfort zone and starting a conversation with a stranger may probably bring you a soul mate
that you’ve found for long.
In contrast, sleeping and reading book are by far less favorable. Focusing hard on a book
when the train is moving can cause tiredness. The story conveyed will then be less
appealing and barely completely understood. On the other hand, after sleeping during the
whole long journey, you may feel weary to wake up with a possible pain in your head. The
longer you remain apart from others, the less you can enjoy.
In a nutshell, I think it is highly recommended that people open themselves to talk with other
so that they can greatly relish their long journey on the train and make new friends and turn
on their excitement.
51. What do you do after an English lesson? Talking to friends; reading books; doing
Hoặc nếu bạn có 15 phút giải lao giữa giờ (15-minute break time) bạn sẽ làm gì?
Talking to friends; reading books; doing exercise (tập thể dục)
In my opinion,talking to friends after an English lesson is the best choice for the following
Firstly, talking to friends will help everyone relax after stressful class hours.
Secondly, everyone can share their learned knowledge with each other.
About 2 other options, reading books and doing exercise are also a good way but you don’t
have time to relax. In short, talking to friends is the best choice.
Sample 1
There are three options: talk to friends, read books, and do exercise. Doing exercise is
always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose to do exercise, It helps me keep fit, lose weight, stay healthy, and
prevent various health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, lung disease, cancer,
and so on. It’s very useful
Secondly, If I choose to do exercise, I can do exercise in many places such as the park, the
school yard, the house yard, the stadium, and other places. It’s very convenient.
Finally, If I choose to do exercise, there are a lot of activities to do exercise such as walking,
cycling, gyming, jumping rope, and so on. It’s very good for my health
About reading books, Although It’s a great way to reduce stress and clear my head. I don’t
choose it because It’s very boring. I think I should go out instead of staying at home to read
About talking to friends, although It’s very happy when I talk to my friends. I don’t choose it
because I and my friends go to school every day. We often meet and go out together. So, It
isn’t special and meaningful if I talk to friends.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why doing exercise is always my best

52. Your child is entering primary school. Which school do you want to choose: a
school with high focus on personality/ a school on academic development/ a school with
relaxed atmosphere.
- a school with high focus on personality: it helps children to form useful personality to
become good citizens. Children are able to form great personalities.
- a school on academic development: it’s not necessary for children at grade 1 at primary
school. Children may be under a lot of pressure.
- a school with relaxed atmosphere: it’s not good and it can make students become lazy and
distract their study. They may not follow school rules. They may develop negative
Sample 1:
66. To have better quality, the school should focus on about: academic development,
personality development, and relaxed activities.
There are three options: academic development, personality development, and relaxed
activities. Academic development is always my best choice because the following reasons
First of all, The school can increase teaching quality. The school should have many
advanced courses, basic subjects, art subjects, natural subjects, social subjects, and so on.
Secondly, The school needs to improve various skills of students and teachers such as
finding information, writing, listening, speaking, and so on. The school should support and
conserve it.
Finally, To have better quality, the school should set up modern machinery and equipment
such as computers, air conditioning, electronic board, and so on. It helps the teaching
become better.
About personality development, Although It’s a great way to have better quality. I don’t
choose it because A personality will be affected by different causes such as family, friends,
practice in daily life, and other causes. It’s difficult to change personality.
About relaxed activities, Although It’s a good solution to have better quality. I don’t choose
it because If there are too many relaxed activities, we can don’t focus on the learning. It
takes a lot of time. Learning is the most important. If only have relaxed activities and don’t
have learning, the quality can’t become better.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why academic development is always
my best choice

53. Your family is discussing how your 7th grade nephew spends summer holiday.
There are some options for him to choose: joining a summer camp/ doing a military
training/ staying with grandparents in the country side.
Summer camp: He had a summer camp last summer holiday
military training; it helps him to experience and practice the strict regulations to become a
good citizen.
staying with grandparents in the country side: grandparents do not have the good health to
look after my nephew
54. You have 2 weeks before final exams. Would you stay home to revise for the test (A),
take a short holiday with your family (B); join friends for parties (C)? What is your best
+Staying at home at this time is the safest way to protect ourselves from Corona pandemic.
+Staying at home to revise for the test helps me understand the lesson better and easily get
good marks for the test
-During the spread of Coronavirus, going on holiday has a lot of travel restrictions because of
easily exporting and importing the virus.
-Joining friends for parties is the fastest way to expand the virus to the crowd

55. A group of students are travelling to Da Nang. You are a local person there, what
kind of accommodation do you recommend: hotel, homestay; self-catering house

As a local person in Da Nang, I would recommned a homestay because of the following

Firstly, a homestay offers a more authentic and cultural experience. Homestays are a great
way to connect with local people, learn about their way of life, and experience their culture

Secondly, In a homestay, you'll typically stay in a room in a local family's house, and they'll
provide you with meals and give you an opportunity to interact with them and learn more
about their way of life. It can be a great way to learn about the local customs and traditions
and gain a deeper appreciation for the area you're visiting.

On the other hand, about 2 other options. I don’t choose a hotel because it is more expensive
than other options, especially for larger groups and fewer opportunities to interact with local
people and learn about the culture.

A self-catering house is not my best choice because it may lack the amenities and services of
a hotel, such as room service and daily cleaning. Guests are responsible for their own
In short, a homestay is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.

56. Your are searching to write your graduate thesis. There are three resources: free
online books, journals in your university; journal of your major with payments. What is
your best choice?

+ Free online books; It is very easy to find free online books which are suitable for my graduate
thesis as well as always available in the public domain, just with a good Internet connectivity
and appropriate browser apps.
+ Free online books help to save my budgets and more importantly you can read a lot of peer-
review of the e-books to see how it is necessary for my graduate thesis and then give the final
decision of its usage
+ Journals in my university or journals of my major with payments are good choice, however
they totally cost a lot of money. As you know that I am a student, therefore I sometimes have
financial problems thus I cannot afford to buy these journals
+ My major is related to international economic development therefore economic journals in
my country and in my university are not really necessary/ helpful for my graduate thesis
57. Your English teacher is going to retire next month, you and your friends are planning
to hold a farewell party. There are some places for your class to choose: your classroom,
teacher’s house and a restaurant near school. What is your best choice?

+Organizing a farewell party in a restaurant near school will create warm atmosphere and have
a chance to enjoy different delicious food as well as a great service.
+Having a party in a restaurant can be used for a large space with hundred of people at the
same time.
- Organizing a farewell party in teacher’s house can be hard to host an elaborate party at her
house home and perhaps will affect her family member and neighbors
- Organizing the party in the classroom is sometimes allowed and has a quite small space for
all people
Sample 1:
Choose a place to hold a party: in class, in the teacher’s house, in a restaurant
There are three options: the class, the teacher’s house, and a restaurant. My class is always
my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose my class, I can decorate a lot of things such as flowers, balloons,
stars, colorful lights, and so on.
Secondly, If I choose my class, I can buy a lot of food such as soft drinks, cakes, fruits,
spaghetti, and so on. I can take part in some activities such as talking together, playing
games, answering questions, singing, and so on. It’s very interesting.
Finally, If I choose my class, We can go there easily because we go to school and come to
my class every day and my class is near our house. We don’t need to find the address of the
party. Besides, I don’t need to book in advance. So, I can save a lot of money to buy many
things. It’s very convenient.
About in the teacher’s house, Although It helps me hold a party that my teacher can take
part in. I can save a lot of money because I don’t need to book in advance. I don’t choose it
because my teacher’s house can have old people or children. It’s very inconvenient because
the party can make a noise and affect their rest.
About in a restaurant, Although It’s a great way to hold a party. I can do a lot of things that I
don’t affect other people. I don’t choose it because a restaurant is very expensive. The food
and book in advance aren’t cheap. It isn’t suitable for the student to choose it. It takes a lot of
money. It’s very costly
In short, for the reasons I mention above, my class is always my best choice.

58. A gift: flowers, a handmade card, a cinema ticket
There are three options: a handmade card, a bouquet of flowers, and a cinema ticket. A
handmade card is always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose A handmade card, It helps me show my love to my close friend. It’s
precious and meaningful because I make it myself.
Secondly, If I choose to send a card, I can choose the color and shape of the card. Besides, I
can decorate a lot of things such as flowers, stars, stickers, and so on. It’s very beautiful.
Finally, If I choose to send a card, I can write some messages, and send wishes to my friend.
She can keep it as a memory
About flowers, Although it’s very beautiful. My friend can use it to decorate her house. I
don’t choose it because flowers are very expensive. It’s about 400 thousand VND. Besides, It
can’t use for a long time. It isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
About a cinema ticket, Although It’s very interesting, It helps me relax and reduce stress. I
don’t choose it because a cinema ticket is cheap. It’s about 100 thousand. I can buy it easily.
It isn’t meaningful and special. Besides, My friend doesn’t like noise and crowded. It isn’t
suitable for them.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why a handmade card is always my best

59. Situation: You are going on holiday. There are three options: going with your family (A),
going with your friends (B) and going there alone (C). What is your best choice?

+Going on holiday with family will increase the love between family members
+Going on holiday with family will make me have more time to be closer with my kids and help my
family reduce stress after hard working days
-Going on with friends is a good choice, however it is not as happy as going with our beloved family
-Going on holiday alone is boring. It means it is very boring when travelling alone
Sample 1:
There are three options: going out with friends, going out alone, and going out with my
family. Going out with my family is always my best choice because the following reasons
First of all, going out with my family helps me relax and reduce stress after school. It’s a
great way to temporarily forget all pressure of my daily life. Besides, when I go out with my
family, I will feel cozier
Secondly, If I choose to go out with my family, I can travel to famous places such as Ha
Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island, and Nha Trang Beach. I come to go there with my family. I can
enjoy beautiful views and take a lot of photos.
Finally, If I choose to go out with my family, I can enjoy delicious food. It's very interesting
and happy.
About going out with my friend, Although it’s very happy. I don’t choose it because I and
my friends go to school every day. We often go out together. It isn’t special and meaningful.
About going out alone, Although It helps me have freedom. I don’t choose it because It’s
very boring. I like to go out with everyone. There aren’t many activities to do If I go out
alone. It isn’t suitable for me to choose it.
In short, for the reasons I mentioned above, that’s why going out with my family is always
my best choice.
60. Situation: You are preparing a presentation on a new product. There are three options for
you to choose to present the product: a powerpoint slide, a poster and a video. What is the
best choice?

In my opinion, video is the best choice because of the following reasons.

Firstly, Videos are a great way to showcase a product in action and convey emotions and
feelings associated with it. They are often used in marketing campaigns or social media
channels to promote products or services.
Secondly, Videos are a good choice if you want to create an emotional connection with your
audience or showcase how your product works in a dynamic way.
On the other hand, about 2 other options
I do not choose powerpoint slide because they can be boring if not done well, and you risk
losing your audience's attention if your presentation is too long or too text-heavy.

Using poster is not my best choice because posters may not be suitable for a more formal
setting, such as a business meeting, where you need to convey more detailed information.
In short, using video is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.

61. Situation: You are doing your project about life in the countryside. To do the project well,
three suggestions are offered: going to the countryside, watching it on the Internet and
reading books. What is the best choice?

In my opinion, going to the countryside is the best choice because of the following reasons
Firstly, Going to the countryside can give you a first-hand experience of life in the countryside.
Secondly, You can observe the landscape, interact with locals, and learn about their culture and

On the other hand, about 2 other options; although Watching videos or reading articles about the
countryside on the Internet can provide you with a lot of information and insights. You can access
a wide range of content, from documentaries and travel vlogs to academic papers and research
However, you need to be careful about the reliability and accuracy of the sources you use, as not
all of them may be trustworthy.

About reading books, Reading books about the countryside can be a great way to deepen your
knowledge and understanding of rural life. However, this option requires time and effort, as you
need to find and read relevant books, which can be challenging if you are not familiar with the
In short, going to the countryside is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned

62. Your friend has a part time job.

- Shop assistant : she has to work hard in the morning or afternoon, sometimes it can
affect her study time at school,
- A tutor: this job is suitable to her major and helps her earn much money.

- A waitress: Work in the evening and come back home late and it’s not good for health
and dangerous to come back at night.
Sample 1:
There are three options: a waiter, a shop assistant, and a tutor. A tutor is always my best
choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose a tutor, It help me make a lot of money to buy many things that I want,
pay for my life, pay school fees, buy many things that I like, and so on. It’s very useful.
Secondly, If I choose a tutor, It’s a great way to learn knowledge again. Besides, I can learn
various skills such as communication, teaching, reducing stress, saving time, and other skills.
It’s very good for me.
Finally, If I choose a tutor, the salary is reasonable. I can teach in many places such as my
house, a student’s house, a classroom, and so on. It’s very convenient.
About a waiter, Although it helps me make a lot of money, I don’t choose it because the
salary isn’t too high. A waiter doesn’t help improve my study. The staff needs sociable and
patient. The staff can be scolded and fined by their owner If they make a mistake. For
example, If I break a glass or make a customer angry, I will be fined money, It can be the
salary of that day. It isn’t suitable for me.
About a shop assistant, Although It’s very good. I don’t choose it because The shop assistant
needs to have a good appearance and work experience. Besides, It’s very difficult to
convince customers. It needs good communication.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why A tutor is always my best choice

63. Who can help weak students: teacher, academic advisers, an excellent classmate
Teacher: she has a lot of teaching experience and understands the strong points and weak
points of students, so she can give some good help for weak students
academic advisers: They don’t have teaching methodology and experience to support weak
an excellent classmate: because she may not have enough skills to help her friends

64. Your sister’s classmates speak ill of her on her facebook. What advice to her (bạn
cùng lớp của em gái nói xấu e gái mình trên facebook)
- Deactivating her fb account
- Telling her teacher
- Talk with those friends
Deactivating her fb account: because it helps her to spend more time relaxing and recovering
her health. This option can be effective if the negative comments are causing significant
distress or affecting her mental well-being. Deactivating her account would provide a break
from the negativity and allow her to focus on other aspects of her life.

Telling her teachers and friends: it’s private life which is not necessary to tell the teachers
and those friends

65. Mua quà cho giáo viên về hưu : 1 mua cái túi, 2 là mua đôi giày, 3 là cặp kính
Buy present for a teacher who is going to retire: a handbag; a pair of shoes, a pair of
- In my opinion, a handmade handbag is my best choice because of the following
- Firstly, It does not cost much money to buy
- Secondly, she really loves handbag especially the handmade handbag
- I don’t choose a pair of shoes because she has a lot of shoes already
- I don’t choose a pair of glasses because I think she is going to retire, she do not use the
glasses often.
- In short, a handmade handbag is my best choice
66. A place to hold a party: a resort, a restaurant, a student’s house
There are three options: a resort, a restaurant, and a student’s house a restaurant is always my
best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose a restaurant, I can request decoration a lot of things such as flowers,
balloons, stars, colorful lights, and so on.
Secondly, If I choose a restaurant, I can order a lot of food such as soft drinks, cakes, fruits,
spaghetti, and so on. I can take part in some activities such as talking together, playing
games, answering questions, singing, and so on. It’s very interesting.
About in a student’s house, Although It helps me hold a party. I can save a lot of money
because I don’t need to book in advance. I don’t choose it because a student’s house can
have old people or children. It’s very inconvenient because the party can make a noise and
affect their rest.
About in a resort, Although It’s a great way to hold a party. I can do a lot of things that I
don’t affect other people. I don’t choose it because a resort is very expensive. The food and
book in advance aren’t cheap. It isn’t suitable for the student to choose it. It takes a lot of
money. It’s very costly
In short, for the reasons I mention above, that’s why a restaurant is always my best choice.

67. Punishment học sinh coi bài: Điểm 0, trừ 50% điểm và đuổi khỏi trường

(Punishment for student cheating in the exam: zero mark; reduce 50% of the total
score; dismiss from school)

Sample 1
Punishment for students who copy from others in the exam: 0 marks; reduce 50% of the marks; out
from school.
In my opinion, zero marks are the best option because of the following reasons.
Firstly, students who copy others in the exam need to be punished strictly because they break the
rules of the exam. This is fraudulent in the exam. Therefore, this form of punishment is suitable in
order to deter and create strict school discipline.
Secondly, zero marks are also an effective way to educate students about honesty. It will help them
become useful citizens in the future. In addition, strict disciplines require students to follow the
rules of the class and during the exam and will be punished if they break the rules. Therefore,
classrooms are managed well, accordingly students respect the teacher and get along with each

On the other hand, about 2 other options, I don’t choose to reduce 50% of marks because this
punishment is quite light. So, students will be able to repeat the fault next time. Moreover, I don’t
also choose to fire students from school because I think schools should give students a chance to
correct their mistakes.
In short, zero marks are the best option because of the reasons I mentioned above.
Sample 2:
Cheating in the exam: zero, reduce 50% of the total score, dismiss from school
There are three options: zero, reduce 50% of the score, and getting out of school. zero is
always my best choice because the following reasons.
First of all, If I choose zero, It helps me reduce cheating in the exam. Cheating in the exam is
not good. It can affect the study. Students can depend on cheating. It’s not good for them.
Secondly, If I choose zero, It’s a serious enough punishment. Students will afraid If they
have zero because They can be scolded by their parents. Their parents can ban them don’t
play games for one week, don’t eat snacks some days, doing homework, and so on. They will
don’t cheat in the exam again.
About reduce % of the score, Although It’s a great way to reduce cheating in the exam. I
don’t choose it because It isn’t a serious enough punishment. Some students can don’t cheat
in the exam again. Besides, some students are very lazy and don’t want to study. They still
cheat in the exam to make the score. It isn’t suitable.
About getting out of school, Although It’s a good solution to reduce cheating in the exam. I
don’t choose it because It is a too serious punishment. If this is the first time, students cheat
in the exam, we should allow them to change. It’s good for students.
In short, for the reasons that I mention above, that’s why zero is always my best choice

68. Your company is buying new equipment: printer, laptop, projector. What do you
think is the best choice?

In my opinion a new projector Is the best choice because of the following reasons.
Firstly, our old projector was broken already.
Secondly, we often have a lot of meeting every week, a projector is every important for us to
make presentations.
On the other hand, about 2 other options
I dont choose a laptop because there are a lot of laptops in our company.
A printer isn’t my best choice because our company has 3 of them and they work really well.

In short, a good projector with high brightness, resolution, and compatibility with different
devices is my best choice because of the reasons I have mentioned above.


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