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Quiz – Collocations: Adverbs + Adjectives

Complete each sentence with an expression from the box:

absolutely appalled blissfully unaware highly effective ridiculously

absolutely deeply ashamed highly unlikely sorely missed
actively involved eternally grateful horribly utterly alone
bitterly fiercely reasonably vaguely
disappointed competitive priced familiar

1. Admission to that school is __________________________ - they only

accept 2% of applicants.
2. Both her parents died when she was young, and she's always felt
_______________________ in the world.
3. His name sounds _______________________________; I might have met
him at a conference a few years back.
4. I assumed she was pregnant and asked her when she was due - but it turns
out she was just overweight. I was ____________________________!
5. They're ______________________ in their church, attending studies and
events regularly throughout the week.
6. I was ___________________________ when my own brother didn't even
bother to show up at my wedding.
7. He's just not very good at soccer, so it's ________________________ he'll
be selected for the team.
8. I'm __________________________ to the people who helped support us as
we were adopting our children – they were a huge help at a pivotal time in
our lives.
9. I'm looking for a used car that's __________________________ since I
don't want to spend all my savings.

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –
10. It was a ________________________ interview - I thought it'd be an hour,
tops, but it lasted two and a half hours!
11. One of the most popular doctors in our clinic is retiring this year; he'll be
___________________________ by both patients and staff.
12. Studying in another country is a __________________________ way to
learn the language fast.
13. The little kids jumped and splashed in the mud,
__________________________ of how dirty they were getting.
14. I'm ________________________ of the way I treated my ex-girlfriend; I
was manipulative and mean during our whole relationship.
15. Wow, look at that spectacular sunset - it's _________________________.
16. I used to eat at that restaurant all the time, but then I was
________________________________ to see a cockroach scurry out of the

Writing Exercises
Write 1-3 full sentences for each question
1. Describe a time you were absolutely furious.

2. What's something you think is absolutely wonderful?

3. What's an idea or theory that you think is utterly wrong?

4. What's a goal, cause, or philosophy to which you're deeply committed?

5. What's something you think is highly likely to happen within the next few

6. What's something you find ridiculously hard?

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –
7. Describe someone who would be sorely missed if they were to move away
or leave your life.

8. Write about a time you were mildly amused.

9. What's a product that's readily available in your city/country, but might not
be so easy to find elsewhere?

10. What's something that's strictly forbidden in your home, job, or school?

Quiz Answers
1. fiercely competitive
2. utterly alone
3. vaguely familiar
4. horribly mistaken
5. actively involved
6. bitterly disappointed
7. highly unlikely
8. eternally grateful
9. reasonably priced
10. ridiculously long
11. sorely missed
12. highly effective
13. blissfully unaware
14. deeply ashamed
15. absolutely gorgeous
16. absolutely appalled

Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course

© Shayna Oliveira 2021 –

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