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Quiz – Vocabulary: Verbs

Complete each sentence with a word from the box:

aspires delve into juggling oozing uprooted

brooding flounders lounging salvage vouch
clutching imparts merged triggered withstand

1. I have no idea how she's __________________ two part-time jobs and

studying for a master's degree.
2. A good teacher not only ____________________ knowledge, but also
generates excitement about the topic.
3. Everyone's saying I'll love this TV show; I can't wait to _________________
4. He's normally a great conversationalist, but he ________________ when
talking to attractive women.
5. I can __________________ for this interior designer - she did great work on
my house.
6. My son really loves creative writing, and he ____________________ to be
an author someday.
7. I toasted my bread a little too long, but I managed to __________________
it by scraping off the burnt part.
8. It's sad when people are ___________________ by war and have to leave
the places they've lived their entire lives.
9. My idea of a perfect vacation is spending all day ___________________ on
the beach and getting a great tan.
10. The small business went bankrupt because it wasn't able to
____________________ the competition from bigger companies.
11. One of our pipes is damaged and dirty water is ___________________ into
the basement.
12. She's so sensitive - she got one tiny piece of negative feedback and she's
been _________________ about it all week.
13. The baseball hit the car and ______________________ the alarm.

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –
14. After he fell down the stairs, I found him __________________ his knee
and moaning in pain.
15. The two tribes eventually _________________ as more and more of their
members married each other.

Writing Exercises
Write 1-3 full sentences for each question.

1. What is something you aspired to be/do when you were a child? How
about something you aspire to be/do now?

2. Describe a time when you were brooding about something, or saw

someone else doing so.

3. Who is someone you have tried to emulate, and why?

4. Talk about a situation in which you felt you were floundering.

5. Write about a time when you were nitpicking (or when someone else was
doing this).

6. What kinds of things tend to trigger an angry reaction from you?

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –
7. Describe a person whose character you can vouch for.

8. Talk about a time when you had to withstand stress or pressure. What
helped you do so?

Quiz Answers
1. juggling
2. imparts
3. delve into
4. flounders
5. vouch
6. aspires
7. salvage
8. uprooted
9. lounging
10. withstand
11. oozing
12. brooding
13. triggered
14. clutching
15. merged

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –

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